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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
22027 | 3DM01330.ZIP | 39,8 Mt | 28.06.2002 | - | - | - | 3DMark2001 SE build 330 MadOnionin maineikas 3DMark2001 SE testaa käyttäjänsä tietokoneen ja kertoo yleisarvosanan, jota voi vertailla muiden käyttäjien kanssa vaikka internetissä. Build 330 lisää ohjelmaan tuen tuleville DirectX:n versiolle, AGP 3.0:lle (AGP 8x), tuen ja tunnistuksen uusille laitteille ja korjaa kaikki ohjelmassa ilmenneet ongelmat. |
22028 | 3DMARK00.EXE | 19,1 Mt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | 3DMark2000 v1.1 by MadOnion.com.3DMark2000 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 7.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today. 3DMark2000 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode, which demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can now offer. 3DMark2000 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $29.99 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional features. Minimum requirements: Pentium-166 MMX, Windows 95/98, 64MB RAM, 3D accelerator, DirectX 7.0.(http://www.madonion.com/performance/3dmark2000/) |
22029 | 3DMARK01.EXE | 38 Mt | 15.03.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | tupla | 3DMark 2001 by MadOnion.Com 1/13DMark2001 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 8.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today. 3DMark2001 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode that includes four new game tests and demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can offer. 3DMark2001 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $39.95 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional features. These features include flexible testing automation options, including batch run; command-line support; and a professional result browser tool with full Windows compatibility. http://gamershq.madonion.com/3dmark2001/ |
22030 | 3DMARK99.A01 | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 2/4" |
22031 | 3DMARK99.A02 | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 3/4" |
22032 | 3DMARK99.A03 | 1,1 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 4/4" |
22033 | 3DMARK99.ARJ | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 - 1/4The GamersBenchmark is a diagnostic suite that analyzestests and reports Your systems 3D performance.Advanced diagnostics and testing tool based on MAX-FX Technology. DirectX6 compatible. One Click Benchmarking - Get a single 3DMark score in less than 5 minutes. Intuitive Interface. Windows 95 etc. 3DMark Development Team. " |
22034 | 3DMRKSE.EXE | 40 Mt | 15.02.2002 | - | - | - | 3DMark 2001 Second Edition3DMark®2001 SE is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. By combining DirectX®8.1 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results that empower you to make informed hardware assessments. |
22035 | ANYSPST.ZIP | 631,2 kt | 02.11.1999 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | Any Speed version 1.3 Helps you to define the data transfer speed in a network. With this program you can measure the real transfer speed between Internet provider and your computer and define the time when Internet speed is highest. Also Any Speed can measure speed of a local network or a CD ROM driver. |
22036 | BCMDIAG.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | tupla | BCM Diagnostics Informative and helpful Win95 programs designed to test your system and diagnose problems. Windows 95. |
22037 | BEFAST22.EXE | 41 kt | 18.05.2001 | - | - | - | Be Fast v2.2Ohjelma laskee yksinkertaisesti tietokoneen nopeuden. Se pyörittää itseään ympäri ja kertoo paljonko se looppaa sekunnissa. |
9165 | BENCH32.ZIP | 542446 | 16.09.1995 | - | 22622/cd3.iso | - | A benchmark program that attempts to test the total system performance on machines that have 486 DX-33 processors and higher. This program was not intended to run on any CPU without a math coprocessor. The benchmarks attempt to use all of the relevant functionality that is present in Win32 applications like multithreading, 2-D, 3-D graphics, cached, uncached disk performance, etc. |
22039 | BITEST23.ZIP | 546,4 kt | 28.12.2001 | - | - | - | BurnInTest 2.3BurnInTest on testipaketti joka tutkii koneen prosessorin, 2d ja 3d-grafiikan, muistin, cd- ja levyasemat, äänikortin, kovalevyt, nettiyhteyden ja printterit, etsien eri operaatiossa tapahtuvia virheitä. Shareware, 22 USD. http://www.passmark.com/products/bit.htm |
22040 | BWMTR20.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | Bandwidth Meter 2001 2.0Testaa nettiyhteytesi nopeus puolueettomalla ohjelmalla. Bandwidth Meter osaa mitata erilaisia nopeuksia ja reagoida näihin haluamallasi tavalla. Ilmainen. |
22041 | CDCHECK.ZIP | 293,7 kt | 28.12.2001 | - | - | - | CDCheck on näppärä pieni sovellus cd-levyjen eheyden tarkastamiseen. Se käy läpi kaikki rompulla olevat tiedostot, minkä lisäksi sillä voi verrata kahden cd-levyn sisältöS toisiinsa. Ilmainen. http://Fusion.zejn.si |
22042 | CDS99041.ZIP | 172,6 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | CD Speed 99 v0.41Measures the speed of your CD-ROM drive. Windows version. |
22043 | CINFO27I.ZIP | 6,8 Mt | 28.06.2001 | - | - | - | Cool Info 99 2.7i Antaa syvällisen luettelon koneesi teknisistä ominaisuuksista, alkaen suorittimesta ja päätyen koneelle asennettuihin fontteihin. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rekisteröintimaksu $19.95 |
22044 | CODCRE10.ZIP | 36,2 Mt | 20.04.2002 | - | - | - | Codecreatures 3D benchmark 1.0 Ohjelma tehokkaan grafiikkakortin nopeuden määrittelyyn. Se sopii esimerkiksi GeForce 3, GeForce4 Ti sekä ATI Radeon 8500 -korteille, ja se on kirjoitettu DirectX 8.1 rajapinnalle. Codecreatures 3D Benchmark puskee näyttökortin todella äärirajoille, ja ohjelman käyttöohjeet onkin syytä lukea ennen sen kokeilemista. Ilmainen. Windows Me/2000/XP. http://www.codecult.com/ |
22046 | CPUZ.ZIP | 83,2 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | "CPU-Z 1.02CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic CPUID information (CPU featurescache information)it gives some extra info such as the CPU packagethe clock multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases its able to detect overclocking. Freeware. " |
22045 | CPUZ107.ZIP | 98,1 kt | 03.01.2001 | - | - | tupla | "CPU-Z 1.07CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic CPUID information (CPU featurescache information)it gives some extra info such as the CPU packagethe clock multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases its able to detect overclocking. Freeware. http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.htm " |
22047 | D3DTEST.ZIP | 72 kt | 15.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | Microsoftin Direct3D-nopeustestiOsa DirectX-SDK:ta. |
22048 | DDCTEST.ZIP | 114,5 kt | 17.12.1999 | - | - | tupla | DDCtest v1.4 A free little DDC diagnostic and PnP monitor information utility. Now with expanded list of monitor manufacturers and support for extended EDID data structures. |
22049 | FDIAG375.ZIP | 956,2 kt | 29.03.2002 | - | - | - | Fresh Diagnose 3.75 Fresh Diagnose on ilmaisohjelma koneen laitteiston ja asetusten tarkasteluun. Käyttäjä saa selkeän ja kattavan kuvauksen koneen eri komponenttien ominaisuuksista, minkä lisäksi oman koneen suorittimen, kovalevyn, multimediaominaisuuksien ja muistin suorituskyvyn saa kätevästi mitattua. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.freshdevices.com/freshdiag.html |
22050 | FR101.A01 | 3,8 Mt | 13.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | Final Reality 1.01 2/2 |
22051 | FR101.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 13.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | "Final Reality 1.01 1/2This is a great benchmarking utility for testing out your computers 3D video capabilities. A new standard in hardware testing and comparison. Made in Finland! Remedy Entertainment. " |
22052 | FRAPS18A.ZIP | 48,6 kt | 26.08.2002 | - | - | - | Fraps 1.8A Mittaa ruudunpäivityksen nopeus (FPS) DirectX ja OpenGL -rajapintaa käyttävissä peleissä, laske keskimääräinen suorituskyky halutulla aika välillä ja ota ruudunkaappauksia. Ilmainen. http://www.fraps.com/ |
22053 | FRESH.EXE | 956 kt | 27.12.2001 | - | - | - | "Fresh Diagnose 1.5Scans your system and gives you a complete report about your computers hardware and softwarefor example information about: mainboardvideo system busesperipheral (keyboardmouseprinteretc.) network. The program also tests system performance such as processorhard diskmultimediamemory and compare it with other systems. Freeware. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.freshdevices.com " |
22054 | HMON3231.ZIP | 677,9 kt | 01.01.2002 | - | - | - | Hardware sensors monitor sensors monitor (Dec 2001) The most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP! This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Professional license includes thermo control features (so-called "Software cooling") and ASUS VGA cards h/w monitoring support. ----------------------------------------- Shareware $24 ($29 for Pro license) http://www.hmonitor.com |
22055 | HMONPRO.ZIP | 575,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | tupla | Hardware sensors monitor Pro most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 95/98/2000/NT! Professional version has thermo control features (ie Software cooling) This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Shareware $20 http://www.hmonitor.com |
22056 | HOTCPU33.ZIP | 933,4 kt | 16.06.2002 | - | - | - | Hot CPU Tester Pro 3.3 Hot CPU tester Pro tutkii sekä emolevyn, suorittimen että muistin ja etsii niistä vikoja. Ohjelma antaa komponenteille kyytiä useita tunteja kestävässä testissä, ja antaa tuloksista selkeän yhteenvedon. Hot CPU Tester Prolla voi myös ottaa vertailukelpoisen mittauksen koneensa nopeudesta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.opusware.net/ |
22057 | HOTCPUTS.EXE | 522,1 kt | 11.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | Hot CPU Tester Lite 1.1.2.Use Hot CPU Tester Lite to test the performance and stability of your system. This free, easy-to-use utility employs MMX instructions to test your CPU, chip sets, memory modules, and other parts of your motherboard. It conducts four separate tests that you can visually monitor. The tests are meant to be run for several hours and have a severe impact on system performance, so you may want to run them overnight. All errors are faithfully reported. A more comprehensive Pro version is available for $20. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by OpusWare. http://www.opusware.net/hct.htm |
22058 | INHO015.ZIP | 117,9 kt | 26.08.2002 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | Inhotus 0.1.5 Inhotus on kotimaista tekoa oleva järjestelmän tilan tarkkailuohjelma, jolla saa näkyviin sekä koneen host-nimen, kellonajan, suorittimen käyttöasteen sekä tietoja muistin ja kovalevyn täyttöasteesta. Ilmainen. http://yartz.daug.net/inhotus/ |
22059 | MLOAD20.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 27.04.1997 | - | - | tupla | MegaLoad 2.0Generates under windows a number of independent loads (programs). The loads mainly allocate, test and free memory (adjustable). The aim is to test the system stability. |
22060 | MP3TEST.EXE | 237 kt | 22.08.2001 | - | - | - | MP3TESTMP3TEST testaa ja ilmoittaa vioittuneet MP3-tiedostot, jotka voidaan asetuksilla määrätä siirrettäviksi johonkin kansioon, tai poistettaviksi. |
22061 | MYCPU.ZIP | 39,5 kt | 29.11.2000 | - | - | - | "MyCPU 1.11MyCPU is a small utility that identifies your installed CPU. It looks for the vendor string (such as AuthenticAMD or GenuineIntel)obtains model information (such as typefamily modeland stepping)reads the CPUs speed (MHz)and checks for features such as MMX and 3DNow. This update features a variety of bug fixes and adds detection of SIMD (ISSE) and L2 cache size. Freeware. " |
22062 | NBENCH.ZIP | 56124 | 12.02.1996 | - | 23351/Chip_Hitware_Vol_02.iso | - | Nbench 2.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95. Reports the following components of performance: CPU speed: integer and floating operations/sec, L1 & L2 cache speeds: MB/sec. Main memory speed: MB/sec - disk read/write. |
22063 | NTCOMP.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 24.07.1997 | - | - | - | The WinNT Compatibility Tool v1.0Examines the hardware of your computer and tells you if your computer support Windows NT Workstation 4.0. It also provides you with a summary of detected hardware. |
22064 | NTEST.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 28.07.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | Nokia Monitor Test v1.0a for Windows |
22065 | PCIL20.ZIP | 135,4 kt | 02.02.2000 | - | - | - | PCIList 2.0 Little AGP diagnostic utility. Generates a mini-report in English that can be easily cut and pasted into letters of complaint destined for the mailboxes of various motherboard and graphics card manufacturers. Free. Windows 95/98. |
22066 | PCISNIF.ZIP | 56,2 kt | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | PCI Bus Sniffer v0.64bThis is a very easy to use program that allows you to inspect the PCI configuration of your computer. |
22067 | PERFTEST.EXE | 546,2 kt | 29.10.2000 | - | - | - | PerformanceTest 3.0Performance Test allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests, then compare the results to other computers. Twenty-two individual benchmark tests are available in six test suites.Features include the following: Integer and floating point mathematical operations Tests of standard two dimensional graphical functions Reading, writing, and seeking within disk files Memory allocation and access Tests of the MMX (multimedia extensions) within newer CPUs A test of the DirectX 3D graphics system. In addition, there are six summary results plus the overall PassMark Rating result. The benchmark results are presented as bar charts. Shareware. This is a 30-day trial. The cost to register is $18. |
22068 | PIFAST.ZIP | 118 kt | 04.04.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | PiFastPIFast on kellottajien suosima ohjelmallinen nopeusmittari. Testi rasittaa ainoastaan suoritinta, mutta yleensä niin tehokkaasti, että järjestelmän mahdollinen epävakaus käy ilmi jo parilla testiajolla. |
22069 | PTEST34.EXE | 564,2 kt | 23.05.2001 | - | - | - | PerformanceTest 3.4Performance Test allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests. 22 individual benchmark tests are available in six test suites. Features include the following: Integer and floating-point; mathematical operations; Tests of standard 2D graphical functions; Reading, writing, and seeking within disk files; Memory allocation and access; Tests of the MMX (multimedia extensions) within newer CPUs; A test of the DirectX 3D graphics system. In addition, there are six summary results, plus an overall PassMark Rating result. The benchmark results are presented as bar charts. This version adds Pentium 4 support, AMD Duron support, disk speed graphing, and improved hard drive testing. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by PassMark Software. http://www.passmark.com/products/pt.htm |
22070 | SAMUR063.ZIP | 989,2 kt | 26.08.2002 | - | - | - | Samurize 0.63b Resurssimittari, jonka valttikortti on erittäin laaja muokattavuus. Käyttäjä voi määritellä mittari-ikkunan sisällön ja ulkonäön käytännössä juuri sellaiseksi kuin hän haluaa. Tarjolla on useita valmiita mittareita, minkä lisäksi Samurizer tukee JavaScriptiä ja VBScriptiä, joten omien mittarien koodaaminen onnistuu ohjelmointitaitoisilta. Ilmainen. Windows 2000/XP. http://www.samurize.tk/ |
22071 | SANDR364.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 26.04.2000 | - | - | - | SiSoft SANDRA 2000.3.6.4System Analyzer Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant is a set of system diagnostic and benchmarking tools designed to help you keep your computer running at peak performance. It provides diagnostic, benchmarking, and performance tune-ups for different hardware devices and subsystems, including CPUs, modems, BIOS, drives, graphics cards, and DOS and Windows memory. This update adds several modules, including CPU multimedia benchmarking and network and memory bandwidth benchmarking. Additional types of hardware can now be detected. The shareware version includes 49 modules, and 19 additional modules are included in the registered version. The cost to register is $29. http://www.sisoftware.demon.co.uk/sandra/index.htm |
22072 | SANDR710.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 13.12.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | "SiSoft SANDRA 2001.0.7.10SiSoft Sandra is a Windows 95/98/Me system analyser which includes benchmarking and testing modules. It works along the lines of Norton SI/32Discover CheckItetc. However it tries to go beyond them and show you more of whats really going on. You can get information about the CPUchipsetvideo adapterports printerssound cardmemorynetworkWindows internalsetc. You can save/print/fax/e-mail system reports in textHTML XMLSMS/DMI or hierarchical format. Built-in report compression (Windows CAB). Multi-processor benchmarks for up to 32 CPUs. Automatic install/uninstall - run setup.exe. Uninstall any previous version before installing. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. Sharewarebut free for private/educational use. Professional version includes more modules. http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/sandra " |
22074 | SANDRA.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 26.04.2000 | - | 21042/CT_SW0002.ISO | tupla | SiSoft SANDRA 2000.3.6.4System Analyzer Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant is a set of system diagnostic and benchmarking tools designed to help you keep your computer running at peak performance. It provides diagnostic, benchmarking, and performance tune-ups for different hardware devices and subsystems, including CPUs, modems, BIOS, drives, graphics cards, and DOS and Windows memory. This update adds several modules, including CPU multimedia benchmarking and network and memory bandwidth benchmarking. Additional types of hardware can now be detected. The shareware version includes 49 modules, and 19 additional modules are included in the registered version. The cost to register is $29. http://www.sisoftware.demon.co.uk/sandra/index.htm |
22073 | SANDRA98.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 02.11.1999 | - | - | - | SiSoft SANDRA 98Windows 95/98 diagnostic utility along the lines of Norton/PCTOOLS SI, Q/A Win, etc. However, it goes beyond them. Shows undocumented system information. Help file explains most of the terms used. Creates, e-mails, faxes or prints system reports. Shareware. No nag screens, no time/run limit. |
22075 | SJN080.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 12.07.2002 | - | - | - | SigJenny 0.8.0 SigJenny on signaaligeneraattori, jolla tietokoneesta saa helposti eri aaltomuotoja siniaallosta kanttiaallon kautta muihin muotoihin. Signaalin eri ominaisuuksiin pääsee vaikuttamaan varsin monipuolisesti, joten myös saha-aaltoa sekä pulsseja saa generoitua vaivattomasti. Useimmilla äänikorteilla signaalin taajuus on 20 hertsistä 20 kilohertsiin, ja paremmilla laudoilla päästään 40 kilohertsiin. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. http://www.natch.co.uk/ |
22076 | SNDRA859.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 27.03.2002 | - | - | tupla | "SiSoft Sandra 2002SiSoftware SANDRA 2002 - The Diagnostic Tool Standard/Shareware Version - System analyserdiagnostic and benchmarking. SiSoftware Sandra is a Windows 32 system analyser which includes benchmarking and testing modules. It works along the lines of Norton UtilitiesCA UtilitiesCheckItetc. However it tries to go beyond them and show you more of whats really going on. You can get information about the CPUchipsetvideo adapterportsprinterssound cardmemorynetworkWindows internalsetc. You can save/print/fax/e-mail/post/upload or insert into ADO/ODBC databases system reports in textHTMLXMLSMS/DMI or RPT format. Automatic install/uninstall - run setup.exe. Uninstall any previous version before installing. Windows 98/Me/NT4/200X. Sharewarebut free for private/educational use. Professional version includes more modules. E-Mail: Sandra@sisoftware.co.uk WWW: http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/sandra - Windows 98 Suggested Folder: /win98/sysutil Windows NT Suggested Folder: /winNT/sysutil Windows 2000 Suggested Folder: /win2000/sysutil Windows XP Suggested Folder: /winXP/sysutil " |
22077 | SYSID.ZIP | 727,8 kt | 28.01.2002 | versio 1.9a | sac.sk | - | SysId 2.0aSysId näyttää tietokoneen suorittimen olennaiset tiedot, lähtien nopeudesta ja suorittimen kannasta, ja päätyen jännitteisiin sekä välimuistiasetuksiin. SysId tukee mittavaa määrää suorittimia, ja sen avulla voi tarkastella myös tietokoneessa olevan muistin tietoja sekä mitata oman koneensa nopeuden. Ilmainen. http://www.sysid.subnet.dk/ |
22078 | SYSMECHN.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 24.03.2000 | versio ? | 15607/PCM_0005.iso | - | System Mechanic v3.2dKeep your PC running faster, cleaner, and error-free with this excellent suite of 12 powerful tools. System Mechanic allows you to find and fix problems with your system, properly maintain your PC, and even speed up your internet connection! http://www.iolo.com/sm/ |
22079 | TB08SRC.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 11.06.2000 | - | - | - | TexBench by Michael T. Free OpenGL synthetic texture download and texture fillrate benchmark with source code. Features: benchmark different texture resolution from 16x16 to 4096x4096, create from 1 to 200 (12GB) textures, benchmark under different OpenGL modes, uses http://www.fltk.org FLTK GUI. Windows 95/98 |
22080 | TIRTB190.ZIP | 17,8 Mt | 11.02.2000 | - | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | - | Tirtanium v1.90 OPENGL/DIRECT 3D GRAPHICS DEMO/BENCHMARK Features: Direct 3D and OpenGL in one program Single OpenGL version (for WinNT), DEMO, fully configurable: antialiasing,resolutions, colordeep, .... 3DEngine: dynamic fog simulation, multiple lightning, reflection mapping, 3DInfo button: memory info, refreshrate, Vsync detection DESKTOP 3D RENDERING :) |
22081 | TROUBLET.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Trouble shooting tools - toolboxCollection of 12 best troubleshooting tools. Check your BIOS and CMOS for faults, re-format disks, debug modem connections, back up data, take advantage of undocumented Windows files, diagnose 2D video cards etc. Windows 95. |
22082 | V2000.ZIP | 21,3 Mt | 23.02.2000 | - | - | - | Video 2000 is a completely new type of benchmarking tool designed for evaluating the video quality, performance and features available in modern graphics adapters. Comprehensive quality tests allow for the accurate measurement of image quality, while Performance and Feature Tests indicate how well your system will perform in a real-world environment. Developed by Mad Onion. Windows 95/98/2000 |
9121 | WINBEN95.ZIP | 2011778 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | Ziff-Davis WinBench 95 version 1.0. |
22083 | WIZMRK30.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 23.09.1997 | - | - | - | Wizmark v3.03Dfx Benchmark Req. Win95, Voodoo/Voodoo Rush/16 MB Copyright 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. |
70206 | WT95APP1.ZIP | 75883 | 08.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Wintune 95-testiohjelman Word- ja Excel-makrot. |
22085 | WTUNE142.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 21.03.2000 | - | - | - | Wintune 98 v1.0.42WinTune is a low-level benchmark test suite that tests the performance of the major systems of a PC running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT. |
22086 | WW1247.EXE | 78,9 kt | 13.01.1996 | - | - | tupla | Microsoft Windows 95 System CheckTests your hardware to ensure compatibility with Windows 95. |
70213 | WW1247.EXE | 80825 | 12.01.1996 | - | - | tupla | Microsoft Windows 95 System Check Tests your hardware to ensure compatibility with Windows 95. |
22087 | XL-R8R.EXE | 14,8 Mt | 25.09.2000 | - | 22459/XENIATGM95.iso | - | "XL-R8R 1.0XL-R8R brings you the worlds first Intelligent PC Hardware Upgrade Recommendations Service developed by MadOnion.com and delivered by their vast PC Performance Database. XL-R8R has a built-in computer system profilerwhich inspects your PCs hardware configuration and connects you to our Database for detailed performance analysis and upgrade recommendations. The recommendations that you are provided with are specific to your system and your requirementsguaranteeing you a better PC experience. XL-R8R is a full version download. Minimun requirements: Pentium-300Windows 95/98/ME/200064MB RAM50MB disk space DirectX Drivers 7.0ATI Rage128NVIDIA TNTor 3dfx Voodoo3. http://www.madonion.com/xl-r8r " |
22088 | Y2K-TEST.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 26.11.1999 | - | - | - | Y2K-TEST v1.16 Vuosi 2000 -testaukseenIlmainen Windows-ohjelma, joka testaa tietokoneen BIOSin ja reaaliaikakellon (RTC, Real-Time Clock) Y2K-yhteensopivuuden. |