/ PC /

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Apuohjelmat

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...joista palvelimella: 391


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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
19712 001ALERT.ZIP 689,4 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
LT Alert v1.00LT Alert 1.00 - System Event Notification Utility. LT Alert notifies you of important events as they happen on your system. If you are away from your PC, all events are logged in sequence and ready for your immediate i nspection upon return.
19714 007W321D.ZIP 129,8 kt 10.03.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"007 for Win32 v1.0dPASSWORD PROTECT YOUR WIN32 EXECUTABLES! Modifies existing .EXE files to add password protection. EFFECTIVELY locks your MOST SENSITIVE programs like emailtax preparationor financial planning software. From now onYOU AND ONLY YOU will run these programs on your computer! Works with BOTH Win95 and NT. Another great tool from the author of BusinessCards. +++ TRY IT TODAY! +++"
19715 12GH2150.ZIP 454,7 kt 28.06.2001 - - -
12Ghosts ShutDown v21.50d Nopeuttaa Windowsin sammutusta ja uudelleenkäynnistystä, sekä sulkee automaattisesti kaatuneet ohjelmat. Shareware: $14. 
19716 1CBTJ45.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.11.2001 - - -
1 Cool Button Tool - Java 4.51 Cool Button Tool - Java 4.5 Editori animoitujen nappuloiden ja valikoiden laatimiseen nettisivuille. Tallettaa tuloksen Java-sovelmana tai Flash-muodossa. Shareware, $29.95. http://www.buttontool.com/ 
19717 1IMPR222.EXE 2,4 Mt 02.08.2001 - - -
1st Impression 2.2.2Ohjelma vaihtaa Windowsin käynnistys- ja sammutuskuvat jokaisella
käynnistyskerralla uusiin. Voit koota erilaisia kuvasarjoja omista kuvistasi.
19718 1ST212.ZIP 1,7 Mt 26.12.2000 - - tupla
1st Impression v2.1.2Selkeä ja helpopkäyttöinen ohjelma joka vaihtaa Windows 9x/Me:n käynnistys-, sulkemis- ja sammutuslogoja. Voit itse muokata logojen mukana näytettäviä tekstejä. Tukee useita tiedostomuotoja, mukana 20 logoa ja kattava kokoelma tervehdystekstejä. Freeware. http://www.gromada.com/1stImpression.html
19720 32PG110.ZIP 1810352 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
PowerGraph Graphing Calculator v1.10.
PowerGraph is an aplication that may be
useful to engineers, scientists, college
students, or high school students.
19721 3DCC.ZIP 40,8 kt 13.01.1998 - MBCD -
3D Control CenterKätevä ohjelma, joka mahdollistaa useamman Direct3D-ohjaimen yhtäaikaisen käytön. Toimii ainakin Mystique, Voodoo ja PoverVR -ohjaimien kanssa.
19722 3DME.ZIP 2,2 Mt 03.02.2001 - - tupla
3D Mail Effects 3.0.03D Mail Effects is a mail checker program that notifies you of new e-mail by displaying a large, rotating, 3D graphic. It will also notify you of new mail by flashing the lights on your keyboard, in case your monitor is turned off or is displaying a screen saver. And as a bonus, the main interface for the program is skinnable, as is the rotating 3D graphic. Free trial for Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000 by Fluid Studios. http://www.fluidstudios.com/3dme/
19723 4NT302.ZIP 709,3 kt 25.12.2000 - 21041/CT_SW0001.ISO -
"4NT 3.02BNew release of JP Softwares award-winning command processor for Windows NT.  Offers command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools.  Runs on NT 3.51 and aboveIntel-compatible CPUs only. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 04-16-99 release B (131). "
19724 4REST14.ZIP 245,6 kt 20.03.1998 - MBCD -
4Rest v1.144Rest on pieni apuohjelma, joka asettuu johonkin ruuden reunaan tai itse valittuun paikkaan ja pysyy siinä, näyttäen kellonajan, päiväyksen ja kiintolevyn vapaan tai käytetyn tilan.
19725 5107LNG.EXE 296,1 kt 19.03.2002 - - -
MBM kielipakettiAjamalla tämän tiedoston MBM asennuksen jälkeen, ohjelman (MBM) asetuksiin on ilmestynyt uusia tässä ohjelmassa valitsemiasi kieliä, esim. suomi. 
19726 602PCSUI.ZIP 15,9 Mt 06.04.2004 - - -
602PC SuiteKevyt toimisto-ohjelmapaketti joka sisältää työkalut tekstinkäsittelyyn, taulukkolaskentaan sekä valokuvien muokkaamiseen ja organisointiin.
Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server. http://www.software602.com/products/pcs/
51771 95BOOTR4.ZIP 46366 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
95BOOTER 4.0 - Multiboot for Windows 95
Allows the user to select various methods
of rebooting the computer from Windows 95.
19727 95BOOTR5.ZIP 34,5 kt 30.11.1997 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
95 Booter 5.0The 95 Ultimate Booter by Fred Salerno. This program allows you to select which way to boot up Windows 95.
19728 98LITE30.EXE 369,7 kt 25.12.2000 - 21651/Pce29cd.iso -
98lite III Preview Edition98lite offers selective installation of many Windows "Features" Applets and Sub-Systems. 98lite III is very safe; you can "Remove" every option and "Add" them back as needed if you are unsure whether a particular Option is really needed. http://www.98lite.net
19729 A3CALC10.ZIP 813,3 kt 24.09.2003 - - -
A3Calc 1.0Basic-ohjelmointikieltä tulkkaava tieteislaskin, joka on tarkoitettu korvaamaan Nokia 9210 kännykän laskimen. Ohjelmasta löytyy muun muassa alv-laskuri, annuiteettilainan koron ja kuukausilyhennyksen määrittelijä sekä valuuttamuunnin, minkä lisäksi siihen voi itse ohjelmoida lisälaajennuksia.
Ilmainen. http://personal.inet.fi/business/vstt/
19730 AALANGV1.EXE 457,6 kt 21.10.2004 - MBHH2005 -
Ad-aware SE:n kielipaketti vol. 1Kielipaketti Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.05:lle. Sisältää suomen ohella myös saksan, hollannin, tanskan, ranskan, italian, norjan, portugalin, espanjan ja ruotsin kielet.
19731 AATOOL51.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.07.2002 - - -
Advanced Administrative Tools 5.1 Advanced Administrative Tools on 11 Windowsin ylläpitotyökalun kokoelma, jonka kuorista löytyy muun muassa ohjelma rekisterin siivoamiseen, tietokoneen prosessien tarkkailuun ja pysäyttämiseen, nettiliikenteen valvomiseen, välityspalvelimen ja oman koneen tietojen keräämiseen, ja muutamaan muuhun puuhaan. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.glocksoft.com/
19732 AAW451.EXE 659,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
AD-Aware 4.51Ilmainen ohjelma, joka etsii koneeltasi mainostajien käyttämät ns. spyware-ohjelmat. Tämän jälkeen tietosi eivät enää vuoda nettiin. http://www.lavasoft.de/aaw/
19733 AAW6.EXE 1,5 Mt 10.02.2003 - 23758/PCWorld_2003-05_cd.bin -
Ad-aware 6.0Ad-aware etsii ja poistaa koneelle pesiytyneet spyware-ohjelmat, jotka vakoilevat käyttäjän tekemisiä ja lähettävät tietonsa ulkopuolisille tahoille. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lavasoft.de 
19734 AAWSUOMI.ZIP 2,7 kt 29.10.2001 - - -
suomennos Ad-awareenTämä tiedosto muuttaa mainosloisia poistavan
Ad-aware-ohjelman suomenkieliseksi.
19735 AAWUPD13.ZIP 392,1 kt 27.05.2002 - - -
Ad-Aware RefUpdate 1.3RefUpdate päivittää automaattisesti vakoiluohjelmia
poistavan Ad-Aware-ohjelman tietokannan. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lavasoft.de/
19736 ABIX3XX.EXE 4,6 Mt 25.12.2000 versio 3.01 9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso -
ABIX 3.30A personal organizer that allows you to manage your appointments, anniversaries, events, addresses, e-mail, web sites, collections, inventory and much more.
19737 ACCESO2M.ZIP 142,9 kt 11.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ACCESO 2M Utility for reading 2M formatted disks under Windows95.
19738 ACRASH4X.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
"AntiCrash Pro v4.0AntiCrash has been developed in order to prevent Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Millennium from either Crashing nor gettingIllegal Operationsat all. It starts on your Windows System Tray and provides flawless capability to access and switch between applications (16-bit & 32-bit) running in foreground and background. It provides a true multi-threading environment for multi-tasking OS like Windows. The applications can be openedclosed and switched as many times without the system getting unstable or slow."
19739 ACRSH40.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
AntiCrash Pro 4.0Ohjelma estää Windowsia kaatuilemasta. Freeware. http://www.jibreel.net
19740 ACTIVLOG.ZIP 214150 24.11.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Activity Log is a simple way of keeping
Activity Logs for projects, and all you need
to do is click a button and type what you
did. Version 1.1.2, requires Windows 95/NT.
20307 ACTSNT.ZIP 84149 08.10.1995 - 9322/The Pier Shareware %238 (The Pier Exchange) (1996).ISO -
(v1.7) Somar ACTS - time clock modem NIST
Windows NT/Windows 95 program that will dial
the NIST or USNO time source using a modem,
obtain the current time, and use this time to
set the time on your PC. Similar programs
designed for DOS will not work under NT
because of security issues. V1.7 fixes timing
bugs with certain high speed modems.
Shareware (US$10).
19741 ADC.ZIP 2,2 Mt 17.07.2000 - 19283/ftp.winsite.com-win95-pim.tar -
Active Desktop Calendar 2.1Active Desktop Calendar is a fully customisable personal
information manager which runs in a system tray and is 
displayed on your desktop wallpaper.
19742 ADD2K.EXE 695,4 kt 22.04.2001 - - -
Address 2000Address 2000- osoitteisto-ohjelma.
19743 ADDRMC23.EXE 365,7 kt 04.04.2000 - - -
Add/Remove Cleaner v2.3Voit poistaa ohjelmien nimiä Windowsin Lisää tai poista sovellus -ikkunasta. Voit myös muokata ohjelman nimeä ja poisto-ohjelman polkua. Sharewarea 15 päivän kokeiluajalla.
19744 ADRMPL11.ZIP 870,1 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
Add/Remove Plus! v1.1Parempi vaihtoehto Ohjauspaneelin Lisää tai poista sovellus -toiminnolle. Voit muokata ohjelmien nimeä/poistokomentoa ja poistaa turhat ohjelmannimet listalta.
19746 AF_SETUP.EXE 245,5 kt 01.04.2001 - - -
Auto Favorites 1.1Auto Favorites is a novel tray-based tool that automatically keeps track of the programs, documents, and Web pages you launch. This makes it easy to find and relaunch recently used apps, docs, and URLs. Unlike the Documents submenu in the Windows Start menu, Auto Favorites weights and rates the items you launch based upon their use. Then it discards seldom-used links over time, based on the parameters you specify. Several other options are available. This is a 30-day trial version. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.nearsoftware.com/af/
19745 AFOLDERS.EXE 505,9 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
"Access Folders 1.3Access Folders is a handy utility that provides fast access to your favorite and most-often used folders. It allows you to make your own menu that consists of your favorite folder paths. Open a Save As/Open dialog and click the right mouse button on the question mark button in the dialogs caption. Select the appropriate menu item to jump to the corresponding path. The newest version added Windows Explorer shell integrationa few cosmetic improvementsand many other new features. This is a 30-day trial version for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by ShellToys Inc. http://www.shelltoys.com
19747 AGENTRAN.ZIP 1007,5 kt 19.11.2000 - - -
Agent Ransack v1.0FREE professional file searching utility. Compelling advantages over similar tools: - Support for regular expressions - Immediate contents results view - Various wizards to help with searching * Requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Freeware. (C) David Vest 2000.
19748 AGPWIZ.ZIP 123,9 kt 16.02.2000 - - -
AGP Wizard 1.0  Optimizes AGP performance by allowing you to change/set the AGP data transfer rate (1X, 2X, or 4X), it also allows you to enable Side Band Addressing Mode and Fast Writes. This utility only works on Creative Labs cards.
19749 AIRY30.ZIP 328,8 kt 14.09.2000 - - -
Airy Secrets 3.0 r7It  is a simple (and  free) program  for Windows 95  or better, that helps you to 
manage  your  list  of  access codes and passwords.  These  lists  are  stored  
in  encrypted files (ATECO v3.0) and  the  codes never appear on the screen, 
but  you  can  see their descriptive line  (e.g.  "My FTP", "WebBank", 
"Web Counter", and so on). Remarks: 1) No DLLs  will  be  installed  in 
the Windows folder. 2) The program is provided with its own installer/unistaller. 
(C) 2000 AXAR Team 
19750 ALARM95.ZIP 245410 14.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Alarm 95 is a complete alarm program that
lets you schedule one time alarms or
recurring alarms. Recurring alarms can be set
to occur daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
The intuitive interface lets you view your
scheduled alarms by day, week, month or year.
Alarm 95 is totally integrated into Windows
60621 ALM32.ZIP 464945 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
ALMANAC v3.5d - (Windows 95/Windows NT) A
powerful calendar application for Windows 95
and NT. Separate, configurable windows for
your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list,
phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search
tool - displays what you need, when you need
it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise
sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and
Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule
data to any time zone.
19751 ALM3235E.ZIP 461,1 kt 31.07.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
ALMANAC v3.5e A powerful calendar application for Windows 95 and NT. Separate, configurable windows for your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list, phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search tool - displays what you need, when you need it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule data to any time zone.
19752 ALRM_CRA.ZIP 1,7 Mt 08.07.1997 - - -
Alarm Clock This is a 32-bit application that provides 10 daily repeating alarms, 10 appointment alarms, and a countdown timer. You can easily set the dates, times, and messages for all alarms. 
19753 ALRMS.ZIP 116532 08.10.1996 - - -
Alarm! Versio 1.52.
Muistutukset päivittäin, viikottain,
kuukausittain ja vuosittain.
21473 ALW202.ZIP 486927 22.08.1995 - MBCD -
Astronomy Lab 2 is one of the most
innovative, interesting, and useful shareware
astronomy programs available for Microsoft
Windows 95, Windows NT, and Win32s.
19754 AMGB2000.ZIP 4,9 Mt 30.08.2000 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
"Amiglobe 2000Amiglobe is a world atlas and database with information about 200 countries.
You can choose from four map projections including flatPetersMercators or spherical.
You can easily zoom in on any area to display citiesriversand main peaks. You can use the
arrow keys to scroll around the map. You can also quickly locate a city or country on the map
using a drop down list. Amiglobe features a wealth of information about each country. 
The main information screen displays a map of the country and the flagand lets you click a 
button to display the national anthem and hear it play. It also displays general information 
such as areapopulationdensitycapital cityGNPand GNP per capita. You can click tabs 
to learn more about a countrys geographyhistorypeoplegovernmenteconomytransportation
and military. You can print the mapsave it as a BMP or GIF fileor copy it to the Clipboard to use in
another application. http://www.amiglobe.com
19755 APD330.ZIP 545 kt 06.02.1998 - 12771/10000.zip -
"PRINT SCREEN DELUXE 3.0 An all new product from the people who brought you Print Screen for Windows. A powerful and easy to use Screen Capture utility that allows you to capture your screen in many ways.  Capture the Full ScreenCurrent Windowa Roped areaa windows Client Areaand much more. Crop the imageapply visual effects to itconfigure your hot keyset a time delayed captureand even Zoom in on your image!"
19756 APEN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
Art Plus Easynoter 2.1 EasyNoter has simple to use diary, notes, address book, and a reminder function with full text search capabilities. Web and e-mail connectivity are implemented as well. Very practical as a daytime planner.
19757 APIMON13.ZIP 319,4 kt 13.01.2001 - - -
API Monitor v1.3Tehokas työväline ohjelmoijille ja aktiiviharrastajille. API Monitor näyttää Windowsin ja suoritettavien ohjelmien tekemät API-kutsut parametreineen ja palautusarvoineen.
19758 APK3DFX5.ZIP 1 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
APK 3dfx Tuning Engine 95/98/NT 5.0++ 3Dfx tweaking utility to speedup Voodoo and Voodoo2  3dfx / OpenGL gaming based games and video boards.
19759 APLUS28.EXE 2,3 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
AppPlus 2.8Kätevä apuohjelma tekee uuden pienen tehtäväpalkin josta voi käynnistää ohjelmia, web-sivuja tai vaikka sähköpostiosoitteita. Halutessaan palkin saa automaattisesti piiloutumaan. Shareware. http://www.appplusonline.com
22330 APPBAR97.ZIP 40969 21.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
AppBar v0.97.
Simple and fast menuing system for Windows 95
and Windows NT 4.0. Makes user defined menus
for launching applications at the top of
your screen like the Macintosh. Freeware.
19760 APREP103.EXE 836,1 kt 22.10.1999 - - -
AffirmativeAction PrefProf v1.03PrefProf will copy and backup your personal preferences and settings within a wide range of applications. Run before reinstalling Windows on your computer and also once a week. Shareware.
19761 AR405ENG.EXE 5,5 Mt 28.06.2000 - MBHH2001 tupla
Acrobat Reader 4.05BIlmainen PDF-tiedostojen selainohjelma
19762 ARAN_FIN.ZIP 3 kt 02.03.2001 - - -
Aranean suomennos.Aranean suomennos. 
19763 ASA246.ZIP 565,7 kt 25.01.2001 - - -
"Advanced System Agent v2.46 Powerful multifunctional software that does EVERYTHING! You can track the time you spend working with the computer or the Internetcheck for new messages on your mail serveror synchronize your computers clock with the atomic clock servers. Includes full-featured dial-up adapter with Internet connection monitoringflexible Windows shutdown managerpowerful alarms with custom messagessystem resources monitorhot keys manager and much more. $25 "
19764 ASC13.ZIP 55,6 kt 17.06.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Associate v1.3 File Utility This program will allow you to set up file associations in Windows 95 with much greater accuracy and ease than Windows 95 provides. Shareware.
19765 ASHAMPOO.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.02.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
ASHAMPOO 99 DELUXECleans your windows!
Simple removal of existing applications not monitored by ASHAMPOO
Completely removes all traces of monitored apps from the system
Lightning fast detection and deletion of duplicate files.
New wizards for even more intuitive operation.
For WIN 95, 98 & NT
19766 ASPY.ZIP 253,7 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
"A-Spy 0.09This program knows and shows a good number of ways to start some application during 
Windows startup process and logging. Its possible to add/delete/edit entriesmove 
them from one desposition to another. Access rights are considered at NT/2000 platforms. 
Supports all Windows platforms. 17 ways how to detect stealthily blasting off trojans.
19767 ATTIME.EXE 2,1 Mt 20.01.2000 - - -
@Time 2.0@Time is a desktop clock which shows Internet Time on top of your desktop. Other features include Alarms, A Buddy List, and a customizable interface. Freeware.
22335 ATW1A.ZIP 308362 23.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Add to Win V1.0 Organizes and launches apps
form the Win95 desktop
19768 AURC33B1.EXE 657,9 kt 07.06.2000 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Aurora 32 version 3.3One of the finest editors available. Blazing speed, superb interface, Huge capacity to 4 Gigabytes, 32k line length. Syntax highlighting for over 20 languages. Easy-to-use colorized Macro language with more than 15000 lines of macros, integrated File manager, Directory tree, Live wordwrap, Undo-redo, Hex mode, Win95 long names, Folds, Multi-file search/replace, real tabs, popular Emulation styles, extremely Configurable!
19769 AUTIT251.EXE 261 kt 08.02.2001 - - -
AutoIt 2.51Tämän ohjelman skriptikielellä voit luoda valmiita toimintoketjuja, joissa esimerkiksi
käynnistetään ohjelmia, kirjoitetaan tekstiä tai klikkaillaan hiirellä. Ilmainen.
19770 AUTOEJ11.ZIP 11259 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
AutoEject v1.10
Aukaisee CD-aseman luukun Windows 95:den
19771 AUTORDCD.ZIP 122,2 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
For those of us that archive to CD-R/CD-RW, this utility displays a README.TXT file along with an "Explore" button when the CD is inserted.
19772 AUTOSTRT.EXE 396,6 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
AutoStart CD-R(W) Tämä ohjelma helpottaa CD-R-levyjen tekemistä käyttämällä AutoRun-toimintoa.
19773 BBUTIL20.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Blackboard util Blackboard util is a windows utility program. It shows your drive information and has functions for running your main utility programs like windows scandisk, registry editor, and the undocumented make compatable utility. It also will edit your configuration files and show you directory and file info. It has a function to show you your open programs and what priority they are.
19774 BCAPTR14.ZIP 922,8 kt 06.02.1998 - - -
Blackboard Screen Capture This is a handy utility to capture Windows screens and optionally save them on disk for later use.
51805 BCDP32.ZIP 517513 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
Business Card Designer Plus V4.51
New version for Windows 95!
Create stunning business cards easily
on your printer. Use rotated text, boxes,
circles, lines and clip art. Any Font,
Size, Style and Color. Extremely easy to
use. WYSIWYG formating. Card Expert for
quick card creation. Full color support.
Click and drag sizing and moving.
19775 BCRYPT62.EXE 1,4 Mt 25.10.2000 - - -
BestCrypt 6.06.32With BestCrypt you allocate a portion (container) of free space on your drive where you keep all your sensitive data in encrypted form, creating a virtual drive in your system that you work with as you would any other drive. BestCrypt uses strong encryption algorithms, including Blowfish, GOST, and DES. Features include a time-out option, hot keys, a wiping utility, and the ability to add your own encryption algorithm. This version runs smoothly on Windows 2000. This is a 30-day trial version. The cost to register is $89.95. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.jetico.com 
19776 BINCLOCK.ZIP 90,2 kt 12.05.1997 - MBCD -
Binary Clock Provides a binary clock display for your Win95 desktop.
19777 BLOCK756.ZIP 3,2 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
BootLocker 7.56Lukitsee tietokoneen salasanalla. Estää luvattomat sisäänkirjautumiset sekä luvattoman käyttöönoton toimiessaan näytönsäästäjänä. Reilusti ominaisuuksia, mm. pakotettu salasanan vaihto, mahdollisuus estää käynnistys DOS:iin ja paljon muuta. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.bootlocker.com
19778 BMIC10FI.ZIP 120,9 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD tupla
BMICalc v1.0 Laskee henkilön painoindeksin annetun massan ja pituuden perusteella. Sisältää Delphi 2.0 -lähdekoodin.
19779 BNCLK173.ZIP 569,7 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
The Binary Clock version 1.73 Three binary clock displays for your Windows 95 desktop.
19780 BOOTPA20.ZIP 19,7 kt 13.03.1997 - MBCD -
BOOTPART 2.0Boot Partitition for WinNT. Easy tool to add a partition to the Windows NT multi boot menu (for example, OS/2 boot manager or Linux partition). NEW : Easy addition of Dos6.22 and Win95 in WinNT menu, repair the WinNT boot sector. 
19781 BPUT95S.ZIP 658978 07.02.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
Barry Press Utilities for Windows 95 Included
in this version are athly calendar, a
drag-and-drop ASCII file printer (also
capable of spooling Postscript files to a
Postscript printer), an icon for printer
orientation control, a program, a shell
extension to add a command lineon to the
Explorer (like the old File.Run), a digital
19782 BRAIN173.EXE 2,2 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
The Brain 1.73 Personal information manager that emulates the thought processes of the human brain. Excellent graphic interface which shows in a "spider" or hierarchy format, has fully customizable operation and publishing capabilities.
22342 BRCMD.ZIP 6548 18.10.1996 koko¹ #hyrava -
Bill Reid's Command Line 1.0
Työpöydälle ilmestyy tekstilaatikko, joka
vastaa Start-valikon Run-komentoa. Voit avata
kansioita ja käynnistää ohjelmia
kirjoittamalla kohteen.
19783 BREWCALC.ZIP 902,9 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
"Brewers Calculator Helps you formulate recipesplan new brewsand keep a record of your efforts. It can also track your brewing supplies. When formulating a recipeselect from maltsextractsspecialty grainshopsand yeast and Brewers Calculator will give you running totals of starting gravityestimated finishing gravityalcoholbitternessbeer coloretc."
19784 BSCREAM1.ZIP 377,9 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Banshee Screamer v1.0Alarm clock for W95. Beeps, plays audio files or CDs, or runs programs.
19785 BTIMER12.ZIP 698 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
"BlackBoard TimerThis program is to keep track of how long a user uses a certain program. Useful examples of this would be online services where youd like to know the accumlated time for the whole month youve been on. The next month you click reset and the programs HOURS goes to 0 again. You can keep several programs and acculated times in this program. It automatically starts the timer when you run the program and ends it when you exit the program."
19786 BTMGR13A.ZIP 46830 19.10.1995 - MBCD -
Boot Manager 95 v1.3a for Windows 95
by Kevin Ferguson.  Utility to allow
you to easily configure your Windows
95 bootup options.  Requires Win95 &
VBRUN300.DLL installed. Freeware!
19787 C9845W.ZIP 223,9 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Calc98Calculator for Windows 95
19788 CACHE40.EXE 618,5 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
"Cacheman 4.0If some of your programs run slowlythe fault could lie with Windows disk cache managementwhich takes up most of the available physical memory. When your system runs out of RAMWindows starts to use hard-disk-based virtual memory instead of flushing the disk caches. You can use Cacheman to adjust this behavior. When you start the programyoull see your free available physical memory (which should increase after you optimize). Select one of the optimizations methods from the pull-down menu. To make the settings permanent use the Save command. Thenexit the program and reboot your system to activate the new disk cache adjustments. Advanced settings let you make more precise adjustments. Many systems should see better system performance because of less frequent use of the swap file. Cacheman is easy to useand features separate recommended settings for Win95 and Win98. Freeware by Outer Technologies. http://www.outertech.com"
19789 CALC95.ZIP 308,5 kt 24.09.1997 - 16596/Sezamfile97_2.iso -
Calc95Ethe capabilities of the Windows 95 calculator. Extra features include scientific functions. 486 8 MB Win95
19790 CALEN-10.ZIP 214,5 kt 15.08.1997 - - -
Calendar 1.0 suom. versioKalenteri joka näyttää nimipäivät ja muita pieniä optioita. Tulevissa versioissa voit printata oma kalenterin.
19791 CAMOU111.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
Camouflage v1.1.2Salaa ja piilota tiedostoja toisiin tiedostoihin ilman vaaraa paljastumisesta. Camouflage voi piilottaa esim. tekstitiedoston kuvaan, jolloin kuva näkyy normaalisti eikä tekstitiedostoa saa irroitettua kuvasta ilman oikeaa salasanaa. Freeware. http://www.camouflage.freeserve.co.uk
19792 CC29SW.EXE 1,4 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
"ClipCache Plus 2.9If you do any word processinge-mail or web surfingyou cant afford to be without this tool! Never lose another addressphone number or other important bit of data again. ClipCache Plus is a very powerfuleasy to use utility which greatly enhances the functionality of the Windows clipboard. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000."
19793 CC9512.ZIP 834,2 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
Calendar Commander v1.2 -Print calendars in any style imaginable on your Win 95/NT system. Includes over 20 ready made daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars. Use scripts to create your own custom calendars with automatic support for English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages. Multi level preview mode, JPG/GIF/PNG/PCX/TIF/BMP image support, holidays and personal events. Shareware from Briggs Softworks 
19794 CCODES.ZIP 19,9 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Country Code Lister Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL:n.
19795 CCWC65.EXE 3 Mt 16.02.2001 - 23069/chip-cd_2001_04.zip -
Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner 6.5Siisti ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma jolla voit puhdistaa IE:n, Netscapen ja Operan cache-tiedostot, cookiet, sivuhistorian ja kirjoitettujen osoitteiden listan sekä tarkastella niiden sisältöä. Poistaa tarvittaessa myös Windowsin omat historiat. Shareware. http://www.moleculesoft.com/
61910 CD.ZIP 237735 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_3.ISO -
CD Player for Word: Now you can enjoy audio
CDs while you do your work. Has a Title
database which actually remembers the CD's
title and author,a Random (Shuffle) Play,
Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Skip Tracks,
Pause, and Eject. Even plays CDs in the
background. Looks and works like a real CD
19796 CDALRM21.ZIP 1,5 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
CD Alarm v2.1Sounds user-specified alarms by playing tracks from a CD, MIDI sequences, sound files, or any combination of the three. Features include support for multiple CD-ROM drives, a user-defined snooze button, advanced volume settings, and more. Requires Win95/NT.
19797 CDDATA10.EXE 1,1 Mt 14.02.2000 - - -
CD-Database v1.0bCD-Database on kaikille siirrettävien asemien omistajille tarkoitettu levy arkistointi/tietokantaohjelma. Ohjelmalla "skannaat" eli luet hakemiston tai esim CD-R(W) levysi helposti sekä tallennat sen ohjelman tietokantaan. Myöhemmin voit selata levyn sisältöä ilman levyä. Soveltuu mm. MP3 cd:itten kirjanpitoon. Hakutoiminnot ja muokkausmahdollisuudet ym. Win95/98/NT/2000 http://www.raunosoft.com
19798 CDFS.ZIP 38,5 kt 01.02.1999 - 23753/PCWorld_2002-12_Special_cd.bin -
CD-ajuri Win9x:lleMahdollistaa Audio CD:iden käsittelyn normaaleina WAV-tiedostoina
61931 CDQ95V12.ZIP 333205 21.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
CD-QUICK Cache for Win95, v1.2  From the
makers of PC Mag's 1995 Best Shareware of the
Year Award winner! CD-Quick will improve the
performance of any CD-ROM drive by storing
frequently read data in fast RAM or on your
Hard Drive. Uses advanced caching techniques
for top performance. Includes the utility
QUICKMON, to show cache statistics in real
time. SETUP program makes installation easy.
For WIN95. Shareware $29
19799 CDQ95V30.ZIP 473,9 kt 29.01.1998 - MBCD -
CD-QUICK v3.00CD-Quick will dramatically improve the performance of ANY CD-ROM drive by storing frequently read data in fast RAM or on your Hard Drive. Uses advanced caching techniques for top performance. Includes the utility QUICKMON, to show cache statistics in real time. SETUP program makes installation easy. Shareware $29
19800 CDR37C-E.ZIP 476,4 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
CDRWIN v3.7C CDRWIN is a combination of powerful CD recording tools for Windows 95/NT. It contains many usual features for cd copying, recording and backuping CD-R and Cd-RW media. The evaluation version is fully functional, but it has 1x speed limit.
19801 CDR96V21.ZIP 1083043 19.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CDRunner96 V2.1 was designed to make the
digital life easier for all of us. CDRunner96
makes Windows 95's AutoRun/AutoPlay behave as
it should. While CDRunner96 is active all you
now have to do to run that favorite CD is put
it in the drive! CDRunner96 will take it from
19802 CDRLAB41.ZIP 497,3 kt 19.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
cdrLabel v4.1Tee itse kannet CD-levyihisi.
19803 CDRTOOL.ZIP 221,9 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
CdromTool (30/01/01)Tällä ohjelmalla voit säätää CD-ROM asemasi nopeutta hitaammaksi. Valitettavasti tuettuja CD-asemia on vain vähän. Tuetut asemat löydät ohjelman kotisivuilta. GNU-lisenssin alainen. http://visitweb.com/cdromtool 
19804 CFGBK.EXE 47508 31.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WIN-95 Registry backup utility from microsoft
19805 CHANGER3.EXE 901,7 kt 30.05.2000 - - -
Changer 3.0The changer on ohjelma, joka muuttaa Windows 95/98:n käynnistys- ja lopetuslogot aina kun käynnistät Windows:n. Ohjelma on helppo käyttää ja poistaa!
19806 CHANGER3.ZIP 462,2 kt 07.11.1997 - - -
Win Changer 3 WC on ohjelma jolla voi muuttaa Windows 95:n asetuksia. Internet Explorer 3.X latauskuvan muuttaminenkin onnistuu.
22347 CHANGEXT.ZIP 4322 07.02.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
CHANGE EXTENSION 2.0b Windows 95 has made a
lot of things easier, but should you ever
have a file with the wrong extension, it can
be extremely tedious trying to get Windows 95
to let you change its file type. Changext
makes this simple.
61979 CHAOS32X.ZIP 2096805 21.11.1996 - 21818/Pegasus_Vol_5_CD1.iso tupla
Time & Chaos (32-bit) is a powerful
PIM for Win95. Features include an
extensible architecture, tight
integration with Exchange and Word,
TAPI compliance, powerful search and
reporting capabilities, multi-user
support, drag and drop support, and more.
8509 CHAT.EXE 46283 12.09.1995 - 23876/PC World Interactive 4.iso -
Windows 95 Chat Utility
22348 CHGFIL.ZIP 83349 08.10.1996 - - -
Change File Type 96 r2.
Vaihda tiedostonpääte hiiren oikealla
19807 CHIMP101.ZIP 842,9 kt 27.03.1998 - 10273/CICA_NT_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1997.iso -
ChimpA good looking 32-bit post-it-style memo pad, complete with toolbar and customizable tabbed topics. Windows 95, 486, 8 Mb.
19808 CHKDATE.ZIP 14882 21.11.1996 - 9335/So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO -
CheckDate - runs the Win95 date/time
Control Panel Applet if the current
date/time is earlier than the last
known date/time.
62056 CHRMAP.EXE 28063 12.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Windows 95 Character Map Utility
19809 CLCKR12A.ZIP 151417 21.08.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Clicker lets you assign a number of different
functions to the middle and right buttons of
your mouse or trackball; buttons modified by
the control, alt and shift keys on the
keyboard; and "chords" created by pressing
two mouse buttons simultaneously. You can
assign different settings for different
applications. FREE
19810 CLEANIT.ZIP 219,1 kt 27.12.2000 - - -
Clean It v3.01Ohjelma, jolla saa kätevästi poistettua kovalevylle kertyneitä väliaikaistiedostoja joita kerääntyy muun muassa selaimen käytöstä. 30 päivän kokeiluversio Windows 95/98/NT:lle.
19811 CLENSTAR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 08.03.1998 - - -
CLEAN STAR SP@CE S@VER SYS v1.13 For New and Experienced PC Users. A real PC system management tool that removes Temporary and Internet files from your system for you. Puts files into recycle bin for your review. Shareware. 
22352 CLEO.ZIP 301779 08.10.1996 - - -
Cleo Versio 2.00
Tehtäväpalkki Windows 95:n oman tehtäväpalkin
19812 CLG11L.ZIP 433,3 kt 12.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
"LifeGuard v.1.1 Configuration & main system files backup & restore utility for Windows 95. This lite-version doesnt include the VB5-runtime libraries."
19813 CLINR593.ZIP 742,5 kt 28.10.1998 - - -
CaseLiner v5.93Make and print J-cards for cassette cases. For 32-bit Windows.
19815 CLIPB10.ZIP 432 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
"ClipBag V1.0 A Windows Clipboard extension utility.  You can copy as many text items to the Clipboard as you want. You can then retrieve these items at will and paste them anywhere you want. You can put all your frequently used textsuch as URLsemail addressesnamestelephone numbers or whateverinto a ClipBag for use whenever you want it. This is especially handy when filling out forms on the Internetthey all ask for the same information. You can use"
19814 CLIPB101.ZIP 143,7 kt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
SCV ClipBar v1.01Clipboard utility. SCV ClipBar is a handy floating toolbar that monitors and augments the Windows95 clip- board. It saves all text and bitmap clips, and lets you put them back on the clipboard hours later, or store them in a permanent "stash", to be reused at any time.
62152 CLIPBK.EXE 62086 12.09.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Windows 95 Clipbook Viewer Utility
19816 CLIPMA51.EXE 1,2 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
ClipMate v5.1.11Popular Clipboard Extender Holds Hundreds of Clips, remembers clips for days, months, or even YEARS! 
Powerful new Internet Features allow you to save and revisit web pages, launch URLs embedded 
within text. Even view HTML tags as actual HTML. Powerful editing functions, such as re-formatting, 
editing, combining, change case, drag and drop, etc.. Shareware, $20. http://www.clipmate.com
19818 CLIPOMAT.ZIP 585,3 kt 09.10.1998 - - -
Clip-O-Matic v1.2 Clip-O-Matic on pieni apuohjelma, joka "suurentaa" clipboardisi tekstikapasiteetin kymmenkertaiseksi.
19819 CLIPPLS3.ZIP 172 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
ClipPlus v2.0ClipPlus is an easy to use utility that enhances the Windows95 ClipBoard. Whenever you use the standard windows features to Cut/Copy text in a windows program, windows copies the text to the ClipBoard. Only one "Clip" can be stored in the clipboard at a time and all contents are lost whenever you shutdown windows. ClipPlus watches the clipboard and will add all new clips to a list that it maintains where it can be used again in the future.
19820 CLNMR219.EXE 1,5 Mt 28.04.2001 - - -
Clone Master 2.19Onko koneellasi samoja tiedostoja monessa paikassa? Clone Master etsii tuplat ja vapauttaa näin levytilaa. Shareware. http://www.softbytelabs.com/
19821 CLOX2000.EXE 2,5 Mt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Clox 2000Maailmankello Windows 95:lle
19822 CLPMAG13.ZIP 817,4 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
Clipboard Magic v1.3A freeware clipboard utility for Windows 95/NT 4.0. Remembers the items copied to the clipboard and allows you to manipulate them.
19823 CLRPCK10.ZIP 178,6 kt 26.02.2001 - - -
ColorPicker. Freeware.Color Picker on pieni ohjelma, joka selvittää värin RGB Hex arvon mistä vain ruudulta. Ohjelma aukaisee pienen ikkunan, jossa näkyy hiiren osoittama väri ja heksa arvo. Freeware.
19824 CLSWEEP.ZIP 7,3 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CleanSweep 95 DemoCleanSweep 95 saves megabytes of disk space by removing unused or unwanted Windows programs, system components, and unused and duplicate files -- quickly, easily, thoroughly, and above all, safely. This Demonstration Edition is a fully- functional version of CleanSweep 95, with one important exception: it will not delete files from your hard drive. 
19825 CM25.ZIP 2,1 Mt 28.01.2001 - - -
Calendar Maker 2.5Ohjelma omien kalenterien tekemiseen. Voit lisätä kalenteriin päivien kohdalle merkintöjä, kuten syntymäpäiviä, juhlapäiviä, jne. jotka näkyvät omilla väreillään. Kalenterin voi tulostaa tai tallentaa HTML-dokumenttina. Ohjelman saa myös toimimaan System Trayssa jolloin kalenterin saa nopeasti esille. Freeware.
51857 CM32_401.ZIP 533255 29.07.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
ClipMate 32-bit v4.01 - Clipboard Utility for
Windows95/NT. ClipMate remembers all items
that you copy to the Windows Clipboard. Lets
you view, edit, combine, and print clipboard
data. Support for most clipboard formats,
including BMP, Picture, RTF, OLE, and More!
New Features: Flexible Collections, twin 16
and 32-bit versions, bitmap printing.
Shareware $25 by THORNSOFT Development 
19826 CM95-107.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.06.1998 - - -
ClockMan95 Event Scheduler v1.0.072 Automate nearly any application or internet  task with the most comprehensive task  scheduler for Windows95, NT 3.51 & NT 4.0.  Integrated award-winning WIL windows-based  batch language (over 500 functions) allows  users to automate multi-step and complex  tasks. Automation Assistants automatically  write scripts for popular 3rd party programs. http://www.clockman95.com
62179 CM9510.ZIP 1299131 25.12.1996 - - -
ClockMan95 v1.0 is a powerful automation
utility for Win95. It allows you to perform
automatic downloads, backups, virus scans,
and much more at user-specified times. Other
features include reminder facilities and a
date and time bar.
19827 CMD67B.ZIP 628378 23.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
WinOne v6.7b - Super Command Shell for
Win95/NT - WinOne is a Command Language
Interpreter for Windows similar in concept to
CMD.EXE except that it has been designed to
enable you get the most out of Windows.
WinOne provides a variety of capabilities
that CMD.EXE does not and attempts to make
Windows easier to use when there is a need to
work at the command line level. Visit my Web
page at http://www.cia.com.au/luke
19828 CMDUTILS.ZIP 65,2 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
CmdUtils 1.2A collection of a few free utilities to make life at the Win95/NT4 command line a bit easier and more flexible
19829 CMPEX141.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.12.1997 - - -
"ComparEx Version 1.4.1ComparEx detects system changes during installation and starts of a program. It optionally logs changes in the registrywin.inisystem.iniconfig.sysautoexec.batthe windows and windows system directoryin aninternetdirectory collection and in an additional user definable directory collectionoptionally with subdirectories."
19830 CMPTKV10.ZIP 2,2 Mt 12.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
"ComputrackerProgram for parents to control and log their childrens computer activities."
19831 CNOPPA11.ZIP 287,1 kt 10.05.2001 - - -
Cyberpunk-Noppa 1.1  Avustaa pelinjohtajaa Cyberpunk-roolipelissä hahmonluonnin ja satunnaisten noppatulosten kanssa. Freeware By LeftOver Production
19832 CNTDWN11.ZIP 371,6 kt 18.05.1997 - MBCD -
CountDown 97 Freeware utility which will give you the age of something in years,  months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Also displays the total number of elapsed  seconds, minutes, hours, and weekends in a  countdown type of format. Up to 25 items can  be added.   Displays items in the future  and the past.   Use it to track time until birthdates,  anniversaries. Designed for Windows 95.
19833 CNVRT410.ZIP 152,9 kt 21.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Convert v4.10Ilmainen yksikkömuunnosohjelma
19834 CON97M.ZIP 81,4 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
Con97M A software that let you choose to run Windows 95, Dos prompt or Windows 3.x while you are booting up your system. It has a menu for you to choose to run Windows 95, Dos prompt, Windows 3.x, and/or other applications.
19835 CONV32.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Convert It! SE 3.55 Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 catagories of conversions with a custom you set up. You can edit the conversion factorsaddchange or delete units. Turn off the conversions you dont need. Catagories include TemperatureMassVolumeTimeAreaAngle and more. Customizable. 32-bit version. In use by many Fortune 500FedGov. and individuals."
19836 CP203.ZIP 742 kt 03.05.2000 - - -
Photocopier v2.03Photocopier turns your scanner and printer into a
user-friendly photocopier. You simply put a document
onto your scanner, start Photocopier, and press the
"Copy" button. After a few moments, your printer
produces a copy of the document. In addition, you can
select the number of copies, the type of copy (black
and white, grey scale, or color), the magnification
(100% or 70%), and the level of contrast.
19837 CP213.EXE 675,1 kt 07.01.2001 - - -
Photocopier 2.13Photocopier turns your scanner and printer into a
user-friendly photocopier. You simply put a document 
onto your scanner, start Photocopier, and press the 
"Copy" button. After a few moments, your printer 
produces a copy of the document. In addition, you can select the number of copies, the type of copy (black 
and white, grey scale, or color), the magnification 
(100% or 70%), and the level of contrast. 
19838 CPUCOOL9.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.02.2000 - 22682/cd joystick no115 mai 2000 cd 2.iso -
CPUCool v5.1.0 (Windows 9x)CPUCool is capable of monitoring temperature, fan speed, 
voltages for many motherboards. It works with all chipsets 
from Intel, ALI, VIA, and AMD, as well as SIS 5595 
motherboards. You can see the temperature, voltage and fan 
values of your motherboard chipset.
19839 CPUCOOLN.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
CPUCool v5.10 (Windows NT/2000)CPUCool is capable of monitoring temperature, fan speed, voltages for many motherboards. It works with all chipsets 
from Intel, ALI, VIA, and AMD, as well as SIS 5595 
motherboards. You can see the temperature, voltage and fan 
values of your motherboard chipset.
19840 CPUIDL55.ZIP 960,9 kt 28.05.1999 - - -
"CpuIdle v5.5CpuIdle lowers the CPU temperature by disabling it when not needed. This prolongs the CPU life (a dedcrease by 10C doubles the life span) and cuts power consumption. Unlike normal power management CpuIdle is active all the time and works even then youre actively usin your computer. http://www.bugcomputer.com/cpuidle/"
19841 CPULD200.ZIP 403,6 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
CPU Load v2.00 CPU Load is a 32-bit software for Windows 95 and 98 that monitors the CPU Load (or Usage). Display includes a CPU Indicator, a CPU Usage History and a system tray icon as a CPU meter. FREEWARE. Web site at http://www.idyle.com
62349 CQUARD.ZIP 1587937 05.01.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Norton CrashGuard 1.0 (Freeware Edition)
Copyright 1996 Symantec Corporation.
CrashGuard vartioi konetta ja antaa sinun
korjata tilanteen mikäli se tunnistaa jonkin
ohjelman kaatuneen. Vaatii win95.
19842 CRC.EXE 28122 12.01.1996 - - -
CRC Checksum Utility for Office 95
19843 CROCO.ZIP 223,7 kt 11.09.2000 - - -
Little Crocodile v1.01 for Win95/98/NTThis program is a simple and secure password manager for storing your frequently 
used passwords. Password information can be stored and edited with this easy to use 
program. This information includes your passwords, logins, web site URL and application 
addresses. Passwords can be copied to the Clipboard and pasted into other login 
programs. Web sites and application can be run. Freeware.
1) Account keeper (Logins, Passwords,   URLs and Applications) 
2) Random password generator 
3) Professional encryption algorithm
19844 CROWD13.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Crowd Control v1.3Exciting new program to take control of your Windows 95 computer. Manage multiple users by setting up user accounts with password protection. Each user has a separate Desktop, Start Menu, & Win 95 folders; restrictions can be placed on users to minimize the risk that other users will delete important files or configurations. 30-day evaluation copy.  Sahalie Software. Web: http://www.sahalie.com 
19845 CRPLT211.ZIP 990,5 kt 08.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
CurvePlots v2.11CurvePlots helps you to look at the plots of mathematical equations.
19846 CRYPT32.ZIP 578,7 kt 09.07.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Ncrypt Provides facilities for file encryption, compression and archiving in Win95/NT. It also includes features for sending and receiving encrypted email.
19847 CSTMIZ46.ZIP 611,5 kt 20.04.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Customizer 2000 v4.6.2Customizer 2000 allows you to tweak the registry
settings through a safe, graphical interface.The program
lets you explore the many hidden settings in Windows
95 and 98, and make changes. Modifying a setting
simply involves reading a helpful description, and
clicking a checkbox. Customizer 2000 allows you to
change boot-up options, as well as your registered
name and organization, and the location of the
Windows directory. http://customizer.tripod.com/
19848 CT32_123.ZIP 310,4 kt 03.09.1997 - - -
Crypt-o-text 32-bit v1.23
19849 CTLOAD.EXE 22,7 kt 03.02.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Vastaa config.sysin device -komentoa dosissa.
19850 CUTIL210.ZIP 550782 04.12.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
clySmic Win32 Utilities V2.10 
A collection of 32-bit desktop utilities for
Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, and NT 4.0 beta
Included are a drag 'n' drop Wallpaper
selector, an Exe File Info utility, a System
Info utility, a user-controlled Random
Wallpaper program, and File Manager
19851 CW_220B.ZIP 377,1 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
ClockWise 2.20b Win95/98 event scheduler that runs any program completely unattended!   Schedule up to 100 alarms and programmed events.  Can set the system clock via NTP (Internet) or to the atomic clock at NIST. Alarms/reminders, timers, stopwatch, more. NEW:  On-line timer with monthly summary! Shareware from RJ Software.
19852 CWIZ20A.ZIP 4,2 Mt 03.04.2001 - - -
Calendar Wizard v2.0aCreate your own personalized, printable calendars with your choice of pictures, design elements, fonts, colours and your special days. Build calendars for any year from 1583 onward. Print double-sided pages like commercial wall calendars. Exchange calendars with other Calendar Wizard users. WIN 95/98/ME/2000/NT - Released Jan 17, 2001 Shareware, Alchemy Mindworks Inc. $25.
19853 CYBR0111.ZIP 5,2 Mt 13.10.2000 - - tupla
Cybercorder 2000 v1.1Cybercorder 2000 provides VCR-like recording for radio shows or any audio input. Recordings are stored on disk with optional audio compression to save disk space. Recordings can easily be played back by selecting the recording from a list of completed recordings. The customizable playback window allows you to easily advance the recording forward and reverse various step sizes. $19.95 
19854 CYGNUS.ZIP 324,7 kt 04.08.1997 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
CygnusCygnus is a fast hex editor for Win95/NT. Features include an MDI interface, multi-level undo/redo, extensive drag and drop support, fast and flexible search, and more.
19855 DATAIM50.ZIP 945,9 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
DataImport(tm) v5.0 File utility that converts between dozens of different commonly-used file formats such as Excel, Access and Lotus.
19856 DC1038.ZIP 406,7 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
DirectControl 1.0.38DirectX, APG, multi-monitor, ModeX and 3Dfx multi-purpose utility. See what your machine has eaten.
19857 DCC32.ZIP 123,5 kt 08.07.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
Day count calculator 1.0 This version of Day Count Calculator will only run on 32-bit versions of Windows. It has been tested on Windows 95 and Windows NT at the time of release.
62680 DCOPY32.ZIP 36404 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
(v3.2) Dcopy32.zip - DiskCopy V3.2
DiskCopy is a simple little 32-Bit program
for creating duplicate disks. Unlike Explorer
which needs to read the source disk for each
disk you wish to create, DiskCopy prompts
you for the number of copies you have in
mind, making for a much quicker operation.
Shareware $10.00 U.S. VB40032.DLL required.
Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
20340 DD32_1-1.ZIP 37116 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DATUM Directory v1.1 build 27
Program: DD.EXE
Programmer: Nader Sahib Eloshaiker
Release   : 26/6/95
This program was  written  for  the
WIN32 sub-system, that is it will only
22111 DELETE.ZIP 15866 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Poistaa tiedoston ja siirtää sen roskakoriin.
22361 DESKL.ZIP 14568 08.10.1996 koko¹ MBHH2000 -
Imp's Desk List Versio 1.03.
Laittaa ikonin tehtäväpalkkiin, jota
klikkaamalla saat listan kaikista työpöydällä
olevista ikoneista.
62824 DF95_20.ZIP 576210 31.03.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip tupla
Drag And File Win 95/NT File Manager. Copy,
move delete from multiple windows. Lists
files from tagged directories or drives.
Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters.
Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts.
Context menus. Left and right button drag and
drop. Very tight integration with companion
program Drag And Zip.
19860 DICT_FIN.EXE 238,3 kt 08.03.2000 - - -
Dictionary v2.5 suomiIlmainen sanakirja suomen ja englannin kielen välille
19861 DICT_FRE.EXE 494,1 kt 08.03.2000 - - -
Dictionary v2.5 ranskaIlmainen sanakirja ranskan ja englannin kielen välille
19862 DICT_GER.EXE 1,2 Mt 08.03.2000 - - -
 Dictionary v2.5 saksaIlmainen sanakirja saksan ja englannin kielen välille
19859 DICT2000.ZIP 2,7 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
Dictionary 2000A multilingual electronic dictionary for Windows. Languages include English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Italian and others.
22366 DINFRM.ZIP 1203673 08.10.1996 - - -
Desktop Informant 1.1
Pitämällä hiirtä hetken ikonin päällä, saat
esille "puhekuplan", jossa on nimi, tyyppi
sekä koko.
19863 DKL1174A.ZIP 1,6 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
Diskeeper Lite for Windows NT v1.1.174a(x86) Defragmenter for Windows NT (NTFS/FAT), req. Service Pack 3.
19864 DLL32-42.ZIP 286,7 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
DLL Master v4.2 Lists modules in MS Windows 95 or Windows NT memory, with src path and filestats. Load, unload, decrement DLL use count. Multiple lists, compare, print, save, restore. Version and header info.
19865 DLLSHOW.ZIP 68,1 kt 30.06.1997 - 23357/Chip_Hitware_Vol_08.iso -
DLL Show Displays current DLLs and dependencies.
19866 DLME9X11.ZIP 712,6 kt 28.01.2001 - - -
DeviceLock Millennium Edition 1.1Helppokäyttöinen työkalu joka mahdollistaa siirrettävien massamuistilaitteiden (diskettiaseman, CD-ROM -asemien, jne) käytön estämisen tietokoneella. Kun ohjelma on asennettu, järjestelmänhaltija voi määrätä käyttöoikeuksia laitteisiin eri käyttäjille, jopa eri kellonaikoihin ja viikonpäiviin. Myös etäkäyttö on mahdollista. Windows 95/98/Me. Shareware. http://www.ntutility.com/dlme/
19867 DLNKFREE.ZIP 19,4 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
"Deadlink Finder v1.1Deadlink finder is a handy utility to get rid of the clutter that is left behind in the startmenu after uninstalling programs by hand or removing programs that dont have a uninstall feature that takes care of removing shortcuts."
19868 DLNT4106.ZIP 871,4 kt 28.01.2001 - - -
DeviceLock v4.1.06Järjestelmänhaltija voi ohjelmalla määrätä käyttäjäryhmille oikeuksia laitteisiin (kuten COM- ja LPT -portteihin, levykeasemiin, CD-ROM -asemiin, jne) paikallisella tietokoneella. Myös etäkäyttö mahdollista. Windows NT/2000. Shareware. http://www.ntutility.com/dlme/
19869 DLT120.ZIP 740,5 kt 10.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
DLTypes v.1.20 Easily manage your Win95 file types. DLTypes retrieves all registered file types from the Windows 95 registry and presents them in an easily accessed Window for selection either by file extension or file type. After the selection has been made, modifying the default icon and associated actions as well as adding or removing file extensions can be easily done.
19870 DM131.ZIP 59084 03.11.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
DOS MODE for Windows 95 v1.31
DOS MODE enhances support
for multi configs under Windows 95.  Allowing
you  to  create multi-configs  that control
which operating system, DOS or Windows 95,
you want to use for the session,  as well as
allows you run specified command lines for
the Windows  session, or  for  the  DOS
session.   It does  not alter  your registry
files   to  provide  this service.
20346 DOCMAN21.ZIP 116339 25.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DOCMAN21.ZIP: DocMan 2.1 DocMan is a 32-BIT
Windows95 application that extends the
functionality of the "Documents" folder in
the "Start" menu. DocMan allows you to open
documents, load/save document lists, remove
one, some, or all documents, protect
documents from removal, add documents, and
more. The "save options" bug has been fixed.
New & Improved Interface, More Features
22123 DOSLFN10.ZIP 26671 04.05.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DOSLFNBK v 1.0 - Backs up/restores Win95
long filenames in DOS
19871 DriveIcon 1.2 408,5 kt 22.03.2001 - - -
Drive icons 1.20 (Autorun.inf editor) Customize your hard drive icons! Needs VB40032.DLL to run merry@mbnet.fi http://merrysoft.cjb.net Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Vesa Piittinen
19872 DRPRNT15.ZIP 425,8 kt 05.04.2000 - - -
DirPrint v1.5Ohjelma, jolla saat tuotettua erilaisia hakemistolistauksia tekstimuodossa. Ilmainen.
22125 DRSIZ.ZIP 1385260 21.08.1996 - MBCD -
DIRSIZ32 2.0
Dirsiz32 is a 32-bit Windows 95 application
that displays drive or directory size
information. FREEWARE
19873 DRVICO11.ZIP 397,3 kt 10.09.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Drive icons 1.10 (Autorun.inf editor) by Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft Customize your hard drive icons! Needs VB40032.DLL to run merry@mbnet.fi http://merrysoft.cjb.net Copyright (c) 2000 Vesa Piittinen
20350 DTOP10.ZIP 9546 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Have you ever tried to get back to the
Windows 95 desktop for a moment after
opening more than one DOS windows?  If
so, you know the frustration.  DTOP
version 1.0 offers the convenience of
using ALT-Tab to return to the Windows
95 desktop, no matter how many DOS
windows you have open.
22132 DUW120.ZIP 272627 21.11.1996 - 12773/12000.zip -
DUW - Disk Usage V1.20 for Windows 95/NT.
DUW shows you where your precious hard disk
space is used. Freeware!
19874 DV95.EXE 2 Mt 08.05.1998 - 23346/CHIP_HITWARE6_B.iso -
Drag And View v4.0cView files manipulates and converts graphic files and does Screen Captures. Edit text files. Views most popular database, word processor, spreadsheet, graphic and multimedia formats, plus also ASCII and HEX. Copy to clipboard, print, search and goto functions. Rotate graphics and save in other bitmap formats. Plays AVI, MRI, MID and WAV files.
63271 DV95122C.ZIP 664692 01.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Drag And View For Win 95/NT v.1.22c .View
files in Win 95 with right button. Edit
text files. Views most popular database,
word processor, spreadsheet, graphic and
multi media formats, plus also ASCII and
HEX. Copy to clipboard, print, search and
goto functions. Rotate graphics and save
in other bitmap formats. Plays AVI, MRI,
MID and WAV files. ASP Shareware.
19875 DVDPR097.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
DVD ProfilerDVD Profiler is simply the best way to catalog your DVD addiction! 

19876 DWEBC10.EXE 11,3 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
Digicam WebcastDiqicam Webcast on internetkameraohjelmisto, jolla voi lähettää liikkuvaa kuvaa internetiin helposti ja nopeasti. Ohjelma toimii web- ja videoserverinä, johon katsojat (maks. 10 yhtäaikaista) ottavat yhteyden omalla webbiselaimellaan. Web-lähetyksen katsomiseen riittää toisessa päässä tavallinen Javaa tukeva internet-selain. Ohjelma tukee kaikkia tavallisimpia webkameroita ja kuvankaappauskortteja, joilla on Video for Windows-ajurit. Asennuspaketissa kaikki tarvittavat tiedostot.
19877 DXL95_11.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.07.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
DesignExpress Labels v1.1The ultimate  label program and utility desktop publisher.  Professional designs, full Avery support, and more! Label sets, fonts, rotated text,  pictures, graphic tools, OLE/2, WYSIWYG  editing. Powerful and easy. Includes built-in Address Book. Optimized for laser and inkjet  printers. From the award winning team at  MicroVision Development. Member SPA, ASP, and STAR.
19878 Easy Cardfile Professional v.2.0 2,3 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
Easy Cardfile Professional v.2.0 (Shareware) (c) VPKSoft 2001  Easy Cardfile Professional on erittäin tehokas ja monipuolinen kortisto-ohjelma. Laitteistovaatimus: Windows 98+/Windows 2000. 4 MB muistia.
19879 EBAK250.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso -
JVDE EBackup Standard 2.50 Allows you to encrypt and decrypt files, send encrypted e-mails and wipe files from your hard drive. Three strong encryption algorithms. Freeware
19880 EBOT.EXE 1,8 Mt 19.01.2000 - - tupla
"eBot 3.0.3 Electronic robot that sits on a subscribers computer desktopdelivers the latest software releasespatches and bug fixes relevant to the users computer system. eBot 
searches its database for updates and sends the subscriber only the free updates or software offers applicable to his or her system. "
19881 ECD76W95.ZIP 241,6 kt 29.06.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO tupla
ESS-Code v7.632-BIT Windows95/NT Version ESS-Code converts binary data (pictures, sound, applications) to 
plain-text for transmission on networks that cannot handle binary data.  Supports UUE, UUD, MIME, 
UNMIME, SHIP, UNSHIP, BTOA, ATOB, file splitting/joining, filtering, and a comprehensive batch 
language.  100% 32-BIT, FULLY MULTITHREADED, Drag & Drop, There is an optional *WIZARD* 
19882 ECLEA1_5.EXE 1,2 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
EasyCleaner version 1.5EasyCleaner is a small program which 
searches registry entries pointing nowhere,
duplicate files, unnecessary files etc..
19883 ECLEA1_7.EXE 1,4 Mt 19.06.2000 - MBHH2002 -
EasyCleaner 1.7fEtsii ja poistaa vialliset rekisteritietueet, duplikaattitiedostot, turhat tiedostot ja vialliset 
Käynnistä-valikon kuvakkeet. Näyttää myös kiinnostavaa tietoa levysi käytöstä.
Windows 95/98/2000/NT4
Väh. 486 66MhZ 8Mt RAM
19884 ECM.ZIP 171 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
"ExtendedCharacterMap v1.20aSoftware to view typeface characters. Like the standard Windows Character Mapbut displays LARGER sample characters which can be resized. And its absolutely FREE!!"
19885 EGGTIMER.EXE 34 kt 29.09.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Egg Timer 1.00 for Windows 95/98/NTA simple that counts down from up to 100 hours, showing hours, minutes and seconds. 
Small, and easy to use. Shareware.
19886 EH131.ZIP 272,6 kt 11.11.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Easy Reminder v1.31
19887 EIW302.ZIP 318205 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Encrypt-It v3.02 for Windows 95!
High performance - 32 bit - file
encryption program featuring
three way proprietary and Data
Encryption Standard (registered
version) encryption methods. Up to
2 billion files can be encrypted,
decrypted, or securely wiped at a
time in a batch mode.  Provides
protected key entry, auto key
19888 EMFD9706.ZIP 124,8 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
"Encrypted Magic Folders v97.06Automated & transparent encryption! Select folders whose files you want encrypted and EMF not only makes those folders and files completely invisible to others but decrypts and encrypts the files automatically and transparently as you use them.  You wont even know youre using encrypted files as EMF does all the work behind the scenes.  RSE Shareware $59. Win95"
19889 EMPTEMP.EXE 268,8 kt 01.03.2001 - - -
Empty Temp Folders 2.23Tyhjentää väliaikaishakemistoihin kertyneet turhat tiedostot pois tilaa viemästä. Ilmainen.
19890 ENFRC30.ZIP 369,7 kt 22.07.1997 - MBCD -
Windows Enforcer v3.0WE is a system security package for Win95/NT that allows you to specify that certain tasks either never run or always run. It is easy to configure and requires little to no modifications to your current system configuration.
19891 ENQEC10.ZIP 138 kt 29.03.1999 - MBCD -
Quick Euro Converter v1.0
19892 ENVARS.EXE 28052 12.09.1995 - - -
Tools for utilizing MS-DOS environment
variables in Windows 95
19893 EPWNTP2.EXE 983,8 kt 27.11.1997 - 23117/chip-cd_1997_03.zip -
SuperPrint v4.0 SuperPrint is a set of advanced printing tools for Windows 95 and NT designed to provide you faster, better and smoother printing.
19894 ERS32-44.ZIP 172,6 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
ERS32Pro v4.4 Emergency Recovery System 32 bit. Windows 95 only.  Win95 system files are backed-up and you are able to restore them (including the Windows Registry). ERS32 has proven to be an excellent and reliable backup and restore program.
19895 ERUZIP.EXE 65593 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 Emergency Recovery Utility
19896 ESAVER.ZIP 188,8 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
EnergySaver 2.11. Provides power management to Energy Star compliant monitors under Windows NT. 
19897 ESBCALC.ZIP 539,2 kt 27.03.2001 - 23400/Chip_2001-06_cd1.bin -
"ESBCalc 2.01ESBCalc is a small keypad-style scientific calculator thats written in Delphi 5 and includes full source code. Its attractiveeasy to useand -- best of all -- free. In addition to the basicsit includes full memory functions and result history support. TangentSineCosineLogPercentExponentand Root buttons are also
available. Other features include custom color choicesClipboard supportand system-tray support. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by ESB Consultancy. http://www.esbconsult.com.au/esbcalc.html"
19898 EURLAS12.ZIP 13,4 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Eurolaskin v1.2 Kotimaista tuotantoa. Vaatii VB5:n 32-bittiset runtime-kirjastot.
19900 EURO1.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Euro v1.0UPEAN graaffisen ja käyttäjä- ystävällisen käyttöliittymänsä ansiosta PARAS saatavilla oleva ILMAINEN, Euro-konversio- ohjelma, jolla käännät helposti ja vaivattomasti Markat Euroiksi ja päinvastoin. Vaatii WIN 95/98/NT. 
19899 EURO12.EXE 160 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Eurolator 1.2Laskin kaikille EMU-valuutoille
19901 EUROMAST.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Euro Master v 1.00 Beta Euro Masterilla voit muuttaa markat ja dollarit euroiksi! Palautetta : lasse_laaksonen@hotmail.com Lisätietoja: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Bunker /1778/
19902 EUROT01.ZIP 130,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
EurolaskuriJälleen yksi Eurolaskuri. Käyttää läpinäkyvää lomaketta. Win95/98/NT Paketissa kaikki tarvittavat. ( 1 tiedosto purettuna 316 kb ) Lue.mut Asennuksesta. Freeware!
19903 EXCELV80.ZIP 3,7 Mt 08.11.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Excel Viewer 97 8.0 is designed to make it easy for you to exchange Microsoft Excel documents with other people and view them on-line. The Excel Viewer allows you to open, view, Auto-Filter, and print Excel for Windows (versions 2.0 or greater) and Excel for the Macintosh (versions 2.2a or greater) files.
19904 EXEDEPE.ZIP 146,5 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
EXEdependThis handy little utility scans any .EXE file and produces a list of the .DLL files it is dependant on. Very useful. 486 8 MB Win95
19905 FA0600AD.EXE 32,5 Mt 22.02.2001 - - -
First Aid 2000As soon as your computer starts up, First Aid begins monitoring for Windows problems. It will examine the entire PC, including your Internet setup (modem, browser, ISP), and fix the parts that are broken. It can even send email to hardware or software manufacturers for help on the most complex problems. 
19906 FASTPAD.ZIP 571,2 kt 06.09.2000 - - -
FastPadon nopea ja helppokäyttöinen tekstieditori useilla toiminnoilla. Tarvitsee: win95/98/2000, vb6 runtime-kirjastot.
19907 FASTRE95.ZIP 425,2 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Fast Return Recover from serious Win95 crashes.
19908 FASTVIVB.ZIP 2,9 Mt 29.03.2000 - - -
FASTview v2.01FASTview näyttää monia erilaisia tiedostoformaatteja, nopeasti
ja helppokäyttöisesti. Tukee mm. teksti-, html-, kuva-, ääni-
ja videotiedostoja.
22139 FATWST.ZIP 10535 06.09.1996 - - -
Fatwaste v1.0 is a program to determine the
amount of space wasted by FAT on your drive's
filesystem. Fatwaste is a Win32 console
program, which should run under both Windows
95 and NT. It has been tested under Windows
95. It may or may not run under Win32s-
you're welcome to try it, but use under
Win32s is unsupported.
19909 FCALC1-0.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
Fast Calculator v1.0Laskukone, johon lausekkeet voi kirjoittaa suoraan näppäimistöltä. Ohjelma halitsee myös muuttujat ja
funktiot. Mukana on sekä ohjelma DOSsille ja Windowssille (95/98/Me). Ohjelma on Freewarea.
19910 FCP3.EXE 1,3 Mt 29.08.2000 - MBHH2002 -
The Font Creator Program v3.0 beta 1Monipuolinen ohjelma truetype-fonttien tekoon. Kirjainten pohjana voi käyttää BMP-kuvia tai ne voi luoda alusta asti tällä ohjelmalla. Mukana asennusvelho, jolla fontin saa asennettua muiden Windows-fonttien sekaan. Sharewarea 30 päivän kokeiluajalla.
64075 FEARNOT.ZIP 14827 18.10.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09962.iso tupla
FearNot Windoze 95 System Lock
Kysyy ajettaessa salasanan, jonka jälkeen
lukitsee koneesi. Oikealla salasanalla taas
"avataan" koneesi.
Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL-tiedoston.
19911 FFSETUP.ZIP 110 kt 11.03.2000 versio ? 17121/TEKNO GAMES 3-1999 CD1.iso -
FastFolders v2.42FastFolders is a system extension which increases your
productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program modifies the context menus of shell objects, adding a menu item which displays the directory structure on demand. If you drag 
and drop an object on a folder or drive using the right mouse button, you can copy or move the object(s) to any folder of your computer by selecting it from the FastFolders menu.
19912 FICONFIX.ZIP 2,1 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
IconfixPikakuvakkeiden rekisteripäivitys suomenkielisiin Windowseihin Lue tietoa.txt purettuasi paketin Päivityksen on tehnyt Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft E-mail: merry@mbnet.fi Kotisivu: http://merrysoft.cjb.net
19913 FKEY.ZIP 73941 19.09.1996 - - -
Fastkey is utility program for Microsoft
Windows 95 and NT that allows you to control
and extend the function of any key on your
keyboard. It provides the ability to assign a
command, text string, key script, and sound
to any key. SHAREWARE $20
19914 FLOCKW95.ZIP 249,4 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Future LockFuture Lock a very good program for restricting and locking Windows 95. The program will let you setup diferent restrictions for difrent user.
19915 FLUT156N.ZIP 751580 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
Flute v1.56 -- scripting language for
Windows 3.1x and Windows 95 (automatically
adapts to suit the operating system).
Flute supports control of programs using:
- Mouse, keyboard, menu and other user
interface manipulations
- DDE Communications
- Windows Acts (functions performed by
windows themselves)
Revision: March 13 1996
22145 FMS311NT.ZIP 166889 23.02.1996 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
File Manager StepUp  v.3.31 for Win NT -
featured in Windows Magazine, Windows User,
Windows World, etc., FM StepUp makes your
File Manager work better: provides history
lists & 3D effects for dialog boxes,
customizable Execute Menu and Quick Menu a'la
Windows 95, useful utilities; means to easily
create, view, and edit arbitrary files, and
*much* more. Works with the New Shell!
19916 FNTLS332.EXE 877,3 kt 10.01.1999 - - -
"FontLister v3.3.2 FontLister is a fast Font Manager for Windows 95/98/NT4. With this program youll never have troubles finding a font for a special task. Now youll be able to browse all your fonts CD without first installing them. If Fontlister is able to print complete samples of all fonts - the dont even have to be installed."
19917 FONTCH21.ZIP 176,6 kt 17.04.1997 - 10610/Infomagic - NT Source Volume 1 (Disc 2 of 2).iso -
FontChart v2.132Bit-Version for WinNT/95 Zoomable charmap which displays installed and *not-installed* Fonts. Makes it easy to install or remove Fonts. Drag & Drop...
19918 FONTF32.ZIP 483 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
FontFinder 32A well-designed font utility that provides a quick and easy way to view all the fonts on your system. Win95
19919 FONTFIND.EXE 727 kt 28.07.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
FontFinder 32 v5.73FontFinder allows you to quickly browse all of your installed system fonts 
simultaneously by displaying each in its own font face. It has a Font Explorer 
tool that browses all fonts, installed and uninstalled, anywhere on your hard 
drive or CD-ROM. It can display hidden TrueType font file information, font 
preview, and character sets with their decimal, hexidecimal, and ASCII equivalents. 
It also has reports you can print. Version 5.5 has new and improved Font Reports, 
including user formatted page layout. It also allows you to preview and print 
sample sheets of both installed and uninstalled fonts, and more. This download 
is a 30-day trial. The registered version costs $25. 
19920 FONTIHME.ZIP 4 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Fontti-IhmeFontti-ihme on pieni ja kätevä fontinesitysohjelma kaikenikäisille. Vaatii: 32-bittinen Windows ja VB4-kirjastot. Tehnyt: Kerrostalo Productions.
19921 FONTO.ZIP 733,7 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
Font-O-Matic A font utility for Windows 95
19922 FONTSHOW.ZIP 17,9 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
FONTSHOW Font Display/Print v1.0Small and Simple Font Display
19923 FORTNA10.ZIP 385101 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Fortuna v1.0, a simple fortune cookie
display program for Windows 95.
19924 FP2000.EXE 1,6 Mt 17.04.2001 build 35 MBHH2001 -
FinePrint 2000 build 46 for Windows 95/98Save time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com 
19925 FP2000NT.EXE 1,7 Mt 17.04.2001 build 35 MBHH2001 -
FinePrint 2000 build 46 for Win 2000 & NTSave time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19926 FP2K35.EXE 1,6 Mt 12.12.2000 - - -
FinePrint 2000 build 35 for Windows 95/98Save time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and
printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a
single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much
paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19927 FP2K35NT.EXE 1,7 Mt 12.12.2000 - - -
FinePrint 2000 build 35 for Win 2000 & NTSave time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and
printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a
single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much
paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19928 FREEMEM.ZIP 155,8 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
Free Memory Tool Enables you to gain control over your physical memory. Allocate and free any specified amount of memory, making Windows 95/NT swap out unused programs and DLLs. The effect is that you get more free physical RAM which makes working a lot smoother.
64309 FRITER10.ZIP 1687182 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
//vaNaSoft FakeWriter 1.0
FakeWriter on ohjelma juuri Sinulle, joka
haluat hyödyntää tietokonetta jopa
käsinkirjoittaessasi. Jos juuri Sinun
äidinkielen opettajasi ei hyväksy koneella
kirjoitettua ainetta, niin miksi et siis
kirjoittaisi sitä käsin?
//vaNaSoft FakeWriter kirjoittaa juuri Sinun
tekstauskäsialaasi aivan kuin juuri Sinä
olisit pitänyt kynää kädessäsi.
Vaatii reilusti muistia ja hyvälaatuisen
tulostimen, sekä tietysti Win95:n.
19929 FRITER3.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.03.1998 - MBCD -
//vaNaSoft fakeWriter 3.0 Ohjelma oman käsialan tulostamiseen tietokoneella.
19930 FRWHL20.ZIP 181,7 kt 08.12.1997 - - -
FreeWheel v2.0 Provides mouse wheel support for applications which do not directly support IntelliMouse. Also provides window switching facilities. Run Setup.exe to install. Freeware. Freely distributable. Web page: http://www.thomson.com/yitm/FreeWheel
22391 FULLDRAG.ZIP 6172 13.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Full Window Drag 1.00
Tällä ohjelmalla voit siirtää ikkunaa
sisältöineen ilman Plus! pakettia.
19931 GATE42.EXE 1,3 Mt 09.05.2001 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Avirt Gateway v4.2Modeemiyhteyden jako-ohjelma. Ohjelma asennetaan sekä server-koneelle ja client-koneille.
19932 GEAR_42.EXE 2,6 Mt 06.09.1998 - - -
Gear v4.2 demoA professional CD writing program
19933 GERICO20.ZIP 182,4 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
Gerico v2.0Gericon avulla voi määrätä työpöydän kuvakkeiden paikan erikseen jokaiselle käyttäjälle. Voit tallettaa kuvakkeiden sijainnit ja palauttaa ne. Jos resoluutio vaihtuu Gerico laskee automaattisesti uudet kuvakkeiden sijainnit. Käyttäjälistaa voi helposti muokata lisäämällä ja poistamalla käyttäjiä. Voit myös piilottaa kuvakkeita muilta käyttäjiltä. Shareware.
64594 GRDUW.ZIP 244142 05.01.1997 - - tupla
GRDUW Disk Utility for Windows 95 V1.92. Full
Functional Shareware 32-bit (NOT Win/NT).
Support for 1.72MB and MS-DMF (1.68MB)
diskettes. Duplicate and Compare diskettes.
Save and Load Diskette binary images. Boot
sector check and recreate. Optimized disk
Format and Verify. Detailed disk information
display. Hard Disk/Diskette Repair
capability. Fully integrated with the
19934 GREP3211.ZIP 24054 25.08.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
32-bit GREP for Windows NT and Windows 95
Version 1.1.0
19935 GREPRG10.ZIP 14555 18.12.1995 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
* Opalis Grep_Reg v1.0 for Windows NT and
Windows 95 * Freeware utility to search for a
string on the registry
20364 GRUP32.ZIP 234146 21.11.1996 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Grouper v2.0, 32-bit file launcher.
The quick, easy way to organize
and launch files and programs.
Group files together and launch all,
organize all files of a project to
find and launch quickly. Win95
19936 GS403INI.ZIP 677,1 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 - common filesRequired common files for all platforms.
19937 GS403W32.ZIP 471 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 for Win32
19938 HA98-20.ZIP 148,9 kt 24.08.1998 - - -
Herra Ajastin 98 v2.0  Uusittu Herra Ajastin 98 joka toimii munakellon tai herätyskellon tavoin. Hälyttää joko äänellä tai videolla ihan miten haluat. Myös Komentoriviltä muutettavissa olevat toiminnot yksilöllisiin hälytyksiin - Win98/95/NT- koneille. Voidaan telakoida näytön yläreunaan kuten Tehtäväpalkki tai tehtäväpalkin tarjottimeen. Ym.. (kuten Office97-look ja animoitu piilotus). FREEWARE. Aikaisempien versioiden Bugit korjattu.  Tekijänä Tommi
19939 HACK402.ZIP 3,5 Mt 07.02.2000 - 744/Guide_to_Cracking_2002.iso -
Hackman 4.02Multi module hex editing platform. Full installation. Enlish version. This release includes kernel, 
core components, books online  and DLLs. To obtain the SDK visit 
http://members.tripod.com/techmasters. To obtain plugins & language 
packs visit http://members.xoom.com/TechAdmin/.
19940 HACK404U.ZIP 1 Mt 28.04.2000 - 744/Guide_to_Cracking_2002.iso -
Hackman Kernel Update 4.04Hackman is a hex editor and disassembler that includes a coder, a decoder, 
a disassembler, watches, and five monitors. Hackman 4.03 added 128-bit 
cryptography modules and some cosmetic bug fixes. Version 4.04 fixes 
several bugs, adds new cryptography modules, and features a rewritten fill dialog. 
19941 HACK504.ZIP 3,3 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
"Hackman 5.04 LiteMulti module hex editing platform.  
Interface: Multilingual. This release includes 
kernelcore componentsbooks onlineSDK and 
plugins. You need Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 runtimes 
to run this program. Visit Hackmans Web Site http://www.technologismiki.com/hackman/ the 
latest info about Hackman. ® 1996-2001 
22396 HDEWND.ZIP 21181 03.09.1996 - - -
Hidewindow 1.31 is a simple program that is
able to hide and "unhide" an application's
window. If the window is visible, the program
will hide it, otherwise, it will make it
visible again. FREE
19942 HDLED.ZIP 545599 03.09.1996 - MBCD -
Hard Disk LED v1.0
The main purpose of this program is to
simulate a hard disk light that flashes every
time there's a disk activity. The hard disk
led appears on the Windows 95 task bar and
flashes every time the system accesses
physical, direct access devices (i.e. your
hard drives). SHAREWARE $5
64734 HDSLEEP.ZIP 57606 21.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Hard Disk Sleeper for Windows 95 V 1.30
With HDSleep you can control the Power
Management of your IDE- and EIDE harddisk
drives even if your Computer-BIOS does not
support Power Management.
You are able to define suspend times for one
or all drives and you can activate/deactivate
the PM just with a mouse click.
HDSleep works with IDE- and EIDE-compatible
19943 HDSLP150.ZIP 68,1 kt 09.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Hard Disk Sleeper v1.50With HDSleep you can control the Power Management of your IDE- and EIDE harddisk drives even if your Computer-BIOS does not support Power Management. You are able to define suspend times for one or all drives and you can activate/deactivate the PM just with a mouse click. HDSleep works with IDE- and EIDE-compatible hard drives.
19944 HE32.ZIP 145,3 kt 27.03.1997 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip tupla
HEdit32 v1.2 Hexadecimal editor for binary files. Unlimited file size, drag-and-drop, binary and text search, selectable fonts, clipboard support, multiple document interface. File Manager extension for file viewing/editing and a simple text editor included. Requires Windows NT (Intel).
19945 HEXA.ZIP 36,7 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
Hexa v1.0Heksaeditori win95:lle.
19946 HF11.ZIP 494 kt 28.04.2001 - - -
Hide Folders 1.1Hide Folders and Hide Folders Pro are security tools which allow to hide folders out from users and applications. You need only to select folder(s) you wish to hide from unwanted eyes and ask software to hide these folders. Hide Folders and Hide Folders Pro work in the stealth mode. Hide Folders Pro allows to set a password for using this software. Free for Windows 95/98/Me. http://www.fspro.net/hf/index.html
22397 HIDEIT11.ZIP 74359 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
HIDE-IT! v1.1 for Windows 95 Small applet
that allows you to hide windows, taking them
out off the screen, off the taskbar and off
the ALT-TAB chain. This way you can hide
those windows that you want to keep open, but
you don't need to monitor very often, e.g.
(WFTPD, MS-Exchange, etc.).
21988 HLPMKR95.ZIP 1563679 21.11.1996 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Help Maker Plus 95 - allows you to
create professional-looking Win95 Help
files using Word 7.0. You can easily
create regular topics, popup topics,
simple jump destinations, hypertext
jumps, fixed regions, and more with the
ease of point-and-click. A Help compiler
is included.
64898 HSNAP265.ZIP 355279 04.12.1996 - - -
HyperSnap 2.65
brings professional quality, convenient
Windows 95 and NT screen captures to your
19947 HVIEW100.ZIP 390,4 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
HView 2000 v1.0.0 Freeware Hex Editor. Copyright (c) 1999 Bartolome Oliver. All Rights Reserved. This program does not load the full file in memory. This will let you edit 2GB files using few memory.
64937 HW32V210.ZIP 384960 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, is
a file and disk editor which allows you to
edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste
hex.  Additional features include goto, find,
replace, and compare.  New with this version
is the ability to launch Hex Workshop
from the Windows 95 Desktop/Explorer, and
File Manager.  You also get a Base Converter
(for converting hex, decimal, and binary),
and a Hex Calculator (+,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
19948 HW32V22.ZIP 890,7 kt 11.06.1997 koko? MBCD eritupla¹
Hex Workshop v2.2Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation.  You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator (supporting +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
19949 HYCAM150.ZIP 339,1 kt 18.10.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
HyperCam 1.50.00 HyperCam captures action from Win95 98 or NT screen in any graphics mode, including cursor movements and sound, and saves it to standard AVI movie files.  Can be controlled from other applications as Automation client. Perfect for demonstrations presentations and tutorials. http://www.hyperionics.com
19950 HYPCAM15.ZIP 328,8 kt 21.03.2000 - - -
HyperCam v1.51HyperCam captures action from Win95 
98 or NT screen in any graphics mode, 
including cursor movements and sound, and 
saves it to standard AVI movie files.  Can be 
controlled from other applications as 
Automation client. Perfect for demonstrations
presentations and tutorials.  
19955 I_M251C.ZIP 371404 22.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.51c Virus scanner and
data Integrity!  Works well under OS/2,
Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses! Hardware
glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
sabotage are detected.  If a virus strikes,
IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and now provides full CMOS protection!
19951 ICLK9540.ZIP 239,6 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Icon Clock v4.0A digital alarm clock which is high on visibility, and low on desktop space used.
22402 ICONCORL.ZIP 609666 19.08.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Icon Corral: Hide pesky minimized windows
Windows 95 Taskbar tray utility
22403 ICONSCT.ZIP 672984 04.12.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
IconScout - is a powerful icon browser
for Win95. Features include the ability
to change icon metrics and title fonts,
assign individual icons to shortcuts of
the shell, multi-language support, and
much more.
19952 ICQBACK.ZIP 322,3 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
JVDE ICQ Backup 2.20 - ICQ Backup UtilityHave you ever experienced that all of your ICQ data is gone after you formatted 
your drive or a fatal crash destroyed all your files ? JVDE ICQ Backup is the 
program to prevent that your ICQ data will be destroyed. Only a few clicks are 
required to save your ICQ data ! JVDE ICQ Backup supports ICQ 98 and ICQ 99(a/b). 
Freeware. Created by: Jeroen van de Erve. E-mail: jvderve@hotmail.com 
UIN: 8013646 PGP Public Key-ID: 0x4779AC45 http://www.jvde.demon.nl/JVDE_Software
19953 ICQRESQ.ZIP 96,9 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
BoySoft ICQ Rescue v3.5 (32-bit version)BoySoft ICQ Rescue is a simple utility for backing up your ICQ contacts list and bookmarks.
The files can be backed up to any drive and they can be restored quickly at any time if you ever
need to re-install ICQ. This new release offers additional backup options and supports ICQ98 and ICQ99.
65007 IDA.ZIP 144366 27.10.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso tupla
Instant Drive Access v1.06b
Avaa asemia suoraan tehtäväpalkista ikonia
napauttamalla. Näyttää vapaan levytilan ja
voit lisätä valikkoon myös omia ohjelmia.
19954 IDA144.ZIP 299,5 kt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Instant Drive Access v1.44: Puts an icon in the Windows 95/NT 4.0 traybar, from which you can access your disk drives without having to open My Computer or Explorer.
20372 IFA302.ZIP 370474 08.10.1995 - - -
INSTANT FILE ACCESS (tm) Version 3.02.8
enhances the Open-File dialogs of Windows
applications by adding file/directory recall,
file manager functions, a toolbar, floating
windows of frequently, accessed files global
file/text search and replace. Also allows
replacing of old style open dialogs with
standard Common File Open Dialog. Now works
with Windows 95
19956 IMESHV2.EXE 1,6 Mt 31.10.2000 - 14496/Internet News 2001-01 - CD-ROM.rar -
iMesh 2.00 beta 119iMesh is a search tool that lets you locate and download audio, image, and video files from the Web. The files you search for are located on the computers of other iMesh users. They have agreed to share their files with other people in the iMesh community. Searches can be conducted either from within the iMesh application, or through the iMesh Web site. iMesh searches only the files located on the computers of other members of the iMesh community. Freeware.
19957 IMGVIE12.ZIP 186,5 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Image Viewer v1.2Voit katsella kuvia tai etsiä niitä tietystä kansiosta.
22404 IMPVWM22.ZIP 31631 07.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
impvwm - The Imp Virtual Window Manager v2.02
This program is a 32-bit virtual window
manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT (with
the New Shell). It has currently only been
tested on Windows 95.
65112 INCTRL3.ZIP 244656 02.10.1996 - 23441/Chip-Shareware-Win95.bin -
InCtrl 3 (VERSION 3.01)Copyright (c)1996 Ziff
Davis Publishing Company InCtrl 3 lets you
track system changes made by Windows 95 and
Windows NT installation programs. Like InCtrl
2 for Windows 3.1, it tracks file additions
and deletions as well as changes made to .INI
files. In addition, it handles long filenames
and tracks changes to the Registry. InCtrl3
is a 32-bit program and requires Windows 95
or Windows NT.
19958 INCTRL4.ZIP 803,8 kt 04.04.2000 - 23378/Chip_1999-08_cd.bin -
InCtrl4 1.1Kertoo, mitä ohjelmien asennuksen aikana tapahtuu: mitä tiedostoja luodaan ja mitä lisäyksiä rekisteriin tehdään.
19959 INFOSYS.ZIP 590,7 kt 25.12.1997 - 4900/anatomia_pc.iso -
InfoSys v1.0 InfoSys is a shareware that displays system information on Windows 95, NT, and Win32s platform.
19960 INSTCLOK.EXE 194137 27.10.1996 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip -
DigiDay Clock v1.5
"Leijuva" digitaalinen kello. Näyttää
halutessa myös päivämäärän ja vapaan RAM:in.
Tasatunti hälytys.
19961 INWTCH95.ZIP 347501 10.02.1996 - MBCD -
InWatch95 V1.0 -  MUST HAVE for those who try
out numerous applications.  Track changes to
Windows95 directories, win.ini, system.ini,
msdos.sys and Registry (system.dat &
user.dat) from session to session and during
new application installation.  Mechanizes
safe unistallation with relationship checks
and cautions. Extremely useful for
troubleshootings problems resulting from
DLL,VBX, etc replacement. (Shareware $14.95)
19962 IRA210.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1999 - #hyrava -
IRAssistant v2.10Software for controlling your PC remotely. With IRAssistant you can control almost all Windows applications. No separate remote control applications or plug-ins are needed to control DVD, MP3 or CD-player, IRAssistant can control them all
19963 ITIMER.EXE 3,2 Mt 20.01.2000 - - tupla
Internet Timer 2.0.062Monitors call lengths, costs, total costs, statistics, user access, ISP usage, and much more. iT also provides control over applications for Internet connection and disconnection, user customisable alarms / timers, call limiters, unique call periods, parental restrictions. iT detects any Dial-up Networking, LAN or RAS Connection and iT also provides summaries, secure log files, graphical statistics, system tray access, full online help files and unlimited users / connections (with optional passwords).
19964 JOYCC.ZIP 289,8 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
The Joystick Control Centre JCC is software that allows you to program the buttons on any joystick in Windows 95. It lets you assign keystrokes to the buttons on your joystick and use these keystroke macros later in your favourite games.
19965 JRE130.EXE 4,9 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.3.0.Päivittää koneen ja selaimen Java-ominaisuudet versioon 1.3.
19966 JWLINR25.ZIP 698,5 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
JewlLinr v2.5A 32-bit Windows 9x application which prints and saves liners for CD Jewel boxes.
19967 KAZST75C.EXE 1 Mt 23.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
KazStamp v7.5cTulostaa siistit tekstit kirjekuoriin.
19968 KEYCLK11.ZIP 12,5 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
KeyClick v1.1 Piippaa aina kun painat jotain näppäintä
19969 KEYTEXT.ZIP 362,8 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
KeyText 1.02A keyboard macro program with hotkey, multiple clipboard, random quote, Keypad and Windows automation features.  Runs programs, displays reminders or alarms, even hourly chimes. Completely automate password dialogs etc. Shareware: 25 USD.
19970 KRNLTOYS.EXE 57120 05.01.1997 - MBCD -
The Windows 95 Kernel PowerToys.
19971 KT2K202.EXE 449,2 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
KeyText 2000 v2.02Multi-purpose text and automation utility. KeyText stores pices of text ready to be typed or pasted into any application at the press of a hotkey. http://www.mjmsoft.com/keytext.htm
19972 KYX9521C.ZIP 468 kt 25.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Keyboard Express v2.1c Keyboard Express is a Windows Keyboard Macro. Simply enter in text or auto-capture for easy playback. Assign over 500 hot keys with up to 5000 keystrokes each. Maintain multiple sets of macros. Easily add, modify, delete and copy hot keys. Temporarily disable hot keys. Add current date, time, delays, pauses, symbols. Use globally or for specific window. Schedule macros to play anytime and anywhere.
19973 LABELR10.ZIP 696,3 kt 08.11.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso -
CDLabeler v1.00 CDLabeler creates a custimized label for your Jewel CD Cases. Will support text & BMP.  Free to public by Coockoo Clock End. 
19974 LCINST.ZIP 6211182 02.10.1996 - - -
Lotus Components. 120-day free trial version.
19975 LCROCO10.ZIP 364,5 kt 15.05.2000 - - -
Little Crocodile v1.0Simple Secure Password Manager - Account keeper (Logins, Passwords, URLs and Applications) - Random password generator - Professional encryption algorithm. Freeware.
22159 LFNB.EXE 30923 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 Long File Name Backup utility
65699 LFNSRT12.ZIP 29583 19.08.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
(v1.2) LFNSORT: Win95 Directory Sorter. This
program sorts Win95 directory entries.  Sort
order may be by name, extension, date/time of
creation, modification or last access, file
size, or custom order.  Runs in DOS or Win95.
Shareware, $10.
19976 LGV152.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.12.2000 - - -
Logon Vaihtaja 1.5.2Vaihtaa Windowsin käynnistys- ja lopetuslogoja. Mukana 32 logoa. Win9x/ME kotisivu: http://ax.fiiu.org/
19977 LNKLSTCR.ZIP 410,5 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Linklist Creator v. betaLinklist Creator on linkkilistojen tekoon tarkoitettu ohjelma. Ohjelmaa on yksinkertaista käyttää sekä se on monipuolinen toiminnoiltaan.
19978 LOCK505.ZIP 459,1 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
The Lock 5.05 Login system protection program for Windows 95 workstations.
19979 LOCKIT.EXE 279,3 kt 20.01.2000 - 15606/PCM_0004.iso -
Lock-ItA small tool that lets you completely secure your PC while you are away. Multiple options let you control the security.
22415 LOGO95.ZIP 49710 15.10.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Logo changer for Windows 95
65834 LP16_32.ZIP 1092695 04.12.1996 - - -
LaunchPad (32-bit) - is a powerful and
flexible event scheduler for Win95/NT
that can help automate all kinds of
computer tasks as well as keep you
informed of important events. Features
include DDE commands, DOS commands, the
ability to set condition triggers, and
much more.
19981 LTPRO2.EXE 900,5 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
LockTight PRO v2.0Ohjelmalla voi salata tiedostoja helposti raahaamalla ja pudottamalla niitä ohjelmaan ja kirjoittamalla haluamasi avaimen joka voi olla jopa 65 kilotavun pituinen. Mukana 9 eri salausmenetelmää (XOR, Blowfish, CryptAPI, DES, Gost, RC4, Skipjack, TEA ja Twofish) joista voit käyttää yhtä tai vaikka useampaa peräkkäin varmistaaksesi salauksen. Freeware. http://www.welshware.com
19982 LUKKA40F.ZIP 508,3 kt 29.03.2000 - - -
Virtuaali Lukkari 4.0 beta2Lukujärjestyksen teko-ohjelma Tähän uuteen versioon on 
tullut esimerkikisi: - Toolbar - Ennustava teksitys - 
Teeman vali - Englannin kielinen versio (toinen zip-paketti)
Vaatii Visual Basic 6:n runtime tiedostot. Win95/98.
19983 LUKKA45.ZIP 642,2 kt 13.08.2000 - - -
Virtuaali Lukkari v4.5 Lukujärjestyksen teko-ohjelma. Huimasti parannuksia sitten 4.0 beta2:sen jälkeen. Kaikki laitettu uusiksi! Lue lisää: ReadMe.txt Tekijä: Valtteri Huttunen 
19984 MA101.ZIP 144033 03.09.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
MemoryAnalyst 1.01 for Windows 95
has been designed to help understanding how
Windows 95 manages its memory. Once loaded,
the application displays virtual memory and
physical memory as a real-time graph. You can
open and close other applications while
memoryanalyst is running and see how it
affects your system'a memory. SHAREWARE $12
22421 MAGICD.ZIP 10202 19.09.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Magic Desktop 1.1
is a small utility which will enabled you to
hide or show the Windows 95 or NT 4.0 desktop
icons. Note that if you make a double-click
on the desktop when icons are hidden it will
open the Start Menu. FREE
19985 MB23.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.03.2001 - 16112/pcfcd124-a.iso -
Modem Booster. Shareware.Ohjelma, joka nopeuttaa modeemiyhteyttä.
19986 MBM418.ZIP 1,3 Mt 26.07.2000 - 23728/PCWorld_2000-11_cd.bin -
"Motherboard Monitor 4.18This program will try to access one or more of the following chips: LM78LM78-jLM79LM80WinBond W83781DWinBond W83782DWinBond W83783SGL518SMGL520SMADM9240ADM1021ADM1020MAX1016MAX1016aFMS2701 and LM75 on your motherboard and will try to provide you with information about your motherboards temperaturevoltagesfan speeds and CPU temperature."
19987 MBNCLK10.ZIP 58,7 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
MBnet-kello v1.0 MBnet-logolla varustettu viisarikello Windows 95:lle. Sisältää pitkiä tiedostonimiä. Mukana C-kielinen lähdekoodi. Lue artikkeli MikroBitin numerosta 3/1997. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho.
19989 MBPROBE.ZIP 60,8 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22Tämä ilmainen ohjelma kertoo, kuinka lämmintä koneen sisällä on, kuinka nopeasti tuulettimet pyörivät ja muuta mielenkiintoista. Coppermine-Pentiumin omistajien kannattaa hakea ennemmin mbprobeE.zip-niminen tiedosto. Windows NT:ssä tarvitset lisäksi mbprobNT.zip-paketin.
19988 MBPROBEE.ZIP 63,3 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22eCoppermine-Pentiumille suunnattu versio MBProbe-ohjelmasta. Muut voivat hakea paketin MBprobe.zip.
19990 MBPROBNT.ZIP 14,6 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22Windows NT:ssä tarvittava lisäpalikka MBProbe-nimiseen ohjelmaan. Itse ohjelma on paketissa nimeltä MBProbe.zip.
19991 MC_101B.ZIP 129,1 kt 14.03.1999 - - -
Millenium Counter MCounter is a simple program to count the time until the millenium. 
19992 MCB.ZIP 164,5 kt 07.03.2000 renamed / versio 9.09 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
Multi Clipboard v9.15.01When filling in forms it is nice to have all the 
information on a given subject at your disposal. With 
Multi Clipboard you can just open the project of your 
choice and have access to 33 fields pertaining to a given
subject. At the click of any one of 33 button, you can 
copy up to 10240 characters of text into the Windows 
Clipboard system. Now you can go back to the form or any
Windows application and paste it. Shareware.
19993 MCLIP225.ZIP 162,2 kt 25.12.1997 - - -
"MClip v.2.25 Multiple Text Clipboard. Multiple text clippboard is a utility for everybody who are working with textfor example for programmers or editors. It just does what standard windows clipboard doesnt: remember all your previous Copy to clipboard commands in a Visual Studio like combo box and you can select any previous item to be pasted. You can also directly write your text to clipboard and also edit it"
19994 MCLIPBRD.ZIP 299,9 kt 19.01.2000 - - -
Multiple Clipboards 2.0 Multiple Clipboards is a useful free utility that expands Windows 95/98/NT clipboard up to ten. You simply switch from one to another. There is a little icon in the tray bar that indicates the active clipboard. It also displays the amount of memory used to tore the data, which is useful in systems with little memory. Freeware.
19995 MEMMON95.ZIP 131,2 kt 11.11.1997 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
MemMonitor95 for Windows 95
19996 MEMSTAT.ZIP 136,3 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
"MemStat 1.0 A desktop tray accessory which provides the user with a pop-up screen showing the PCs current memory statistics. Has information for PhysicalVirtualand Page-File sizes. Homepage: http://www.powerup.com.au/~marver"
19997 MEMTURBO.EXE 794,7 kt 23.10.2000 - 23399/Chip_2001-05_cd1.bin -
MemTurbo 2.0Ohjelma, jolla voit valvoa keskusmuistisi käyttöä reaaliaikasesti sekä parhaimpaan suorituskykyyn pyrkien vapauttamaan sitä. 30-päivän kokeiluversio Win9x/NT/2000/Me:lle. Valmistaja: Silicon Prairie Software Co.
19998 METZSTOP.ZIP 150482 11.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Metz Stop: adds a STOP button to the
Windows 95 Taskbar tray.
19999 MF41.ZIP 632,9 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
MyFonts Windows Font Manager v4.1 Some features: View and preview, easily install and uninstall fonts, manage fonts with "fontpacks", install only fonts you need, eliminate duplicate fonts, etc. Shareware, http://www.mytools.com
20000 MFD99901.ZIP 219,8 kt 19.02.2000 - - -
Magic Folders v99.09.1Magic Folders v99.09.1 Makes any folder(s) completely 
invisible  to others but instantly available to  you. 
Reviewer comments: "Magic Folders  is a must have utility 
for anyone who  shares a computer.", "Perfect for 
keeping tax files safe from your kids or  your resume 
safe from your boss.", "Best of the Best". 
PC-Magic Shareware $29, For Win 3.x and Win95/98.
20001 MGURU12.ZIP 60,7 kt 08.04.2001 - - -
Matematiikka Guru v1.2Tekijä: Jaakko Nieminen, 2001. Ohjelma on luotu helpottamaan käyttäjää erilaisten matemaattisten laskujen laskemisessa. Ohjelma sisältää tärkeimmät laskentakaavat ja laskee laskut ilman että käyttäjän tarvitsee syöttää kaavoja. Ohjelma on täysin suomenkielinen. Vaatimukset: Pentium-tason tietokone, Windows, hieman kiintolevytilaa, VGA-näytönohjain. http://mateguru.cjb.net
20002 MILAN18.ZIP 470,3 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
Milan Sys+ v.1.8Can shutdown, reboot, logoff or hibernate (Win2000) your computer. Also it can the same at a specified time or time and date. Win9.x/NT4/2000. Freeware.
20003 MINFO001.ZIP 8,1 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
FMH-MemInfo v0.01This is a simple memory status viewer. VERY SMALL (only 9k), no unnecessary overhead. Snaps to screen border, saves status, takes no unnecessary screen space. Can even be run in taskbar tray area. No-Nagged Shareware, $8. Freely distributable.  
20004 MINICLIP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.12.1997 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Mini ClipboardThis little Win95 utility is a small clipboard that sits in the system tray. It has three different cut/paste sections, and a section showing you what currently resides in the clipboard.  Also, it has an internet URL section, an email section and a telnet section that you can paste to.
20005 MIRND061.EXE 347,6 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Miranda ICQ v0.0.6.1Miranda ICQ v.
20006 MK01V10.ZIP 15,1 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Mestarin Kello 2001 on neljäs ja paras tähän asti ilmestyneistä Mestarin Kelloista. Parannuksia löytyy vaikka kuinka paljon verrattuna vanhaan ja bugiseen Mestarin Kello 2000:n
20007 MK1.ZIP 92,1 kt 06.01.2000 - - -
Mestarin Kello ProMestarin Kello Pro on tavallinen kello, jolla pystyy katsomaan ajan ja päivän.
20008 MM35-5EC.EXE 2,8 Mt 18.02.2000 - 15675/PCM_9910.iso -
MindManager v3.5MindManagerin avulla voit luoda ajatuskarttoja, yhdistelemällä
eri asioita toisiinsa. Voit mm. linkittää ajatuskarttaan 
Windows-dokumentteja ja nettilinkkejä.
Shareware, 21 päivän kokeiluversio.
20009 MOMS3231.ZIP 642,4 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
MomShell 32 v2.1MomShell 32 was chosen "Pick of the Week" of CompuServe\'s Windows 95 Forum. It does what the Start Menu of Windows 95 does, but in a better way. Quickly launch your programs and organize them logically by categories. Intuitive interface, easy import of all your programs, and more! Try it free for 30 days! Requires Windows 95.
20010 MOO4.ZIP 22690 23.12.1995 - 22904/pcwnov96.zip -
MOO 4.0 menu system for Windows 95 quicker
than the START BUTTON! MOO doesn't replace
the Windows 95 menu system, but rather
supplements it by providing quicker access to
its menu items.
20012 MORE.ZIP 70,4 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
More Properties v1.1Allows you to customize features in Win95 that are not accessible from the standard interface.
66274 MORSPC95.ZIP 314653 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - find
file/dir hogs and file duplications. Allows
deletion of file hogs and duplicates. Scans
for partial and exact file name duplicates.
Can send output to the printer or the
clipboard for further processing. Can search
for only particular type of file based on
file name.
20013 MP20FULL.ZIP 1,7 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
"More Propertis Build 2.03.0276More Properties allows you to customize features in Windows 95/NT that arent accessible from the standard interface."
20014 MP3LI105.ZIP 395,6 kt 14.04.2000 - - -
Lite MP3 lister v1.05Ultimate MP3 listing program for Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
Does not modify your MP3s. Save MP3 lists as text, HTML and
Winamp playlist. MP3 copying and finding system, playing 
MP3s in Winamp.
20015 MSDZIP.EXE 181010 12.09.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Microsoft Diagnostics Utility (MSD.EXE)
66340 MSFS32.EXE 282437 12.09.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Windows 95 shared folders update is intended
for those users who are running Microsoft
Exchange but need to access their Microsoft
Mail shared folders.
20016 MSPY3210.ZIP 245084 11.10.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
MemorySpy32:  stay-on-top memory gauge for
32-bit Windows monitors memory usage and
availability.  A small tool-type window
dynamically observes memory conditions/
changes.  Displays a percentage
representation of Memory Load, Free Ram and
Swap-File memory.  16-bit MemorySpy also
included.  From RCCO Research.
20017 MSTATS.ZIP 15910 08.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Version 0.3: A small 32 bit memory and 16 bit
resource monitor for Windows 95. The window
may be kept as topmost, all items may be
added and removed from the main display for a
smaller window size and the current 16 bit
resource percentage may be displayed as a
small icon in the system tray, if desired.
New to this version is output precision in
bytes, Kbytes or Mbytes, a tip added to the
tray icon for better visibility, less screen
space used and no program icon appears in the
tray. Free and uploaded by the author.
20018 MSWINERR.ZIP 54,2 kt 01.04.2001 - 23455/CHIP_2004_0102_X.BIN -
MS Windows Error Messages v2.2Selostukset Windowsin virheilmoituksista. Kryptiset numeroyhdistelmät avautuvat vihdoinkin.
20019 MUISTA10.ZIP 726,7 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Muista! v1.0 Muista! muistuttaa haluamastasi tapahtumista määrittelemänäsi ajankohtana. Monipuoliset muistutusajankohdat. Monta käyttäjää. Pienenee Tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelle. Käynnistyy automaattisesti. Helppo asentaa. Vaatii VB40032.DLL:n.
20020 MUISTIL.ZIP 14,6 kt 04.11.1998 - - -
Muistilehtiö 1.0 Helppokäyttöinen ohjelma, johon voit tallettaa esim. puhelinnumeroita, WWW-osoitteita tai muita pikkutietoja. Vaatii 32-bittisen Windowsin. by Airsoft 1998.
20021 MUISTIO.ZIP 134,4 kt 09.06.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Muistio v1.0  Suomenkielinen muistilappuohjelma 32-bittiselle Windowsille.
20022 MUISTU.ZIP 579578 05.01.1997 - - -
Muistuttaja 1.01 (Win 95/Win NT 3.51+)
Muistuttaa sinua haluamistasi tapahtumista
äänimerkillä ja viesti-ikkunalla. Tarvitsee
myös VB40032.dll-tiedoston.
20023 MUNAKE10.ZIP 155,4 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Munakello v1.0 Munakello on kello joka laskee sekunteja taaksepäin. Ohjelmassa on 59 minuutin ja 59 sekunnin aikaraja. Voit valita äänen joka soi kun aika on loppu. Mukana yksi ääni. Vaatii Windows 95 ja äänikortin.
20024 MUNAKELO.ZIP 156,8 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
"MunaKello95 v.483 Tämä ohjelma mittaa aikaa esim. 30 minuutista alaspäin. Se antaa äänimerkin PC-speakkerilla tai Äänikortilla kun aika on mennyt umpeen. Kätevä esim. Internet-surffauksessa ettei tulisi liikaa puhelinmaksuja. Shareware."
20025 MUP104.EXE 974 kt 01.01.2001 - - -
Measure Up v1.04Conversion software that converts over 600 different measurements. Linear Measure, Area, Temperature, Weight, Liquid, Volume, Speed and Time measurements can all be converted within their specific category. Shareware.
22431 MURPHY96.ZIP 54132 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Murphy's Laws for Windows (95&NT)
Laita tämä Startup-kansioon, niin saat aina
käynnistyksessä näkyviin yhden Murphyn
laeista. Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL-tiedoston.
20026 MVIEW220.EXE 422,5 kt 11.02.2001 - - -
Mem Viewer 2.20Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää tietokoneen muistin tilan. Pieni palkki
täyttyy sitä mukaa, kun muistia on enemmän varattuna.
22432 MYMNU.ZIP 563288 08.10.1996 - - -
Vaihtoehto Start-valikolle.
20027 NAMEDIT.ZIP 125,4 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
NameEditEdits Windows 95 user name in the registry
66515 NCG_FREE.EXE 1626119 30.12.1996 - 26109/dpcb197.iso -
Norton CrashGuard 1.0 (Freeware Edition)
20028 NERO5044.EXE 5,1 Mt 03.03.2001 - - -
Nero Burning ROM for Windows 95/98Nero is a flexible, reliable, and easy-to-use application designed to write both data and CD audio to CD-R and CD-RW discs. It supports ISO 9660 images as well as ISO mode 1 and XA mode 2, and allows for on-the-fly disc recording in addition to overburning (if supported by hardware). Nero also supports multisession and mixed-mode recording, HFS, ISO/HFS hybrid, UDF, PSX, OFAS (optimal file access speed), track-at-once (TAO) and disc-at-once (DAO) writing, digital audio extraction, and more. In addition, Nero can dynamically disable automatic-insert notification, offers support for multiple languages, and works with all major models of CD-R and CD-RW drives. Demo version. Author: Ahead Software http://www.ahead.de
20029 NETMONIT.ZIP 15,3 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
NetMonitorNetmonitor for tracking users.
20030 NETTIM12.ZIP 98,7 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
NetTimer v1.2 Pieni kello, jonka tarkoituksena on helpottaa 30 minuutin sykäyksien mukaan yhteyden pitämistä. Pysyy koko ajan browserin päällä näkyvissä!
20031 NLASKIN.ZIP 100,2 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
NauhalaskinohjelmaNäppärä pikku nauhalaskin ohjelma, tehty Delphillä, lähdekoodi saatavissa kotisivuilla. http://www.mikroviesti.net/delphi/
20032 NOAXS.EXE 425 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
NoaXsOhjelmalla voi suojata vahingoilta jopa 10000 tiedostoa. Voit määritellä suojaustason alkaen siitä ettei tiedostoa voi poistaa tai siirtää, aina siihen asti ettei sitä voi edes avata. 10 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.welshware.com
20033 NOISENAK.ZIP 421 kt 30.12.1999 versio 2.1.1 17005/Supereva.iso -
NoiseNak v1.1.7For Win9.x/NT4/2000. Allows the master volume to be limited to different limits at different times. It also enables "Soft-Starting". There is also a password option to allow only authorized users to change settings. Shareware.
66601 NOKMONIT.ZIP 121286 14.10.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Nokia Monitor Setup for Windows 95
20034 NOPSA1_2.ZIP 196 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Nopsa v1.2Ohjelma testaa kirjoitusnopeuttasi erilaisilla testeillä, jonka jälkeen ohjelma arvostelee tekstisi. Ohjelma on laadukasta kotimaista työtä. Ohjelma pitää sisällään yli 1000 sanaa, monipuolisia asetuksia. Ohjelma sopii mainiosti myös opetuskäyttöön. Copyright ® 2000-2001, RaddaX http://www.raddax.cjb.net
20035 NOPSA12.ZIP 196 kt 22.04.2001 - - -
NOPSA 1.2Nopsa v1.2 Ohjelma testaa kirjoitusnopeuttasi erilaisilla testeillä, jonka jälkeen ohjelma arvostelee tekstisi. Ohjelma on laadukasta kotimaista työtä. Ohjelma pitää sisällään yli 1000 sanaa, monipuolisia asetuksia ja ohjelma sopii myös mainiosti opetuskäyttöön.
Copyright ® 2000-2001, RaddaX http://www.raddax.cjb.net
20036 NORTON.EXE 1553803 09.08.1996 - - -
Norton Navigator trial edition for Win 95
Norton zip/unzip, norton fastfind FTP sites
20037 NTCHKMEM.ZIP 20,9 kt 27.03.1997 - Pegasus_Win95.iso tupla
CHKMEM v1.2 CHKMEM is a little memory monitor for Windows NT- monitoring of memory usage and load- warning by red numbers if system is stressed
20038 NTEST.EXE 587,1 kt 02.05.2000 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Nokia DisplayTestNokia DisplayTest
This is a collection of test patterns which can be used to investigate CRT monitor performance.
The guide attached and the test patterns itself do not necessarily give an absolute answer of the performance of your monitor. They are intended to be used for comparison of  monitors.
20039 NTPDEX.EXE 491,8 kt 25.12.2000 - - -
NotepadEx v1.7.4.2Windowsin Notepadin korvaava pieni tekstieditori. Osaa avata yli 32kt tiedostoja, nopea korvaus-toiminto, edellisten avattujen tiedostojen lista, tilarivi jossa mm. kohdistimen sijainti ja tiedoston koko, pikanäppäimet toiminnoille, mahdollisuus luoda omia pikanäppäimiä, avaa ja tallentaa Mac/Unix -tiedostoja ja paljon muuta. Freeware. http://notepadex.cjb.net
20040 NTRC2000.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
NT Remote Controller 2000 1.2 Final Allows you to control a computer running NT Server from a remote location. Check disk space, memory usage, start and stop services, reboot, run Perl scripts, all over a TCP/IP network. Freeware.
20041 NTTOOLS.ZIP 58,8 kt 27.03.1997 - 18133/winsit03964.zip tupla
Windows NT Tools (24.1.1994)Logoff, shutdown and reboot tools, both console and interactive versions. Also a remote reboot utility.
20042 NUM10.ZIP 216,4 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
"Puhelinluettelo v1.0Ohjelmajolla voit tallentaa puhelinnumerosi tiedostoon ja saat ne esille tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelta. Vaatii Win95. Tehnyt: Tommy Rahkila."
66713 ODOM112.ZIP 263805 05.01.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Mouse Odometer v1.12
Hiiren "matkamittari".
66714 ODOMTR15.ZIP 55652 17.10.1996 - - -
Odometer version 1.5.0 is a simple program
designed for Windows 95's task bar. It lets
you see the distance you do with your mouse.
20043 OIC10.ZIP 101,6 kt 24.04.1998 - - -
OEM Information Changer - OIC   v1.0Lets you change the OEM info, "Manufacturer and support" in My Computer->Properties->General system dialog in Win95.  You can eg. put your own image and address to that location...  
20044 OUBLIET.ZIP 784,8 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
Oubliette 1.18Updated 10 August 2000, Requires Windows 95 or higher, 
not tested with Windows NT. Setup: Run "setup.exe" to install 
program. Freeware (with source). Not to be sold. See file "license.txt" 
for details. Copyright: (C) General Frenetics, Discorp., 1999. 
Program may be distributed freely. Author: Marek Jedlinski 
Original release date: 18 October 1999.

Program to securely store a list of commonly used passwords, e.g. 
for various WWW-based accounts. Uses strong cryptography (user\'s 
choice of Blowfish or IDEA encryption algorithms). Crypto algorithms: 
DCPCrypt, Delphi cryptographic component package by David Barton 

Questions, comments, suggestions: email  
No HTML-formatted email please!
20045 OVIVAX10.ZIP 34,1 kt 24.08.1998 - - -
OviVaXi 1.0 MikroBitin numerossa 6-7/98 olevan "Mikrosta murtohälytin" -artikkelin Ovivahti-esimerkkiohjelma hieman muunneltuna. Tarvitsee VB4:n Runtime-kirjastot.
20046 PAPERW40.ZIP 780,9 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
Sticky Paper v4.0 Post-It for Monitor Runs on Windows 95/98/NT Released on March 23, 1999
52150 PASS32.ZIP 83733 01.04.1996 - 17993/W95 Collection - Windows 95 Shareware (LCDCAN).iso -
PassKeeper v1.0 is a Windows utility that
allows you to keep a list of accounts with
usernames, passwords and notes.
20047 PASSKEEP.ZIP 432,8 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Password Keeper PK allows you to store your frequently used passwords in Win95/NT. Password information can be easily stored, edited and printed , and each password file you create can contain up to 500 account entries. This is extremely handy if you have more than a few passwords and PINs to keep track of. 
20048 PASSMAN.ZIP 40 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Password Manager 1.0Password Manager is a useful freeware application for Windows 95/98 or NT that 
saves passwords for you. It has an easy to use, straightforward interface that 
will make saving and storing your passwords quick and effortless.
20049 PASSTRAC.ZIP 9,9 kt 11.09.2000 - - -
PassTrac 1.0PassTrac is a simple program to help you keep track of passwords or PINs that 
most of us have. Simply put the executable, passtrac.exe, in a folder (e.g. Windows) 
create a shortcut and run the program. It is self-explanatory. Freeware.
20050 PASTER.EXE 503,1 kt 19.01.2000 - - -
The Paster 2.0 Clipboard management utility that allows you to keep in memory all the collected text, images and internet links that are copied to your clipboard. 
20051 PCSEC43.EXE 589,7 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
PC Security v4.3Ohjelmalla voit lukita salasanalla lähes mitä tahansa, alkaen työpöydän pikakuvakkeista päätyen aina kokonaisiin levyasemiin. Tyylikäs ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma. Eerittäin runsaasti ominaisuuksia. 90 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.tropsoft.com
20052 PCSPY213.ZIP 207,5 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
PC Spy v2.12Secretly monitor what is being viewed on your computer while you are away. This software allows you to capture and save screen images while you are away from your computer, showing you exactly what was being viewed on your computer at specific times.
20053 PCTNR16.ZIP 725,3 kt 12.01.2001 - - -
pcTuner 1.6 Christmas EditionApuohjelma Windowsin satojen piiloasetusten viilaamiseen. Sisältää paljon käyttäjäkohtaisia asetuksia joilla voi estää käyttäjiltä esim. rekisterin muokkaustyökalut ja paljon muutakin. Freeware. http://flyrl.lgg.ru/
20054 PCXL5000.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
PC Accelerator 5000 from Smartalec Corp Performance enhancement product. By finetuning your PC hardware and software, as well as maximizing Windows performance, PC Accelerator can boost your overall PC/Internet/3DFX performance by up to 35%!!! This product is a must have for game fanatics hoping to squeeze the most out of their 3D games! Windows 95+ 
52155 PDESK.ZIP 731031 21.08.1996 - MBCD -
PowerDesk 1.1: World's coolest Win95 utility
Very smart. Very fast. Very flexible.
PowerDesk combines ExplorerPlus (a super
enhanced version of Windows 95 Explorer) with
a fully customizable Toolbar for organizing
your Windows 95 desktop. It unleashes the
hidden power of Windows 95; you'll have
everything at your fingertips. Imagine that,
immediate access and place for everything.
Try it and see for yourself!
20055 PDEVAL20.EXE 1,3 Mt 20.05.1997 - MBCD -
PowerDesk 2.0A versatile set of desktop utilities for Windows 95. Evaluation version.
67186 PERSCR11.ZIP 204954 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
The Perfect Screens 1.1 is a shareware
program for Win95. It allows user to mave
multiple virtual screens and switch between
20056 PGPMGR1.ZIP 201598 26.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
PGP Manager 1.6b for Windows 95/NT Encrypt
messages, files Full support for PGP
functions Read encrypted messages directly
from your mailbox. shareware. Requires
PGP.EXE v2.6 and up.
20057 PH100.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.10.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
"PowerHunter v1.00PowerHunter performs more advanced full-text searches than you can with Win95s Find feature. Windows 95"
20058 PIANP21.ZIP 26 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
PianPois v2.1Apuohjelma, jolla voit sammuttaa Windows 95:n Tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelta aukeavasta pikavalikosta. Käynnistää myös koko koneen uudelleen. PianPois-tapa on kätevämpi kuin Windows 95:n oma Käynnistä-painikkeen taa haudattu sammutus. PianPois on ilmainen. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho
20059 PKBL460.ZIP 1 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
Perfect Keyboard LITE v4.60Voit nopeuttaa kirjoittamistasi tekemällä ohjelmalla näppäinoikoteitä usein käyttämiisi teksteihin, esim. email-osoitteisiin, nimiin, osoitetietoihin tai muihin usein toistuvin lauseisiin. Voit määrätä tekstin ilmestymään näppäinyhdistelmällä tai kirjoitettuasi tietyn kirjainyhdistelmän. Tyylikäs ohjelma ja paljon ominaisuuksia. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.pitrinec.com/
20060 PLISTR23.EXE 726,2 kt 30.03.2001 - 12771/10000.zip -
"PasteLister 2.3Press CTRL-V (or the hot key specified) and a list of items will pop up directly under the area you wish to paste. Select from the listpress Enterand the item(s) will be pasted to virtually any application you are working within. PasteLister captures and records data copied to the clipboardallowing you to paste or retrieve them anywhereeasily. Create multiple category listsset category limitsperformactionsafter pastingcustomize data    propertiesand more; easy to useextremely flexible and powerful. 30-day trial for Windows95/98/NT/2000 by Progency Software. http://www.progency.com/pastelister.html"
20061 PLUS041.ZIP 195,1 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
Pluser v0.41bPieni ja näppärä laskin, jonka saat aina tarvittaessa 
esiin painamalla Num Lock -näppäintä. Freeware.
20062 PMO.ZIP 151,4 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
PuhelinmuistioPuhelinmuistio on kätevä Windows-ohjelma, jolla on helppo pitää kirjaa ystävien yhteystiedoista. Tarvitsee VB40032.DLL:n. Copyright (c) Sami Nieminen
20063 POISTO11.ZIP 345,5 kt 14.09.1999 - - -
"Poista Poisto v1.1 Tällä ohjelmalla poistat nopeastiPoista sovellukseenjääneet ylimääräiset tekstit joiden poistamiseen muuten joutuisi käyttämään Rekisterieditoria. Win 95/98tekijä: Jari Harju."
20064 POISTO12.ZIP 16 kt 19.06.2000 - - -
Poisto v1.2Freeware 3.5.2000, Suomenkielinen ilmaisohjelma, joka poistaa Windowsin 
Ohjauspaneelin (Control Panel) Lisää/poista sovellus -ohjelmalistaan jääneet ohjelmat. 
Vaatii: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT, alle 1 Mt vapaata kiintolevytilaa, 
Microsoft Windows -yhteensopiva hiiri sekõ tiedostot COMCTL32.OCX (v. 6.00.8022 tai uudempi) 
ja MSVBVM60.DLL (v. 6.00.8495 tai uudempi). Copyright (c) 2000 Mika Salonen
20065 POLICY.EXE 86542 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 System Policy Editor
20066 PONTX202.ZIP 2 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
"Pointix V2.02 Unique way of operating your mouse that increases screen space and cuts down on repetitive movements. Rather than relying on toolbars or buttonsthis program uses mouse movements (glicks) to trigger floating menus for your most frequently used commands. With Pointixyou dont need to move from one screen point to the next to reach the commands you use most -- those commands appear instantly with only slight mouse movements."
67384 POWERTOY.TXT 6247 08.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
PowerToys for Windows 95 documentation
20067 POWERTOY.ZIP 203,7 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Microsoft PowerToysFull collection of Microsoft\'s "semi-official" shell add-ons from the Windows 95 Shell Development Team. Windows 95.
20068 PPVIEW97.ZIP 2,7 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 (2000 Release) With this release, the Microsoft PowerPoint« Viewer 97 now also supports PowerPoint 2000 files. This viewer allows people who use PowerPoint to share their presentations with people who do not have PowerPoint installed on their computers. Supports PowerPoint 2000 files as well as those files created with previous versions. This download is for Windows« 95, 98, and 2000 and Windows NT. 
20069 PRGWKSMM.ZIP 455088 20.10.1995 - - -
PRGWKS-MM- Win95 *and* 3.1 style groups
either /or, for 3.1 & Win95 & OS/2 Unzipping
built into program manager, treats ZIP files
like program groups, MULTMEDIA playing built
in, multi-JPEG, GIF, BMP viewing also built
in. INFINITE group in groups possible.
AUTOLOAD to groups by extension. Based on
popular ZR FileWorks and ZR 7. Icon loading
like GeoWorks, OS/2 and Windows 95. 3.1 and 4
20070 PRIMFACT.ZIP 43,2 kt 28.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
Prime FactorizationTakes a natural number and finds its prime factors.
20071 PROKN98N.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.12.2000 - 10268/CICA 32 for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (January 2001) (Disc 1).iso -
ProKon v9.8Windows 9x/NT/2000 Calculation Companion.  400,000+ unit conversions possible.  Features help throughout. Converts  imperial to metric, metric to imperial,  etc. Features printing, calculator,  save to file.  Very easy to use.   Includes over 600 material densities,  periodic table, geometry, constants,  etc. ShareWare. Registration: $21.95
20072 PROPI11.ZIP 35,4 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Profile Picker 1.1 Use multiple configurations for a program by switching between different .INI files! Works with 16-bit or Win32s programs. Shareware - $5 registration Req. 286 or higher PC with Windows 3.1. Runs under Windows 95.
20073 PS171.ZIP 172,2 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Password Safe 1.71The simple, intuitive interface lets you copy a password by just double-clicking, 
and paste it directly into your application. Password Safe protects your passwords 
with the Blowfish encryption algorithm, a fast, free alternative to DES. Freeware.
20074 PS2PLUS.ZIP 347,6 kt 08.12.1999 koko¹ #hyrava -
PS2Rate Plus Changes the refresh rate of your PS/2 Mouse from the default 40hz up to a whopping 200hz!! Perfect for gamers wanting that extra bit of precision, or just a really slick mouse for your desktop. The plus version comes with an installer and a utility for testing your current mouse rate.
By Juha Kujala. Freeware. Win 95\\98\\NT 
20075 PS2RATE.ZIP 111,9 kt 22.02.2000 - Pelit CD 2000 -
PS/2 mouse sampling rate changerFor Windows 95/98
20076 PSK3212.ZIP 85,2 kt 01.03.2000 - 23408/Chip_2002-02_cd2.bin -
PassKeeper v1.2Ilmainen ohjelma, jossa voit säilyttää kaikkia tunnuksiasi ja salasanojasi turvallisesti.
20077 PUF3220.ZIP 365994 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
PUFFER 2.0 - Data file and e-mail encryption
utility for Win 95/NT.  Uses 40-bit PC1 (RC4
clone) and 160-bit Blowfish algorithms for
secure encryption.  Password hashing with the
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1).  Secure,
multi-pass data wiping.  Built-in text editor
with clipboard support for on-the-fly e-mail
encryption and decryption.  Supports LZ77
data compression.  Create Binary, ASCII and
self-extracting executables.  
20078 PWDSAFE.EXE 216 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
PasswordSafe 3.0PasswordSafe allows you to store all of your passwords and usernames in one, 
secure place. The files can only be accessed by a password and are heavily 
encoded. Also includes a password generator with over 808 million different 
possibilities. Small, clean, easy to use. Freeware.
20079 PWORD23.ZIP 85,5 kt 11.10.2000 - - -
Password Generator v2.3Ilmainen ohjelma turvallisten salasanojen kehittämiseen. Osaa luoda jopa tuhat
1-20 merkkiä sisältävää sanaa kerralla. Voit valita, minkä tyyppisiä merkkejä
salasanassa on.
20080 PWPOCKET.EXE 649,9 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
"Password Pocket v1.00 RC-3This program keeps all your passwords in a very secure and easy-to-manage place. 
You may defineif wanteda master password to avoid keep others eyes away from 
your database. Your many passwords is only a one-password away! You have complete 
control over your entries. You may copy only the password to the clipboardsend 
an e-mailprint a reportand many others things. Freeware.
20081 PWRDR202.ZIP 222,1 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
PowerDREAM v2.02A highly configurable shell productivity menu.
67556 PWRDREAM.ZIP 221362 05.01.1997 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Powerdream for Windows 95 v.2.01
A highly configurable shell productivity
20082 QBT150.ZIP 132,2 kt 25.12.1997 - 10273/CICA_NT_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1997.iso -
QBoot v1.50QBoot  is a small utility to  quickly reboot, logoff or shutdown Windows 95 unconditionally.    Use   the   QBoot scheduler to easily  schedule your PC for rebooting, restarting or shutting down. Ideal for system administrators. No  more  nagging "Are you sure  you want to..." messages! QBoot is fully functional Shareware. 
20431 QC32V10.ZIP 82395 18.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Qwik Convert 32 v1.0: unit conversion
program for Windows 95
20083 QCLEN394.ZIP 2,4 Mt 19.09.1999 - - -
QuickClean v3.94 QuickClean is a self-maintaining hard drive/Network maintenance tool. Increases hard drive space by removing known files safely. Comes with WinAlive to prevent crashing. Shareware.
20084 QCOLOR31.ZIP 306,5 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
QuickColor v3.1 A display control and desktop enhancement utility, supporting on-the-fly color depth, resolution, and refresh rate switching, with user-defined presets, program/shortcut associations, an optional toolbar, graphics system information, screen saving, and extensive monitor support.
20085 QCRYPTER.ZIP 67,4 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
"Quick Crypter v1.0By Ari-Pekka Hujanen. With this program you can encrypt and decrypt text. Its very quick and easy. Requires Windows9x or Windows NT and Visual Basic 6 Runtime files."
20086 QDSW106E.ZIP 25,6 kt 27.11.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuickDrive QuickDrive is a program that shows all available drives as mini icons in the notification area of the Taskbar of Windows 95.
22176 QFILEMAN.ZIP 5209 10.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
Quick FileMan
Siirrä, kopioi ja poista tiedostoja.
20087 QPLR104B.EXE 1,9 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
QPlayer v.1.04QPlayer v1.04 build 70
20088 QS11A.ZIP 326,3 kt 06.08.1997 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
QStart v1.1aQStart is a Menu / Button Bar designed to simplify accessing programs and files under  Windows, Windows95 and Window NT.  QStart has 2 Function Buttons, a Parameter  Entry Field, and multiple Pages with 16 Launc Buttons per page. The number of pages is user definable, as are the page names. Any type file can be loaded into a Launch  Button, and run with a single click.
20089 QSORT10E.ZIP 518,7 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Q-Sort 98 v1.0Q-Sort 98 arranges your Start Menu and Favorites in alphabetical order with a single mouse click. For users of IE4 + Desktop Update
22450 QTB10.ZIP 22019 31.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
QTB V1.0 Using the new Shell Extensions to
Windows95, QTB will create an AppBar, that
is, a window like the TaskBar at the bottom
of the Win95 screen, and scroll selected
stock tickers across it.
20090 QU2DOS11.ZIP 34984 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
Quit2DOS 1.1 - When exiting from Windows 95
why can't you return to the C:\ prompt, the
way you used to be able to in Windows 3.x?
Well, you can!  Quit2DOS sets all the flags
and commands to allow you to see and use DOS
7 on exit from Win95.  It's completely
automatic.  And it's free.  Not a limited
demo, not shareware, not trialware, but a
fully functioning free utility from Bardon
Data Systems.
20436 QUICD110.ZIP 26483 10.11.1996 - 22271/VPR9611A.ISO -
Quick Disk v1.10
Näyttää vapaan levytilan.
20091 QUICK.ZIP 256,7 kt 04.03.2001 - - -
Quick linker, Freeware.Quick linker on lähinnä ohjelmoitsijoille, web suunnittelijoille jne. tarkoitettu projektinhallintaohjelma, joka helpottaa ja nopeuttaa kehitystyötä. Ohjelma on suunniteltu kolmen tiedoston yhtäaikaiseen hallintaan. http://scavengerstudios.cjb.net/
20092 RADMIN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.01.2001 - - -
Remote Administrator v2.0Enables you to work on the remote  computer, realtime speed. You will see a remote computer screen in the window of your computer or on the whole screen of your computer. Your mouse and a keyboard are  transferred to the remote computer. Shareware. http://www.famatech.com/
20093 RAMBOS16.ZIP 925,1 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
RamBooster 1.6 for Windows 95/98RamBooster 1.6 for Windows 95/98 by Jali
(J.Pajula, borg@sci.fi). Frees more RAM.
20094 RAWPOW11.ZIP 994,3 kt 28.05.1999 - - -
RawPower 1.1 Build 2RawPower is a CPU optimization program for Windows 95/98. Most modern microprocessors contain features that can increase the system performance, sometimes dramatically. Most of the features are especially interesting when memory-intensive applications are being run like in 3D gaming. http://www.bugcomputer.com/cpuidle/
20095 RCLKE200.ZIP 369,7 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
RoundClock v2.00 This is a clock that really is round. For Windows 95. Many alarms, many different clock faces to select from.
20096 RCOUNT10.ZIP 30,7 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
RefCount v1.0RefCount simplifies the task of getting the reference count for files stored in the registry. This can be useful for cleaning up the system. It can also display the complete table of references and optionally delete those values that point to files that do not exist. Requires Win95/NT. Full Delphi 2+ source is included, freeware by Magnus Baeck .
20097 RD98V11E.EXE 2,4 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
"RamDisk98 v1.1RamDisk98 is a Windows port driver that emulates as fully 
as possible the low-level functionality of a hard disk (up 
to 2GB!) or a 1.44MB or 2.88MB floppy drive. RamDisk98 
supports much larger disks than Microsofts ramdrive.sys 
(which is limited to 32MB) and the RamDisk98 drive can be 
compressed using Windows DriveSpace. For RAM disks 
configured to emulate a hard diskRamDisk98 allows 
the user to select the drive letter for the RAM drive. "
20098 READPL10.ZIP 6,8 Mt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
ReadPlease 2000 1.0a An exciting new text-to-speech application. Internet aware, will read any text file or Rich Text Format file from the Net. Four natural sounding human voices. Will speak any text copied to the Windows Clipboard from any Windows application. Requires: Pentium 166, 16 megs Ram, 20 Meg hard disk, sound card.
20099 REGC.EXE 335,6 kt 19.01.2000 - 17387/Ultimate Utilities (P69C)(PC Magazine)(Ziff-Davis)(1999).BIN -
Registry Crawler 2.0 Enables you to quickly search and edit Registry settings. Results are displayed in a list, allowing you to access any key found with ease.
20100 REGEDITX.ZIP 218903 18.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Registry Editor Extensions Version 1.1.
Muuten sama kuin REGEDIT, mutta tässä näet
mitä "avaimia" olet jo selannut.
20101 REGFIND.ZIP 21681 04.04.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
RegFind - A Win32 Registry Search Utility
20102 REGH101.EXE 633 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
RegHance 1.01Paranneltu versio Windowsin rekisterieditorista (regedit). Rajoituksetonta sharewarea.
20103 REGLITE.ZIP 956 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
Registrar Lite v1.01For Win95/98/2000/NT is a new generation registry editor that comes with a basic set of tools that should make your registry editing life a lot easier. It could be an excellent replacement for RegEdit which come shipped with Windows. Freeware.
20104 REGMON30.ZIP 44,7 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
RegMon v3.0This application monitors all accesses to the Windows 95 registry. Information about each access is presented in a listbox. Windows 95.
20105 REGRUNII.ZIP 847,4 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
RegRun II 2.60 by Greatis SoftwareRegRun II is an integrated suite of utilities that give you the full control under Windows startup and guard you from trojan programs. RegRun homepage: http://www.greatis.com/regrun2.htm How to buy: $19.95 USD http://www.greatis.com/regrun2buy.htm. Shareware for Win9x/NT/2000.
20106 REGSRCH2.ZIP 619 kt 04.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Registry Search and Replace
20107 REMIND10.ZIP 144855 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
The Reminder
Muistuttaa pitämään taukoja tietokoneen
käytön ohessa.
20108 REMOVE11.ZIP 16,5 kt 13.04.2000 - - -
Remove 1.1Remove, version 1.1 Freeware 2 April 2000 Remove is a Windows-based Freeware program for removing applications from the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel. The program will run on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT. Copyright (c) 2000 Mika Salonen
20109 RESC3097.ZIP 4,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
VT Rescue 95 v3.0 VT Rescue 95 is an emergency medical system designed to help you prevent problems, recover, control, analyze, repair and tune up your Windows 95 system. Even in a case of a very serious crash, VT Rescue95 should be able to recover your configuration.
20110 RESC418.EXE 607,6 kt 20.02.2000 - - -
"WinRescue 98 v4.18WinRescue 98 is a quick easy way to back up critical Windows 98 system filesmaking it easy to restore them in case of a system crash or other problems. Files backed up include the Registry filesDOS boot filesand your Start menu configuration files. Three different configurations can be restored in the event of problems and much more. Because serious Windows 98 problems often dont require a complete reinstallWinRescue 98 could save you quite a bit of time in the event of a problem. Shareware. http://superwin.com/rescue.htm
20111 RESC918.EXE 608,9 kt 20.02.2000 - - -
"WinRescue 95 v9.18WinRescue 95 is a quick easy way to back up critical Windows 95 system filesmaking it easy to restore them in case of a system crash or other problems. Files backed up include the Registry filesDOS boot filesand your Start menu configuration files. Three different configurations can be restored in the event of problemsand much more. Because serious Windows 95 problems often dont require a complete reinstallWinRescue 95 could save you quite a bit of time in the event of a problem. Shareware. http://superwin.com/rescue.htm
20112 RESMAN10.ZIP 117,6 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
ResMan v1.0Resource monitor, memory "optimizer", and process killer - under a single 124kb roof. Free, Windows 95/98 only.
20113 REST2.ZIP 317,1 kt 11.02.2001 - - -
RESTrick Control Panel v1.1Attractive, easy to use utility for tuning your computer and improvement on your system protection. (C) 1999,2000 Real-Time Security, e-mail: info@rtsecurity.com, Web site: http://www.rtsecurity.com. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.
20114 RGCLN41A.EXE 781,4 kt 04.04.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
RegClean 4.1a (build 7364.1)Microsoftin apuohjelma, joka puhdistaa rekisteristä turhia ja virheellisiä tietoja. Ilmainen.
20115 RGCLNR41.EXE 518,7 kt 22.03.2001 - - -
RegCleaner suomalainen ohjelma Windowsin
rekisterin siivoamiseen. Näyttää välilehdillään
erityyppisiä rekisterin tietoja, joita voi siivota
pois. http://www.jv16.org/
20116 RIPB32.ZIP 219,3 kt 27.03.1997 - - tupla
RipBarRipBAR is in some ways, the Swiss Army knife of utilities.  It combines an application toolbar, command line launching, Drag & Drop server, memory and system information display, Post-It style notes, hot key support and more in a package that remains unobtrusive on your screen. Windows NT version.
20117 RIPBAR95.ZIP 313490 03.09.1996 - MBCD -
RipBAR v7.0a
It combines an application toolbar, command
line launching, drag and drop server, memory
and system information display, post-it style
notes, and hot-key support in a compact and
unobtrusive package. Files may be dropped
onto the application icons (wich you set-up)
sitting on the bar.
20118 RIX2KCD.EXE 282,5 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
Rix2k Power Tools demo version
20119 RKTOOLS.EXE 3909296 04.09.1995 - MBCD -
Windows 95 Resource Kit Tools
Also contains the Resource Kit help file
20120 RNC_L.ZIP 30,6 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Roman Number CalculatorRequires MSVBVM50.ZIP
20121 RPSSRV.ZIP 158144 30.10.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Remote Process and Shutdown Service
gives administrators a good way to control
workstations on a network.
20122 RR109.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Resplendent Registrar v1.09For Win9.x/NT/2k is a new generation registry editor that comes with a set of tools that should fulfill all your registry editing needs. It could be an excellent replacement for RegEdit or RegEdt32 which come shipped with Windows. When running on WinNT/2000 it provides all the security editors for setting of permissions, auditing and ownership information of registry keys.
20123 RSC95V3.ZIP 478,1 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
"Rescue 95 v3 Safeguards and restores Windows 95.  Never reinstall Windows 95 again. Rescue 95 restores the Registry in less than two minutes.  Save up to ten different backups of the Registry.  A DOS program restores even when Windows 95 wont start.  Requires Windows 95. This is the Shareware version."
20124 RUN95V12.ZIP 5 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Run95 v1.2Run95 - Run Dialog Box Replacement for Windows 9x/NT
20125 RUNIT.ZIP 788 kt 01.01.1998 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
RunIt!RunIt! is a versatile program that can open a program or associated document at a time specified by the user. RunIt! can also open a program or associated document on a periodic interval. RunIt! can also display an important reminder in a message box instead of opening an outside file. So RunIt! can function as an alarm clock, a periodic timer, or a personal reminder for important tasks.
20126 SA20D.ZIP 394,6 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
Stay Alive v2.0d Stay Alive yrittää pelastaa kaatuneissa ohjelmissa käsiteltyinä olleet tiedostot sekä pitää kirjaa käynnissä olevista prosesseista. Sulkee myös ohjelmia haluttaessa. Sharewarea.
20127 SANAK10.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.10.1999 - - -
Sanakoe v1.0Tällä ohjelmalla teet helposti sanakokeita itsellesi mistä vain. Demoversio - ei aikarajoituksia. Rekisteröinti 50 mk.
20128 SB2K250.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 2).iso -
SmartBoard 2000 V2.50 - a FREE Windows Clipboard Extender with the unique Paste-Anyplace menu. Supports all clipboard formats. Collect items copied to the clipboard and paste back days or weeks later. Create boilerplate text items, add templates, grab graphics, assign system- wide hotkeys for items to autopaste. No icon but access with a single mouseclick or hotkey- looks built in to Windows!
20129 SCLIP400.ZIP 215 kt 08.05.1998 - 12771/10000.zip -
SuperClip v4.00 SuperClip is a screen capture system for MS Windows and DOS. Press the PrtSc key to capture the screen to the Windows clipboard, and SuperClip pops up and displays the capture. Save all or any rectangular portion to BMP GIF JPG PCX PNG or TIF file, or output images to the printer, stretched and/or positioned anywhere on the page. The included utility DosClip can capture graphical DOS screens to the Windows clipboard for processing by Superclip.
20130 SDD653.ZIP 2,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
SciTech Display Doctor 6.53SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 3.0 device support for playing the latest games. Bugfixes made and few new chipsets are now supported. Windows 3.x/95/NT installation.
20131 SDD70A3.ZIP 4,1 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
" SciTech Display Doctor v7.0 BETA version. Utility package that can unlock the power of your graphics card. It includes the worlds first and only universal Windows/DirectDraw display driverwhich automatically configures itself for your specific hardware. The whole code for this utility has been rewritten. Also the DOS part has totally new ground to go from. So emulation should be good. As with all BETAs USE AT YOUR OWN RISK."
20132 SDOWN156.ZIP 69802 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
ShutDown Version 1.56 for Win95/NT ShutDown
will shutdown your computer. Quicker than
clicking on Start and then ShutDown or using
NT's Program Manager to shutdown. Shutdown
the computer from a batch file or a shortcut
on the 95 desktop. Also will logoff current
user or restart computer. Supports timed
shutdowns, running of a batch file or program
before shutting down, and 95's MS-DOS mode.
Timed shutdown supports shutting down in N
minutes or at hh:mm of the day. Now supports
20133 SDOWN2.ZIP 111,4 kt 01.01.1998 - 6348/blackhawk-for-windows95-june19 -
Shutdown utility 2.0The Shutdown utility is a small app which replaces the standard Windows 95 shutdown procedure on the start menu. Once it is opened, it automatically shuts down the computer after 5 seconds if no other command is given. The computer may be shut down, restarted, restarted in MS-DOS or all applications may be closed and one may log on as another user.
20446 SDUMP30.ZIP 179847 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
SDUMP v3.0 - Hex dump program for Win32
20447 SEARCH24.ZIP 547797 24.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
File Search 95 - is a file finding
package for Win95 that includes a
calendar, system information display,
and more. Requires VB40032.DLL.
20448 SEARCH32.ZIP 1976481 24.11.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
Search32 - performs word-based search
queries on large groups of text (ANSI)
files in Win95.
20134 SECEXPL.EXE 4,6 Mt 12.01.2001 versio ? 15613/PCM_0012.iso -
Secure Explorer v1.1.3Windowsin Exploreria muistuttava ohjelma jolla voi salata tiedostoja ja lukita hakemistoja. Voi myös estää Windowsin Find-toiminnon käytön ja paljon muuta. Shareware. http://freespace.virgin.net/cjpsoftware.cjp/
20136 SECM99A.ZIP 1 Mt 02.03.2000 - - -
SecurityManager 99A powerful  application for encrypting individual files  and the contents of entire folders using
the DES method (Data Encryption Standard).  SecurityManager 99 is very secure: When  data 
is encrypted the original files are  automatically overwritten, making it  impossible to restore 
their contents with  file utilities. SecurityManager 99 is also  extremely fast. Programmed 
entirely in  32-bit code and utilizing special processor  instructions that have been available 
since  the 80486 generation it achieves  performance comparable to that of hardware
encryption systems.
20137 SENSIVA.EXE 2 Mt 29.09.2000 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Sensiva 2.5 for Windows 95/98/2000 & NT 4Sensiva simplifies your application interface by allowing you to draw symbols with your mouse or
any other pointing device, such as a graphic tablet or a touchpad! Sensiva runs silently in the
background. Just hold down the right mouse button to draw a symbol. Your command executes as 
soon as you release the button! Sensiva unifies your applications! You no longer need to remember 
and use many hotkeys or menus across different applications. Just draw the same symbols for the 
same actions everywhere. For example, drawing a Z will always perform a zoom in any application. 
Freeware. http://www.sensiva.com
20138 SGLLCK30.ZIP 327540 03.09.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Windows Task-Lock version 3.0
provides a simple and inexpensive, but
effective way to password protect specified
applications no matter how they are executed.
It is easy to configure and reguires little
to no modifications to your current system
configuration. Administrator password is
enabled for site licenses. SHAREWARE $5
20139 SH532.ZIP 816,4 kt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Shorthand 5 for Windows Shorthand is a typing productivity tool that works concurrently with other Windows applications. You represent frequently used words, phrases and keystrokes with a much shorter keyword. Features include AutoReplace, Input Fields, and File Launching. Requires Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. 
20140 SHDN371.ZIP 1023,2 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
ShutDown NOW! v3.71Automation utility for Windows 95+98(+SE) and Windows NT v4.0. This tricky and multi-functional automation utility offers more than 10 ways to shut down Windows. 
20141 SHEXCD.ZIP 10264 18.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MS-DOS Prompt Shell Extension
Lisää oikeaan hiiren nappiin MS-DOS Prompt
-komennon, jolla pääsee suoraan siihen
hakemistoon jota klikkaa.
20142 SHKLITE.ZIP 609 kt 14.01.2000 - - -
ShortKeys Lite v1.7For Win95/98/NT. A FREE Windows Text Replacement Utility. Assign up to 35 Text/Text Replacement combinations. When you type in your text, it is automatically replaced for you! Text Replacements can be up to 3000 characters.
20143 SHLWIZ.ZIP 782970 11.10.1996 - - -
Pieni, mutta hyvä ohjelma Windows 95:n
rekisteriin piilotettujen ominaisuuksien
20144 SHORT319.ZIP 30,1 kt 19.06.2000 - - -
Short v0.78.319FREEWARE. Short is a very simple and easy used program, you just type an shortening 
(ie. FI, RAM, ROFL, MS) to the program and the program gives you the explanation. 
SHORT 0.78.319 contains 319 shortenings with explanations. Works in Win95/98/2000 NT4/5.
20145 SHORT410.ZIP 62,8 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
SHORT v0.96.410Short is a very simple and easy used program, you just type an shortening (ie. FI, RAM, ROFL, MS) to the program and the program gives you the explanation. SHORT 0.96.410 contains 410 shortenings with explanations. Works in Win95/98/2000 NT4/5. Freeware
68361 SHOVEIT2.ZIP 14798 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
ShoveIt v2 fixes a small problem with the
Windows 95 task bar on top.
20146 SHUTD12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.06.2000 - - -
Shutdown Manager v1.2With Shutdown Manager you can shutdown, restart and logoff your computer. But you can also 
set the timer to do the mentioned actions. Win9x(/Win2k) VB6 Runtimes (included)
(C) 2000 Hezor.
20147 SHUTD13.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.06.2000 - - -
 Shutdown Manager version 1.3 (C) 2000 Hezor With Shutdown Manager you can shutdown, restart and logoff your computer. But you can also set the timer to do the mentioned actions. There is also a possibility of running action directly from command-line using parameters. This makes it quick! Win9x(/Win2k)
20149 SHUTDO.ZIP 4,3 kt 24.11.1996 - - -
Shutdown for Win95/NT Allows you to easily shutdown Win95/NT by simply double-clicking an icon.
20148 SHUTDOWN.ZIP 124,9 kt 11.12.2000 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso eritupla
ShutDownSammuttaa tietokoneen. Freeware.
68371 SHUTDOWN.ZIP 5487 24.11.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Elevir-1 FOUND 17993/W95 Collection - Windows 95 Shareware (LCDCAN).iso eritupla
Shutdown for Win95/NT - allows you to
easily shutdown Win95/NT by simply
double-clicking an icon.
20150 SHUTMN20.ZIP 1,8 Mt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
SHUTDOWN MONITOR (tm) V 2.0.0 Runs programs and/or stored commands when Win95/NT shuts down.  This program can query you when Windows shuts down and you can select which programs and command lines you want to run, what order you want to run them, choose not to run any of them this time, or cancel the shutdown.  Show user-defined messages before or after running programs. Run in systray or in background. Win95/NT 4.0
20151 SKDSB110.ZIP 253 tavua 28.07.2000 - - -
Special Keys Disabler\xa01.10aDisable special keys and key combinations. Freeware. Windows 9x
68422 SKED15.ZIP 188561 25.08.1995 - MBCD -
SKEDEZY 1.5 V. easy scheduler for Windows
which sounds an alarm and pops up reminders.
Registration A$24.95 or US$19.95 (plus $4
shipping/handling). Specify date, time,
recurrence period any way, including plain
English. Very tolerant of punctuation,
abbreviations etc. Use minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years. Popular with pro's,
also suits home use. Great value, many
satisfied users. Author is a member of STAR
20462 SKEDE160.ZIP 197609 24.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
SKEDEZY 1.60 Easy scheduler for Win 95, Win
3.1 and Win for Work Groups which sounds an
alarm and pops up reminders. Specify date,
time, recurrence period any way, including
plain English. Very tolerant of punctuation,
abbreviations etc. Use minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years. Useful at work or
20152 SMECH35G.EXE 1,4 Mt 01.01.2001 - - -
"System Mechanic 3.5gKeep your PC running fastercleanerand error-freeand now even speed-up your internet connection with System Mechanics full suite of 15 powerful tools. This set of easy to usebut non-intrusive tools will allow you to find and fix problems with your systemensure reliability and speedas well as properly maintain your PC so that problems dont occur. http://www.iolo.com/sm/"
20153 SMI95V14.ZIP 192010 24.11.1996 - 21739/PC Shareware 1997-04.iso -
SmilerShell/95 1.4 - Win95/NT control center
and command line takes NO screen space! Like
Dashboard plus 4DOS, without heavy memory
requirements. Launch from favorite-apps list,
switch to running app, cal/clock, real-time
mem/rsrcs report, FindFile. Cmdline runs DOS
or WIN pgms, hist/edit/srch, fast dir change
over multiple drives ... and keeps Explorer
in sync! Command completion, aliases, 4DOS
cmds, more! "Must-have" (Windows Magazine)
20464 SMONEXE.ZIP 21513 15.10.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
System Activity Monitor (SMON) for Windows 95
This version of System Activity Monitor is
designed to run only under Windows 95. This
version is not compatible with Windows NT,
Windows 3.x, Windows for OS/2, or Windows
emulators such as SoftWindows. This version
of System Activity Monitor requires that the
Norton Utilities for Windows 95 be installed
on your system and only licensed users of
Norton Utilities are entitled to use System
Activity Monitor. System Activity Monitor is
68478 SMSH32.ZIP 175363 25.01.1996 - - -
SmilerShell/95 1.2 - GREAT Win95/NT control
center & cmdline takes NO screen space! Rt-
click roving titlebar button to launch from
yr fav-apps list, or switch to a running app.
Left-click pops up ultimate Win cmdline: runs
DOS & WIN pgms, hist/edit/srch; aliases; fast
dir change over multiple drives ... and keeps
Explorer in sync! FindFile by name, contents;
cal/clock, curr dir, Win mem/rsrcs, more!
"Must-have, recommended" (Windows Mag)
68479 SMTA32.ZIP 1071821 05.11.1996 versio 3.2 15650/PCM_9706.iso -
SMART ADDRESS for Windows 95/NT (V3.1). A
sophisticated Windows address management
system. Direct Links to any Word Processor,
Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word,
Modem Support, sophisticated reporting
Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems,
callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very
user configurable, User defined notes, MDI,
sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full
Popup Help. Calendar functions. Tooltips.
20154 SMTWHL10.ZIP 357,8 kt 01.01.1998 - 1737/Top 200 Programs.iso -
SmartWheel V1.0 Intellimouse Enhancer. Provides wheel scrolling and move-the- mouse around panning effect to the majority of applications, even if they were not programmed to support the Intellimouse. The panning effect is also available to users of standard 3-button mice, by using the middle mouse button.
20155 SMU335.ZIP 2,3 Mt 06.01.1998 - - -
Set Me Up 97Windows 95 system configuration tool. Evaluation Copy. The aim of the application is to cover all the system set-up/customization features that are either hidden or not directly avaliable to the user. The application also offers several enhancements to the operating system features
20156 SNAGIT32.ZIP 513 kt 30.07.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
SnagIt Twin Pack v3.2Easy to use Windows Screen Capture for Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and  Windows NT. SnagIt captures your screen,  window, scrolling window, or region to the  printer, clipboard, or a variety of file  formats, including PCX, JPG, TIF, GIF and  BMP. Fully supports Dynamic Data Exchange  (DDE) and MAPI for easy integration into your applications. SnagIt supports all Windows  video modes and rastering printers.
20157 SOFTY105.ZIP 135,9 kt 24.06.1998 - MBCD -
Softy v1.05Truetype-fonttieditori.
20158 SPCAL57.ZIP 378,3 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
SuperCal v5.7 Windows scientific/financial calulator. Scrolling tape calculator featuring scientific and financial capabilities. Full 15 digit accuracy with no rounding errors. Integrated help on all funcions. Results of all calculations can be saved to clipboard, file, or printer. 10 memory locations/saved between sessions. Shareware.   Registration: $16.00
20159 SPCL13.ZIP 866,3 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
SPEAKING CLOCK, version 1.3 SPEAKING CLOCK, version 1.3 - released 
1999-09-19. Speaking clock with multiple
language support (available separately).
20160 SPCLFIN.ZIP 202,5 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
Speaking Clock: suomen kieliSuomen kieli Speaking Clock -ohjelmalle
20469 SPDROMEV.ZIP 1497285 17.09.1996 - - -
SpeedyROM 1.0 Trial Edition * Windows 95!
CD-ROM cache using hard drive for permanent
file storage, for older slower CD-drives.
22460 SPEBAR.ZIP 578499 24.11.1996 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
Speed Bar for Windows gives you fast access
to common Windows 95. It makes Windows 95
easier to use then just using the 'Start'
button. Speed Bar is a button bar that sits
above the "Start" button and has icons for
many common Windows programs! NEED
20471 SPLOK95.ZIP 23058 30.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
-SuperLok for Windows 95- SuperLok is an
encryption programme which uses the same
algorithm to encrypt and decrypt files.
68609 SPY321A0.ZIP 343177 24.11.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Socket Spy/32 Win95 trace/debugging system
designed for developers of WINSOCK version
1.1 communications applications. It provides
tracing capabilities for monitoring API
socket calls between the application and the
communications system. The spy window
displays API calls in real-time and may be
configured with various filters and traps to
isolate design problems.
22200 SR274.ZIP 292378 24.11.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Search & Replace,Touch for Windows 95/NT 3.1x
Fast and easy to use search(grep) and replace
utility (v2.74) for Windows 95/NT and 3.1x.
Supports regular expressions for search and
replace, searches through multiple files/
subdirectory for a phrase and can replace it
with another. Results are shown color coded,
many options (backup, logging, scripts,
20474 SRTCUT.ZIP 152424 11.10.1996 - 14417/fun_&_games_nr_30.iso -
ShortCutter for Windows 95
checks your hard drive for broken links. When
it finds one, it can check to see if the
target has been moved, then deletes the
shortcut if not. FREE
20161 SS30.EXE 579 kt 20.01.2000 - - -
System Safe 3.0 Protects your system, repairs/replaces corrupt/missing system files. FileScan can scan your system at Windows startup and make corrections if needed. System File Lab can protect hundreds of files.
22466 STARTCLN.ZIP 18764 27.11.1996 versio 1.1 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Start Clean v1.2 for Windows 95
Cleans the Start Menu by removing
unneeded links and directories. A must
have for any power user.
20162 STBRWS13.ZIP 21 kt 05.01.2001 - - -
SetBrowser v1.3Jos koneellesi on asennettu useampi selain, voit tällä ohjelmalla valita, mitä niistä käytetään oletusselaimena. Ilmainen.
22467 STIL19TE.ZIP 247164 27.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
Stiletto v1.9u.  Tiny 3.1x/95 bar launcher/ut
featuring: small footprint (fits in title bar
any mouse button starts a command; multiple b
direct access to prog mgr/shell commands;
multiple launch menus/submenus; task switch,
close, on top; time/date, resource usage, tim
over 80 built-in commands; alarms; sound,
paper control, Win95 file names, key sending.
V1.9u fixes several small bugs.
20163 STIME100.ZIP 749847 12.02.1996 - MBCD -
============ SmallTime (v1.00) ==============
SmallTime is a handy little utility timer
designed specifically for Windows 95!. It
will remind you of an event occurring up to
99 minutes and 59 seconds later. It features
five unique alarm sounds, four display types,
drap-and-drop custom sounds, and more! All
this in an attractive package that looks nice
on your Windows 95 desktop. Shareware.
Registration fee: $5.00. From GadgetWare.
20164 STUPORG.EXE 556,6 kt 14.05.2001 - - -
StartUp Organizer 1.1.48 SR 2Startup Organizer is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 32-bit program that was developed to provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Startup Organizer, you can inspect, edit, and/or temporary disable such programs, make backup configurations, and so on. It displays a list of all automatically started program categories , including the Registry, Programs menu and the Win.ini file. 30-day trial by Metaproducts. http://www.metaproducts.com/SO.html
20165 SUPRGRAB.ZIP 43,1 kt 06.11.1997 - 22652/cd joystick no85 septembre 1997.iso -
Suprgrab revision 6 3Dfx screen capture grabs the current contents of the frame buffer (backbuffer) on a 3Dfx card and do proper filtering and gamma correction on it. The images should be duplicate the quality of what is on the screen.
20478 SUPRM21A.ZIP 32481 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
(v2.1) SuperMenu. Popup access to Win95
StartMenu. SuperMenu is a popup-menu which
makes it possible to select the Win95
StartMenu button from wherever the hand is at
the moment when clicking the right
mouse-button (alternate mouse-button).
Shareware (US$ 15.- Visa/AmEx, Transfer)
Jarle Pettersen, jarlep@telepost.no
CompuServe: 100420,474
20166 SVME201.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
"Saveme97 The Windows 95 configuration saver. This program will save your configuration files and restore them if necessary."
20167 SW0052.ZIP 364959 27.11.1996 - - -
ARCsolo 95 1.0 30-Day Live Trial 5 of 5
Tape Support Disk. ARCsolo for Windows
95 provides two complete
workstation-based backup solutions for
standalone PCs, workgroups, and servers
and is compatible with most network
operating systems.
20168 SW100.ZIP 543,2 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
SizeWise SE v1.0 Disk/resource monitor for Win95. Monitors and warns of low levels of disk, memory & resources. You set the levels. Use an led-style or level meter-style indicator. Gives hints of what to do when low levels are reached. Very small and fast utility. Pass the mouse over the indicator for quick information. Uses system tray to minimize screen use. Complete on-line help.
70526 SW150.ZIP 751835 03.06.1996 - MBCD -
ShellWizard v1.50 Windows 95 config utility
20169 SW20PRO.EXE 1841744 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
ShellWizard PRO 2.0 for Windows 95
20170 SW98I.ZIP 2,5 Mt 19.01.2000 versio 2.0 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Schedule Wizard 98 2.04 The essential tool for automating programs and messages on schedule, with flexibility and ease http://www.schedulewizard.com
20171 SWAPMON.ZIP 6848 10.11.1996 koko¹ #hyrava -
FlipTech SwapMon v1.0 Final.
20172 SWINUUE.ZIP 592,1 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
SUPER WINUUE v1.0 Super WinUUE is a 32-bit UUEncoder/UUDecoder for Windows 95. Simple and easy to use. A must have for every Windows toolkit.
20481 SYNCHRO.ZIP 1300228 03.09.1996 - - -
Synchro version 1.2
is an application to allow you to synchronize
directories between drives or computers.
Files which exist in both the source and
target directories will be replaced if the
source file is newer, or not if the targer is
newer. Files which do not exist in the target
directory but do in the source will be
created in the target directory. SHAREWARE$15
20173 SYRSNAG.ZIP 553,5 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Syrinx SnaggerManages URLs captured with the Windows clipboard
20174 SYSCHECK.EXE 77632 06.12.1995 - 24071/2002-01_-_Disc_7.11.iso -
Windows 95 System Check (BETA VERSION)
W95CHECK.EXE is a free utility that will
perform a basic test of hardware and
software compatibility for customers
considering upgrading their system to
Windows 95.  It is not intended as an all-
inclusive diagnostic check for every known
hardware and software compatibility issue
with Windows 95.  Instead, this utility is
designed to answer the most frequently
asked technical questions you may have
prior to upgrading to Windows 95.
20175 SYSED123.ZIP 171,1 kt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
System Editor Beta v1.2.3A small program for viewing and editing your system information, for example your computer name, enviroment variables, etc. Includes also a registry editor. Freeware.
20176 SYSID14B.ZIP 187,7 kt 28.11.2000 - - -
SysId v1.4bIlmainen ohjelma kertoo koneesi tarkan kellotaajuuden, muistin tilan sekä paljon muuta. Toimii Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT 4.0.
20177 SYSINFOW.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
System Information Tracker 0.96 intfSIT gives you information on your computer, and tracks memory, and displays drive information.
20178 SYSINTR.ZIP 257,9 kt 09.10.1998 - - -
Joukko ohjelmia Windows 95/98:lle, jotka mm. tarkkailevat ohjelmien avaamia tiedostoja, käytössä olevia DLL-prosesseja ja Windowsin rekisteriä. Mukana myös disk-cachen tyhjentäjä. Erittäin hyödyllisiä varsinkin ongelmatilanteissa.
20179 SYSMN.EXE 56913 12.09.1995 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
Windows 95 System Monitor Utility
20180 SYSMON32.ZIP 35262 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
System Monitor 32 v3.0 now completely
supports Win95.
20181 SYSNF099.EXE 225,3 kt 03.09.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
System Information v0.99Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää tietoja koneellasi olevista laitteista, käyttöjärjestelmästä sekä BIOSista.
20182 SYSTIP.ZIP 14702 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
System tooltips for Windows 95
20183 SYSTW32.ZIP 655,9 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
System Studio for Win32 by Tweak 3D. Windows tweaking tool by the author of the popular Fast Card.  System information and tweaking tool for Windows 9x/NT and 2000. It provides you with information on a wide range of operating system and hardware items. It will let you selectively choose items to dump to a report in both text and HTML formats and allow you to automatically generate the reports at set intervals. 
20184 T95_111.ZIP 117,6 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
Time95 version 1.11 A world clock distributed as shareware. Includes over 150 cities.
68919 TC32101.ZIP 497525 29.08.1995 - MBCD -
Take Command/32 1.01  - JP Software's
new 32-bit command processor for MS Windows
NT and Windows 95.  A true Windows app, not
character-mode.  Command enhancements, over
50 new commands, 4DOS compatible, dozens of
new Windows NT-related features.  Shareware,
$69 full registration.  08-22-95 release A.
68920 TC32102.ZIP 522381 08.01.1997 - MBCD -
Take Command/32 1.02  - JP Software's
32-bit graphical command processor for MS
Windows 95 and Windows NT.  A true Windows
app, not character- mode.  Command
enhancements, over 50 new commands, 4DOS
compatible, dozens of new Windows NT-related
20185 TC32202.ZIP 789,5 kt 25.12.2000 - 23725/PCWorld_2000-08_cd.bin -
"Take Command/32 v2.02BNew release of JP Softwares 32-bit GUI command processor for MS Windows 95 and NT (for Intel-compatible CPUs).  Command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresmany other unique command line tools.  4DOS/4NT compatibledozens of new Windows-related features as well.  Shareware$69.95 full registration.  04-16-99 release B (131). "
20186 TCLOC2.ZIP 331221 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Talking Clock 2 v. 2.01 for Windows 95, NT,
and Win32s. Displays the current time and
optionally announces the time every 15
minutes using your sound card. Shareware.
20187 TD28_32.ZIP 634 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
ToDo v2.8Manages all your daily tasks, sorts by priority etc.
20188 TEKFCT95.ZIP 516,6 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
TECHFACTS 95 v1.30 TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95 utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for Files, DLLs, and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable resource monitors and multiple resource\\disk alarms as well as a Windows 95 registry performance monitor. TechFacts 95 allows you to transmit any data by Fax\\Modem.
20189 TEKSMAN5.ZIP 118,3 kt 24.03.2000 - - -
Tekstimanageri v5.0Tekstimanageri on Firezonen taattua suomalaista laatua.
Ohjelmassa on mahdollista tallentaa teksti monelle eri 
päätteelle. Miksi turhaa kirjotella paperille kun on 
Tekstimanageri? Vaatii Windows 95, 32-bit.
20190 TEMPOR10.ZIP 244,4 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
TEMPORA 1.0Tempora on monipuolinen kalenteri, jossa on mukana viikonnumerot, nimipäivät, pyhäpäivät, liputuspäivät ja muokattava väritys. Näyttää vuodet 1-9999. Freeware. Tarvitsee VB40032.DLL:n
20191 TENCL103.ZIP 128 kt 08.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Ten Clipboards 1.03 You can use ten independent clipboards  at the same time.  Switching by mouse, keys, hot-keys. Supports all Windows 95 and  Windows NT 4.0  clipboard  formats. Powerfull  copy  and  paste enhancements - text-adding,  MultiPaste,  MultiCopy, copy Undo. Friendly interface, many options.
20192 TFT080.ZIP 482,5 kt 05.02.2000 - MBHH2001 -
The Font Thing v0.80Ilmainen ja monipuolinen ohjelma fonttien selailuun.
20193 TIMAST20.ZIP 223594 15.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
PowerStrip v2.0 (Win/Win95 shareware). The
handiest utility you'll ever use. Displays
time, date, and system resources (toggle
on/off) in a tiny, draggable status bar.
Right-click popup menu reveals full Calendar,
Phone Number list and dialer, ToDo List, disk
info panel, and file finder/launcher - all
hidden until needed. Unlike other PIMs, this
one has the basics you actually use.
20194 TIMEEZY.ARJ 220,4 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
"TimeEzy v1.0Intelligent Global Clock for  Win 95 and NT 4.0. An exceptionally easy to  use utility which offers pointnclick access to timezones around the world. Takes Daylight Savings Time into account wherever and  whenever appropriate.  From the author of the highly regarded  SkedEzy and SkedEzy Pro schedulers. The  author is a member of the ASP."
20195 TIMER15.ZIP 14,3 kt 23.04.1999 - - -
"Arskas Super Timer 1.5 Ohjelmajoka ilmoittaa kun kello on tarpeeksi paljon! (Saattaa tarvita Visual Basic-kirjastoja! vbrun500.exe)
20196 TIMERC11.ZIP 139,6 kt 07.12.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
TimeRC 1.1TimeRC is a Windows 95 -specific time client which synchronizes your PC clock with a number of time servers from around the world via Internet.
20197 TIMES10.ZIP 43,7 kt 27.03.1997 - 18133/winsit03964.zip tupla
Time Synchronizer v1.0 for WinNTTime Synchronizer is used to synchronize time on multiple computers running Microsoft Windows NT on the network.
20198 TINYTIMR.ZIP 132,2 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
TinyTimer 1.1a This small desktop tray accessory provides the user with a small, pop-up/ self-hiding timer. Use it to monitor your online time, or for any general purpose activity. Homepage: http://www.powerup. com.au/~marver
20199 TM133.ZIP 162,2 kt 13.08.2000 - - -
Tekstin muokkaaja v1.33Tämä ohjelma muuttaa useamman tekstin kokoa, eli SUURESTA pieneksi ja päinvastoin. Uutta: uusi asetus, bugikorjaus ja valitun asetuksen värjäys. Vaatii: Visual Basic 6 Runtime-tiedostot ® Copyright 2000 Valtteri Huttunen.
20200 TM2003.EXE 666 kt 07.08.1998 - - -
The Trial Magician v2.0 Demoversio Trial Magician on ohjelma, jolla voit asentaa ohjelmia virtuaalisesti koneellesi ja poistaa ne halutessasi ilman rekisteri- tai asetusmuutoksia.
20201 TMOUSE95.ZIP 341 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
ToggleMOUSE utility for Windows 95
20202 TN144.EXE 863,9 kt 25.12.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Turbo Navigator v1.44Norton Commander -tyylinen tiedostonhallintaohjelma. Osaa mm. tiedostojen pilkkomisen ja liittämisen, salaamisen, monipuoliset valinnat ja erittäin paljon muuta. Freeware. http://www.turbonavigator.com/
22480 TOILET.ZIP 57668 15.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Toilet to replace the Recycle Bin of
Windows 95
22482 TOOLS95.ZIP 409979 15.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This rather simple little program lets you
change the names of 3 of the Desktop Objects,
'My Computer', 'Network Neighborhood', and
'The Recycle Bin'. To run it all you do is
run the "Names95" file from either the
command prompt or the Explorer.  It will then
allow you to change these objects on your
desktop.  The changes will not be visible
until you restart the computer.
22206 TOUCHPRO.ZIP 30826 27.11.1996 - MBCD -
TouchPro - is a Win95 extension that
allows you to modify a file's time and
date values. This appears as an extra
dialog box in addition to a file's
normal property pages.
69297 TPAD132A.ZIP 510449 27.11.1996 - - -
TEXTPAD 1.32a: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner.
20203 TPSD3210.ZIP 166213 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
TopSide32:  stay-on-top Calendar, v1.0, for
32-bit Windows provides the needed calendar
applet missing from Windows 95.  Requires:
80386sx or greater and 32-bit Windows
operating system.  Stay-on-top capability and
calendar print feature available in
registered copy.  From RCCO Research.
69369 TRAYDA51.ZIP 30713 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
TrayDay v5.1 for Windows 95 Taskbar tray
TrayDay places an icon showing the date
(day of the month) in the system tray.
You can copy and paste the current date
to other applications, and customize the
date icon's tooltip.
22489 TRAYEX.ZIP 8986 25.01.1996 - 15653/PCM_9710.iso -
TrayExit Hate clicking on Start to close
Windows? Use TrayExit to shut down with an
icon instead.
20491 TRAYQT.ZIP 8039 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Quick exit for Windows 95 on system tray
69370 TRAYTXT6.ZIP 72625 27.11.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
TrayText 6.0 for Windows 95 or NT 4.0.
Autotext from the system tray! Store
common phrases that are available to any
application with just two mouse clicks or
key presses. Plus, a useful Spike feature
for collecting text from different sources.
22494 TSCUTS.ZIP 10263 24.09.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
Tray Shortcuts version 1.0
allows you to add any shortcut to the system
tray. Simply copy the shortcuts that you wish
to appear in the tray to the folder that
contains Tscuts.exe, the tray shortcuts
executable, then launch tray shortcuts. The
shortcut icons will appear in the system tray
. Remember that tray shortcuts will not
display executable or document icons in the
tray; it will, however, display any type of
shortcut. FREE
20204 TSKINF10.ZIP 348,5 kt 31.01.1999 - MBCD -
TaskInfo v.1.00TaskInfo shows information about all running processes and threads including ring0 VxD threads. This information include CPU usage, scheduling, path, command line, environment variables, memory usage, DLLs and other. It can run and force termination of processes. Reboot, Restart, Shutdown System. It shows also System wide info: CPU, Memory and Cache usage. Data rates for Disk, Network, DialUp IO.
20205 TSKMAN.EXE 16,7 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
"Task Manager 2000 1.00 (demo)This program can be used by a single user or in a team environment to help manage and keep track of all tasksprojects and client jobs and other things you or your team are working on. Features Microsofts Access database technology to provide a multi-user database environment.
20206 TTOOL102.ZIP 243,4 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
TimeTools v1.02 All the functions of a multifunction wristwatch on your PC: timer, easily settable alarm, stopwatch with lap counter and average lap time calculator, tempo counter.
20207 TTOOLS.ZIP 134,9 kt 06.12.2000 - - -
Tray Tools 2000 v2.1Ilmainen ohjelma Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me:lle, jolla saat lisättyä maksimissaan 24 vapaavalintaista ohjelmaa Windowsin tehtävätarjottimeen. 
20208 TVW32.ZIP 94820 27.11.1996 - MBCD -
TaskView v4.2 -  Utility program for
Microsoft Windows 95, and Windows NT that
provides the ability to view and manage the
active tasks currently operating on the
computer. It is particularly useful for
terminating programs that are no longer
cooperative and to set the priorities of
operating tasks. If you have the new Windows
95 shell and miss the old task manager, this
is the utility for you.
20209 TWEA11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 09.07.1999 - #hyrava -
TweakAll v1.1CD Autorun options, Windows Boot up options, items on the Add/Remove control panel, 3dfx Voodoo overclocking and more Windows system options. Installs as a control panel applet. Change those annoying features of windows. Improve your system performance. Backs up your current Windows settings to allow you to reset them easily. Windows 95/98.
20210 TWEAK502.ZIP 819,1 kt 20.10.2000 - 10268/CICA 32 for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (January 2001) (Disc 2).iso -
Tweaker 5.02Pieni ja ilmainen TweakUI:n kaltainen ohjelma Windowsin asetusten fiksailuun.
20211 TWEAKALL.EXE 2,1 Mt 28.07.2000 - 23045/cdactioncoverdisc492000.iso -
"TweakAll 1.2.3 Full InstallTweakAll is a small program that allows you to take control over your 
Windows 95/98 operating system (doesnt work with Windows NT). 
Set-up Windows the way YOU want itnot how Microsoft think you 
should have it. http://www.abtons-shed.com/TweakAll.html
20212 TWEAKI.EXE 3,4 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Tweaki...for Power Users v2.7.5Monipuolinen, yli 200 Windowsin muokkaustoimintoa sisältävä TweakUI:n kaltainen ohjelma. Shareware-versio Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. http://www.jermar.com
20213 TWEAKIT.ZIP 123,4 kt 09.10.2000 - - -
TweakIT v1.0Nopea ja suomenkielinen Tweak-ohjelma, jolla saat muutettua mm. Internet Explorerin asetuksia. Tulevaisuudessa enemmän ominaisuuksia. Vaatii Visual Basic 6.0:n ajonaikaiset tiedostot; VBRUN6.0. Tekijä: Niko Hujanen, http://www.nikohujanen.com
20214 TWEAKUI.EXE 110,4 kt 29.11.2000 - 24080/2001-05_-_Disc_7.2.iso -
Tweak UI 1.33The Windows shell-development team did some extra programming and put together a set of 
tools, called Power Toys. If you\'re a power user, go ahead and try them out, but be 
forewarned that Power Toys aren\'t supported by Microsoft, because they are not part 
of Windows. This group of "toys" lets you adjust your Windows User Interface, including 
menu speed, window animation, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Free.
20215 TWKI2024.ZIP 63,1 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
TweakIt (Voodoo/Voodoo2 v2.0.24b2)Erinomainen - ehkä paras - Voodoon tweekkaus ohjelma. Paljon säätöjä, nyt tuki jopa Voodoo2:lle. Tekee itsestään batit. Säädää 3Dfx DirectX- asetuksia, muistioptioita jne.
20216 TWKUI_98.ZIP 100,8 kt 09.10.1998 - MBCD -
TweakUI 98 Windows 95/98:lle
20217 TXTAL120.EXE 3,9 Mt 22.09.2000 - - -
TextAloud MP3 1.2Turn text from your computer into spoken words. Convert email, online news, or important documents into WAVs or MP3s and listen to them while you exercise, work, or commute.
20218 TYPPAR11.ZIP 389,8 kt 01.11.2000 - - -
Type Parser v1.1Ilmainen ohjelma, joka kertoo, mihin kaikkialle levyllä on tallennettu tietyntyyppisiä tiedostoja.
Näyttää tiedostoista myös erilaista tilastotietoa.
20219 TZ30.ZIP 72636 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
Time Zone v3.0 Windows 95 system extension
Control Panel extension to maintain your
system's time zone.
20220 UAEL37.ZIP 157,2 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
UAE-Launcher  v3.7This is a program which helps starting Ubiquitous Amiga  Emulator, making the command line automatically.
20221 UAERUNNR.ZIP 12,2 kt 08.01.1998 - - -
"UAErunner v1.0 Launch UAE with different configurations. Easy managementfast accessmany options. Youll never start WinUAE from a DOS-Box again! :.)"
20222 UCALC32.ZIP 101,7 kt 28.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
ULTIMATE CALCULATOR v3.2 Graphic scientific calculator. Expression evaluator with many built-in functions, operators, numerical notations, and modes. User variables & functions. Solves, plots 2D/3D equations, does integrations and summations. Supports hex & binary notations. Radian & degree modes. Resizable TSR window. 18 significant digits. Mouse support. Online help and more.
20223 UNINMNGR.ZIP 455,2 kt 20.11.2000 versio 3.10 15606/PCM_0004.iso -
Uninstall Manager v3.21 Easy to use, fast and powerful uninstaller. The best way to check all new additions to  your system without installation monitoring. Removing files from your system is a lot harder than installing them. With U.M. you can completely remove unwanted software in a few minutes. 30-day trial. System: Win95/98/Me. (c) 1997-2000 All rights reserved. 
20224 UNIX95.ZIP 669023 27.11.1995 ClamAV: Win.Malware.Pskill-10 FOUND Metropoli BBS files.zip -
UNIXin tapaisia työkaluohjelmia Windows
69563 UNMOZ.ZIP 341283 18.11.1996 renamed 2459/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 5).iso -
UnMozify Cache Manager
lets you manipulate the files stored in the
browser's cache in almost any way you want.
20225 UPTIM152.ZIP 33,5 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Uptime v1.52For Windows 9x/ME/2000. Displays the time since Windows was last  started. Installs an icon to windows  taskbar tray and shows the uptime as  a tooltip. Also shows info of your use  of computer, such as computer startups,  highest and lowest uptime. Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Kimmo Ahola.  Freeware. 
20226 UPTIM200.ZIP 350,2 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
UPTIME v2.00Uptime is a 32-bit software for Windows 95,98 and NT 4.0 that displays how long the computer has been running. Uptime features a resizable window and a system tray icon for complete control over its appearance. FREEWARE. W eb site at http://www.idyle.com
20227 UPTIME12.ZIP 138,7 kt 28.10.1998 - MBCD -
Uptime 1.2Displays the time since Windows was last started. Installs an icon to the Taskbar tray, then shows the uptime as a tooltip. Creates and maintains a log file of all startups and shutdowns. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho. Freeware. Delphi 3.0 source included.
20228 V3TWEAKS.ZIP 231,3 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
V3Tweaks Version: 1.22 (Windows 95/98) Author: L.R.A. (18/06/2000) WebSite: http://lra.newmail.ru E-Mail: lra@newmail.ru 
20229 VAIHTAJA.ZIP 24,5 kt 28.07.2000 - - -
Vaihtaja on tietokoneen käyttöä huomattavasti nopeuttava ohjelma, jolla voidaan esim. vaihtaa mp3-playlistit lennossa, sekä arpoa uusi taustakuva tietokoneen käynnistyksen yhteydessä. Ohjelman varsinainen käyttö on erittäin helppoa ja mukana seuraa kätevä muokkausohjelma sen tiedostoille. Vaatii VB5:n ajonaikaistiedostot, Win95 tai uudempi.
20230 VALVOJ10.ZIP 503,4 kt 24.03.2000 - - -
Valvoja 1.0.Win 9x. Freeware. Valvoja tarkkailee heittovaihtotiedoston 
ja prosessorin käyttöastetta sekä käytettävissä olevan 
muistin ja järjestelmäresurssien määrää. Haluttu kohde näkyy 
jatkuvasti päivittyvänä pylväänä tarjottimen kuvakkeessa.
20231 VARO12.ZIP 330,5 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Varoittaja 1.2 Varoittaja hälyttää kun tietty aika on kulunut umpeen. Ohjelma on kätevä esim. puhelun keston mittaamisessa. (Tarvitsee VB5 ajonaikaiset tiedostot) By: Atomic / MATt
20232 VBSYS340.ZIP 340072 18.10.1996 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
VBSys Windows System Monitor for Win95.
Tarkkailee levytilaa, vapaata muistia,
prosessorin käyttöä yms.
20502 VCALC09B.ZIP 86235 10.11.1996 - 23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip -
Virtual Calc v0.9 Beta.
20233 VDESK111.ZIP 57,3 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
VDESK32 v1.11Virtual Desktop for Windows 95/NT. Freeware, (C) 1995-1997 Jussi Lahdenniemi
22211 VDIFMRGN.ZIP 149978 24.10.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso -
VDIFMRG - Visual Diff and Merge
Version 1.0 patch A (first release)
Visual Diff and Merge (VDIFMRG) is a
software developer's tool for finding and
displaying the differences between two
versions of a source file, and for merging
separate changes made to copies of the
same source during concurrent development.
20234 VDP32.ZIP 3466633 09.08.1996 - - -
VISUAL DAY PLANNER 5.0 for 95  This PC
features Workgroup-Enabled Network Version,
Calendar as Wallpaper, Recurring Events, Drag
and Drop text, unique Alarm with multiple
Musical Tunes, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color Printing,
MultiView, MultiColor, MultiFont and
MultiDocument capability. Extremely easy to
use. So, What Do You Want To Do Today?
20235 VEIK101.ZIP 1 Mt 24.03.2000 - - tupla
Veikkaaja v1.01Jokaisen pitkänvedon pelaajan toiveohjelma. Laskee helposti
kertoimen. Ilmainen. Vaatii: Visual Basic 4 16-bit runtime libraries.
20236 VELKURI.ZIP 127,8 kt 17.04.2001 versio 1.1 MBHH2006 -
Velkuri v1.0Suomalainen. Velkuri on ohjelma, jolla voit tallentaa lainoja/velkoja tai mitä tahansa muita asioita. Muistiin mahtuu yhteensä 100 nimeä, ja jokaiselle nimelle saa tallennettua 30 lainaa. Ohjelma sisältää helppokäyttöisen ohjeen ja AutoUpdate-toinnon. Vaatii Win95 tai uudemman, ja msvbvm60.dll:n. Suomalainen. Tekijä: Jani Nuotio
20237 VEN20SP1.EXE 191,7 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Virtual Environment v2.0 Service Pack 1
20238 VENV20.EXE 202,8 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Virtual Environment v2.0
20239 VERSLIST.ZIP 78070 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
VersList extracts and compares version
information from Win32 executable files.
22500 VFWIN1_0.ZIP 140749 31.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
VF Very Fast Access To Any Folder On Any
Drive For Windows 95 ONLY. This small utility
gives you fast and easy access to your
folders and directories. With powerful
filefind utility. Just start VFwin, enter
folder or part of foldername, hit enter or
click 'start' and the folder opens with the
explorer, FAST. Scans your disks at lightning
20240 VISDAR.ZIP 277269 21.08.1996 - - -
VisionDar 4.0
is a calendar combines the art and beauty of
wall calendars, with th limitsless
possibilities of a computer software.
* Beatiful pictures, specially designed for
1996, by art designer Matit.
* Capture new images as you surf!
* A handy scheduler with "cont. sound" alarms
* Resize it to any possible size
* Display all "time-entities" (clock, month,
etc.) in all colors and fonts. SHAREWARE $18
20241 VN95.ZIP 298591 08.01.1997 - 22904/pcwnov96.zip -
Vulcan Notes 95 lets you create up to 100
virtual "sticky notes" on your screen
(reminder application).
20242 VOICENET.EXE 2 Mt 21.01.2000 - - -
"VoiceNet VRS 2000 simple Voice Recognition Utility with Voice Mail Messaging features. You can create different voice commands to run applications and simulate user input. TheVoice Mail Wizardallows you to send and receive voice mail messages with anyone anywhere."
20243 VPAD-SW.A01 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 2/4
20244 VPAD-SW.A02 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 3/4
20245 VPAD-SW.A03 1,2 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 4/4
20246 VPAD-SW.ARJ 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Kurzweil VoicePadTalk To Your Computer - Seriously clever software. It looks just like the word processor that comes with Windows 95 - WordPad. But, forget the typing and chasing the mouse, it just listens to what you say, then does it. All you have to do is talk. VoicePad prioritises 17 000 words you want to use, from its list of 200 000, and then lets you add 3 000 new words. Req. Pentium Win95 16 MB sound card. Shareware.
69821 VRAM106T.ZIP 37487 18.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso tupla
VRAM Dir v. 1.06  Dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM
file system driver for Windows 95. Much
faster than Hard Disks, RAM-disks or cache.
20247 VRAM107T.ZIP 37,9 kt 22.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
VRAM Dir v1.07VRAM Dir is a dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM file system driver for Windows 95. Much faster than hard disks, RAM-disks or cache.
20248 VSUBST15.ZIP 16,2 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
vSubst v1.5Voit luoda virtuaalisen levyaseman mistä tahansa hakemistosta helposti. Uutta levyasemaa voi käyttää niinkuin se olisi normaali fyysinen asema. Asema häviää automaattisesti Windwsin sammutuksessa, voit myös ohjelman avulla tehdä asemat automaattisesti Windowsin käynnistyksen yhteydessä. Freeware.
20249 VWBMP.ZIP 91547 11.10.1996 - - -
View A Bitmap--View An AVI Utility
It is intented as a previewing program
for quickly looking through a number of
files in the same directory.
20250 VWINMGR2.ZIP 30227 04.11.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Imp Virtual Window Manager. Tällä pystyt
käyttämään jopa yhdeksää virtuaaliruutua yhtä
20251 W95SE11B.ZIP 1,8 Mt 04.11.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Win95 Startup Editor v1.1Win95 Startup Editor allows you to change the boot configuration of Win95 in the simple and safest way.
20504 W95TOOL1.ZIP 26714 18.12.1995 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Komentoriviohjelmat uudelleenkäynnistykseen
ja Windowsin sammutukseen.
20252 WA260.ZIP 344 kt 08.01.2000 - - -
WAssociate v2.6For Win9.x/NT/2000. Change file associations fast. Freeware.
22213 WASTE95A.ZIP 752898 29.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
WASTE.EXE 2.5 (a 32 bit app for Win95 &
WinNT) quickly analyzes a specified disk and
reports the total amount of space in use, and
total amount of slack or "wasted" space on
the specified disk. Allows you informed,
intelligent choices for disk partitioning.
Also reports the prospective disk wastage for
various hypothetical disk sizes.
20253 WB2000S.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
WinBoost 2000 WinBoost 2000 is a special utility to configure and personalize Windows 98/98SE/ 95 looks and feels. Using easy to use GUI you can configure hundreds of Windows 98/95 hidden settings, from the Start Menu, Desktop, Accessories, Windows Explorer, to Internet Explorer.
20255 WCLK23.ZIP 125,7 kt 27.02.1998 - MBCD -
World Clocks v2.3World Clocks can show unlimited number (theoretically) of clocks - each one can be configured for a different city. Choose from a list of over 100 cities. This software is FREEWARE, NO warranty what so ever. - Chirag Dalal, chirag@theoffice.net, http://www.theoffice.net/chirag/
69972 WCMD211.ZIP 697658 18.12.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO tupla
WINDOWS COMMANDER v2.11 - for WinNT/95/3.1.
This is a bugfix to Wincmd 2.10. There is a
bug in the internal ZIP packer of 2.10! If
you have 2.10, get this file! (You don't need
version 2.10 to install this.)
20256 WCPU300.EXE 174,5 kt 02.04.2001 - 22325/VPR0106A.BIN -
WCPUID 3.0Näyttää runsaasti tietoa prosessorista. http://www.h-oda.com/
20257 WDATE301.ZIP 653,5 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
"WinDates v3.01 Holiday/birthday/event reminder with alarms & calendar for Windows 95 or NT. WinDates allows you to enter and be reminded of important dates and times. WinDates includes an alarm function and a monthly calendar. WinDates AUTOMATICALLY calculates and reminds you of many holidays such as Mothers Day and Fathers Day which can be hard to remember since they may fall on a different date each year. From RockinSoftware.  Shareware $19.95 US"
20258 WEDORG.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.10.2000 renamed / versio ? 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 1).iso -
My Wedding Organizer v5.2My Wedding Organizer combines the tools you need to make organizing your wedding a less stressful task. This program can create and manage important information, such as invitation lists, RSVP, gifts received, thank-you notes sent, and more. You can also design seating charts for the reception, track menu selection, and manage other details with simple hierarchical databases. In addition, My Wedding Organizer can print invitations, thank-you notes, envelopes, or any other documents you require. This updated version features file import, budget suggestions, better screen formatting, and a choice of large or small fonts. The unregistered version has a trial limit of 30 days. The registration fee is $29.95. Shareware for Win9x/NT by Reliable Source Inc.
20259 WGLOBE12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 28.01.2000 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 4).iso -
WinGlobe v1.2A tiny Earth that sits on your desktop and shows countries and major cities (2792 currently). It knows the population and the current local time of each city. It also shows whether it is day or night.
20260 WGLOBE2.ZIP 2 Mt 09.04.2001 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
WinGlobe 2WinGlobe is a tiny earth that sits on your Windows desktop. In addition to just sitting there it knows the local time and population of several thousand major cities around the world. It also shows where it is day or night at the moment. And it shows the current weather. Shareware.
70029 WH95_11S.ZIP 25693 11.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
WinHacker 95 Version 1.1 Shareware [1/1] This
configures all the hidden options and secrets
in Windows 95! A MUST-HAVE!
20261 WH95V202.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.10.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinHacker 95 v2.02Winhacker 95 is a utility that you can use to configure the hidden Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 settings. WinHacker 95 is THE Windows Shell Management Tool. http://www.winhacker.com
20262 WHISPER.ZIP 422,2 kt 13.09.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Whisper 32 v1.12Shaun Ivorys FREE  Password Manager for Window 95 and Windows  NT. 
Store all of your passwords in one file.  Encrypted password file. Built-in 
password  generator. Use the Windows clipboard to copy  passwords. 
Automatically backs up password  files each time they are saved. 
Program is  password protected. Comprehensive online  reference. 
Runs in the system tray.
20263 WHOWKS51.ZIP 115,4 kt 01.07.1997 - 12774/7100.zip -
WHOWORKS V5.07 demoA Windows 95 & 3.1 program which allows the user to create 1 to 10-week work schedules for up to 128 employees. Simplified schedule preparation leaves more time for your main priorities.
70049 WILBUR13.ZIP 1566796 29.11.1996 - - tupla
Wilbur's mission is to help you find things
in alla those files you accumulate on your
hard disk.
20513 WINALARM.ZIP 46422 29.11.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
The WinAlarm sends the sound signal and shows
dialog box at the user defined time.
20264 WINCO20.ZIP 151,8 kt 24.08.1998 - MBCD -
Winco 2.0 Winco is a nice countdown clock for Windows 95. FREEWARE.
20265 WINDUH32.ZIP 37,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
WinDuh 1.0 System customization and personalization utility for Windows 95. It allows you to safely and easily change settings that are hidden in the Registry and system files and are not easily accessible otherwise.
20515 WINENF.ZIP 338729 27.10.1996 - - -
Windows Enforcer version 1.1
protects systems that are accessible to many
people and require a consistent configuration
and a consistent, limited selection of
services. This is accomplished by insuring
that specified tasks either never rub or
always run. It is easy to configure and
requires little to no modifications to your
current system configuration. SHAREWARE $5
20517 WINGO14.ZIP 56994 31.12.1995 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
WinGO 1.4 for Windows 95 - adds an icon to th
when clicked, brings up a menu containing sho
folders you use most often.  Selecting a shor
Explorer window on that folder.  Easy to use
displayed in English, French, German and Japa
20266 WINHEX82.ZIP 269,1 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
WinHex 8.21English/German Hex/Disk Editor with a lot of features. Easy to use, minimal system requirements. Registration fee: US$ 22/DM 36. Author: Stefan Fleischmann sf@muenster.de http://www.muenster.de/~sf
22216 WINIMA30.ZIP 188436 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
IMAGER. Win32 english version for Win'95,
Win'NT, Win32s. Create and manager disk
images. Format and duplicate standard and
non-standard disk formats. Supports 1.68mb
DMF format. Pwerful Batch Assistant. Build CD
ISO images under NT. Language support
(English, French, Italian, etc..). Supports
LFN, diskcopy Macintosh disks. NEW: Compress
images! Makes images from floppies.
20268 WINKEY.EXE 1,2 Mt 01.03.2001 - 23776/PCWorld_2004-12_Special_cd.bin -
WinKey 2.8Valjasta Windows-näppäin hyötykäyttöön: liitä sen ja muiden näppäinten yhdistelmiin
erilaisia toimintoja. Ilmainen. http://www.agents-tech.com/winkey/
20267 WINKEY25.ZIP 1 Mt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
WinKey v2.5Start your favorite applications, folders and Web pages instantly by using your own Windows key shortcuts with WinKey! This FREE shell extension allows you to define keyboard shortcuts with the Windows key. You can use almost any key combination and create shortcuts to system folders such as My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Dial-Up Networking, Control Panel and Recycle Bin. WinKey is a must for all Windows keyboard users.
20518 WINLAU.ZIP 229178 24.11.1996 - - -
You can now easily run an almost unlimited
number of programs without cluttering up your
desktop. Let Winlaunch provide quick and easy
access to all your frequently used
20269 WINOPT99.ZIP 2 Mt 10.03.2001 - - -
WindowsOptimizer Deluxe 99Windowsin rekisterin optimointi ja siivous ohjelma. Shareware. 
70087 WINSHADE.ZIP 197838 23.01.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso tupla
WinShade V1.5.0 allows you to roll-up windows
into their title bar Win95
20270 WINT2K30.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.01.2001 - - -
WinTasks 2000 (Free Version) v3.0Tyylikäs ja helppokäyttöinen apuohjelma prosessien hallintaan. Voit nostaa ja laskea prosessien prioriteettejä ja tappaa prosessin tai useammankin yhdellä kertaa. Ohjelman saa halutessaan aktivoitumaan Ctrl-Alt-Del -näppäinyhdistelmällä, tai vaikka Ctrl-Alt-Shift -yhdistelmällä.
22514 WINU202.ZIP 171257 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WinU 2.0  Windows 95 menu system with
timeout and security access features. Ideal
for parents who want to limit children's
access to the family PC, or computer stores
that want to let the shopping public try
their featured software without allowing
access to the entire computer.  NEW: much
more robust security, multiple password-
protected desktops, more customizable.
20271 WKKILL17.ZIP 8,7 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
WinKey Killer v1.7Pieni ohjema jolla voi poistaa Windows 95-näppäimistön Windows-näppäimet käytöstä. Voit halutessasi jättää toimintaan Windowsin omat pikanäppäimet (kuten Win-e ja Win-r). Ohjelmalla voi myös poistaa käytöstä kaikki pikanäppäimet, kuten Alt-Tab ja Ctrl-Alt-Del. Freeware. http://home.plutonium.net/~bjackson
20272 WNFO101.ZIP 196,4 kt 19.02.2001 - - -
Winnfo 1.01Winnfo on yksinkertainen mutta toimiva tiedostonkatseluohjelma .DIZ ja .NFO -tiedostoja varten, jotka näkyvät usein väärin tavallisilla tekstieditoreilla. Freeware.
22218 WNTDY202.ZIP 132191 27.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinTidy - Windows 95/NT program to help
recover disk space.  Finds backup, object,
temporary files that might be candidates for
deletion and allows the user to delete one or
more of these files.  Borland Delphi 2.0 with
70180 WRKLCK.ZIP 163936 27.10.1996 - - -
Workstation Lock version 2.1
provides a simple and inexpensive, but
effective way to password protect your system
without involving a screen saver. It is easy
to configure and requires no modifications to
your current system configuration.
Administrator password is enabled for site
20273 WRTP110.EXE 4,5 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
WinRamTurbo PRO v1.10WinRamTurbo is a Memory Optimizer for Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
The program uses a Memory Optimizer, a File and Disk Cache 
Optimizer, and a Performance Booster to increase the 
performance of Windows applications.
20274 WSF95431.ZIP 515,1 kt 30.03.1998 - - -
WinSafe95 v4.31WinSafe95 offers 7 ways to recover from a crash, 6 utilities, 5 reports, 4 repair utilities, 3 ways to registry backups, and much more. WinSafe 95 it saves all vital information and restores your system back to operating condition when you find yourself in Safe Mode or a crash. It also gives you quick access to all the files and utilities that you need to recover.
20275 WSHNGO.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
"WashAndGo 4.0WashAndGo 4.0a is your scrubbing brush for for the hard disk of your PC. It enables you to clean up your whole systemso giving you back valuable disk space within seconds! WashAndGo gives you the power to remove this space-wasting garbage from your system. For example WashAndGo can remove *.bak*.tmp filesetcalso 0-Byte files and wrong un-install entries. It has the capability to delete
defective linksempty the TEMP- directory of your systemerase old browser cache-files and clean your start folders. This is just a small selection of the pro- grams clean-up-tools. Furthermore it has many many security options: Before making changes or deletions WashAndGo will present   a list of questionable files from which you can choose. It can store all marked files in a special backup directory before deleting them after 14 daysand after this period the files can still be found in the Windows trashcan. -  Its fastsecure and reliable! Dont miss your chance to  reclaim that massive amount of wasted disk space - with  the help of WashAndGo. WashAndGo is 100% compatible to Win9xWin2k and WinMe! http://www.abelssoft.de/engl/"
20276 WSLOCK26.ZIP 876,3 kt 24.06.1998 - - -
WorkStation Lock v2.6WorkStation Lock provides a simple and inexpensive, but effective way to password protect your system at startup or quickly from a desktop shortcut without involving a screen saver.  It is easy to configure and requires no modifications to your current system configuration. 
22084 WT95V10.ZIP 1319185 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
Wintune 95 Release 1.0
20277 WTALK25.EXE 1,8 Mt 16.08.1999 - - -
WillowTALK v2.5 Trial version WillowTALK lets your PC speak. It can read web pages, Word documents, email, and more. It includes a free pronounciation dictionary that lets you tell it how to pronounce unusual words and other languages. http://www.willowpond.com
20278 WTCHM47.ZIP 663,3 kt 25.12.2000 - - -
Watchman 4.7A fast, stylish, easy-to-use and effective SECURITY application. Need to ban access to programs and/or windows (folders, files, docs...)? Fast, easy-to-use, flexible, very powerful. Win95/98/ME/NT/2000. Shareware. http://www.anfibia.net
20531 WTIME95.ZIP 122533 21.08.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Worldtimes for Windows 95 Taskbar
once started, Worldtimes will add an earth
icon to your Windows taskbar. Right clicking
on the earth icon will open the cities and
their local times you configured before. You
can either use this window for displaying
times or you can use the hint label appearing
over the earth icon when the cursor is on it.
22516 WTRAY.ZIP 151706 21.08.1996 - 23355/Chip_Hitware_Vol_06.iso -
Win Tray 96++ - This utility provides a quick
and easy way to to add and run up to 8
programs from the Windows 95 system tray next
to the clock. All fuctions are user
configurable ONLY $10.00 plus $2.50 s.h.
20279 XQXS551.ZIP 2,9 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
"Xteq X-Setup 5.51 for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000 - Free! X-Setup is not yet another Windows Hacker; its the ultimat e tool for black belt system tuning and tweaking. From simple boot options up to server settings and hardware settingsX-Setup allows you to change more than 400 (!!) hidden functions with some simple button clicks. This makes Xteq X-Setup the most complete hacker ever available.Because settings change often and fastX-Setup uses plug-ins."
20280 XSETUP55.ZIP 2,9 Mt 26.03.2000 - - -
"X-Setup 5.5.1 for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000X-Setup is not yet another Windows Hacker; its the ultimate 
tool for black belt system tuning and tweaking. From simple
boot options up to server settings and hardware settings
X-Setup allows you to change more than 400 (!!) hidden  
functions with some simple button clicks. This makes Xteq 
X-Setup the most complete hacker ever available. Because 
this settings change often and fastX-Setup uses plug-ins
that are light and easy to update.
20281 XSETUP60.ZIP 3,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
Xteq Systems X-Setup 6.0Mustan vyön ohjelma Windowsin hienosäätöön. Sisältää yli 750 Windowsin piiloasetusta, alkaen käynnistyksen perusasetuksista aina Officen hienosäätöön asti. Ohjelmalla on mahdollista nauhoittaa tehtävät muutokset .REG tiedostoon ja näin tehdä samat muutokset useissa tietokoneissa erittäin helposti. Valtava valikoima asetuksia ja explorer-tyylinen käyttöliittymä tekevät X-Setupista täydellisen työkalun henkilölle joka tarvitsee enemmän kuin Ohjauspaneeli tarjoaa. Freeware. http://www.xteq.com
20282 Y2K_EN.EXE 539,5 kt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Y2K Product AnalyzerLanguage: english. Freeware.
20283 Y2K_FI.EXE 537,5 kt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Y2K Product AnalyzerSuomenkielinen. Freewarea.
20284 Y2K_V11.ZIP 120,2 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Y2K Clock v1.1Digitaalinen y2k-näyttö
20285 YAP.ZIP 40513 21.08.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
Yet Another Process lister 0.9 (beta)
for Windows 95 console mode. YAP displays
currently running Win95 processes and a host
of information about them. There are myriad
of options and if you like, you can save your
favorite options permanently into your own
customized copy of YAP.
20286 YATS3281.EXE 1,5 Mt 12.01.2001 - 23399/Chip_2001-05_cd1.bin -
YATS32 v8.1 Build 15This utility lets you automatically set your system clock to any of a number of time services available via the Internet or your corporate intranet. It supports multiple servers and time service protocols. http://www.dillobits.com
20288 Z_START.ZIP 303,3 kt 01.07.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
Z-START.EXE v01.00 Launcher Program. Provides total control over auto-startup tasks: Specific startup order - Wait for   completetion - Wait for fixed amount of time - Launch programs only on certain  days - Launch programs only once per day - Multiple Launch configurations. 32bit program for Windows 95. Requires VB4/32 bit runtime files
20552 ZIPSEND.ZIP 173937 07.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
ZipSend v1.0 - Shareware program that
allows you to select several files from
Windows 95 Explorer and "SendTo" a mail
compressor that will make a zip file and
start a mail session with the zip file
attached. Really Cool Fee - $15.00
20287 ZSH30B.ZIP 1,7 Mt 30.03.1999 - MBCD -
ZShell v3.0bVersatile shell program for Windows. Supports most UNIX shell features
20289 ZVOLPRO.ZIP 730,4 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
ZVolume Pro 3.02Volume control for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.
22518 ZWRND.ZIP 51928 27.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This is ultimate tool for windows'95 users
and it's FREE! With this program you can have
up to TEN different startup logos and they
are shown randomly! Get this now! This great
pack includes already two great starting up
pictures. Also got easy install batch file.