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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
17695 10KEY31.ZIP 186487 02.01.1996 - MBCD -
Powerful Windows calculator with nearly every
feature imaginable, including a scrolling
tape you can save, print, resize, and even
edit (causing the tape to automatically
recalculate); selectable syntax (normal, RPN,
or tenkey adding machine); financial dialogs;
customizable display; keep on top option;
"Tip of the Day", and much more. You will
never go back to the default Windows
calculator. $19.95
17696 16PSPD10.ZIP 209799 08.10.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
PrimaSoft Dialer is a fast and small utility
program that dials phone numbers for you (you
must have a modem). This program will save
you time by giving you quick access to your
phone Directory and by dialing for you. It
will also redial automatically when the line
is busy. Dialer can also save you money by
alowing you to monitor the time and
calculating the cost of the phone call.
17852 1MBF.ZIP 73225 13.04.1995 - 5848/Cream of the Crop 8.iso -
Prevents programs from using up all low
memory. Helps if you get "not enough memory"
17854 2DOV12.ZIP 413130 18.11.1994 - MBCD -
Personal Task Manager for MS Windows- 2Do is
a robust yet easy to use PIM. Software
Creations calls it 'a powerful PIM, with
considerable depth.' Windows Sources states
that '2Do provides users with task-management
solutions that are unequaled by any
commercial PIM.' Windows - Business WILLIAM
17858 3DKB24.ZIP 107086 24.10.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
3D Keyboard v2.4 for Windows
International character utility
17860 3DVCP.ZIP 744522 13.03.1995 versio 3.1 21316/hot-shareware-01.iso -
Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows 
An extremely powerful scheduler with no
learning curve. Hightlights include setting
calendar as Wallpaper, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color
Printing, Word Search and many more! Multiple
view with multi-color, multi-font capability.
Visual on-line help provided. Utilizes
Microsoft Access Database Engine. Real 3D
look 'n feel with True ViSuAL editing.
17697 3DVCP42.ZIP 562,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
VISUAL CALENDER PLANNER 4.2 for Win  This PC MAGAZINE AWARD WINNING PROGRAM + MANY OTHERS features Workgroup-Enabled Network Version, Calendar as Wallpaper, Recurring Events, unique Alarm with multiple Musical Tunes, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color Printing, MultiView, MultiColor, MultiFont and MultiDocument capability. Extremely easy to use. Perfect for a Desktop Planner! Registered users get WIN 95 version free!
17698 8BALL123.ZIP 45187 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
That 'ol black magic 8 ball is back! It will
"reveal answers" to ANY questions you ask!
All you need is a computer with Windows, a
mouse, and some questions to ask it.
17699 AATDI.ZIP 325,6 kt 17.04.1997 - 19731/03 SWP 048 - 05-1997.iso -
TheDisks - is a floppy disk management package for Windows. It allows you to catalog disks, giving each one a five-digit numbers, a 30-character file name field, a memo field, and more. Description Copyright 1997 PsL
17700 ABOOL23A.ZIP 181152 14.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Boole Text Searcher Ver 2.3a for Windows
Search, display files and directories.
Auto save settings. file preview window.
Many options to tailor searches.
Supports AND OR conditions.
Works with editors.
17875 ABOVE334.ZIP 270700 10.12.1994 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
Above & Beyond 3.1 - Excellent Windows PIM.
Enjoy Above & Beyond's superb Dynamic
Scheduling. Feel your productivity surge as
it streamlines your workflow. Handles all
types of recurring items. Features pop-up
alarms, week/month views, timers, task
tracking, launch apps on schedule, contact
database, auto-dialing, and more. On-line
Help. Full Workgroup/LAN support. Shareware
from 1Soft Corp.
17877 ACCP30.ZIP 170516 30.03.1992 - nic.funet.fi -
Access Pack for Microsoft Windows makes it
easier for users to control the keyboard and
mouse when using Windows versions 3.0 or 3.1.
It is designed primarily for individuals with
motion-related disabilities who may have
difficulty using the computer keyboard or
mouse, and for individuals who prefer visual
feedback in place of sounds.
17878 ACD165.ZIP 126745 19.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
Converts all types of Aviation Gas to/from
U.S. Gallons, Pounds and Tons with Metric
equivalents. Weight/Density is corrected for
the range -40C to 30C. Adds and Subtracts
Hours and Minutes. Calculates the Burn Rate
per Minute with Metric equivalents.
Temperature: Celsius to/from Fahrenheit. For
17881 ACUST35B.ZIP 329953 31.12.1995 - - -
ACCUSET v3.5b - Ultimate Clock Enhancement
Utility for Windows.  Accurately synchronize
your PC clock with either of the USNO/NIST/
Germany atomic clocks. Determines clock's
accuracy & can compensate for error rate;
Digital/text interface; Title bar clock;
Auto DST support; Call logging; manual time
editing; Shows times in up to 5 cities &
17701 AD302.ZIP 450561 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
ANNO DOMINI v3.02 for Microsoft Windows 3.1.
View a monthly calendar between the years
1753 and 2153, national holidays for the UK,
USA, Canada, Europe, Australasia, Christian
festivals, moon phases and sunrise and sunset
times for any location around the world. Also
On This Day feature which shows 8 historical
events and birthdays for the current date.
Country specific details can be chosen from a
database of 700+ cities around the world.
17702 ADFS15.ZIP 284,7 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
"ADF-Suite 1.5 is a program which allows to do almost everything with Ubiquitous Amiga Emulators .ADF disk files. Req. vbrun300.dll"
17703 AIKADI12.ZIP 7,2 kt 08.02.2000 - archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 -
Aikadilataatiolaskin v1.2Laskee suhteellisuusteorian ennustaman ajan vääristymän. Vaatii: Windows 3.x/9x vbrun300.dll Copyright (C) 1999-2000, Henri Heinonen
17889 ALL3D121.ZIP 33758 16.08.1994 - 16308/redcd3.zip -
New 3D look for dialogs of most Windows apps.
17704 ALLCHREN.ZIP 42775 01.04.1996 - 22622/cd3.iso -
ALLCHARS FOR WINDOWS makes the characters not
found on your keybord easy accessible within
Windows 3.1(1) and Windows95 programs. Just
hit the CTRL-key and two characters together
defining the special character. You can add
and change these definitions.
17890 ALM_SF.ZIP 2367 01.09.1995 - - -
Suomenkieliset kalenteritiedostot
Almanac-ohjelmaa varten
17705 ALM1635E.ZIP 396,8 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
ALMANAC v3.5e - (Windows 3.x 16-bit) A powerful calendar application for Windows 3.x. Separate, configurable windows for your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list, phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search tool - displays what you need, when you need it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule data to any time zone.
51540 ALM35B.ZIP 398921 17.02.1995 - MBCD -
ALMANAC v3.5b A powerful calendar application
for Windows 3.1. Separate, configurable
windows for your calendar, daily schedule,
to-do list, phonebook, and/or notes.
Contains search tool - displays what you
need, when you need it.  Calculates recurring
events, sunrise sunset times, moon phases,
Julian Day, and Calendar Week.  Adjusts
calendar and schedule data to any time zone.
17892 ALTTAB.ZIP 78443 03.04.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BETTER ALT-TAB by Toggle Booleans Better
Alt-Tab improves on the standard Windows
method for switching between the applications
that are currently running. Better Alt-Tab
replaces and improves upon the old way by
graphically showing you all of the
applications that are running so you can see
the what's running and visually select the
application you want.
17897 AM_CR41.ZIP 169934 02.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CALENDAR/REMINDER (MS Windows 3.1):excellent
for Laptops. Have you forgotten a birthday,
anniversary, meeting, or any other special
occasion? Let the computer do the work for
you.Program allows you to keep track of all
the above. Even more,it will remind you
about the events automatically. A similar
format to a regular calendar-note book makes
the program very easy to use, intuitive.
On-line helps are only one mouse click away.
17898 AM_DN21.ZIP 218685 09.09.1995 - 1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso -
DAILY NOTES for Windows: (excellent for
Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Are you writing a
lot of different notes on a daily basis? Do
you want to refer to them very quickly? Do
you want to sort them by subject or by date?
Or perhaps you are writing a diary? Do you
want to be able to print some or all of your
notes? Let Daily Notes do the work for you.
On-line registration on Compuserve (GO SWREG,
ID# 3670).
17919 APLANR31.ZIP 220434 17.02.1995 - MBCD -
quick overall project planning, activity
scheduling, resource scheduling.  Can assign
income/costs to events/resources to estimate
project income/cost.  Can shift all events
forward/backward in time.  Handles multiple
calendars.  Allows free-form drawing of
events on scale of hr/day/week/month/yr.
On-line help and sample plans provided.
Requires Microsoft Windows 3.1.
17706 APLANR34.ZIP 220,6 kt 27.03.1998 - Personal Financial Advisor (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER v3.4  - Use for quick overall project planning, activity scheduling, resource scheduling.  Can assign income/costs to events/resources to estimate project income/cost.  Can shift all events forward/backward in time.  Handles multiple calendars.  Allows free-form drawing of events on scale of hr/day/week/month/yr. On-line help and sample plans provided. Requires Microsoft Windows 3.1.
17920 APPLAU10.ZIP 292862 09.09.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
AppLaud v1.0 Sagebrush Systems. Activates
programs by clapping. Impress your friends.
Annoy your spouse! Different programs may be
launched w/ two-clap and three-clap signals.
Requires sound card with microphone input
(Auto Gain Control AGC recommended) and
Windows 3.1
17707 ARJBRO3.ZIP 617 kt 10.10.1997 - 21819/Pegasus_Vol_6_CD1.iso -
Arjana Browse (TM) A new Windows 3.x and WinOS/2 file manager that helps you to zip and unzip .ZIP archives, search for files or words in files (now you can even search words within .ZIP archives), log changes to files and directories (to make backup copies, transfer files between desktop and notebook and for version control), copy, rename, move files or directories, total directory sizes, view graphics, launch programs . . . complete with both online help and an integrated
17925 ASTRO21.ZIP 2023446 02.04.1995 - - -
Astrological program for Windows 3.1 Version
2.1 with print and screen options for Radix-,
Synastry- and Transit Horoscopes. Furthermore
there is a text evaluation of the birth-chart
of about 25 pages. 6 different House-systems
the most common being Placidus, Koch as well
as Equal-Houses.
17708 ATTRBUTE.ZIP 24,5 kt 12.10.1997 - 10860/Simtel for Windows - June 1996.iso -
Attrbute will allow you to examine and change the attribute settings and creation date of files.
17709 ATTREDIT.ZIP 4,8 kt 10.10.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
AttrEdit Attribute Editor for Windows by Scott Feeney, copyright 1996 Sa Software Company.  Shareware - see About Box for registration information.
17710 AUTO311.ZIP 8,2 kt 14.10.1997 - 6699/computer_panorama_1997-12-hibas.iso -
Auto3.11 mimics the AutoPlay function of Windows 95 on Win3.x machine.
17711 AUTOEVAL.ZIP 273452 18.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
AutoMight Plus for Windows Tällä voit mm.
tehdä makroja toimillesi.
17937 AWLOC401.ZIP 69508 23.12.1995 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
WinLock for Windows v4.01 - Winlock protects
your Microsoft Windows and LAN environment
from unauthorized users. The easy to use
security features locks Windows at start up,
on demand, and automatically when your away
from your desk.  Intruders are met with a
flashing red screen, an audible alarm, and
deterrent messages. Includes support for
multiple users, security audit trail and
screen blanker. Is compatible with most
17940 BARCLK41.ZIP 299304 03.05.1995 - MBCD -
BarClock Title Bar Utility v4.10 
BarClock is a handy utility that makes use of
the unused space in the title bar. Useful for
time & date display, BarClock goes much
further to include program luanch icons, task
switch icons and a fully customizable
display. BarClock also includes resource
warnings, alarms, timers and a built in
17946 BCO.ZIP 216562 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
17945 BCOLOR1A.ZIP 29234 30.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Better Colors 1A - Lets you change the shades
of the fixed Windows system colors.  Brighten
the dull colors, change red to rose, black to
navy, white to manila- whatever YOU find most
pleasing!  Unlocks the 256K "true colors"
palette available in all video cards from
low-end VGA on up.  Works with all apps and
16 or 256 color screen drivers, requires <30K
memory, does not dither.  Fully functional
shareware from Dadasoft - $19.95 to register.
17948 BDAYCLK.ZIP 138933 30.12.1995 - 6162/pslmonthlyvol3-4utilitiesapril1995.iso -
Birthday Clock for Windows - displays
the current time, a birthday cake, and
a birthday greeting for your Windows
desktop. Requires VBRUN300.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
17712 BIGTHG28.ZIP 77,9 kt 12.10.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
A program for copying very large files to removable disks. Standard File Managers cant do this. Extended abilities, include renaming, creating working shortcuts and virtual directories on target files. Very easy Drag and Drop interface.
17713 BLACK31C.ZIP 1,6 Mt 11.03.1997 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
BlackBox 3.1Black Box is a file encryption program. It  requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. 
The user interface is intuitive and the program is very easy to use. When 
encrypting a file you  do not have to specify output. The file will  get encrypted 
but the name will not change. 
17965 BLOAT12.ZIP 198249 25.04.1996 - 16773/Software Vault - The Collection for Windows (American Databankers).iso -
Windows 3 program to help manage hard drives.
17714 BLOODH22.ZIP 54961 04.12.1996 - MBCD -
Bloodhound 2.2 for Windows 3.1
The fastest file finder for Windows 3.1!
Many extra features.  Locates text within
files.  Remove old or duplicate files.
Makes managing your hard disk a snap.
17715 BREWIZ.ZIP 536,9 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
BrewWizard 1.40 - Beer Recipe Calculator  The BrewWizard Recipe Calculator is a Shareware Windows 3.1/95 application that allows you to formulate your own beer recipes.  Calculates color, bitterness and alcohol content based on the recipe ingredients.  The installation instructions are in README.TXT.
17971 BSTAR5.ZIP 386858 21.11.1994 - MBCD -
ButtonStar Deluxe is a full featured
program launcher for Windows 3.1. It
replaces the chaos and limitations of
Program Manager with simplicity and
the power of common sense.
17716 BW25.ZIP 208259 15.09.1996 - - -
Button Works v2.5 is a full featured Taskbar
that launches favorite applications with a
single click. Just drag and drop icons from
the various Program Manager Groups right onto
the buttons you wish to configure! Has
Shrinking Buttons, Quick Windows Exit, Online
Help, Popup Menus, Mouse Driven Activation,
Drag Drop Servers, and more. Well worth the
17717 CAB202.ZIP 325113 07.01.1996 - MBCD -
Cabrio V2.02
The configurable conversion calculator
from Digital Workshop. Includes over
70,000 conversions from centimetres to
miles to drachm to the speed of a Cheetah
Requires Windows 3.1 or better.
Win95 Compatible
17718 CALC10.ZIP 234644 07.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
File Transfer Calculator v1.0
This is a small utility that I wrote to
quickly find the time required to
download a file.
It does not have many features now but I
plan to add print, copy to clipboard and
more to the program.
17719 CALIB14.ZIP 201756 25.10.1996 - - -
CALIBRA 1.4 Smart Clock/Screen Saver for Win
95, Win 3.1, OS/2. Reg. fee A$19.95 or $15.95
(plus $4 s/h). PC time inaccurate? CALIBRA's
auto time correction fixes that! 25 full
colour, highly detailed clocks to choose
from, any size on screen. Full screen clocks
displayed one at a time in screen saver mode.
30 more clocks in reg. version, plus Clock
Editor (easy to build, modify, clocks),
manuals. Author is a member of STAR.
17720 CALMII30.ZIP 608,4 kt 20.12.1998 - MBCD -
Calmira II, Online! Release 3.0 Windows 95 style shell for Windows 3.1  Calmira upgrades your Windows 3.1 user interface, bringing features that Win95 users have long been enjoying. Explorer, bin, shortcuts, taskbar, and start menu, brought together in an integrated environment that revitalises an ageing 16-bit operating system.  Requires 4MB 386 with VGA, Win3.1/3.11 Free software with full Delphi source.
17721 CALMIR21.ZIP 932,9 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
Calmira Source Release 2.1 Windows 95 style shell for Windows 3.1  Calmira upgrades your Windows 3.1 user interface, bringing features that Win95 users have long been enjoying. Explorer, bin, shortcuts, taskbar, and start menu, brought together in an integrated environment that revitalises an ageing 16-bit operation system.  Requires 4MB 386 with VGA, Win3.1/3.11 Free software with full Delphi source.
17722 CALYPS21.ZIP 579129 06.09.1996 - MBCD -
Calypso (Version 2.1).  Complete Win95-style
shell for Windows 3.x. Revive your ageing OS
with a new, modern user interface.  Icon
based file manager with free floating
windows, shortcuts, Explorer style tree,
taskbar and cascading program menus.  You
won't look back!  Requires 4MB 386, VGA and
17981 CDMINIBR.ZIP 219889 09.09.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
CD Minibar v1.1 Useful windows tools grouped
into one tiny application. Includes: CD
Player, Calendar, Disk Pie Graph, Set Time,
check path and directory, and Windows
Resource graphs. Easy to use. Install and go.
Fully customizable. Shareware $20
17723 CF14-16.ZIP 78,9 kt 12.10.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
CHKFILES is a program that keeps track of the name, time, date, size, and checksum of every file in every path that you select (which could be every path on your hard drive).
17990 CFG3110D.ZIP 164277 28.04.1995 - MBCD -
Configure! v1.0d
A Control Panel replacement and INI file
editor which lets you: 1. access Control
Panel applets, 2. modify system settings
that Control Panel doesn't and 3. edit the
initialization (INI) files that Windows uses
to store system and application settings.
Shareware (US$15). August Applications - PO
Box 631/Plover, WI 54467/USA; AOL AugApp;
CIS 76501,1002 Internet augapp@aol.com
17724 CHK_D620.ZIP 162147 15.03.1996 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
Display all your disks status - Win95
(requires VBRUN300.DLL)
17725 CHOICE.ZIP 63,1 kt 17.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Choice 4.13 Save time! A) Switch on your computergo to toilet     and every program you need has started. B) Switch ondont start program.    Just do small stuff in windows. !!! The startup group cant handle that !!! But CHOICE can. (confedentional startup group Just try (has complete uninstall) and enjoy your new free time."
17726 CII30SRC.ZIP 450,3 kt 20.12.1998 - MBCD -
Calmira II v3.0 source code (Delphi, GPL)
17994 CLCTLK.ZIP 289295 13.03.1995 - - -
Clock Talk is a Windows clock that uses
digitized human speech to announce the time
of day at user defined intervals. Options
include: Automatic launching and CLOSING of
applications at set times, 2 Title Bar Clock
options, a Stay on Top option, Auto Start
feature starts programs automatically at
startup (Great for power failures), Message
and 'Program Command' alarms, Allows any
True Type Font with color selection and uses
very little system resources. On-line help!
Use Sound Card or Msoft's Speaker Driver.
17995 CLENZR1A.ZIP 1437759 19.11.1994 - - -
Clenzer - is a tool for cleaning large,
cluttered hard drives. It can search for the
largest files on a drive, or specific files
(READ.ME, BAK files, etc.). After the search,
a list of files can be saved or printed, or
you can delete files from the list. (1 of 2,
also requires CLENZR1B.ZIP)
17996 CLENZR1B.ZIP 268001 19.11.1994 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
Clenzer - is a tool for cleaning large,
cluttered hard drives. It can search for the
largest files on a drive, or specific files
(READ.ME, BAK files, etc.). After the search,
a list of files can be saved or printed, or
you can delete files from the list. (2 of 2,
also requires CLENZR1A.ZIP)
17727 CLIP230.ZIP 104553 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Clipwatcher 2.30
Clipwatch will trap as many as 18 text clips
sent to your clipboard while you edit, then
you may use the internal editor to drag and
drop from one to another or to the printer
has a very powerful editor, now has calculato
and calendar requires
17728 CLNSYS15.ZIP 69,2 kt 06.10.1997 - 22398/F1RSDemo.iso -
Clean System Directory - v1.5 This program scans your system looking for all references to DLL files in your Windows system directory.  Those DLL files in the system directory that have no programs calling on them can be moved out of the system directory, saving disk space and improving system performance.  For experienced users. Win 3.1 & Win 95
17998 CLOCKR23.ZIP 110842 21.11.1994 - MBCD -
Clocker 2.3 -- A personal/network
program scheduler for Windows 3.1
(C) 1993-1994 Winnovation
18001 CLW201.ZIP 140481 08.02.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
CleanUp for Windows  2.00  12/31/93 A Windows
utility for maintaining a clean and well
organized hard drive. CleanUp for Windows
allows you to quickly view duplicate files
located on your hard drive(s) and tag
unneeded files for quick deletion and
recovery of valuable disk space.  Supports
all types of hard disks including network
drives.  Shareware registration form
included.  From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP)
17729 CM16_401.ZIP 627584 29.07.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
ClipMate 16-bit v4.01 - Clipboard Utility for
Windows3.x. ClipMate remembers all items that
you copy to the Windows Clipboard. Lets you
view, edit, combine, and print clipboard
data. Support for most clipboard formats,
including BMP, Picture, RTF, OLE, and More!
New Features: Flexible Collections, twin 16
and 32-bit versions, bitmap printing.
Shareware $25 by THORNSOFT Development 
17730 CMAGIC61.ZIP 357,1 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Calendar Magic V6.1 -easy-to-use Windows (3.x or 95) based program that is entertaining, informative, educational, and of equal applicability in the home and in the office. Features calendars for Gregorian, Hebrew, Indian, Islamic - side-by-side comparions for any calendars, festivals, national days etc. Freeware. Windows 3.x/95
17731 CMSTR40.ZIP 711,5 kt 07.11.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
"Conversion Master Engineering Calculator v4.0 CM has a huge categorized conversion database. CM solves CirclesOblique & Right Triangles discerningly. CM does temperature conversions. Accepts input in Deg-Min-SecFt-In-16thsMeters & Decimal. CM can Convert between formats at the click of a button! CMs use of dual displays enables you to view more info at one time."
17732 COMMX124.ZIP 263516 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso tupla
CommEx v1.24  - Common Dialog Extensions
for Windows 3.1/3.11.  Adds file Find, Copy,
Delete, Rename, Move and MakeDir functions to
most Windows applications' Open and Save
dialogs, plus easily access the last 25 files
and directories used. (Also adds 3-D look.)
Fully functional shareware evaluation copy.
By Cottonwood Software   
Released December 23rd, 1995.
17733 COMNT11.ZIP 541,9 kt 10.10.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
ES Commentator allows you to add comments to files (up to 176 characters) There is a text search with which you can search your comments. Once you have found the file you want to work on, Commentator will launch any application DOS or Windows (95 or 3.1) with that file on the command line. Ideal librarian for WP,CAD,DTP, Spreadsheets and MIDI. Single user and LAN versions.
17734 COPY-ZIT.ZIP 506,5 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Copy-Zit - slice big files into lots of little files. Windows 3.1+
17735 CPUMON12.ZIP 98,5 kt 24.04.1997 - MBCD -
CPU Monitor - displays graphical details of CPU usage and the average CPU usage.
17736 CRON11.ZIP 108,4 kt 12.10.1997 - 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip -
CRONO is a convenient utility to set date- time stamp(s) of your file(s) to any specified value. It is especially useful when programmers or software publishers need to change the time stamps of their program files so that the time stamps can look neat and uniform and carry version information. You can use it FREE in UNLIMITED time!
62465 CTDISK12.ZIP 65358 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
CT DiskCopy V1.2 (16-Bit) - Simple little
program for formatting and creating duplicate
disks. CT DiskCopy will prompt you for the
number of copies you have in mind, making for
a very quick operation. CT DiskCopy does not
perform an actual track by track copy, it
simply copies the directory structure and
files, but 99% of the time, that is exactly
what you need. VBRUN300.DLL.
17737 CTDISK13.ZIP 56,3 kt 06.10.1997 - 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip -
(v1.3) ctdisk13.zip - CT DiskCopy V1.3 DiskCopy is a simple little program for creating duplicate disks. Unlike File Manager which needs to read the source disk for each disk you wish to create, CT DiskCopy prompts you for the number of copies you have in mind, making for a much quicker operation. Shareware $10.00 U.S. VBRUN300.DLL required. Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
18021 CURPAN.ZIP 6990 02.10.1994 - 18133/winsit03961.zip -
Windows 3.x utility - allows mouse cursor to
wrap-around the screen. i.e., pan off left
and appear on right.
18023 CV302.ZIP 329843 17.12.1995 - MBCD -
Convert It! SE 3.0b  Ultimate unit of
measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15
catagories of conversions with a custom you
set up. You can edit the conversion factors,
add, change or delete units. Turn off the
conversions you don't need. Catagories
include Temperature, Mass, Volume, Time,
Area, Angle and more. Customize it for the
way YOU work. In use by many Fortune 500,
FedGov. and individuals.
17738 CW10BV1.ARJ 2564764 15.12.1996 - - -
ClarisWorks V1.0 Comprehensive suite of
office software containing database, graphcis
software and other essential utilities.
Requires 486/8 Mb.
18025 CYBAR130.ZIP 64149 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
Cybar v1.30: app launcher for Windows 3.1
Cybar is similar to the Windows 95 Taskbar
but instead of switching between apps it
launches them.
17739 CYRKB30.ZIP 107,1 kt 17.04.1997 - 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip -
Cyrillic Keyboard - lets you easily type Cyrillic languages with any Windows application. Keyboard layouts are provided for Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and English. You can switch layouts with a keypress and customize them using a visual drag and drop procedure. Req. Cyrillic fonts. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18030 DAGW.ZIP 74302 17.02.1995 - MBCD -
Disk at a Glance, hard drive usage charts
BWCC.DLL required
18032 DBD12.ZIP 760807 29.04.1995 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Day By Day v1.2  PIM includes scheduler,
task list manager, and diary, all with
password protection for data security. Master
task list allows easy entry of recurring
tasks and default scheduling on a weekly
basis. Automatically push uncompleted tasks
to a future date if desired. Diary section
includes text search feature and allows up to
64K of notes per day.
18034 DCOPY211.ZIP 223295 13.03.1995 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
DCopy v2.11: levykkeiden kopiointiohjelma
17740 DECODESW.ZIP 320,5 kt 17.04.1997 - - -
IslandSoft Uuencoder Decoder - is a Uue Xxe encoder/decoder with graphics viewer and text editor for WIN31+. Features include file splitting, automatic decoding of multiple files, user definable file size for encoding, the ability to create and remove directories, fast file searching, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
18041 DELTA30.ZIP 193206 26.02.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
Delta 3.0: allows you to save information
about your disk and then compare the
differences that may have occured over time.
18043 DESK300.ZIP 513013 20.03.1995 - 18133/winsit03961.zip -
Backdesk v. 3.0 - virtual desktop for Windows
18044 DEUS.ZIP 48952 13.08.1995 - 20928/400 MB Of Top PC Shareware.iso -
Mac-like Interface For Windows
17741 DFINDR20.ZIP 96940 25.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Duplicate File Finder v2.0 for Windows 3.1
18051 DIGCLK12.ZIP 48442 10.02.1995 - 18133/winsit03961.zip -
DigClock v1.2: digitaalikello Windowsiin.
Mukana Visual Basic 3.0 -lähdekoodi.
18052 DIL103.ZIP 17516 25.04.1996 - 16767/Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO -
DiskLine v1.03 by Glen Neal
This nifty little Windows utility shows two
graphs in lower-right corner of screen
indicating drive space. You can pick which
two drives to show. The graphs are green, but
changes to yellow when drive space is less
than 10%, and to red with less than 5%.
Requires Windows 3.x. Shareware. Now
remembers position you drag window to.
18053 DIMAG155.ZIP 293862 15.10.1995 - 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip -
Disk Image v1.55 - Disk Image will display
and print a graph of your disk space
utilization, by directory or extension.
18054 DIRCTRL.ZIP 357749 03.09.1995 - - -
Window's Program Manager? Well, Try This.
There Can Be Some Bugs In This Version Of
Directory Controller. You May Have Problem's
If You Use Low Resolution In Your Window's.
Run INSTALL.BAT To Install Directory
Controller V1.0 To Your Hard Disk. If You
Want 100% Version Of Directory Controller
Then Contact Us (Look About). This Packet
Includes VBRUN300.DLL. This Version Is Made
By: Kalle Mäkinen/Magic Riddle
18057 DISKFAC.ZIP 121818 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
DISK FACTORY v1.1 - A Windows-based, high-
speed, multitasking copy / compare / format
utility!  It's time to start spending more
time USING your computer and less time
WAITING for it to complete simple tasks! Let
Disk Factory churn out copies while you use
you use your word processor, spreadsheet,
etc.!  Shareware for Microsoft Windows 3.1.
Published by CheckBox Software Inc.
Author: Mark McGinty, Accurate Technologies.
17742 DISKR152.ZIP 197292 31.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Diskers: Disk/File Duplicator v1.52 - Easy to
Use Disk to Diskette Copy Utility. Great for
Win95 users. Create diskette Image files from
floppys. Use them to re-create the original
diskettes at a later time. Perfect for
installation diskettes. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
18062 DLLMGR.ZIP 13005 16.08.1994 - 19690/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 4 of 4)(1993).iso -
Displays what files are loaded in Windows 3.x
includes .DLLs, fonts, drivers. Req VBRUN200
18083 DOSBAR1.ZIP 23257 28.02.1995 - - -
DosBar V1.31 (c) 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer
DosBar adds a toolbar to any DOS window. With
this toolbar you have an easy access to the
mark, copy, paste and other functions which
will normally only be available from the
system menu of a DOS window.
18088 DRAGFL20.ZIP 1374266 09.02.1995 - MBCD -
DRAG AND FILE VERSION 2.0  Very powerful
and easy Windows file manager- Drag And File
is a very powerful replacement for Windows
File Manager. Copy, move, view, zip files
from single or multiple windows. Config
toolbar. DOS command line. Format. Diskcopy.
File Icons.Views files on all drives.  Shows
duplicate files. Windows - Utilities DAN
18089 DRAGVU12.ZIP 540167 09.02.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Drag And View Gold v.1.0 - File Viewers for
Win 3.1 File Manager or any file manager that
supports Drag and Drop. ASP Shareware. Drag
And View adds what's missing to file manager.
Views most popular database, word processor,
spreadsheet, and graphic formats, plus also
ASCII and HEX. Copy to clipboard, print,
search and goto functions. Open multiple
17743 DSKMFW30.ZIP 365003 25.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
DiskMan for Windows v3.0  provides the
most user friendly method to catalog floppy
disks, hard drives, bernoullis, etc.. DiskMan
produces professional quality disk labels
including optional graphics and also produces
an array of library reports. Version 3.0 now
enables the user to fully customize the disk
label and supports any label configuration.
"I have not found a commercial program that
comes close."
18091 DSKPIE11.ZIP 121762 10.06.1995 - MBCD -
Disk Piecharter v1.1  - Graphical
Windows Filemanager extension that shows disk
usage per file and per directory in a
piechart. Zoom in and out on piechart
segments (directories). Enables user to
delete whole directory trees (if desired) and
shows the effect on free diskspace. Seemless
integration with Filemanager. English, German
and Dutch texts. Created by Zorn Software.
17744 DST.ZIP 3,1 kt 09.09.1997 - 21544/11-Util.zip -
Adjust Clock for Daylight Savings Time. This program will load and wait until 2AM on Octob 27th to reset the time back to 1AM. A program included to add this to the startup folder. (These programs were uploaded to remote syste via dialup, then
18093 DSW052.ZIP 68833 17.02.1995 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DiskSpace v0.52 -Utility for the Windows
operating system that will graphically
display the percent of space used on your
hard disks.  The display updates
automatically.  This version allows you to
select which drives to display and opt. of
"always on top".  Requires Windows 3.1.
Shareware from Bob's Software. Keywords:
Hayes; Version:0.52; Date:6-1-94
18094 DT0120.ZIP 123215 09.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
DirTree v01.20 - hakemistopuun näyttö-
ja tulostusohjelma.
18096 DTOOLS11.ZIP 527474 21.11.1994 - MBCD -
DeskTools v1.1 Personal Information
Manager. Telephone directory lists,
reminder lists, glossary lists, small
text editor.
18098 DUPE12.ZIP 66116 13.04.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Duplicate files remover
18100 DV200.ZIP 422374 09.02.1995 - 10595/libris_3.zip -
Drag And View v.2.0 - File Viewers for Win
3.1 File Manager or any file manager that
supports Drag and Drop. ASP Shareware. Drag
And View adds what's missing to file manager.
Views most popular database, word processor,
spreadsheet, and graphic formats, plus also
ASCII and HEX.  Has search and goto
functions.  Open multiple windows and compare
18102 DZ17FW.ZIP 142340 26.03.1995 - 10261/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Disc 1) (August 1995).iso -
DezkTop v1.7
DeZkTop is a program launcher, that is an
application which starts other applications.
The program launcher most Windows users will
be familiar with is the Program Manager, but
DeZkTop offers many more facilities than
Program Manager and is easier and more
convenient to use, not to mention being far
more elegant.
18110 ECU15.ZIP 358158 21.11.1994 - MBCD -
The Earth Centered Universe (ECU) v1.5
A Shareware Sky Visualization Program
for Amateur Astronomers.
Version 1.5 / Released January 1994
18111 EDESK50.ZIP 685854 30.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
A MAJOR release, version 5.0 of the popular
EXECUTIVE DESK Information Manager (PIM)
program adds dozens of new features: Win '95
compatibility, Dayview Control Center,
Archiving of complete schedules,
People/Project Links follow-up, Drag-n-Drop,
Dialing and Pop-Run. Award winning EXECUTIVE
DESK is now distributed worldwide.
17745 EIW231.ZIP 136018 23.02.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part I) (Terry Blount).iso -
Encrypt-It v2.31 for Windows 3.1! Fully
compatible 16 bit secure encryption program
featuring three way proprietary and Data
Encryption Standard (registered version)
encryption methods. Up to 1,000 files can be
encrypted, decrypted, or securely wiped at a
time in a batch mode.
17746 ELBOW.ZIP 246,8 kt 17.04.1997 - 2459/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 5).iso -
Elbow Grease for Windows v2.0. The Ultimate, Easy to Use, Program Manager Enhancement. Features 40 launch button toolbar with large buttons, resource monitors for memory and disk space, clock, perpetual calendar to the year 9000, Appointment Book and To-Do List to schedule events until the year 9000. Drag & Drop File Manager Launching, Built in Games like Tic-Tac Toe,  All this in 1.5 inches! Full help included. Needs VBRUN300.DLL. 
17747 EMCON.ZIP 2,5 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Emcontrol FOR WINDOWS 3X AND WINDOWS95 small button menu that sets at the top of your screen and allows you to configure up to 28 buttons to call applications that you use more often then others.
18117 ENGAGE16.ZIP 383957 09.09.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Engage 1.6 for Windows(tm) is a floating tool
bar that provides quick access to your
applications, utilities and documents. You no
longer need return to Program Manager or File
Manager to access files.  Engage is available
even while applications are maximized with a
click of the mouse.  Features include:
Drag-drop support for File Manager, multiple
tool bars, context sensitive help, and more.
18118 ENIGMA30.ZIP 449137 22.12.1994 - MBCD -
Enigma for Windows is a powerful program for
encrypting and decrypting files and
directories of any type. Perfect screen
locking as well as an electronic paper
shredder function are additional usefull
features. Because of its safety and proven
workability the de facto standard DES (ANSI
X3.92) was implemented, used by many U.S.
Government agencies. Keys up to 24 byte
length (triple DES) are supported. The triple
DES developer kit contains the complete
17748 ES20016.ZIP 620,1 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
EZ-Split V2 (16-bit) is an easy to use file splitter for Microsoft Windows 3.x/NT 3.x. The purpose of EZ-Split is to take a large file and split it across multiple diskettes or into smaller pieces on a hard drive.
18126 EXAMN130.ZIP 98651 30.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Examine v1.30 . This program is a fast
and versatile text search utility for
Microsoft Windows v3.1. It can search both
text and binary files using either ordinary
words or GREP-like regular expressions.
Searches can be across multiple drives over
networks or can be restricted to a single
directory if so desired. Files can be viewed
either with their associated application or
with the program's own internal viewer.
18131 EXCHNG20.ZIP 207304 29.05.1995 - MBCD -
Exchange v2.0 valuuttamuunnosohjelma
17749 EXIT.ZIP 7114 25.04.1996 - 19690/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 4 of 4)(1993).iso -
This program provides an easy way to get
out of Windows. It can be run either from
Program Manager or it can be started and
minimized so that its icon shows up in
the icon area. Source code in C included.
18134 EXPRESSO.ZIP 1415551 14.12.1995 - - -
Muistikirja-kalenteri Windowsille
18135 EZINI13.ZIP 119449 02.12.1994 - MBCD -
EZINI. Easy INI editor. Visually select file,
section, entry and make changes. Won't let
you make incorrect changes; checks validity
of entries. Explains each entry for you.
18142 FC020EA.ZIP 642869 10.12.1994 - 10266/cica.zip -
FULL CONTACT v 2.0 - The SalesMan PIMS. An
advanced customizable PIMS including: Agenda
and Address Management Order Entry,
Opportunity tracking, Expense Log Products
recording, Contacts and Company recording,
ticklers, repetitive appnt., 64K notes, link
to any kind of documents DDE, Mass Mailing,
Telephone integration, advanced reports,
18143 FC020EB.ZIP 689446 10.12.1994 - 1125/CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso -
FULL CONTACT v 2.0 - The SalesMan PIMS. An
advanced customizable PIMS including: Agenda
and Address Management Order Entry,
recording, Contacts and Company recording,
ticklers, repetitive appnt., 64K notes, link
to any kind of documents DDE, Mass Mailing,
Telephone integration, advanced reports,
17750 FCLIP41.ZIP 210066 09.03.1996 - MBCD -
FileClip 4.1, Windows' File and Clipboard
Manager. Shareware version distributed by
Software Creations.  Ideal for the novice or
power user!  Provides enhanced file
management including drag and drop floppies,
trashcan and printer. Instant viewing of
files with single click. Clipboard stack
provides almost unlimited undo, and cut paste
between applications.
18145 FDDLLS.ZIP 62354 31.05.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
Find Dead DLLs (PC Magazine)
17751 FHD202.ZIP 237718 07.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
File_Handle v2.02  - Filer/Finder/Shell.
Integrated File & Program Manager & Multiple
Argument File Finder with global properties.
Links to your own tools. Embedded wildcards
navigate through directories and trees and
locate or select files. Side by side compare.
Extensive select and sort. Can touch, change
disk labels and attributes. Tree sizes. Full
mouse control. Support for unarchiving,
CD-ROM/MO. And more. Shareware.
18147 FILER40.ZIP 189207 17.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
OSOSOFT's Filer v4.0  - Complete
file finder, viewer, manager for Windows
3.1. Find files across drives. Text
searches. Find duplicate files. View
graphics, multimedia, TrueType fonts.
Launch programs, custom associations.
Registration fee: $25. Requires Windows
3.1, 4 MB RAM, VBRUN300.DLL. Of all the
Finders available, FILER is the most
powerful and flexible.
18148 FILERUN.ZIP 194159 04.01.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
LionSoft FileRun v1.0 - 100% made in
Finland! * Great program for keeping the most
important Windows- programs in one place! ■
Download and be amazed! * Requires
VBRUN300.DLL! http://www.sci.fi/~lionsoft
18151 FINDDLLR.ZIP 59313 19.10.1995 - - -
WDLLFnd version 1.30 Windows program helps
you locate common routines used by Windows
programs. The program will find all Windows
EXE, DLL, DRV and VBX programs on your
computer. WDLLFnd will display what routines
a program uses, and also which programs use a
routine. Exceptions found during the search
such as duplicate program names, DLL found
but not referenced, DLL referenced but not
found are displayed. Save and Restore
previous search information. Requires
18152 FINDT356.ZIP 96978 28.08.1994 - 12547/MM_MANIA.ISO -
Find-It v3.56: MS-Windows disk file search
utility; Will search ALL specified disks! &
scans ARC/ZIP/ARJ/LZH archives in the search
17752 FKICK21.ZIP 677,5 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
FILEKICK v2.1 - Disk Manager with Backup. Analyze hard disk usage, find duplicates, print directories, delete files securely. Use a filtered search to locate an entry, or select it from custom made directory list files and tables. Pop-up menu offers access to user defined and file management commands, including file backup. Win 3.x, Win95 and NT. See us at http://www.voicenet.com/~filetrak.
18157 FLYCOL11.ZIP 49394 31.05.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FlyingColors 1.1 - Liven up your desktop by
creating your own color schemes. Windows
allows you to set the color of various
objects from a palette of 16 unchangeable
colors. FlyingColors lets you EASILY change
those "unchangeable" colors to whatever you
like.  Color schemes may be saved or loaded
at any time. Includes built-in brightness
(dimmer), contrast, and tint controls.
18158 FMANJ13C.ZIP 58162 03.04.1995 - 9305/Cream of the Crop 7.iso -
FILE MANAGER JR. 1.3c  File manager for
Word for Windows 6.0. Time-saving utility
that lets you perform more than a dozen
file-management operations without switching
to the Windows File Manager. You can move,
copy, rename, delete and undelete files in
any number of Word subdirectories and
18160 FMGRD121.ZIP 118326 03.04.1995 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO -
File Manager Guard v.1.21  - allows to
set up [Restrictions] for File Manager. You
can limit user access to selected drives,
prevent them from performing any command of
File Manager, changing its configuration,
running programs or opening documents. For
use with personal systems or corporate
networks. Shareware, $29.95+s&h.
64221 FMSU327.ZIP 172170 30.06.1996 - 8159/Educational Software Cooperative 4.iso tupla
File Manager StepUp  v.3.27 - add-on for
Win3.1 & WfWG3.11 - featured in Windows Mag.,
Superior Shareware section, FM StepUp makes
working with File Manager easier: provides
history lists & 3D effects for dialog boxes,
customizable Execute Menu and Quick Menu a'la
Windows 95, useful utilities; means to easily
view, edit or print arbitrary files, and
_much_ more. Works with Windows 95! $29.95.
17753 FMSU340.ZIP 177,5 kt 10.09.1997 - 21820/Pegasus_Vol_7.iso -
"File Manager StepUp  v3.40 Add-on for Win3.1x/Win95 - featured in Windows Mag.Superior Shareware sectionFM StepUp makes working with File Manager easier: provides history lists & 3D effects for dialog boxescustomizable Execute Menu and Quick Menu ala Windows 95useful utilities; means to easily viewedit or print arbitrary filesand much more. Supports Long File Names when used with FMLFNS under Win95!"
18163 FMVER.ZIP 253487 03.01.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
VersionInfo for File Manager is an addon dll
that lets you see the version of files
from file manager.
17754 FMXTCH14.ZIP 29949 07.01.1996 - MBCD -
FMXTouch, Version 1.4 is a freeware DLL that
adds useful new functions to your Windows
3.1 File Manager. Change the time/date stamp
and turn on and off the read-only bit of
files. Also, check out the free space left
on your drive. Very cool, and the price is
18173 FP152C_S.ZIP 229120 17.02.1995 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
File Plus! v1.52C
Awsome Windows Program To Help You
Manage All Your Files, Better Than
File Manager! This Program Does It All...
--PKZip front end. Zip, Unzip, View,
and perform multi-volume backups all
with a few simple clicks of a mouse button.
18174 FRDK250.ZIP 119279 24.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FreeDock is a FreeWare Windows Application
Dock program. It comes in both 16 and 32 bit
versions and is supplied with the C source
code.  Current Version is v2.05 (9 APRIL 95)
64290 FRDOCK23.ZIP 114055 08.09.1995 - 10261/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Disc 1) (August 1995).iso tupla
FreeDock v2.3, application launcher
for Windows.
17755 FREEPT.ZIP 48,9 kt 17.04.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
FreePT - is a periodic table for Windows. It allows you to click on an elemental symbol and detailed information will pop up.
18179 FTASK124.ZIP 51092 10.12.1994 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
FTaskman V1.24 (c) 1993,94 by Andreas Furrer
FTaskman is a replacement for the taskmanager
of Windows 3.1  FTaskman has a lot of
additional functions. E.g.: display icons of
tasks, multiselection, show invisible tasks,
set windows on top, minimize other tasks when
'Switch to', Run programs...
18186 FVIEW130.ZIP 100823 26.02.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
File Viewer 1.3 by Maze Computer
Communications. A Windows 3.1 file viewer and
File Manager extension that lets you browse
or print the contents of files. Displays
ASCII, hex dump, or raw text. Highly
customizable. SHAREWARE: $10
17756 FW30W6.ZIP 197,4 kt 11.06.1997 - 10248/CICA_Shareware_for_Windows_Walnut_Creek_September_1994.iso tupla
Fileware 3.0/W6 - Hot WinWord 6.x Tools The features Microsoft "forgot" to include!   Delete, rename, move & copy files; make &     remove directories: all from inside WinWord!  Integrated Address Book inserts names &       addresses into documents, dials phone, more.  Plus NINE other essential WinWord tools.      Shareware Magazine Editor\'s Choice 8/93       "48 Best Add In" products - PC Magazine       (WinWord 2.x users download FW30W2.ZIP)      
17757 FXEDIT15.ZIP 49778 23.02.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
Binary file editor for Windows
17758 GC0496.ZIP 186002 13.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Garbage Can (04/96) for Windows 95 & 3.1
A secure file delete program guaranteed
to make a deleted file, completely
unrecoverable.  Includes routines
that process the 'Slack Area'
associated with a file.  Also includes
a File Manager extension DLL version.
Shareware by Denam Systems.  You can
register this program for $19.95
64429 GCKWIN71.ZIP 466759 01.12.1995 - MBCD -
GEOCLOCK 7.1 sunlight clock for Windows. The
current sun position is displayed, and the
parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight
are highlighted, with local sunrise/set and
times around the world.  A DOS version
(GEOCLK71.ZIP) is also available, and the two
versions are functionally and graphicly
similar.  Over 200 maps and a spinning globe
program are available.
17759 GCKWIN74.ZIP 504,4 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
GeoClock V7.43 for Windows View the passage from daylight to darkness across world and local maps with GeoClock, a superb map display and clock that shows sun position and local sunrise and sunset times around the world.
17760 GRAPHM21.ZIP 92776 03.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
GraphMaT v2.1 -Spreadsheet graph macros
& templates for Lotus 123, Excel, QuattroPro,
AS-EASY-AS, or compatible program. Perform
linear, non-linear, and multiple regression,
fit data to curve, plot function, solve
simultaneous equations, transform, display
and overlay signals. User-friendly, menu
driven interface and practical documentation.
Designed for scientific but useful in
business or non-scientific applications.
18197 GREP16.ZIP 317015 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
Windows Grep v1.6 text search utility
Particularly useful as a programmer's
tool for searching program source files.
This version also searches any type of
binary file.
18198 GREPW40.ZIP 98497 01.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
GREP utility for windows with easy-to-use
user interface. It uses CTL3D.DLL, supplied
in the package
18202 GRPED13.ZIP 16124 28.04.1995 - MBCD -
GroupEd v1.3: edit your ProgMan groups.
Uses DDE link instead of group files.
18203 GRUP2016.ZIP 217608 04.01.1997 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Grouper v2.0, file launcher.
The quick, easy way to organize
and launch files and programs.
Group files together and launch all,
organize all files of a project to
find and launch quickly. Win 3.1/Win95
shareware. http://www.galttech.com
18210 GTK11.ZIP 317136 24.10.1995 - - -
(v1.1) gtk11.zip - Global Timekeeper Global
Timekeeper will keep track of the local times
of the world's 30 time zones. The application
comes with many analog clocks which
continually update on a single display or you
may select individual clocks of your choice.
Users identify their own timezone with a
single click and all others will
automatically adjust to it. The program
allows you to add an alarm to remind you of
significant events. The application can be
64754 HEDIT.ZIP 68585 07.06.1995 - MBCD tupla
HEdit v1.2 Hexadecimal editor for binary
files. Unlimited file size, drag-and-drop,
binary and text search, selectable fonts,
clipboard support, multiple document
interface. File Manager extension for file
viewing/editing included.
18222 HLPCOL.ZIP 21127 28.08.1994 - 18133/winsit03961.zip -
HelpColr 2.0 supports the Windows 3.x
operating Systems.  This includes Windows,
Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT and
Windows for Pen Computing. The HelpColr 2.0
program allows you to set the colors used by
the Windows Help Engine and also the Multi-
media Viewer.  This includes, JumpColor,
PopupColor, MacroColor, IFJumpColor, and
17761 HSHOCK10.ZIP 4,1 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
HarleShock 1.0. Tietokoneen hidastusohjelma. Hidastaa Windowsin sanomapinon tyhjentämistä. Vaatii VBRUN300.DLL. Windows95- yhteensopiva. Tehnyt: HarleSoft.
18234 HSIZER.ZIP 18662 14.10.1995 - - -
Sizer for Windows is a desktop enhancement
program that performs dynamic resizing of
Windows.  Although this option is included
with Windows NT (for fast machines) and
possibly with Microsoft Plus for Windows 95,
this program provides the same functionality
under Windows 3.x, Windows NT (for all
machines), and Windows 95.
18239 HTLS16.ZIP 368775 03.05.1995 - MBCD -
HTOOLS v1.6 - Powerful utilities for Windows
3.1 and WFWG 3.11  Hot Key program launcher
to attach applications to key strokes for
access anywhere on the Windows desk top. File
Manager Launch for running programs on
unassociated files from File Manager.
Replacement Task Manager with extra options.
File 13 for drag and drop file delete.
Includes install/uninstall program. ASP
Author, Shareware $39
17762 HW16V210.ZIP 304490 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, is
a file and disk editor which allows you to
edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste
hex.  Additional features include goto, find,
replace, compare, and checksum calculation.
New with this version is the ability to
launch Hex Workshop directly from the File
Manager.  You also get a Base Converter (for
converting hex, decimal, and binary), and a
Hex Calculator (+,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
18251 HYPTRK32.ZIP 249117 26.02.1995 - 21823/Pegasus_Windows_20.iso -
Enhanced WinHelp creating program v. 3.2.
17763 ICLOCK40.ZIP 185,1 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Icon Clock v4.0 (Win3.1): a digital alarm clock which is high on visibility, and low on desktop space used.
17764 ICOPS11.ZIP 210084 23.02.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part I) (Terry Blount).iso -
Ikonien lukitusohjelma
17765 ICQRESQ3.ZIP 7,9 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
BoySoft ICQ Rescue v3.5 (16-bit version)BoySoft ICQ Rescue is a simple utility for backing up your ICQ contacts list and bookmarks.
The files can be backed up to any drive and they can be restored quickly at any time if you ever
need to re-install ICQ. This new release offers additional backup options and supports ICQ98 and ICQ99.
18260 IDATE30A.ZIP 48811 10.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
IDate is a personal date reminder for
Windows.  Its relatively small size
is a great advantage while it has
numerous features incorporated with
it.  IDate is ShareWare  (US$10.00).
17766 IFA.ZIP 454547 04.01.1997 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
Instant File Access v4.00 Enhances the File
Dialogs of Windows applicaions by adding
File/Directory recall, LONG FILE NAMES,
Floating file lists, File Manager functions,
etc. Allows Win 3.1x apps to give assign long
names to files. Allows Win 3.1x apps to view
and open Windows 95 long filenames.
65014 IFA301.ZIP 270534 08.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
INSTANT FILE ACCESS (tm) Version 3.01
enhances the Open-File dialogs of Windows
applications by adding file/directory recall,
file manager functions, a toolbar, floating
windows of frequently accessed files, global
file/text search and replace. Also allows
replacing of old style open dialogs with
standard Common File Open Dialog.
18270 INFBAR11.ZIP 36504 19.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
InfoBar v1.1 ∙ by Dale Nurden (Win 3.1)
Displays time, date, free memory and system
resources on a small info bar at the top or
bottom of the screen. Display is completely
customizable and full instructions are
included. Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not
included). Freeware.
18271 INFO41.ZIP 540505 28.04.1995 - MBCD -
InfoRecall Ver.4.1. Information Management
Software. 1994 release. Advertised in PC
Magazine. Many favorable reviews. Thousands
sold. Store & Find Personal & Business Info
FAST & EASY! A few words to 30K plus in a
Free-Form, Variable size database. More
Powerful than ever. Fully functional trial.
18272 INIO31G.ZIP 219279 24.10.1995 - 22622/cd3.iso -
Ini 'Ol Editer v3.1.g
Written by Steve Carson for Business
Link NW (BLNW) August, 1995  INI 'OL Editer
is designed to make editing INI files such as
WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI and others simple and
quick. The button bar allows for quick
loading and saving of INI files. INI 'OL
Editer also supports drag and drop from
Windows File Manager.  This version:
17767 INIPRO3E.ZIP 349784 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
INI Editor Professional v3.0e (English)
For easy editing of Windows 3.x INI files
17768 INSTAL50.ZIP 648,4 kt 17.04.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Install and Uninstall - is an application installer for Windows. It can copy files, create Program Manager groups and icons, and can launch Notepad with a text file. Pascal  source code is included.
17769 INSTEZ17.ZIP 666 kt 17.04.1997 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
INSTALL/SETUP v1.7  Windows Installer A full featured Windows Application Installer package that is EASY & FAST to use. Copies  and decompresses, creates directories,  installs icons into Program Manager Groups,  modifies INI files, displays "Read-Me" files, Version checking, etc.  Supports several  languages. No Scripts! Includes complete  Windows Help system.  Requires Windows 3.1 or later.
18275 INWCH19.ZIP 153655 05.01.1995 - MBCD -
InWatch. 'Watches' Windows apps install.
Backs your config files (autoexec.bat,
config.sys, system.ini, win.ini). When you
install a windows application, compares the
files and creates a text file that shows all
lines that changed and all files added to
root, win and system dirs. Also includes an
uninstall function.
65242 ISPY252.ZIP 950979 03.01.1996 - MBCD tupla
InfoSpy is a general purpose Windows
environment viewer allowing you view
Heap, Tasks, Windows, Classes, Modules,
File Handles, DOS and Memory
Information.  You can trace messages,
stack and set up automatic timers to
provide real-time tracing on virtually
every aspect of Windows.
The new System Sentry library lets you
monitor Windows program usage, control
17770 ISPY261.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
InfoSpy v2.61 System Information Utility for Microsoft Windows 3.1x.
18281 IT21.ZIP 329285 08.09.1995 - MBCD -
It Utilities v2.0 - Trash, View, Zip, Launch
The It Utilities are extensions to the File
manager of Window's 3.1. They use drag'n'drop
to enhance it. There is a trash can that
keeps files, a viewer for any size file, a
zip/unzip shell, an application launcher and
a loader that loads/unloads them when the
file manager is started or exited. Enhanced
with sound and animation. Shareware. NO NAG
SCREEN. $24.95.
18284 IVU153.ZIP 181674 26.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
InfView v1.53: a general purpose File Viewer
Allows you to view multiple files of ANY
size in either ASCII, HEX, RAW ASCII, TEXT
ONLY, BITMAP, PCX or GIF image modes.
17771 IWARE50.ZIP 230,8 kt 17.04.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
InstallWare is a small, easy to use application installation program for Windows applications. THIS IS VERSION 5.0 which includes major improvements and additions.   You can use a single executable to handle installations for all Windows operating systems.  Make your install a multimedia experience by playing WAV or MIDI files.  Many more new
17772 JGIBAR11.ZIP 57,3 kt 10.10.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"(v1.1) JG Iconbar for FileManager An intelligent and highly configurable iconbar. Integrates with FileManager. Passes selected files to icons. Allows Menu commandsprogramsand .BAT files as icons in the same iconbar. NO dragging required. Allows file deletion without the annoying messagebox. Try ityoull like it! Works with WINFILE under Windows 95 (not Explorer). Shareware (US$ 15)  email: jgalanes@tiac.net"
18297 KDESK121.ZIP 209507 03.04.1995 - 10798/CD_ASCQ_21_040595.iso -
KDeskTop - DeskTop Security Utility. Includes
Quick Exit, Time, Date, System Resources
display. Includes Windows security programs
Keepout and Applock. DeskTop trash can. Fully
functional shareware from Anaplastic
65536 KEYEX110.ZIP 338400 31.03.1996 - 22913/pcw_june1996.zip tupla
Keyboard Express v1.1  [ASP] is a
Windows Keyboard Macro. Simply enter in text
or auto-capture for easy playback. Assign up
to 288 hot keys with up to 5000 keystrokes
each. Easily add, modify, delete and copy hot
keys. Add current date and time to
keystrokes--for example: easily paste current
date and return address into your word
processor. Program runs transparent in the
17773 KKLOCK.ZIP 132576 19.02.1996 - MBCD -
Klingon Klock for Windows(TM) (Version 1.00)
Klingon-language talking clock for Windows.
Exotic design; includes built-in alarm and
digitized Klingon phrases. Full hypertext
help file included. Requires: MS Windows 3.1
or higher, sound card or other audio
18303 KLAUNCH.ZIP 186981 17.03.1995 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO -
KLAUNCH for Windows 1.1 - A task launcher
utility with popup menu and  hotkey
capability, as well as user-defined menu
fonts, low memory consumption and many useful
features. Shareware - requires Windows 3.1 or
18310 LBAR20A.ZIP 212084 29.05.1995 - MBCD -
LaunchBar 2.0a ohjelmankäynnistäjä
17774 LDP155.ZIP 841,1 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
Label Designer Plus V1.55C Create incredible labels, cards, envel. and more on any printer. Custom layouts, OLE2 support, boxes, lines, circles, clipart & text in any size, color, style rotation. "Special" objects to link to data files for mailing lists, counters, quick addressing, personal info. WYSIWYG drag & drop, setup and online help.
18315 LENS202.ZIP 23758 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
Lens 2.02 for Windows magnifies the area
around the mouse or text cursor, or a fixed
area of the screen, from 1 to 40 times.
Shareware, $5. Self-extracting archive
containing .EXE, .HLP, and .TXT files. By Ned
Konz, uploaded by author. Version 2.00 adds
many new features including always-on-top
mode, hiding the title bar, displaying the
cursor position, a real Windows help file,
and fixes the 256-color bug from prior
versions of Lens.
18317 LI.ZIP 191130 04.11.1995 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
LI version 1.32 Shareware Windows file
utility to view (text/hex), find, grep,
launch, print, edit, delete files. String
search in text, hex, with AND, OR, NOT. MDI.
Online help. Win 3.1 drag & drop target.
Button bar. Clipboard support. User config.
color, font, tab stop. Dir windows similar to
Win 3.1 file manager.
18316 LIFESV43.ZIP 39253 19.10.1995 - MBCD -
LIFESAVER v4.3. Reduces stress and risk of
computer related diseases such as CTS and RSI
by scheduling regular breaks and providing a
series of stress-relieving exercises based on
Flinders University OH&S recommendations.
Network compatible. Req Win 3.1 and
vbrun300.dll. Taipan software.
18319 LOCKTT22.ZIP 231797 10.12.1995 - 10258/CICA Ultimate Collection of Shareware For Windows (Disc 1) (March 1996).iso -
locktt22.zip -- LOCKtite is a utility
designed to help manage Windows(tm)
security.  It works with the Program
Manager to allow you to easily restrict
the menu, to add or remove program groups
from display, and to password protect any
application.  Is is particularly useful
where more than one user has access to a
computer.  Shareware.  $30 for a single
copy or a site licence.
18322 LP_PAD22.ZIP 78977 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
Launch Pad v2.2 is a palette of 24
buttons you define to launch programs.
You can assign a button to either an
executable file or a data file.
18334 MAGNIFY.ZIP 7903 15.04.1992 - MBCD -
Magnify a portion of your screen
17776 MBL120.ZIP 95969 29.07.1996 - - -
MBnet-listaaja v1.2 (16-bit) Lukuohjelma
MBnetin tiedostolistoille. Helppokäyttöinen,
silti monipuolinen ohjelma: listatiedoston
luonti, alueiden ja hakemisto- jen ohitus,
hyvät hakutoiminnot (myös koon ja päiväyksen
mukaan), tiedostojen merkintä kopioitavaksi
ym. Nopea, moniajava ja selkeä.
Käyttöliittymä Windows-standardin mukainen.
Sharewarea, rekisteröinti 50 mk. Vaatii
VBRUN300.DLL:n. Copyright (C) 1996 Moonbird
17777 MC16_16.ZIP 286,3 kt 13.09.1997 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Master Converter (16-bit) - can quickly and easily convert to and from 266 different units in 21 categories. Categories include: length, area, volume, time, speed, mass, density, force, pressure, energy, power, flow, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, temperature, conductivity, thermal conductivity, angle, light, and more.
18344 MCDESK17.ZIP 111467 10.02.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
MoonComet Desktop v1.7 for Windows 3.1
McDesk along with it's other utilities
provides a configurable multi desktop shell
with a powerful task manager and folders.
18345 MCICLB.ZIP 187636 12.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
More Control allows you to access many of
those settings that Microsoft did not include
in the Control Panel. Change the font used to
display icon titles, the color of the hyper-
text used by Windows help plus many other
settings. Installs into Control Panel. ICL
Builder allows you to build and maintain icon
libraries for use with Program Manager and
other programs. From Sloop Software $20
18346 MCSIRM.ZIP 51711 28.12.1994 - MBCD -
MCSI Resource Monitor
18350 MEMTLS21.ZIP 174066 12.02.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
Memory Utilities for Windows
18354 METZS216.ZIP 380919 17.12.1995 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
METZ Scheduler 2.16 - Automatic application
and document scheduler. METZ Scheduler saves
you time by automatically launching your
applications. With METZ Scheduler you can
schedule applications to run unattended at
night to perform tasks like backups, disk
compression or virus scanning.  You can also
use Scheduler to display messages.
METZ Software - (206) 641-4525
17778 MF98.ZIP 137,9 kt 20.10.2000 - - -
Magic Folders 98.10aMakes any folder(s) completely invisible  to others but instantly available to  you. 
Reviewer comments: "Magic Folders  is a must have utility for anyone who shares 
a computer.", "Perfect for keeping tax files safe from your kids or  your resume 
safe from your boss.", "Best  of the Best".  RSE Shareware $29.
Windows 3.x and Windows 95.
17779 MFI.ZIP 67695 14.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MFI "Makes Files Invisible" v1.1. MFI works
in Windows 3.1 and 95. MFI keeps your private
files private by making them invisible to
unauthorized users. They don't show up in
directory listing and programs, applications,
utilities, file managers, even DOS and
Windows can't find, view, delete, modify,
use, or work on them. Enter your password and
instantly all your files become visible and
18360 MINWIN10.ZIP 7112 09.09.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
MinWin V1.0 (c) 1995 by Andreas Furrer
MinWin is a small utility which lets you
minimize dialogs and (nearly) all windows to
only see the title bar. This is e.g. very
useful for modeless dialogs such as some
"Search and replace" dialogs but also for all
other windows.
17780 MLOCK.ZIP 300530 29.07.1996 - - -
METZ Lock 3.54 - complete password protection
for Windows. Use Lock to protect your PC.
Prevent unauthorized use and disable
Ctrl-Alt-Del. Customize Lock to meet your
security needs. Novell 3.x, 4.x and Banyan
Vines passwords are also supported. Includes
online help and install. See included
METZLOCK.TXT for additional information. METZ
Software - (206) 641-4525
17781 MLTLCK12.ZIP 41,5 kt 17.04.1997 - 23354/Chip_Hitware_Vol_05.iso -
Windows Multi-Lock - provides password protection for WIN31 with support for multiple users. Each user is issued a password to gain access to all or parts of the system. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18370 MORECN.ZIP 128689 16.08.1994 - 18168/Windows Magazine WinPak Multimedia CD.iso -
More Control allows you to access many of
those settings that Microsoft did not include
in the Control Panel. Change the font used to
display icon titles, the vertical spacing of
icons, the color of the hypertext used by
Windows help plus many other settings.  Add
any program desired into the Control Panel.
Installs into Control Panel for easy access.
From Sloop Software $12.50
17782 MOREMEM4.ZIP 344,3 kt 27.03.1998 versio 4.0 sac.sk -
MOREMEM 4.0b FIXES INSUFFICIENT MEMORY TO RUN MoreMem 4.0b is a device driver that fixes Insufficient Memory to Run errors when loading program in Windows 3.1.  MoreMem includes TopBar, a resource monitor and task switcher.  Phone, fax, mail, credit card, and invoice orders are accepted.  Contact Gamma Research, Inc., 904 Bob Wallace Ave. #212, Huntsville, AL 35801-5648. Phone: (205) 533-7103  Fax: (205) 881-5341
17783 MORSPC.ZIP 257,9 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
More Space - recover a little of your lost drive space. Win31
18374 MOUSCU10.ZIP 134179 15.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
MouseCur Ver1.0-the ultimate tool for your
Win3.1. Change mouse cursor, display trailer,
animation,virtual desktop, record operations,
alias names,keep history,change fonts,panic
button,exit/restart Windows,reboot system.
By:CYBORG Trans:H.Ozawa
17784 MPD60.ZIP 782,1 kt 26.04.1997 - - -
My Personal Diary V6.00 Keep a private diary or journal. Great for keeping a personal diary or business journal or log. Integrated address book, to-do list and reminder system. Sophisticated search engine. Unlimited users can share MPD on a single computer. Fully ustomizable. OLE support to include pictures, sounds and other documents. MANY new features in this version.
17785 MRMEM12.ZIP 190499 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
Mr. Mem V1.2 - Run more Windows programs.
Have you ever seen this error message in
Windows?  "Insufficent memory to run this
application".  If you have seen this message,
get Mr. Mem.  With this program you will be
able to run more programs concurrently in
Windows then ever before.  It Quick and Easy!
You won't need to know why it works, it just
does. Kamyan Software
17786 MTCHD11B.ZIP 17,8 kt 12.10.1997 - 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso -
MatchDir is used to compare the contents of two directories and then to copy, delete, or move files from the source directory. You can copy files to a third directory if desired. The source directory is always on the left, and the target on the right.
18408 MTW16301.ZIP 208568 04.01.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
MTWIN16 is a small WIN-16Bit based prg. which
you modify any kind of INI, GRP and NET.CFG
Files from the commandline. Usefull for
networks, just place it in the login-script.
V3.01 with registery support
- Global replace of strings supported
- Support for general CFG files
- Multiple CMD's per INI line allowed
This programm is email-ware.
17787 MULTVU21.ZIP 287245 04.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
MULTIVU (TM) v2.1 
Windows utility for viewing files up to 2 GB.
Scan disk for text, files. Fast text search.
20 open files.  Drag 'n' drop. File 'preload'
for smooth scrolling. Browse ZIP, ARJ, LZH
contents.  Load, search, print while browsing
or using other programs. Bookmarks. Separate
screen and printer fonts. Workspaces, Network
ready. Win 3.1, 95, NT. In Win 95: long file
names, proportional scroll bars, 3D dialogs.
18411 MVIEW11W.ZIP 34774 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
Mountain View v1.1 - Text viewer for Win 3.
1/Win95. Display ANY file, including DOS,
UNIX, and Macintosh file formats. Once
loaded, Mouse Scrolling allows quick file
viewing without ever touching the keyboard.
Save any portion or the entire file to disk
or printer. Quickly sort any text file or
search to locate any string.
18412 MW21A.ZIP 204181 30.07.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Mouse Warp v2.1a - mouse utilities
18417 NEAT_1.ZIP 198825 29.10.1994 - - -
NeAT Version number : 1.2
NeAT is a freeware program launcher for
Windows. It provides a nice and efficient
interface to launching your application and
organizing your day to day work
18421 NGCC41.ZIP 518862 19.10.1995 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
NutriGenie Calorie Counter 4.1 for Windows
From winner of Home PC Top 100 Products of
the Year. Has unique graphic food pyramid
analysis and sophisticated menu generator.
Perfect for weight watchers. 8,000 foods.
Simple, elegant and inexpensive: only $19.
Visit our Web site for other products:
Windows 95 and NT compatible.
18423 NIED20.ZIP 26547 10.02.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
IniEdit v2.0: Windowsin INI-asetustie-
dostojen muokkausohjelma. Toimii komento-
riviltä, helppo laittaa esim. BATiin.
18425 NMFW141E.ZIP 535966 12.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
New Menus for Windows v1.4  - a Win-
shell similar to the UNIX X-Windows Manger
OpenLook, Motif and the 'Chicago' GUI. With a
graph. popup menu for a quick access to apps
docs, directories, tasks and more. Enhances
window managment with a Virtual Desktop,
layout functions and enhanced system menu.
Provides customizable context senstive menus
Every menu, even apps menus, can be stuck
onto the desktop. Multi-user configuration.
17788 NOKYSW11.ZIP 18939 29.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
No-Keys 1.1 is a virtual (on-screen) keyboard
that allows you to type in Windows 3.1 using
only a mouse. It is designed primarily for
people with disabilities that prevent them
from using the keyboard. Req. VBRUN200.DLL.
17789 NOQUIT1.ZIP 12659 03.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
NoQuit (TM) is a small utility to keep
unauthorized users from exiting MS Windows.
Perfect for library systems etc which need
terminals to be in MS Windows 24 hours a
day. NoQuit is SHAREWARE (US$7) Site
Licensing available! THIS IS VERSION 3.00a
66645 NPN134.ARJ 55860 04.01.1997 - - tupla
│ The  ULTIMATE  program for showing │
│ the name days.  LOADS of different │
│ features!!!!!  Registration 20 FIM │
│ Support  for   Finnish,   Swedish, │
│ Finnish orthodox  and  Finnish cat │
│ name days!                         │
│ Req. PC, DOS, EGA/VGA, approx. 120 │
│ kB conventional memory free.       │
18430 NSVIEW.ZIP 521549 10.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
NeoSoft Viewer: a Windows-based utility
which lets you look at the contents of files
on your drives. Views as text, in hex,
previews image files, plays AVI and WAV
files, lists files contained inside ZIP/Lzh
archive files, displays and uncompresses
ZIP/Lzh format files, launches programs and
much more! The ultimate list/viewer/browser!
Requires: Windows 3.1+; mouse & hard disk.
From NeoSoft Corp.
17790 NWYRCK42.ZIP 710,6 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
"NOW YOURE COOKING! 4.20 - Powerful cyberkitchen companion for Windows. Cuts hours off organizing and converting recipescreating menusmaking shopping list(s). Recipe search across cookbooks. Prepares shopping lists from your menus using multiple digital cookbooks. Multiple menus and shopping lists. SI units conversion. User-defined categories; auto-categorizes. Shopping list by aisle; cost of shopping list at stores. Quickfill data entry; expanded"
18443 ODOM110.ZIP 210461 10.12.1995 - MBCD -
TOTALLY COOL desktop gadget for Windows 95
and Windows 3.1! NEW VERSION now includes
"MicroMode" to use even less desktop space.
How far do you move your mouse each day?
You'll soon know with Mouse Odometer!
Features an exclusive "cleaning alarm".
Awesome graphics and animation make this
odometer look like the real thing! Other
features include selectable english and
18454 OMNICN10.ZIP 82471 08.05.1995 - 11970/ -
OmniCon 1.0 - Powerful and FAST unit
converter with MANY features! ALL normal
physical quantities as well as
scientific/technical quantities. Metric
prefix table, physical constant table,
numeric formatting, FULL right mouse button
support, copy/paste into other apps, ALWAYS
ON TOP feature, "small" view, clock, AND
MORE! For Windows 3.1. Registration - $10.00
17791 P-EXP13.ZIP 197,2 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Palette Express (tm) Version 1.3  Never again will images look horrible when displayed together on screen.  Terrific for Web and Multimedia Developers, Programmers, Digital Artists, or anyone who has to work with graphics images. P.E. will scan through a series of images and create an optimzed color table, then apply it to all of the images in batch mode. Also does batch file format conversions, and much more.
18466 PAM_EN1A.ZIP 1056989 09.09.1995 - MBCD -
(v1.0) PAM - Talking Assistant & Appt. Man.
Using a sophisticated speech synthesizer, PAM
reminds you of appointments and other
messages verbally. Reads text files and text
on the Clipboard. Plays MIDI files and WAVE
files. Activates a phone dialer. Launches
other applications at preset times. Can be
trained to speak better. Shareware (US $39.95
- Visa, Check) EMail - tslemko@island.net
18471 PARAMD15.ZIP 388615 22.12.1994 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
Paramind Brainstorming Program 1.5
Para-mind means 'beyond the mind'.
18485 PEEPER.ZIP 638950 04.08.1995 - 2721/SOFM_Oct1995.bin -
PEEPER 1.16 Multi-Document Viewer Extract
Version, Identification info from Windows
DLLs and EXEs. Views over 20 diff file types.
Embedded file information can copied to the
Windows Clip Board.
18487 PEN_TEST.ZIP 2946 07.03.1995 - MBCD -
Pentium-testiohjelma Windowsille.
Tutkii laskeeko matematiikkaprosessori
yksinkertaisen yhtälön oikein vai ei.
Vaatii VBRUN300.DLL-kirjaston.
18489 PERTABLE.ZIP 353782 10.12.1994 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Periodic Table of Elements
Generate wall chart of the periodic
table. With Visual Basic source code.
18491 PETMT14A.ZIP 180614 03.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Peter's Many Things 1.4A for Windows
Maintain a list of scraps of information
Various filters regroup the list.
Three files of 800 items. And/Or search.
Group copy, paste. Fixes error in 1.3
Doubleclick speed searches. Select colors
18496 PGPW26.ZIP 227399 17.02.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
WinPGP  Version 2.6. A Windows Interface for
PGP 2.3a, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6ui, 2.7 By:
Christopher W. Geib Copyright 1993,1994.
17792 PIANP11.ZIP 4288 02.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PianPois v1.1 - helposti ulos Windowsista
Apuohjelma, jolla voit sulkea Windowsin
kätevästä pikavalikosta sekä käynnistää
Windowsin tai koko tietokoneen uudelleen.
Vaatii Windows 3.1:n tai uudemman, mutta
toimii myös Windows 95:ssä.
Copyright (C) 1994, 1996 Jere Käpyaho
17793 PICCLK20.ZIP 690,6 kt 17.04.1997 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
PictureClock v2.01  - Windows floating alarm clock & drag-and-drop graphics file  viewer. Replacement for Windows clock with  handy graphics viewing capabilities. Can also preview .WAV files. Convenient "quick hide"  feature means clock never gets in your way.  Multiple image gallery, customizable menu  button, mores. Registered version features  customizable alarm sound and ability to print halftoned graphic images.
18508 PLUG260.ZIP 479828 27.09.1995 - MBCD -
PLUG-IN for Windows v2.60 --> Plug It In!
Fills the holes in Win3.1 & Win95.  Award-
Winning utility (5 major awards!). Title Bar
displays, Alarms, Scheduler, App Installer,
Sound Support (Events, Talking Clock, etc),
PowerButton to access a multi-level QuickRun
menu, Custom Cursors, Nested Groups, Resource
Alerts, System Info, Screen Saver HotKey, Run
with History List, and LOTS MORE! From
Plannet Crafters.  Registration $20
67420 PRGBAR10.ZIP 92404 20.10.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WIN 3.x - Turn your Win 3.1, Win 3.x into the
WIN 95 style menu bar! Quick and easy, same
features added to your Win 3.x as in the Win
95 complete with "Start" button, find files,
quick access to applications, MORE! Must see
this one you stubborn Win 3.x users!
67421 PRGBR211.ZIP 220399 26.07.1996 - 18133/winsit03961.zip -
(2.11) ProgramBar - App launch/switch/close
ProgramBar brings much of the functionality
of the Win95 TaskBar to Win3.1.  A button bar
at any edge of the screen displays active
tasks for switching.  All Program Manager
groups may be accessed. Control Panel items
may be run for configuration.  Fast launch of
commonly used applications, documents and
help files.  Easy configuration of most
aspects of usage. Copyright 1995 Ian
Jefferies. Shareware.
17794 PRGBR230.ZIP 379,6 kt 17.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
(2.30) ProgramBar - desktop enhancing taskbar ProgramBar brings much of the functionality,  and feel of the Win95 TaskBar to Win3.1. A bu bar triggered from any edge of the screen displaying active tasks for switching. All Pr Manager groups may be accessed through a menu hierarchy. Control Panel applets may be run f easy configuration. Fast launch of commonly u applications, documents and help files.  Live document links on the desktop.  Desktop syste
18517 PRNTRE31.ZIP 23655 06.09.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso -
Print directory tree of selected drive.
18518 PRNTREE.ZIP 23885 16.08.1994 - 22205/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk1.iso -
Print Tree 3.1 by Charles H. Fisher. Allows
you to view and print hardcopy of your disk
directories. Requires WIN31 and a 386 or
better. SHAREWARE: $15
17795 PRSVDS.ZIP 731,4 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Personal VDS Freeware Edition Visual DialogScript! A simple programming language. It can be used to create batch files that are more sophisticated than those which can be created using MS-DOS batch language. Windows 3.1+ 4 MB
17796 PUFF20.ZIP 368614 28.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PUFFER 2.0 - Data file and e-mail encryption
utility for Windows. Uses 40-bit PC1 (RC4
clone) and 160-bit Blowfish algorithms for
secure encryption. Password hashing with the
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). Secure, multi-
pass data wiping. Built-in text editor with
clipboard support for on-the-fly e-mail
encryption and decryption. Supports LZ77 data
compression. Create Binary, ASCII and self-
extracting executables. 
17797 PWRPGP10.ZIP 174009 12.02.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
PowerPGP 1.0 Windows Shell for the DOS
PGP program designed to make it possible to
encrypt & decrypt Email with any Windows
based E-mail program. Including Power Access
for PowerBBS Requires the DOS Based FREEWARE
program PGP to be installed prior to
17798 QBT100.ZIP 112354 04.01.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
QBoot is a small utility to quickly
reboot, restart or shutdown Windows 3.x
unconditionally. Put it in a scheduler
and you can easily schedule your PC
for rebooting, restarting or shutting
down. No more nagging "This will end
your Windows session" messages!
QBoot is fully functional Shareware.
17799 QM4.ZIP 2,4 Mt 16.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
QuikMenu 4 Windows is an icon-based graphical desktop from NeoSoft. Launches all Windows & DOS software with highly customizable multi-page menu. Includes: Password security, file manager, phonebook dialer, calendar, calculator, text editor, freeform layout & more. Pro version also includes: icon editor; clock; file viewer; e-mail & 500 icons. Req: Windows 3.1 or 95; 2Mb RAM; hard disk; mouse.
17800 QUIKDC11.ZIP 978,4 kt 04.05.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
QuikDict Spelling Dictionary Version 1.1 QuikDict is a pop up dictionary accessible from Tool Tray. Some of it features are: -Can spell check all words as they are typed. -91,000+ word English/American dictionary
17801 REMINDR.ZIP 213,7 kt 14.08.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
REMINDER v1.1 - A Windows event reminder, easy to use, fully featured and compatible with Win 3.x and Win 95. Support for differen event types, recurring of one-off. Includes a option to run automatically at Windows start- Fully configurable, and full use of modern  Windows attributes: toolbars, mouse menus etc
67881 REPW101.ZIP 618337 14.12.1995 - 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO -
Replicator For Windows v1.01 - 
Replicator is a disk image utility used to
create images of diskettes and catalog them
in a database. Recreate disks as needed.
Store up to 10 description lines and a
complete list of files contained on the
original disk. Modify database entries at any
time. Optionally compress images and scan
disks for viruses. Network support. Easy to
67882 REPW104.ZIP 679757 04.01.1997 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Replicator For Windows v1.04 - 
Replicator is a disk image utility used to
create images of diskettes and catalog them
in a database. Recreate disks as needed.
Store up to 10 description lines and a
complete list of files contained on the
original disk. Modify database entries at any
time. Optionally compress images and scan
disks for viruses. Network support. Easy to
17802 REPW200.ZIP 782,6 kt 16.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Replicator For Windows v2.00 -  Replicator is a disk image utility used to  create images of diskettes and catalog them  in a database. Recreate disks easily. The  database stores a description and file list  for each diskette. Modify database entries at any time. Network support included. Version  2.00 includes DMF support, a new layout, and  many new database features, including record  tagging.
17803 RESCUEME.ZIP 2,9 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
Rescue Me Backup System v1.41  Backup and Restore files easily and safely. Supports Zip, SyQuest, Jaz, floppies and more. Uses file compression to conserve disk space. For Windows 95 and 3.x. A must have for anyone who has ever lost an important file.
18549 RIPBAR60.ZIP 242210 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
RipBAR 6.0: Application launching (with
drag and drop), memory and resource
tracking, task switching, date/time
display, Post-It style notes, HotKey
access and more.
18550 RITEON24.ZIP 100079 13.03.1995 - MBCD -
RiteOn v2.4: määrittele hiiren oikeanpuol.
painike tekemään erilaisia asioita esim.
Ctrl- ja Shift-näppäinten kanssa.
18554 RTPM200.ZIP 32880 24.10.1995 - MBCD -
Real-Time Performance Monitor v2.00
18556 SABDU280.ZIP 309607 14.10.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
SAB Diskette Utility v2.80 (ASP)
The MS Windows Diskette Utility
Format/copy/compare/save floppy diskette
images in foreground or background.  Read a
diskette once and make multiple copies.  Save
images to hard drive.  Convert diskette image
formats while preserving boot and reserve
sectors.  Create distribution sets with group
restores.  Browse diskettes and saved
diskette images.  Shareware from SAB.
18560 SAW101.ZIP 337353 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
The System Analyst for Windows (SAW) v1.01
FREEWARE - SAW is a Windows 3.XX system
snooper-generates Kb of system information.
Extensive help file explains most of the
terms used. Save/print report. (Win 3.1+
recommended)  Monitors system
resources/events/errors in the background.
The install program gives _full_ details
about SAW _before_ installation.
17804 SCDSK20E.ZIP 46,1 kt 17.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Scrolling Desktop for Windows (Freeware)
18565 SCLCK13.ZIP 76604 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Super Clock 1.3: Super Clock is a handy
little app with the following features: 12/24
hour clock, 99:99:99 countdown/ countup
timer, WAV/CD player, Resource monitor/alarm,
and many more including a whole set of alarm
functions! v1.3 adds a timer reset option!
For Win3.1; Reqs. VBRUN300.DLL.
18568 SCROOG.ZIP 10187 26.03.1995 - - -
Scrooge: Minimal System Resource monitor.
This program has been designed to be as small
as possible in executable size, memory usage,
and physical screen size.
18571 SCYTAL12.ZIP 367661 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
- Scytale version 1.2 -
Brings the convenience of Windows to
encrypting, decrypting data with PGP.
Clipboard encryption. Key management.
Wiping feature included. Drag'n Drop.
Six dictionaries of common passwords.
PGP Startup Guide.  Remove Procedure.
Req: Windows 3.1+,  386+.  
68260 SDD52.ZIP 1661335 09.05.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
SciTech Display Doctor V5.2, suite of useful
utilities that fix the most common problems
associated with Super VGA (SVGA) graphics
cards. Universal VESA BIOS Extension, UniVBE,
is now one of the many components that make
up the entire SciTech Display Doctor suite.
SciTech Display Doctor updates your graphics
card to the latest standards so you can be
sure programs will work correctly and will
run as fast as possible on your system. Many
popular games like The 11th Hour, Quake and
68261 SDD53-D.ZIP 574516 28.08.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
SciTech Display Doctor v5.3: SciTech Display
Doctor provides high performance VBE 2.0
device support for playing the latest games.
This is a special DOS only version for
customers without a copy of Windows (ie: DOS
and OS/2 users). If you have a copy of
Windows, please download the full Windows
installation version.
18578 SFTMG4.ZIP 334941 29.05.1995 - MBCD -
Software Manager 4.1 provides three wizards
to manage your software. The Uninstall Wizard
supports manual and automated uninstalls.
Manual mode creates a step-by-step procedure.
Automated mode performs system updates with
your confirmation. Removal of pre-existing
software is easy and safe. Removes DLL, VBX
files. The Install Wizard generates report of
changes made during software install and
simplifies evaluation of Shareware / Internet
downloads. Configuration File Wizard w/ auto
18587 SICON40.ZIP 469029 07.01.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
SICon v4.0
Windows Unit Conversion Utility. 350,000+
unit conversions possible. Features help
throughout. Converts imperial to metric,
metric to imperial, etc. Features print-
ing, calculator, save to file.  Very easy
to use.  Includes over 600 material
densities, periodic table. ShareWare.
Registration: $14.95
18589 SKYMAP.ZIP 1255179 12.04.1995 - MBCD -
SKYMAP v2.2  Windows 3.1 Planetarium.
Draws accurate maps of the sky, showing
stars, planets, deep sky objects, comets etc.
Detailed information can be shown for any
object. Can print maps to any printer.
Pictures can be displayed, in many formats.
For both serious amateur & novice users.
18590 SKYVW30.ZIP 728844 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
SkyView 3.0, free planetary program
for Windows 3.1.
18598 SLRTME12.ZIP 47781 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
SOLARTME 1.2 displays a worldmap showing
the terminator.Microsoft Windows 3.1,
386 and FPU or better recommended.
18599 SLV1.ZIP 9343 02.12.1995 - - -
Sherlock - is a fast file searching utility
for Windows. It allows you to search for a
file by its size, its name, its last
time/date modified, or even a phrase that the
file contains. Requires VBRUN300.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
18601 SMI21C.ZIP 99590 13.03.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
SmilerShell v2.1 - Windows command line.
Windows is great, but sometimes it's faster
to type a cmd! Runs DOS & WIN pgms, pipes &
redir ok; cmd hist/edit/srch; aliases (type-
in or Fn key); fast dir change (like Norton
CD) over MULTIPLE drives; favorite-apps list
(click one to run it); clock, curr dir, Win
mem/rsrcs, more! "Very slick! Extremely handy
and well designed." (Windows OnLine Review)
"Superior, recommended" (Windows Magazine)
17805 SMTBRD10.ZIP 352126 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
SmartBoard R1 - a Windows Clipboard Extender
supports all clipboard formats. Collect items
copied to the clipboard and paste back days
or weeks later with a single mouse-click.
Create boilerplate text items, add templates,
grab graphics and metafiles. Assign system-
wide hotkeys for items to autopaste. Merge
text together while capturing or after. No
icon but access with a single mouseclick or
hotkey- looks built in to Windows!
17806 SMTCAT18.ZIP 307196 13.04.1996 - 22912/pcwi_july_1996.zip -
The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger. MDI,
ZIP, ARJ etc. support. Multiple mergeable
catalogs. Unique extension concept allows
analysing any format file to determine
internal files or grab comments. Great
searching capabilities. Label printing,
WIN3.1 sound support, multiple display
options, full font support. CSV export, 240
byte comments. Program launching, Virus
Scans, File Printing, previewing & more!
18605 SMTDTE10.ZIP 67457 17.02.1995 - MBCD -
Windows Perpetual Calendar that replaces the
WallPaper on your desktop. A single-click
with the right mouse button will hide all the
windows on your currently cluttered desktop
and display the calendar, release the button
and carry on where you were! Programable with
reminders, color coded dates, alarms, autorun
programs, repeating events. Configurable
central bitmap (256 color and auto-cycling),
fonts, colors and paper the calendar is on!
68483 SMTSUM15.ZIP 286825 13.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SmartSum Calculator v1.5 - Windows based
talking printing calculator/adding machine
(no sound card needed). Host of features
including loading/saving of calculations;
notes by entries; user-defineable macros;
correction of previous entries; auto
recalculation; interfaces with any Windows
Spreadsheet; sales tax calculations; supplied
conversion macros; 10 memories; vocalisation
and much much more!
18607 SMTTOP11.ZIP 93223 08.02.1995 versio 1.1 MBHH1997 -
SmartTop release 1.2
Setting Windows "On-Top"
17807 SPACE163.ZIP 772035 13.04.1996 - 26095/buyer-0396.iso -
Space Hound 1.63 Win Disk Utility Find
duplicate files, "sniff out" wasted space and
forgotton files. Includes printable directory
tree which reports storage usage within
nested directories. Version info display,
file compare, file extension display, file
and directory deletion, deletion tracking
statistics, miscellaneous reports and more.
Works great on networks also.
18617 SPCMK140.ZIP 337189 29.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Space Maker(TM) v1.40 - A powerful duplicate
file search utility for Microsoft Windows.
The purpose of the program is to reclaim
extra space on your hard drive by identifying
and optionally deleting duplicate files. You
can also list all files on your disk in
alphabetical order, execute them, delete or
mark them for deletion with a simple click of
a button, and more... Registered users can
upgrade to the Enhanced Version with unique
features such as listing duplicate files
18622 SPRBAR20.ZIP 246096 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
SuperBar v2.0  SuperBar is a Windows
program for adding user-configurable toolbars
to *any* Windows application.  A toolbar
consists of a series of buttons, each
assigned to an application's menu command or
recorded macro.  SuperBar increases
efficiency by placing commonly used commands
on a toolbar.  SuperBar supports user-drawn
icons.  Shareware $20+s/h.
17808 SR.ZIP 283273 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
Search and Replace for Windows.
Search and optionally replace text inside
files. Both 16- and 32-bit versions.
18626 ST25.EXE 343968 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
Stickies! 2.5 is a shareware note manager
for Windows 3.0 and later running in
either Standard or 386 Enhanced mode.
18629 STAT40.ZIP 153925 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
Statline v4.0
The Ultimate Windows Status Line Show date,
time, memory, system resources, and hard
drive space, Program menu, Exit Win fast
Post It note, Mini Notepad, Printer
control, Much More!
17809 STILE19S.ZIP 204555 07.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Stiletto v1.9s.  Tiny 3.1x bar launcher/utili
featuring: small footprint (fits in title bar
any mouse button starts a command; multiple b
direct access to prog mgr/shell commands;
multiple launch menus/submenus; task switch,
close, on top; time/date, resource usage, tim
over 50 built-in commands; alarms; sound,
paper control.  V1.9s  adds delay for screen
corner commands and fixes several bugs.
18631 STLITE25.ZIP 166321 28.02.1995 - - -
Stickies! Lite v2.5, muistilappuohjelma
18632 STM301.ZIP 116183 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
Super Task Man v3.01 ASP
Replaces Windows' taskman.exe.  THIS IS
the taskman that should have come with
Windows. Features a run command with history
list, an enhanced tasklist that supports
multi-select operations, a configurable quick
launch menu, and system resource information.
Super Task Man's features are also
completely configurable.
18636 STPWTC1C.ZIP 31607 07.03.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf -
StopWatch 1.0c. Stop watch program for
18642 SUPMON.ZIP 258799 12.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SuperMonitor 1.0 - system monitor for Windows
18644 SWC10.ZIP 67745 17.02.1995 - 6170/PSL_Monthly_Shareware_CD-ROM_Public_Software_Library_February_1995.iso -
SW Config provides online configuration
management for the Silver Wolf Desktop,
released separately as SWD15.ZIP. This Visual
Basic program requires VBRUN300.DLL in the
Windows SYSTEM directory. This file is
readily available and may be found on this
very site. If not, contact us for a copy or
information as to where the file may be
17810 SWD12A.ZIP 568303 02.03.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
The Silver Wolf Desktop gives you a Macintosh
folder/document file manager and other even
more intuitive ways to use your computer.
Full support for: Long Names, Aliases,
Drag/Drop, Trash, Icon & Text file/directory
views, File Find, History Lists, ProgMan
groups, FileMan drops, Networks and more.
From Silver Wolf Software, $39.
17811 SWDICT14.ZIP 382521 02.04.1996 - - -
Shareware Dictionary v1.4 Sivistyssanakirja,
rekisteröidyssä versiossa mukana kymmeniä
tuhansia sanoja.
18647 SYSENG.ZIP 245258 28.08.1994 - 805/mbest933.zip -
System Engineer - Great system status and
troubleshooting utilities for windows.
18652 TAFCLK.ZIP 8894 08.02.1995 versio 1.5 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
TAF Clock for Windows (TAFCLK)   v1.0e
TAF Clock for Windows is a program that will
display digital clock on a window's
wallpaper.  The clock has the following
features: 1. The digits are semi-transparent
and will not hide the wallpaper. 2. Fonts for
the digits can be  selected. 3. Digits can be
moved in a window-like manner. 4. Opens Task
Manager when displayed digits are
17812 TALKBACK.ZIP 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - 18287/WPCFEB98.ISO -
TALK BACK EVALUATION Talk Back gives your computer a voice. So that it can talk to you. It can read aloud almost any text from any Windows application program. So, why not: listen to your emails whilst you do something else, help children with reading try out presentations and speeches, listen to your letters as others may read them, sit back and rest your eyes hear those long
17813 TALKKEY.ZIP 515,2 kt 16.04.1997 - 7682/PsL Monthly 1996 November.iso -
Talking Keyboard - uses digitized speech to speak each key as it is pressed in Windows. Each keypress is also followed by a large representation of the letter or character selected. This is an excellent way to introduce young children to the computer keyboard. This version only functions for two minutes at a time. Req.Windows.
17814 TASKTOOL.ZIP 418584 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
TaskTool - The Task Bar for Windows 3.1
Provides the most powerful features of
Microsoft Windows 95 to Windows 3.1.
18657 TASKVIEW.ZIP 9698 07.03.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
Show and manipulate active Windows tasks.
Source code in 'C' included.
18660 TC10B.ZIP 116235 04.01.1995 - 1125/CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso -
TCMD 1.0 patch file, updates TCMD 1.0 rev A
to TCMD 1.0 rev B.  ONLY USEFUL if you
already have TCMD 1.0 rev A, not needed by
new users.  To check your current TCMD
version use VER /R.  Also requires patch
program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
18662 TCHAO405.ZIP 641445 26.02.1995 - MBCD -
Time & Chaos v4.05. Ohjelma henkilökohtaisen
tiedon hallintaan.
68926 TCMD101.ZIP 497775 04.09.1995 - MBCD -
Take Command 1.01  - JP Software's
enhanced command processor for MS Windows
3.1+, Windows for Workgroups, and WIN-OS/2.
Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,
4DOS compatible, dozens of new Windows-
related features.  Shareware, $69 full
registration.  08-22-95 release A.
17815 TCMD201.ZIP 704,3 kt 17.05.1998 - 21038/CT_SW9801.ISO -
"Take Command/16 v2.01 - New! (February 1998) release of JP Softwares enhanced command processor for MS Windows 3.1+ and Windows for Workgroups.  Offers command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools.  4DOS compatibledozens of new Windows-related features as well. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 02-02-98 release A."
18664 TCTB22.ZIP 822323 17.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TC's Toolbox Version 2.2 Specific
Applications Software ASP MEMBER Requires:
Windows 3.1 Recommned: Modem 9 programs,
Shareware. Includes: FontView, Hex FileView,
Text Editor, System Monitor, Phone Dialer,
Stopwatch, Save It!, Big Cal & Code
Reference. View files/fonts, time events,
monitor Windows resources & lots more!!
All programs include a help file.
Registration: $15.00 + $5.00 S&H.
17816 TD28_16.ZIP 583,2 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
ToDo v2.8, 16-bit Windows. Manages all your daily tasks, sorts by priority etc.
18665 TDO106.ZIP 119809 07.03.1995 - Personal Financial Advisor (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ToDoWin v1.06 - simple to-do list program
Also includes a few other Windows utilities.
17817 TEKFACTS.ZIP 550,1 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
TECHFACTS v1.30 - Shareware - Dean Software Design. Registration $19.99. swreg 12967. TechFacts is a powerful Windows utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. The system watch lets you track changes to disk files & directories by installation tasks. You can search for DLLs, Icons and duplicate files and you have 4 config- urable resource monitors and multiple resource\\disk alarms. The Task monitor watches all programs that
17818 TEXTTO10.ZIP 107 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
TEXTools V1.0 (Trial) Copyright (C) 1997 FireFly Software powerful integrated collection of 50+ DOS filters that  you can easily combine together like building blocks, to form "mini-programs" (called pipes) that process text for achieving various goals. DOS.
18674 TIMCLK11.ZIP 177269 10.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
PC-TIMECLOCK v1.1 - Tracks and reports your
computer usage by project/category (Windows).
TimeClock can save you money at tax time by
reporting how much of your computer use was
for business purposes.  It is inexpensive,
easy to use, and provides the information you
need to document your business deduction for
depreciation of your computer.
18675 TIMRUL.ZIP 93910 29.10.1994 - 15395/NSS_Collection.iso -
TimeRuler - a stunning new clock/reminder
program for Windows. Requires Windows 3.1 or
3.11. - continuous easy-to-view display of
your appointments - setting up new reminders
is intuitive and effortless - configurable
colours, sounds and layout TimeRuler is
quality shareware from the author of BioGraf.
Registration costs US$25 or 15 UK Pounds,
giving access to additional features and
17819 TMOUSE3X.ZIP 252,7 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Toggle Mouse utility for Windows 3.x
69197 TMS10.ZIP 134206 07.02.1996 - - -
Too Many Secrets  V. 1.0
TMS is an encryption/decryption program for
Windows 3+. Easy to use, EMail-UUCode
support, extremely safe. Check this out!
Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Platinum Software.
69198 TMS111.EXE 376837 04.01.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip -
Too Many Secrets -  V. 1.11
TMS is a 16bit crypt/decrypt  program
for Windows. Very easy to use, can be
used   with  WWW-browsers,  extremely
safe,  handy and  powerful.  Use this
to crypt  any  kind  of  files,  like
texts,   pictures,  programs,  music,
E-mails...   TMS-level  crypt  allows
even 256^4000 different possibilities.
17820 TMS111.ZIP 360,5 kt 30.01.1997 - - -
Too Many Secrets   V. 1.11 TMS is a 16bit crypt/decrypt  program for Windows. Very easy to use, can be used   with  WWW-browsers, extremely safe,  handy and  powerful.  Use this to crypt  any  kind  of  files,  like texts,   pictures,  programs,  music, E-mails...   TMS-level  crypt  allows even 256^4000 different possibilities. Platinum Media Entrance
18686 TPSD10.ZIP 150148 04.01.1997 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
TopSide:  stay-on-top Calendar, v1.0, for
Windows (3.1 or 95) provides the needed
calendar applet missing from Windows 95.
Requires:  80386sx or greater, Windows 3.1
or Windows 95, 335kb hard disk space.
Stay-on-top capability, calendar print
feature, and system information available
in registered copy.  From RCCO Research.
18688 TRASH26.ZIP 35046 30.03.1995 - - -
TrashCan v2.6 drag & drop trash
18696 TRYSKW.ZIP 1369585 08.01.1995 - 9305/Cream of the Crop 7.iso -
Sidekick for Windows 30-Day Trial Sidekick
for Windows 30-Day Trial Edition + $5.00
Rebate!!!  For a limited time you can test
drive a fully functional version of the award
winning Sidekick for Windows for 30 days.
30-Day Risk-free Trial edition. Download
files includes a special $5.00 rebate when
converting to the full version of Sidekick.
See Rebate.txt for details. Offer valid in
the US and Canada only. Requires 386 or
higher, Windows 3.1 and 5 meg of disk space
18698 TSKPRO20.ZIP 257253 18.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TASK PRO v2.0 - Task Pro is a full-featured,
highly configurable utility that allows you
to manipulate and obtain information on
windows, modules, and tasks. The new
interface, which incorporates Windows 95
styling, also provides system information,
several application-launching facilities
including the scrollable Quick Launch Button
Bar, and the Quick Launch Key Search, plus
many more features.  Using the new
18703 TXTIME20.ZIP 342115 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
TraxTime 2.0-personal punch clock for Windows
Featured in Windows Magazine's SUPERIOR
SHAREWARE column. Ziff-Davis Interactive
awarded TraxTime 4 stars! Its slick design is
easy, yet powerful. Unlimited # of projects
and dates. All in/out times are easily
edited. Requires VBRUN300.DLL Custom reports
go to printer, disk, screen. Lots of options.
$19.50 shareware. Manager's version is also
18706 TZ110.ZIP 104055 24.10.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
TimeZone v1.10: displays world times
18708 UC96.ZIP 89169 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Unit Conversion 96 is a unit converter that
is simple to use and needs minimum keystrokes
to get the conversion.  It also comes with
Percentage/Solution calculation and a simple
Loan Calculator that you may like.  Many unit
conversion may be simultaneously opened and
used.  For Windows 3.1.  Registration fee is
only $5.00.  Free update for registered users
of the previous versions.
17821 UCONV201.ZIP 160725 13.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
U-CONVERT-IT v2.01 Units Conversion Utility
for WINDOWS! The fastest and easiest way to
convert units of measure. Intuative interface
features a built in calculator with many cool
functions. Also accuracy formatting, unit
swapping, clipboard functions. Saves all your
personal settings. New SHRINK feature saves
real estate! Linear, weight, volume, density,
& MORE! Requires VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX.
18712 UN4WIN15.ZIP 54126 25.02.1995 - MBCD -
Uninstall for Windows v1.5
18714 UNSTAL.ZIP 51168 19.10.1995 - - -
Rosenthal UnInstall v3  - Safely remove
unwanted Windows & DOS programs. Files,
directories and system changes may be kept or
automatically removed with system cleaned up
and restored. An absolute must-have necessity
for trying out new shareware, CD- ROMs &
demos. "Highest awards! Excellent!"
18720 VAC101.ZIP 269127 29.04.1995 - MBCD -
VAC v1.01 is a vacuum cleaner for Windows
Cleans temp files from your hard disk
18722 VERINF11.ZIP 34346 07.03.1995 - MBCD -
Version Info v1.1: show version stamp of
executable or DLL. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
17822 VIRTN10B.ZIP 16,5 kt 12.10.1997 - - -
VirtuaNäppis 1.0b   --  Virtuaalinen näppäimistö, ohjataan hiirellä. Vaatii Win 3.x/95/NT ja VGA sekä hiiri. FREEWAREA. (C) Ossi J 1997
18733 VLB20.ZIP 456955 30.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
Very Little Bob v2.0 - For those who get lost
in Windows. Have a taste of Artificial
Intelligence. You can talk to your PC and he
will answer you. You can ask your PC to open
your favorite game and he will do it for you.
Quickly, you will use it to open your
favorite programs and for your repetitive
actions. For Windows 3.1/95. GREAT !!! Three
default dictionnaries (English, French and
Spanish) are provided. SHAREWARE ONLY 15 $.
18735 VMERG125.ZIP 64361 24.10.1995 - MBCD -
VMERGE v1.25: Visual Diff / Merge Program
VMERGE is an easy to use program designed
to help people in merging files.
18744 W4S31L.ZIP 114397 13.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Whiskers - is a powerful utility that lets
you program all 270+ standard Windows actions
to your mouse buttons. This avoids the
nuisance of either having to reach for the
keyboard or move the mouse pointer to the
"Ok" box to click the left button. NOTE: use
the -d option when unzipping. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
17823 WALLET10.ZIP 180556 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
PCWallet v1.00 A place to put all that
information you ordinarily keep in your
wallet such as phone numbers, addresses,
credit card numbers--any other type of
information. All information protected by
data encryption and personal password. Also
has a calendar and handy calculator. Options
allow configuration to user's preferences.
18746 WATCH142.ZIP 259967 31.05.1995 - 8170/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO -
WinWatch v1.42 resurssimonitori jne.
17824 WAVSNG14.ZIP 425,9 kt 22.10.1997 - 20969/Audio_Toolkit_Walnut_Creek_September_1997.iso -
WaveSong v1.4 - Soothing background cricket, wind, thunder, rain, and wave audio-saver for your sound card. Digital relaxation masks unwanted noise. Win3.1 release.
18749 WAYFARER.ZIP 219962 22.12.1994 - 23004/cdaction031996.iso -
Like Program Manager, Wayfarer allows you to
create a personalised front-end for launching
your favourite programs and documents  under
Windows. However, Wayfarer has a lot more
to offer.
17825 WB16_96A.ZIP 1403010 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WinBatch 96A (ASP) Windows System Utility
Language. Structures, floating point, file
manipulation, OLE2.0 Automation, DDE and over
350 functions allow you to program this
tradional, procedural basic-like language. A
must for the power user. Includes dialog
editor and handy utilities. Only $99.95+s&h
18753 WBOOT11.ZIP 172059 05.06.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
WINBOOT v1.1 for Windows 3.1
New Release. A Windows multi-reboot program.
Create multiple Autoexec & Config files.
'Change Back to Previous' feature. Network
aware. With 'easy to use' setup buttons.
Context sensative help. And fully
compatable w/all disk compression
and caching progs.CIS:SWREG #1245
REQUIRES VBRUN300.DLL, Shareware: US$19
18755 WC400.ZIP 80650 13.03.1995 - MBCD -
WinClock v4.00: pöytäkello Windowsiin
Vähän tilaa vievä, paljon ominaisuuksia.
Tasatuntipiippi, muistutus yms.
69971 WCMD151E.ZIP 378261 13.03.1995 - MBCD -
Windows Commander v1.51 - a file manager
replacement for Windows, with drag&drop,
copy/move/delete whole directories, packer
shell for ZIP/ARJ/LHA, full text search,
command line. Now in English, German, French,
Danish and Dutch!
69973 WCPD20.ZIP 64695 30.07.1995 - 8170/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO tupla
Complete Program Deleter 2.0 for Windows
removes all files and directories added to a
disk by any installation utility, and
SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for Windows or DOS programs.
17826 WCPD25.ZIP 64503 04.01.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Complete Program Deleter 2.5 for Windows
removes all files and directories added
to a disk by any installation utility,
SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for Windows or DOS programs.
18759 WDIFF130.ZIP 82197 15.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WDiff v1.30  - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff.
Side by side display of two text files,
directories or ZIP archives. Useful for
programmers to see the differences between
two source text files or two sets of files,
where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP
archive. Various configuration options. DOS
command line version (CSDiff) also available.
Shareware (US$ 25.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB) C.Sitte
Softwaretechnik, CIS 73030,1070
69985 WDIR32.ZIP 40698 07.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO tupla
WingDir v3.2 - Directory Match Utility -
Display directories side by side with file
names aligned. Delete, Copy, Move, Or Rename
Files. MASK File Names with '*.*' wildcards.
Display All, Same, Different, Unique, or
Identical Files. Change Source and Target
Directories. Version 3.2 adds Menu Bar,
Status Line, and Date Format Option. Requires
VBRUN300.DLL. $10.00 Registration Fee.
18761 WDK501CC.ZIP 782332 17.02.1995 - 2045/shareware studio volume 6.ISO -
WinDisKlone v5.01cc for Win 3.1+ Single pass
diskette copier w/cooperative multitasking
for true background operation. Automatic
"upsizing"too! Puts PM's diskcopy & format to
shame. Compressed file images, compare,
clean, fastformat, buttonbar, etc. Single,
multi, & network versions available. Only
$59/user  Other Licn. Avail. for low $ EZX
P&D, Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
713-280∙9900/8180/8300/0099  Voc/BBS/FoD/FAX
17827 WDLLF134.ZIP 64622 07.01.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
WDLLFnd version 1.34 Windows program helps
you locate common routines used by Windows
programs. The program will find all Windows
EXE, DLL, DRV and VBX programs on your
computer. WDLLFnd will display what routines
a program uses, and also which programs use
a routine. Exceptions found during the
search such as duplicate program names, DLL
found but not referenced, DLL referenced but
not found are displayed. Save and Restore
17828 WDUPE41.ZIP 518747 14.04.1996 - - -
Win Dupe v4.1 - Windows utility that searches
one or all disk drives (including network) to
find all EXACT duplicate files.  Also allows
you to view the file details by name, size,
date and time, and to delete them safely.
18770 WEXIT95.ZIP 64087 04.11.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
Win Exit v5.0++ - This utility provides a
quick and easy way to exit and Restard
Windows, Jumpt to DOS & Run Programs and
Reboot your PC, You can also place the Icon
of Win Exit on the Title Bar, remembers icons
position, Run programs, displays free
resources memory, date & Time, saves you set
tings in Wexit.Ini file & much more. ONLY
18771 WFIND22.ZIP 56703 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
File Finder v2.2 for Windows 
Powerful file search program for Windows-
File finder for Windows is a file search
program for Windows 3.x. It can search all
drives, including networked drives, and most
popular archive types.  Search types include
DOS standard, substring, regular expression,
date, time, and size. Windows - Utilities DON
18783 WGRAM10.ZIP 354701 12.02.1995 - MBCD -
WinAgrams, anagram program for Windows
17829 WIMA1630.ZIP 171463 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
This .ZIP:Win16 english version for Win 3.1x
->Open CDROM ISO image file in read only!<-
New : compress image file (ZIP compatible),
comment in image, drag file to explorer. Make
disk image from floppy, extract file from
image, make an empty image, inject file on it
and put the image on blank disk. TRUE WINDOWS
APP (modern intrface).Change image
format,dfrg delete file on image. POWERFUL
18789 WINALT21.ZIP 120129 07.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
WinAlter v2.1   Alter Date, Time, &
Attributes of Files without leaving Windows!
Other programs help you alter Date, Time, &
Attributes; now you can do it without leaving
Windows or going into DOS. Easy to use
Windows interface with thorough Help file.
Can handle many files at a time. Includes
drag & drop capabilities. Req. VBRUN300.DLL &
Windows 3.0+. By James Bair. Shareware $10.
18791 WINBAG.ZIP 318603 09.09.1995 - 23351/Chip_Hitware_Vol_02.iso -
WinBag v 1.4 Useful windows tools grouped
into one application. Includes a Calendar,
CPU speedometer, Disk Pie graphs, Windows
Resource graphs, audio CD Player and a dice
game. Easy to use. Install and go. Fully
customizable. Shareware $19
18795 WINCMD77.ZIP 514152 22.12.1994 - MBCD -
WCL: a Command Processor for Windows, and
Win-OS/2. This is a full Windows Command
Shell and suite of utilities. It presents a
Windows implementation of a "C:>" prompt,
full emulation of DOS commands like DIR,
COPYTREE, etc. It also features application
execution and file management from the WCL
prompt, timed scheduling of commands, a
ticking clock, batch file processing and
basic scripting in Windows, filename
18797 WINDRU13.ZIP 45967 28.08.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
WinDirUsage is a shareware MS-Windows
utility that provides a graphical
display of disk space usage.  This is a
convenient way to identify those direc-
tories which are the biggest disk space
consumers.  WinDirUsage uses a pie chart
format and permits the examination of
any directory on any drive.
18800 WINEX101.ZIP 160445 18.01.1995 - - -
Win-eXpose-I/O, Util.,v1.01,SHAREWARE- Files
I/O Tracer/Debugger for Windows Gives
REALTIME report on files I/O all over the
system (even DOS BOXES) a MUST HAVE tool for
anyone who tries to find out which file an
application is using or missing. Great tool
for also for dev. tracking file operation by
an external utility, and for improving
windows performance.
18801 WINEYES.ZIP 211396 05.11.1995 - MBCD -
Wineyes 1.0 Big eyes follow your mouse
pointer. Compatible with 95 and NT.
18804 WINGDI.ZIP 19193 16.08.1994 - 18177/Windows_Utilities_Platinum_Vol1.iso -
Welcome to WinGDI 1.0 by Russell E.
Holcomb. This program will continuously
show the status of the complete GDI
18806 WINGRP10.ZIP 30077 29.05.1995 - 21048/AUGUST95.bin -
WinGrp v1.0 documents your program manager
groups and items to a text file for future
reference. The group info includes
description and file name. The item info
includes description, working
directory/command line, and icon used.
Shareware. Needs VBRUN300.DLL to run.
17831 WINHEX75.ZIP 203,1 kt 03.05.1999 - MBCD -
WinHex v7.5 hex editor for Windows 3.1
18808 WINHOG.ZIP 104104 04.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WinHog 4.02 - Graphical Pie-Chart display of
relative amount of space allocated to any
directory. Now shows real FAT allocation
sizes and slack space (wasted space between
file size and FAT allocation). Do "what-if"
experiments to show value of repartitioning
hard-drive. Shareware ($10). Network drive
analysis fixed in v4.02. Registered version
displays available diskspace & allocation
unit size. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
18810 WINIMA22.ZIP 267097 24.10.1995 - MBCD -
This .ZIP:Win32:WinNT-x86,Win95,Win3.1+Win32s
New : Win32s, DMF bug fixes, explorer-like
icon under Win 95.True background in WinNT/95
under WinNT 3.5,!WIN95!, Win3.1. support LFN
Contain both Win 3.1 and WinNT Intel version
make disk image from floppy, extract file
from image, make an empty image, inject file
on it and put the image on blank disk. TRUE
WINDOWS APP (modern interface). English,
17832 WINJADE.ZIP 97394 04.11.1996 versio 3.0 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
WinJade 3.2 - THE icon bar
WinJade v3.2 is the latest version of the pop
and compact program launcher.
As featured in PC World "Best Shareware under
New features...
- create folders (separate palettes of icon b
- convert Program Manager groups
18814 WINLK200.ZIP 120263 24.10.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
WinLook v2.0: file and text search utility
18815 WINMAN23.ZIP 221862 23.12.1995 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
Win Manager v2.30 - Win Manager has many
features. It incorporates the search disk
features of FMSeek and in addition will allow
you to add programs to the program manager,
change icons, add groups, execute programs.
Other features include: an alarm for your
desktop, a clock with selectable fonts and
colors, a calendar, a calculator with a list
memory and system monitor.
18816 WINMAT10.ZIP 128332 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
WinMatch v1.01  - A Windows 3.1 program
for comparing two text files. MDI
application, with each file in its own window
arranged vertically or horizontally with
synchronized scrolling. You can jump to the
next or previous difference or match using a
toolbar. Many options, including ignore case/
whitespace and synchronization parameters.
Source code available.  Registration $20.
70089 WINSPLIT.ZIP 177658 23.01.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso tupla
Winsplit - ohjelma tiedostojen yhdistämiseen
ja halkomiseen.
18833 WINSYS.ZIP 17294 16.08.1994 - 22205/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk1.iso -
Windows Systems Resource Monitor
17833 WINWIN15.ZIP 275673 04.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
WinWin v1.5  "The Power Users Friend"
Companion/replacement for Program Manager or
Task Manager. Many enhancements of Windows 95
without the cost and risk. Advanced features
assist users who push their systems to the
max. A cohesive array of useful functions and
desktop modifiers to enhance productivity and
the Windows environment. Self contained
uninstall. Complete context sensitive help
system included. Windows 3.1, 3.11 or wfw.
18837 WINWIS42.ZIP 1077902 29.04.1995 - MBCD -
WinWisdom v4.2 - Quote-of-the-day and quote
reference for MS Windows.  Custom colors and
fonts in QOTD.  Many other display options.
Print placards of your favorite.
Comprehensive quote reference allows lookup
by Subject, Author, and text string. Clip to
any Windows word processor or print placard.
Create your own quotepacks or use the ones
provided (Reg. vers. 4000+ quotes). Shareware
- $15.00
17834 WINX21A.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.03.1998 - - -
WinXs Version 2.1a Copyright (C) 1997 Mick Meaden shareware  program  that  provides UNIX-like tool functionality under Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95 and Windows NT. To run WinXs, you will need 486-based PC (or later), at least 4mb.
17835 WINXF162.ZIP 530,9 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
WinXFiles v1.62 "Your Personal Pictures and Files for Your Eyes Only". WinXFiles with its attractive tabbed-dialog interface features SECURE ENCRYPTION to PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS of all type of files and particularly of your IMAGE collection. Secure Picture Viewer inside supports : JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, PCX. Windows 3.x, 95 and NT version available. Shareware ($24) by PEPSOFT.
17836 WISEBAR.ZIP 412,8 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
WiseBar - Program Manager replacement for Win3.1
17837 WIZMGR25.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
WizManager Pro 2.5: Best File Manager addon Transforms File Manager into the most powerful file management system available in Windows. Get a colorful buttonbar and Launchbar, a Command Line Box which allows you to enter DOS commands, and great utilities such as a File Viewer, Zip/UnZip, File Finder, Duplicates Finder, Directories Size Browser, Print Directory, Print Tree, Scripts, Customized Menus...and much more!
17838 WM_S23.ZIP 137262 04.01.1997 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
WinMiser - helps correct problems
associated with insufficient Windows
DOS memory. It only allows applications
that specifically request low memory to
receive memory from this region. Since
most programs use very little Windows
DOS memory, this can prevent low memory
from being exhausted in all but the
most extreme cases.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18840 WMC53.ZIP 470131 12.02.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
Win Multiple Configurations
18846 WN4M110.ZIP 789851 28.02.1995 - MBCD -
wInformant 1.10:  Uninstall, INIEdit & More!
Improved Uninstall removes DLL's & DOS apps.
Seven powerful Windows utilities in one.
Finds and eliminates duplicate DLL/VBX's.
Checks swap-file status & restarts or exits
Windows in one click. Developed entirely in
C++. wInformant sets a new standard for
shareware excellence. Instant registration
enables multimedia sounds, disables splash
screens and more.  ($39 US)
18847 WNBRW34.ZIP 131097 12.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WnBrowse 3.4 - A Windows File Browser By
Nigel G. Thomas
18848 WNHND10.ZIP 130232 24.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinHound v1.0  - Windows file finder and
text search utility. The utility they forgot
to put into Windows! File Finder module takes
any filespec and returns all matches found on
any specified drive. Text Tracker module
searches directories and subs (if desired),
and returns matches, including surrounding
text, within any specified filespec. Once
you've used WinHound you won't remember how
you ever did without it!
18851 WNSEEK.ZIP 121486 02.12.1994 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
WinSeek File Finder Utility
Search for filenames or text with wildcards.
18856 WOTD_18.ZIP 180042 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
On This Day for Windows v1.8 
A program and collection of databases to
answer the question "What Happened On This
Day In History?"  Dates in 4 different
calendars, "day of the week" calculations,
Phases of the moon, solstices, and equinoxes
are supported.  Among other benefits,
registered users are provided with a HUGE
collection of data.  Windows 3.x
18858 WPGP140.ZIP 766199 13.12.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WPGP is a Windows/PGP integration tool that
will extract text from a window, process it
through PGP, and place the result back in the
window. Fully functional 30 day evaluation.
Needs PKZIP 2.04e+ Shareware $35.
gostl@argoscomp.com or CIS 76357,2657
18861 WPSFW150.ZIP 617455 10.06.1995 - MBCD -
IBM Workplace Shell for Windows v1.50
Esittelee OS/2:n Workplace Shellin
ominaisuuksia ohjelmalla jonka voi
asentaa Program Managerin ja Task
Managerin tilalle. Valittavina eri
kieliä, mm. suomi.
IBM Employee Written Software (EWS)
17839 WPST32B.ZIP 139567 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
WINPOST v3.2b  - Winner of PC Magazine's
Best of 1991 Award!  This Windows utility
replaces yellow sticky notes for keeping
track of reminders.  OLE support allows
attachment to any OLE document.  Alarm notes,
toolbar, auto save and numerous other
features make this a "must-have" for Windows
users.  Requires Windows 3.1. ASP Shareware
from Eastern Mountain Software.
18862 WPV102A.ZIP 208875 16.08.1994 - 10840/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1994-CD1.iso -
McAfee's ProView Hex editor for Windows 1.02a
17840 WRAPR11.ZIP 6546 18.10.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
WRAPPER 1.0 - Wrap Mouse Pointer
through screen edges, and raise
windows under mouse automatically.
VBRUN300.DLL required.
70199 WSPLIT10.ZIP 33138 08.02.1995 - MBCD tupla
WinSplit v1.0
Splits large files into many small files, so
you can transfer them to disks. It can of
course join them back again. Requires Windows
3.1 and a 386 computer or better.
17841 WSPLIT13.ZIP 62,2 kt 20.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinSplit 1.3 split large files to many small or even EXE-files, so you can transfer them with disks.
17842 WSPLT13F.ZIP 61,9 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
WinSplit 1.3 jakaa tiedoston moneen pieneen palaan levykkeille kopioimista varten. Toimii Windowsissa versiosta 3.1 alkaen.
18886 WT20.ZIP 1395513 11.05.1995 - MBCD -
WinTune 2.0 - Great Windows optimizer, tells
you what to do to improve Windows'
18900 WTIME300.ZIP 95646 28.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
WorldTime for Windows(TM) (Version 3.00)
Easy-to-use international clock for Windows.
Shows time & date for over 190 sites around
the world. Includes 10 independent alarms;
supports user-defined custom locations,
local and international daylight/summer
time, and half-hour time zones. Full
hypertext help file included.
Requires: MS Windows 3.1 or higher
18902 WVCP16.ZIP 388894 04.01.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
WinView CoPilot - is a shell
enhancement package for WIN31.
It provides several useful mini-
applications including menus, a run
facility, alarm, scheduler, exit
options, and more.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18909 WWASTE11.ZIP 146263 04.01.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
WinWaste - is a file deletion utility
for Windows that allows you to drag and
drop files and directories to a trash
can icon to dispose of them. You can
delete all discarded items at once, or
restore them later if you change your
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18920 ZOO112.ZIP 367101 14.04.1996 - 22913/pcw_june1996.zip -
The Zoo 1.12 Mini Shell. A Place to store
your Computer Critters. Highly customizable
Program Launching Tool.  Based on the popular
tabbed window metaphor. Import Existing
Windows Program Manager Groups.  Supports
Drag & Drop from File Manager.
18922 ZRFW65.ZIP 492128 29.05.1995 - - -
ZR FileWorks 6.5 Turbo- ZR 7 upgraded ver.
Dir warping, new charting, install any dir.
pics adjustable res, resize, cut up,
clipboard copy & paste, detailed info.
ZIP,ARC,ARJ,LZH,ZOO-unzip with/without
passwords, decompress for use, auto unzip to
new dir, view, make, add, delete, use and
refresh. Drag 'n drop everything!
17850 16PSHD21.ZIP 1,8 Mt 01.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
PrimaSoft Hardware Organizer for Windows 3.1/95 is a powerful and flexible program that will help you organize your hardware. It has all the features that you have been asking for: Unlimited Number of Records; Graphical Data Field for scanned-in images; Flexible Sorting; Powerful Reports; Printing Labels; Print Preview; Flexible Filters; Custom Fields; Customizable Display, and more...
17851 16PSSW21.ZIP 1,8 Mt 01.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
PrimaSoft Software Organizer for Windows 3.1/95 is a powerful and flexible program that will help you organize your software. It has all the features that you have been asking for: Unlimited Number of Records; Graphical Data Field for scanned-in images; Flexible Sorting; Powerful Reports; Printing Labels; Print Preview; Flexible Filters; Custom Fields; Customizable Display, and more...
17855 2OFFVIEW.ZIP 204,9 kt 10.03.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
OfficeView for Windows v2.0. OfficeView is a program that makes it possible to know the comings and goings of employees at the glance of a screen. (Requires a peer-to-peer network).
17868 ABCD30.ZIP 537,2 kt 09.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
A-B-CD 3.0 (16bit and 32bit versions). Super CD player and database for Windows. If you enter the CD and song titles, they are automatically remembered each time you use that CD again. You can even rearrange song order or remove unwanted songs from the album! Windows 95 compatible.
17873 ABFM120.ZIP 367,2 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
ABFM V1.20 no-frills file management system for Windows 3.1
17885 AGRAFX24.ZIP 210 kt 01.11.1997 - - -
Graf2-FX Version 2.4  is a shareware application written entirely in Microsoft Access 2.0. It is designed to provide tools to explore your databases with graphs and queries using a technique called Data Mining.
17886 AIRPRO.ZIP 270 kt 17.04.1997 - 2845/Software of the Month Club 1997 April.iso -
Air & Exhaust Gas Properties v1.0: MS Windows application that calculates the properties of air/exhaust gas over a wide range of pressure and temprature. It may be used for analyzing a number of energy conversion components used in power plants, such as gas turbines, compressors, boilers and heat exchangers. The accompanied help file "Thermodynamics online help" gives a brief description of them. Taftan Data  CompuServe:100131,2557
17900 AM_HC43.ZIP 274,3 kt 14.10.1997 - - -
HARDWARE CATALOG for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your computer hardware in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use. GO SWREG to register on-line on Compuserve (ID# 3875).
17901 AM_IB22.ZIP 267 kt 09.09.1995 - - tupla
INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Whether you are an Internet experienced user or just a beginner Internet Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to gather information about all the Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers, Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses, and News Groups. All your information about the Internet can now be stored at one place and easily retrieved!
17908 AM_SC43.ZIP 276,1 kt 14.10.1997 - - -
SOFTWARE BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). Catalog your software in as much detail as you need, including the serial # and phone support number. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular catalog book makes the program very easy-to-use. You can register on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID# 3876).
17912 ANGAME31.ZIP 300,3 kt 14.10.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
"NO  GAMES  AT  WORK - Have you ever considered how many employee working hours are wasted playing PC games?  What about network performance degradation and wasted disk space?  YOU could achieve substantial savings if you COULD REMOVE GAMES FROM YOUR NETWORK. AntiGame can searchdetect and optionally delete games from your network servers disk or from individual disks (C drives). The shareware version can detect 100 different games under WindowsWindows 95"
17914 ANISCR11.ZIP 301,3 kt 09.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
ANISCR11.ZIP v1.1 Screen Saver for Windows 3.1.  Displays the Autodesk Animator Flic (.FLI or .FLC) of your choice and plays a sound (.WAV) file.  Shareware ($5)
17915 ANMAN12.ZIP 29,2 kt 06.10.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
ANSWER MASTER is a tool to help you make the best choices from a list, such as: finding the combination of items with the highest total profit from a  large list of choices.
17931 AUTOE210.ZIP 57,1 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
AutoStart Enhancer 2.1.0 (c)1997 by Robert Senger, TU-München Win3.1
17961 BIKEGR.ZIP 334,1 kt 25.04.1997 - 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg -
BikeGear (Bicycle Gear Designer) is a handy little program that you can use to design the optimum gear sizes for multi-speed bicycles.
17964 BITS10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
"bitSearch v1.0 - File Search with Internal Text Search simpleintuitive file search application that supports single user and/or multi-user teams.  bitSearch locates files by supporting internal file text searches along with the traditional filename searches. bitSearch will also display a dump of the selected files text for early determination if the correct file is found. Windows 3.1+"
17969 BOOKIT.ZIP 397,5 kt 01.11.1997 - - -
BookIt! v.1.0 - a database program for Windows for sorting comics.
17970 BPM31.ZIP 275,6 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
BUSINESS PLAN MASTER 3.1  Develop your business plan quickly and professionally! These complete template files will save weeks of time. All financial reports and analysis (cash flow, income statements, balance sheets, ratios, etc.). Excellent for service or product businesses. Files in WordPerfect 5.1, Word for Windows, Works for DOS, Lotus 1-2-3, Excel formats. Shareware by Versatile Software Solutions, Inc.  Registration - $34/$44.
17973 CACHEM2.ZIP 132,5 kt 21.10.1995 - - -
CacheMan v2.01A MS-Windows utility that allows you to manage/view your Netscape cached files & includes 
a built in viewer (configurable); save/delete selected cached entries; req Netscape, Trumpet 
Winsock (optional) and VBRUN300.DLL.
17979 CDDB07C.ZIP 58,6 kt 21.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
CDdb v0.7c. Cd-rom audio player/database for Windows 3.1.
17984 CDPPRO45.ZIP 249,2 kt 10.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
"CD-Player Pro 4.5 is a unique CD player for windows 3.1. With an easy to use interfaceit masters the art of playing CDs.  Enclosed in the archive is also CD-infoa useful screensaver that displays information about the CD-Audio device. This enables the listener to keep track of playing progress! CD-Player Pro features queueingrandom/repeat playintroscan and an intinutive search (Rewind/FF) function."
18013 CPMAGIC.ZIP 2,2 Mt 21.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
Presentation Magic! - Shareware version Business graphics/presentation manager
18018 CRYPTFY.ZIP 27,8 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Cryptify - crypt your files quickly and easily Win3.1
18024 CVWW6X.EXE 68,4 kt 25.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This self-extracting file provides an updated DLL file for WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows that allows importing files in Microsoft Word for Windows 95 (Word 7) format. There are no bug fixes contained within this DLL.  It only adds the ability to import MS Word 7 files.
18029 CYS11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.11.1997 - 22099/Software USA Volume 3.10.iso -
CATALOG YOUR SOFTWARE V1.1 is a WINDOWS application to track and categorize your software titles.  Multiple inventory files. Reports can be customized, filtered and printed.  Lists, like vendors and categories are pre-loaded.  16-bit for Win 3.x or WIN95. 32-bit version available. (Requires VB40016.DLL file.)
18055 DIRINFO.ZIP 22,2 kt 08.10.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Dirinfo lists all subdirectories of your hard drive, it also accepts a parameter if you do not want your entire drive to be listed. What makes the program special is that it also lists the total number of bytes of that directory branch, as well as the total number of files. Also DOS version included.
18056 DISFAC.ZIP 108,1 kt 06.10.1997 - 18168/Windows Magazine WinPak Multimedia CD.iso -
* DISK FACTORY v1.11 * As seen in Windows Magazine "Superior Shareware," (5/94). A Windows-based, high-speed, multitasking copy / compare / format utility!  Spend more time USING your computer and less time WAITING for it to complete simple tasks; churn out copies while you use your word processor, spreadsheet, etc.!  Shareware for Microsoft Windows 3.1.  Reviewed in Windows Online Magazine (3/94) Author: Mark McGinty, Accurate Technologies. Order on Compuserve:
18072 DOMINOTE.ZIP 506,6 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
Dominote - text editor to replace your current one. Enhancements include multi document interface with the convenience of tabs at the bottom of the screen for doc switching and a much improved implementation of Find/Replace. Freeware.
18075 DORSAYD.A01 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 2/8"
18076 DORSAYD.A02 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 3/8"
18077 DORSAYD.A03 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 4/8"
18078 DORSAYD.A04 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 5/8"
18079 DORSAYD.A05 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 6/8"
18080 DORSAYD.A06 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 7/8"
18081 DORSAYD.A07 1,2 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 8/8"
18082 DORSAYD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Musee dOrsay 1/8 Virtual visit to one of the finest art galleries on earth. Windows 3.1x/95"
18097 DTTM31.ZIP 277,8 kt 10.10.1997 - sac.sk -
Date/Time Changer Version 3.0 for Windows 3.1. Change the Date/Time and attributes of any file. Runs on any Windows 3.X PC. To Install run SETUP.EXE and follow the on screen instructions. Windows 95 Version available from ABSTRACT media. Shareware by ABSTRACT media!
18108 ECKWIN13.ZIP 220,2 kt 17.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
THE E-Z CREDIT KIT v1.3 for Windows This program offers a graphical, user friendly road to credit freedom. Features: * Legal forms for credit file editing * Secrets to filling out loan and credit apps. * Lists of eager banks who issue credit cards. * Learn how to use credit to MAKE money! * Where to start if you have no credit. * Info on how to start a second credit file! Requires Windows 3; a Printer; VBRUN300.DLL
18114 EDVWIN.EXE 722,6 kt 12.01.1996 - 17633/novell-nsepro-1996-1-cd2.iso tupla
Novell WordPerfect Envoy Viewer 1.0 Program to view and annotate Envoy documents (*.EVY).
18116 ENCW15.ZIP 54 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
ENCW V1.5 ENCRYPTION UTILITY for Windows3.1 Another safety feature for your files on a system that is being or has the potential of being used for several users. To decipher or decrypt it, simply run the ENCRYPT program on the file again, and voila--back to normal!
18127 EXCAL095.EXE 886,4 kt 11.06.1997 - - tupla
Update Excalibur 0.90 beta -> 0.95 beta
18137 EZY281.EXE 409,6 kt 27.05.1997 - 23252/CHIP Ekim 1996.iso -
EasyHelp/Web V2.81 - For Word 6/7/NT  The unique all-in-one hypertext authoring  tool. Create Internet Web pages and Windows Help files from Word documents in minutes! Low cost and supported via our Web site at: http://www.eon-solutions.com
18149 FILTER20.ZIP 40,8 kt 02.11.1997 - - -
Microsoft Access 2.0 Filter/Query Utility
18150 FILX1620.ZIP 322,5 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
"File-Ex v2.0/Win3.1 - File Dialog Extensions. Make Windows file dialogs what they should be! Adds file FindCopyDeleteRenameMove and MakeDir functions to all applicationsOpen and Save dialogsplus easily access the last 25 files and directories usedand 100 favorites used in any application. Fully functional shareware evaluation copy. By Cottonwood Software   "
18156 FLAGTPIC.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.06.1996 - - tupla
FlagTower CD-ROM lähdeteosten näytekuvia: World War I, World War II, War in the Pacific, Great Generals, Space Race.
18159 FMCT10.ZIP 35,3 kt 27.03.1998 - sac.sk -
File Manager Change Tracker v1.00 Track  changes to your File Manager contents. Create reports listing FM contents. Review, compare  or print these reports to determine File  Manager changes. This is not an FM add-on,  nor does it do any FM tasks. Complete  context-sensitive online help included.  program is complete and fully functional. 
18183 FUNDMN85.ZIP 364 kt 17.04.1997 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 1).iso -
(v8.5) Fund Manager for Windows FM is a portfolio management application. FM is designed to help individual investors monitor and analyze their investments with a wide variety of easy to use graphs and reports. FM accepts as input: price, investment, and distribution information. Prices may be entered manually, or imported from AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe, or Quicken. Shareware (US$ 20), beiley@aol.com
18209 GSW4W11.ZIP 217,4 kt 17.04.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
"Grammar Slammer v1.1  Grammar Help that answers the questions the grammar checker  cant. Get Answersnot Questions& real  grammar help for Windows. Handy & Easy. Use  your favorite MS Word macro and Grammar  Answers appear in the file format you already know how to use--the Windows Help File.  Easier than online books. Useful for anyone  who writes English with MS Word for Windows.  Shareware. From James Bair. "
18211 GTR11B.ZIP 129,7 kt 10.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
ENJOY YOUR GUITAR for Windows v1.1b  An Editor-Librarian for guitar chords and scales. It uses MIDI or your PC speaker. It shows the chords using conventional diagrams, a music staff and a keyboard representation. It includes a file with 432 chords and 360 scale definitions. Register and obtain improved program. It requires VBRUN300.DLL. You can obtain this file from the same Shareware supplier/database where you found
18213 GUITAR.ZIP 19 kt 13.01.1995 - 10590/SharewearBreakthroughUtil_ProdCol.cdr tupla
Kitaran otteita opettava ohjelma Näyttää kaulan ja mistä sitä pitää tarttua!
18227 HP2-1.ZIP 915,6 kt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Home Planet 2 for Windows 3.1 1/5 Comprehensive astronomy/space/satellite- tracking package. Unpack all archives in a separate directory, then run SETUP.EXE.
18228 HP2-2.ZIP 2,3 Mt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Home Planet 2 for Windows 3.1 2/5
18229 HP2-3.ZIP 1,5 Mt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Home Planet 2 for Windows 3.1 3/5
18230 HP2-4.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Home Planet 2 for Windows 3.1 4/5
18231 HP2-5.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Home Planet 2 for Windows 3.1 5/5
18236 HSNAME31.ZIP 2,1 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
HigginSoft Names for Windows V3.1 easy-to-use name, address, and phone number log. Windows 3.1/95.
18237 HSW21.ZIP 2,3 Mt 10.04.1997 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
Handy Stuff v2.1 -Programs everyone needs. LOAN LEASE, CONVERSIONS, TICKLER, ADDRESSES LOAN/LEASE/MORTAGES, Calculations, amortizations, find interest, comparisons, change interest, track extra payments. CONVERSIONS, convert from unit to unit TICKLER REMINDERS, date sensitive reminder pop up, add on the fly etc.
18255 ICEB3R1.ZIP 85,9 kt 09.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
ICE:LHA beta 3 release 1 LHA compression library for Windows. Create and manipulate LHA archives from inside all Windows programming languages. Compress and decompress LHA archives, list contents of archives, test archives, add/ view contents and more! Compatible with all Windows programming languages eg Visual Basic, Delphi, C. Includes a comprehensive help file and a Visual Basic example.
18261 IDDEMO11.ZIP 54,2 kt 07.11.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
"ID-DEMOthe demonstration version of Homegrown Data Systems Increment/Decrement Functions for dBASE IV or V!"
18262 IDOD4616.ZIP 988,1 kt 07.11.1997 - - -
ODBCCPY-16 for Windows. The program copies and replicates data between tables in ODBC accessible databases.
18265 ILM4E.EXE 4,1 Mt 09.10.1998 - 23615/Pcwk6A98.iso -
Illuminatus 4 Evaluation version Multimedian tekoon tarkoitettu yksinkertainen ohjelma, jolla saat helposti omat teoksesi tehtyä. 30 päivän kokeiluversio.
18266 IMPVZ120.ZIP 244,2 kt 21.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
Improvise 1.2 is a program that composes algorithmic MIDI music in real time, on up to sixteen channels at once.
18269 INETPUB.EXE 1,8 Mt 25.03.1997 - - -
Lisäpalikka WordPerfect for Win 6.1 joka mahdollistaa HTML-dokumenttien tekemisen.
18274 INVENT.ZIP 3,2 Mt 07.11.1997 - - -
The Inventory Box is a complete home inventory system. The tabbed style layout allows for easy access to alla your stores items through a collection of 20 rooms from attic/cellar to workshop. The Inventory Box incorporates all the necessary information required about each item such as manufacture, model, serial #, place purchased, date purchased, purchase price, current value, description and more.
18283 ITKD144.ZIP 304,5 kt 17.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
INVESTORS TOOLKIT v1.44 A comprehensive personal financial program. Provides calculations, projections, graphs for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth Mortgages, Loans, Stocks, Mutual Funds and 401(K) Plans. All aspects of financial life. Investment management system records, tracks and graphs your investment performance. Excellent On-Line Help. For Win 3 or Win95.
18288 JLAUNCH.ZIP 393,7 kt 17.04.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
Think about it... how much time do YOU waste searching through program groups looking for  the right icon to click? This unobtrusive  toolbar-like program launcher allows single-  click access to your most often used files  and programs. Words rather than pictures  easily differentiate between files no matter  which program created them. Configure as many as twenty workgroups of up to ten programs  each and increase your productivity!
18290 JOTTR_20.ZIP 242,1 kt 12.10.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
WinJottr v2.0 - EverReady Desktop Notepad -  Designed exclusively to streamline your note-taking. Easy to use; position anywhere - adjustable size. Short-cut keys for DateStamp, Calculator, Elapsed Time and all standard Windows edit commands. Searchable, 30K capacity ideal for holding a month or more of that important random data. VB40016.DLL required. - Shareware
18292 JUKER60.ZIP 565,4 kt 09.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
The Juker 6.0 (16bit and 32bit versions). Super multimedia jukebox for Windows that plays MIDI, WAV, AVI, etc. Supports song albums, to organize multimedia files into logical groups (jazz, classical, ..etc.). Great for listening to MIDI music in the background. Windows 95 compatible.
18298 KEYEX120.ZIP 338,2 kt 17.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Keyboard Express v1.2  ASP is a Windows Keyboard Macro. Simply enter in text  or auto-capture for easy playback. Assign up  to 288 hot keys with up to 5000 keystrokes  each. Easily add, modify, delete and copy hot keys. Add current date and time to  keystrokes--for example: easily paste current date and return address into your word  processor. Program runs transparent in the  background.
18305 KUPRU_1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 10.02.1995 - - -
Kupru # 1 Windowsin alla pyörivä, 29- sivuinen mikrosarjakuvalehti + Kuplaruutu-sivunselausohjelma omien sarjakuvien luomiseen.
18311 LBLWIZ21.ZIP 166,9 kt 10.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
Label Wizard version 2.1 (3/20/94): An all-purpose label utility program for Windows 3.1.  Includes templates for mailing and floppy disk labels and several audio cassette (J-Card) labels.  A very versatile program that is only limited by your imagination and your printer.
18318 LMMOUSE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"Larrys Master The Mouse is an MS Windows program to allow you to learn and practice using the mouse. It has lots of fun graphics and sounds to aid in the learning process."
18325 LWED210.ZIP 35 kt 03.10.1997 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
LWed - Windows INI file editor, version 2.1 of 1996-07-10, Copyright (C) Laszlo Radanyi. This small utility makes it easier to customize Windows INI files.
18327 MACRO351.ZIP 430,9 kt 22.01.1998 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
MACRO MANIA 3.51 - "A Power User\'s Dream!" Launch new or switch to currently running Windows programs.  Send any keystroke to any Windows program--fast and easy!  You can transport data between programs, schedule macros & messages, play WAV files, and much more.  A friendly interface will help you quickly become a "Macro Maniac". Shareware "Reviewer\'s Pick".  (Needs VBRUN300.DLL.) From Jeff Camino.
18328 MAGICDE.A01 3,8 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician 2/6.
18329 MAGICDE.A02 3,8 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician 3/6.
18330 MAGICDE.A03 3,8 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician 4/6.
18331 MAGICDE.A04 3,8 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician 5/6.
18332 MAGICDE.A05 3,4 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician 6/6.
18333 MAGICDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.03.1997 - - -
The Magician - interactive demo. Learn magic tricks of all kinds! Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
18339 MBS106.ZIP 290,7 kt 17.04.1997 - 8159/Educational Software Cooperative 4.iso -
MicroFox Baseball Statistics for Windows. Keeps track of multiple years, leagues,  teams, players, fields, umpires, standings,  hitting, pitching, fielding, and schedules.  User defined sorts, custom screen, help.  Prints team standings and player statistics.  Automatically schedules and prints games,  teams, fields, umpires. Keeps user notes on  teams, players, etc. like phone numbers,  addresses, and reminders.
18340 MBTAWN44.ZIP 194,5 kt 07.11.1997 - - -
MBTA for Windows v 1.44 Directions on the Boston Transit Enter place you start, where going. Software gives directions. All subway, bus, commuter rail. Points of interest. Green Line changes.
18364 MNOTE19.ZIP 153,8 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
Make a Note of It V1.9 Reminder notelet utility for Win3.1+
18371 MOREPATH.ZIP 104,3 kt 17.04.1997 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
MorePath (16-bit) - extends the Windows search path to an unlimited size. You can have Windows search for files using your own settings, and dynamically alter these settings and put in the search path the location of all of the pieces of an application. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18378 MPTHS110.ZIP 717,6 kt 01.10.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso tupla
FREEWARE Image Map Editor for the WWW
18406 MSWRD6.EXE 745,2 kt 20.03.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Microsoft Word 6.0 filter for Word 2.0
18420 NEWSPK20.ZIP 98,3 kt 30.10.1997 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Newspeak 2.0: Politically Correct Translator Convert your writing either into modern,     politically correct tripe, or old and beautiful poetry to the mind.
18434 OCAD503S.ZIP 177,9 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
Päivitys OCADin ruotsinkieliseen versioon 5.00 -> 5.03. Paketti sisältää OCAD.EXE:n jolla vanha korvataan.
18435 ODBT2216.ZIP 101,7 kt 08.11.1997 - - -
ODBCTEST v2.2 - ODBC test application ODBC is a small test application that enables you to connect to an ODBC source and execute SQL statements against it.
18456 OPENER.ZIP 61 kt 17.04.1997 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
Opener - allows you to associate file types to multiple executable files by providing a pop-up box of choices at load time. Requires VBRUN300. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18457 ORAWIZ.ZIP 95 kt 07.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
Orawiz is a package of Oracle add-ins for MS Access 2.0, developed and tested in real world project development environments, for accelerating project development.
18461 P64V212H.ZIP 901,6 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
STB Vision v2.12h for Windows 3.x for use with STB Powergraph 64 Video display adapter.
18465 PAGIN701.ZIP 171,5 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
PAGINATE.EXE (7.01):  Reformats text files with embedded formatting codes.  Handles things like titles, footers, indexes, alignment, justification, multicolumn listings, etc.  Also provides support for embedding tabular data in ASCII-delimited or dBase formats which can be embedded and/or sorted in your reports.  Freeware.
18469 PAPERS1.ZIP 2,6 Mt 08.11.1997 - - -
Academic Database for Windows version 1.0. Academic Database is a program for under- graduate/postgraduate students, lectures, academic staff and alla people who are dealing with books, journals, and magazines. Through this program, you can have very reliable and powerful database system of your articles, papers and books.
18482 PCW106.ZIP 541,6 kt 07.11.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Protection Class for Windows Fire Protection Codes for Ohio Insurance Agency Database  Lookup Database gets quaterly updates
18486 PENC20.ZIP 432,7 kt 04.05.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Probert E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 2.0 A machine readable general knowledge encyclop for free public use. Servile Software. Freeware.
18495 PGF16100.ZIP 274,9 kt 09.10.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Program Group Fixer is a 16-bit program that mantains your program groups and items. It will run on any 386 or greater PC containing Windows 3.1X, 95 or NT 3.51.
18505 PLAY230B.ZIP 49,8 kt 11.06.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO tupla
Here is another update of the player engine for MOD4WIN 2.30.  To use this update you need to have MOD4WIN 2.30 (or the 2.30a update) already installed on your system, then simply replace the file player32.dll with this new one.
18506 PLAYOUT1.ZIP 9 kt 08.10.1997 - - -
This program will give you a complete outline of your Windows layout including icons, program groups and paths, so you can easily set up your old desktop again, if something happens to the original desktop.
18515 PRINTDLL.ZIP 23,4 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
"PrintDLL is the simple way to stretch bitmaps to the printer without having to write a lot of DIB handling code. Just feed it an hBitmap and it converts it to a DIB and puts it on th page at any size you like. This is THE soluti for printer drivers that wont work with  StretchBlt() calls. Shareware from ASL."
18527 PTOPO20.ZIP 171 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Disk Topographer 2.0 for Windows 3.1 *Windows 95 users: use DSKTOP32.EXE instead* DT provides Windows users with a convenient graphic view of where the data resides on their disks. DT uses a bar chart to display either the size or file count for each directory in the user selected area. The view may be restricted to files of a given type and/or size (greater than or less than). This upgrade adds the ability to print the results or save to a file. Results may be appended to
18536 QUOTESDT.ZIP 107,1 kt 17.04.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Quotes - is a pop-up desktop quotation package for Windows. You can easily add your own quotes, reminders, or any type of information with the built-in text editor.
18538 QVIEW232.ZIP 336,2 kt 17.04.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
QView Pro v2.32 Netware Print Queue manager. QView Pro is a utility designed to allow complete control of multiple print queues. QView Pro allows the operator to view the contents of more than one print queue at a time, scan for duplicate prints, and move jobs between queues.
18547 REC100SW.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.11.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 1).iso -
RECORDS 1.0 Shareware Version - a database about independent music records. Req. Windows & MS Access 2.0 or 7.0.
18555 S32BFA.EXE 77,7 kt 20.02.1997 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso tupla
Stacker 4.0 patch for use with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
18562 SCHEC35.ZIP 96,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Software Check v3.50 is a Software Auditing T which scans your drive(s) for all or filtered executable files and gathers information on Company, Product/File versions, Date, Time, Size, Path etc. The information is presented in a spreadsheet style window and can be sorted. Reports can be created and printed from the gathered logs. Both 16- and 32-bit executables can be scanned for. Version 3.50 for Windows 3.x. Price: $29.
18573 SEEDW22.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.11.1997 - 12520/PCMania CD60_1.iso -
The Seed Program version 2.2 Shareware. The Seed Program for Windows is a database system for garden seeds. Use it to help organize your seeds -- keep track of what seeds you have purchased, where they are from, how old they are or what seeds you need to buy.
18574 SEEKWL15.ZIP 483,6 kt 08.11.1997 - - -
Infothek Seekwell v1.5 (24-Jul-96)  Universal SQL-based database query system. Easy-to-use and intuitive SQL interface.   Compatible with Access, dBase, FoxPro.  Export, merge, mailing labels, Code39 bar  codes, POSTNET codes, reports, column aggregates, cross-tabs, graphs. $19.00.  Requires VBRUN300.
18579 SFTYNT45.ZIP 101,3 kt 16.04.1997 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
(v4.5) Sftynt45.zip - Backup Utility Safety Net is a utility for backing up key  files. It has 1 default setting - to backup  key "windows" & system files - & 5 user  configurable options. SafetyNet could easily backup all of your .DOC and/or .MDB files, for example. Also the files can be ZIPped to disk. It can also print your directory tree, and make a boot disk. VB40032.DLL required. Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
18586 SI130E.ZIP 2 Mt 08.11.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
STORE IT allows you to manage your own knowledge base.You can store information, text or file, organize it into a hierarchy, and easily retrieve it using keywords.
18585 SI130ERO.ZIP 2 Mt 08.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
STORE IT allows you to manage your own knowledge base.You can store information, text or file, organize it into a hierarchy, and easily retrieve it using keywords. ATTENTION: This is the "Read Only" version of STORE IT: You can only read the knowledge base, but you cannot make any change.
18612 SOFTIN13.ZIP 1 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
Software Inventory for Windows v1.3 - software record keeping system. Maintains a database of your software, records provide space for type, title, size, media, registration numbers and notes. Windows 3.1+
18627 STAFFS1.ZIP 4,3 kt 04.06.1995 - 10258/CICA Ultimate Collection of Shareware For Windows (Disc 1) (March 1996).iso tupla
Staff Sargeant v1.0 Tekee nuottipaperia. Älä maksa maltaita viidestä paperille piirretystä viivasta. Tarvitset myös tiedoston: VRBUN300.ZIP
18639 STWIN101.ZIP 356 kt 16.10.1997 - 22912/pcwi_july_1996.zip tupla
Screen Thief for Windows v1.01 - The ultimate screen capture system for Windows. Features include: Up to 8 user defined capture configurations each with hot-key invocation; Capture from desktop, active window, active application, defined area and clip board; Send capture to disk, printer, clipboard or MDI window; Zoom in/out; Crop images; Auto colour reduction; Page preview; BMP, RLE, GIF, PCX TIFF file formats. Requires Windows 3.1 and 386 processor. 
18643 SVDEMO15.EXE 453,6 kt 09.09.1995 - 18133/winsit03961.zip tupla
STITCHVIEW 1.5 DEMO. Working demonstration of StitchView 1.5 for Windows.  This demo displays Pfaff stitch files.  It displays the new binary and PCD-Win files as well as the "classic" text PCD/PCQ files. This demo is free.  The full version is available for $15.
18651 SYSWINFO.ZIP 177,4 kt 21.10.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
SysWinfo a compact and complete system resource monitor. Windows 3.1+
18659 TBOX_20.ZIP 336,2 kt 27.04.1997 - 23355/Chip_Hitware_Vol_06.iso -
ToolBox 2.0 (c) 1996 John A. Reder SumWare Software Use this program to create a menu that points to everything on your PC and or Network. Great tool for Administrators who want to make it easy for users to find resources & documents.
18667 TEMPLT17.ZIP 87,4 kt 17.04.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Template is a Text Library for Windows 3.xx. Template Library  can Import,  Export,  Copy and Paste Text from  most windows  programs,  like NotePad, Write, Word, V-Basic etc. Template requires VBRUN300.DLL
18669 TEXTSRCH.ZIP 248 kt 17.04.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Text Search - is a text search package for Windows that is geared toward developers. It can be attached to the tools menu of development systems and set up to look for text in files in the open project. This can search any type of file, including binary files. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
18693 TRUBRWS2.ZIP 854,1 kt 08.11.1997 - - -
True Browser Database Viewer and Editor Welcome to True Browser v2.0 of Software  published by D B Research, all rights  reserved. This program is shareware and may  be freely distributed.  This program is a database browser for  Windows3.x and Windows 95. However, it is  only able to view and edit 16-bit databases.  ceeaD,rxF,.vseAMeassbtdeotoepaE
18694 TRUEMC26.ZIP 228,8 kt 14.09.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
True Multiple-Choice Test-Generator and Study-Skills v2.6 - Knowledge and Judgment.  Write, review, game and test at five levels  of thinking. Individual interactive tests and printed class tests. Limits: 200 questions  per file and 50 questions per test. Convert  student authored review files into  instructional files for remediation and class tests. Instructions and sample data are built in.
18702 TXP16325.EXE 1,1 Mt 11.07.1998 - - -
TEXTPAD: Ziff-Davis 1997 Award winner. "TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text editor I\'ve  seen! It\'s fast, loaded with features, and  beautifully done. Get it!" - Dr File Finder.  "Setting new standards... 10/10" - PC Plus.  "Best editor for Windows that we\'ve ever  seen" - Windows User. Available for Windows  95/NT & Windows 3.1. Writing Applications.  HELIOS SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS  
18709 UCOOK10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 04.06.1995 - The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Keittokirja, ruokareseptejä englanniksi. The USENET Cookbook in Windows winhelp format.
18710 UDB_30.ZIP 375,5 kt 08.11.1997 - 2845/Software of the Month Club 1997 April.iso -
 Universal DataBank 3.0 for Windows (c) 1996 John A. Reder, SumWare Software. This is the worlds easiest quick and dirty database. If you need to get a database up and running in a short time, this is your solution complete with input screens.
18716 UPD_160.ZIP 333,7 kt 17.10.1997 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO -
The PAlace (update v1.6) - A Virtual World Chat on the Internet.
18718 UPDAT543.ZIP 131,2 kt 30.07.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
UPDAT543.ZIP is an update for WinPack V5.4. It replaces the main EXE file in WINP540.ZIP, it does NOT contain a complete WinPack system. (WinPack is an amateur packet radio program for use with Windows or Win95. It is freeware.)
18725 VIDVUE30.ZIP 534,4 kt 26.01.1998 - MBCD tupla
VIDVUE v3.0 - Windows Multimedia Viewer/Util Full GIF 89a, AVIdeo,WAVaudio,MIDImusic,FLI FLC animation.  Multiple TIFF & DCX (FAX), PCX,TGA,WMF,JPG/JPEG,BMP/DIB,EPS,WPG,PICT, Photo-CD,MOV/Quicktime. User slideshows. Image processing.  Prints, converts ...more! VBRUN300.DLL req. 100% Functional Shareware. Featured in CompuServe Mag, Apr 94 & Jul 94.
18726 VIDW230.ZIP 1023,7 kt 08.11.1997 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
VideoMaster  For  Windows  2.30    Video cataloging & labeling  system  that  has  the MOST   flexibility   for   users.    Standard entries, 3 user defined/ named fields, plus a Synopsis  of  up  to  2000  lines.   4  label styles/sizes.   Prints catalogs lists, stats, (or write to file/ screen) PLUS  rolodex  and 3X5   cards.    Can   Find!    &   print  any field/combination.  From Unicorn Software Ltd
18737 VNDVUW10.ZIP 711,5 kt 17.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
VendView for Windows VENDINFO file viewer, v1.00. Free end-user menu-driven viewer for  quick, convenient display of information  about any product carrying a VENDINFO file.  Gives quick access to product descriptions,  categories, required platform, registration  prices and benefits, ordering and tech  support, "Read-Me" and installation, lots  more. Displays multimedia contents of DOZ  files, and dynamic multimedia demonstrations.
18740 VSH-SP1.ZIP 418,8 kt 29.09.1997 renamed 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO -
VShield VxD Service Pack 1 v.2.50a for Win 3.1x.
18742 W200011.ZIP 557,6 kt 30.03.1998 - - -
I-CONtrol Windows 2000 16-bit program manager replacement that uses an interface similar to a programmable TV remote control. Windows 3.1+
18752 WBFRM11A.ZIP 1 Mt 09.09.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
WebForms v1.1  is a World Wide Web forms generator which automatically creates HTML forms and reads their responses! Responses are sent to your e-mail address. No HTML knowledge is necessary. Comes complete with on-line help system and tutorial. WebForms is great for taking customer orders, doing surveys, or anything you can think of that requires user input on the World Wide Web. Makes doing business on the Web a snap!
18754 WC16V353.ZIP 1 Mt 20.04.1999 - 12770/NETCD42.iso -
WINDOWS COMMANDER 3.53 - 16bit filemanager Wincmd is  a file manager  replacement for Windows. This  is the  16-bit  version for Windows 3.1. For Windows 95/98 or NT 3.51/ 4.0,  please download the 32-bit version from http://www.ghisler.com. Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ/ACE ,  internal ZIP packer, enhanced search, quick view. NEW: FTP client, directory history+hotlist UUencode/decode, split/combine, flat look.
18760 WDIR32.ZIP 39,7 kt 31.10.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO tupla
"WingDir v3.2 - Directory Match Utility - Display directories side by side with file names aligned. DeleteCopyMoveOr Rename Files. MASK File Names with*.*wildcards. Display AllSameDifferentUniqueor Identical Files. Change Source and Target Directories. Version 3.2 adds Menu BarStatus Lineand Date Format Option. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. $10.00 Registration Fee."
18765 WE31.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.10.1997 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip tupla
"WordExpress v2.0 for Win31 - Award Winning Word Processor. Lots of new features including emailfaxindexbookmarksuninstall and much more. Top of the line features include WYSIWYG editingfontscolumnspicturestablesand more!  Voted Best New Product and Best Word Processing Application for 1995 by SIAF. Member SPAASPSTAR"
18766 WE96H16I.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.04.1997 - - tupla
WinEdit 96h (ASP) - Programmable  Editor for Windows Environment. Fast, full featured editor, or simple file browser.  High speed, super powerful. Edits large files. Color- coding.  Macro language.
18785 WHD10P.ZIP 557,1 kt 17.04.1997 - 6095/WIN95_09961.iso -
A WYSIWYG Editor for designing Windows Help files.
18788 WIMADE30.ZIP 56,2 kt 17.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
German Lanuage Module for WinImage 3.0 These files can be copied over the English version to create a German version of WinImage 16 bit or 32 bit. Other languages are available. Language Kit for new translations is also available from Gilles Vollant.
18813 WINKS42.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
WINKS 4.2  Windows program for Statistical Data Analysis and Graphs. Based on the award-winning KWIKSTAT program. Dozens of standard statistical tests and publication quality graphs. Extensive helps and step-by- step examples. Uses dBASE files. Imports ACSII and others.
18827 WINPOEM.ZIP 61,2 kt 13.01.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Runo-ohjelma - näyttää otteita tunnetuiden runoilijoiden teksteistä.
18850 WNSCSI.EXE 22,4 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
This file corrects a situation when HP DeskScan II version 2.1 or 2.1a, or HP PicturePlace version 1.00 launches and hangs the computer.
18864 WR12_121.ZIP 275 kt 11.06.1997 - 13849/Kirk's Comm Disc - Version 2.iso tupla
WinRamp Lite -ohjelman päivitys versiosta 1.2 versioon 1.21. Korjattu muutama pieni vika.
18899 WTED10.ZIP 708,7 kt 12.11.1997 - - -
"Websters Thesaurus for E-mail for Windows Demo by Exceller Software. This is a demo of Websters Thesaurus for E-maila reference tool that can be used with Windows applications that do not have their own built in thesauruslike e-mail programs. This demo only contains words beginning with A and L. The full version has over 250000 synonyms and antonyms."
18913 WYND20.ZIP 313,6 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
WYNDFIELDS BRONZE v2.0  - Easy to use, yet flexible database for Windows. It features extensive search capabilities, detailed reports and labels, unsurpassed date and time tracking, and multiple indexing. Version 2.0 now supports TrueType fonts. $20.00 (or upgrade to the powerful relational Wyndfields Gold for $99.00).
18915 XTRNR24B.ZIP 1,2 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Cross Trainer V2.4b by Innovative Logic Will help you receive the maximum benefit from your diet and workout regimen. It tracks most aspects of a total fitness training program based on individual needs and goals. The easy-to-use Windows interface makes the program simple to navigate. Enter the name of each user to record and monitor weight, height, physical fitness, exercise levels, and overall progress. Requirements THREED.VBX, VBRUN300.DLL, VER.DLL, and
6409 BW32_260.ZIP 231449 31.12.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
BinkleyTerm Win32 v2.60.
63880 EXCAL095.EXE 907683 29.08.1995 - - tupla
Update Excalibur 0.90 beta -> 0.95 beta
18925 FDAPX111.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.11.1997 - - tupla
FrontDoor APX/w 1.11 - Fully integrated Windows package for FidoNet compatible point systems. All-in-one, including an EMSI-compatible mailer, a mail reader/editor, an echomail scanner/ tosser and decompression modules. No other software is required. Very well integrated in the Windows environment. Fully compatible with W31x, W95, WNT, and OS/2 (WinOS2). Can optionally transfer mail over a LAN instead of using a modem. Shareware from Definite Solutions!
18474 PBBSW35A.ZIP 1357744 15.02.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5      [1/2]
The #1 telecommunication solution for running
a full-featured, multi-line BBS from within
the Windows environment!
In/out TELNET capability!!! New internal
GUI File Manager! GUI Sysops display!
Major group Teleconference enhancements!
Download directly from P/Base! New FAX
back feature! Autocreation of DOOR.SYS!
New .DLL add-ons for C/Pascal developers!
18475 PBBSW35B.ZIP 1103419 15.02.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v3.5      [2/2]
A powerfully flexible BBS system with GUI
Config, ANSI/ASCII/RIP support, DOS Doors,
online dBase, Internet/Usenet mail server
connection, FTPmail, QWK-mail network, MAPI
Gateway, satellite mail support, air-tight
security, KERMIT/X/Y/Zmodem protocols, 1000
forums, file-enclosures in messages, CD-ROM
support, FILE_ID.DIZ support, u/l scanning,
split-screen & group teleconferencing! More!
ZIP viewing, multi-lang support! PowerLANG
17924 ASSOC.ZIP 17049 02.03.1996 - 10627/ASP_CD_ROM.iso -
Associate membership application includes
standards for Associate Membership for User
Groups, Press Members, Probationary Authors
and Friends of Shareware.
17941 BBSAPP48.ZIP 30499 02.03.1996 - 10627/ASP_CD_ROM.iso -
Application package for BBS membership in the
Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
Contains all the necessary information and
application forms for joining the ASP as a
BBS member. (rev 30-Aug-94). All previous
versions are obsolete.
17988 CD_WIN.ZIP 1080558 07.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
>>> ASP File Browser for Windows <<<
Now you can explore the entire Association of
Shareware Professionals software library on
your own PC! This easy-to-use Windows browser
contains complete information on over 1,600
fully-functional programs you can download
from this service. From games to education to
business, find the perfect program the fast
and easy way!
18926 CUSTHELP.ZIP 157515 15.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Customizing Windows Help. A tool for
interactively altering the look and feel of
Windows Help. Quickly set link colors to
something more appealing than the default
green. Force colored backgrounds to display
the system color if you use inverse text or
ergonomic color schemes. See hidden topics in
help files. Seven point-and-click options
with built-in test screen. Freeware from
First Train for the Internet
18033 DCOMTS.ZIP 26177 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE and the Benefits of Component Software,
MS news, July 1994
18036 DDTECH.ZIP 132409 04.04.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
OLE Documents - Technical Backgrounder
18037 DDVOL2.ZIP 59502 04.04.1995 - - -
Developing Applications With OLE 2
18046 DGAMES.ZIP 47382 04.04.1995 - - -
Writing HOT Games for Microsoft Windows The
Microsoft Game Developers Handbook
18059 DIW.ZIP 2247 04.04.1995 - - -
Response to InfoWorld's Peer Review where WfW
scored third best
18063 DMEDIA.ZIP 26272 04.04.1995 - - -
Understanding Multimedia (with MS)
18064 DNWKEY.ZIP 74359 04.04.1995 - - -
New Key Support for Microsoft Operating
Systems and Applications with MS keyboard
18065 DOBJST.ZIP 123992 04.04.1995 - - -
The Microsoft Object Technology Strategy,
Component Software
18066 DOCOMP.ZIP 9927 04.04.1995 - - -
Object Strategies - How they compare
18067 DODOC.ZIP 296658 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE Documents - Management Backgrounder
18068 DOLCOM.ZIP 85948 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft OLE Today and Tomorrow - Technology
18069 DOLCVR.ZIP 50809 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft OLE Controls - Specification
18071 DOLE.ZIP 39560 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE Management Backgrounder
18070 DOLEC.ZIP 49571 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE Controls - Management Backgrounder
18073 DOPEN.ZIP 86143 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE and OpenDoc: Information for Customers -
Technology Comparison
18074 DOPSYS.ZIP 59850 04.04.1995 - - -
Open Systems: Technology Leadership and
18084 DOSOM.ZIP 26904 04.04.1995 - - -
OLE 2.0, OpenDocTM and SOM/DSOM: A Comparison
of Technologies
18086 DPNP.ZIP 74102 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft Windows and the Plug and Play
Framework Architecture
18092 DSPCH.ZIP 52505 04.04.1995 - - -
Bill Gates' keynotes
18095 DTAPBG.ZIP 58230 04.04.1995 - - -
Telephony Application Programming Interface
18101 DVFW.ZIP 7706 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft Video for Windows Backgrounder
18109 E&CMAP.ZIP 4144879 02.12.1994 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Microsoft Certified Pro Assessment Exams v1.5
To become a Microsoft Certified Professional
you must pass a series of standardized exams
which reflect your knowledge and skill in
planning, implementing, and supporting
solutions with Microsoft products. The
Microsoft Certified Professional Assessment
Exams are designed to help you evaluate your
knowledge and skills prior to taking the
actual certification exams. Version 1.5 of
the Assessment Exams contains 14 assessment
18128 EXCALBBS.TXT 15086 16.02.1995 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Excalibur-pääteohjelmalla toimivat BBS-
järjestelmät Suomessa ja muualla. Elokuu '94.
18138 FAQ32BIT.ZIP 16667 15.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 3.1x 32-bit disk access FAQ
in WinHelp format
18188 GC0165.EXE 39813 28.10.1994 - 21352/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Junio_1993.iso -
18300 KGUIDE20.ZIP 48160 22.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
KGUIDE v2.0 is the 2nd edition of "Kaitlin's
Guide to Alternative Input/Output Software
(for IBM-compatible PCs running DOS or
Windows)". This is a guide primarily to
software (but also including some necessary
hardware) intended for individuals with
physical and/or sensory limitations that
restrict their effective use of standard
input and output devices (ie., keyboards,
mice, monitors).  However, many of the
products listed may be of interest to
18379 MRABBI31.ZIP 1040226 30.01.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MikroRabbi 3.1  DEMO
Windows-pohjainen tietokoneraamattu -
edullinen suomalainen laatutuote - Windows
3.1, muisti 2Mt, 2.5 Mt - valmistaja: Data
Universum Oy, Tre - purku: PKUNZIP -d
18381 MRVEGAS3.ZIP 96835 09.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MR Vegas 3.0 Free Windows Travel Information
Kit. Includes the most needed 800 numbers for
Travelers. Hotels, Airlines, and Auto
rentals. Las Vegas hotels, food, shows. LARGE
easy-to-read colorful text. EZ Windows
Install. Run or click on Install. Freeware.
by Jim Tolliver
18403 MSWINCOM.ZIP 9159 12.04.1995 - 17675/MASTER_TECHNICIAN.ISO -
Info about enhancing Windows COM performance
18479 PCHW1195.ZIP 147109 14.12.1995 - - -
PC Hardware FAQ v.1.17 (10-Nov-94)
This is a monthly posting containing a list
of Frequently Asked Questions (and their
answers) pertaining to PC-hardware: IO
controllers, storage devices, video and
systems. Also some acronyms and companies'
phone numbers and ftp & WWW sites.
18927 PCWB16.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
PC Webopaedia Lite 1.70 for Windows 3.1
18488 PEREHDY.RTF 3531 02.04.1995 - - -
Help Writer's Assistant -kokeilutiedosto
RTF-muodossa. Pienimuotoisen HLP-tiedoston
18507 PLEXFREE.ZIP 514623 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
PC Lexicon 1995 computing dictionary
(freeware) - Free PC lexicon and computing
dictionary for Windows with nearly 2,000
acronyms and terms described, defined and
cross-referenced. A sample of the PC/Internet
Lexicon; contains the complete Computing
Terms and Computing Acronyms modules plus
explanations of over 200 file extensions.
Auto-installing .EXE file with uninstaller.
18521 PRT.ZIP 717887 13.04.1995 - - -
Windows 3.1 Printing Tips, winhelp format
18535 QTW203.TXT 30113 08.12.1995 - 6364/CD Media Le CD-ROM - 1995-01 & 02 January & February.iso -
Apple QuickTime for Windows 2.0.3 Readme file
18548 RELIABLE.EXE 30334 28.10.1994 - - -
Improved Reliability in
Microsoft Windows Version 3.1
An Overview of the Reliability Features Built
into Windows 3.1
18613 SOL294.ZIP 359360 27.02.1995 - - -
PC Magazine's Solutions in 1994. WinHelp
Version of all tips as they were published in
PC Magazine in 1994.
18658 TBAG25.ZIP 165896 24.10.1995 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Travel Bag 2.5 Free Windows Travel
Information Kit. Includes the most needed 800
numbers for Travelers. Hotels, Airlines, and
Auto rentals. Compuserve and AOL numbers.
LARGE easy-to-read colorful text. EZ Windows
Install. Run or click on Install. Freeware.
by Jim Tolliver
18695 TRUETYPE.EXE 74278 28.10.1994 - 19690/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 4 of 4)(1993).iso -
TrueType Font Technology
An Overview of Its Implementation
in Microsoft Windows Version 3.1
18928 W31-11D.ZIP 109881 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS 6.2 Tips Collection
Instructions, examples, tips, icons.
18757 WD1015.ZIP 21601 05.03.1995 - 4568/Windows Heaven 2.iso -
Word 6 for Windows Optimizer
18929 WE1182.EXE 66326 12.01.1996 - - -
Microsoft Excel 5.0 Application Note
Customizing Menu Bars, Menus, Menu Items
18774 WFW311.ZIP 56648 27.08.1994 - 9345/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 3 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
Additional info about Win for Workgroups 3.11
18802 WINFAQ.EXE 1349357 15.08.1995 - - -
Microsoft Windows FAQ Help File
Frequently Asked Questions
18807 WINHITS.EXE 1376927 24.10.1994 - - -
Windows 3.1 Tips
18831 WINSOFAQ.ZIP 6187 27.08.1994 - - -
FAQ on Windows Sockets
18852 WOLRS22.ZIP 200271 16.08.1994 - 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso -
Reviewing the Latest Windows Shareware
Colorful WinHelp 3.1 File ■ 09/06/93
DOUBLE the New Files & More Reviews!
18882 WSRCTIPS.ZIP 492060 27.08.1994 - 8176/Night Owl (NOPV-12)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO -
Hundreds of tips for running Windows
18904 WW0335.EXE 37445 28.10.1994 - 19690/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 4 of 4)(1993).iso -
Memory Management with Windows 3.1
18930 XASCII2.ZIP 23906 18.10.1996 - 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso -
XASCII v. 2  Help File with Windows
ASCII Set. Useful reference for writing
Windows text and Help files. Lists all ASCII
numbers (codes) with Windows characters.
Handy Windows Help File format. Anyone who
uses text and symbols in windows or who
compiles Windows Help Files should find this
reference nice to have. Free, from James
Bair. Requires Windows 3.0 or higher.
18931 ZEOS1101.ZIP 9707 26.01.1996 - - -
Zeos International Ltd:n ylläpitämä lista
sw/hw-valmistajien tukipuhelinnumeroista
USA:ssa.  Mukana paljon BBS-numeroita.
Tämä lista ilmestynyt 1.11.1993.
17864 8PM-TT.ZIP 92654 11.05.1995 - - -
font looks very much like the output of an
old 8-Pin dot-matrix printer, like the Epson
FX-80. Very interesting to re-create
documents looking like "old" computers, or
computerized bills. Shareware $20. Upon
registration, get whole collections of new
fonts, including many other original art
fonts, or many exclusive foreign fonts.
18932 AD01SAMP.ZIP 32389 02.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Hot Dog-fontti
18933 AD02SAMP.ZIP 28698 02.01.1996 - 2839/Software of the Month Club 1996 February.iso -
18934 ARIBLK.EXE 80,9 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Arial Black 2.20 Win16
18935 BAROLE2.ZIP 373611 05.02.1996 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
BAROLE 2.5 is a full OLE 2.01 barcode server
that generates barcode objects for embedding
in OLE aware applications. It also works
with DDE communication. BAROLE Supports 16
barcode styles including: UPC A, UPC E,
EAN 8, EAN 13, EAN 128 ,Code128,39,B,11,
Codabar, Telepen, and more! It can print
full pages of barcode labels directly to any
Windows printer. Rotation, bearer bars,
check digits and colours. Print preview and
complete control over page layout for label
17944 BCDPLS.ZIP 362579 10.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Business Card Designer Plus V3.71
Create stunning business cards easily
on your printer. Use rotated text, boxes,
circles, lines and clip art. Any Font,
Size, Style and Color. Extremely easy to
use. WYSIWYG formating. Card Expert for
quick card creation. Full color support.
Click and drag sizing and moving.
18936 BR01SAMP.ZIP 21873 02.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
18937 CACARD10.A01 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 2/7
18938 CACARD10.A02 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 3/7
18939 CACARD10.A03 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 4/7
18940 CACARD10.A04 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 5/7
18941 CACARD10.A05 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 6/7
18942 CACARD10.A06 2,4 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 7/7
18943 CACARD10.ARJ 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CreataCard Special Edition V1.0 1/7 Create cards in an instant with this card creation package. Select an image, card type and greeting and print away! Requires Windows.
18944 CARDAS-1.ZIP 11,5 kt 10.02.1997 renamed 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
StarTrek(tm) canon based Cardassian true type font, with text file explaining how to write Cardassian and a sample in windows write format.  charityware
18945 CHATEAU.ZIP 146215 23.02.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
17997 CLINR43.ZIP 70063 07.06.1995 - MBCD -
CaseLinr v4.3 kasetin kansiliuskojen teko-
ohjelma Windowsille.
17999 CLPPRN11.ZIP 39741 07.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Clipboard Print v1.11a for Windows This is a
small program that allows you to pr that are
copied to the clipboard. It can run form, or
as an icon. Other funtionse contents and
running the Clipboard Viewer. R Shareware
18946 COMIC.EXE 101,8 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Comic Sans 1.20 Win16
18947 CONV16.ZIP 502,2 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Convert It! SE 3.55  16-bit Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 catagories of conversions with a custom you set up. You can edit the conversion factorsaddchange or delete units. Turn off the conversions you dont need. Catagories include TemperatureMassVolumeTimeAreaAngle and more. Customize it for the way YOU work. In use by many Fortune 500FedGov. and individuals."
18035 DDP20B.ZIP 142603 20.08.1995 - 22622/cd3.iso -
Drag and Drop Printing v2.0b  - A
Windows 3.1 utility for printing text files.
Allows for the control of font and point
size. Margins are fully adjustable. Headings
and footings can be printed on each page.
Files are easily printed by dragging the file
from file manager and dropping it on top of
the program icon. Newly added Encapsulated
Postscript Support. From FLFSoft, Inc. $15.00
+ S&H
18948 DISKLB2S.ZIP 52858 23.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
3.5 Disk Labeler v 2. (c) 1995 Gerald D.
18119 ENVEL300.ZIP 216721 10.12.1994 - MBCD -
PrintEnvelope v3.00 for Windows.   - Any
size envelopes, any size labels, on any
printer!  Packed with features like: .BMP
graphic return address; address import from
address book or Cardfile or dBASE, or ASCII
mail list; city/state automatically filled in
when you type ZIP Code, and auto-select
orientation and paper bins.  USPS approved
PostNet barcodes.  Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
From Maurer Associates.
18949 FAXNT102.ZIP 714756 30.06.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
FaxMail Network for Windows v1.02 - Complete
faxing program for Windows 3.1x, 95 and NT.
Allows printing from any program that can
print. FaxMail Network for Windows makes
creating high quality faxes as easy as
printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. -timed
sends -broadcast queue holds 32,000 -works in
DOS and Windows -GOOD help system -all
functions very fast -background FAX printing
18162 FMONS342.ZIP 352306 28.08.1994 - MBCD -
Font Monster v3.42 for Windows
The Type1 & TrueType font utility (2/2/94)
Rename fonts, edit 50+ other parameters.
Manages ATM/Type1 and TrueType fonts
without need to restart Windows. Preview
and print out font samples and catalogs
without ever installing fonts. Install
custom font groups from Program Manager.
Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included)
Shareware: US$25
64224 FNABC20A.ZIP 137062 07.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso tupla
Font-ABC is an easy-to use font viewer and
printer for all printable Windows-Fonts.
Free sample text, printing and viewing of
character charts.
NOTE: Also available in German.
Online-Registration via CompuServe
18950 FNABCE21.ZIP 139,5 kt 17.04.1997 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO -
Font-ABC 2.1         (C) 1994-96 J.Behling Font-ABC is an easy-to use font viewer and printer for all printable Windows-Fonts. Free sample text, printing and viewing of character charts. Needs VBRUN300.DLL and THREED.VBX  NOTE: Also available in German.
64228 FNTLST11.ZIP 429474 12.04.1996 - - -
Font Lister v1.1 for Windows.
Show and print samples of all installed
fonts. Requires VBRUN300.DLL (included.)
18951 FNTPACK1.ZIP 2296118 19.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
105 erillaista Windows TrueType-fonttia
18165 FNTSEE.ZIP 52928 26.03.1995 - 2712/SOFM_Mar1995.bin -
small but powerful font viewer for Windows!
18166 FNTSPC60.ZIP 349525 28.02.1995 - - -
FontSpec Pro is the ULTIMATE font manager for
Windows. Supports both TrueType & Postscript.
NEW!! Print installed & UNINSTALLED fonts!!
RENAME all your fonts without infringing on
copyright laws! VIEW fonts from 8-999 points.
PRINT keyboard templates, type scales, pro-
quality speciment sheets in a variety of
styles. PREVIEW before installing, and then
INSTALL & MANAGE your fonts in "Groups". Very
easy to use and YOU control everything!
18952 FON12B.ZIP 197,1 kt 16.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Fontedit 1.2b is a full text graphic font editor with loadfont execute. The editor is  moused and hotkeyed with help screens. Reg  gets support,more functions, and online docs  Simply Soft Modesto CA 95351 Homepage:  http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/  ob_won_can_ob. Email  103675.152@compuserve.com
18167 FONSAM10.ZIP 14450 02.10.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
FONTSAMPLER v1.0  FontSampler is a
Windows program that displays the names of
all the fonts you have installed on your
computer, then allows you to select from the
list and display and print a sample of
letters from these fonts. The user can change
the size of the font (6-12 points) and select
font attributes (Bold, Italic, Bold-Italic).
Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not supplied).  ASP
18168 FONTBK27.ZIP 586529 24.10.1994 - 21828/Plex3.mdf -
Fontbook Professional v2.7
This Program will allow you to
select or print all your fonts in
different formats, styles and sizes.  It will
display ascii codes. A definite must for the
DTP Professional . Shareware $15. Registered
users can download this and use their old
serial numbers. Many new features added,
including a Type Ruler and Font Metrics.
Nicer looking speciman sheets. 
18169 FONTC123.ZIP 553276 10.12.1994 - 21229/Font Garden (Walnut Creek) (October 1995) (1995).iso -
Font Control v1.23 for Windows
Installs all TrueType and Type1 fonts.
Preview any font before installing it.
Keeps a detailed database of all your
fonts on your hard disk as well as all
your CD-ROMS and floppies. Instantly
"knows" all the fonts on any disk you
insert. Incredibly simple to use.
Written by the author of Font Monster.
Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included)
18170 FONTER60.ZIP 64602 05.06.1994 - 21893/Windows At Its Best (Powersource).bin -
Fonter lets you view ATM or TrueType fonts on
Fonter lets you create printed lists of all y
of each font. You can also print sample sheet
18953 FONTFREN.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Font Frenzy True Type fonts by Rom Tech/Software Partners sample from their font-CD-ROM for Windows
18171 FONTINV.ZIP 6900 29.05.1995 - - -
Font Inventory, fonttien luetteloija
18172 FONTS.ZIP 111691 29.10.1994 - 22428/DEMOAMERZON.iso -
True Type fonts
Coliseum, Menuetto, Floralies and Bamboo.
18954 FP31.EXE 236,7 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
FinePrint for Windows 3.1Save time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and
printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a
single sheet. http://www.fineprint.com
18955 GEORGIA.EXE 192 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Georgia 1.00 Win16
18204 GS351FN1.ZIP 1365916 22.10.1995 - MBCD -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 fonts 1/2
18205 GS351FN2.ZIP 741137 22.10.1995 - MBCD -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 fonts 2/2
18206 GS351INI.ZIP 576407 22.10.1995 - MBCD -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51: essential
files common to all platforms
64613 GS351WIN.ZIP 453335 22.10.1995 - MBCD tupla
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51
Windows 3.1 binaries
18956 GS403WIN.ZIP 457,7 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 for Windows 3.1 / Win32s
18208 GSVIEW13.ZIP 590524 22.10.1995 - 12771/10000.zip -
GSview 1.3 - PostScript previewer Needs
Ghostscript 3.33.  PM GSview and GSview for
Windows are a graphical interface for
Ghostscript under OS/2 and MS-Windows. Free,
but US$40+ donations appreciated. Russell
Lang, rjl@aladdin.com
18957 IMPACT.EXE 91,8 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Impact 2.20 Win16
18306 LABELP25.ZIP 50123 10.06.1995 - 22622/cd3.iso -
Label Printer v2.5
Makes labels for 3,5" disks
65667 LBLWIZ21.ZIP 170902 11.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
Label Wizard version 2.1 (3/20/94): An
all-purpose label utility program for Windows
3.1.  Includes templates for mailing and
floppy disk labels and several audio cassette
(J-Card) labels.  A very versatile program
that is only limited by your imagination and
your printer.
18958 LINUS.ZIP 71805 18.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Linus TrueType Font For Windows
18392 MSCRIP11.ZIP 90111 25.04.1996 - 15178/Music_Workshop_Second_Edition_Walnut_Creek_January_1996.iso -
Manuscript Printer v1.1 for Windows 3.x
Prints music sheet paper. Great for
teachers and students of music, musicians,
composers etc.
18959 MTCOM.EXE 77,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Monotype.com 1.10 Win16
18414 NAK_TT.ZIP 66095 15.08.1995 - 16778/SoftwareVault.cdr -
like stories from ancient Egypt, you will
love this font. It uses the same symbols
scribes used during the Pharaos era.
Interesting for jewells, ads, or layouts.
Shareware $20. Upon registration, you will
receive 50 more fonts, including many other
original fonts, +foreign (Japanese Kata &
Hiragana, Russian, Slovak, Armenian, ancient
Greek, Hebrew,etc.).
18960 OLDE_ENG.ZIP 9747 12.02.1996 - - -
A Windows True Type font. Free. A glorified
caligraphic script font for thoccasion.
Original characters were drawn in Corel and
then exported. Have original drawings if you
18455 OPCW10.ZIP 145747 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
OPC 1.0 -  Calendar printer for Windows
One-Page Calendar is a freeware calendar
printing utility for Windows.  Prints
attractive monthly and yearly calendars in
portrait or landscape mode.  Gregorian
(modern) calendar years 1583 to 9999
supported.  Simple output with no holiday
listings or moon phases.  Supports all
Windows compatible printers, paper sizes, and
fonts.  WYSIWYG print preview screen.
18463 PA57.ZIP 457430 22.11.1994 - MBCD -
Printer's Apprentice 5.7
Font management utility for Windows 3.1.
Helps you manage all your TrueType and
Adobe Type 1 fonts by printing inventory
sheets (3 flavors!), ANSI charts,
keyboard layouts, and specimen sheets.
18961 PMWDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Printmaster Gold Publishing Suite demo 2/3
18962 PMWDEMO.A02 3,5 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Printmaster Gold Publishing Suite demo 3/3
18963 PMWDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Printmaster Gold Publishing Suite demo for Windows.
18516 PRNGL158.ZIP 293126 15.12.1995 - - -
PRINTGL v1.58  - A pen plotter emulator
package for DOS, Windows. It prints/displays
HP-GL and HP-GL/2 from most CAD and graphing
packages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, Canon
BJ, BJC, Epson Stylus, HP LaserJet, DeskJet,
HP-GL/2 and HP-RTL devices, PDP ProTracer,
PostScript, VESA SVGA, and many others, and
outputs DCX, PCX files. User selectable pen
width, color, shading, and paper size,
magnification, etc. Shareware - $50.
18553 RPM22AA.ZIP 94863 17.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Signature Font v2.2aa for Windows - Increase
the IMPACT of your faxes and letters: add
your handwritten signature to documents
created in Word and other Windows apps with a
signature font, right from the keyboard. Much
easier to use than bitmap graphic files and
higher in quality, signature fonts are
convenient, powerful and very personal. This
demonstration contains the complete User's
Manual and sample signatures of famous people
18558 SAFATT.ZIP 15117 07.06.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Sisältää kirjasinlajeja Windowssille:
Rolulus         Star Trekin Romulus- ja
SafaDemo        SAFARI DEMO of SFAN
Special Edition Font
18964 SERIFRAC.ZIP 31,3 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
SeriFractions - is a TrueType font that has a full set of diagonal and vertical fractions for 1/2 through 8/9, and also 16ths and 32nds. It also has a partial set of mathematical symbols, including the true multiply (x) symbol. 
18584 SHWFON.ZIP 2105 11.05.1995 - - -
This Windows Recorder file ("shwfonts.rec")
can be run from within  Windows Write to show
all of the installed Windows fonts.  It
writes the basic  ASCII character set, for
each of the fonts, to the Write file.  From
there,  they can be viewed or printed.
18604 SMTDOC.ZIP 39383 24.10.1994 versio 1.5 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
SmartDoc 1.2 - Prints Windows Help and
extracts plain text from Windows Help files.
SmartDoc can take any Windows Help file and
extract the text from within it and write it
to a file, ready for processing by another
program such as a word-processor.It can also
drive the Windows Help engine to print the
complete Windows Help file or a part of it.
Release 1.2 adds foreign language support.
18965 SMTFON13.ZIP 47432 13.04.1996 - MBHH1997 -
SmartFont 1.3 - Windows Font Previewer
Permanent on-top display of all installed
fonts in a small unobtrusive window. Double
click to zoom-in on any font, display data as
on clipboard, type in any one window, see the
change in all displayed fonts. See bold and
italic effects. Hide all displays for instant
recall later. Shareware.
18966 SMTSTK12.ZIP 155449 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
Smart 'n Sticky V1.2 - Labelling for Windows
with FULL OLE CLIENT SUPPORT - giving you the
power of packages such as Corel Draw, MS
WordArt and hundreds more! Easy to use with
MDI, Undo, Mark & Revert, Bitmaps, Metafiles,
TrueType with rotation & justification, Color
Graphics, Serial Numbers, Date & Time fields,
import from ASCII & DBF, vast range of
predefined labels or add your own, toolbar,
status bar, small & fast (not VB) and more!
18645 SWITCH2.ZIP 182288 13.03.1995 - MBCD -
Switch - is an icon-based utility that allows
you to quickly switch your printer's
orientation. Requires WIN31.
18649 SYSFON10.ZIP 18746 28.02.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Create your own Windows system fonts.
18967 TREBUC.EXE 169 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Trebuchet MS 1.00 Win16
18690 TREKFONT.ZIP 69183 07.06.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Sisältää Star Trek -tyylisiä kirjasinlajeja
Crillee         Star Trek -rahoista
Klinzhai        Klingoni-kieli
TNGMonitors     TNG-näyttökirjaisimet
18704 TYPEFAC3.ZIP 30912 28.08.1994 - 10265/Best of CICA (Saturn Publishing)(May 1994).ISO -
Typefacial v3.0
Typefacial is a powerful typeface viewer that
allows you to categorize large and small type
collections with drag-drop, compare two fonts
side by side, and print out typeface refrence
cards effortlessly, quickly, and efficiently.
Perfect for Windows users with more fonts
than they know what to do with.
18968 VERDANA.EXE 165,5 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Verdana 1.01 Win16
18739 VPRNW214.ZIP 252735 17.02.1995 - MBCD -
VIAPRINT! for Windows v2.14
THE all purpose printing program for MS Win.
Use preset Avery label templates to print
custom  Labels, Flyers, Business Cards,
Audio and Video Cassette Labels and more!
Import and resize .BMP and Metafiles!
Color capability. Lots of features!
Allows printing from dBASE IV and ASCII
Comma database files! Note: UnZIPs
to 1200k (approx.) Needs VBRUN300.DLL.
Viable Software Alternatives
18750 WBAR19.ZIP 47344 03.12.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Wbar 1.95u. Windows bar codes generator.
18969 WEBDINGS.EXE 97,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: WebDings 1.01 Win16
8471 152PDF.EXE 451816 03.09.1996 - 19799/2015.02.ftp.hypersurf.com.tar -
Eudora Light 1.5.2 manual in PDF format
17857 32WFD210.ZIP 209795 10.12.1995 - 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso -
(v2.10) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server.
Allows you to administer an FTP site from
your own Windows machine.  Easy to use and
configure, and notoriously stable.  Costs
only $15 to register the 16-bit version,
$20 for the 32-bit version ($5 extra for
disk shipment as opposed to ftp/email
Author: Alun Jones, Texas Imperial Software
60348 AARD210A.ZIP 1162781 24.11.1996 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso tupla
Aardvark Pro 2.1.0a HTML Editor.
Allows you to easily create Web pages in
Windows. Sample files included for easy
17876 ABW10B8.ZIP 467316 30.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Afterburner Ver 1.0b8 The Macromedia Plugin
for Netscape 2.0 compression utility. This
program allows you to compress Director files
for use in your WWW page with Shockwave.
17884 AGENT99C.ZIP 1114361 17.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Welcome to the Forte Agent v.99c
Agent .99c is a pre-release version of
Forte's commercial newsreader, Agent.
Agent .99c includes all of the features
and functionality of Free Agent 1.0 plus
a multilingual spelling checker, basic
email functionality, folders and
60623 ALMAIL10.ZIP 426442 21.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
(v1.20) NTMAIL - SMTP, POP for WinNT 32-bit
services that provide SMTP and POP3 support
for NT allowing NT to act as a mail server.
Allows use of NT Database or registry for
user accounts and/or passwords on both NT 3.5
and 3.51.  Utility provided to help with
script driven dial-up connections.  Full
details and documentation on WWW.  Requires
key (available from
ntmail-sales@net-shopper.co.uk). Internet
Shopper Ltd.
17891 ALP16.ZIP 1438703 27.12.1995 - 10860/Simtel for Windows - June 1996.iso -
Lisää Reaaliaikisen keskustelun
60700 AM_IB22.ZIP 273424 10.09.1995 - - tupla
INTERNET BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC
(MS Windows 3.1). Whether you are an Internet
experienced user or just a beginner Internet
Book is for you. It gives you an easy way to
gather information about all the Internet
Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers,
Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses,
and News Groups. All your information about
the Internet can now be stored at one place
and easily retrieved!
18971 AMAILE21.ZIP 1003,5 kt 10.11.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 1).iso tupla
Andamana Mail for Windows ver. 2.00. Andamana Mail for Windows lets you read, write and manage your electronic mail from different Internet accounts or by using mail packets (SOUP and QWK format). Built-in mail archive and message filtering. MIME-64 and UUENCODE file attachments. Support for external encryption / decryption / signing of messages using PGP.EXE for DOS.
17902 AMIWEB16.ZIP 91945 23.12.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso -
(v1.602) AmiWeb - AmiPro HTML Authoring Asst.
A package designed to enable HTML documents
to be easily created within AMIPRO v3.0+.
It provides a set of paragraph styles, a
windows program to convert the AmiPro file
to HTML format and a set of macros and
icons for adding anchors etc. to your
Steve Belleguelle(author) sbx@cs.nott.ac.uk
17905 AMOSDEMO.EXE 1003793 15.08.1995 - 1975/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 2.iso -
Spry Air Mosaic Demo
18972 AMYC10E.ZIP 50 kt 25.03.1997 - - tupla
About My Cache 1.0 for Windows A cache analyser for Netscape, extract title of html cached files, show type, url and title of your cached files. English version.
17917 ANTHTML2.ZIP 72244 21.10.1995 - MBCD -
ANT_HTML 2.0 for Windows build your own home
pages on the World Wide Web.  This template
lets your create HTML docs in Word 6.0
8474 ANZL108.ZIP 160019 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
(v10.7) Anzio Lite - Windows Telnet Client
Terminal emulation for the Windows Sockets
(WINSOCK) environment. Includes sizable
fonts, 80/132-column support, pass-through
print, function keys, color, line-drawing,
and more. Shareware (US$25, volume
disounts available; VISA/MC/AmEx).
Bob Rasmussen: rsi@teleport.com
18974 APPLET.ZIP 182,2 kt 13.04.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
Java applet generator for creating Java scripts
17929 ATS18.ZIP 175326 21.10.1995 - 9322/The Pier Shareware %238 (The Pier Exchange) (1996).ISO -
Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services - allows
users with a client rlogin program to logon
to Windows NT systems.  Description Copyright
1995 PsL
17932 AUTONT32.ZIP 308898 21.10.1995 - 8170/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO -
Auto-Net 3.2 THE first automated Internet
program.  Perform ARCHIE, FTP, MAIL, FINGER,
WHO-IS, UPLOADS, FAXing, Yanoff's list, get
new files, LEECH, download TERABYTES of great
programs from the Internet... without even
being home. Works on SHELL service, no
PPP/SLIP needed. New colorful menus, enhanced
help screens, Over 280 total features - Must
see to believe Blazingly fast, reliable.
Auto-Backup, QUEST new sites, customized site
info, File manager with internal archive
17933 AUTOWN17.ZIP 782858 21.10.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
AutoWinNet 1.7  Internet Automation!
Leech TERABYTES of NEW files from the
Internet without even being home!  Performs
FTP, USENET, MAIL, World Wide Web with ZERO
effort. He is an Add-On to your current
SLIP/PPP programs, and works great with IBOX,
Trumpet, Mosaic, and OS/2.  Lightning fast,
hammers at busy FTP sites, keeps mailing
lists,tracks your files in its own database.
- GET THIS - Two years in the making -
professional quality program that will
18975 AV16_301.EXE 2,5 Mt 25.04.1998 - 21039/CT_SW9802.ISO tupla
Aardvark Pro HTML editor v3.01 16-bit. Aardvark Pro is a powerful HTML editor with many features, such as multiple document interface, drag & drop capabilities, file browser, built-in preview and support for HTML 1, 2, 3 and Netscape extensions.
8477 AWORLD62.EXE 4233794 03.02.1996 - - -
AlphaWorld-virtuaalimaailman yhteysohjelma.
Versio 6.2.
8478 AWORLD99.EXE 939889 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
AlphaWorld 0.99 client
8479 BABYWB16.ZIP 504333 04.12.1996 - - -
Baby Web Ver.1.0 - for Windows 3.1x/95
An easiest HTML authoring tools, even
for a baby !
Experience creating web page just by
selecting an (HTML) element which
necessary, fill in the properties, and
zap ! the HTML is ready for you.
Support many tag such as Table, List,
Scrolling text, Multimedia etc.
18979 BB5V16.ZIP 341,8 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
BBase7 allows you to keep track of the contents of your email and to locate those messages that are hard to find. Currently, it supports email from Netscape, MS Internet Mail and Eudora Lite. Windows 3.1 version.
17950 BETA7.EXE 2239530 16.08.1995 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
InternetWorks v.70 beta
17956 BGI12.ZIP 91322 16.08.1994 repacked MBHH1995 -
"The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a
full-color, computer-based tutorial about
the Internet. It is complete, covering email,
ftp, telnet, gopher, Archie, Veronica, WAIS,
WWW, USENET newsgroups, BITNET listservs,
IRC and more. It is the only computer-
based tutorial that gives you step-by-step
instructions on how to do almost anything on
the Internet. Perfect for Internet novices!
17960 BIFF4WIN.ZIP 53238 19.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Biff4Win (Biff fo(u)r Windows) is a helpful
little MS-Windows program that allows you to
check your UNIX-host for new Email.
18980 BTEBM.EXE 1,9 Mt 04.05.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
Braintree v 0.91 eBase / Mailer from Braintree Ltd. BrainTree is a mailing list manager for Internet e-mail. It facilitates the management of multiple e-mail lists and helps streamline the process of keeping them current. Single & multi-user. Very flexible.
18981 BZ16V150.EXE 304 kt 04.05.1997 - - tupla
BlizIn (Blitz Interface) is a graphical interface to the Internet Chess Club. It runs on all versions of Win 3.1 and later. TCP/IP connection is required. Version 1.50. Freeware. (C) Sleator Games Inc. 1997.
61794 CACHEMAN.ZIP 135671 21.10.1995 versio 2.0 discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
CacheMan v2.01: MS-Windows util that allows
you to manage/view your Netscape cached files
& includes a built in viewer (configurable);
save/delete selected cached entries; req
Netscape, Trumpet Winsock (optional) and
18982 CACHET89.ZIP 282,5 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Cachet: a floating toolbar accessory for Netscape Navigator. Designed to recover documents stored in Navigators internal disk cache. Text and date searchgroup copy. Windows 3.1 version."
18983 CB16-407.A01 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 2/5
18984 CB16-407.A02 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 3/5
18985 CB16-407.A03 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 4/5
18986 CB16-407.A04 1,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 5/5
18987 CB16-407.ARJ 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 1/5, perusversio.
18988 CB16E407.EXE 14,6 Mt 06.10.1998 - MBCD tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16-bit Perusversio.
18989 CC16E407.A01 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 2/6
18990 CC16E407.A02 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 3/6
18991 CC16E407.A03 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 4/6
18992 CC16E407.A04 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 5/6
18993 CC16E407.A05 390,6 kt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 6/6
18994 CC16E407.ARJ 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 1/6, sisältää kaikki lisäosat.
18995 CC16E407.EXE 17,1 Mt 06.10.1998 - MBCD -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16-bit. Sisältää lisäosat.
17989 CELLO101.ZIP 328429 16.08.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Cello WWW Browser, Release 1.01a
61956 CF1614F7.ZIP 264709 18.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
CuteFTP Version 1.4 Final Beta 7 16-bit
61963 CFTP1716.ZIP 435339 27.12.1996 - - tupla
CuteFTP v1.7 ftp client for Windows 3.1
Self-extracting archive/installer. This
16-bit version also works under Windows 95.
18996 CHKMAIL.ZIP 161,3 kt 25.04.1997 - - -
A program that checks mail from unlimited number of POP3 mailboxes.
18997 CMD_10.ZIP 103,3 kt 26.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
CMD - Color manipulation device v 1.0U for HTML-documents.
62186 CMD_10.ZIP 104543 17.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Color Manipulation Devicellä muutat helposti
WWW-sivujesi värejä.
62193 CMNET15D.ZIP 1065453 17.08.1995 - MBCD -
CommNet v1.5. Full-featured Windows/ Windows
95 based data communications software package
which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up and
Internet Telnet capabilities into a single,
fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use
application. CommNet supports Zmodem file
transfers and TTY, VT100, and PC ANSI
emulations with dial-up and Telnet sessions.
18998 CNET1630.EXE 1 Mt 25.04.1997 - 18036/The_Web_Builder_The_Top_100_Software_Programs_TuCows_1998.iso -
CommNet v2.1. Full-featured Windows 3.x / Windows 95 based data communications software package which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up and Internet Telnet capabilities into a single, fast, full featured, and easy-to-use application. CommNet supports Zmodem file transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions.
62242 COLORA2.ZIP 261738 03.12.1996 - - -
The Color Manipulation Device 2.0 Windows 95
utility to help you choose colors for your
web pages.
18009 COMT200.ZIP 369770 15.09.1995 - MBCD -
COMt the Telnet modem, version 2.00
Allows you to use your favorite Windows
communications program over TCP-IP
connection. Incoming telnet supported.
18999 COUR400.ZIP 3,5 Mt 12.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
aAsys Courier 4.00: cc:Mail/MS Mail/Exchange to Internet gateway.  Send and receive mail between cc:Mail/MS Mail/ Exchange and the Internet.  Seamless operation.  Easy to configure.  Minimal administration. Win 3.1 or better. 4 MB RAM. (8MB recommended) 386 dx/33 or better (486 recommended).  Can use Trumpet Winsock, Win 95/NT diallers for automated dial up operation.
19000 CP16E407.A01 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 2/7
19001 CP16E407.A02 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 3/7
19002 CP16E407.A03 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 4/7
19003 CP16E407.A04 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 5/7
19004 CP16E407.A05 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 6/7
19005 CP16E407.A06 66,4 kt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 7/7
19006 CP16E407.ARJ 3,3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 1/7, professional version.
19007 CP16E407.EXE 20,1 Mt 06.10.1998 - MBCD -
Netscape Communicator 4.07 16-bit professional-versio.
19008 CTALK16.EXE 1,7 Mt 17.02.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
CoolTalk on ohjelma, jolla pystyt juttelemaan Internetin välityksellä tavallisen puhelimen tavoin ihmisten kanssa ympäri maailmaa. Vaatii Netscape Navigator 3.0:n. 16-bittinen versio.
62467 CTFTP13.ZIP 165743 11.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
CuteFTP v1.3 Winsock ftp program
CuteFTP is a Windows ftp client, designed to
simplify remote file transfers via Internet.
19009 CTSWAP.ZIP 64,3 kt 01.05.1997 - - -
(v1.1) ctswap11.zip - CT Swapper V1.1 The purpose of this program is to automate the process of swapping various WINSOCK.DLL files for those of you who use more than one Internet service provider with your default Web Browser. With one quick double-click, you can swap up to three DLL’s, and optionally launch your browser.  Shareware $10.00 U.S. VB40032.DLL required.
19010 CU201W32.ZIP 3238554 03.12.1996 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
CuSeeMe 32-bit V2.01 - Internet PicturePhone
19011 CUTEFTP2.EXE 539,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
CuteFTP v2.0 (16-bit)Full-strength FTP client with many great features such as 
FTP transfer resuming. http://www.cuteftp.com
19012 CWEBV02.ZIP 684719 23.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
ClearWeb beta v0.2
19013 DIDA152.ZIP 311249 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
DiDa v1.52. Compact & Powerful HTML Editor.
Runs and loads as smooth/fast as "NotePad",
even on a 286 Laptop.  Portable enough to
carry on a floppy. 2 In 1.  A powerful HTML
editor + A HTML Viewer. Include user tags
support, spreadsheet style table editor,
instant WYSIWYG preview, file history,
printing, body editor, right mouse button
support, auto tag removal, and more!
18050 DIET0B26.ZIP 35482 21.10.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
This is a beta test version of DIET (as you
will see from the icon!)  DIET resolves and
localizes links (cross-references) in the
NetScape cache, and renames the files with
appropriate filename extensions.  Before
using DIET, you are required to read the file
DIET.DOC, which includes the license
agreement and full instructions for
installing this version of DIET.
19014 DTSM1622.EXE 2 Mt 01.07.1998 - - -
"DTS Mail 16 v2.20 is compact but complete e-mail program. Although compactDTS Mail 16 is by no means limited. Some of its features are: AttachmentsKill ListMessage FiltersMultiple Server SupportSpell Checker & ThesaurusSmart Menus and much more. This version also incudes a setup program."
63257 DUNCE.ZIP 160241 18.12.1996 - - tupla
Dunce (or Dial-Up Networking Connection
Enhancement) allows for much easier dial-up
networking than Win95 currently provides. The
program will automatically press "connect"
for you on the "Connect To" dialog box,
redial your Internet Provider indefinitely
(even from within another application), and
auto-reconnect if you get unexpectedly
dropped.  Furthermore it can optionally run
applications when you are connected.
18099 DUTRANS.ZIP 38940 29.05.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
The VB Expressions Internet Text Translator
is a Windows program that  allows you to
translate DOS-prepared text files to Unix or
Macintosh format,  and vice versa. Text files
from your DOS editor will work in your Mac
and Unix  applications, and Mac or Unix files
from your file server or the Internet will be
usable in Windows. Allows batch operations,
checks for ASCII and target text format.
Update  Version 1.50 - translates Macintosh
text to DOS text.
18103 E9911W16.ZIP 195552 21.08.1995 - 22622/cd3.iso -
e-Mail Notify 0.99.11 for Windows 3.1 pop3
Mail Notifier, retrieves mail headers from
pop3 Server and notifies the user of new
mails. With "Quick Delete" and "Quick View".
Ludovic Dubost - 5$ Shareware

19015 EACSN105.ZIP 298,6 kt 19.05.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
"EMail Assist for CSNav v1.05 - Adds three major features to CSNavs email and forum message windows: spell checkingeasy quoting and user-defined signatures or taglines. All features are tightly integrated into CSNav through added buttons and menu items and may be accessed without exitingdisconnecting or starting other programs. This release (1.05) fixes a few bugs including the problem with Microsofts IntelliPoint software. Shareware."
19016 EAWC105.ZIP 297,2 kt 19.05.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
"EMail Assist for WinCIM v1.05 - Adds three major features to WinCIMs email and forum message windows: spell checkingeasy quoting and user-defined signatures or taglines. All features are tightly integrated into WinCIM through added buttons and menu items. May be accessed without exitingdisconnecting or starting other programs. This release (1.05) fixes a few bugs including the problem with Microsofts IntelliPoint software. Shareware."
19017 ECD75WIN.ZIP 488678 07.01.1996 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
ESS-Code 7.5 / 16-BIT Windows Version
ESS-Code is an Internet utility that can
be used to convert binary data to ASCII
for transmission on networks that cannot
handle binary data.  Complete support for
ATOB, file splitting/joining.  There is
support for drag & drop now.  This program
is not crippled or limited in any way.
19018 EDWIN.ZIP 207,8 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD eritupla
Edwin 2.1 HTML editor for Windows 3.x This is the 16-bit evaluation version, 32-bit version available upon registration.
63601 EDWIN.ZIP 187112 04.01.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Edwin HTML-editor v.1.1 for Windows/Win 95
19019 ELFW302.ZIP 617,5 kt 31.07.1997 - 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO -
ELF x WINSOCK. Advanced, programmable, fast and user-fiendly client for playing MUDs. MACROs, VARs, ALIASes, TRIGGERs, full mouse support, sounds, logs, programmable, full ANSI color support, user definable windows, encryption, wizards, Automatic TICK recognition, for faster HP/SP/MOV regain. Works with winsock and Win 3.1/Win3.11/WfW/OS/2/Win95. This program is freely distributable.
19020 EMAILFER.ZIP 441,2 kt 12.03.1997 - - -
EMailFerret - find e-mail addresses you are looking for! Extremerely well working address search engine working on several large databases. Win95.
18115 ENC16100.EXE 175953 13.09.1995 - - -
RealAudio Encoder v1.0.0, 16-Bit Version
RA (RealAudio) tuo ääntä WWW-sivuille!
Koodaa WAV, PCM ja AU-tiedostot => RA
Copyright by Progressive Networks, Inc. 1995
63847 EUDOR154.EXE 2060854 12.05.1996 - MBCD -
Eudora Light for Win. V.1.5.4.  FreeWare.
Includes both 16-bit and 32-bit versions.
19021 EUL301.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBHH1999 -
Eudora Light v3.0.1 (Windows 3.x)From QUALCOMM. Complete Internet email handler, allowing 
you to separate incoming messages into their own mailboxes 
for storage. The address book includes nicknames, full 
email addresses, a real name, contact information, and 
notes. The archive contains both the 16- and 32-bit 
versions of the program. Internet account and at least 
Windows 3.1x.
18123 EWAIS200.ZIP 1482675 30.12.1995 - 11964/2014.06.ftp.widomaker.com.tar -
WAIS client for Win3.1 and Winsockets 1.1
18125 EWAN_PCB.KEY 291 19.09.1995 - MBCD -
Näppäimistömääritykset EWAN v1.052-versiolle.
Toimivat MBnetissä skandien ja
kokoruutueditorin ohjauskoodien osalta.
Edellyttää Terminal -fontin käyttöä.
18124 EWAN1052.ZIP 256184 15.09.1995 - MBCD -
EWAN v1.052 - freeware Telnet emulator for
Winsock with keyboard/display remapping
feature (SF7 tables included).
19022 EZIRC131.ZIP 56946 23.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Simple IRC-client for Winsock
18136 EZY280A.ZIP 408153 21.10.1995 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
EasyHelp/EasyWeb V2.80a - Hypertext authoring
Very easy to use hypertext (help/web)
authoring tool for use with Word 6. Specially
designed for non technical users. The same
document(s) can be used for printing AND for
creating Windows Help OR Web HTML pages.
19023 EZY282.ZIP 607,5 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
EasyHelp/Web (TM) version 2.82i Hypertext Authoring System for Word 6,7 & 97 Very easy to use hypertext authoring tool for use with Microsoft Word 6 or Word 7 or Word 97. It supports all language versions of Word and was specially designed for non technical users.
64003 FA16-11.ZIP 1090742 27.12.1996 renamed 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso tupla
Forte Free Agent v1.1 16-bit version for
Windows 3.1. Self-extracting installer. Free
Agent is a versatile, free newsreader for
Microsoft Windows.
19024 FA16-111.EXE 1,1 Mt 30.04.1997 - MBCD -
Forte Free Agent v1.1116-bit version for Windows 3.1. Free Agent is a versatile    newsreader. Freeware.
19025 FA16-121.EXE 1,1 Mt 15.12.2000 - 12102/Freelog007.iso -
Forte Free Agent v1.21 16-bit.16-bit version for Windows 3.1. Free Agent is a versatile newsreader. Freeware.
64013 FAGENT10.ZIP 734757 11.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
Forté Free Agent v1.0 Internet news reader
This is a free scaled-down version of Forté's
Agent newsreader. Requires WinSock 1.1.
64139 FING031B.ZIP 483249 14.09.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
The Fingerer/32 v0.3 BETA (wide)  Intended
OS: Windows 95 and NT (will work with win32s)
Finger, Whois, Ph, DNS Lookup, Ping all in
one 32-bit application.  Many features.
Professional interface.
18153 FINGER31.ZIP 68113 13.04.1995 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Finger 3.1: A windows sockets finger client
19026 FK16V340.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
ForKeeps 3.40 (Windows 3.1). Software tool that puts you in charge (at last!) of that huge pile of Internet and CompuServe mail messages and downloaded CompuServe Forum and Usenet Newsgroup messages that may litter your hard disk and backup media.
64175 FLEXED32.ZIP 601901 27.10.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Flexed - Win95 HTML editor, easy to use, view
HTML-documents without web-browser.
19027 FMAIL16E.ZIP 294,4 kt 10.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
FoxMail is a Windows Internet mail client, support full Internet mail functions, run under Windows 3.1X/Windows 95/NT environment.
19028 FORM12U.ZIP 87913 03.12.1996 koko¹ #hyrava -
FORM READER Version 1.2u A decoder and
formatting program for processing HTML form
generated  e-mail resulting from the mailto
method.  Does NOT require cgi capabilities.
Runs independently from HTML form generators
or HTML editors.
19029 FPCHTML1.ZIP 55 kt 09.04.1997 - - -
"With FPCs HTML page maker you can create your homepage very easily! You dont need to know anything about HTML! All you have to dois answer the questions! FPCs HTML page maker is shareware."
18176 FREE-NET.ZIP 20093 13.04.1995 - - -
Suomenkieliset ohjeet free-netistä,
Windows Help formaatissa.
19030 FTP4W24B.ZIP 168663 23.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Ftp4w (v2.4b) - A complete FTP Client in DLL
The Ftp4w Library provides a client side
interface for FTP. As a client, it logs into
the server, looks for files, downloads or
uploads, logs out and much more.
The APIs can be called by any development
system that allows access to external DLLs.
This package contains both 16 bits and 32
bits DLLs.
Freeware By Philipe Jounin (ark@ifh.sncf.fr)
18180 FTPGM10.ZIP 90940 21.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FTP GM v1.0: MS-Windows file transfer pgm
(FTP) which uses TCP/IP to transfer files
from your PC to another PC or host; requires
19031 FTPIC22B.ZIP 846190 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FTP Icon Connection v2.1
a feature packed FTP client, auto detect down
load, firewall, short cut connection profiles
, drag n drop, and other fixs and enhencement
18181 FTPIT211.ZIP 767448 30.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
FTP_It! Installation Diskette #1
Version  2.11  Production
Build    03    11/17/95
Multithreaded FTP Client
Fully-functional shareware for 14 days, then
64326 FTPSV11F.ZIP 203081 23.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
FTP Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows
* Multiple simultaneous users.
* Full security on a file/directory
* Support for user ANONYMOUS.
* Supports Netscape & XMosaic.
* Easy to setup and maintain.
* Long file/directory names in
Windows 95.
64357 G16E301P.EXE 5626881 03.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.01. 16-bittinen
versio. Sisältää pelkän selaimen.
64358 G16E30P7.EXE 5612545 31.08.1996 - - tupla
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Beta 7.
64362 G3230B6S.EXE 5996544 19.08.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Beta 6.
32-bittinen versio. Standard-versio.
64366 G32E301P.EXE 5964800 03.12.1996 - 19842/2014.11.ftp.uv.es.tar -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.01. 32-bittinen
versio. Sisältää pelkän selaimen.
18191 GCP_24.EXE 1066041 30.12.1995 - 13848/Kirks_Comm_Disc_Walnut_Creek_July_1994.iso -
GCP++ - TCP/IP software development tools
19032 GE16V11C.EXE 1,8 Mt 12.04.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Graphic E-Mail v1.1. A freeware SMTP e-mail client. Unlike other e-mail clients, Graphic E-Mail allows you to send and receive graphical, multi-media messages, as well as traditional text-based messages. Some features: UUEncode/UUDecode conversion utilities, support for MIME 1.0 file enclosures, distribution lists for mass mailings, etc.
64511 GMAIL100.ZIP 1797440 30.03.1996 - 12835/aol-file-protocol-4400-5001-to-5044.tar -
Graphic E-mail V1.00 is a fun, multimedia
e-mail client for SMTP/POP3 users. Exchange
graphics, music, sound and animation with
your messages. Contains built-in templates
for E-Grams, Thank You Notes, Postcards, Love
Note, Letterhead and Flame Mail. Graphic
E-mail is primarily an entertainment product
but it can handle daily messages. Some
advanced text-mode features include MIME 1.0
file enclosures, UUEncode/UUDecode,
distribution lists, built-in address book,
19033 GR31_13B.EXE 298,3 kt 23.04.1999 - - -
GetRight v1.3b. Suosittu imurointiohjelma Windows 3.x:lle.
19034 HCRV2ALL.ZIP 845760 23.01.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
HTML Color Reference 2.03
18217 HEASY13.ZIP 327726 10.07.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
HTML Easy! Pro V1.3 (For MS Windows)
An easy to use HTML Editor! You can use it
edit WWW (World Wide Web) page very easily!
Support HTML 3.0, Netscape Extension.
Features, Text Color and Background Texture,
Tables, Entities... You had better to find
out by yourself. Shareware (US$59.00).
Joe lin, Basic Concept Studio, Taiwan.
64865 HOTDOG10.ZIP 693681 13.01.1996 - 13433/html_cdrom.iso tupla
Ohjelma HTML-dokumenttien tekemiseen.
18225 HOTMETAL.ZIP 1339316 28.01.1995 - MBCD -
SoftQuad HoTMetaL
A freely distributed professional SGML
editor especially for HTML files. This
distribution is for Microsoft Windows 3.1; it
will not run without Microsoft Windows.  You
will need about 5 Megabytes of free disk
space on your hard drive.
18232 HRG56.ZIP 101994 21.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HyperRead hypertext Generator version 5.6.
Allows you to convert ordinary ASCII text
files to hypertext files. Useful for
electronic publishers and shareware authors
to distribute their publications and
instruction manuals.
18238 HTASC17.ZIP 42434 21.10.1995 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
HTASC -- An .HTM to .ASC File Converter Takes
a WWW-compatible hypertext doc- ument (HTML -
HyperText Markup Language) and converts it to
a raw ascii file. Registered users get a menu
to choose from. Quick and easy to use. This
version includes menu (if registered).
19035 HTMAS212.ZIP 472,6 kt 14.09.1998 - - -
HTMASC V2.12,the fast and easy way to convert pages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) to plain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags (e.g., <HEADER> ...) are removed and entities (" ö ....) are converted. Fully functional Shareware $25.- Support Page: http://www.bitenbyte.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19036">19036</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMCLRP2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19036&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMCLRP2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>44,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTML Color Picker for Windows 3.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19038">19038</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTML_MAP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19038&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTML_MAP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>167,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"HTML File Mapper version 1.0. 16-bit. HTML File Mapper scans an html file for references to other html filesgraphic images and URLs.                            "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18240">18240</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Html3 WWW page description language! With
this you can make your own homepage to the

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18241">18241</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLASST.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18241&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLASST.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTML Assistant for Windows v1.4
Windows HTML-editori</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18242">18242</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLCHEK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18242&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLCHEK.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">versio 4.0</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTML Error Checker and Utilities v4.1.
Syntatically checks HTML v2.0 or v3.0 files
for a number of possible errors; can do local
link cross-reference checking, and generate a
rudimentary reference-dependency map. Runs
under awk or perl. Includes a number of
supplemental utilities for HTML file

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19037">19037</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLED16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19037&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLED16.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko⁴</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTML-editori v1.6 Windows 3.1:lle</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18243">18243</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLG110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18243&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLG110.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTMLGen - A HTML Script Generator V1.10.
HTMLGen is a PM Screen that simplifies the
process of generating a HTML Script.
Shareware registration requested: American
Coders, LTD POB 97462 Raleigh, NC 27624 1 919

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18244">18244</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLN114.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18244&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLN114.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4562/Shareware Heaven 5 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1) (1995).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 3.x: HTML Notepad v1.14. Like
Windows' Notepad, but allows production of
HTML coding for World Wide Web pages. Simple
and fast; comes with full explanation on how
to create professional pages.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18245">18245</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLREF.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18245&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLREF.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">20189/2015-02-12.fidonet.org.ua.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This program will scan HTML/HTM files and
intelligently select lines with a URL of the
HTTP: or FTP: variety, sending them to a
designated output file. It will additionally
attempt to identify the URL in common
language or, failing that, with the URL
itself, and also send it to the output file.
The date of the reference creation and the
original HTML file name is also supplied in
the HTMLRef output line.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18246">18246</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLSTUF.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18246&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLSTUF.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko¹</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">#hyrava</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTML Stuff collection of faqs, primers, and
samples for creating World Wide Web "home
pages;" lots of great info!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19039">19039</a></td>

                    <td>368,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTMLite 1.25 SHAREWARE -- Suomenkielinen helppokäyttöinen  HTML-editori!   Vaatii Win 3.x/95/NT ja min.800x600 näyttötilan 256 värillä.  Sharewarea,  rekisteröinti VAIN 40mk, rekisteröidessä saat 32-bitt. version! Myös 16bitt. versio valittavana Tekijä tavoitettavissa MbNetissä.  Tehty 20.11.1997  (C) OSSI JÄÄSKELÄINEN  1997</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18247">18247</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLTXT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18247&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">HTMLTXT.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko¹</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">#hyrava</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A Beginner's Guide to HTML in both ASCIi text
and HTML.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18253">18253</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IADDRS12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18253&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IADDRS12.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Internet Address Book 1.2
A helpful program to list
all of you're address.  May
it be ftp, WWW, e-mail, or
ANY address.  The Internet
Address Book does it all!
(Req. VROBJ.DLL to run)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18254">18254</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ICC121.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18254&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ICC121.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Control Center 1.21, 8/05/95
Internet task and desktop manager.  Automates
connect/disconnect, opens and closes clients
automatically.  Advanced window management
and task switching.  User-configurable
interface, on-screen modem status light,
more. Works with any winsock, SLIP, PPP, LAN
or ISDN.  Control 12 client programs and
multiple instances.  Best front-end on the
planet.  (c) 1995 UsefulWare.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19040">19040</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ICM115B2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19040&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ICM115B2.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>I-Comm V1.15 beta 2 Full featured WWW
graphical browser and modem communication
program. It does not require any SLIP/PPP
connection. I-Comm provides a friendly
graphical user interface which allows user
switching between the browser and terminal by
one button click. I-Comm supports HTTP, FTP
and Gopher, X,Y,Z modem protocols, supports
batch download, forms, smart disk caching,

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64999">64999</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ICOMM107.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64999&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ICOMM107.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">17275/TREASURE.ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>I-Comm is a full feature WWW graphical
browser and modem communication program. It
does not require any SLIP/PPP connection.
I-Comm provides a friendly graphical user
interface which allows user switching between
the browser and terminal by one button click.
I-Comm supports HTTP, FTP and Gopher, X,Y,Z
modem protocols, supports batch download,
forms, smart disk caching, etc.  ShareWare.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19041">19041</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IE4E16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19041&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IE4E16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 -selaimen asennusohjelma. 16-bit. Englanninkielinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19042">19042</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IE4S16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19042&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IE4S16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 -selaimen asennusohjelma. 16-bittinen. Suomenkielinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19043">19043</a></td>

                    <td>110,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MSIE CACHE EXPLORER V 1.21 Copyright (c) 1996 by M. Wolf Easy offline-access to all Web pages that have been cached by the MS Internet Explorer. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. Supports MS Internet Explorer v2.0 and v3.0. System:   Win95/WinNT 4.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65013">65013</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IEW31.EXE&tiedoston_id=65013&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IEW31.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23877/PC World Interactive 5.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.
Englanninkielinen versio. Windows 3.1.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18263">18263</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IIFTP110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18263&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IIFTP110.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Integrated Internet FTP" (IIFTP) is a
standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
and Personal Server application for Windows
Sockets. VERSION: 1.1.0 (Tue July 11th 1995)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65072">65072</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Marauder Version 1.4 for Windows 95
"The fastest, most powerful file-retrieving
robot on the Internet." Search and capture
tool on the Internet. Fully automated,
link-following, file-retrieving web spider.
It will retrieve all the files you want - and
only the files you want from anywhere.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18267">18267</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=INET31.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18267&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">INET31.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Internet Connection! Version 3.1 By Mark
Williamson, Omega Software. Allow your users
to EASILY write an Internet message from your
system! Menu driven, mousable setup program,
new built-in message editor with quote-text
window, even better, indexed, user file
system. Simply the BEST!  Works Great! Now
with EASY-REG registration system! Shareware,
$25.00 to register.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18268">18268</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=INETCON2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18268&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">INETCON2.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Core Internet-Connect (TM) Release 1.1
from Core Systems.
Winsock 1.1 compatible TCP/IP tools.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18273">18273</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=INTRT31B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18273&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">INTRT31B.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Timer 3.1b - Finally no bugs! This
utility is the safest and easiest way to keep
track of how much time you are using on your
SLIP or PPP account. This is a utility
everyone who  uses the Internet should have.
Please distribute this program everywhere!
By Ben Zell. REQ. VBRUN300.DLL and Windows
3.1 and up Trumpet Winsock recommended. NEW:
Tons of fixes and improvements!!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19044">19044</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IPCID102.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19044&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IPCID102.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IP Caller ID (tm) (C) Lateral Technologies</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18276">18276</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IPERLS25.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18276&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IPERLS25.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>World Wide Web Primer and URL Primer. Another
Internet Pearl (tm) by SoloTech Software.
Look for other Internet Pearls to make your
travel through the Internet easier and more
worthwhile. The Internet Pearls are free and
can be distributed freely for non- commercial
purposes. Each of these is a text file viewer
that can be loaded as a pop-up, TSR program.
Pop-up the program and quickly search for the
data that interests you. Load up to 4
resources, each with its own Hot Key. See</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18277">18277</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Phone 3.0 build 17. Reaaliaikaista
keskustelua Internetin kautta! Vaatii
slip/ppp yhteyden ja 486'en mielellään 8
megalla rammia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19045">19045</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IPRAD103.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19045&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IPRAD103.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IP Radar is a Shareware program designed to
help you keep track of and find your friends
anywhere on the Internet the moment they

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18278">18278</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IPWIN109.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18278&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IPWIN109.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">16607/share_gal_3.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>INFOPOP/WINDOWS (Version 1.09) for Windows
IP/WIN provides tutorial information on using
the Internet.  It uses the Windows 3.1 help
utility to display the information.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19046">19046</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IRCII for Windows genuine port of the world's
most popular IRC client.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65228">65228</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IRCIIWIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65228&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IRCIIWIN.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IRCIIWIN 1.00
IRCIIWIN is the MS-Windows
(WINSOCK-compliant) version of the IRC II
client. The IRC (which means Internet Relay
Chat) is the Multi-User Chatting system which
became very popular and widely used by UNIX

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18279">18279</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IRCSRVRS.INI&tiedoston_id=18279&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IRCSRVRS.INI</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">26781/PC Shareware 1997-02.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lista Internet Phone palvelimista maailmalla,
nyt mukana myös yksi Suomesta. Laita samaan
hakemistoon IPhonen kanssa ja valitse lähin
palvelin (iphone17.exe sisältää vanhemman

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19047">19047</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ISTART11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19047&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ISTART11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>99,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ISTART11.ZIP Oddera Internet Starter for Win Launch many applications or documents with a  single click. Example:  Netscape+Eudora+Agent+Ftp+Tardis+MyNotes.txt in normal or iconized window. You can make various groups. Drag&Drop. Internet Starter is Shareware.  Web address: http://www.archserver.unige.it/caadge/ao/home ao.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65244">65244</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A beta version of Quarterdeck Internet Suite
- the complete line of Quarterdeck's
Internet utilities.  See the enclosed
README.TXT for installation instructions and
further information.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19048">19048</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IVC.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19048&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IVC.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10583/Internet Tools.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet VoiceChat 1.1 for Winsock</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19049">19049</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IVIEW110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19049&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IVIEW110.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre><pre> This package contains TWO versions
of I-View browser.
The i-viewa.exe file is the author
version, it has a few more funtions, it
is better for HTML development.
The i-view.exe file is the runtime
version, it is best for distributing
with your HTML files.
Both of these two programs need the
gif2bmp.dll and jpeg.dll to run.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18285">18285</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IVW107G.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18285&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IVW107G.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IView 1.07G, a full-featured offline HTML

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18286">18286</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IWORKS70.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18286&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">IWORKS70.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>InternetWorks-Beta 7. Top Windows Web Browser
as reviewed in 4-95 Internet World. Includes
browser, e-mail, and newsgroup programs along
with history list, card catalog, and built-in
file-viewing capability. VERY FAST!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19050">19050</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JAVA16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19050&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">JAVA16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>5,8 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12700/server2.rz.uni-leipzig.de.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape 16-bit 3.01 beta with Java</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19051">19051</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Juno is a service that provides you with an e-mail address on the Internet. Juno also gives you an easy-to-use software package, that makes sending and receiving e-mail very easy. And best of all, Juno is free.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19052">19052</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KALIVE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19052&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">KALIVE.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10261/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Disc 2) (August 1995).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Keepalive, constanly pings a host to keep

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19053">19053</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LAUNCH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19053&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">LAUNCH.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>99,4 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NetLaunch 3.14d - ohjelma joka ajaa tietyt ohjelmat aina kun yhteys internetiin avataan. Ohjelmia on helppo lisätä ja poistaa listasta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65720">65720</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIL100S.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65720&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">LIL100S.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v1.00) Log In Log - Win File/Dir/ZIP
lil100s.zip   An application to log and cost
Internet connexions via Trumpet Winsock. This
is a facility that will enable the user to
keep track of all logins and how much they
cost. It can provide statistics of logins
to/from any date and can calculate
hypothetical sessions from/to any date &
time. It provides a history viewer, an online
watch, stopwatch and alarm with sound effects
& customizable features.User-friendly,fun</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19054">19054</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIL102S.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19054&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">LIL102S.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>333,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v1.01) Log In Log - Win File/Dir/ZIP lil101s An application to log and cost Internet  connexions via Trumpet Winsock. This is a  facility that will enable the user to keep  track of all logins and how much they cost.  It can provide statistics of logins to/from  any date and can calculate hypothetical  sessions from/to any date & time. It provides a Log Manager, an online watch, stopwatch  and alarm with sound effects & customizable features. User-friendly, fun graphical interface. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65731">65731</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIQUIDFX.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65731&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">LIQUIDFX.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Liquid FX Web Page Designer Windows 95
version This Web page designer is a fully
integrated editor that will help you develop
professional quality HTML Web documents in a
short time. It is setup for quick script
development using highly intuitive requesters
and logical sectioning of HTML scripts. With
built in functions such image map hotspots,
frames designer, forms designer, Java
animator and scroller, this package sizzles!!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19055">19055</a></td>

                    <td>178,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MAIL-NEWS COLLECTION Retrieves header info from email- date/time, to/from name and email, subject. Offline program accesses specified local mailboxes. Writes to delimited text file for importing to your dbf system.  Sample dbf III file allows conversion to other database programs.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19056">19056</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MAILPGP1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19056&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MAILPGP1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>36,6 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"MailPGP 1.0 is a simple user interface for Philip Zimmermanns Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). MailPGP is easy to use and still has many advanced features."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18335">18335</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MAKEHTM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18335&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MAKEHTM.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23513/Chip_Special_Best_Web_Sites_01-96.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MAKEHTM v1.00 Simple command line program
that converts ASCII files to HTML format
suitable for WWW browsers (such as Mosaic,
Netscape, and Cello). The program consists of
DOS, Windows, and OS/2 (16-bit) versions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18351">18351</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MERITCRZ.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18351&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MERITCRZ.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">17275/TREASURE.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A Cruise of the Internet - Requires Windows
Computer-based tutorial for new as well as
experienced Internet "navigators."  Introduct
to Internet resources as diverse as supercomp
minorities, multimedia, and even cooking.
It will also provide information about the
tools needed to access those resources.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18356">18356</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MIDIGATE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18356&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MIDIGATE.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MIDI Gate for Windows
MIDI Gate can be used either as a stand-alone
MIDI player or as a W.W.Web browser helper
application. PRS Corporation.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66161">66161</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MIRC41.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66161&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MIRC41.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>mIRC v4.1 -IRC Clientti Windowsille
Mukana Win 3 ja Win 95 versiot...</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19057">19057</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MIRC59S.EXE&tiedoston_id=19057&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MIRC59S.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">21043/CT_SW0101.ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>mIRC v5.9, 16-bittinen versio.Suosittu IRC-yhteysohjelma kaikilla herkuilla. http://www.mirc.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19058">19058</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MIRCFQ23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19058&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MIRCFQ23.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03964.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Frequently Asked Questions about mIRC, v2.3</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18372">18372</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MOS20FB.EXE&tiedoston_id=18372&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MOS20FB.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">14297/MG_1195.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NCSA Mosaic for Windows, version 2.0.0 final

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18373">18373</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MOSAIC.EXE&tiedoston_id=18373&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MOSAIC.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03963.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MOSAIC.ZIP>Spry's New Air Mosaic, the next
generation of NCSA Mosaic, the World Wide Web
created with one command; 'setup'.  500 local
phone numbers around the world.  2 Minutes
and you're on the Internet with the newest
and fastest Mosaic Browser.  Includes a
dialer program.  Nothing else required!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18375">18375</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MOZOCK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18375&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MOZOCK.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MOZOCK.DLL - Nullsock.dll replacement. lets
you run Mosaic locally without a SLIP

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66304">66304</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPTHS110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66304&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MPTHS110.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_2.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FREEWARE Image Map Editor for the WWW</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19059">19059</a></td>

                    <td>765,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MailRoom(tm) is a full featured POP3/SMTP/ MIME Internet Mail client for Windows, including Win 3.1, Win 95 and Win NT. MailRoom makes it easy to send and receive messages with Internet mail.  It incorporates a custom Address Book for storing names and addresses as well as mailing lists.  Messages can be stored in and retrieved from user defined folders and there is a search facility to find messages in any folder.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66349">66349</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
kaikki lisäosat. Osa 2/4. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66350">66350</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
kaikki lisäosat. Osa 3/4. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66351">66351</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
kaikki lisäosat. Osa 4/4. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66352">66352</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
kaikki lisäosat. Osa 1/4. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66359">66359</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 Windows NT
4.0:lle. Sisältää kaikki lisäosat. Osa 2/3.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66360">66360</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 Windows NT
4.0:lle. Sisältää kaikki lisäosat. Osa 3/3.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66361">66361</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Internet Explorer V3.01 Windows NT
4.0:lle. Sisältää kaikki lisäosat. Osa 1/3.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18400">18400</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MSNTC106.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18400&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">MSNTC106.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mosaic-to-Netscape INI file converter v1.06;
source included.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66458">66458</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=N16E30.EXE&tiedoston_id=66458&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">N16E30.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 3.0 Final. Sisältää pelkän
selaimen. 16-bittinen versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66459">66459</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=N16E30P.EXE&tiedoston_id=66459&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">N16E30P.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 3.0 Final. Sisältää kaikki
lisäohjelmat. 16-bittinen versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19060">19060</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 4.07 16 bit 2/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19061">19061</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 4.07 16 bit 3/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19062">19062</a></td>

                    <td>147,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 4.07 16 bit 4/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19063">19063</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 4.07 16 bit 1/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19064">19064</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=N16E407.EXE&tiedoston_id=19064&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">N16E407.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>8,7 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 4.07 16-bit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19065">19065</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=N16IC222.EXE&tiedoston_id=19065&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">N16IC222.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>898,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">22283/VPR9711A.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The iChat plugin for Netscape 2.0 is a software plug-in that allows you to connect to IRC and Ichat servers around the world.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66468">66468</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Navigator 3.01. 32-bittinen versio.
Sisältää kaikki lisäosat.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18416">18416</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NC1610B1.EXE&tiedoston_id=18416&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NC1610B1.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21316/hot-shareware-01.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netscape Chat v1.0 Beta 1 16-bittinen versio</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19066">19066</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NDATE104.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19066&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NDATE104.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>73,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netdate v1.04. Netdate synchronizes the clock of your PC with the clock of the UNIX-server you are using. Winsock required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18419">18419</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NETINTRM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18419&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NETINTRM.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet-perustietoa WinHelp-muodossa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66546">66546</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NETRB2D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66546&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NETRB2D.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NetRunner beta 2d for Win95. provides web,
news, mail, ftp and gopher client services</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66547">66547</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Neutron for Windows 95 beta. 2/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66548">66548</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Neutron for Windows 95 beta. 3/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66549">66549</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Neutron for Windows 95 beta. 4/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66550">66550</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Neutron for Windows 95 beta 1/4
Neutron is an application that plays 3D
animations in real-time over the Internet.
High-quality animations are made possible by
using the power of your machine to render the
animation, instead of sending all the video
information over the net. Part of Amotic-3D
suite of applications. Requires Win95, 16 MB,
SVGA graphics adapter with 640x480x16 mode,
16-bit sound card, 14.4K modem, TCP/IP
Internet connection, Pentium/100.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19067">19067</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NEWBE200.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19067&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NEWBE200.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>891,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">6095/WIN95_09961.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"NewBel V2.00 If you have a WEB siteand some of your pages containLists(WEB pages with links to other WEB sites) NewBel can help out. NewBel is a PC based application to be used by WEB site designers who dont have access to a UNIX station. Some of the features include: Built in preview (WYSIWYG) without the need for an external browser. Maintain different projectsetc."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19068">19068</a></td>

                    <td>464,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NewsFerret - search all those newsgroups for articles you are interested at. Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66560">66560</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NewsReader V1.32 for Windows 95. Uutisryhmien
luku-ohjelma Windows 95:lle.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19069">19069</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NIFMON_.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19069&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NIFMON_.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Simple TCP/IP network interface monitor.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18427">18427</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NOHTML11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18427&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NOHTML11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cleans up text files saved from programs like
Netscape, Mosaic or other WWW browser that
supports the HTML format. Converts HTML into
readable, printable, viewable text.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19071">19071</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NS_DEMO2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19071&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NS_DEMO2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>153,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NS-DEMO1: NSClean demo by Kevin McAleavey Demonstration of a program calld NSClean which cleans and adjusts Netscape browser files to enhance your security and to keep net sessions private. Shows hidden data.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19070">19070</a></td>

                    <td>104,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NETSCAPE CACHE EXPLORER V 1.20 Copyright (c) 1996 by M. Wolf Easy offline-access to all Web pages that have been cached by Netscape Navigator. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. Netscape 2.0 or later (32bit) is required. System:   Win95/WinNT 4.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19072">19072</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NSLOOKUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19072&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NSLOOKUP.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">19758/2015-02-04.ftp.heaven.net.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Name server lookup for Windows - version 1.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18429">18429</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NSMED23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18429&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NSMED23.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03963.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NSMEDIT Ver 2.3. You can edit the Netscape
World Wide Web Browser's bookmark file easily
using drag and drop, sorting, deletion
recovery, and creation of new folders, URL
sites, and seperators. Requires Windows and
VBRUN300.DLL. Demo version.  Loads 30 items
only. (US $15.00, VISA/MC)  schapman@ior.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66660">66660</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NT16322.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66660&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NT16322.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NetTerm v3.2.2 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
SLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminal
emulator with fast zmodem file transfers. It
can also be used as a dialer program for
SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting
language. For Internet hosts, the telnet
protocol is enabled with VT100 and full ANSI
graphics. A ftp server is included.
Transparent printing and local host editing
is supported for UNIX. nt16322.zip - 16 bit

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19073">19073</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NT16429.EXE&tiedoston_id=19073&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NT16429.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>703 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBHH1999</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NetTerm v4.2.9.Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem SL NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator with fast zmodem file transfers.  It can also be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting language. For Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is enabled with VT100 and full ANSI graphics.  A ftp server is included.  Transparent printing and local host editing is supported for UNIX. nt16429.exe - 16 bit InterSoft@compuserve.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19074">19074</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTV12016.EXE&tiedoston_id=19074&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NTV12016.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nettrivia V1.20. Internetissä pelattava monen
pelaajan tietovisailupelin yhteysohjelma.
Windows 3.1x-versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18431">18431</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NULLSOCK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18431&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NULLSOCK.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">19252/PC_PRESS.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This is a "fake" WinSock network sockets
library.  It is primarily intended for people
wishing to use NCSA Audible Collage and NCSA
Mosaic for MS Windows who do not have

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18432">18432</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NULSCK10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18432&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">NULSCK10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23513/Chip_Special_Best_Web_Sites_01-96.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NullSock v1.0 - WIN3/winsock/web
NullSock v1.0 is useful when you want to run
applications off-line. It does this by loadin
dummy Winsock.dll (also called a nullsock) be
running your application.
eg : when you want to run your web brownser t
local html files from your drive.
NOTE : It does not include a nullsock dll.
Sources (C) included.
NullSock is freeware and (C)1995 Jean-Michel</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18433">18433</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>News Xpress. Winsock compliant newsreader</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19075">19075</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=O360E16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19075&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">O360E16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12835/aol-file-protocol-4400-5001-to-5044.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Opera 3.60 final - norjalainen laatuselain Windows 3.1x:lle (16-bit).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19076">19076</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=O362E16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19076&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">O362E16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Opera 3.62 beta 6 - norjalainen laatuselain Windows 3.1x:lle (16-bit).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19077">19077</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ONLIVE.EXE&tiedoston_id=19077&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ONLIVE.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Onlive client v10b12.11</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19078">19078</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ORAPB16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19078&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ORAPB16.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Oracle PowerBrowser. WWW-selain. Windows

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19079">19079</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Meridian 59: Other Realms-3d-MUDin
Alpha-yhteysohjelma Windows 3.1x:lle. V
0.63. Osa 1/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19080">19080</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Meridian 59: Other Realms-3d-MUD:in
Alpha-yhteysohjelma Windows 3.1x:lle. V 0.63.
Osa 2/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19081">19081</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Other Realms: Meridian 59-Graafisen MUD:N
Client-ohjelma. Win 3.1-versio. Osa 1/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19082">19082</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Other Realms: Meridian 59-Graafisen MUD:in
Client-ohjelma. Win 3.1-versio. Osa 2/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19083">19083</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OW362E16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19083&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">OW362E16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">23733/PCWorld_2001-04_cd.bin</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Opera v3.62Norjalainen laatuselain Windows 3.1x:lle (16-bit).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19084">19084</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PAL21W16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19084&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PAL21W16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Palace. Virtual Internet-chat program. Version 2.1. For Windows 3.1x.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18467">18467</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SoftQuad Panorama Free v1.0, the first SGML
browser for the World Wide Web. To success-
fully install SoftQuad Panorama Free you must
have installed and run either NCSA Mosaic
(version 2.0) or Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18473">18473</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PASTEL10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18473&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PASTEL10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Telnet Daemon for Borland Pascal 7 Public
Domain by Mike Caughran. Cedar Island

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19085">19085</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pueblo. Telnet-terminaaliohjelma. Versio
1.10. 16-bit versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18476">18476</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PC_CUSEE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18476&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PC_CUSEE.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>-BASIC CU-SeeMe INFO-
CU-SeeMe, a desktop videoconferencing
program, for Macintosh and PC, is
available free from Cornell University
under copyright of Cornell and its
collaborators.  CU-SeeMe provides a
one-to-one conference, or by use of a
reflector, a one-to-many, a</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19086">19086</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pointcast client v1.4.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19087">19087</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PCP_W16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19087&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PCP_W16.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>681 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PINE(tm) is the University of Washington\'s \\"Program for Internet News and Email\\". It is intended to be an easy-to-use program for sending, receiving, and filing Internet electronic mail messages and bulletin board (Netnews) messages. Pine supports the following Internet protocols and specifications: SMPT, NNTP, MIME, IMAP.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18484">18484</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AMERICA ONLINE V2.5 *PREVIEW* FOR WIN  [1/1]</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19088">19088</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PINETAB2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19088&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PINETAB2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>47,6 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Baltic, Cyrillic, Greek, Latin-2, Latin-3, Turkish, and Vietnamese Tables for PC-Pine. Version 2.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67238">67238</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PingIt Version 1.2 for Windows
Continuously monitor any IP connection.
Gives a visual indication of the
status of the connection. Happy:
Ping was successful, Sad: Ping
was not successful, Straight:
PingIt is checking. Runs on any
Windows 3.X or 95 PC with a WINSOCK.
connection. To Install run SETUP.EXE
and follow the on screen directions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19089">19089</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PINGIT21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19089&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">PINGIT21.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>388,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PingIt Version 2.1 for Windows 3.1 Continuously monitor any IP connection. Gives a visual indication of the status of the connection. Happy: Ping was successful, Sad: Ping was not successful, Straight: PingIt is checking. Runs on any Windows 3.1 (Only) PC with a WINSOCK. connection. To Install run SETUP.EXE and follow the on screen directions. Windows 95 Version available from ABSTRACT media.  Shareware by ABSTRACT media!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19090">19090</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=POW20B2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19090&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">POW20B2.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowWow 2.0 beta 2--The Internet Personal
Communicator and Conferencer.  Allows up
to 7 people to chat by keyboard & voice,
and up to fifty people to participate in
conferences.  Now allows people to voice
chat at 14,400 baud.
From Tribal Voice(http://www.tribal.com)
REQ:Win 3.1+,TCP/IP Internet connection.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67386">67386</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=POWWOW13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67386&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">POWWOW13.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10799/CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowWow v1.3 Internet chat for WinSock</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19091">19091</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QMMAIL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19091&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">QMMAIL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>719,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QuikMenu Mailbox is an E-Mail utility for Windows. Allows network users to send and  receive internal messages. Features: internal mail editor, alert option, import text, print, user password, spell checker, and more! QuikMenu III for DOS users may  communicate with QM Mailbox Windows users. Requires: 2+ MB RAM, Mouse. Supports Novell  and Lantastic messaging. May be run under  Windows 3.1+, Win95 or OS/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67590">67590</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QMMAIL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67590&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">QMMAIL.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QuikMenu Mailbox is an E-Mail utility for
Windows. Allows network users to send and
receive internal messages. Features:
internal mail editor, alert option, import
text, print, user password, spell checker,
and more! QuikMenu III for DOS users may
communicate with QM Mailbox Windows users.
Requires: 2+ MB RAM, Mouse. Supports Novell
and Lantastic messaging. May be run under
Windows 3.1+, Win95 or OS/2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19092">19092</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quarterdeck Mosaic v1.01 includes support for
additional HTML extensions, including
Backgrounds, font color and borders.
Quarterdeck will continue to add support for
additional extensions on a regular basis.
Unzip in a temp directory then install from
Windows Program Manager.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18533">18533</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QN102.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18533&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">QN102.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QUICKNET. Version 1.02 Internet TCP/IP FTP
program for the business community. If you
regularly transfer the same file(s) between
the same place(s), this product is for you.
It has two features which set it apart: it
can't be used for "surfing". The user has to
know the file name and its location--thus
productivity is enhanced; all your passwords
are encrypted. Windows 3.1 and VBRUN300 are
required. Shareware - $39.95 + s/h</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18539">18539</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QVTWS398.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18539&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">QVTWS398.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">2045/shareware studio volume 6.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinQVT/Net Version 3.98. TCP/IP apps
A suite of TCP/IP client and server apps
for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups
3.1x. NOTE: WinQVT/Net 3.98 is strictly a
Windows Sockets application. There is no
TCP/IP transport included in this package;
you must install a Windows Sockets
package before you can use WinQVT/Net 3.98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19093">19093</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QWS3270.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19093&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">QWS3270.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Sockets 3270 Telnet Application</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67686">67686</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RA16_201.EXE&tiedoston_id=67686&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">RA16_201.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21770/PCOnline_08_1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RealAudio Player, Version 2.01 (16-bit)
for Windows 3.x</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19094">19094</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RA16_30.EXE&tiedoston_id=19094&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">RA16_30.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RealAudio Player v3.0 16-bit. For Windows 3.x</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18551">18551</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ROADMAP9.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18551&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ROADMAP9.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netcenter's Guide to the
Internet. Created for anyone with a WWW
Browser.  However, these HTM files can be
read OFF-Line to save time.  Find the top
3,000 and best sites on the Web.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19095">19095</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SB202.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19095&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SB202.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Surfbot/2.02 from Surflogic LLC (formerly
WebWatch from Specter) is an Internet
productivity tool that lets you create,
schedule and publish Agents that surf the Web
for you. For latest information visit our
site: http://www.surflogic.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19096">19096</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SBLAST30.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19096&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SBLAST30.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22912/pcwi_july_1996.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINDOWS INTERNET SITE BLASTER v3.0 The Site
Blaster goes visual! Now save screens from
your favorite Internet Sites in the Site
Blaster Database.  Enjoy and be productive
with your time on the Internet. With this
database, you can put all of the power of the
Internet at your fingertips. Search thousands
of sites and addresses, and navigate easily
to different sites of interest on the Net.
The Registered version provides a searchable
database of over 30,000 Internet Site</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68187">68187</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SBLST20B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68187&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SBLST20B.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">6764/CDA1_96.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINDOWS INTERNET SITE BLASTER v2.0 Enjoy and
be productive with your time on the Internet.
With this database, you can put all of the
power of the Internet at your fingertips.
Search thousands of sites and addresses, and
navigate easily to different sites of
interest on the Net. Win 3.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68189">68189</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SBNEWS18.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68189&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SBNEWS18.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SBNews: automated news robot.
Automatically downloads and UUdecodes
from binary newsgroups.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19097">19097</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SBNEWS35.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19097&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SBNEWS35.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SBNews: automated news robot. (16-bit
version) Automatically downloads and
UUdecodes from binary newsgroups.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18564">18564</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SCKINF11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18564&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SCKINF11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">8170/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Socket Information V1.1 by Imagination's End.
To use the program just type in the internet
site name or the internet site number then
press the button corresponding to what you
want and a litte while later you will get
what you requested. Requires the Borland 4.02
DLL's to use. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18580">18580</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SuperHighway Access for Windows Demonstration</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18591">18591</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SL1014.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18591&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SL1014.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21331/Image.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SlipStream Jet 1.0 - SLIP/PPP Internet USENET
news and Email to QWK format. The first
Windows program to download and upload USENET
news and EMail in QWK format for use with a
dial up SLIP/PPP account, OR TCP/IP network.
It  will allow you to read, follow-up, post
new, etc. limited  only by  your QWK reader.
Requires VBRUN300.DLL</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19098">19098</a></td>

                    <td>775,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ohjelma jolla voit ottaa Newssit QWK-muodossa. Toimii PPP/SLIP-yhteyden yli. Slipstream Jet. 16-bittinen Windows-ohjelma. Versio 1.034.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18595">18595</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLIP_DOS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18595&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SLIP_DOS.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This package contains everything you need to
set up a SLIP (Serial Line Interface
Protocol) connection to Internet.  SLIP
varies from an Internet Shell Account in that
the connection is made automatically and you
are issued a temporary IP (Internet Protocol)
address for the duration of your call.  This
is done through a handshake procedure known
as BOOTP, which passes certain information
between your system and your host.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18593">18593</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLIP11K.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18593&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SLIP11K.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">2046/shareware studio volume 7.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SlipNet Internet Launcher for access to the
Internet. This is an Internet Application
Suite containing all of the 'best of class'
internet applications along with a complete
installation and shell program to manage the
various applications. The applications
include Trumpet Winsock, Eudora, FTP,
Netscape, WSGopher, EWAN Telnet, LVIEW,
IRC4WIN, Trumpet Newsreader, Archie, Talk and
more! If you don't have all of these apps,
download this one and have them ALL! Works</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18594">18594</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLIPBR11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18594&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SLIPBR11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SlipBar!! Internet application manager and
quick launch toolbar.  SlipBar is a simple
floating toolbar to keep track of all of your
main internet applications.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18596">18596</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLMAIL95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18596&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SLMAIL95.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinSmtp Shareware Release 1.07beta1.3
Internet Mailer Daemon. The purpose of this
product is not to read mail, but to provide
services for the users of a system to read
mail. To this end, the daemon provides SMTP
and POP3 support for sending and receiving
mail. These services can be used by a front
end, of which there are many, that makes use
of the UNIX mailbox or POP3 services provided
by this product.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18597">18597</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLNOT112.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18597&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SLNOT112.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21316/hot-shareware-01.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>[v1.12] SlipKnot - WWW browser w/o SLIP
Developed for PC Windows users with UNIX
shell accounts, SlipKnot is a full featured
graphical World Wide Web browser similar to
Mosaic and Netscape, allowing local document
display offline, saving of documents, and
includes FTP and Gopher. Shareware (US$29.95
-MC/Visa/AMEX/check/MO) Peter Brooks,

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18606">18606</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMTPSLIP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18606&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SMTPSLIP.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">1977/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 4.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GroupWise 4.1 SMTP Gateway and Automated
SLIP/PPP Dialup. This enclosed document has
been prepared to provide information for
setting up an Automated Dialup SLIP
environment for the Novell GroupWise 4.1 SMTP
Gateway. It provides a foundation for
creating the environment and includes various
working configurations.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19099">19099</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SocketSpy/16 v2.B02 for Windows
A trace/debug utility used for monitoring
WinSock API references between an application
and the Windows Sockets Dynamic Link Library.
Compatible with the WinSock v1.1 standard,
SocketSpy/16 can monitor and display socket
calls and data passed through each socket.
Filters and triggers included.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19100">19100</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Softerm Plus V4.00, Internet pcakage which
contains lots of applifications, like
TCP/IP etc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19101">19101</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPRYMOS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19101&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SPRYMOS.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sprynet Mosaic
Surf the WWW from The Invention Factory!
Kit includes winsock dialer and browser,
with instructions for connecting to TIF.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18637">18637</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STREAMWK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18637&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">STREAMWK.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Xing Streamworks V1.0 Streamworks will
receive audio and/ or video over the

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18640">18640</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SUBNET10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18640&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SUBNET10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23362/Chip_1997-04_cd.bin</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SUBNET Pro v1.0: MS-Windows tool for any
network individuals involved in assigning
TCP/IP addresses for networks; can be used to
determine a proper subnet mask, calculate
number of subnets and hosts per subnet when a
number of bits to use for subnetting has been
specified, manage IP address assignements,
use VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) to
conserve addresses & to generate ATM NSAP
(AESA) addresses; req VBRUN300.DLL.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19102">19102</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SubMission Wizard 16-bit V2.1c Get your
web-page listed on various web search

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68797">68797</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SubMission Wizard 32-bit V2.1c Get your
web-page listed on various web search

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19103">19103</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SWIX22.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19103&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SWIX22.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Swix is a PD Windows X.500 client</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19104">19104</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SWP204B5.EXE&tiedoston_id=19104&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SWP204B5.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>389 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12772/11000.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Streamworks v2.04 Beta 5. Realtime video and audio over the Internet. Win 3.x version.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18650">18650</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SYSLOGD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18650&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">SYSLOGD.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CLS-Syslogdaemon for MS-Windows and
WindowsNT. Also reqs Winsock compliant TCP/IP
subsystem such as Trumpet-Winsock.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19105">19105</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TABLEGEN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19105&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TABLEGEN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>34,9 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Table Generator for Windows Create HTML tables easily, just enter details about how you want the table look, enter some comma separated data and the program generates HTML code ready for you to cut and  paste it into your HTML page. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18655">18655</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tardis v1.0
Tardis is a program that synchronises your
PC's clock by using Internet Time Protocol
specifies in RFC868. Uses TCP/IP, SLIP or
PPP and Winsock API.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18663">18663</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TCP32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18663&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TCP32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03963.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MS TCP/IP 32 RELEASE for Windows/Workgroup 3.
Microsoft is pleased to offer you the release
version of Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows(TM
for Workgroups 3.11. Please read MS TCP/IP-32
License Agreement before installing this soft
Downloaded from MSNET Compuserve forum.
Can be found on ftp.microsoft.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68964">68964</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TEL2308B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68964&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TEL2308B.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko⁴</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 binaries.
Includes basic TCP/IP apps (ftp, telnet, ...)
to be used on DOS and packet driver.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69202">69202</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TEN Network-yhteysohjelma. TEN-verkon kautta
voit pelata muita pelaajia vastaan muun
muassa Civnettia ja Duke Nukem 3D:tä
Internetissä. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19106">19106</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TOOB_25.EXE&tiedoston_id=19106&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TOOB_25.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Net Toob v2.5 for Windows. Multimedia player. Supports AVI FLC FLI MOV MPEG MPEG-1 movie and AU MP2 WAV audio formats. Can be used as Web browser (Navigator, Mosaic, Chameleon, etc) Helper Application. Requires 486PC with 4 MB of RAM. Duplexx Software Inc. http://www.duplexx.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19107">19107</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRM16V41.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19107&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TRM16V41.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>865,6 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QVT/Term v4.1 DEC VT-220 Emulation 16-bit. QVT/Term provides fast, versatile, high quality DEC VT-220 emulation and provides built-in support for network (Winsock) and serial port connectivity. Includes support for file transfers using Kermit protocol.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19108">19108</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TROMBONE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19108&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TROMBONE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>190 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Newmans Trombone ver 1.0 is a  mail filtering program. it uses rules to determine what messages should be deletedwithout  downloading the messagesand therefore save communication time. The user can also manually delete messages. By Shahar Dobzinski (shahard@kagi.com). Shareware 25$."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19109">19109</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TTSERV10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19109&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TTSERV10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TTSERV v1.0 Telnet Text Server for Windows
Displays text file to users who telnet to
your internet address. slacker@value.net.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18701">18701</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWNSCK14.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18701&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TWNSCK14.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">19252/PC_PRESS.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Troy's Twinsocket v.1.4 for Windows. Enables
WWW without SLIP-connection.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69481">69481</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWSK21F.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69481&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">TWSK21F.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Trumpet Winsock Version 2.1f, by Peter R.
Tattam. Winsock TCP/IP stack for Windows.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18711">18711</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UdiWWW-selailuohjelma
Tukee HTML-3 laajennuksia</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19110">19110</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UL204.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19110&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">UL204.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ULTIMATE Shell For DOOM(II), HERETIC & HEXEN!
- Menu-Driven Access To All Game Options! -
Fully Supports Multi-Player Games! - WADs Are
ZIPed Until Needed! - Handles Over 8000 WAD
Files Per Game! - Allows 6 Separate Saved
Games Per WAD! - Built In Map Viewer! - Keeps
Track Of Date/Time/Elapsed Time WAD Was
Played! - MUCH MUCH MORE!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19111">19111</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UNMOZ531.EXE&tiedoston_id=19111&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">UNMOZ531.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>339,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UnMozify 5.3.1 Netscape cache utility This 16-bit version is for Windows 3.x.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18717">18717</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Control Center, ver. 1.21 upgrade.
Updates older ICC to v1.21</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19112">19112</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=URLMGR16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19112&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">URLMGR16.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>612,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>URL Manager for Windows 3.11 helps you to organize and categorize your favorite Internet addresses.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19113">19113</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UTS60323.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19113&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">UTS60323.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>617,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Inet UTS60 v3.23 terminal emulator for Unisys/Sperry mainframes with TCP/IP and DCP or HLC to LAN. Supports Demand, TIP, Mapper, keyboard mapping, printing, scripts, etc. Needs WinSock in Windows 3.1, 95 or NT. See also ftp.osi.co.za/gpvno. Other products include 3270, TN3270E, 5250, VT100, D211, HP700, T27/ET1100 and 3287 printer, LPD/LPR, FTP, LanScope, remote control, etc. 32bit versions available. Demo limited to 1 user.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19114">19114</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VANET16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19114&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">VANET16.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Offline Mail/News Reader for NNTP/SMTP/POP3

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69757">69757</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Visual Web V1.0 - 32-bit application,
Win95/NT. http://www.isg.de/visualweb/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18732">18732</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VL121.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18732&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">VL121.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vision Links 1.21 is a hypertext authoring
program. (Fish Creek Software) (Reg.Fee: $25)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19115">19115</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VPLACE16.EXE&tiedoston_id=19115&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">VPLACE16.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virtual Places 16-bit client</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19116">19116</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=W2T16V11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19116&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">W2T16V11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>129,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Web2Text v1.1/16bit for MS Windows HTML to ASCII text converter. Produces correctly-laid out documents, keeps URLs visible.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18751">18751</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WBFRM10H.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18751&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WBFRM10H.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko¹</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">#hyrava</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebForms v1.0 <ASP> is a World Wide Web forms
generator which automatically creates HTML
forms and reads their responses! Responses
are sent to your e-mail address. No HTML
knowledge is necessary. Comes complete with
on-line help system and tutorial. WebForms is
great for taking customer orders, doing
surveys, or anything you can think of that
requires user input on the World Wide Web.
Makes doing business on the Web a snap!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19117">19117</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WC33UK.EXE&tiedoston_id=19117&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WC33UK.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12823/aol-file-protocol-4400-3901-to-4000.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Westwood chat 3.30.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69968">69968</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WCD10.EXE&tiedoston_id=69968&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WCD10.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Worlds Chat v1.0 demo client</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69969">69969</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Westwood chat 2.50 ohjelma.  Helppokäyttöinen
chat ohjelma. paketti sisältää tarkat ohjeet
joiden avulla pääset chattimaan westwoodin
palvelimelle... Helppokäyttöinen!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19118">19118</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WCRT20C.EXE&tiedoston_id=19118&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WCRT20C.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>932,9 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CRT v2.0c Official Release for Windows 3.x. CRT is a terminal emulator designed for internet and intranet use with support for both the telnet and rlogin protocols. CRT supports ZModem file transfer over telnet. Supports VT100, VT102, VT220 and ANSI emulation.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19119">19119</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WCRT23B1.EXE&tiedoston_id=19119&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WCRT23B1.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">12541/PCMania CD81_1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CRT v2.3 Beta 1. CRT on pääteohjelma internet- ja intranet-käyttöön. Tukee sekä telnet- että rlogin-protokolloja. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. Windows 3.x versio. Vaatii Win32s-laajennuksen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19120">19120</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CRT v2.4 Beta 1. CRT on pääteohjelma internet- ja intranet-käyttöön. Tukee sekä telnet- että rlogin-protokollia. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. Windows 3.x -versio. Vaatii Win32s-laajennuksen. Lisätietoa http://www.vandyke.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19121">19121</a></td>

                    <td>271,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Watch Dog V1.4 - allows you to monitor your or your providers internet services. It will perform tests at regular intervals on all of the various TCPIP based services. Windows.4.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19122">19122</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBCA096.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19122&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBCA096.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>11,4 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WEBCACHE ver. 0.96 Off-line Web viewing. WebCache is used with Netscape Navigator ver. 2.0 as an utility for off-line browsing. When activated it will make CACHE.HTM Web page. This page lists all http, gopher and ftp addresses of files which exist in local cache.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19123">19123</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebEdit V2.0 16-bit. Create your own

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69996">69996</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebEdit V2.0 32-bit. Create your own

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69997">69997</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBED14C.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69997&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBED14C.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko⁴</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kenn Nesbitt's WebEdit 1.4c</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19124">19124</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebExpress - A true design tool for HTML  Documents. WebExpress is a new WYSIWYG  publishing tool for creating documents for  the World Wide Web. Supports all text and  paragraph styles, tables, images, shades,  borders, URLs, image maps, and more. Edit  pages without the maze of HTML codes, looks  just as they do when loaded in your browser.  From the award winning team at MicroVision  Development. <SPA> <ASP> <STAR></pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19125">19125</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBF11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19125&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBF11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebFetch v1.1 - Downloads a web page and its
accompanying images so they display properly
from your disk. Windows (3.1+, Wg, or NT),
Winsock support & vbrun300.dll req'd.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19126">19126</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBFORD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19126&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBFORD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">#hyrava</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Webford v2.01 freeware. Webford on ilmainen ja helppokäyttöinen HTML-editori Windows 3.1/95:lle. Sisältää kaikki tarvittavat perusominaisuudet, sekä lisäksi erilaisia velhoja, Javascript-funktioita ja valmiita lomakkeita.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18767">18767</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The WWW index ver 1.0 - notebook for

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19127">19127</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBIT17.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19127&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBIT17.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>521,1 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Web-It! The ultimate HTML Editor v1.7 <ASP> Create your web pages with ease. Supports many features such as frames, forms, images, image maps, tables, lists and more. Two versions available: Standard & Professional. The Pro version has the forms and frames capability but the standard version allows you to see how they are accomplished. Very flexible and easy to use. Voted Best Internet Tool at 1996 SIA!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19128">19128</a></td>

                    <td>481,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Web-IT v2.1The ultimate HTML Editor <ASP> Create your web pages with ease. Supports many features such as frames, forms, images, image maps, tables, lists and more. Two versions available: Standard & Professional. The Pro version has the forms and frames capability but the standard version allows you to see how they are accomplished. Very flexible and easy to use.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69999">69999</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Web-It! The ultimate HTML Editor v1.2 <ASP>
Create your web pages with ease. Supports
many features such as frames, forms, images,
image maps, tables, lists and more. Two
versions available: Standard & Professional.
The Pro version has the forms and frames
capability but the standard version allows
you to see how they are accomplished. Very
flexible and easy to use.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19129">19129</a></td>

                    <td>286 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Webpass (16 bit) Version 3.0 sends keyboard commands to automatically log you in at Web Pagesclick buttonsclose windowsetc. It enables you to fill out online formsand perform various other taskswithout typing. Webpass provides quick and easy access to data such as passwordsURLsand forms information. Other features include data encrytion and optional password protection."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70001">70001</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBPEN11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70001&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBPEN11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebPen v1.1 Web Editor (22-Feb-96) <ASP.
This easy-to-use  HTML and web editor
simplifies the creation of web home pages.
Special functions for colored bullets,
e-mail, copyright notice, author's
signature elements, background options, etc.
Off-line viewing.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70002">70002</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBPEN20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70002&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBPEN20.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebPen v2.0 Web Editor (03-Mar-96) <ASP.
This easy-to-use  HTML and web editor
simplifies the creation of web home pages.
Special functions for colored bullets,
e-mail, copyright notice, author's signature,
background options, search and replace, etc.
Off-line viewing. OLE link to MS Word speller</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19130">19130</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBPEN28.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19130&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBPEN28.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>146,7 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebPen v2.8 and WebPen Pro v3.3 Web Editor. Intuitive, versatile HTML editor. Many special functions, backgrounds, colors, tables, mailto forms, frames, search and replace, off-line viewing, OLE link to MS Word speller, etc. PRO version includes WinCopy screen capture, GifWeb transparent GIF backgrounds and Hotspots Imagemap Tools.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70004">70004</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quarterdeck WebTalk 1.0 WebTalk allows any
Internet connected computer user to have
real-time, full-duplex, telephone-like audio
conversations over the Internet. WebTalk is
the next generation product for interactive
communications over the Net, moving greatly
beyond the capabilities of today's very
popular text based chat. Req, TCP/IP or
SLIP/PPP connection, 486/33, Windows & sound

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19131">19131</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBWEV4C.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19131&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBWEV4C.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v4.0c) Web Weaver 4.0c - HTML editor for
creating World Wide Web documents and home
pages.  Automated buttons and dialog boxes
facilitate inserting the code into these
documents. Netscape HTML extensions are
available, in addition to the ability to link
to a browser with the click of a button.
Shareware U.S. $8 (+$2 shipping if sent by
post office mail) Mark McConnell</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18768">18768</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBWIZ16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18768&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WEBWIZ16.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03963.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebWiz v 1.0 Create your own home page for
use on the World Wide Web.  Easy to use!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19132">19132</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebEdit ... new version with
possibility to preview your URL!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18772">18772</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WFNGRD12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18772&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WFNGRD12.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10251/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (February 1995) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winsock Finger Daemon v1.2</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18773">18773</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v2.10) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server. Allows
you to administer an FTP site from your own
Windows machine.  Easy to use and configure,
and notoriously stable.  Costs only $15 to
register the 16-bit version, $20 for the
32-bit version ($5 extra for disk shipment as
opposed to ftp/email delivery). Author: Alun
Jones, Texas Imperial Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19133">19133</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WFTPD234.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19133&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WFTPD234.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>275,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v2.34) WFTPD - Winsock FTP Server. Allows you to administer an FTP site from your own Windows machine.  Easy to use and configure, and notoriously stable.  Costs only $20 to register either the 16-bit or the 32-bit version ($5 extra for disk shipment as opposed to ftp/email delivery - also, $5 per copy to pay by credit card or company PO) Author: Alun Jones, Texas Imperial Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18782">18782</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WGOPHER.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18782&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WGOPHER.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">11115/The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gopher for Windows v. 2.2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18786">18786</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WHOIS32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18786&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WHOIS32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10261/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Disc 2) (August 1995).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinWhois for Winsock Applications, 1.0b</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19134">19134</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WHTML110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19134&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WHTML110.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinHTML - is an easy to use, intuitive
program for creating and updating your
Internet World Wide Web Homepage. It
automatically generates HTML codes for
text and document formats, graphics,
lists, and links to other documents and
Description Copyright 1996 PsL</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19135">19135</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WHTTPD14.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19135&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WHTTPD14.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>650,7 kt</td>

                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko¹</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows httpd is a HTTP/1.0 compatible server for making hypertext and other documents available to Web browsers.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18790">18790</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINAP21E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18790&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINAP21E.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINAPPS2 - winsock applications from Peter
and WINCHAT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18799">18799</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINELM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18799&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINELM.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">11964/2014.06.ftp.widomaker.com.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINELM.ZIP
E-mail reader similar to PC Elm.
Windows Sockets 1.1 compatible
Tested with Lanera TCPOpen.
From the people who brought HGopher 2.2</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18812">18812</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINKIT21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18812&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINKIT21.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Revision 2.1 of Voicenet's Internet SLIP/PPP
Starter Kit for Windows.  Easy to install
package includes all the software required
for full Internet access.  Clients included
are: E-mail, newsreader, gopher, ftp, telnet,
IRC chat, whois, talk, ping, archie, finger
and Netscape - the new FAST www web browser.
PPP protocol is now supported!  Complete with
instructions. Requires a SLIP or PPP account.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18821">18821</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinMedia 1.0 - graafinen käyttöliittymä
TeleSammon palveluihin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70083">70083</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINPM242.EXE&tiedoston_id=70083&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINPM242.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pegasus Mail v2.42 for Windows 3.x (16-bit)
Free Internet POP3/SMTP/Netware e-mail
program with many useful features.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19136">19136</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINPM253.EXE&tiedoston_id=19136&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINPM253.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pegasus Mail v2.53 for Win 3.x. (16-bit)  Free Internet POP3/SMTP/Netware e-mail program with many useful features.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19137">19137</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINTEL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19137&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINTEL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>572,2 kt</td>

                        <td class="Kommentit_green">versio 4.1</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>

                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinTel 4.1.5 is a Windows Dialup/Telnet/FTP client package for windows 3.1 or later. Emulates VT320, VT220, VT102, VT100 and ANSI terminals. It has ZMODEM and KERMIT as a file transfer protocols. View GIF/JPEG files while downloading. Both command line and dialog box based FTP client with crash recovery and upload/download files from multiple directories in batch mode. There is a connect time limit of 15 minutes for unregistered user.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19138">19138</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINTALK - a Microsoft Windows (tm) talk
client/server. Version 1.1. Freeware from ELF

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70095">70095</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinVN 0.995 newsreaderi Windowsille SLIP/PPP
yhteyden yli. 16 bittinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18836">18836</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINWEB.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18836&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WINWEB.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">väärä koko</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinWeb Version 1.0 A2.1.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18838">18838</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WIRC10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18838&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WIRC10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yet another Windows IRC client for Winsock

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19139">19139</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WLPRS40.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19139&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WLPRS40.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21810/Pegasus_50_CD1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows LPR spooler version 4.0. A network
printer spooler for MS Windows 3.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19140">19140</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WMNIA15A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19140&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WMNIA15A.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebMania! 1.5a <ASP> - HTML editor and forms
generator makes web authoring a breeze and
requires little or no HTML knowledge, and NO
CGI! Forms responses are sent via e-mail and
imported into WebMania's MS-Access database.
Support for frames, forms, tables, image
maps, macros, and much more. WebMania will
never become outdated, with 60 programmable
buttons which you can easily change as HTML
standards evolve and as you learn new tags.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19141">19141</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WNBFF42.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19141&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WNBFF42.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>736,3 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v.4.2) WinBiff, 16-bit version. - Windows email notification. WinBiff is an email notification and filtering utility, for use with Pegasus Mail, Eudora, MS Mail, MS Exchan cc:Mail, Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, PC-NFS, UUPC/extended, and Waffle, under Windows. Also a POP3 and IMAP4 client using WinSock. Supports MIME headers. Shareware (US $12).  Register via PsL/eBarn. http://www.stecksoft.com/winbiff.htm. Paul Steckler winbiff@stecksoft.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18854">18854</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WORDIA.EXE&tiedoston_id=18854&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WORDIA.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBHH1997</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Assistant for Word</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19143">19143</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Webphone V1.0, Internet telephone program.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19142">19142</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Netspeak Webphone v1.04 (for SB users)
100-call (unlimited) version.
Note: This is for Sound Blaster users only.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19144">19144</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WPIP_10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19144&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WPIP_10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordPerfect Internet Publisher 1.0 FREEWARE
from Novell...allows you to create HTML
documents using WP/Win 6.1 without knowing
HTML!  Nifty. Worth the download if you have
WP/Win 6.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18868">18868</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WRCPRS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18868&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WRCPRS.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">6177/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM Volume 3 Number 5 (PSL).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winsock RCP/RSH are Windows Sockets versions
of the RCP and RSH commands commonly found on
Unix systems.  RCP copies files between the
PC and a remote host (i.e. Unix) or between
two remote hosts.  It can do recursive copies
and text file conversions on the fly.  RSH
allows you to execute commands on a remote
host and view or capture the output to a

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18869">18869</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WRLDVIEW.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18869&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WRLDVIEW.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VRML browser for viewing .wrl VR files while
online on the internet. Need Win32s ver1.20
or greater, a web browser,(Netscape
recommended), minimum of 14.4 modem
connection to the internet -- have fun!!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18871">18871</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WRSHD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18871&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WRSHD.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">6177/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM Volume 3 Number 5 (PSL).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winsock RSHD is a Windows Sockets version of
the Unix Remote Shell Deamon.  It accepts
requests for commands from the "rsh" command,
either from Unix or other PC's, and runs them
on the PC.  It also allows file copies to and
from the PC via "rcp". Security can also be
enforced.  A special "SendKeys" extension
allows some remote control of the Windows
commands executed via "rsh".</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18873">18873</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WS_CHA30.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18873&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WS_CHA30.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WS-Chat talk program for Winsock, v. 3.0.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70204">70204</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WS_FTP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70204&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WS_FTP.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">versio 96.02.02</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WS_FTP v26.08.95 - Windows Sockets FTP Client
Application for Windows 3.x.  Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18881">18881</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WS_PING.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18881&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WS_PING.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Sockets PING Client Application
Release 1 Version 94.01.22.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18872">18872</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSARCH08.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18872&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSARCH08.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ws archie version alpha 0.8 - archie

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18874">18874</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSFNGR15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18874&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSFNGR15.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03963.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WSFinger v1.5 finger-ohjelma WinSockille.
UNIXin finger-komento kertoo käyttäjän
tai koneen tilan. Tämä on WinSock-toteutus
finger-komennosta. Shareware US $10.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70193">70193</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Sockets FTP Client Application</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18875">18875</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSG-12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18875&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSG-12.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WSGopher, 1.2. Freeware. WSGopher is a
program for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and WinSock
1.1. WSGopher was designed to be a tool for
work as well as a program that browses the
Internet. The version number for WSGopher 1.1
reflects the deve lopment of this program,
and is only coincidentally the same as the
current WinSock specification. WSGopher
communicates with Gopher information servers;
there are thousands of these servers on the
Internet, offering a variety of information.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18876">18876</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSHOST11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18876&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSHOST11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Sockets Host v1.10 - a utility which
will obtain a host name from a given IP
number or vice versa. The software will run
over any TCP/IP stack which is Winsock
version 1.1 compliant.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18877">18877</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSIRC14G.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18877&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSIRC14G.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">14297/MG_1195.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IRC Client version for Windows, v. 1.4G.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18879">18879</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSNTP15F.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18879&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSNTP15F.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinSNTP is an implementation of the Simple
Network Time Protocol and runs as a Windows
application. SNTP is a subset of the Network
Time Protocol described in RFC-1305. NTP is a
set of algorithms and protocol that is
designed to keep a distributed set of
computer clocks synchronized to the correct
time with a very high degree of accuracy.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18880">18880</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSOCK1B2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18880&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSOCK1B2.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">17467/User's Choice Windows CD (CMS Software)(1993).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinSock: Socket-DLLs for NCSA Telnet for

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19145">19145</a></td>

                    <td>344,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v3.0) WSplug - A Winsocket Client Server WSplug is a general purpose Client/Server program. Usefull functions are included like http (web)server (with a CGI function, and a mailbox facility), http client able to get a set of logically linked pages (page fetcher) ,ping function, communication from pc to pc thru internet, protocol tracing, etc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18883">18883</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSTBAR25.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18883&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSTBAR25.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WSTBar 2.5 is a MS Windows application that
displays a toolbar (TOPMOST) that holds 10
command buttons for INTERNET applications.
The toolbar placement, applications, icons,
number of buttons, and help tips are
user-defined. Shareware (US$10 - Check/Money
Order) Joel A. Gerber, jdzg@infinet.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18885">18885</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSTMR410.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18885&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSTMR410.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WS-TIMER 4.10 is designed to help an Internet
user to keep track of his/hers time online.
WS-TIMER also records three separate log. One
for each sessions, one for daily usage and
another for monthly. A small stay-on-top
window lets you monitor your time without
getting in the way of other running
applications. WS-TIMER requires VBRUN300.DLL
not included in this archive. WS-TIMER is
Shareware, registration is only $10.00 USD.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70203">70203</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSWAP10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70203&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WSWAP10.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">versio 1.6</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winsock Swapper v1.1 - The purpose of this
program is to automate the process of
swapping various WINSOCK.DLL files for those
of you who use more than one Internet service
provider with your default Web Browser. With
one quick double-click, you can swap up to
three DLL's, and optionally launch your
browser. Shareware $10.00 U.S. Ron Parker (CT
Software) ron2222@aol.com. Req: VB40032.DLL</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19146">19146</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WT_TRIAL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19146&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WT_TRIAL.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebTrends 1.0 Analyzes your Web server's log
files. Compatible with log files created by
ANY Web server. Reports include statistical
information as well as colorful graphs that
show trends, usage, market share and much
more. Reports can be generated as HTML files.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18898">18898</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WTALK124.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18898&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WTALK124.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">19842/2014.11.ftp.uv.es.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Talk-client for Winsock, v. 1.24.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19147">19147</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WV16I999.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19147&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WV16I999.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>311,3 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader that can  be used to select, view, and write Usenet  News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal for both small and large machines. Handles  multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC.   Japanese version follows closely. Public Domain (sources freely available).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70210">70210</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WV32_997.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70210&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WV32_997.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC
1036 compliant on-line news reader that can
be used to select, view, and write Usenet
News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI.
Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding.
WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal
for both small and large machines. Handles
multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC.
Japanese version follows closely.
Public Domain (sources freely available).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18907">18907</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WW10D_16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18907&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">WW10D_16.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebWatch 1.0. Internet (Web) utility. Check
URLs for update since given date or since
last visit as stored by your Web browser.
Input can be given as any local HTML file,
containing links to the URLs to check; e.g.
Netscape's bookmark.htm or a file loaded from
the Internet. Generates HTML file with
hyperlinks to updated URLs. The result can be
used as starting point (home page) for a Web
Browser (Netscape, Mosaic.) Windows 16/32
bit. Full proxy support.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18910">18910</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Times accessed counter for WWW pages</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70397">70397</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=YAWTEL07.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70397&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">YAWTEL07.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yet Another Windows socket Telnet v0.7:
MSWindows socket-compatible telnet especially
designed with Mosaic or Netscape in mind and
parses the commandline for telnet sessions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19148">19148</a></td>

                    <td>35,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yet Another Windows Socket Telnet v.0.9 MSWindows socket compatible telnet especially designed with Mosaic and and Netscape in mind and parses the command line for telnet sessions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19149">19149</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZMUD16.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19149&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ZMUD16.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"ZMUD 4.62 - 16-bit version for Windows 3.1. Zuggs MUD-client on yksi parhaista ja monipuolisimmista MUD-yhteysohjelmista."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70476">70476</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZMUD353.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70476&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Internet">ZMUD353.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows MUD-client.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70477">70477</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Zmud - Zugg's Multi User Dungeon Client,
v3.62 16-bit version. Yksi monipuolisimmista
Winsock MUD-clienteistä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19150">19150</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=110A115A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19150&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">110A115A.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>816 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix for Windows. This patch file upgrades v1.10a and ONLY v1.10a (registered) of Telix for Windows to version 1.15a, released 22 Dec 95. This patch is free and is direct from the author. It will not work on unregistered copies.  Adds many Internet features.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19151">19151</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=115C115D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19151&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">115C115D.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>95 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix for Windows. This patch file upgrades v1.15c and ONLY 1.15c (registered) of Telix for Windows to version 1.15d, released 6 Aug 96. This patch is free and is direct from the author. It will not work on unregistered copies.  Correct the "update available" bug.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19152">19152</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=1X2A131.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19152&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">1X2A131.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>44,7 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1 X 2 Rich v1.31 Päivittää   1x2 Rich:n   analyysin versioon 1.31.  Ohjelma  tarvitsee version 1.30x toimiakseen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60141">60141</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1x2 Rich Lottopäivitys v. 1.21.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17883">17883</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ADW20C.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17883&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">ADW20C.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22205/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>After Dark Update to version 2.0c
You must have After Dark 2.0, 2.0a or 2.0b
- The Star Trek Edition</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18008">18008</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COMMX124.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18008&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">COMMX124.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CommEx v1.24 <ASP> - Common Dialog Extensions
for Windows 3.1/3.11.  Adds file Find, Copy,
Delete, Rename, Move and MakeDir functions to
most Windows applications' Open and Save
dialogs, plus easily access the last 25 files
and directories used. (Also adds 3-D look.)
Fully functional shareware evaluation copy.
By Cottonwood Software  <ASP> <STAR>
Released December 23rd, 1995.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19153">19153</a></td>

                    <td>27,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CoolTalkin 16-bittisen version korjaustiedosto.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18045">18045</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DFUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18045&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">DFUP.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Faxworks upgrade software to Ver 3.0g

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18130">18130</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EXCEL5.EXE&tiedoston_id=18130&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">EXCEL5.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DLLs for PC Tools for Windows 2.0 to view
Excel 5 files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18155">18155</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FIX32B.EXE&tiedoston_id=18155&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">FIX32B.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This patch corrects incompatibilities between
DiskFix, Optimizer, and Undelete applications
and PC Tools for Windows 2.0 and the 32-bit
file access option of Windows for Workgroups
3.11.  You MUST have both PC Tools for
Windows 2.0 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
to apply this patch.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18185">18185</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fix-Pack for FleetStreet 1.15, fixes
wrong error messages.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18282">18282</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ITERATE1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18282&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">ITERATE1.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18133/winsit03964.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Add-on library for Microsoft Excel 4.0,
gives the capability to calculate iterations</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18341">18341</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch to upgrade Jasc Media Center 2.02 to
version 2.03 16 Bit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18342">18342</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch to upgrade Jasc Media Center 2.00 to
version 2.02.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18343">18343</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch to upgrade Jasc Media Center 2.01 to
version 2.02.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19154">19154</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PSP30311.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19154&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">PSP30311.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>754,8 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">4397/Cream of the Crop 9 (Terry Blount).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch to upgrade Paint Shop Pro 3.0 to version 3.11.                        </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19155">19155</a></td>

                    <td>668,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch to upgrade Paint Shop Pro 3.11 to version 3.12 16 Bit.                 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18529">18529</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PW100.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18529&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">PW100.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">koko⁴</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Patch update Procomm Plus for Windows from
1.00 -> 1.02.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67553">67553</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PW1118.EXE&tiedoston_id=67553&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">PW1118.EXE</a></td>


                        <td class="Kommentit_green">repacked</td>

                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>

                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Win32s v1.30a</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19156">19156</a></td>

                    <td>155,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Setuk - is a stand-alone universal setup application for Windows. Description Copyright 1996 PsL</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19157">19157</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMTPGE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19157&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">SMTPGE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>48,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MICROSOFT MAIL SMTPGET.EXE VERSION 3.04.6 UPDATE. Microsoft provides a replacement for the SMTPGET.EXE file that is included with version 3.0 of Microsoft Mail Gateway to SMTP.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19158">19158</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TPATCH.EXE&tiedoston_id=19158&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">TPATCH.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Creative TextAssist update to v1.12</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19159">19159</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UPGRA182.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19159&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">UPGRA182.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Chat - Man! Windows IRC client. Upgrade to

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19160">19160</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VBRUN100.EXE&tiedoston_id=19160&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">VBRUN100.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>168,9 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft runtime library for the Visual Basic for Windows. If you are a Windows user, then you should place the file VBRUN100.DLL in your windows directory. You will need this file to run the many applications that are written in the VisualBasic.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19162">19162</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VBRUN200.EXE&tiedoston_id=19162&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">VBRUN200.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>215,3 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Runtime library for VisualBasic 2 for Windows. You will need this file to run applications written in Visual Basic 2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18723">18723</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VFW11A.EXE&tiedoston_id=18723&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">VFW11A.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Video for Windows Runtime v1.1a</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19166">19166</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=W31FILUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=19166&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">W31FILUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>76,8 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 3.1:n Y2K-päivitys. Korjaa File Managerin bugit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18743">18743</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=W32S125.ZIP&tiedoston_id=18743&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">W32S125.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Win32s v1.25 for Windows 3.1+.
32-bittiset systeemitiedostot.
Mahdollistaa 32-bittisten ohjelmien ajamisen
Windows 3.1/3.11:n alla. Vaatii 386+ tasoisen
koneen. Esim. Mosaic 2.0 ja WinG vaativat
nämä tiedostot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19167">19167</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WFWFILUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=19167&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WFWFILUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>89,8 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">18315/Y2K_Resource_Nov99.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 3.x for Workgroupsin Y2K-päivitys. Korjaa File Managerin bugit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18776">18776</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WFWT32.EXE&tiedoston_id=18776&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WFWT32.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23877/PC World Interactive 5.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft TCP/IP-32 version 3.11a Update
An update to Microsoft's TCP/IP-32,
a 32-bit TCP/IP network protocol stack
for Windows for Workgroups version 3.11.
This update is a complete refresh of
TCP/IP-32 and contains all components of
the product.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18780">18780</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WG0992.EXE&tiedoston_id=18780&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WG0992.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bugfix for Windows 3.11 Fax utility.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19168">19168</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WG1001.EXE&tiedoston_id=19168&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WG1001.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SERIAL.386
Fixes problems causing hang-ups during
transfer in Windows for Workgroups v3.11.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18781">18781</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WG1129.EXE&tiedoston_id=18781&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WG1129.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">17275/TREASURE.ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WG1129 contains 6 updated Windows for
Workgroups 3.11 files that are shipped on
the CD-ROM version of Microsoft Windows NT
Server 3.5. These updated files provide the
following improvements:
-Support for named pipes over direct host IPX
-Performance enhancements to direct host IPX
-A patch to prevent browse masters from
synchronizing and announcing simultaneously
-Changes to allow Windows NT remote
administrators to work on WfW
-Changes to allow browsing of Windows NT
workgroups outside a subnet
-Changes to allow Windows NT 3.5 servers to
screen out older Windows for Workgroups
clients trying to connect through direct host</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18835">18835</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINUP9.EXE&tiedoston_id=18835&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WINUP9.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">nic.funet.fi</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This file contains updated Windows client
files for workstations using either
NETX or the VLMs.  This file includes the
NetWare driver set v2.02 for
workstations using NETX and Windows 3.0 or
3.1.  This file also includes the
NetWare driver set v3.02 for workstations
using the VLMS and Windows 3.0 or
3.1.  The updated VIPX.386, used with LSL.COM
v2.05, and IPXODI.COM v2.12 from
DOSUP9.EXE, solves "Black Screen of Death"
and other Windows hang symptoms.
It also includes support for IPX/SPX under
Windows 3.0 and 3.1.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19169">19169</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WM336UPG.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19169&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WM336UPG.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>362,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">2460/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 6).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winmodem 33.6 upgrade version 1.0.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18853">18853</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WORD6.EXE&tiedoston_id=18853&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WORD6.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22205/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PC Tools for Windows Version 2 Patch to
install Microsoft Word 6.0 Viewer</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19170">19170</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WP61WPAT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19170&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WP61WPAT.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordPerfect 6.1 For Windows patch files from
the WordPerfect BBS in self-extracting
executable format (to preserve the
WordPerfect ARJ security envelope)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18863">18863</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WQA0595.EXE&tiedoston_id=18863&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WQA0595.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fixes memory handling problems in Windows,
utility by Microsoft.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19171">19171</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WV1160.EXE&tiedoston_id=19171&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WV1160.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Video for Windows Runtime Version

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18906">18906</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WW0981.EXE&tiedoston_id=18906&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WW0981.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Windows v3.11 Files
This Application Note includes updated
versions of eight core Windows 3.10 files.
The files provided in this Application Note
are intended to replace the corresponding
files provided with Microsoft Windows 3.10.
Upon installation, these files become a part
of the Windows operating system and are
subject to the same license terms and
conditions as the Windows 3.10 product you
previously acquired from Microsoft
Corporation. Any other use of these files is

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19172">19172</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft OLE 2.03 for Windows 3.1x</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=18908">18908</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WW1138.EXE&tiedoston_id=18908&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Korjaustiedostot">WW1138.EXE</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 3.1x:n laskimen korjattu versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17862">17862</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>.Wav file of a shot from a .44 Magnum. Great
as a Windows sound for GPFs or system errors.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60355">60355</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ABCD30.ZIP&tiedoston_id=60355&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">ABCD30.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A-B-CD 3.0 (16bit and 32bit versions). Super
CD player and database for Windows. If you
enter the CD and song titles, they are
automatically remembered each time you use
that CD again. You can even rearrange song
order or remove unwanted songs from the
album! Windows 95 compatible.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17888">17888</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ALAB11D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17888&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">ALAB11D.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Audio Lab v1.1D - Windows WAV/VOC/RAW Editor
* Award-Winning Freeware * + MDI, edit
multiple files + Echo/reverb, Ring Mod etc +
Real-time spectrum analyser and oscilloscope
+ Noise gate, Max. Volume + Digital mixing +
Powerful Cut+Paste + Hi-quality maths engine</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9577">9577</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ARTSNG21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9577&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">ARTSNG21.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ArtSong 2.1 for Windows 3.1
Generates music from formulas and graphics</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9578">9578</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASAMP11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9578&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">ASAMP11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AudioSampler v1.1 WAV file player.
Organize, manage, and play your WAV
audio files. Store 10 favorites in
easy push-button access. Quickly
browse through whole directories.
Windows/Win95 Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17930">17930</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AUTCD173.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17930&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">AUTCD173.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">10798/CD_ASCQ_21_040595.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AutoCD 1.7.3 for Windows 3.1 and above AutoCD
is a program that allows you to fully
customize how your CD ROM drive automatically
handles your CDs when inserted.  You can
configure AutoCD to start the program of your
choice or play your audio CDs, all without
any outside interaction!  See the help file
for all details and ordering information.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19175">19175</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AWAVE32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19175&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">AWAVE32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>336,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Awave v3.2 Fom FMJ Software Audio & Wavetable Instrument File Format Converter, Editor & Player for Windows 95, or, Windows NT v3.51, or, Windows 3.1 w. Win32s v1.3.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17943">17943</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BCDP22.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17943&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">BCDP22.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bob's CD Player (BCDP) v2.2 <ASP> - is a
program to control your computer's CD-ROM
drive when playing audio CDs.  BCDP provides
familiar tape deck style controls for your
CD-ROM drive.  BCDP's window is small with
the look of an audio component. Features:
repeat, auto play, and shuffle play.Requires
Windows and CD-ROM drive.  Bob's Software.
Written by Bob Hayes; Ver:2.2; Date:8-21-94</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17966">17966</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BNG11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17966&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">BNG11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">16778/SoftwareVault.cdr</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BOING! v1.1 <ASP>, is a Windows 3.1 program
for playing WAV sound files. BOING! sits on
your desktop and plays the selected sound
file when you click on the BOING! icon.
Support for drag and drop.  If you have a
sound card, or even just the pc-speaker
driver, you'll love BOING! Requires Windows
3.1.  Shareware from Bob's Software.
Author: Bob Hayes; Version:1.1; Date:8-12-94</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17976">17976</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDAPL15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17976&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDAPL15.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Audio Player v1.5</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17977">17977</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Audio V1.11 - Audio CD player for Windows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17978">17978</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDCC185B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17978&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDCC185B.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22622/cd3.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Control Centre v1.85 BETA
CD audio player for MS Windows 3.1
Includes CD player for Win95 users</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=61922">61922</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDDB07C.ZIP&tiedoston_id=61922&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDDB07C.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CDdb v0.7c. Cd-rom audio player/database
for Windows 3.1.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17980">17980</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDMACH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17980&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDMACH.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">18134/WINSITE_1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Machine v1.0 will let you play your audio
CD's in your CD Rom drive. It features a
sharp looking interface with all the
commodities of your home CD player and then
some. Repeat a disc, shuffle (random play),
programs (to order the tracks and/or remove
tracks for playing) and scanning (play the
beginning of each track). Shareware. $15.95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17983">17983</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDP4W32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17983&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDP4W32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">22205/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 32bit CD player (looks good & works).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=61930">61930</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDPPRO45.ZIP&tiedoston_id=61930&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDPPRO45.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD-Player Pro 4.5 is a unique CD player for
windows 3.1. With an easy to use interface,
it masters the art of playing CD's.  Enclosed
in the archive is also CD-info, a useful
screensaver that displays information about
the CD-Audio device. This enables the
listener to keep track of playing progress!
CD-Player Pro features queueing,
random/repeat play, introscan and an
intinutive search (Rewind/FF) function.  New</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9580">9580</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDRUNR.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9580&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDRUNR.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">15289/Net Power 03 (March 1996).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD-Runner for Windows 3.0 - New
Version includes the ultimate Audio
CD player, CD-ROM & Removable Disk
Runners; actual faceplate from a CD
player is used to play CDs. Also
includes CD/CD-ROM/RD Libraries &
CD-ROM/RD Multi-Disk Changer
support. VERY EASY TO USE,
CD-Runner automatically identifies
CD/CD-ROM/RD loaded & runs it!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9581">9581</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD-Satellite 1.0 - micro small minimal memory
usage CD player with auto-remember and
auto-play just favorite songs or all, play in
any order any number of times. Detects CD
changes. 1/8 size of new windows CD player,
1/100 the size of shareware CD players *>AND
HAS<* automatic invisible configuring of new
CDs. No DLLs, No VBXs. Easy to install,
uninstall and unbelievably efficient mini

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17986">17986</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDTRAY.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17986&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDTRAY.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">12834/aol-file-protocol-4400-4901-to-5000.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Tray, version 3.03, again sets the
standard for databased CD Audio players. 3.03
reduces Windows resource usage. Full
featured,with a variety of playing  tools,
including 3 players in one!. Powerful CD
Library tools include  a customizable disc
browser using fonts,adjustable columns.
Printing: custom reports,print preview,fonts.
Also, Sizable,Configurable Colors,Extended
Disc Record, Volume Control. Includes Disc
Recognition, FFwd/Rewind, TkProgram,
Cueing,Segment Play,Track/Disc Repeat,Shuffle
Play,Mixer/WAV support, Animation,HLP.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19178">19178</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDUP216.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19178&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDUP216.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>131,9 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MyCD-player upgrade from version 1.40+.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=17987">17987</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDW302.ZIP&tiedoston_id=17987&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CDW302.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Wizzard 2.30 CD Audio Player Windows It
has all the functions of a home CD player
plus many, many more!  It saves the disc and
tracks names in its database.  CD Wizzard has
a full 3D look that is totally customizable.
In icon mode, the icon is updated with the
disc and track time.  There is a full help
file that describes all features of CD
Wizzard.  Registration $15.95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19179">19179</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CHDC21B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19179&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">CHDC21B.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>387,5 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Chord Calc v2.1bA reference for learning and using chords on guitar and piano. Has 18 built-in guitar tunings and one user- defined tuning. Locates chords in any tuning, and on any fret. Plays chords, with custom configurations (incl. MIDI).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=62294">62294</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COOL152.ZIP&tiedoston_id=62294&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">COOL152.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td class="Alkup">MBCD</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool Edit v.1.52 is a waveform editor with
features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb,
Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave
Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope,
Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most
every file format. Cue and Play list. View
waves as amplitude or frequency plots.
Analyze component frequencies.  Scripts let
you play back complex operations.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19180">19180</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COOL153.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19180&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+3.x+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">COOL153.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>821,2 kt</td>


                    <td class="Alkup">discmaster.textfiles.com</td>

                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool Edit v1.53 A waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope, Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most every file format. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies.  Scripts let you play back complex operations.</pre></td>
