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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
15270 BCBTRIAL.A01 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 1/33
15271 BCBTRIAL.A02 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 2/33
15272 BCBTRIAL.A03 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 3/33
15273 BCBTRIAL.A04 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 4/33
15274 BCBTRIAL.A05 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 5/33
15275 BCBTRIAL.A06 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 6/33
15276 BCBTRIAL.A07 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 7/33
15277 BCBTRIAL.A08 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 8/33
15278 BCBTRIAL.A09 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 9/33
15279 BCBTRIAL.A10 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 10/33
15280 BCBTRIAL.A11 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 11/33
15281 BCBTRIAL.A12 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 12/33
15282 BCBTRIAL.A13 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 13/33
15283 BCBTRIAL.A14 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 14/33
15284 BCBTRIAL.A15 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 15/33
15285 BCBTRIAL.A16 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 16/33
15286 BCBTRIAL.A17 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 17/33
15287 BCBTRIAL.A18 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 18/33
15288 BCBTRIAL.A19 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 19/33
15289 BCBTRIAL.A20 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 20/33
15290 BCBTRIAL.A21 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 21/33
15291 BCBTRIAL.A22 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 22/33
15292 BCBTRIAL.A23 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 23/33
15293 BCBTRIAL.A24 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 24/33
15294 BCBTRIAL.A25 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 25/33
15295 BCBTRIAL.A26 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 26/33
15296 BCBTRIAL.A27 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 27/33
15297 BCBTRIAL.A28 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 28/33
15298 BCBTRIAL.A29 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 29/33
15299 BCBTRIAL.A30 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 30/33
15300 BCBTRIAL.A31 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 31/33
15301 BCBTRIAL.A32 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 32/33
15302 BCBTRIAL.A33 905,7 kt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 33/33
15303 BCBTRIAL.ARJ 1,4 Mt 12.11.1997 - - -
Borland C++Builder 1.0 Trial Edition 0/33 Visuaalinen ohjelmointityökalu Windows 95- ja Windows NT -käyttöjärjestelmille. Tämä on laaja kokeiluversio, joka toimii 60 vuorokautta tai vuoden 1997 loppuun. Pura tämä moniosainen paketti tyhjään hakemistoon ja aja sitten Setup.exe. HUOM! Kokoa on yli 50 Mt ja osia 33 + tämä
15306 BNU281S.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.10.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU binutils 2.8.1 sources
15313 CPRF21D.ZIP 160,2 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU cperf 2.1b docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15314 CPRF21S.ZIP 107,9 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU cperf 2.1b sources
15317 CSV2.ZIP 7,7 kt 15.05.1997 - 23441/Chip-Shareware-Win95.bin -
Convert Unit - is a Pascal unit that creates schema (SCH) files for any comma-separated ASCII file, to allow importing ASCII files into database tables via the BDE.
15318 CXTW107.ZIP 529,1 kt 10.09.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip tupla
(v2.33) CXT - C Exploration Tools (v1.07) CXTWIN - CXT for Windows C source code analysis. Builds calltree, cross-reference and provides a lot of useful informations. HTML (Mosaic) and RTF (WinHelp) output possible. Various configuration options. DOS and WINDOWS versions available. Shareware (US$ 42.-, DM 52.-) Juergen Mueller juergen.mueller@isw.uni-stuttgart.de
15325 DIF271D.ZIP 360,3 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU diff 2.7.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15328 DMN0.EXE 55,2 kt 13.01.1996 - - tupla
DMN0.DLL for Visual C++ 2.0 on Win 95
15333 EDMI5-7.ZIP 582,3 kt 14.07.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 7
15336 F032TOAS.ZIP 29,7 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
Fellow v0.3.2 - Commodore Amiga Emulator by Petter Schau. Freeware. This is the source update 0.3.2 -> 0.3.2a.
15338 FIDXICON.ZIP 3,9 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
A unit that extends the capacity of the TImage component to show icons extracted from a file. Use with Delphi 2.
15339 FIL316S.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU fileutils 3.16 sources
15340 FIND41D.ZIP 264,2 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU findutils 4.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15342 FLX254D.ZIP 258,3 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Flex 2.5.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15343 FLX254S.ZIP 415,3 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Flex 2.5.4 sources
15345 GDB416D.ZIP 2,1 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Debugger 4.16 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15350 GREP21S.ZIP 330,1 kt 28.11.1997 - 12523/PCMania CD63_1.iso -
GNU grep 2.1 sources
15356 GZP124D.ZIP 153,6 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU gzip 1.2.4 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15358 HELLO13.ZIP 211,6 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU hello 1.3 for DJGPP V2
15361 IFSSETUP.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
I-FORCE STUDIO I-FORCE Studio takes care of the entire force feedback development process for the programmer - from design to implementation. With these tools, force feedback programming becomes a fast, simple, and fun process. Adjust force feedback parameters using easy-to-understand, editable, pictorial controls. Windows 95.
15377 MNP.ZIP 44,2 kt 07.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
The Microcom MNP Library is a set of subroutines which implement the stream mode of the link protocol in Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP).
15378 MONTHCAL.ZIP 9,6 kt 16.03.1997 - 23441/Chip-Shareware-Win95.bin -
TMonthCalendar is a new 95 common control subclass componet come from MS IE 3.0 (must installed MS IE 3.0 with new comctl32.dll), display calendar same as TDateTimePicker. Use with Delphi 2.
15390 PAT25S.ZIP 155,8 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU patch 2.5 sources
15400 QR32-11.ZIP 127,2 kt 16.03.1997 - 16596/Sezamfile97_2.iso -
QuickReport Components. Use with Delphi 2.
15401 RCS5713B.ZIP 588,3 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU rcs 5.7pl13 for DJGPP V2
15402 RCS5713S.ZIP 388,1 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU rcs 5.7pl13 sources
15405 RXLIB202.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) Lib v2.02 ==== Components Library for Delphi==== Visual and not Visual Components and service units for Borland Delphi. Over 45 useful components. Full source code! Russian-language Help file. Run RXINST.EXE to install it! SRC     SAM KWF
15410 SELCOMBO.ZIP 7,2 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
TSelComboBox direct inherit from TCombobox which allow multiple items to be selected. Use with Delphi 2.
15413 SHL112D.ZIP 265,3 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU sh-utils 1.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15414 SHL112S.ZIP 403,8 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU sh-utils 1.12 sources
15421 TAR112D.ZIP 776,6 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU tar 1.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15422 TAR112S.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU tar 1.12 sources
15423 TC45P1.ZIP 4,6 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
TC45P1.RTP Borland Turbo C++ 4.50 UPDATE PATCH 1  Purpose: Correct a crash which occurred if the View|Registers menu option was selected.  Files Modified: TCWDBV16.DLL
15434 TXI390D.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU texinfo 3.9 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15436 TXT122D.ZIP 313,9 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU textutils 1.22 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15437 TXT122S.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU textutils 1.22 sources
15442 VBHOOK.ZIP 17,3 kt 29.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Recorder Custom Control - allows your Visual Basic application to access to the powerful facilities of windows journaling. Possible applications of this include macro recording and playback abilities, building simple CBT applications, and recording scripts for application testing.
15445 VBMAXEM.ZIP 168,2 kt 29.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Electronic Message Display Dll
15447 VBXSTD20.ZIP 1 Mt 10.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
VBX Studio 2.0: 22 general purpose  VBXs (VB 1.0 compatible)  with  a  free  VBX. Works fine under Windows 95............. See VBXOVR20.ZIP for complete overview.
15456 WEBAPI.ZIP 32,7 kt 15.05.1997 - 16596/Sezamfile97_2.iso -
Delphi 3 ISAPI/NSAPI Units Missing Files for full support of ISAPI & NSAPI DLL programming; Already included in D3 C/S Suite. Place the source in the \\Source\\RTL\\Win directory.
15470 386ID.ZIP 29,2 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
386/486 component identifier + theory + asm source.
15267 386P_101.ZIP 117850 06.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
This is 386Power Release 1.01+. Part of the
XGE (extended game machine)
15471 3DASM.ZIP 11249 08.02.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
ASM source: 3-D Rotation & Perspective by
15472 3DSTARS.ZIP 10718 15.02.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
3D stars-routine (ASM) by Draeden/VLA
15473 80X0393.ZIP 172495 13.12.1994 - scene.org -
80xxx Snippets March 1993
A collection of source code snippets
and useful information about assembly
language programming
15474 80XXX_95.ZIP 700624 30.06.1996 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
1995 ASM code snippets from Fido's 80XXX
60339 A86V401.ZIP 177791 15.08.1995 - MBCD tupla
A86 macro assembler, V4.01 updated with
INCLUDE files, listings, no limit on size of
source files, fwd refs in complex
expressions, END operand, default ORG END in
DATA SEGMENT, and more! Contains info about
A386/D386. From Eric Isaacson Software.
15475 A86V402.ZIP 173,5 kt 31.08.1997 - MBCD -
A86 macro assembler, V4.02 updated with INCLUDE files, listings, no limit on size of source files, fwd refs in complex expressions, END operand, default ORG END in DATA SEGMENT, and more!  Contains info about A386/D386. From Eric Isaacson Software.
15476 AE24A.ZIP 28287 17.02.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asm Edit 2.4a.  Updated release of an all new
editor tailored for the assembly language
programmer.  Smart tabs, auto comments, more.
Free pgm.
15477 ALABV10.ZIP 170212 06.05.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Assembler Laboratory v1.0 (c)Ghoul/Xenon
15478 ALIB20.ZIP 717752 13.12.1994 - - -
ALIB 2.0  High level ASM library $0
Assembly language program functions include
database, compression, hyper reader, memory
manager, floating point, menu system & more.
15479 AMM.ZIP 30365 06.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
AMM file format.
15494 ASM.ZIP 31,5 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Programming in Assembler (HTML)
60968 ASM106.ZIP 23765 17.12.1995 - ratsnest1.iso tupla
(v1.06) Magic Assembler
Simple 8086 assembler, which can produce as
well as COM files as boot sector programs,
and print the sources including correct
Donated to the public domain.
Programmer: Bert Greevenbosch
E-Mail: bert.greevenbosch@mmm.xs4all.nl
15480 ASM110BG.ZIP 27790 07.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
(v1.10) Magic Assembler Simple 8086
assembler, which can produce as well as COM
files as boot sector programs, and print the
sources including correct addresses.
15481 ASMEDIT8.ZIP 695786 04.12.1996 - scene.org -
Assembly language editor v1.8.
15482 ASMENV19.ZIP 120875 13.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ASMEnv v1.9 Distribution Disk
ASMEnv is an Integrated Development
Environment for Borland Turbo Assembler
15484 ASMLIB.ZIP 200049 07.12.1994 - 10595/libris_3.zip -
ASMLib 3.7 (Douglas R. Herr; $25-$100) is a
collection of 120 subroutines for assembly
language programmers. It features screen
manipulation, equipment detection, a line
editor, string manipulation,
CGA/Hercules/EGA/VGA/Super VGA graphics, and
much more.
15483 ASMLIB37.ZIP 181199 13.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
ASMLIB v3.7 Assembly Language Subroutines
Assembly Programmers' Toolkit containing
routines for disk & file, EMS/XMS, strings,
windowing, keyboard, floating point.
Reg. $25 ($50 w/ full source)
15485 ASMQRSSI.ZIP 51,3 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
CyberDyne Magazinessa julkaistu 9-osainen ASSEMBLER-ohjelmointi- kurssi. (c) 1994-1996 Antti Niskanen
15489 ASMTU_WP.ZIP 28668 07.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Assembly language tutorial in wp format.
15486 ASMTUTOR.ZIP 27701 13.07.1995 - 15961/PowerPak Gold (Fall 1992)(Flordia Lion's Den).iso -
IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial
by Joshua Auerbach
15487 ASMTUTTX.ZIP 16 kt 19.10.1999 - scene.org -
"Gavins Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b ascii text document"
15488 ASMTUTWP.ZIP 135,1 kt 03.08.1999 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
"Gavins Guide to x86 Assembly 0.9b - word2/word6 docs"
15490 ASMU18.ZIP 52542 04.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Text listing all existing PC Assembler PD &
shareware files by type, with release date
and short description.
15491 ASMV17.ZIP 19666 24.10.1995 - 18133/winsit03963.zip -
dBASE DBF with name, address, phone, fax,
email, bbs, 800, etc. for all known producers
of PD, Shareware, free and commercial
products for use with PC assemblers.
Extracted from EMS Professional Shareware's
Aug'95 CD-ROM Directory. Tel:301-924-3594
Fax:301-774-1486 ems@wdn.com 4505 Buckhurst
Ct., Olney MD 20832-1830
15492 ASMVLA00.ZIP 16903 13.07.1995 - scene.org -
Introduction to Assembler (by VLA)
15493 ASMWIZ20.ZIP 76550 13.07.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Assembly Wizard's Library v2.0 for assembly
language (most assemblers are supported).
Text and graphics, buffered file I/O, kbd,
mouse, exception handler, string support,
hi-res timers & countdowns, lots more. Tiny
model (.COM format). By Tom Hanlin.
60991 ASSYT.ZIP 38445 26.01.1996 - MBCD tupla
Assykurssi CyberDyne Magazinesta (1-6)
15495 BD_2D3D.ZIP 5048 06.05.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
BD: Asm-sources for 3d & 2d rotation!
15496 BIN2ARR.ZIP 23640 06.05.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
BIN2ARR and BIN2INC, two utilities that
convert binary files into useful C and ASM
include files. Coded by Eminent Doom. Source
15497 BKISSSRC.ZIP 513393 06.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Sources of Bytes & Kissess by JL Enterprises
15498 BYTE_SRC.ZIP 560071 06.05.1996 renamed 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Sources of Byte Before Xmas by JL Enterprises
15499 CASM.ZIP 5,8 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
How to create linkable C/C++ functions in Assembly language.
15500 CHASM4.ZIP 103,3 kt 31.08.1997 - 23463/CHIP 1995 majus.zip -
Cheap Assembler 4.00
15311 CHECKDV.ZIP 5778 13.07.1995 - 16611/Shareware Explorer Series - MS-DOS Collection (New Frontiers) (Volume 2).ISO -
ASM source to make programs DESQview-awareask
15501 CPUID3WK.ZIP 15208 07.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CPU identification routine. Same as
CPUID3.ZIP but with changes to seven
conditional jumps to eliminate severe errors
when assembled with MASM 5.1. Contains MASM
source code for detecting
8086,80286,80386,80486,Pentium CPUs. Intel.
15502 CWSORT.ZIP 63501 20.10.1995 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
Assembly language source and DOS-extended
executable for flexible high-speed text sort
utility.  Sort variable and fixed fields, 2G
files, user-specifiable sort order. For 386+
machines.  Released to public domain.
15503 CYASM1-6.ZIP 39376 26.11.1995 - - -
Cyberdyne Magazinen ASSY-kurssi, osat 1-6,
tekijä Antti Niskanen.
15504 D86V372.ZIP 90637 12.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
D86 debugger, V3.72, update to accompany new
A86 assembler.
15505 D86V402.ZIP 92,7 kt 27.02.1999 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
D86 debugger, V4.02, updated with keystroke scripts, macro keys, Undo command, and file copy and delete. Contains info about A386/D386. From Eric Isaacson Software.
15506 DBREAK.ZIP 4,3 kt 10.08.1999 - 21845/Power Programming (1994).iso -
Trap Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Break / Ctrl-Alt-Del. Asm source.
15507 DEBUG2.ZIP 27695 01.05.1995 - - -
MS Symbolic Debug Utility version 2.00.
15508 DEBUGTUT.ZIP 12,2 kt 03.08.1999 - ratsnest3.iso -
DOS Debug tutorial - How to make Assemblbly programs with Debug.
15509 DEMOVT15.ZIP 227916 12.05.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
DemoVT by VangeliSTeam/Iguana. Play MOD/D3M
in you productions.
15324 DFMAKE.ZIP 34015 12.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Programmed by Alessandro 'BLOB' Job. DFMAKE
is a small utility for joining a number of
files in a unique BIG file, and giving access
to each of the old little files contained in
it. Routines for access to the library are
provided. This is PUBLIC DOMAIN.
15510 DISAS218.ZIP 70681 26.01.1996 - - -
Disassembler tekee EXE:stä assembleria
15511 DOS32V33.ZIP 337891 26.01.1996 - MBCD -
Version 3.3 dos32 is a complete DOS-extender
package for the development of true 32bit DOS
applications. Includes an OMF linker, almost
400kb of source with basic ANSI C, lots of
examples ,a debugger, DLL support, and is
fully documented supporting both C and
assembler programming. It is also fast, small
and most importantly its easy to use.
15512 DPMI100.ZIP 28,1 kt 09.08.1999 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) specification 1.0.
15513 DRIVESEX.ZIP 9317 12.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Get drive existence A-Z and type
100% ASM source
15514 E-ASMPR.ZIP 1356247 19.02.1995 - - -
Assembler programming tools
15515 EXTMATH.ZIP 31318 07.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Extended Math Function Library with Assembler
source code. Source is in TASM.
15516 FCSP2SRC.ZIP 31572 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Complete sources for StarPort BBS Intro 2.
15517 FIRE!.ZIP 4908 26.02.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Good fire effect with full ASM sources
15518 FLAMOOT.ZIP 11219 13.05.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
FLamoot VGA SetUp 1.0, coded by Type One /
TFL-TDV for VGA settings in -= CONTRAST =-
demo. Supports HARDWARE 160x100x256 (4 gfx
pages chained !!!!) the way to do the fastest
rotative zoomers ever seen on PC !!!!
15519 FRACWARP.ZIP 4515 13.05.1996 - MBCD -
Fractal Warping demo, asm sources included
15520 GMOUSE.ZIP 11,9 kt 04.08.1999 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
"Programmers reference for the Genius mouse driver."
15521 GUSLIB.ZIP 93412 15.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Assembly Programmers Library to the Gravis
15522 INCOSRC.ZIP 233935 13.05.1996 - MBCD -
Iguana: INCONEXIA sources
15523 ISAD2SRC.ZIP 18952 13.05.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Immortal Syndicate BBS Intro ASM-source.
15524 KBML201.ZIP 9,9 kt 10.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Keyboard Management Library 2.01 - A86 assembler.
15369 KBOOM11.ZIP 17423 15.02.1995 - 16611/Shareware Explorer Series - MS-DOS Collection (New Frontiers) (Volume 2).ISO -
KBOOM11 - LZW file encoder/decoder (with ASM
15525 LANDER10.ZIP 20087 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
MS-DOSin assemblyohjelmointia yksin-
kertaisen pelin avulla. Ajettavan
EXE-tiedoston tekeminen lähdekoodeista
vaatii Microsoft LINK-ohjelman.
15526 LENSSRC.ZIP 40608 17.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Sources of a lens effect.
15527 LESS_SRC.ZIP 27819 17.05.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Paranoids: Source code of 4K or less -intro
15528 LOADALL.ZIP 3626 17.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Text on the LOADALL instruction
15529 LZ13.ARJ 25541 27.04.1995 - - -
Lempel-Ziv based file compression and
decompression programs. Assembler sources
15374 MASS_FRM.ZIP 8253 17.05.1996 renamed 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Massive's Flat Real Mode information
65983 MASS-FRM.ZIP 8223 01.05.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Massive's Flat Real Mode
15530 MD5.ZIP 29924 19.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Source code and text files describing the
implementation and theory of the "Shared
Secret" method of password exchange for use
on BBSes.  This is based on the MD5 (Message
Digest 5) algorithm as described in the
included Internet RFC documents.
15531 MICROPCX.ZIP 1713 17.05.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
185 bytes PCX-viewer with sources.
15532 ML611D.EXE 499935 13.01.1996 - 21543/10-Tools.zip -
Microsoft MASM 6.11d patch
15533 MODES.ASM 42,5 kt 10.08.1999 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Switch to mode 013h and back without BIOS. Asm source.
15534 MODEX100.ZIP 63032 07.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Assembly "mode-x" library, with documented
MASM/TASM source code.
15535 MOTIONRD.ZIP 30876 17.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Smooth vertical scroller by Patch
Made for the intro Motion by Avalanche
15536 NASM098D.ZIP 433,1 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
NASM 0.98 dokumentointi teksti-, HTML-, info- ja PostScript-formaateissa.
15537 NASM098P.ZIP 103,3 kt 20.06.1999 - 23383/Chip_2000-01_cd.bin -
NASM 0.98. 32-bittinen suojatun tilan binääri käännettynä DJGPP:llä. Vaatii 386 ja DPMI-serverin (esim. CSDPMI).
15538 NASM098S.ZIP 532,9 kt 07.06.2000 - - -
NASM 0.98 - Netwide Assembler, free 80x86 assembler. ANSI C sources.
15539 NLB_FADE.ZIP 10577 26.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
How to do a fade routine.
15540 OTPLASMA.ZIP 5,7 kt 05.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 7 Plasma (ASM).
15541 PLASEXP.ZIP 3405 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Plasma-efektejä ja assembler-lähdekoodi.
15542 PLASMA3.ZIP 16754 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
MORE Plasma - btf '95. Uses hi-res VGA modex
stuff to get a nice output.
15543 PMODE307.ZIP 54786 26.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
Tran's DOS Extender v3.07. Small, fast,
stable, and FREE!
15544 PMODE386.ZIP 35912 12.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Renaissance '93 Presents PMODE v1.29a
Coded By Tran Of Renaissance
Finally! A raw, DPMI, VCPI
and XMS Compliant Protected
Mode System For The Serious
386 Programmer. Forget Ever
Having To Deal With The 64K
15545 PMTUT002.ZIP 21615 23.07.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Protected Mode tutorial written by Till
Gerken. Covers basic Protected Mode
15546 PPSRC.ZIP 247821 21.04.1996 - - -
Renegade Presents: PLATINUM PLAY 3.2 - SB
MOD/S3M Player Asm source included!
15547 RASTER9.ZIP 29129 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Raster Bars by Type One in 1992. 1st try in
Intel ASM. Source code included.
15548 RAVESOUR.ZIP 819,4 kt 14.01.1999 - - -
Heretic and Hexen Source Code by Raven Software. Activision and Raven are releasing this code for people to learn from and play with.  The code is retains its original copyright and can not be used for profit. This source code is unsupported. Online support can be found at http://forums.hereticii.com. The DMX sound library is not included with the source due to license issues.
15549 RODENT.ZIP 7245 20.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Mouse Demonstration - is a combination of
files that show various ways of handling the
mouse in assembler. All five files will put a
mouse cursor on the screen from the prompt as
well as graphic type arrow in text mode.
Included is all the documented ASM source
code. All files use DOS interrupts.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
15550 ROTSCAPE.ZIP 129849 26.05.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Fast 3D landscape routine with sources.
15551 RVESA.ZIP 4528 26.05.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
SVGA VESA programming source v1.0 by
15552 SCPACK1.ZIP 38088 15.05.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
ESC Source-Code-Pack 1
Plasma-Source, LBM-Read-Source
15553 SEA_CODE.ZIP 33547 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
ASM - Source Code to SEASICK /VLA
15411 SG_V07.ZIP 30193 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Some look-up table generator v0.7.
15554 SHADEBOB.ZIP 6473 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Shadebob explanation & sources.
15555 SHOWPCX2.ZIP 7697 14.03.1995 - - -
SHOWPCX2 - näyttää 320x200 PCX-kuvan
Versio 2 ottaa kuvan nimen komentoriviltä
Tehty esimerkiksi assemblyohjelmoinnista.
Vastaa MB 3/95:n Pascal-ohjelmaa (n. 85 %)
15556 SOUNDSS4.ZIP 573813 29.05.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Frontman of CREW242 presents Sound System
Source Release 4 4/8 & FX chan.
MOD/CD/FLC-players ->
GUS,PAS+/16,SB/Pro/16,CD-Audio. Ideal for
games & demos, 100% ASM, for FLI&FLC,
GUS/PAS/SB16 panning, 16 bit, interpolation,
amplifying, ASM,C & TP support,
autodetection, easy to use MultiMedia
Interfaces, and best: Source&Code is
15557 TA2ASV08.ZIP 27213 23.07.1996 - 23873/PC World Interactive 11.iso -
FRaNKieD/SPiRiT! Presents: ** TA2AS PACKAGE
v0.8 **  Tries to convert TASM source files
to AT&T (GNU As) syntax!  So Tasm & DJGPP
coders, are you satisfied now ???
15558 TA4P01.ZIP 51486 03.03.1996 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Borland Turbo Assembler 4.0 Patch #1
Updates for Chicago compatibility
15559 TESS-A.ZIP 18284 05.07.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
TesSeRact(TM) v1.00
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs. Assembler version.
15560 TESS-D.ZIP 46862 05.07.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip tupla
TesSeRact(TM) Documentation v1.00
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs and A Proposed Standard
for Ram-Resident Program Communication.
Copyright (c)1988, TesSeRact Development Team
15561 TEXTURE.ZIP 104031 29.05.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Texture mapped polygon rotating explanations
with sources in ASM.
15562 TIMESRC.ZIP 348580 01.04.1995 - scene.org -
Full source code to Timeless
by Tran
15563 TPLAS11.ZIP 139955 06.06.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Plasma-lähdekoodi, tekijänä Tom Dibble.
15564 TSR_XMPL.ZIP 8815 06.06.1996 - scene.org -
With TSR_XMPL you can transform any of your
assembly programs to TSR programs!
15565 VGAFX.ZIP 27133 06.06.1996 - scene.org -
VGA textmode attributes and special effects.
15566 WBROT100.ZIP 9875 15.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MagniBrot v1.00
From Wack-O Productions
Examine the classic  Mandelbrot fractal with
a mouse-operated magnifying glass! Full 100%
386 ASM source code included!
Freeware. 386 + VGA and mouse required.
15568 YAK_CORR.ZIP 46753 30.06.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Correction to VESA intro
Had you  got problems starting the
fine VESA intro on your machine ?!
15569 YAK_VESA.ZIP 46668 30.06.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Short VESA (640x400.256) INTRO
15570 YAK_WAVE.ZIP 31943 30.06.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
WATER-Wave-Effect + documented Source
15571 YANNS3D.ZIP 84065 06.06.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
3D engine with sources.
15572 256VARI.ZIP 683 tavua 29.07.1997 - - -
QBasic sorsa - 256VÄRI piirtää ruudulle 256 eri värisävyn paletin. Tehnyt Juho Karppinen
15573 2KUUTIO.BAS 3,4 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
QBasic sorsa, jossa kaksi 3-D kuutiota pyörii sisäkkäin ruudulla. Vaatii VGA:n.
15576 3D_STARS.ZIP 67,5 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Yksinkertaisen 3d-starfieldin sorsa, hyvin dokumentoitu, mukana myös EXEksi käännetty versio (sopii vaikka näytönsäästäjäksi) bonuksena vielä toisenlainen 3d-starfieldi, (ei sorsia, mutta exe) by: Antti Takala 1997
15575 3DPOLY.BAS 24,9 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
3DPoly v1.1 - Sami Kyöstilä - 1997 3D Polygoniohjelma QBasicille, joka tukee 5:ttä eri shade-moodia: Wireframe, Flat, Kaksi itsekehiteltyä shade-methodia, sekä 50% Läpinäkyvyys. Toisin kuin muissa samankaltaisissa ohjelmissa, Polygonit voivat koostua vaihtelevista määristä pisteitä. Culling ja Sorttaus rutiinit on itseväännettyjä versioita. Esinettä voi pyörittää kaikkien akseleiden ympäri, ja animaatio on täysin välkkumätöntä. Pyörii ihan hyvin vielä 100MHz Penassa.
15574 3DPOLY2.ZIP 8,6 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
3DPoly v2.0 by Sami Kyöstilä 3D Engine QBasicille, jossa on 4 varjostusalgoritmia: Z-Shaded Wireframe, Z-Shaded Flat, Z-Shaded Gouraud sekä Z-Shaded Texturemapping sekä animoidut tekstuurit. Saavuttaa n. 180fps P150+:lla
15577 3DWIRE.ZIP 51,6 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
3D Vektoriengine QBasicille by: Sami Kyostila
16660 ACDKIT10.ZIP 88225 12.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
AUDIO CD TOOLBOX lets you add Music CD audio
capability to your QuickBASIC, PDS7, and
VB/DOS applications. Play individual audio
tracks, entire cd's, specific portions down
to 1/75 of second, adjust volume, eject/lock
cd tray, and more. Retrieve complete,
location and playtime information about
individual audio tracks or entire cd.
Includes SoundBlaster (not required) control
code also. Much more. 
15578 ADVBAS40.ZIP 125589 28.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Advanced QuickBasic routines
15579 AI_WHEEL.ZIP 234,1 kt 11.05.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
AI~Wheel - is an artificial intelligence package that includes an Autonomous I/O Particle Reflector.
15580 AKT2.ZIP 38,7 kt 05.03.2000 - - -
AKT=Ascii KuvaTiedosto.Yksinkertainen kuvatiedostomuoto. Tehty Basicilla, lähdekoodi mukana Tarkemmat ohjeet tiedostossa LUE.MUT Tehnyt: Markus Vuorio 2000
15581 AS09.ZIP 44,9 kt 17.06.2000 - - -
Artificial Stupidity v0.9QBasicilla tehty ohjelmointiesimerkki
Shortest path -algoritmista.
Sisältää QBasic-sorsat. Freeware
Tekijä: Olli Sikstus
E-Mail: cybernetic@jippii.fi
Kotisivu: hello.to/cybernetic
15582 ASIC400.ZIP 270904 07.12.1994 - MBCD -
ASIC 4.00 shareware BASIC compiler. Includes
integrated editor environment and command
line compiler. Creates.OBJ,.COM,.EXE files.
Now supports libraries.
15583 AVAUS.ZIP 1,5 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
AvaaSuljeKirjoitaLue - Qbasic ohjelma.. Niille jotka eivät vielä tiedä miten Qbasicissa tai QuickBasicissa voi avata, sulkea, kirjoittaa ja lukea tiedostosta. Jos olet kyseisenlainen henkilö ja haluat oppia niin iMUROi ja mainosta tätä! Piippo Software Productions, 1997 in FINLAND!
15586 BAS_HYOK.ZIP 3,5 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Hyökkäys! -peli QBasicille, ei-graafinen, by PLOTSO 1994
15585 BASGURU.ZIP 153,6 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Todella hyödyllisiä Basic-koodin pätkiä! Nuolinäppäimet muunmuassa! Mukana myös piirto-ohjelma, näyttökortin tiedot kertova ohjelma, useita kursoreita ja ties mitä!
15584 BASGURU2.ZIP 198,6 kt 12.03.1998 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Guruopas QBasicille Mukana mm. WAVin soitto, C&C-tyylinen scrollaava kartta, ruudulle kirjoitusta pokella ja vaikka mitä. tekijä BootSector4
15587 BASM286.ZIP 346 kt 03.07.1998 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
"BASM286! The BASIC to 286 Assembly Compiler Written entirely in PowerBASIC v3.0 BASM286 converts a BASIC-like language to pure MASM and TASM assembly language source code. Creates stand alone .COM or .EXEs or use the code to optimize routines in other languages.  With large DOC file75 demos with generated .ASMEXE and COM files for you to learn from.  SHAREWARE ( cheap! ) and PowerBASIC source code available for personal use.  Give it a tryits alot of fun!"
61231 BASWIZ18.ZIP 303089 12.12.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO tupla
BASIC Wizard's Library for QuickBasic and
PDS. BCD math, telecomm, graphics from Herc
to SuperVGA and dot matrix to laser printer,
equation solver, far strings in EMS, virtual
windowing system, more. Now includes source
for BASIC routines. LIBWIZxx.ZIP is needed to
create the library. By Tom Hanlin.
15588 BASWIZ31.ZIP 262235 07.06.1996 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
BASIC Wizard's Library v3.1 for Microsoft
BASIC compilers: QB, PDS, VB-DOS. BCD math,
telecomm, graphics from Herc to SVGA incl.
VESA and dot matrix to laser printer, read
and write .BMP images, mSec timers, equation
solver, virtual windows. By Charon Software
15589 BLASTLIB.ZIP 66,7 kt 19.10.1999 - - -
Blast! VGA Mode 13h Graphics Library for QBASIC 1.1 and QuickBasic 4.5 1997 by Andrew L. Ayers
15590 BMPSAVE.ZIP 1,8 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
BMP-Save on BASICilla tehty bmp-kuvien tallettaja. Melkein liiankin hyvin kommentoitu ja MB-Net käyttäjän työtä!
15591 BPAINT.ZIP 85,8 kt 29.07.1997 - - eritupla
Mahtava Bootpaint piirto-ohjelma lähdekoodeineen. QuickBASIC4.0:lla tehty. sisältää mm.6 filtteriä 7 työkalua 256 väriä ja loistavan käyttöliittymän. Tekijänä    Boot$ector4
15593 DASH.ZIP 84,7 kt 15.04.1999 - - -
Dash v0.93 by VirtuaSoft. Graphics library for quickbasic 4.5. Palette functions, mouse support, many graphical functions, for example: sprites, scaled sprites, texture mapping and more.
15594 DIRECTQB.ZIP 176,1 kt 15.04.1999 - - -
DirectQB is a complete game programming library developed to work with QuickBasic 4.5, entirely written in assembly 386, to ensure a very fast execution of your QB programs. Can play fli and wav files, mouse support, offscreen buffers and lots more. Angelo Mottola/Enhanced Creations 1998/99
15595 DOOMED.ZIP 8,5 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Doomed v3.2 Raytracer QBasicille Tämä on Doom/Wolfenstein-tyylinen 3D- raytraceri, jossa on mm. Distance Shading, Tekstuurit, Spritet, Karttamode, etc. - By Sami Kyöstilä/hiteck 1997 -
15596 FJUT.BAS 28239 31.07.1996 - - -
Sim Future-peli. Qbasicilla tehty Simcity-
15597 FLG_W11F.ZIP 50 kt 29.07.1997 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
File List Generator/WWIV V1.1 Due to restrictions on my time, I am no longer able to maintain this program. Therefore, I am releasing the source to the public domain. The source is in QuickBASIC v4.5.
15598 FPCV100.ZIP 49,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
"FPCs PCX Viewer v1.0. is designed especially for basic programmers who arent able to use fast pcx routines. This viewer can be customized and after that itll show the pictures exactly how you want (the packet includes better instructions for customizing viewer). This viewer is most usefulwhen its used through the basic programas part of the product. This version of the viewer is shareware."
15600 FS.ZIP 1385 23.07.1996 - - -
QBasicille modeemi rutiinin alusta (vaatii
muutoksia toimiakseen), mutta on tästä
luultavasti hyötyäkin!
15599 FSEEK052.BAS 28,7 kt 07.02.1997 - - -
FileSeek v0.52 on QBasic ohjelma jolla voi etsiä tiedostoja hakunimellä, siirtyä hakemistoissa nopeasti ja tutkailla yksittäisiä tiedostoja. Tehnyt Jani Rantanen.
15601 JOYSTICK.BAS 458 12.04.1996 - - -
Joystick.bas - Joystick.bas on ohjelma joka
reagoi Joystickin melkein jokaiseen
BY: Joni Nygård
15602 KPSORSA.ZIP 74,7 kt 31.07.1998 - - -
Kaivospeli-nimisen pelin QB-sorsat. Paljon PCX-kuvia.
15603 KUUTIO.BAS 3288 10.11.1996 - - -
QuickBasicilla tehty 3D-kuutio
15604 KUVIO.BAS 6,9 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
QBasic sorsa. Tällä ohjelmalla voit pyöritellä ruudullasi mitä erilaisempia kuvioita. Voit itse valita minkälaisen kuvion haluat. Vaatii 486/VGA.
15605 LINE10.ZIP 28774 04.11.1995 - - -
LINE v1.0 is a simple program which takes two
points and determines the equation of the
line containing the points.  BASIC source
code included.
15606 LOADGIF.BAS 5655 04.02.1995 - #hyrava -
Lukee gif kuvia Quickbasicissa
Erittäin H I D A S ! Mutta toimii silti.
15607 LOTTO.ZIP 1264 08.10.1996 - - eritupla
LOTTO on QBasic ohjelma, joka arpoo lotto ja
Viking numerot puolestasi.
15608 MEM3.BAS 11,6 kt 07.12.1997 - - -
QBASICilla tehty numerolaattapeli,jossa on tarkoitus saada numerot oikeaan järjestykseen hiiren avulla.By:Marko Kylmänen
15609 MLIBV22.ZIP 51164 07.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Mouse Library For QBasic With Source Code.
15610 MOUSETUT.ZIP 1245 05.11.1995 - 23370/Chip_1998-11_cd.bin -
Hiiren käyttämistä QBasicilla
15611 OPIBAS11.ZIP 17,6 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
*OpiBasic v1.1* Opi helposti Qbasicin alkeet tällä kätevällä ohjelmalla. Parempi kuin v1.0, uusia toimintoja lisäilty. Hyö- dyllisiä koodinpätkiä!
15612 OPIBAS12.ZIP 51,4 kt 07.12.1997 - - -
Master Cracker Presents OpiBasic v1.2 - Selvennyksiä paranneltu jo aiemmin esitetyistä komennoista. - Uusia komentoja - Uusi VINKIT.DOC lisätty, hyviä vinkkejä ohjelmointiin!
15613 PBC22A.ZIP 173560 12.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PBClone 2.2 library (1 of 2) for MS BASICs:
QB, PDS, VB-DOS.  Over 610 routines of all
descriptions.  LIBMATxx.ZIP or LIBWIZxx.ZIP
recommended for creating subset libraries.
Shareware ($35) by Tom Hanlin.
15614 PBC22B.ZIP 185407 12.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PBClone 2.2 library (2 of 2) for MS BASICs:
QB, PDS, VB-DOS.  Over 610 routines of all
descriptions.  LIBMATxx.ZIP or LIBWIZxx.ZIP
recommended for creating subset libraries.
Shareware ($35) by Tom Hanlin.
67101 PBCDK10.ZIP 73342 01.11.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
AUDIO CD TOOLBOX lets you add Music CD audio
capability to your PowerBASIC applications.
Play individual audio tracks, entire cd's,
specific portions down to 1/75 of second,
adjust volume, eject/lock cd tray, and more.
Retrieve complete, location and playtime
information about individual audio tracks or
entire cd. Includes SoundBlaster (not
required) control code also. Much more. 
15615 PBVL111.ZIP 161927 23.02.1996 - - -
PB/VISION(tm) LITE v1.11 for PowerBASIC 3.0.
Create graphical and text 3D windows with
working control icons. Fully event-driven,
multi-threading, mouse aware design with as
little as 30K of overhead. Includes
PowerBASIC 3.0 compatible library, examples,
documentation, an extensive tutorial, and a
hypertext reference manual that can be
accessed while in the PowerBASIC IDE. Now
overseas compatible! 
15616 PHONE005.ZIP 2,3 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
QB Phone v0.05 (QBP) on MS-DOS:in QBasic:lla tehty puhelinmuistio ohjelma, johon voit tallentaa nimet ja puhelinnumerot.
15617 PPDS.ZIP 114571 20.10.1995 - 12806/aol-file-protocol-4400-2201-to-2300.zip -
Professional Programers Development System -
is a GUI source code menu package for
QuickBasic programmers. You can develop
shareware without the hassles of creating
your own GUI and without having to memorize
code commands and characters. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
15621 QB_PCX.ZIP 52 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
SHOW 1.0 erittäin nopea 256 väristen pcx kuvien näyttäjä QBASIC:illa. Copyright (c) Brilliants software
15626 QB_VECT.ZIP 3748 08.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Vector routines for QBasic. Fast! Normal
vectors, VectorBalls, Plotters. Easy to
understand. Create your own objects and
rotate or move 'em freely in 3D space. Object
editor and assembler version are
15618 QBDRAW.BAS 8129 10.11.1996 - - -
/ QBDRAW on Qbasic:lla tehty pieni
piirto-ohjelma. Ei sisällä mitään
erikoistoimintoja, mutta on hyvä alku omaan
ohjelmaan.  Tero Pietilä
15619 QBHIIRI.ZIP 2,8 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
Basic-koodin pätkä, joka analysoi hiirtä, sen sijaintia ja nappeja. Kertoo myös ajurin version, hiiren IRQ:n ja tyypin. By Juho Kuusela
15620 QBK-16.ZIP 4 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
Tämä QBasic ohjelma tekee tavallisista teksti tiedostoista salakirjoitetun version jonka voit myös purkaa takaisin alkuperäiseen muotoon.
15622 QBSAMPLE.ZIP 35963 04.02.1995 - MBCD -
QuickBASIC 4.5 code to sample from the
Soundblaster's Mic/ Line Input and play back
sample. For free distribution.
15623 QBSVGA.ZIP 109,7 kt 30.11.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
QBSVGA version 1. QBSVGA is a set of sub- routines /functions (and an "include file") that can be used within QB programs to achieve SVGA graphic capability. Much, but not all, of the standard QB graphic ruotines are emulated.
15624 QBTFS11.ZIP 1,5 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Tällä QBasic ohjelmalla voi selata tekstitiedostoja eteenpäin ja taaksepäin
15625 QBTHING2.ZIP 43,4 kt 27.12.1999 - - -
QBasic Things By Hippo, 2.0
15627 QBVGASRC.ZIP 57089 12.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ILLUMINATION PRESENTS: ----------------------
QBVGASRC is a new incredible packet of VGA256
color sources for QBASIC and Quickbasic.
Includes many great graphical effects and
some little games and full sources for a
15628 QBWRI025.ZIP 2,8 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
QB Write on QBasicilla tehty ohjelma jolla voi kirjoittaa .QBW -päätteisiä tekstitiedostoja. voit myös ladata samanpäätteisiä tiedostoja ruudulle.
15630 QPAINT.ZIP 17,6 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
Laajennettu Piirtoohj. Qbasicille
15629 QPAINT2.ZIP 40,8 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Q-paint 1.267 (486) - Paljon korjauksia verrattuna vanhaan versioon. - Nyt kolme eri Kuvan muokkaus ohjelmaa - Voit helposti siirtää QPD kuvat omiin Qbasic koodeihisi! - BMP tuki - SETUP.exe korvattu Basic koodilla - Mahdollisuus piirtää hiirellä - Kaikki näyttötilat käytettävissä
15631 SDOOR10B.ZIP 78502 02.03.1996 - - -
Simple Door v1.0b. Door rutins for
15632 SHOW2.ZIP 71,2 kt 06.01.1998 - - -
SHOW 2.0 - erittäin nopea 256-väristen pcx-kuvien näyttäjä QBASICilla.
15633 SHOWBMP.LZH 1755 23.07.1996 - - -
Lyhyt ja nopeahko QBASIC-KOODI BMP-kuvien
näyttämiseen. (256-värisille kuville)
Kunnolla kommentoitu, MBnet-käyttäjan työtä.
15634 SMASHOUT.ZIP 109,9 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
Smashout - Sami Kyöstilä - 1997 Tiilinsärkemispeli, jossa alku- peräistä ideaa on paranneltu mm. lisäämällä painovoima. QBasicille. Vaatii: Pentium 60 tai nopeampi, Hiiri, Sound Blaster yhteensopiva äänikortti (Soittaa ääniefektit taustalla DMA:n avulla)
15635 SOUND3.ZIP 8 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Sounds - is a Basic program containing over 80 PC-speaker sound effects and video effects.
15636 SOUNDX.ZIP 176,9 kt 29.07.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
SoundX - is a VB custom control that provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. NEW: now contains both VBX and OCX files.
15637 SPACER.ZIP 3 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
QBASICilla tehty avaruus-räiskintäpeli.Vaatii hiiren.Tehnyt:Marko Kylmänen
15638 SVGAPB23.ZIP 180197 12.04.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
SVGAPB.LIB-ver 2.3-is a high-res, 256-color
graphics library for PB Inc.'s PowerBASIC. It
recognizes 20+ SVGA cards and VESA in
640x400, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and
1280x1024 modes. Capabilities: hardware id,
simple primitives, fills, 2D/3D points,
joystick/mouse support, PCX encode/decode,
paging, XMS, palettes, bitmaps and sprites.
15639 SVGAPV23.ZIP 185843 12.04.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
SVGAPV.LIB-ver 2.3-is a high-res, 256-color
graphics library for Microsoft PDS/VBDOS. It
recognizes 20+ SVGA cards and VESA in
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024
modes.  Capabilities: hardware id, simple
primitives, fills, 2D/3D points,
joystick/mouse support, PCX encode/decode,
paging, XMS, palettes, bitmaps and sprites.
15640 SVGAQB23.ZIP 185077 12.04.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
SVGAQB.LIB-ver 2.3-is a high-res, 256-color
graphics library for Microsoft-QBasic 4.x. It
recognizes 20+ SVGA cards and VESA in
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024
modes. Capabilities:  hardware id, simple
primitives, fills, 2D/3D points,
joystick/mouse support, PCX encode/decode,
paging, XMS, palettes, bitmaps and sprites.
15641 SYMMETRI.BAS 2,9 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
QBasic sorsa, joka piirtää näyttäviä symmetrisiä kuvioita ruudulle.
15642 TETRIS.ZIP 40,4 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
Tetris v1.3Basicilla väsätty tetris-klooni.
15643 TRYPB32.ZIP 396,2 kt 17.02.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PowerBASIC 3.2 for DOS Features: Instant TSRs, Built-in assembler, and lot of other stuff.
15644 TULI.BAS 7,6 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
Parannellut tulirutiinit QBasicille. Noin 40fps 166Mhz Penalla. Sami Kyöstilä - 1997
15645 TWIN.ZIP 25,2 kt 07.12.1997 - - -
Windoze v1.00 - Tekstimodeversio Sami Kyöstilä - 1997 Windoze-enginen tekstimodeversio, jolla voi helposti tehdä näyttäviä ohjelmia QBasicilla. Sisältää perus- objektit, kuten napit, valikot, yms. ja DMA-soittimen. Uutuutena Taskbar (Tehtäväpalkki) ja Tiedostojärjestelmä- selain.
15646 TYKKI.ZIP 2,4 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
Scorched Earth -tyylinen tankkipeli, basic- koodia. Tehnyt:Oskari Nyqvist.
15647 UB874.ZIP 360953 26.03.1996 - 17215/tools.ISO -
UBasic v8.74, high precision math-oriented
BASIC interpreter
15438 UB874GR.ZIP 82908 26.03.1996 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
UBASIC v8.74 standard VGA graphics apps
15648 UBASIC.TXT 1294 26.03.1996 - - -
Information about UBasic v8.74
15649 UBMALM.ZIP 34308 26.03.1996 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
UBasic number theory programs
by Donald E.G. Malm
15439 UBPPMPQS.ZIP 58622 26.03.1996 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
UBASIC prime factorization pgm for 386/486
15650 VIEWOMEN.ZIP 30,8 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
VIEWOMEN: Näyttää OMEN-koodatun tekstitiedoston värikoodattuna ja karsii ylimääräiset merkit pois.
15651 VISTA100.ZIP 1,5 kt 27.10.1998 - - -
Näin käytät BASICin INSTR-käskyä.
15652 WIN2.ZIP 27,7 kt 31.08.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windoze 2.00 Engine QBasicille Tämän ISON (4400 riviä) ohjelman avulla voit helposti tehdä Win 95-tyylisiä ohjelmia QBasic v1.1:llä  - By Sami Kyöstilä/hiteck 1997 -
15653 WINDOZE.ZIP 27 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windoze-Rutiinit QBasic v1.1:lle! Näiden rutiininien avulla voit tehdä monimutkaisia, Windows-tyylisiä ohjelmia vain muutamalla koodirivillä. Esim. WAV-tiedostojen soitto ja BMP-kuvien lataus onnistuu vain 1:llä koodirivillä!! Koodia vääntänyt: 
15654 XPAINT.ZIP 27,4 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
XPaint v1.00 - Sami Kyöstilä - 1997 TODELLA monipuolinen piirto-ohjelma QBasic:lle. Sisältää kaikki perusmuokkaus- toiminnot (kynä, suorakulmio, ympyrä, etc.) ja myös monia erikoismuokkaustoimintoja, kuten Gradient Brush, Smooth Brush, Cut/Paste etc. Tukee BMP, XPT (Oma formaatti), ja BLOAD/BSAVE-kuvaformaatteja. Kirjoittaa jopa sorsan, jolla voi ladata piirretyn kuvan. Muokkaustoimintoja mm. Pehmennys, Vapaa Pyöritys, Distord, Melt, Pixelize, Noise,
15655 YANK42B.ZIP 49098 29.11.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Basic source (and executable) for a program
that calculates a totally new type of
fractals, the Yankovic Set. Also contains
some information about fractals.
15656 BATCHART.ZIP 35656 12.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Documentation on BAT-file programming
15657 BATDBG14.ZIP 107,6 kt 28.09.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BatDebug v.1.4. A debugger for DOS batch files.
15658 BATDOC.ZIP 58607 12.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
BAT-file programming information
15659 BATHINTS.ZIP 38,9 kt 29.09.1997 - 10857/simtel_1193.iso -
12 vinkkiä BAT-ohjelmointiin englanniksi.
15660 BATMEN.ZIP 28,6 kt 28.09.1997 - 17215/tools.ISO -
BatMenu is a menu utility intended to be used within DOS batch files. BatMenu provides you with a simple interface into a powerful menu control system which allows you considerable flexibility in displaying windowed text and prompting your batch file user for response. The user of your batch files is given a sophisticated interface including intelligent circular scrolling of the highlight bar and bi-directional scrolling of text.
15661 BATMNU21.ZIP 33,8 kt 29.09.1997 - The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This program is a menuing system for use with your batch files. It is not intended to be a shell, although with some very ambitious batch file programming, it could be used as one. Its purpose is to provide sophisticated flow control and give  batch files a professional  appearance by  creating a point-and-shoot menu with up to 26  options per menu. A mouse is also supported if detected.
15663 BATPLUS.ZIP 71,3 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
BaT+ sisältää joukon EXE-tiedostoja joilla voi esimerkiksi muuttaa taustan värejä, tekstin värjä jopa vilkkuvaksi! Näillä saa BATeista hienompia!
15662 BATPLUS2.ZIP 17,5 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
BaT+  (C) Janne Toivanen Paketti sisältää joukon EXE-tiedostoja joilla saat BAT-tiedostoihin nämä ominaisuudet: - Paletin liutus (fade) - Ruudun skrollaus - PC Speaker äänet - Tekstin värin vaihto ja arpominen
15664 BATSEC.ZIP 12235 12.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Colors and other advanced techniques
15665 BATUTIL1.ZIP 187,5 kt 29.09.1997 - 16817/Source_Code_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_March_1994.iso -
BATUTIL is a program with two purposes: to give you power inside your batch files and to give you more control over the DOS environment. Included in the information that you can get returned in either the DOS errorlevel or an environmental variable.
15666 BELT1CA.ZIP 60,1 kt 28.09.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
Utility_Belt collection, v1.c: Utilities designed to simplify the creation of professional looking batch files.  6 interactive utilities for keyboard support, 9 video enhancers, 4 diagnostic & security utilities. ASP shareware from Herne Data Systems Ltd.
16668 BEN311.ZIP 261637 28.12.1994 - 2021/The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume III (Data Express)(1993).ISO -
Batch ENhancer v3.11
Add colors, sounds, boxes, menus, directory
controls and other SPECTACULAR features into
batch files. Now with new Menu Designer! VG!
15667 BLRMU22.ZIP 89,4 kt 28.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"version 22 of Rasmussens Mini Utilities - 41 miscellaneous .com type utilities - each utility is accompanied by its own assembly source and small doc file -  < FREEWARE > < Public Domain >"
15668 BMENU54.ZIP 20,8 kt 29.09.1997 - 16610/Shareware Explorer Series - MS-DOS Collection (New Frontiers) (Volume 1).ISO -
The  Batch Menu System allows you to insert pop-up menus within a batch file. Similar to the Norton Utilities ASK function, BMENU returns the error-level of the item selected. BMENU allows the choice of menu location, title, item list and optionally, color.
15669 BOX12.ZIP 6,9 kt 28.09.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
BOX 1.2 - like ECHO, except also draws a box around the text May be freely distributed for non-military use only. MASM/OPTAsm source included.
15670 BTCHROOM.ZIP 3,8 kt 28.09.1997 - 17215/tools.ISO -
"A program which remains resident with 512 bytes after creating a fileBTCHRLSE.COMwhich when run releasesBTCHROOMs resident code for use by COMMAND.COM for itsBATCH Information Block."
15671 EBL409.ZIP 415182 28.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
EBL-Plus 4.09 adds power features to batch
files; On-line manual guides creation of bat
files; Colorful windows use bouncing bar
selection, pop-ups,fill-in-the- blank fields,
buttons, and action bars; Has over 100
built-in commands and functions; English-like
commands make stand alone apps.  Ideal
enhancement to Window 95.  Shareware
[ASP].Visa & MasterCard accepted.
15672 PC-SET.ZIP 29639 15.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PC-SETUP v1.0 from PC Magazine March 16, 1993
PC-SETUP is an installation program for
in-house programmers, shareware authors, data
services, and others who distribute software
to nontechnical users.  Supports multiple
distribution disks, and automatic or manual
file installation. Creates directories and
subdirectories as necessary.  Requires use of
PKZIP.EXE on all distribution files, and DOS
3.0 or later.
15673 SSTUFF30.ZIP 260948 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
STEENBURGH's STUFF Batch Utilities  - 21
useful utilities for batch file programming.
Includes INPUT, the premier interactive batch
file utility; MUSIC for playing tunes thru
the PC speaker; BATBOX for creating menus;
WRITE, the colorful ECHO/TYPE replacement;
SIFT, the "mother of all DOS filters"; more.
Produce hi-quality presentations, install
routines, and the like with these capable
15674 2DBUMP.ZIP 141,6 kt 19.10.1999 koko¹ ratsnest2.iso -
2D bump mapping tutorial + C++ sources (DJGPP)
15675 2M30SRC.ZIP 214,2 kt 18.08.1997 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Full commented TASM/Borland C source code for 2M 3.0 (C) 1993-1995 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis. 3.5 HD (1.44M): 1804K/1886K/1972K 100% safely and 100% reliable formatter.
15676 3DGPL.ZIP 91,7 kt 03.02.1998 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
3DGPL  Version 1.0 GRAPHICS BASE LIBRARY AND TUTORIAL FOR GAME PROGRAMMERS 3D-transformations: rotations; perspective; fixed point math.Clipping: 2-D screen boundaries; 3-D volume.Rasterization: Lines; Ambient polygons; Shaded polygons;Textured polygons. MS-DOS 16/32 bits; MS-WINDOWS 16/32 bits;X11; NeXTStep.
15677 3DSCAPE.ZIP 21,8 kt 10.02.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Fractal Landscape Demo  SOURCE CODE INCLUDED
15678 3DSPLINE.ZIP 14,2 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
3D Graphics Programming - Splines
15679 ABEDEMO1.ZIP 24101 26.03.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Ruotsalaisen demokoulun ensimmäinen osa:
grafiikkaohjelmoinnin perusteet ja paletti.
Tekijä: Albert Veli. Englanninkielinen.
15680 ABEDEMO2.ZIP 48722 26.03.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Ruotsalaisen demokoulun toinen osa: lipun
saattaminen liehumaan ja tekstin näyttäminen
liikkuvana. Tekijä: Albert Veli.
15681 ABEDEMO3.ZIP 51292 26.03.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Ruotsalaisen demokoulun kolmas osa: spritet
ja C:n ja Assemblerin miksaaminen. Tekijä:
Albert Veli. Englanninkielinen.
15682 ABEDEMO4.ZIP 50834 26.03.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Ruotsalaisen demokoulun neljäs osa: 3D
vektorigrafiikka. Tekijä: Albert Veli.
15683 ACNF212B.ZIP 214,4 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU autoconf 2.12 for DJGPP V2
15684 ACNF212D.ZIP 767,1 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU autoconf 2.12 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15685 ACNF212S.ZIP 320 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU autoconf 2.12 sources
15686 ACTLIB17.ZIP 87104 13.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
ACTLIB v1.7: Another C Tools LIBrary
(plus TurboVision tools)
General purpose libraries for C/C++
programmers, with source code
60616 ALLEG21.ZIP 570901 08.08.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
Allegro 2.1: a game programming library for
djgpp. SVGA, VBE 2.0, mode-X, many graphics
drawing functions, clipping, memory bitmaps,
FLI/FLC player, MIDI player and sample mixer,
mouse, keyboard, joystick, high resolution
timers, LZSS file compression, multi-object
data files with grabber utility, fixed point
math, and GUI dialog manager. Swapware: if
you want to use it you have to send me
something in exchange. By Shawn Hargreaves, 1
Salisbury Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire,
15687 ALLEG312.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
Allegro 3.11: a game programming 
library. SVGA, VBE 3.0, VBE/AF, 
mode-X, 8/15/16/24/32 bpp, many 
graphics drawing functions, clipping, 
memory bitmaps, FLI/FLC player, MIDI 
and sample player, mouse, keyboard, 
joystick, high resolution timers, 
LZSS file compression, multi-object 
data files with grabber utility, 
fixed point and 3d math routines, and 
GUI dialog manager.
15688 ANM8_113.ZIP 178289 28.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
MAJESTICK ANIM8 ver 1.13  Latest shareware
version of the 32-bit sprite editor and
animation software for game programmers.
Anim8 features complex sprite manipulations
and editing tools such as sprite
rotations,color compressions, and much more!
This version is the complete fully-functional
program of the older version 1.1. Run install
before you start the program! -Shareware
15689 ANSIR053.ZIP 13,3 kt 29.06.2000 - - -
Ansi Reader v0.53Ansi Reader v0.53 C++ library. Copyright 1998-2000 Samuli Kajantola. Requires C++ compiler with conio.h like DJGPP or Borland. Features: colors, blinking, clear screen, cursor positioning etc. Distributed under LGPL2 license.
15690 AZR_BUMP.ZIP 110823 04.12.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Experiments in 2D phong bumpmapping by Ben
Houston / Plash of Azure.
15691 BC103B.ZIP 110,4 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU bc 1.03 for DJGPP V2
15692 BC103D.ZIP 68,6 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU bc 1.03 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15693 BC103S.ZIP 176,8 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU bc 1.03 sources
15694 BC31P1.ZIP 15437 03.03.1996 - ratsnest3.iso -
Borland C++ 3.1 Patch #1
Apply this patch if overriding new
(as in Turbo Vision)
15695 BC31P2.ZIP 52484 03.03.1996 - ratsnest3.iso -
Borland C++ 3.1 Patch #2
15696 BC31P3.ZIP 8807 03.03.1996 - ratsnest3.iso -
Borland C++ 3.1 Patch #3
Patches TBROWSER.DLL for BCW 3.1 and
TCW 3.1
15697 BC31P4.ZIP 21198 03.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Borland C++ 3.1 Patch #4
Patch for BC++ 3.1 OWL problem with
combo box transfer
15698 BCC2GRX.ZIP 350796 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
Borland BGI to GRX interface for DJGPP V2
15699 BCD_103.ZIP 10,6 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
BCD v1.3 - A CD-ROM audio playing library for DJGPP. By Brennan Underwood. Swapware. http://brennan.home.ml.org/
15700 BESTL232.ZIP 331494 13.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
The Best Library v2.32
The fastest and most efficient library
available. 292 pure assembler functions.
68 C coded routines.
15701 BLADLL82.ZIP 100,6 kt 19.10.1999 - - -
BladeEnc DLL file for Windows 9x/NT x86. Version 1.0 (DLL) / 0.82 (encoder engine).
15702 BLTC18.ZIP 256160 12.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BULLET is a super-fast, super-small
B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,
multi-user database toolkit for DOS C/C++
compilers. Also availble for BASIC. BULLET
DOS C version 1.08, 04-Feb-94.
15703 BMSCALER.ZIP 32148 06.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
Scaled Bitmaps trainer by Tumblin/Bim
trainer by Tumblin / Bodies in Motion
(author of vectball.zip)
61548 BNU252B.ZIP 1257441 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU binutils 2.5.2 for DJGPP V2
61549 BNU252S.ZIP 2615079 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
GNU binutils 2.5.2 sources
61550 BNU27B.ZIP 1712029 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU Binutils 2.7 for DJGPP V2
61551 BNU27S.ZIP 2961110 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU binutils 2.7 sources
15704 BNU281D.ZIP 2,5 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU binutils 2.8.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15705 BNU2951B.ZIP 2,4 Mt 21.02.2001 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU binutils for DJGPP v2
15706 BSH1147B.ZIP 218,4 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU bash 1.14.7 for DJGPP V2
15707 BSH1147M.ZIP 63 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU bash 1.14.7 docs: info/man
15708 BSN124B.ZIP 121820 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU bison 1.24 for DJGPP V2
15307 BSN124S.ZIP 241701 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU bison 1.24 sources
15308 BSRC_260.ZIP 490967 07.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Using the contents of this .zip file you
can support BinkleyTerm builds for DOS,
OS/2 (32-bit) and Win32 (NT or Windows
95). The standard compiler for DOS is
Microsoft Visual C++ 2.x. The standard
compiler for Win32 is Microsoft Visual
C++ 4.0. The standard compiler for OS/2
is IBM C/Set2 C++.
15709 BVCDOS.ZIP 1006,6 kt 27.09.1998 - - -
"OptiVec v1.2.2 vector libraries for Borland C/C++ (DOS). Speed up your programs by replacing your programs loops with hand optimizedassembler-written vector functions. This shareware version supports the LARGE memory model. Req. DOSBorland C/C++ v3.0 and math coprocessor."
15710 BWDEV201.ZIP 39,6 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Blue Wave Offline Mail System Mail Packet File Structures 2.01
15711 BWSB120A.ZIP 326370 06.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
(archive a of b, required files )
Languages: ASM C/C++ TP QB PDS PB
Formats:   S3M MOD 669 ULT MED FAR STM
Bells, Whistles, and Sound Boards is a
new programming library for adding 100%
digital music and sound effects to your
15712 BWSB120B.ZIP 517147 06.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
(archive b of b, optional files )
Languages: ASM C/C++ TP QB PDS PB
Formats:   S3M MOD 669 ULT MED FAR STM
Bells, Whistles, and Sound Boards is a
new programming library for adding 100%
digital music and sound effects to your
15713 C_A.ZIP 5052030 02.05.1995 - 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: Patches (excluding
on-line help) for C/C++ 10.0 -> 10.0a
15310 C_B.ZIP 542057 02.05.1995 - 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar -
Patches for Pentium FDIV problem
(B level)
15728 C_PLASMA.ZIP 55010 26.03.1996 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Plasmaa C++:lla ja inline assemblerilla.
15733 C_PREC.ZIP 969 tavua 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Operator Precedence and Associativity Rules in C/C++
15714 C--C0203.ZIP 310568 23.07.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
SPHINX C-- Compiler, Work Bench and header
files. Hello, and welcome to SPHINX C--. C--
is a language I (Peter Cellik) created, it is
a half way point between C and Assembly. The
main thought behind C-- is to create very
small, and hopefully fast programs. The
output efficiency is close to assembly with
the source file being similar to C and thus
more readable than assembly source. C-- can
15718 C--EX103.ZIP 213888 23.07.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Version 1.03 of SPHINX C-- Example Package
15717 C-EVAL.ZIP 22032 13.12.1994 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD01.zip -
EE (Expression Evaluator) provides a
handful of 'C' routines that allow you
to incorporate mathematical expression
evaluation into your programs.
15722 C-LESSON.ZIP 45602 07.11.1993 - ratsnest1.iso -
C-kielen alkeiskurssi englanniksi.
15309 CACOPH10.ZIP 7974 13.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Cacophony v1.0 PC Speaker Library
Lets you play music through the PC's
internal speaker
15715 CDROM_C.ZIP 26,1 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
CDROM Audio Player Includes FULL BC++ 3.1 code!
15716 CENVID.ZIP 235247 04.12.1994 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
C-interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro tool-
CEnvi gives the DOS professional a complete
C-like environment, including the standard
library and interrupt calls, in an easy-to-
use form and all in one 150K executable. Now
'C' is as easy to use as a batch file, and
can even mix with batch files. Programming
15719 CFOG102.ZIP 53512 06.06.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C-FOG 1.02  - c-fog obfuscates C source
code making it difficult for humans to
understand, or copy. This allows you to
distribute programs for multiple platforms as
source code. C-FOG processes preprocessor
directives, renames identifiers, octalizes
strings, removes comments and converts all
flow control to if ... gotos. For all Intel
PCs. JAYAR Systems. (416)751-5678   $24.00
15720 CH_A.ZIP 5953808 02.05.1995 - 17658/cdrom.tar -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: On-line Help Patches
for C/C++ 10.0 -> 10.0a
15721 CLASSLIB.ZIP 50453 05.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Borland C/C++ classlib documentation.
15723 CODECS.ZIP 96 kt 19.10.1999 - 10567/HPAVC CD-ROM.iso -
RLE1, RLE2, RLE3, RLE4, Huffman and LZW (freeware). DOS/unix. C source.
15724 COPYING 17,6 kt 28.11.1997 - - -
GNU Copyright Notice
15725 COPYING.DJ 1620 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2 Copyright Notice
15726 COPYING.LIB 24,7 kt 28.11.1997 - - -
GNU Library Copyright Notice
15727 CPC202.ZIP 141394 30.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CodePrint for C/C++  Version 2.02 Jan 1996
Full-featured command-line driven source code
reformatter and pretty printer for the C and
C++ programming languages. Over 20 customiza-
tion features including auto-indent, adjust-
able tab spacing, indent styles, flow lines,
comment alignment, and line editing for con-
sistent white space. For IBM PCs, 640K, hard
drive and DOS 3.1 or later, Shareware from
Geist Microsystems. License fee: $25/$49.
15729 CPLS101.ZIP 1,7 Mt 10.02.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Pentium Optimizing GCC++ v1.0.1 (v2.90.23 based of egcs 1.0.1).
15730 CPORT20.ZIP 84270 16.05.1995 - MBCD -
Cport v2.0; Serial Communications Library for
15732 CPPTUTOR.ZIP 203669 02.09.1994 - 19688/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 2 of 4)(1993).iso -
Coronado Enterprises C++ TUTOR (ver 2.00)
July 20, 1990
C++ TUTOR is a comprehensive instructional
course for the C++ programming language
which assumes the user has a moderate amount
of programming experience.
15734 CPRF21B.ZIP 59,1 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU cperf 2.1b for DJGPP V2
15735 CPTUTOR1.ZIP 100017 23.07.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C++ Tutor 1/2
15736 CPTUTOR2.ZIP 100810 23.07.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C++ Tutor 2/2
15737 CPTUTR.ZIP 213,6 kt 06.05.2000 - - -
Coronado Enterprises C++ TUTOR v2.60.Coronado Enterprises C++ TUTOR v2.60. Pienehkö sähkömuotoinen harjoitteluopas harjoituksineen C++:n saloihin.
15739 CRC_C.ZIP 4,9 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT with C source.
15738 CRC113.ZIP 13649 07.06.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
CRC-M2 v1.13 - Rewritten in C and assembly,
this version has been optimized
for size and speed.  Displays both 16- and
32-bit CRC values of files
selected from the command line.  16-bit CRC
same as for ARC, LZH, LZS, PAK
and ZOO files.  32-bit CRC same as for ZIP.
Wildcards and multiple
filespecs supported.  Also includes the
source and executable for a pure C
version of this program.  Free program.
15740 CRNCHR22.ZIP 72607 13.12.1994 - 23463/CHIP 1995 majus.zip -
CRUNCHER v2.2 is a series of signal
processing routines written for C
programmers. Both Borland C and
Microsoft C. Includes FFT, several
analysis routines, wavelet transforms,
and more. Register for complete
source code and royalty-free use.
15741 CROSFADE.ZIP 54869 12.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
ASM and C Source for fading smoothly from one
image to another.
15742 CRYPT100.ZIP 1116554 04.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Cryptography Sample Programs With CRYPT.C are
stand alone programs for private key
cryptography. They include complete C source
code, make files, and EXE files. Some
traditional character ciphers as well as
modern block ciphers in cipher block chaining
(CBC) mode are implemented. There are 3 one
time pad (OTP) ciphers, including one that
uses a CDROM as a one time pad.
15315 CSCOP120.ZIP 48589 06.06.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
C-SCOPE 1.20  - c-scope completely
analyzes the functions in a multi-file C
program. c-scope produces reports showing
which file each function is defined in and
its starting line number in the file; the
functions defined in each file; functions
calling calling and called by each function;
Static Calling Tree and complexity metrics.
For all IBM PCs and compatibles.  From JAYAR
Systems. (416)751-5678   $24.00
62443 CSDPMI1B.ZIP 37148 27.03.1996 - MBCD -
CWSDPMI, Charles Sandmann's free DPMI serv.
Binaries and documentation
62444 CSDPMI1P.ZIP 13504 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
Parameter-tuning program for CWSDPMI
62445 CSDPMI1S.ZIP 69027 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
CWSDPMI sources
62446 CSDPMI2B.ZIP 47811 08.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
CWSDPMI 0.90 r2 DPMI provider utility
62447 CSDPMI2S.ZIP 71780 08.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
CWSDPMI 0.90 r2 source code
62448 CSDPMI3B.ZIP 40724 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
CS's DPMI Provider V3 Binaries
62449 CSDPMI3S.ZIP 74893 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
CS's DPMI Provider V3 Binaries
15743 CSDPMI4B.ZIP 40,7 kt 18.11.1997 - MBCD -
"CSs DPMI Provider r4 Binaries"
15744 CSDPMI4S.ZIP 76,8 kt 18.11.1997 - MBCD -
"CSs DPMI Provider r4 Sources"
15745 CTHUG53S.ZIP 183611 26.02.1996 - MBCD -
Cthugha-An Oscilliscope on Acid v5.3
Source Code
The Digital Aasvogel Group
Torps Productions 1995
15746 CTOOLS10.ZIP 63083 13.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C Tools v1.0. A set of routines for
manipulating common data structures,
such as trees, lists, and sets.
15747 CTUT2VLA.ZIP 11406 12.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
C - Tutorial #2 by Desolation /VLA
15748 CTUT3VLA.ZIP 3776 12.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
C - Tutorial #3 by Desolation /VLA
15749 CTUTORDE.ZIP 914172 13.12.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO -
C Tutorial with Quizzes
15750 CXT230.ZIP 312592 13.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
CXT - the C Exploration Tools
The C Function Tree Generator (CFT)
and the C Structure Tree Generator (CST)
are powerful program development,
maintenance and documentation tools.
15752 DATALIB2.ZIP 67460 22.10.1995 - 10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso -
C++ Database Library - is a C++ object
library for handling dBASE III format
libraries. It handles over 100K records. It
will read, modify or create DBF files, and
use and maintain index files on databases in
NDX format. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
15753 DCLIB1.ZIP 32,5 kt 11.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
LZSS Data Compression Library for Watcom - 386+, C source.
15754 DD061SRC.ZIP 698,4 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
v0.61 DosDoom sources by Chi Hoang (cyhoang@acs.ucalgary.ca) with support for mlook, hi-res, hi-color, translucency, DeHackEd and cd-audio. http://www.frag.com/dosdoom
16452 DFLAT15.ZIP 141019 13.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
D-Flat v1.5 Windowing System in C
Written by DDJ columnist Al Stevens
and originally published by Dr. Dobb's
Journal. Windows, pull down menus,
help system. Freely distributable,
full source included.
15755 DIF271B.ZIP 271684 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU diffutils 2.7.1 for DJGPP V2
15326 DIF271S.ZIP 324487 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU diffutils 2.7.1 sources
63002 DJCRX200.ZIP 327195 27.03.1996 - 16155/PC-Format_July-1996_[PCF_58-1_796].bin tupla
DJGPP V2 For Building Cross-to-DOS Compiler
15756 DJCRX201.ZIP 543955 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2.01 Cross-to-DOS Compiler Kit
63003 DJDEV200.ZIP 1121921 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
DJGPP V2 Development Kit and Runtime
51105 DJDEV201.ZIP 1538300 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2.01 Development Kit and Runtime
15757 DJDEV203.ZIP 1,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
DJGPP Development Kit v2.03
63006 DJGOPAS2.TXT 13600 10.02.1996 - - tupla
DJGPP-pikaopas MBnetin käyttäjille, versio 2
Uusittu ohje DJGPP:n asentamiseen ja käyttöön
Kopioi ja lue tämä jos aiot ryhtyä tekemään
ohjelmia DJGPP:llä. (HUOM! vain v.112!)
15758 DJGPPASM.ZIP 15,7 kt 04.07.1998 - - -
Interfacing DJGPP with Assembly-Language Procedures. Written by Matthew Mastracci. (In text format). Last Revised: 10/11/1997
15327 DJGPPFIX.ZIP 8600 17.10.1996 - - -
Fix for compiling POV-Ray 3.00 with DJGPP V2.
Unzip with -d and -o in POV-Ray directory
to preserve directory structure and overwrite
existing files.
63007 DJLSR200.ZIP 1214485 27.03.1996 - 16155/PC-Format_July-1996_[PCF_58-1_796].bin tupla
DJGPP V2 Base Library Sources
51108 DJLSR201.ZIP 1472676 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2.01 Base Library Sources
15759 DJLSR203.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
DJGPP Library/Utils Sources v2.03
63008 DJTST200.ZIP 331648 27.03.1996 - 16155/PC-Format_July-1996_[PCF_58-1_796].bin tupla
DJGPP V2 Test Programs
51110 DJTST201.ZIP 231781 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2.01 Test Programs
15760 DJTST203.ZIP 850,3 kt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
DJGPP V2.03 Self-Test Programs
63009 DJTUT2_4.ZIP 39718 23.07.1996 - - tupla
DJGPP V2 Quick Graphics Programming Guide ja
ja gas-assembler guide
15761 DJTUT255.ZIP 37,9 kt 11.05.1997 - 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso -
DJGPP Tutorials v2.55 - setup, graphics and ASM coding.
15762 DN114_3D.ZIP 14871 23.07.1996 - scene.org -
Introduction to 3D programming
by Kiwidog - Terraformer/Hornet
Part 1: Basic Trig functions, 3D
Coordinate to 2D Screen Projection.
Includes sample source for Watcom C,
Borland C and Turbo Pascal.
15763 DN116_3D.ZIP 19314 30.06.1996 - scene.org -
Introduction to 3D programming
by Kiwidog - Terraformer/Hornet
Part 2: 2D and 3D rotations.
Includes sample source for Watcom C,
Borland C and Turbo Pascal.
15764 DPMI-EN.TGZ 100 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
DPMI specs, HTML, English
15330 DXLIB41.ZIP 221692 12.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
XLIB is a library of procedures which can
greatly simplify protected mode programming
under DOS. XLIB provides the simplest and
most reliable method for accessing extended
memory from real mode languages. A tutorial
on protected mode is included. XLIB
procedures handle mode switching, extended
memory, memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and
files. XLIB also handles CPU exceptions and
performs debugging functions.  XLIB operates
under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and clean
15765 E-CLPR-1.ZIP 1457981 19.02.1995 - - -
C++ language programming reference Documents
and examples [1/5]
15766 E-CLPR-2.ZIP 1457385 19.02.1995 - - -
C++ language programming reference Documents
and examples [2/5]
15767 E-CLPR-3.ZIP 1456840 19.02.1995 - - -
C++ language programming reference Documents
and examples [3/5]
15768 E-CLPR-4.ZIP 1455713 19.02.1995 - - -
C++ language programming reference Documents
and examples [4/5]
15769 E-CLPR-5.ZIP 694259 19.02.1995 - - -
C++ language programming reference Documents,
examples & index [5/5]
15334 EMSIF24A.ZIP 68046 13.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
EMSIF v2.4 LIM EMS Memory Functions
Version-independent C Interface to
LIM EMS Functions for LIM EMS versions
3.0 and higher
15770 EXEINFO.ZIP 6,7 kt 02.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Lists data in header of EXE files (C source)
15771 F032S.ZIP 363,6 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
Fellow v0.3.2 - Commodore Amiga Emulator by Petter Schau. Freeware. This is the source package of Fellow, compilable with Watcom.
64033 FAQ200B.ZIP 256561 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
The full DJGPP V2 FAQ list in various
formats (Info, ASCII, HTML...)
64034 FAQ200S.ZIP 99186 27.03.1996 - - tupla
The Texinfo sources of the DJGPP V2 FAQ
and tools to generate all the different
formats of the FAQ
64035 FAQ201B.ZIP 343687 08.08.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
DJGPP V2 FAQ list, version 2.01
in text, texinfo, and HTML formats
64036 FAQ201S.ZIP 130140 08.08.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
DJGPP V2 FAQ list source and utilities
64037 FAQ202B.ZIP 363926 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
DJGPP V2 Frequently Asked Questions 2.02
64038 FAQ202S.ZIP 136893 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
DJGPP V2 FAQ 2.02 source
15772 FAQ230B.ZIP 663,9 kt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
15773 FAQ230S.ZIP 291,5 kt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
DJGPP FAQ v2.30 sources
15774 FATMAP2.ZIP 54,5 kt 15.05.1997 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Fast Affine Texture Mapping II  - Subpixel & subtexel accuracy - Convex polygons - Flat & Gouraud filler - 256x256 texture mapper - Arbitrary size texture mapper - Tiled texture mapper - Sutherland-Hodgman clipping Document + source (Watcom C/C++) + executable (need DOS4GW)  Mats Byggmastar, MRI/Doomsday mri@penti.sit.fi
15775 FIL316B.ZIP 963,4 kt 05.06.1997 - 10846/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1997-CD2.iso -
GNU fileutils 3.16 for DJGPP V2
15776 FIL316D.ZIP 304,6 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU fileutils 3.16 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15777 FIND41B.ZIP 87828 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU findutils 4.1 for DJGPP V2
15341 FIND41S.ZIP 356970 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU findutils 4.1 sources
15778 FIRE_SRC.ZIP 14862 10.11.1996 - - -
Simple Fire-routine in C with sources Made by
64199 FLX252B.ZIP 111845 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU Flex 2.5.2 for DJGPP V2
64200 FLX252S.ZIP 344649 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU Flex 2.5.2 sources
15779 FLX254B.ZIP 177,1 kt 28.11.1997 - 23383/Chip_2000-01_cd.bin -
GNU Flex 2.5.4 for DJGPP V2
15780 FM.EXE 29763 02.09.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
A sample program written in Borland C which
shows the very basics of controlling the
FM synthesizer chips on Sound Blaster cards.
15781 FMODDOC2.ZIP 390206 26.03.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Kuinka teen mod/s3m playerin, infoa sb:stä,
resamplauksesta, jne.jne..
15782 FRASR191.ZIP 962844 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
Fractint 19.1 complete C and ASM source for
the DOS-based fractal generator. Requires
Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 or later or Borland C/C++
3.0 or later. Object code of ASM modules
supplied so an assembler is not required.
Copyrighted freeware.
15783 FSTSCRL1.ZIP 21 kt 04.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Scroll tiled world (320x200 mode X) - docs and demo (C).
15784 FULLR_1.ZIP 17891 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Full Screen rotation and scaling algorithms.
15785 G471SRC.ZIP 79691 27.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
C source for the G editor (UNIX and MS-DOS)
64420 GCC2721B.ZIP 1096972 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
15786 GCC2721D.ZIP 2,4 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU GCC docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
64421 GCC2721S.ZIP 4575001 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU GCC sources
64422 GCC272B.ZIP 1070670 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU GCC 2.7.2 for DJGPP V2
64423 GCC272S.ZIP 4598627 02.04.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso tupla
GNU GCC 2.7.2 sources
15787 GCC2952B.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU GCC v2.9.5.2 for DJGPP v2.
15788 GCC295S.ZIP 13,3 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
GNU GCC v2.8.1 for DJGPP sources.
64433 GDB412B.ZIP 454989 27.03.1996 - 16155/PC-Format_July-1996_[PCF_58-1_796].bin tupla
GNU Debugger 4.12 for DJGPP V2
64434 GDB412S.ZIP 2961633 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
GNU Debugger 4.12 sources
51135 GDB416B.ZIP 520276 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
GNU Debugger 4.16 for DJGPP V2
15346 GDB416S.ZIP 3208215 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
GNU Debugger 4.16 sources
15789 GDB500B.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.02.2001 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU Debugger 5.0 for DJGPP V2
15790 GIFSAVE.ZIP 13970 13.12.1994 - 16287/Raytrace_The_Official_POV-RAY_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
C source code for saving GIF images
15791 GKIT10.ZIP 611 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
GKIT Version 0.5 BETA This is a shareware release of the Game Kit Version 0.5 BETA. It is a game library that runs under Watcom C/C++ 9.5 or above. It has many features including Virtual 18-bit color and SFX. Registartion for life is $60 and upgrades are free. Source code is included in the registered version.
15347 GLBENV11.ZIP 21053 13.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
Global Environment Var List/Set/Clear v1.1
Ever want to do these things
from your program? Now you can!
Full C/ASM source.
15792 GLIB.ZIP 521,8 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
WC++ (Watcom) game lib SVGA + keyboard + timer (full source)
15793 GNUGO11.ZIP 46389 09.03.1996 - MBCD -
GNU Go v1.1 -- go-playing program
Only C-language source, no executable
64568 GPP2721B.ZIP 681050 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU G++ for DJGPP V2 (no libs)
64569 GPP272B.ZIP 664546 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU G++ 2.7.2 for DJGPP V2 (no libs)
15794 GPP2952B.ZIP 1,6 Mt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU G++ v2.9.5.2 for DJGPP v2
64595 GREP20B.ZIP 57756 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU grep 2.0 for DJGPP V2
64596 GREP20S.ZIP 197313 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU grep 2.0 sources
15795 GREP21B.ZIP 83,4 kt 28.11.1997 - 12523/PCMania CD63_1.iso -
GNU grep 2.1 for DJGPP V2
15796 GRX20.ZIP 652074 02.04.1996 - 16155/PC-Format_July-1996_[PCF_58-1_796].bin -
GRX 2.0 Graphics Library for DJGPP V2
15351 GS351SR1.ZIP 1297998 22.10.1995 - 1197/Megastorm_3.0_CD1.iso -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 source 1/4
15352 GS351SR2.ZIP 1169969 22.10.1995 - 1197/Megastorm_3.0_CD1.iso -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 source 2/4
15353 GS351SR3.ZIP 661566 22.10.1995 - 1197/Megastorm_3.0_CD1.iso -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 source 3/4
15354 GS351SR4.ZIP 15121 22.10.1995 - 1197/Megastorm_3.0_CD1.iso -
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 source 4/4
15355 GUSENV.ZIP 1486 13.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
ULTRASND environment variable checking routin
Grabs the port, dma, and irq if found
15797 GVECTORS.ZIP 138488 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Bim presents: Gouraud Vectors (+ sources)
15798 GZP124B.ZIP 68856 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU gzip 1.2.4 for DJGPP V2
15357 GZP124S.ZIP 251318 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU gzip 1.2.4 sources
15800 HMP10.ZIP 108,9 kt 28.09.1997 - archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 -
HMP: Hubris Module Player v1.0,MOD,S3M, SB (1,1.5,2,pro,16,mono,stereo),GUS (memory multiplication),DJGPP,NASM,free,full source code included. Get it and laugh.
15799 HMP106.ZIP 186 kt 03.02.1998 - archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 -
HMP : Hubris Module Player v1.06 BETA. Plays MOD, S3M and XM on SB (1, 1.5, 2, PRO, 16) and GUS (memory multiplication). Compile it with DJGPP V2 and NASM. SwapWare with full sourcecode included. Get it and LAUGH!-)
15801 HNGRWORM.ZIP 145,2 kt 29.07.1997 koko¹ ratsnest3.iso -
Hungry Worm -matopeli Tehty BC++ 3.1 / DJGPP v2 Sisältää lähdekoodit kommentoituna, tarvittavat .OBJ/.O ja käännetyn EXEn by PLOTSO 1997
15802 HOBBES3.ZIP 44111 01.05.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Hobbes modex library v0.3
15803 HSI2ARR.ZIP 62614 13.05.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Converts RAW format picture files to C
readable ARRAYS.  The FULL C Source
code is included in the package.  Two
example programs are also included.
15804 HSTAR_C.ZIP 18280 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
C - Horizontal Stars by Darion
Complete source code, in C, of
a horizontal star field.
15805 IGN_LAND.ZIP 23362 13.05.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Heartquake's Landscape sources (C&ASM)
15806 INT24_C2.ZIP 3,2 kt 10.08.1999 - 19688/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 2 of 4)(1993).iso -
Critical Error Handler (INT24) - C source.
15363 INT24-C2.ZIP 3308 13.12.1994 renamed 19688/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25 -
INT 24h Critical Event Handler in Turbo C
15807 ISAM120.ZIP 237335 08.11.1994 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
ISAM Manager v 1.20. Database Programming
System for C++. Windows, DOS and OS/2 tested.
Will work on other O/Ss too. Full B+Tree/ISAM
database system which is really easy to use.
Very fast single-user and multi-user systems!
Multiple indexes per file, multiple fields
per index. Up to 2 billion records per file!
Comes with source code, and supports all
major C++ compilers! 
15808 JCLPLASM.ZIP 88984 13.05.1996 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
JCL-Plasma v1.3a - (c)1994 by JCL-Software.
Full screen 320x200, 486DX/33 runs 70pfs.
15809 JKTHPACK.ZIP 135,9 kt 05.06.1997 - 23267/CHIP Nisan 1997.iso -
"JKs DOS Thread Package"
15810 JLIB_1_8.ZIP 212,1 kt 03.02.1998 - 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso -
JLib-1.8  Game Programing Tools.For djgpp, Linux,  X11, WATCOM. FREE library for sprites, offscreenbuffers and graphics primitives. Supports 320x200, 640x480, 800x600, 256 colors. Utes + demos included. .Now you can develop in Linux, DOS or X for for graphical apps. Other platformsin development. 05/97 By Jon Griffiths.
15811 JMP.ZIP 4337 13.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Crap MOD-player (Jorian's MOD-player)
15812 JOVE416S.ZIP 463154 14.07.1996 - 4555/Programmer's Heaven (InfoMagic)(March 1997).BIN -
Jove-tekstieditorin (Jonathan's Own Version
of Emacs) version 4.16, dos-lähdekoodit.
15813 JPEGSRC6.ZIP 661566 26.02.1996 - MBCD -
The Independent JPEG Group's CJPEG/DJPEG
Version 6, MS-DOS source code.
15367 JULIN105.ZIP 33840 13.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Julian Date Library v1.05
A library of date routines which are
useful e.g. in financial programs.
15814 JVBE12.ZIP 8,1 kt 05.03.2000 - - -
Jokke\'s VBE2.0 lib for Watcom C++ 11.0.Version 1.2.  Far from "fully featured", but contains the basic things. Easy to use and develop.
15815 KAANNA10.ZIP 25,2 kt 27.02.1999 - - -
C++ sorsat exe:ksi v1.0. Jos olet kyllästynyt kirjoittamaan gcc -o peli.exe peli.cc -liostream litanjaa aina, kun käytät DJGPP:tä tämä ohjelma sopii sinulle... Ajat vain kaanna.exe:n annat tiedoston nimet, niin ohjelma kääntää sen sinulle. FreeWarea 1998 by: Lasse Tiainen
15368 KBDHANDL.ZIP 9031 12.12.1994 - 18004/Walnut_Creek_Sampler_44_CDROMs_to_Try_Walnut_Creek_January_1995.iso -
Keyboard INT 9 handler Handles multiple
15370 KH-DATE.ZIP 33015 13.12.1994 - 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso -
Library of routines for date calculations
15816 LAAMA210.ZIP 279,3 kt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
Laaman tie DJGPP-peliohjelmointiin v. 2.1 Kaikki mitä ikinä olet halunnut tietää peliohjelmoinnista. Yli 10500 riviä täyttä asiaa ja esimerkkejä! Pikselin piirrosta skrollaukseen, engineihin, paletin kvantisointiin, frameskipiin, SVGA-tiloihin ja ties minne! Tekijä: Jokke / Bad Karma
15817 LAZYBBS.ZIP 48016 01.05.1995 - - -
LazyBBS C-sources.
65702 LGP271B.ZIP 633575 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU libg++ 2.7.1 for DJGPP V2
15818 LGP271D.ZIP 803,8 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU libg++ 2.7.1 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
65703 LGP271S.ZIP 958833 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
GNU libg++ 2.7.1 sources
15819 LGP2952B.ZIP 482,9 kt 23.02.2000 - 23046/cdactioncoverdisc50a.iso -
GNU libg++ v2.9.5.2 for DJGPP
15820 LIBKB090.ZIP 249568 14.07.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
libkb -- a free, advanced and portable
low-level keyboard library for MSDOS and
Linux. Allows access to ALL keys and ALL key
combinations. Also handles Pause key and
Control-Break. Practical getkey() interface
for textual input. Ideal for games and all
applications that want total control over the
keyboard. Intelligent signal handling and
emercency-exit feature to achieve a maximum
of robustness. Supports virtual terminal
switching under Linux. Works with Borland
15821 LIBKB100.ZIP 93908 01.11.1996 - 23267/CHIP Nisan 1997.iso -
libkb v1.00 portable keyboard library
15822 LL_KBD.ZIP 51,4 kt 03.07.1998 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
LL_KBD 3.512 - 32bit keyboard handler for Watcom (ASM/C)
15823 LL_LAND.ZIP 182,1 kt 07.02.1997 - 16620/Shareware Super Platinum 8.iso -
Landscape by Lord Logics. Includes source code. Made with c and asm.
15824 LSS321B.ZIP 130 kt 05.06.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
GNU less 321 binaries for DJGPP V2
15825 LSS321S.ZIP 259 kt 05.06.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
GNU less 321 sources
15826 LZANIM3.ZIP 280,1 kt 02.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
LZA compression kit. Higher compression than FLI / FLC without reducing the replay speed (too much!). Multi resolution interface, appends pcx files to a LZA file.
15827 LZO023.ZIP 255 kt 18.10.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer) is a data compression library which is suitable for data de-/compression in real-time. This means it favours speed over compression ratio. LZO is written in ANSI C. This release includes 7 algorithms, each of which can be tuned to different compression levels.
15828 M34B4S.ZIP 2,5 Mt 11.10.1998 - - -
M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator sources v0.34b4 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 854 arcade games!
65928 MAK373B.ZIP 196933 27.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU Make 3.73 for DJGPP V2
65929 MAK373S.ZIP 623412 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
GNU Make 3.73 sources
65930 MAK375B.ZIP 209190 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU Make 3.75 for DJGPP V2
65931 MAK375S.ZIP 702793 02.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU Make 3.75 sources
15829 MAK3761D.ZIP 736,1 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Make docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
15830 MAK3761S.ZIP 686,7 kt 25.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Make for DJGPP V2 - sources
15831 MAK3781B.ZIP 256,2 kt 23.02.2000 - - -
GNU Make 3.8.1 for DJGPP V2
15832 MAME033S.ZIP 2,3 Mt 05.09.1998 - - -
M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator sources v0.33 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games!
15833 MATRIX10.ZIP 17,7 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
Matrix template class for C++
15375 MATRIXC.ZIP 11128 13.12.1994 - 26779/PCShareware-1-98.bin -
Library of matrix calculation routines
15834 MATRX042.ZIP 40694 13.12.1994 - 26779/PCShareware-1-98.bin -
Small Matrix Toolbox for C programmers
Version 0.42. Supports Unix and DOS.
51173 MBNETDJ2.TXT 11145 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2 -pikaopas MBnetin käyttäjille.
Uusittu suomenkielinen ohje DJGPP V2:n
asentamiseen ja käytön aloittamiseen.
Päivitetty käsittelemään DJGPP 2.01:tä.
15835 MBNETDJ3.TXT 11,2 kt 21.02.2001 - - -
DJGPP V2 -pikaopas MBnetin käyttäjilleVersio 3. Uusittu suomenkielinen ohje DJGPP V2:n asentamiseen ja käytön aloittamiseen. Päivitetty käsittelemään DJGPP 2.01:tä, ja tiedostoversiot päivitetty ajan tasalle.
15836 MDSS040A.ZIP 1,3 Mt 14.03.1997 - MBCD -
MIDAS Sound System v0.40 Revision a A multi-channel digital sound and music system for C, Pascal and Assembler programmers. Supports GUS, PAS, SB, WSS and no sound, plays MOD, S3M and MTM modules. Can be used with Borland and Watcom C (16-bit), Borland Pascal 7 and now also with pure assembler. FULL SOURCE CODE INCLUDED! Now also all libraries included in compiled form. (Extract with subdirectories)
15837 MIDAS050.ZIP 1253534 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
MIDAS Sound System v0.5.0  MIDAS is a 32-bit
digital music and sound system, for MS-DOS,
Win32 (C and Delphi) and Linux. It plays
Protracker, ST3 and FT2 modules, plus
individual samples and digital audio streams.
Full source code and pre-compiled libraries
for all platforms are included. - CONTAINS
15838 MIKALG30.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.03.1998 - - -
MIKALLEGRO 3.00 (16-December-1997) - A game programming and mod library for DJGPP compiler. Combination by Guan Foo Wah. Mikalleg is the combination and modification of Allegro 3.0 and Mikmod 2.10 so that it can compile together without any problems.
15839 MIKM210D.ZIP 403675 10.11.1996 - - -
Mikmod v2.10
Watcom (DOS4GW, PMODEW) C or C++ ASM mixing
routines + binaries.
Cheap non-crippled shareware.
15840 MKKBD2.ZIP 5333 02.04.1996 - - -
Keyboard interrupt handler for DJGPP V2
15841 MKUTIL22.ZIP 269147 25.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Makefile Utilities combines DMAKE with a
set of pre-configured configuration files
and batch files for re-compiling SciTech
Software products. Supports Borland C++,
Watcom C++, Visual C++, Symantec C++,
Metaware C++ and DJGPP.
66201 MLP104B.ZIP 38666 03.09.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
DJP 1.04 executable file compressor for DJGPP
v2 programs, binaries
66202 MLP104S.ZIP 135519 03.09.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
DJP 1.04 executable file compressor for DJGPP
v2 programs, sources
15842 MLP105B.ZIP 40,1 kt 25.11.1997 - 23267/CHIP Nisan 1997.iso -
DJP v1.05 executable file compressor for DJGPP V2 programs, binaries
15843 MLP105S.ZIP 172 kt 25.11.1997 - 23267/CHIP Nisan 1997.iso -
DJP v1.05 executable file compressor for DJGPP V2 programs, sources
15844 MLP107B.ZIP 53,7 kt 05.09.1998 - 23383/Chip_2000-01_cd.bin -
DJP executable file compressor v1.07 for DJGP programs, by ML1050. Binaries.
15845 MLP107S.ZIP 289,9 kt 05.09.1998 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
DJP executable file compressor v1.07 for DJGP programs, by ML1050. Sources.
15846 MOUPP400.ZIP 45,8 kt 10.08.1999 - 18002/wc-cdrom-cusersgrouplibrary-1994-08.iso -
Mouse++ 4.0 - C++ mouse library.
15380 MSEC_12.ZIP 8446 13.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Millisecond resolution timer
15847 MTGRAP1.ZIP 233325 17.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Neuromancer Software: Mtgraph mode 13h
15848 MTROUT12.ZIP 123 kt 29.07.1997 koko¹ ratsnest3.iso -
MTROUT v1.2 BC++ 3.1:lle Spritet, PCX-lataus, skaalaus, paletti, näppis, hiiri, fontit, datatiedostot, fixed point -rutiinit lähdekoodeineen. Paljon esimerkkejä. Sisältää myös apuohjelmia: PICOPY.EXE (datafileille), GETFONT.EXE ja GETPAL.EXE Freeware! by PLOTSO 1997
15849 MTROUTDJ.ZIP 135,4 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
MTROUT v1.0 DJGPP v2:lle Spritet, PCX-lataus, skaalaus, paletti, näppis, hiiri, fontit, datatiedostot, fixed point -rutiinit lähdekoodeineen. Paljon esimerkkejä. Sisältää myös apuohjelmia: PICOPY.EXE (datafileille), GETFONT.EXE ja GETPAL.EXE Freeware! by PLOTSO 1997
51186 NH313SRC.A01 662284 29.12.1993 - - -
Nethack 3.1.3 Source files, archive 2 of 2.
51187 NH313SRC.ARJ 1456328 29.12.1993 - - -
Nethack 3.1.3 Source files. Compilable for
DOS easily by DJGPP. Requires TAR to extract.
Packet 1 of 2.
15850 NH330SRC.TGZ 2,8 Mt 13.12.1999 - - -
Nethack v3.3.0 - lähdekooditNethack-seikkailupelin version 3.3.0 lähdekoodit.
Tar.gz-muodossa, purkamiseen tarvitset Tar- ja Gzip-ohjelmat. Myös NDMAKE on hyödyllinen apuväline kääntämiseen. DOS-versio kääntyy ainakin DJGPP v2:lla.
15851 NHEXS313.ZIP 2,7 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Nethack Extended v3.1.3 lähdekoodi
51191 OBC2721B.ZIP 602134 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
66698 OBC272B.ZIP 580989 02.04.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Objective-C 2.7.2 for DJGPP V2
15852 OBJC2952.ZIP 891,7 kt 23.02.2000 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
GNU DJGPP Objective-C compiler v2.9.5.2
15853 OMEN2QWK.ZIP 46392 01.05.1995 - - -
Omen -> QWK conventer sources
15384 ONETIM11.ZIP 61420 20.10.1995 - 6421/C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso -
A complete file security system, featuring
a theoretically "unbreakable" cipher based
on the same  "onetime"  encryption algorithm
used by intelligence agencies. Includes a
"file-shredder"  utility that deletes files
so thoroughly  that absolutely  no
information whatever can  then be  recovered
from them.    C source for all the
executables is included.    Very reasonable
registration  of $3.00  gives free update
15854 OTM3D095.ZIP 254474 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
3DTOOLS v0.95 - C++ 3d engine with
supporting graphics library.  Lambert
and Gouraud shaded polygons, matrix
rotation, z-buffering, polygon
intersection.  C++/ASM source.
Coded by Voltaire/OTM
15855 OTMVOXEL.ZIP 187670 26.05.1996 - MBCD -
Voxel landscape explanation and
demo with C++ source. Coded by Voltaire/OTM.
67071 PAT21B.ZIP 64993 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU patch 2.1 for DJGPP V2
67072 PAT21S.ZIP 86343 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU patch 2.1 sources
15856 PAT25B.ZIP 91 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU patch 2.5 for DJGPP V2
15857 PATCH.EXE 45450 23.07.1996 - - -
.RTPatch v2.10 for Borland C++ <=4.0 patches
15858 PCL4C50.ZIP 89125 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
(PCL4C50.ZIP), November 95, Ver 5.0, .
DOS & DOS/PM. Async comm library supporting
COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports
concurrently, many dumb multiport boards,
16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow
control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru
IRQ15, all memory models + protected mode.
Supports Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++
MIX Power C, and Microsoft C/C++. By
15859 PCTIME12.ZIP 63,8 kt 10.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
PcTimer 1.2 - High-resolution timing routine. C source.
15860 PCX2CSRC.ZIP 21719 26.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PCX to C++ Source Code conversion utility
for use with XLIB.
15861 PDC22.ZIP 319593 02.04.1996 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
Public-domain Curses library v2.2 for DJGPP
15862 PGCC101.ZIP 895,2 kt 10.02.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Pentium Optimizing GCC v1.0.1 (v2.90.23 based of egcs 1.0.1).
67296 PMODE10B.ZIP 28809 31.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
pmode10b PMODE/DJ V1.0 binary distribution
67297 PMODE10S.ZIP 49510 31.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
pmode10s PMODE/DJ V1.0 source distribution
67298 PMODE11B.ZIP 29646 02.12.1996 - MBHH1997 tupla
PMODE stub 1.1 for djgpp V2 binaries
67299 PMODE11S.ZIP 50863 02.12.1996 - MBHH1997 tupla
PMODE stub 1.1 for djgpp V2 sources
15863 PMODE12B.ZIP 29,7 kt 25.11.1997 - 23383/Chip_2000-01_cd.bin -
PMODE/DJ stub v1.2 for DJGPP V2 binaries
15864 PMODE12S.ZIP 52,7 kt 25.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
PMODE/DJ stub v1.2 for DJGPP V2 sources
67304 PMW123.ZIP 133479 27.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
PMODE/W  v1.23  DOS  Extender  for  use  with
WATCOM C/C++. Features: Extender size is less
than 10k, Extender  is  internal  to the EXE,
Replaces  DOS4GW.EXE,  Fully  compatible with
WATCOM  C,  Fast  execution,  Free  for  non-
commercial    use,    Protected    mode   EXE
compression.   Changes   in   Version   1.23:
Optional startup banner,  DOS  extender  info
15865 PMW133.ZIP 139,8 kt 14.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PMODE/W v1.33 DOS Extender For use with WATCOM C/C++ Features: Extender size is less than 12k Extender is internal to the EXE Replaces dos4gw.EXE Fully compatible with WATCOM C Fast execution Free for non-commercial use Protected mode EXE compression Changes in Version 1.33: See UPDATES.DOC for changes
15866 POVMSD_S.ZIP 1186175 17.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
POV-Ray 3.00 for MS-DOS source code (C).
Supports the Borland, Watcom, and DJGPP
C compilers.
15867 PS32-WC.ZIP 64944 13.06.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
PS32 v 0.0 - Protected Mode S3M Player for
Gravis Ultrasound (by P.G.M/Extravaganza).
Works under Watcom C/C++
15868 PTRTUT01.ZIP 27405 23.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Tutorial for pointers and arrays in C.
15869 QSRC1123.ZIP 199,3 kt 01.04.1997 - - -
Quest (Quake Editing Station) Source Code v1.1. By Trey Harrison (otaku@u.washington. edu) and Chris Carollo (carollo@cis.ohio- state.edu). November 23rd, 1996.
15870 RAWIEW.ZIP 21,4 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
simpleRAW-View for watcom C 10.6 by fuse/embrace aka Petteri Muilu
15871 READCDA.ZIP 19,1 kt 10.08.1999 - 20969/Audio_Toolkit_Walnut_Creek_September_1997.iso -
Read CD audio data into a disk file. C source.
15873 READDIR.ZIP 10583 20.10.1995 - 2021/The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume III (Data Express)(1993).ISO -
Readdir.CPP - is a C++ function to get an
alphabetically-sorted listing of available
drives, directories, and files. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
15872 READDIRC.ZIP 2103 02.12.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Readdir.CPP - is a C++ function to get an
alphabetically sorted listing of available
drives, directories, and files. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
15874 README.1ST 13,1 kt 28.11.1997 - - eritupla
67811 README.1ST 10352 02.12.1996 renamed MBCD eritupla
67812 README.DJ2 10366 27.03.1996 - MBCD -
DJGPP V2 ReadMe file  ***LUE TÄMÄ ENSIN***
15875 REALMEM.ZIP 10855 26.05.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Flat real mode documentation by Progrex.
15876 RFVDEMO.ZIP 547450 26.05.1996 - MBCD -
RFV-DEMO by Thomas Hagen. A few routines for
rotating bitmaps, fractal zooming, voxelspace
and plasma.
15877 RHGDBEXE.ZIP 347,7 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
RHIDE v1.1B - bug fix for RHIDE 1.1/gdb
67912 RHIDE10B.ZIP 1400676 14.01.1997 - - -
RHIde on klooni Turbo C:n IDE-kehitys-
ympäristöstä DJGPP:lle. Sisältää mm.
mahdollisuuden suomalaisiin valikoihin.
15878 RHIDE14B.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.10.1997 - 23383/Chip_2000-01_cd.bin -
RHide v1.4 Uusin versio kätevästä käyttöliittyämstä DJGPP:hen ja
muihin GNU-kääntäjiin.
15879 RHIDE14S.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
RHide v1.4 for DJGPP sources
15880 RLE16_SC.ZIP 17170 27.04.1995 - 21845/Power Programming (1994).iso -
RLE compression/decompression program, 16 bit
header version by Shaun Case. PD.
15881 RLE8_SC.ZIP 16148 27.04.1995 - 21845/Power Programming (1994).iso -
RLE compression/decompression program, 8 bit
header version by Shaun Case. PD.
15404 RPDOS4G2.ZIP 4144 26.05.1996 - 7504/freedom.zip -
Rips apart DOS/4G EXEs and replaces the
extender with PMODE/W. Requires PMW100.ZIP
and a copy of Watcom C. - UPDATED BUG FIX
15882 RST2_SRC.ZIP 23719 26.05.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
RST2 Intro C Source Code from The Rising Sun
Team. Freeware.
15883 RTVBE210.ZIP 56,5 kt 07.12.1997 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Realtech VESA 2.00 Developement Kit v2.10 : Programming VESA 2.00 in C. Example and code supplied.
15884 RYEMOUSE.ZIP 20,5 kt 10.08.1999 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
RyeMouse.lib - Mouse library (C/C++).
15885 SB05_DJ2.ZIP 267806 12.12.1996 - 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso -
SB MOD-Playeri DJGPP v2:lle. Soittaa max.
8-kanavaisia MOD:deja ja tukee lisäksi
ääniefektejä VOC, WAV ja RAW formaatissa.
FreeWare, saa käyttää tietyin ehdoin
kaupallisissa- ja SW-ohjelmissa.
15886 SBF3.ZIP 87959 26.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
C callable library for Sound Blaster/Pro.
15887 SBPROG10.ZIP 37851 26.05.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
C++ source code of using Sound Blaster card.
15888 SCROLL2.ZIP 41214 26.05.1996 - MBCD -
Simple scrolling demo with sources.
15889 SEAL103.ZIP 522,3 kt 18.08.1997 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
SEAL Audio Library Release 1.03. 32-bit multichannel audio system for DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT and Linux operating systems. Supports SB, SBPro, SB16, AWE32, PAS, PAS16, GUS, GUSDB, GUSMAX, IW, WSS, ESS and Aria cards. Plays MOD/MTM/S3M/XM modules.
15408 SED118B.ZIP 38908 27.03.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
GNU sed 1.18 for DJGPP V2
15409 SED118S.ZIP 107596 02.04.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU sed 1.18 sources
15890 SHITRIS.ZIP 141,7 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Shitris -tetrisklooni Tehty BC++ 3.1 / DJGPP v2 Sisältää lähdekoodit kommentoituna, tarvittavat .OBJ/.O ja käännetyn EXEn by PLOTSO 1997
15891 SHL112B.ZIP 674,8 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU sh-utils 1.12 for DJGPP V2
15892 SL_CPUID.ZIP 47,4 kt 27.02.1999 - MBCD -
Prosessorin tunnistelua, toimii 386+ (CPUID-käskyllä), lähdekoodit mukana. Vaatii DOS4GW:n.
15893 SMIXC125.ZIP 174820 03.03.1996 - 22622/cd3.iso -
(v1.25) SMIXC - Sound Library (Borland C)
Digital sound engine that plays multiple
sounds simultaneously, mixing them in real
time.  Supports XMS, resource files, 16-bit
output and auto-initialized DMA.  Uses small
fraction of CPU time.  For Borland C real
mode.  Versions available for several other
compilers.  Freeware (Donation requested)
Ethan Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
15894 SMIXW125.ZIP 193927 03.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
(v1.25) SMIXW - Sound Library (Watcom C)
Digital sound engine that plays multiple
sounds simultaneously, mixing them in real
time.  Supports XMS, resource files, 16-bit
output and auto-initialized DMA.  Uses small
fraction of CPU time.  For Watcom C DOS/4GW
pmode.  Versions available for several other
compilers.  Freeware (Donation requested)
Ethan Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
15895 SNEES15C.ZIP 216,1 kt 26.03.1998 - - -
The SNES emulator SNEeSe version 0.15 released on 21 March 1998, source code.
15896 SNIP9404.ZIP 426824 12.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The SNIPPETS collection is an archive of over
300 separate files, over 30,000 lines of
mostly C/C++ source code - all public domain
and freeware - which contains the best
answers to "How do I..."  questions.
15897 SOSSO.ZIP 43405 31.05.1995 - - -
Secret Of Steel L-Peli's Official Source Code
15898 SSPELL14.ZIP 108534 01.05.1995 - 10852/Simtel20_Sept92.cdr -
Unix-tyylinen spell PC:lle
16467 STEPH1B0.ZIP 315179 13.12.1994 - 6326/BURKS_AUG97.ISO -
Windows and Menus user interface library
for C, Version 1.0b.
15899 STGDK3A1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
"Stellar Game Development Kit 3.0A for Watcom C/C++ 10.0+ Disk 1 of 2 These powerful libraries are all youll ever need to   create  a  professionalpowerful game in  Watcom C.  Registered version includes a Sound  SystemCOM RoutinesHigh Resolution routinesIPX Routinesand MUCH more! Shareware"
15900 STGDK3A2.ZIP 967,8 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
"Stellar Game Development Kit 3.0A for Watcom C/C++ 10.0+ Disk 2 of 2 These powerful libraries are all youll ever need to   create  a  professionalpowerful game in  Watcom C.  Registered version includes a Sound  SystemCOM RoutinesHigh Resolution routinesIPX Routinesand MUCH more! Shareware"
15901 SUAE069C.ZIP 408,3 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
DosUAE source code (DOS port of the Un*x Amiga Emulator) version 0.6.9c. Compilable with DJGPP v2.01. Port by Gustavo Goedert.
15902 SVAS011B.ZIP 7,6 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
Asynchronous serial port library with full source for DJGPP 2.0. Can also be used as a reference for hooking hardware interrupts and AT&T assembly syntax.
15903 SVGACC21.ZIP 219132 12.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SVGACC.LIB-ver 2.0-is a high-res, 256-color
graphics library for MS & Borland C/C++. It
recognizes 20 different SVGA cards, allows
programming in 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and
1024x768 256-color modes.  Capabilities:
hardware id; simple primitives; 2D/3D points,
joystick/mouse support, GIF encode/decode;
paging; XMS; palettes; bitmaps and sprites.
15904 TAF.ZIP 783,4 kt 15.10.1999 - - -
TAF - Animation format/animator. v 0.2. Made with DJGPP & Allegro. (C) Tero Laitinen.
15905 TAR112B.ZIP 216,9 kt 28.11.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU tar 1.12 for DJGPP V2
15424 TDIG20.ZIP 90608 28.02.1996 - - -
Libraries containing functions for
finding all roots to polynomials.
Handles polynomials with both real and
complex coefficients. Other useful
polynomial functions are included.
Works with both DOS and Windows.
Formats for both Microsoft and Borland
languages are included. Developed by
15906 TECHFUN.ZIP 30827 29.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Black Magic presents TechnoFun sources.
15907 TESS-C.ZIP 33883 05.07.1995 - 1969/RBBSIABOX31.cdr -
TesSeRact(TM) v1.00
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs. C version.
15908 TESS-D.ZIP 46862 05.07.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip tupla
TesSeRact(TM) Documentation v1.00
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs and A Proposed Standard
for Ram-Resident Program Communication.
Copyright (c)1988, TesSeRact Development Team
15909 TEXMPSRC.ZIP 48700 29.05.1996 - scene.org -
SliQ: Slimy Texture Mapping with sources.
15910 TGASAVE.ZIP 11228 13.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
C source code for saving Targa images
15911 TGE101.ZIP 68013 05.12.1994 - 15201/My Software Collection.iso -
Graphics Engine For C/C Library With Asm And
C Source Code.
15429 TLP4V11C.ZIP 388686 06.06.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Tale Graphics Driver v1.1c (SW version). TLP4
is a graphics driver for use with the
Borland/Turbo C compilers.
15912 TNYPLAY2.ZIP 8947 06.06.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
32-bit Protected Mode Tiny MOD Player for DOS
Full source code in ASM and C included
written by Pelusa / Psychic Monks
15913 TRAN20.ZIP 123525 28.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Libraries with high-performance random
number generators for C and C++.
Includes functions to generate random
numbers for: uniform, normal, gamma,
beta, Cauchy, chi-squared, F, t,
exponential, Gumbel, Pareto, Weibull,
logistic, binomial, geometric, negative
binomial, and poisson distributions.
Formats for Microsoft, Borland, and
Watcom are included. Operates under
15915 TUBE!.ZIP 36,7 kt 27.02.1999 - - -
   === UT-Tube/Tunnel ==  Wireframed tube/tunnel -effect with  a FPS-counter and half-commented  DJGPP-sources! FreeWare by Mikko Kauppila
15914 TUBESRC.ZIP 22035 06.06.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Tunneli-efektin lähdekoodeja
15916 TUT10NEW.ZIP 45343 06.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA Trainer. Part 10: Chain-4
15917 TVISIONB.ZIP 230576 02.12.1996 - MBHH1997 -
Turbo Vision libraries and headers (DJGPP)
15918 TVISIONS.ZIP 227700 02.12.1996 - MBHH1997 -
Turbo Vision source code (DJGPP)
69484 TXI360B.ZIP 550855 03.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
GNU texinfo 3.6 for DJGPP V2
69485 TXI360S.ZIP 898866 02.04.1996 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso tupla
GNU texinfo 3.6 sources
51207 TXI390B.ZIP 438430 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
GNU texinfo 3.9 for DJGPP V2
15435 TXI390S.ZIP 964786 02.12.1996 - MBCD -
GNU texinfo 3.9 sources
15919 TXI40B.ZIP 631,5 kt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU texinfo 4.0 for DJGPP V2
15920 TXI40S.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.02.2000 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
GNU texinfo 4.0 for DJGPP sources
15921 TXT122B.ZIP 811,9 kt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU textutils 1.22 for DJGPP V2
15922 UNITRK.ZIP 4,3 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The UNITRK(tm) Format - MikMod music library file format.
15923 UNZIP386.EXE 193908 27.03.1996 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
A free program to unzip the DJGPP archives
15924 UNZIP52.ZIP 805924 09.08.1996 - MBCD -
Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.20: generic C sources
Complete C source code for Info-ZIP's
PKUNZIP-compatible .zip extractor, for  all
supported compilers and platforms  (Unix,
OS/2, MS-DOS, NT, VMS, Amiga,  Atari, Mac,
Acorn, VM/CMS, etc.), plus  lots of coo l
documentation.This is FREE (but copyrighted)
software.See COPYING for details on
distributionand reuse.
15925 UTWORM10.ZIP 60,8 kt 31.07.1998 - - -
Medieval Worms - matopeli by Untsikka productions. DJGPP-sorsat mukana.
15926 UTWORM13.ZIP 102,4 kt 28.02.1999 - - -
Medieval Worms 1.3 Matopeli DJGPP-sorsineen
15927 UUCONVER.ZIP 3 kt 11.08.1999 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
UUConvert - Portable uudecode (with uucat) by wigley. C source.
15928 VECTBAL2.ZIP 190266 06.06.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Vector Balls (with sources) by Tumblin & Rush
of Bodies In Motion.
15929 VED11.ZIP 84396 06.06.1996 väärä koko scene.org -
VED v1.1 - Vector Editor
By Tumblin / Bodies In Motion '95.
New features:
- object scaling
- use mouse when making polygons
- cosmetic fixes
15930 VGL20.ZIP 569253 11.01.1995 - MBCD -
VGL 2.0: VGA Graphics Library (mode 13h)
With full 'C' source code, assembly core
module for 286 and 386. Includes routines
for drawing on virtual screens, drawing
sprites, doing fast blits, manipulating
the palette (including fading and cycling),
drawing bitmapped fonts, loading GIF
images, drawing lines, trapping key
presses, handling the mouse, etc.
Freeware by Mark Morley.
15931 VIEW.ZIP 11149 10.11.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Hyvin yksinkertainen PCX-näyttäjä 320x200x256
tilaan. Tehty Borland C:llä.
15932 VLIB_120.ZIP 979,8 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
VLib 1.20 Fast SVGA/VESA 2.0/LFB game programming librafy SDK for Watcom (C).
15933 VMOUSE22.ZIP 367,6 kt 03.07.1998 - ratsnest2.iso -
VMOUSE 2.2 - Mouse Cursors using VESA/VBE2.0 and Watcom C.
15934 VOXEL.ZIP 9575 26.03.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Voxeleita c/c++:lla.
15935 WALLY.ZIP 18047 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
Wally is a go-playing program. This ZIP
file contains a shell archive, which
in turn contains the source code and
some documents. There is *no* EXE file!
15938 WAT_FLI.ZIP 31,2 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Assorted stuffs for Watcom C/C++ & Tasm - by Zoombapup / Zen (asm & C++)
15939 WAT_TUT1.ZIP 3,7 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
"Knuts Watcom tutorial #1 - Using Watcoms in-line assembler."
15940 WAT_TUT2.ZIP 4,5 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
"Knuts Watcom tutorial #2 - Linking External ASM-files with Watcom"
15454 WATC10.TXT 22789 02.05.1995 - - -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: text file containing
bug fixes for the next patch level.
15452 WATC10A.TXT 47175 02.05.1995 - - -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: text file containing
bug fixes for the A patch level.
15453 WATC10B.TXT 2330 02.05.1995 - - -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: text file containing
bug fixes for the B patch level
(Pentium FDIV).
15936 WATCMFAQ.ZIP 7526 21.08.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
The WATCOM C/C++ Game Programmer's FAQ.
Version 0.7 by Lee A. Lorenz. Since WATCOM's
strategic pricing of WATCOM C/C++ version
10.0, many users unfamiliar with protected
mode programming have been posting alot of
questions. The purpose of this FAQ is to
clear up many of those questions. For now, I
will concentrate on the specifics of
programming WATCOM C/C++ (9.5 or 10.0) in
protected (or 32-bit) mode, using the DOS/4GW
Dos Extender from Rational Systems...
15937 WATCOM11.ZIP 21647 13.06.1996 - - -
The WATCOM C/C++ Programmer's FAQ written by
Paul Hsieh. Revision 1.1 (May 23, 1996)
15455 WC10AERR.ZIP 229317 02.05.1995 - - -
Watcom C/C++ 10.0: C & C++ error diag-
nostics files (DOS) missing in 'a' patch
15941 WCIDE220.ZIP 152,4 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Watcom C/C++ IDE 2.2 for Watcom 10.x (DOS)
15942 WCIDE25X.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
WCIDE v2.5 - WATCOM C/C++ MS-DOS IDE for Watcom C/C++ 10.6+ (shareware)
70027 WGT51.ZIP 3333950 14.10.1995 - scene.org tupla
WordUp Graphics Toolkit V5.1 Shareware
Release for Watcom C/C++ 10
The ultimate 32 bit protected mode games and
graphics library available for Watcom C.
Includes: Sprite Editor, Map Maker, Realtime
3D rendering, joystick, 8 way scrolling,
sprites, SVGA, FLI/FLC, serial/modem and
many more routines.  Download this and
discover the world of professional graphics
15943 WGT51A.ZIP 1073945 06.06.1996 - 7504/freedom.zip -
WordUp Graphics Toolkit V5.1  (Disk 1/3)
Shareware Release for Watcom C/C++ 10
The ultimate 32 bit protected mode
games and graphics library available
for Watcom C.
Includes: Sprite Editor, Map Maker,
Realtime 3D rendering, joystick,
8 way scrolling, sprites, SVGA,
FLI/FLC, serial/modem and many more
15944 WGT51B.ZIP 1043584 06.06.1996 - 7504/freedom.zip -
WordUp Graphics Toolkit V5.1  (Disk 2/2)
Shareware Release for Watcom C/C++ 10
The ultimate 32 bit protected mode
games and graphics library available
for Watcom C.
Includes: Sprite Editor, Map Maker,
Realtime 3D rendering, joystick,
8 way scrolling, sprites, SVGA,
FLI/FLC, serial/modem and many more
15945 WGT51C.ZIP 1224380 06.06.1996 - 7504/freedom.zip -
WordUp Graphics Toolkit V5.1  (Disk 3/3)
Shareware Release for Watcom C/C++ 10
The ultimate 32 bit protected mode
games and graphics library available
for Watcom C.
Includes: Sprite Editor, Map Maker,
Realtime 3D rendering, joystick,
8 way scrolling, sprites, SVGA,
FLI/FLC, serial/modem and many more
15946 WGTTUT1.ZIP 14596 23.09.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #1
15947 WGTTUT2.ZIP 46945 23.09.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #2
Topic: Shaded Polygons  Learn how to draw
shaded polygons in C language from the author
of the WordUp Graphics Toolkit.
15948 WGTTUT3.ZIP 141343 23.09.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #3
Topic: Texture Mapped Polygons  Learn
how to draw texture mapped polygons in
C/ASM language from the author of the
WordUp Graphics Toolkit.
15949 WGTTUT4.ZIP 103749 23.09.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
WGT Graphics Tutorial Issue #4
Topic: Dirty Rectangle Animation.
Speed up your animated sprites using the
dirty rectangle technique. Full source code
and explanation. Requires WGT 4.0 to compile.
15950 WGTTUT5.ZIP 224125 06.06.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
WGT Graphics Tutorial, Issue #5
Topic: Realtime Morphing
Learn about image fading,
color quantization, and
texture mapping.
Full source code and
Note: Requires WGT 5.1
to compile.
15951 WIDE.ZIP 11,7 kt 03.07.1998 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Use Borland IDE with Watcom C/C++ compiler.
15461 WMEMU2B.ZIP 63784 21.04.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
WM's 387 emulator binaries for DJGPP V2
15462 WMEMU2S.ZIP 99328 02.04.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
WM's 387 emulator sources for DJGPP V2
15952 WOLFSRC.ZIP 577051 31.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Wolfenstein 3D source codes for Borland C.
15463 WPASCII.ZIP 358110 23.09.1995 - - -
Working paper for the ANSI standard of C++
This is the WP for the X3J16/WG21 standard
which was sent for public review in May 1995.
This is *not* the final ANSI standard!
Distribute freely but do not modify.
From http://www.cygnus.com/~mrs
15953 XLIB61.ZIP 786635 06.06.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Mode X routines for DOS and Windows.
15954 XLIBDJ25.ZIP 126,3 kt 29.07.1997 - 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso -
Free XLIB-like mode-x routines for DJGPP v2.0 (BETA)  Includes planar, compiled, rle bitmaps, palette effects, text, screen copies, mouse driver, clipped planar bitmaps and text  by Paul Fenwick, bg914@freenet.carleton.ca
15955 XMSLB17.ZIP 19404 23.07.1996 - 21845/Power Programming (1994).iso -
XMS library for C/ASM v1.7 (1991)
15956 XSHARP15.ZIP 104743 12.02.1995 - 10852/Simtel20_Sept92.cdr -
X-Sharp 3D Animation package sources
15465 YG405W95.ZIP 78991 30.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
YGrep Search Engine v4.05
This is a powerful 32-bit library able to
search text using regular expressions as
well as approximative descriptions of the
pattern. Allows search (grep), replace
Registered users get both DOS and Windows
versions. For Borland, Visual and others.
15467 ZIP21.ZIP 435022 09.08.1996 - MBCD -
Source code for Info-Zip's free zip 2.1
15957 ZTIMER22.ZIP 129411 23.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
ZEN TIMER v2.2: The Zen Timer is a high
precision (microsecond accuracy) timing
library for 16 bit real mode, 16 bit
protected mode and 32 bit protected mode
programs. Supports Borland C++, Watcom C++,
Visual C++, Symantec C++, Metaware C++ and
15958 386BOOK.ZIP 234301 02.09.1994 - 16341/ReverseCodeEngineeringRceCdsandman2000.iso -
Intel i386 Programmer's Reference Manual '86
15959 386INTEL.ZIP 208444 06.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Intel 386 Programmer's reference manual
15964 3D_MATH.ZIP 11840 06.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TXT - Math for 3D Rotations by Lithium /VLA
15960 3DGPS_1.ZIP 2,1 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
3D Graphics Programming Series #1 - Intro to 3D Graphics (txt).
15962 3DICA21.ZIP 210,6 kt 11.05.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
3D-ohjelmoinnin perusopas (c) Ica/2 1996, 1997. Käsitellyt asiat: vektorit, 2D->3D, 3D-pyöritykset, matriisitekniikka, polygonit, gouraud, texturemappaus, z-sort, z-buffer, bsp-puu, s-buffer, flat shade, env-mappaus, phong illuminating, hidden face removal, frameskip, ym. Selvää soome kiält, mukana TP-esimerkkiohjelmia yo. aiheista. Ica/2 suosittelee! CareWarea -- maksa jos jaksat.
15961 3DICA211.ZIP 215,9 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
3D-ohjelmoinnin perusopas (c) Ica/2 1996, 1997. Käsitellyt asiat: vektorit, 2D->3D, 3D-pyöritykset, matriisitekniikka, polygonit, gouraud, texturemappaus (lineaarisella interpoloinnilla ja perspektiivikorjauksella), z-sort, z-buffer, bsp-puu, s-buffer, flat shade, env-mappaus, phong illuminating, backface culling, (eräänlainen) view cone, frameskip, ym. Selvää soome kiält, mukana TP-esimerkkiohjelmia yo. aiheista sekä
15963 3DICA22.ZIP 348,5 kt 07.12.1997 - MBCD -
3D-ohjelmoinnin perusopas v2.2 (c) Ica/Hubris 1996, 1997. Sisältää daattaa mm. näistä aiheista: vektorit, matriisit, 2D->3D, 3D-pyöritykset matriiseilla, vapaa liikkuminen, kamera, hierarkiset objektit, flat-polyt, gouraud, texturemappaus (myös perspektiivikorjattu), z-sort, z-buffer, bsp-puu, s-buffer, flat shade, env-mappaus, phong illumination, aito phong, texture+shade, valojen vapaa liikkuminen, spotlitet, portalit, himmeneminen, yms.
15965 3DS_08.ZIP 3455 31.07.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Autodesk 3D Studion .3DS tiedoston
epäviralliset specsit
15966 4P.ZIP 207422 24.11.1995 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
You really need this if you're writing
optimized code for the Intel iPentium!
15967 50HN1195.ZIP 24178 23.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
50h Net Application and Info Pack 11-01-95
50h Net is the perfect net for ANYONE who is
interested in programming.   Beginners to the
15968 AAAS13.ZIP 39,5 kt 19.10.1999 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 5 - tile-based scrolling
15969 AAAS5.ZIP 13,7 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Action Arcade Adventure Set, chapter 5 - tile-based scrolling. AAAS13 on "sprite animation"!
15970 ABUSE_PD.ZIP 2,4 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Abuse - source codes from Crack dot Com! The founders have released the source code of their two-year old side-scrolling shooter, Abuse, into public domain, at this link. While not particularly popular, Abuse offered some rather unique gameplay and structure elements mostly unseen in the field of computer gaming, including a built-in LISP engine (including the changing of various parameters within the game system), support for multiple resolutions and operating
15971 ANM8_113.ZIP 177783 26.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Latest shareware version of the 32-bit sprite
and animation software for game programmers.
features complex sprite manipulations and edi
such as sprite rotations,color compressions,
This version is the complete fully-functional
the older version 1.1.
15972 ANMFORMT.ZIP 21763 06.05.1996 - ratsnest2.iso -
Information of Deluxe Paint's ANM-file format
15973 ANSISYS.ZIP 2,8 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
"ANSI.SYSs Escape Sequences"
15974 ARITCLIP.ZIP 3,7 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Paper on polygon clipping by Adrian Brown
15976 AS_GUIDE.ZIP 32,8 kt 19.10.1999 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
"Whizzards Guide to Text Adventure Authorship v1.0."
15975 ASCIII.ZIP 5,3 kt 26.10.1997 - - -
tarpeellinen ohjelma mm. ohjelmoijille. nayttaa jokaisen ascii-merkin desimaaleina, heksoina, oktaalina ja binaarina.
15268 ASCTV100.ZIP 6847 15.08.1995 - - -
ASCII Table v1.00
Show: Binary, Ascii, Hex and Octal numbers.
Freeware... by: TNT-Tero
Very useful when editing saved games...
15977 AVOID_GW.ZIP 1 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
How to detect Game Wizard - by Yonghee Lee (C sample)
15978 AWE32PRG.ZIP 36 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Unofficial SB AWE32 programming document
15979 BIPL.LZH 803299 10.03.1995 - - -
Basic Icon Program Library v9.0
Icon-ohjelmointikielen peruskirjasto,
sisältää proseduureja ja kokonaisia
ohjelmia erilaisien ongelmien ratkai-
semiseen. Iconia ylläpitää Arizonan
yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen
15980 BLUECOMP.ZIP 55524 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Bluestone 32-bit compiler v1.0 New game
making programming language with file, memory
and modex functions included. Uses Tran's dos
extender and Matt Pritchard's modex
15982 BMP.ZIP 4,6 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BMP (BitMaP) graphics file format specification
15981 BMP2D15.ZIP 12,8 kt 30.01.1999 - MBCD -
Bitmap to Source Converter is a program for DOS game programmers that converts a 256-color BMP file into an easy to read format.
15983 BNK_FORM.ZIP 1,2 kt 19.10.1999 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
AdLib music instrument bank (BNK) file format
15984 BWAVEINF.ZIP 7469 11.09.1995 - - -
Description of the BlueWave Offline mail
format. All the necessary data is included.
15985 C7-SCANC.ZIP 8,4 kt 13.04.1997 - - -
SCANCODE (exe) By havoc/C7 This .Exe shows the value of current key pressed, as well as how many keys are pressed at the same time, very handy if you are programming or stuff. Released on the December Code Pack `96 17.11.96
15986 CA_TSA.ZIP 53,8 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Computer Adventures, The Secret Art by Gil Williamson (book)
15987 CIREL.ZIP 25,2 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Tutorial for simple graphics drawing
15988 COPRO16A.ZIP 82593 26.03.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Everything you always wanted to know about
math coprocessors
This document has been created to provide the
net.community with some detailed information
about mathematical coprocessors for the Intel
80x86 CPU family. It may also help to answer
some of the FAQs (frequently asked
questions) about this topic. The primary
focus of this document is on 80387-compatible
chips, but there is also some information on
the other chips in the 80x87 family and the
Weitek family of coprocessors.
15731 CPOST.ZIP 57554 16.08.1994 - 21552/19-Printer.zip -
IBM EWS cBook reads C source files
and produces output suitable for PostScript
printers and interpreters.
15989 CR320S.ZIP 474 kt 14.03.1999 - - -
Dungeon Crawl version 3.20 PC DOS SOURCE CODE Crawl is a fun little game in the grand tradition of games like Rogue, PCHack and Moria. (c) Linley Henzell.
15990 CR330S.ZIP 525 kt 29.08.1999 - - -
Dungeon Crawl v3.30 - luolakomppauksen lähdekoodit.
15991 CTSBK2.EXE 1774383 02.09.1996 - - tupla
Developer Kit for Sound Blaster Series
2nd Edition (for DOS only). Creative Labs.
15992 D1SRC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Descent I source code! Parallax the creator of game Descent has generously released the source code for v1.5. You are allowed to use this code only for non-commercial, non-revenue generating purposes only. This DOS source should compile and run on rollowing: Watcom 10.6, Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.11, GNU (or compatible, such as Microsoft, or Borland) Make utility.
15993 DBASEFIL.ZIP 1,1 kt 02.08.1999 - 21807/Pegasus_20.iso -
dBASE III database file structure
15994 DE-386.LZH 317720 10.03.1995 versio 8.1 951/LANGUAGE OS.iso -
Icon/386 v9.0
Icon-ohjelmointikielen versio 9.0
Icon-tulkki käännettynä 386:lle,
alkuun pääsemiseen tarvittavia doku-
mentteja sekä esimerkkiohjelmia.
Iconia ylläpitää Arizonan yliopiston
tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos.
15323 DE.LZH 337712 10.03.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
The Icon Programming Language v9.0
Icon-ohjelmointikielen versio 9.0
Icon-tulkki käännettynä 286:lle,
alkuun pääsemiseen tarvittavia doku-
mentteja sekä esimerkkiohjelmia.
Iconia ylläpitää Arizonan yliopiston
tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos.
15995 DOS4G197.ZIP 144021 29.04.1995 - - -
DOS/4GW v1.97 DOS Extender
15996 DOSREF30.ZIP 286178 05.01.1995 - MBCD -
Programmer's Technical Reference v3.0
Your complete source for programming IBM
computers running MSDOS.  Hardware, BIOS,
DOS, and third party applications are
covered.  This free demo version is better
than most printed books, the full version's
enormous size makes it unequalled in
15997 DOSREF33.ZIP 282,5 kt 03.08.1999 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
"Programmers Technical Reference - your complete source for programming IBM computers running MSDOS.  HardwareBIOSDOSand third party applications are covered.  This free demo version is better than most printed booksthe full versions enormous size makes it unequalled in completeness.   Version 3.3"
15998 DOSREF34.ZIP 283,9 kt 27.02.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"Programmers Technical Reference - your complete source for programming IBM computers running MSDOS.  HardwareBIOSDOSand third party applications are covered.  This free demo version is better than most printed booksthe full versions enormous size makes it unequalled in completeness.   Version 3.4"
15999 DPMISPEC.ZIP 62913 24.08.1996 - 17006/SuperHack CD.bin -
DPMI (DOS Protected Memory Interface)
specification documents. Contains both
versions 0.9 and 1.0.
16000 DR0498.ZIP 223073 27.12.1994 - 23463/CHIP 1995 majus.zip -
Microsoft's MSCDEX InfoPack
16002 EMS4SPEC.ZIP 79550 24.08.1996 - 23370/Chip_1998-11_cd.bin -
LIM EMS (Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded
Memory Specification), version 4.0.
16003 F1280IO.ZIP 2129 15.12.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Fahrenheit F1280 näytönohjaimen käyttämät
I/O-osoitteet. (S3 86C911)
15337 FAKEMODE.ZIP 126781 13.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
Yaka/Xography: The Official Fakemode doc.
Experience 3840 Colors on standard VGA.
16004 FMED101.ZIP 147469 13.05.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
PROGRAMMERS Registration: 55$,including bonus
CD ROM + 2 updates
16005 FMODDOC.ZIP 83800 13.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
MOD-player tutorial by Firelight.
16006 FPBIBL18.ZIP 34680 26.03.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Bibliography for floating point arithmetic.
version 1.8
64289 FRASR182.ZIP 869201 27.12.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
Source code for FRACTINT v18.2.
A mixture of C and assembly, requires
MSC 6.00, Turbo C++, or Borland C++.
Includes OBJs, no assembler required.
15344 FST-40S.LZH 628143 30.08.1996 - - -
Fitted Software Tools Modula-2 compiler v4.0
16007 GAMEPORT.DOC 6,2 kt 09.08.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Game port specifications and programming info.
16008 GIF87A.ZIP 9,7 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) specification.
16009 GIF89A.ZIP 20 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GIF89a specification.
16010 GPHPFX3D.ZIP 86,7 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Dokumentaatiota mm. Phongista, env mappauksesta, perspektiivikorjauksesta, VBE 2.0:sta yms. Mukana sekä aito, että fake Phong. Suurin osa materiaalista HTML:nä.
16011 GRAVITY.ZIP 5,6 kt 04.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Gravity FAQ by Edgar Roman - jump, space kinetics.
16012 GUSDK222.ZIP 944524 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Gus Software Development Kit v2.21
16013 HDK95A.ZIP 222487 01.04.1995 - 15463/OS2PRO194.ISO -
Help Development Kit for DOS, Windows, OS/2
and Desqview/X. Part 1/2.
16014 HDK95B.ZIP 212788 01.04.1995 - 15463/OS2PRO194.ISO -
Help Development Kit for DOS, Windows, OS/2
and Desqview/X. Part 2/2.
16015 HELPPC21.ZIP 283763 02.12.1994 - MBCD -
HelpPC v2.1 Programmers' Database
A 'hypertext' reference for the intermediate
to advanced programmer. Covers BIOS and DOS
interrupts, MS-DOS/mouse/EMS functions, BIOS
and DOS data structures, assembler
instructions and more. Stand-alone or TSR.
Shareware US $25
16016 HPC21_P5.ZIP 30762 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
HelpPC 2.1 P5-päivitys.
Lisää kaikki Pentiumkäskyt, niiden kellot
sekä kaikki FPU-käskyt kelloineen HelpPC:n
tietokantaan. Pura \helppc\-hakemistoon ja
(c) Kim Holviala 1996. Email: 
16017 INFO.LZH 14348 10.03.1995 - 21875/PFY0998.ISO -
Icon 9.0:aan liittyviä dokumentteja
65161 INTER51A.ZIP 361810 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
65162 INTER51B.ZIP 362130 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
65163 INTER51C.ZIP 361192 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
65164 INTER51D.ZIP 307906 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
65165 INTER51E.ZIP 353660 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
65166 INTER51F.ZIP 170641 09.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 51 A
Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
both documented and undocumented. Contains
over 8000 entries (plus more than 3200
tables) in INTER51A to INTER51D, conversion
programs to create hypertext databases as
well as other miscellaneous programs in
INTER51E, and WinHelp utilities in INTER51F.
16018 INTER54Z.ZIP 12,5 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
"HC?? phrases file (WINHELP compression info) for Ralf Browns Interrupt List release 54."
16019 INTER60A.ZIP 352,9 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16020 INTER60B.ZIP 352,6 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G. Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16021 INTER60C.ZIP 423,3 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16022 INTER60D.ZIP 712,3 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16023 INTER60E.ZIP 265,7 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16024 INTER60F.ZIP 263,5 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16025 INTER60G.ZIP 242,7 kt 16.03.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
x86/MS-DOS Interrupt List, Release 60 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented, plus ports/memory/CMOS/etc.  Over 9500 entries (plus >5300 tables) in INTER60A to INTER60D, utility programs and viewers in INTER60E, WinHelp utilities in INTER60F, and non-WinHelp hypertext converters in INTER60G.  Over 7.6 million bytes of text!
16026 INTHLP10.ZIP 55037 17.02.1996 - #hyrava -
Interrupt Helper 1.0 - by Gary Chanson A
search and display utility with cross
referencing for Ralf Brown's Interrupt List.
16027 JOYBUTTN.TXT 1,9 kt 09.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
CH Virtualpilot Pro and F-16 comp. stick buttons connections.
16028 KBDHAND9.ZIP 26414 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
INT9 (IRQ1) keyboard handler #9
by Patch (hamell@cs.pdx.edu)
16029 LIKTWK17.ZIP 70585 12.01.1996 koko¹ ratsnest2.iso -
LikTwiik v1.7ß; Videomodes up to your ears!
Iso kasa erilaisia tweakmodeja (50, 60 ja 70
Hz versioita). Osa tiloista on kuitenkin
erittäin epäyhteensopivia suuren osan
monitoreista kanssa.
16030 LXEXE.ZIP 19,2 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Linear eXecutable Module Format Description
15373 M2FAQ24.ZIP 21022 22.08.1996 - - -
m2faq24.zip Modula-2 Frequently Asked
Questions v2.4 The Internet monthly FAQ on
Modula-2 Last modified 1996-06-10
16031 MANIC15S.ZIP 206,5 kt 14.07.1999 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Manic Miner v1.51. Retro remake. Sources.
16032 MARSINFO.ZIP 2827 17.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Information about Voxel landscapes
16033 MIDISTUF.ZIP 44 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Standard MIDI File Format - info (.MID), specs (1.1), utils.
15379 MSCDEX21.ZIP 45057 27.12.1994 - 26799/ppcdcol-Sound.tar -
Programming Information about MSCDEX v2.1
16034 MUSFMT10.ZIP 167,5 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Computer music formats collection 1.0 - MODs (17) general Midi, ROL.
16035 NDMAKE45.ZIP 95753 07.05.1995 - 19689/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 3 of 4)(1993).iso -
NDMake 4.5, a make-program to use with
different C-compilers. A must for compiling
Nethack and many other programs.
16036 NNETDRAW.ZIP 54562 25.09.1995 - 19689/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 3 of 4)(1993).iso -
"one-page short course" on neural networks.
Source codes also included.
15382 OBJTOO31.ZIP 54104 14.07.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
ObjTool 3.1: check/view/repair/alter .OBJ
files. Rename publics, externals, default
lib. Delete language, default lib. Search
OBJs. Select files by wildcard, time, date,
A "one stop OBJ shop" by Charon Software.
16037 OPTIMIZE.ZIP 69815 23.07.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Many docs on how to optimize your code in
C/ASM. !VERY! useful.
16038 OTMMATX.ZIP 13681 11.09.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Matrix calculations for 3D-vectorgraphics
By Zach Mortensen
16039 OTMPHONG.ZIP 7,5 kt 31.08.1997 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
OTMPHONG.DOC - A new approximation tehnique for the Phong shading model based on linear interpolation of angles. Released 3-30-95.
16040 PAIR.ZIP 45332 19.10.1995 - 17006/SuperHack CD.bin -
PAIR Pentium Assembly Code Analysis Tool -
will analyze your assembler source code to
see how well it will run on an Intel Pentium
processor. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
16042 PATCH.ZIP 43977 03.03.1996 - 16772/Software Vault (The Ruby Collection)(ADC).ISO -
.RTPatch(R) v2.11 for use with
Borland patch files
16041 PATCH10A.TXT 1545 26.01.1995 - MBCD -
Päivittää PC Game Programmer's Encyclopedian
1.0 -> 1.0a
16043 PCGPE10.ZIP 718373 26.01.1995 - MBCD -
PC Game Programmer's Encyclopedia 1.0
16044 PCROBOTS.ZIP 87911 13.01.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
PC-Robots, program your own combat robots
with C, pascal or assembler.
15391 PCX.ZIP 7712 02.12.1994 - MBCD -
Selvitys PCX-kuvatiedostojen rakenteesta
16045 PDPLAY16.ZIP 98385 01.05.1995 koko¹ #hyrava -
C & Pascal source of a MOD player for
15395 PTMFORM.ZIP 8334 26.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Poly Tracker Module v2.03 format.
This document describes the format
of the Poly Tracker Module (PTM)
files created by Lone Ranger /
AcmE's Poly Tracker.
Document written by JAL / Notsalgia.
15399 QCRT21.ZIP 10361 13.01.1995 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
QCRT v.2.1 - RADON Software QCRT is a small
TSR program that speeds up certain BIOS INT
10h functions dealing with text modes. Speed
increases vary from 10 to 80 percent.
16046 REGKEY30.ZIP 327619 01.05.1995 koko² #hyrava -
RegKey 3.00 - Registration key system for
programmers.  Supports C, C++, Turbo Pascal,
QuickBASIC, VisualBASIC and others.  Allows
distribution of your software for
demonstration purposes. When a user pays for
your program, they receive a registration key
which switches your application into
registered mode, possibly enabling additional
16047 RIFFWAVE.ZIP 5,9 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
RIFF WAVE (.wav) file format.
16277 RZSZ.ZIP 72724 24.10.1994 versio 3.41 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Unix RZ/SZ 3.36 X/Y/ZMODEM for Dial-INFast,
reliable Unix/Xenix/Ultrix ZMODEMprotocol
file transfer programs.  ZMODEMfeatures
automatic command and filetransfers, recovery
from interruptedtransfers (CRASH RECOVERY),
filemanagement, 32 bit CRC, compr
ession,faster than Kermit or XMODEM.
IncludesPro-YAM/ZCOMM scripts to
automaticallyupload source files to Unix.
16048 SARG02.ZIP 46790 23.12.1995 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
║    2nd Edition            March 1995      ║
║Whether you're a veteran shareware author  ║
║or just starting out, you'll find the      ║
║information in the SARG extremely helpful  ║
║to running a PROFITABLE shareware business.║
16049 SBLAST09.ZIP 502475 09.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Soundblaster Programming Information v0.90
16050 SBUF_FAQ.ZIP 11737 18.06.1995 - - -
S-Buffer FAQ by Paul Nettle
16051 SCC102.ZIP 272994 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
(v1.02) SCC - Source Code Colorizer SCC reads
source code and generates an HTML file with
colored comments, keywords and strings. SCC
supports more than 20 popular programming
languages. SCC is available as 16 bit DOS, 32
bit Windows NT / Windows 95 and as Netscape
Navigator 3.0 32 bit Plug-In. Shareware (US$
38.-, DM 50,-) Juergen Mueller
15412 SHAREBK1.ZIP 293191 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
The ShareWare Book -BobSchenot  190 page
How-to manual for making money with
shareware. Hard to find tips, tools and tech-
niques for shareware marketing & development.
Includes marketing, publicity, getting paid,
distribution, resources, product protection,
registration encouragement, trademarks, copy-
rights, manuals, shipping, international.
"Trophy Rating" --Public Brand Software
"Absolutely essential" -$hareware Mktg $ystem
"Complete coverage" --Midnight Engineering
16052 SHWTXT17.ZIP 172206 27.10.1995 - - -
SHOWTEXT Prog. Lang. (v1.7)
ShowText is a very versatile DOS-based
color-ascii-text-mode programming language
with built-in mouse support, multiple
internal screen buffers, screen fades,
imbeddable screen files and BASIC-like
control structures. The package includes a
compiler, color text screen drawing program,
extensive documentation, source code examples
(including several game programs) and some
useful utility programs.  Users can design
16053 SLTPU40A.ZIP 142219 07.01.1996 - - -
Searchlight Developer's API v4.0A
Developer's tools for use with Searchlight 4.
Turbo Pascal version 7.0. High level tools
for developing Searchlight compatible
programs using Turbo Pascal. Includes
formats, code libraries, reference material
and documentation.
16054 SNDFMT.ZIP 234,7 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Computer Music File Formats Collection 1.0 - 17 formats.
15416 SS0288.EXE 73560 28.10.1994 - 16621/swsii.zip -
Relocatable Object Module Format
that up until now has been performed by the
LINK source code: to be the official
definition for the object module format the
information inside .OBJ files) supported by
Microsoft's language products. The goal is to
include all currently used or obsolete OMF
record types, all currently used or obsolete
field values, and all extensions made by
Microsoft, IBM, and others.
16055 ST_01DRV.ZIP 24232 15.10.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
The code you received with this file is a
very simple SCSI device driver that uses the
Seagate ST-01 interface card. As this driver
is my first PC assembler project other then
"hello world", please don't snicker to
16056 SWAL100.ZIP 338957 03.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SWALLOW v1.0 - a DOS-Extender to write own
Protected Mode programs with TP 6/7, TC++ 1.0
or BC++ 3.1. It provides virtual memory and
supports 32 bit assembler code. Card software
except the sources of the extender itself.
386 required.
15426 TESTV86.ZIP 26576 16.08.1994 - 10788/CD_ASCQ_11_0294.iso -
v86API - contains demonstration
programs of how to use EDOS internal
entry points to display message boxes
and run Windows applications.
16057 TUT01NEW.ZIP 16342 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 1: The Basics
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
Documentation on how
to code demo like effects
16058 TUT02NEW.ZIP 37012 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 2: The Evil Palette
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
16059 TUT03NEW.ZIP 37316 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 3: Circle and Line Algorithms
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
16060 TUT04NEW.ZIP 20090 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 4: Virtual Screens
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
16061 TUT05NEW.ZIP 26803 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 5: Scrollers!
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
16062 TUT06NEW.ZIP 34379 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 6: Pregenerated Arrays!
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
69468 TUT07NEW.ZIP 37954 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 7: Animation!
(uh oh! inline Assembler!)
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
69469 TUT08NEW.ZIP 42822 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 8: 3D Basics!
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
69470 TUT09NEW.ZIP 43868 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Part 9: Polygons!
By Denthor of ASPHYXIA
Updated by Snowman
16063 ULTFORM.ZIP 2,9 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Ultra Tracker 1.3 file format by Freejack (music).
69676 VCPISPEC.ZIP 16445 24.08.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
VCPI (Virtual Control Program Interface)
Specification for version 1.0.
16064 VDS.ZIP 20 kt 09.08.1999 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
Virtual DMA Services (VDS) specification 1.0 by Microsoft.
69685 VECED300.ZIP 341743 15.08.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Vecedit by Jason P. Hoerner
The ultimate FREEWARE 3D vector editor
Up to 1000 polygons, Gouraud/Texture,
Online help system, Easy to learn and
16065 VESASP12.ZIP 15990 06.06.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
VESA BIOS Extension v1.2 specs
Typed by Patch
69707 VGADOC3.ZIP 297834 26.03.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This is the official release version of
VGADOC3, the most comprehensive
collection on (Super)VGA and other video
adapter programming available.
This is a collection of programming
information on (Super)VGA chipsets,
not an introduction to video/graphics
16066 VGADOC4B.ZIP 562 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
VGADOC 4/WHATVGA 2.00  Information files about tens of graphics cards and chipset. Included hardware specifications. Include also utilities with sources to detect and test graphic cards.
16067 VOCFORM2.ZIP 2,3 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
2 files about the VOC file format.
70167 WPCGPE10.ZIP 771055 26.01.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
PC Games Programmer's Encyclopedia 1.0
Windowsin Ohje-muodossa (HLP)
70291 XL21G386.ZIP 149115 20.02.1996 - 10840/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1994-CD2.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 3/486 prot mode executable
70292 XL21GDOC.ZIP 64307 20.02.1996 - 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (ASCII form)
70293 XL21GEXE.ZIP 105491 20.02.1996 - 10840/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1994-CD2.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 80x86 executable
70294 XL21GPSD.ZIP 112855 20.02.1996 - 10853/Simtel - 10000 MSDOS Shareware Programs (Walnut Creek)(January 1995)(Disc 2).ISO -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (PostScript)
70295 XL21GREQ.ZIP 140909 20.02.1996 - 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g required files
70296 XL21GSRC.ZIP 242308 20.02.1996 - 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g source code (in C)
70297 XL21GWIN.ZIP 108948 20.02.1996 - 10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso -
XLISP-PLUS 2.1g Windows 3.1 executable
16068 XLIB51.ZIP 251167 23.12.1995 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
XLIB is a library of procedures which
can greatly simplify protected mode
programming under DOS. XLIB provides
the simplest and most reliable method
for accessing extended memory from real
mode languages. A tutorial on protected
mode is included. XLIB procedures handle
mode switching, extended memory,
memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and files.
XLIB also handles CPU exceptions and
70298 XLISP.ZIP 63515 16.02.1996 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
XLISP: An Experimental Object Oriented
Language by David Betz
XLISP  is  an  experimental  programming
language combining some of the features  of
LISP  with an object oriented
extensioncapability. It was implemented to
allow experimentation with object oriented
programming on small  computers.
70310 XMODEFAQ.ZIP 6804 06.06.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Xmode FAQ by PC-93, rev. 0.1g, 29.12.1993.
16069 XMODEM.ZIP 6,2 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
X-Modem, X-Modem 1k, X-Modem CRC file format descriptions.
70311 XMSSPEC.ZIP 21297 24.08.1996 - - -
XMS (EXtended Memory Specification)
specification documents. Contains both
versions 2.0 and 3.0.
70452 ZED3D050.ZIP 269011 15.08.1995 - 1980/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 7.iso -
A tutorial for 2d and 3d vector and texture
mapped graphics
16070 ZMODDOCS.ZIP 34181 16.01.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Zmodemin lähdekoodi Turbo Pascaliksi.
16071 1VOICE.ZIP 8993 19.07.1995 - - -
Näillä tiedostoilla saat liitettyä Pascal-
ohjelmiisi ääniefektejä; esim piip ja naks.
16072 3DLIB30A.ZIP 180446 01.12.1994 - ratsnest1.iso -
3dLIB - 3D Graphic objects library for
Turbo Pascal Programmers. V3.0
Last Update : Feb. 20, 1994.   (1 of 2)
16073 3DLIB30B.ZIP 223149 01.12.1994 - ratsnest1.iso -
3dLIB - 3D Graphic objects library for
Turbo Pascal Programmers. V3.0
Last Update : Feb. 20, 1994.   (2 of 2)
16074 ADVHSC18.ZIP 56284 06.05.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
HSC/PLAYER V 1.8 FOR TPAS 7 (FM music)
16075 ALLSWAG2.ZIP 6319455 31.07.1996 - MBCD -
ALLSWAGS from Sourceware Archive Group. This
archive contains ALL SWAG PASCAL snippets
THROUGH 05/31/96, PLUS version 3.13 of
READER.EXE and all DOC and info files. SWAG
(SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection
of source code and program examples for the
PASCAL language. There are 56 catagories
covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the
MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries
16076 ALPHA2.ZIP 260,7 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
Alpha 2 3D Engine TMT Pascalilla toteutetta 3d-kirjasto/demo MM. portalit, perpektiivikorjattu tekstuuri- p{{llystys, suojatun tilan koodi, phong, gouraud...
16077 ANIVGA12.ZIP 694535 20.12.1994 - 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso -
VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2
16078 ASMOD09S.ZIP 90513 06.05.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
AmoebatSoft MOD player v0.90 for GUS
16079 AZZAM10.ZIP 8,6 kt 19.10.1999 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
AzzaMouse 1.0 - BGI SVGA mouse driver source Pascal.
16080 BASICDOC.ZIP 4311 06.05.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Basics of graphmode 13 by Vulture.
16081 BBSKIT.ZIP 59261 23.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
BBSkit is   more than a BBS toolkit.  It has
the capability of writing complete door
programs, accessible to other, pre-written
software.  The only requirement is   that
your host BBS software  also uses a FOSSIL
driver.  BBSkit can still take care of all
the low-level work.
15269 BBSKT30A.ZIP 282302 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
BBS/door programmer's toolkit v3.0a for TP6+
16082 BP7BUGS2.ZIP 16258 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Unofficial Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list
16083 BP7SB103.ZIP 39529 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 source beautifier
16084 BPL70N16.ZIP 272328 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
Fast replacement libs for Borland-Pascal 7.0
16085 BUMPMAP.ZIP 48,6 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
A 2D-bumpmapping tutorial with examples (pascal)
16086 BURN.ZIP 20170 06.05.1996 - MBCD -
EXCELLENT fire demo w/ Pascal Source
16087 BWDEV300.ZIP 54218 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The Blue Wave Developer's Kit Version 3.
All the information you need to create
BW-compatible applications.  Includes
documentation and file structure header
files (for ANSI/ISO C and Turbo Pascal).
Release Date:  30 November 1995
16088 C2PAS.ZIP 97905 31.05.1995 - - -
C to PASCAL converter utility by Knowledge
Software Ltd.
16089 CDDK9606.ZIP 215,8 kt 07.02.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
CONCERTO 960616: world-class door development kit for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Primary features include a built-in script interpreter, advanced chat- mode, support for every color system known to mankind, text macros with formatting and justification, royalty free sysop documentation, extended support for Windows 95 (you can even change the title of the DOS window!), and much, much more. Sysops have never had this kind of power:
16090 CFSOURCE.ZIP 146982 08.02.1995 - scene.org -
Source for Copper
16091 CHAINDOC.ZIP 7,6 kt 19.10.1999 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Chain4 VGA-mode programming document by Vulture - V2.0
16092 CHFLZ100.ZIP 59 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ChiefLZ v1.00: This package contains Borland contains Borland Pascal and Delphi sources, Pascal and Delphi sources, for LZSS (LZ77) file compression and decompression. This works with single files, and archives. The sources compile for Dos, Dos DPMI, Win16, and Win32. This package is FREEWARE.
16093 CMXDETEC.ZIP 10,7 kt 07.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Unitti TP/BP:lle,joka tunnistaa muutamia erinäisiä asioita tietokoneesta. Mukana esimerkki. Freeware. (c) Grosse.
15592 CO256_05.ZIP 64455 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
Highres 256col modes for BP7.0 on standard
16094 COMTTY30.ZIP 19424 20.12.1994 koko¹ #hyrava -
Serial COM-unit, terminal emulator, w/TP src
16096 DD3BETA1.ZIP 52,3 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
DD/3 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit. Supports any drop file that is text. Supports non-standard interrupts, comm 1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,200 baud. Resource Files Like SRGAME Doors use! Supports INI File Handling. Full support of timeslicing. Supports ASCII/AVT/RIP/MAX/ANSI graphics. You cannot live without this package! Includes FULL SOURCE CODE! Public Domain 1997
16097 DDPLUS71.ZIP 730519 31.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DDPLUS 7.1  Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit
Supports most popular BBS Software packages,
including PCBoard Vers 15.XX & WildCat 4.XX.
With Rip detect. Supports non-standard
interrupts, com 1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up
to 115, 200 baud. Fossils to 115,200.
Provides automatic support for most common
multi-taskers. 100% Source. 100% Free. Comes
with complete door writing tutorial,
extensive documentation, door configuration
setup program, an inter-BBS kit, RipLink for
16098 DEMOSTU2.ZIP 100254 16.01.1995 - MBCD -
DEMO SOURCE CODES written in TP/ASM by Bjarke
16099 DEMOSTU3.ZIP 96460 03.09.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DEMO SOURCE CODES written in TP/ASM by Bjarke
16100 DEMOSTUF.ZIP 80496 12.05.1996 - MBCD -
Pascal sources for few demo effects.
16101 DEMOVT15.ZIP 227801 08.02.1995 koko¹ MBCD eritupla¹
DemoVT, Plays MOD/S3Ms through SB/GUS in
your productions! Supports ASM, C, TPAS,
WC++ and Tran's PMode! Free!
16102 DIGIPACK.ZIP 489800 12.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Digipack v0.1 (C) by TSC-Software. Sources to
use digitized sounds and MODs.
16103 DOS70P12.ZIP 107 kt 29.01.1998 - 23370/Chip_1998-11_cd.bin -
DOS70 version 1.2 - August 1997. DOS70 is a powerful, easy-to-use Turbo Pascal unit, implementing MS-DOS 7.x extensions and file routines. Features: - over 40 long filenames functions and procedures - over 10 functions and procedures implementing virtual machine services - over 10 general MS-DOS functions and procedures - a complete, comprehensive manual - full source included. - works with Turbo/Borland Pascal 6/7.0 for Dos/Windows.
16104 DOS70P20.ZIP 191,9 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
DOS70 version 2.0 - February 1998. DOS70 is a powerful, easy-to-use Turbo Pascal unit, implementing MS-DOS 7.x extensions and file handling routines. Features: - over 40 long filenames functions and procedures - over 10 functions and procedures implementing virtual machine services - over 20 general MS-DOS functions and procedures - text file interface - complete, comprehensive manual - DOS 7.1 specific functions. - full source &
16001 DSUTIL12.ZIP 324364 20.12.1994 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
16106 EXTRATPU.ZIP 14,2 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
* eXTRa-TPu V1.01 F0R TP6 * -Color change inside writing -Palette fades -PC Speaker commands -PCX-file viewer -Some sources included * (C) Janne Toivanen 1997 *
16107 FACT130.ZIP 55,6 kt 15.05.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FACT 1.30 - Freeware Archive Conversion Tool. Small and easy to use, yet is still powerful, thorough & user-expandable. With .PAS source. Copyright (c) 1996 21 Oct, DDA/ Reign Ware.
16108 FADE2.ZIP 3037 13.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FADE2 -- Turbo Pascal Fade Unit (+ sources)
16109 FARALLOC.ZIP 19539 18.11.1993 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TP/BP 6.0-7.0 unit to handle
arrays/memory blocks over 64k!
Easy to use and easy to expand!
16110 FASTKB.ZIP 7,5 kt 10.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Fast keyboard handler unit. Undocumented, 386+ (Pascal).
16111 FH-3DT18.ZIP 25665 23.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
3dTutorial v1.8b -in Turbo Pascal- (C)
4/29/1996 by  fh/GODS
16112 FH-3DTUT.ZIP 13036 05.01.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
3dTutorial v1.0 - in Turbo Pascal - -
(C)1/1/1996 - by fh94.3
16113 FILEREAD.ZIP 25265 20.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
File read & display TP6 unit w/src & examples
16114 FMANAGE.ZIP 2328 20.12.1994 - 14384/megacdrom_3.zip -
Basic file handling routines for Turbo Pascal
16115 FOLWIN10.ZIP 55 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
FolwinSmall but powerful font unit for Turbo Pascal 6 & 7 in VGA 320x200x256. 
Use both system fonts, or your own font! Four different fx to make text 
cooler: italic, bold, underline and overline. Handy readline. Packet includes 
font editors! Freeware by Ile/Kosto, 1997.
16116 FOSCOM.ZIP 2,1 kt 13.07.1997 - - -
Source code for a fossil driver control unit (compiles with any TP version).
64279 FPKPAS65.ZIP 804399 24.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
FPK-Pascal Compiler V 0.6.5
32-bittinen kääntäjä
Mahdollisimman yhteensopiva
Turbo Pascalin kanssa.
16117 FPKPAS92.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.07.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
FPK-Pascal v0.9.2. A 32 bit Pascal compiler.
16118 FRACTAL.ZIP 42216 13.04.1995 - - -
Several fully working fractal sources
16119 FUMIKO.ZIP 35720 09.03.1996 - MBCD -
Fumiko: a go-playing program written in
Turbo Pascal. Source code included.
16124 G_MOUS2A.ZIP 18023 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
TP Unit to program the mouse/VGA (TP6 & 5.5)
16120 GAMETP.ZIP 177,8 kt 03.02.1998 - 16984/SUPER_CD III (Groupware).iso -
Kaikki mitä tarvitset pelien tekemiseen Pascallilla: Nopeat VGA-rutiinit, spritet, läpikuultavuudet, taustagrafiikat ja paletin muuttelu. Mukana tosi hieno esimerkki! Tarvitsee Pascal 6.0:n. Tehnyt Scot Ramsay.
16122 GFXFX.ZIP 147113 11.01.1995 - MBCD -
Turbo Pascal source code forVGA graphics.
Some major topics you can find in here:
3d rotating, polygon filling, all sorts of
scrolls, mouse routines, picture packing/
displaying routines, mode-x routines, some
large memory routines (see scape2.pas),
your basic plasmas, stars-sources (several)
fractals, sprites etc... Public domain
by Bas van Gaalen, 2:285/213.8
16121 GFXFX2.ZIP 401560 13.05.1996 - MBCD -
GFXFX2. Collection of graphics based
sources. Made by Bas van Gaalen.
Major topics: 3d rotation, Polygons
(triple and quad), Flat-Shading,
Gouraud Shading, Texture Mapping,
Hidden face removal, Mode-X, Mode-12h,
Mode 13h, Coppers, Fractals, Game
techniques, Demo coding, Mouse
routines, Palette routines, Plasma's,
File-Format viewer: GIF, PCX, BMP,
16123 GM1507.ZIP 17,7 kt 10.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
g_Mouse 1.50.7 - Graphical mouse pointer in 80x25 (Pascal).
16125 GOUSHAD.ZIP 12241 13.05.1996 - MBCD -
How to code gouraud shading, full pascal
sources included, coded by The Faker/S!P
16126 GP15_PAS.ZIP 46193 13.05.1996 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
MOD-player 1.5 for GUS by Cascada
16127 GPC112B.ZIP 685435 08.08.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GPC, the GNU Pascal Compiler, version 1.1.
Conforms to the ISO7185 (unextended) and
ISO10206 (extended) Pascal language
definition. GPC 1.1 is based on GCC 2.6.3,
but GCC is not required to run GPC.
Needs djdev200.zip and bnu252b.zip from
the DJGPP V2 distribution.
16128 GPC20B.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Pascal 2.0 binaries for DJGPP V2
16129 GPC20D.ZIP 1,8 Mt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Pascal 2.0 docs: texi/html/dvi/ps
16130 GPC20S.ZIP 1,7 Mt 05.06.1997 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GNU Pascal 2.0 sources
16131 GPT112B.ZIP 698292 09.08.1996 - 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso -
GPC, the GNU Pascal Compiler, version 1.1.
Conforms to the ISO7185 (unextended) and
ISO10206 (extended) Pascal language
definition. This release also accepts some
of Borland's extensions to the Pascal
language. GPC 1.1 is based on GCC 2.6.3,
but GCC is not required to run GPC.
Needs djdev200.zip and bnu252b.zip from
the DJGPP V2 distribution.
16132 GRAVIS7B.ZIP 363660 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 7.0
16133 INASM10.ZIP 24065 20.12.1994 - 10852/Simtel20_Sept92.cdr -
Inline assembler generator for TP, w/src
16134 INTRFC62.ZIP 56403 20.12.1994 koko¹ #hyrava -
Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file dumper, with source
16135 JKSPR3.ZIP 75,9 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
JKSPR 3.0, a Sprite/Gfx engine for 320x200x256. 32bit and fast. For serious ASM/TP programmers.
16136 JPDOOR41.ZIP 316859 12.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced! Source Code is
16137 JVTP084.ZIP 27501 29.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Vesa 1.2 routines for Turbo Pascal 7.0. Crap.
16138 LJL_MIND.ZIP 7,6 kt 27.02.1999 - - -
MasterMind v. 1.00  by L.j.L.  Tämä on pieni esimerkki Turbo Pascalin olio- ohjelmoinnista. Sis. EXEn ja sorsan.
16139 LZSSU102.ZIP 10 kt 11.08.1999 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
LZSSUNIT V1.02 for Borland (Turbo) Pascal. Public Domain, TPH included, fast LZSS decompression implemented in Borland BASM, extremely easy to use and all three DOS, DPMI, Windoze platforms supported. Full source code and demo provided. &joy!
16140 MAZER.ZIP 6,6 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
**MaZeR** Pieni sokkelopeli, joka generoi aina uuden sokkelon satunnaisesti. Pascal lähdekoodit mukana! By BREEZESOFTWARE
16141 MODOBJ.ZIP 26656 14.07.1996 - MBCD -
Small ModPlayer from Greyhawk BBS. Works
pretty well. Use Behind other software.
16142 MOUSE_U.ZIP 10490 01.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Mouse unit for Turbo Pascal
Including very many mouse
functions for  Pascal and
simple example program!!!
This all with 100% source
Written by: Tero Airasjärvi
16143 MOUSLIB8.ZIP 191271 20.12.1994 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
Mouse Library for TP6/7, BP7 + DPMI support
16144 MYSTIC.ZIP 83625 12.12.1994 - MBCD -
Mystic Pascal v1.5 Shareware Pascal Compiler
16145 NITRO030.ZIP 13 kt 07.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NITRO 0.3r. Laajentaa Turbo Pascalisi syntaksia. Mahdollisuus ohjelmoida itse omia proseduureja/funktioita, sekä syntaksivaihtoehtoja. Mukana kolme esimerkkiä. Kotimaista freewarea.
15385 OOAV3.ZIP 11970 20.12.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO -
Object Oriented Archive Viewer - MavEtJu
archives as if it were directories. With the
commands FindFirst and FindNext you get all
the information you need (name, size and
date) for easy archive-handling. Currently
the supported archivetypes are Zip, Arj, Arc,
Lzh and Zoo, but it's very easy to expand
15386 OOPTUT34.ZIP 265849 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
OOPTutor: Object Oriented programming tutor
16146 OTPCX.ZIP 17,1 kt 05.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 5 PCX Decoding (Pascal).
16147 OTPOLY.ZIP 9,9 kt 05.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Outlaw Triad Demo Trainer Part 9 Polygons (Pascal).
16148 OTSERIE1.ZIP 145,1 kt 17.02.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The New Outlaw Triad Demo Series, Parts 1-12
16149 OVRUMB12.ZIP 6975 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
TPU uses upper memory as overlay buffer,
16150 P32V05A6.ZIP 550,8 kt 12.03.1999 - - -
P32 v0.5a6 (20-Feb-99) - ilmainen 32-bittinen Pascal-kääntäjä. Tekee 32-bittisiä DOS- ja Win32-sovelluksia. Sisältää IDE:n. http://surf.to/p32
16152 PASTUT34.ZIP 287873 20.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Turbo Pascal Tutor: TP programming tutor
16153 PASZLB10.ZIP 95 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
PASZLIB v1.0 - Pascal version of the zlib compression library
16154 PCL4P41.ZIP 61179 19.07.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Personal Communications Lib for Pascal v4.1
PCL4P is an asynch communications library
supporting COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud, 4+
ports concurrently, dumb DigiBoards and BOCA
boards, INS16550, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS
flow control. Includes terminal program with
MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $65
16155 PCXTPU.ZIP 45382 30.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Apua aloitteleville Turbo Pascal 7.0
ohjelmoijille. Pieni unitti, jonka avulla
voit linkata mode 13h:n PCX-kuvan omaan
ohjelmaasi, ja näyttää sen. Rutiini on FULL
ASSEMBLERIA. Mukana lähdekoodi ja
käyttöesimerkki ohjeineen.
16156 PGRAPH10.ZIP 327849 02.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Pabulum Graphics Library v1.0 for Turbo
Pascal v6.0. Features include support for 12
graphics modes from CGA to extended VGA
modes. Graphic fundamentals, including
points, solid and dashed lines, polygons,
circles, ellipses, and rectangles. 3D
graphics library. Support for Sound Blaster
compatible cards. PCX, ILBM/IFF, and BMP
display and manipulation routines including
brightness and contrast control.
16157 PHRO.ZIP 294479 26.05.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
Phro-intron lähdekoodi.
16158 PICSHOW.ZIP 122,8 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Haluatko käyttää kuvia ASM/PAS ohjelmissasi? Tässä on esimerkki- ohjelmia sorsineen. Sisältää myös esimerkin kuvien sisällyttämisestä executableen sekä utiliteetteja kuvien konver- toimiseen helposti käytettäviin muotoihin. Pascal-sorsat kääntyvät defaulttina TMT Pascalilla, ASM sorsat TASMilla. Freewarea.
16159 PRTFIL10.ZIP 47655 20.12.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO -
This archive contains a Generic Form Printing
object for BP7/TP7 with .INI style Printer
definitions, a .INI file handling object, a
replacement PRNFLTR and a lot of handy
16160 PSCAL108.ZIP 11694 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
Calendar functions for Borland/Turbo Pascal 7
16161 PSDIR101.ZIP 6164 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Turbo Pascal 6 directory functions
16162 PSDSM103.ZIP 4590 20.12.1994 - 14384/megacdrom_3.zip -
Get more than 64 kb heap in Turbo Pascal 6
16163 PSGUI130.ZIP 51897 20.12.1994 koko¹ #hyrava -
Powerful graphics library for Turbo Pascal 6
16164 PSLST102.ZIP 8628 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
List functions Object for Borland Pascal
16165 PSPPD100.ZIP 28314 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Database functions for Turbo Pascal 6
16166 PSSTK101.ZIP 5704 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Stack functions for Turbo Pascal 6
16167 PSSTR108.ZIP 16784 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
String, variable & keyboard functions for BP7
16168 PSTUI100.ZIP 56778 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Turbo Pascal (S)VGA Text User Interface
15394 PSVSR100.ZIP 3927 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
TP: Restores user's screen when app
16169 PSXMH103.ZIP 9057 20.12.1994 - 14384/megacdrom_3.zip -
XMS heap control for Turbo Pascal 6
15398 PXL214A.ZIP 103744 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Turbo Pascal cross-referencing lister
16171 QWK.ZIP 2844 11.09.1995 - - -
Simppelin QWK-lukijan Pascal-lähdekoodi.
Toimiva, mutta yksinkertainen.
16170 QWKDOCS.ZIP 19202 11.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TPascal code and explanation for reading the
QWK format for mail packets.
16172 ROTATEBM.ZIP 17612 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Explanation of fast bitmap rotating.
16173 RPGGAMEI.ZIP 848072 03.09.1996 - - -
A role-playing game, which has never been
completed. All sources included. Sources in
Pascal and assembler. If you want to make
your own game, take this! This is _freeware_!
16175 SB_PAS10.ZIP 27220 26.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Pascal source code of using Sound Blaster.
16174 SBDSP103.ZIP 13078 26.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SB DSP library v1.03 by Ethan Brodsky.
15407 SCANH326.ZIP 101617 20.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ScanHelp: Scan TP units to build a help file
16176 SF4SCODE.ZIP 227,5 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
StarFight IV: LEGACY, Ihmiskunnan perintö Täydellinen PASCAL-kielinen lähdekoodi vapaaseen levitykseen. DOKUMENTOIMATON. Testaaminen vaatii SF4:n asennettuna ja Turbo Pascal 7.0:n. Vain PASCAL- guruille.
16177 SLLIST.ZIP 5868 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Singly linked list for Turbo Pascal
16178 SMIX127.ZIP 164948 21.04.1996 - - -
(v1.27) SMIX - Sound Library (Turbo Pascal)
Digital sound engine that plays multiple
sounds simultaneously, mixing them in real
time.  Supports XMS, resource files, 16-bit
output and auto-initialized DMA.  Uses small
fraction of CPU time.  For Turbo Pascal real
mode.  Versions available for several other
compilers.  Freeware (Donation requested)
Ethan Brodsky, ebrodsky@pobox.com
16179 SNOWENG.ZIP 19160 10.11.1996 - - -
Snowengine by Samuli Kajantola.
lumisade-engine jossa sataa lunta ja lumi
valuu myös kasaan! SisΣltää Turbo
Pascal-lähdekoodin ja ajettavan ohjelman.
16180 SPO110.ZIP 111914 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
TPU Peephole Optimizer for Borland Pascal
16181 SPRITES.ZIP 43015 20.12.1994 - 21845/Power Programming (1994).iso -
Fast sprites engine for TP 6.0, w/ASM source
16182 SRTKIT11.ZIP 12085 20.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Internal/external/combined sort lib for TP6.0
16183 STAY42.ZIP 70891 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
How to write a TSR program in Turbo Pascal
16184 SURPAS.ZIP 116038 12.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Surpas v1.00 Pascal Programming System
16185 SVGABG55.ZIP 202788 29.01.1996 - MBCD -
Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) drivers
for SuperVGA modes.
16186 SWAG9411.ZIP 826576 10.03.1995 - MBCD -
NEW  SWAG  PASCAL snipets  for 11/26/94. OVER
250+  New  Items.  From Sourceware Archival
Group.  Updated   version  of READER.EXE
v3.0  and  DOC  files.  Will automatically
update .SWG  files on your disk.  SWAG
(SourceWare  Archival Group) is  a
collection  of  source  code  and program
examples    for   the   PASCAL language.
Over  56  catagories covering every aspect of
PASCAL.  One of the MOST complete   PASCAL
reference  libraries available. This is  ONLY
16187 SWAG9505.ZIP 1087879 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16188 SWAG9602.ZIP 973169 30.03.1996 - MBCD -
NEW  SWAG PASCAL  snipets for  02/29/96. From
Sourceware  Archival Group. Updated version
of  READER.EXE  v3.12  and  DOC files.  Will
automatically  update .SWG files  on  your
disk.  SWAG (SourceWare Archival  Group)  is
a  collection  of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language.  Contains
58 catagories covering every aspect  of
PASCAL. One of the   MOST  complete   PASCAL
reference libraries  available. This  is ONLY
the update.  Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP  for ALL SWAGS
16189 SWAG9608.ZIP 1106437 18.11.1996 - MBCD -
NEW  SWAG PASCAL  snipets for  08/31/96.
From Sourceware  Archival Group. Updated
version  of  READER.EXE  v3.13  and  DOC
files.  Will  automatically  update .SWG
files  on  your  disk.  SWAG (SourceWare
Archival  Group)  is   a  collection  of
source code and program examples for the
PASCAL language.  Contains 58 catagories
covering every aspect  of PASCAL. One of
the   MOST  complete   PASCAL  reference
16190 SWAG9611.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
NEW  SWAG PASCAL  snipets for  11/29/96. From Sourceware  Archival Group. Updated version of  READER.EXE  v3.13  and  DOC files.  Will automatically  update .SWG files  on  your disk.  SWAG (SourceWare Archival  Group)  is  a  collection  of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language.  Contains 58 catagories covering every aspect  of PASCAL. One of the   MOST  complete   PASCAL reference libraries  available. This  is ONLY  the update.  Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP  for ALL SWAGS
16191 SWAGA-C.ZIP 485257 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16192 SWAGD-F.ZIP 1396100 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16193 SWAGG-M.ZIP 1379838 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16194 SWAGN-R.ZIP 439557 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16195 SWAGS-Z.ZIP 1040008 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From
Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of
READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will
automatically update .SWG files on your disk.
SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a
collection of source code and program
examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56
catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL.
One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference
libraries available. This is ONLY the update.
Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to
16196 SWAGWIN.ZIP 426588 31.07.1996 - MBCD -
SWAG for WINDOWS version 1.04. WINDOWS
version READER program for .SWG files.
Includes WINDOWS help file and SETUP program.
Compatible with WINDOWS 3.x or WINDOWS 95.
Extract the archive to a temporary directory,
and execute SETUP from the WINDOWS program
manager or Explorer. (c) 1996 GDSOFT
16197 TBASE601.ZIP 43455 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1
15425 TDINFO.ZIP 30727 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Information about the Borland Debug format
16198 TESS-5.ZIP 36843 07.07.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
TesSeRact(TM) v1.10
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs. Turbo Pascal 4 & 5.
16199 TESS-D.ZIP 46862 05.07.1995 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip tupla
TesSeRact(TM) Documentation v1.00
A Library of Routines for Developing
Ram-Resident Programs and A Proposed Standard
for Ram-Resident Program Communication.
Copyright (c)1988, TesSeRact Development Team
16200 TF_TEXMP.ZIP 34836 29.05.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Full screen texturing by The Faker.
15428 TJOOP11.ZIP 11685 20.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for
16201 TLIST23.ZIP 21394 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Turbo-Pascal Source Code lister w/source
16202 TMTP101D.ZIP 715,9 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
TMT Pascal 1.01
16203 TMTP300D.EXE 592,7 kt 27.02.1999 - MBCD -
TMT Pascal 3.00 for DOS, freeware version
69200 TMTPAS33.ZIP 940467 24.11.1996 - - -
TMT Pascal Compiler Lite 0.33 beta - Able to
create pmode software, almost TP compatible.
16204 TMTPL40D.ZIP 706,9 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
TMT Pascal Lite v0.40 32-bittinen Pascal-k{{nt{j{ DOSiin..
15430 TOTDEM11.ZIP 108507 20.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
sophisticated library of tools for Turbo
Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can
quickly and easily build programs sporting
the latest interface style with pop-up dialog
boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable
windows. To display a sorted directory list
in a moveable window, for example, takes just
three lines of code. ** This file contains
the demo programs **
15431 TOTDOC11.ZIP 191124 20.12.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO -
sophisticated library of tools for Turbo
Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can
quickly and easily build programs sporting
the latest interface style with pop-up dialog
boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable
windows. To display a sorted directory list
in a moveable window, for example, takes just
three lines of code. ** This file contains
the documentation **
15432 TOTSRC11.ZIP 148931 20.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
sophisticated library of tools for Turbo
Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can
quickly and easily build programs sporting
the latest interface style with pop-up dialog
boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable
windows. To display a sorted directory list
in a moveable window, for example, takes just
three lines of code. ** This file contains
the source code **
16205 TP6BUGS7.ZIP 30666 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list
16206 TPCFG121.ZIP 11337 20.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TPConfig: A TPU (Turbo Pascal compiled Unit)
for TP 6.0 or 7.0 that allows you to write
programs that can save a default
configuration inside the EXE file. It can
also be used to work with external
configuration files that require different
kinds of records to be stored in them (eg., a
file that keeps phone lists of one record
type and phone call logs of a second record
type).  FREEWARE.
16209 TPFAQ.ZIP 11,7 kt 14.03.1997 - MBCD -
TPFAQ.PAS - Jussi Josefsson 1996 Suomenkielinen teksti/rutiiniopus kaikille Turbo Pascalin käyttäjille tai käyttöä suunnitteleville. .Tila 13h/3h, pisteenpiirto, ruudun ..tyhjäys, tekstiä ruudulle, pysty- ...virkistys, nopeuksista.
16207 TPFAQ1B.ZIP 12,3 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TPFAQ.PAS - Jussi Josefsson 1997 Suomenkielinen teksti/rutiiniopus kaikille Turbo Pascalin käyttäjille tai käyttöä suunnitteleville. Tila 13h/3h, pisteenpiirto, ruudun tyhjäys, tekstiä ruudulle, pysty- virkistys, nopeuksista. 
16208 TPFAQ2.ZIP 12,7 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TPFAQ2.PAS - Jussi Josefsson 1997 Suomenkielinen teksti/rutiiniopus kaikille Turbo Pascalin käyttäjille tai käyttöä suunnitteleville. Näppäimistö. BIOS - MEM - PORT Oma näppäimistönkäsittelijä.
16210 TPJOYSTK.ZIP 4863 30.08.1995 - 1185/MEGACD_ROM2.cdr -
Joystickin lukeminen Turbo Pascalilla
Lähdekoodi ja esimerkki
15433 TPL60N19.ZIP 170586 20.12.1994 - 14384/megacdrom_3.zip -
Turbo Pascal TPL run-time library replacement
16211 TPLY30A1.ZIP 120495 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, exe/doc,
16212 TPLY30A2.ZIP 85795 20.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, sources,
16213 TPR_BOOK.ZIP 320511 20.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book (400+
16214 TPRCDR10.ZIP 59411 20.12.1994 - 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso -
TPU 6.0/7.0 for recursive directory access
16215 TPSBMOD!.ZIP 34,1 kt 17.02.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
A mod-player for Turbo Pascal. SB,EMS,4-32CHN. By Kaj Björklund.
16216 TSFAQP31.ZIP 95,5 kt 29.07.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
"Prof. Timo Salmis answers to Frequently Asked Questions about common Turbo Pascal programming. Does not cover object orientedprotected modeTurbo Vision or Delphi questions."
16217 TSPA3370.ZIP 107473 06.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly
200 useful Turbo Pascal 7.0 routines for
text-mode programs.
16218 TTFPAS.ZIP 201,9 kt 19.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
TrueType Fonts for DOS 1.60 This   is   a   Pascal  programming  package, providing  full-featured  access  to TrueType fonts  within  your  DOS programs. Additional fonts  supported  are  Windows  scalable  and bitmapped  fonts,  BGI  fonts and BIOS fonts. Logical   fonts   are   -   once   created  - consistently   addressed   by  font  handles. Output     and    metric    procedures    are
16219 TUCGP12.ZIP 541563 21.04.1996 - - -
│o|·These TP/BP customizable player  |o│
│o| routines support SPEAKER/DAC/SB/ |o│
│o│ You can use them easily in your  │o│
│o| demo, intro, program, ...        |o│
│o|·Some head-bangin' features:      |o│
│o| ■ Built-in lightbar interface or |o│
│o|   make your own interface; 99%   |o│
16230 TUT1_9.ZIP 96803 06.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer parts 1-9 (basics,
palette, circles & lines, virtual screens,
scrollers, precalculation, animation, 3d
basics and polygons)
16220 TUT10.ZIP 10375 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA Trainer. Part 10: Chain-4
16221 TUT11.ZIP 15296 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA Trainer. Part 11: Crossfade.
16222 TUT12.ZIP 12775 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA Trainer. Part 12: Full-screen
16223 TUT13.ZIP 9828 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 13: 3D Starfield.
16224 TUT14.ZIP 11501 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 14: Glenzing.
16225 TUT15.ZIP 7668 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 15: Plasma.
16226 TUT16.ZIP 11635 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 16: Scaling.
16227 TUT17.ZIP 18416 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 17: Pixel
16228 TUT18.ZIP 59124 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 18: PCX files.
16229 TUT19.ZIP 11625 06.06.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Asphyxia VGA trainer. Part 19: Assembly.
16231 VESATP11.ZIP 329087 20.12.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal
16232 VPAL10.ZIP 43493 11.11.1994 - MBCD -
VGApal v1.0 - Complete palette control using
Borland's Turbo Pascal 6.0 and Turbo Pascal
with Objects 7.0. You can fade-in and
fade-out from black or white, cycle through
any palette colors at will, fade from one
color to another, switch colors on the fly,
plus more! Also included, is a routine to
load 320x200 with 256 color PCX files!
Finally, there is a flicker-free answer to
Pascal's short comings in palette control!
16233 VRSERV.ZIP 10213 15.02.1995 - - -
VRServer - PD Routines to synchronize
programs to vertical retrace. (TP/ASM)
16234 WMFH10.ZIP 162,9 kt 30.04.1998 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Window and Help File Management Units v1.0 Compiled with Turbo Pascal 6.0.  Text mode windows, menus, and input routines, with source code under the GPL.
16235 XLIBP201.ZIP 353138 20.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
X-Mode library for TP7/BP7 + VGA
16236 XLIBTP12.ZIP 103424 01.04.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The final release!
Copyright Napalm Software 1994.
16237 XLIBTP52.ZIP 309378 01.04.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
X-Mode Library for TP 5.2
(This is not the Napalm's XLIB)
16238 XMM12.ZIP 129029 20.12.1994 - 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso -
Extended memory manager for Turbo Pascal 6.0
16239 XVGA_R2.ZIP 59213 01.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
XVGA Release II A graphics library for
320x200, 256 color VGA mode, featuring 110+
graphics functions, including gourad-shading,
texture-mapping, 3d-rotation, sirds-creation,
spacecutting and more. 22000+ lines of
pascal/assembly code with documentation and
16241 ANFY145E.EXE 2,9 Mt 07.11.2000 - 23102/chip-cd_2002_07.zip -
"Anfy Java v1.4.5Anfy Java adds a touch of magic to HTML pages. Using the programs intuitive interfaceyou can quickly apply real-time graphic effects to GIF and JPEG images. Effects include 3D texture-mapped cube menuslake effectswater and firedeformationszoom rotatorslens magnificationwaving flagsanimationsscrolling textcustomizable IFS fractalscolor changerslight shadingtunnelswormholesand more. This previous version added 5 new applets (for a total of 40). Version 1.4.5 contains unspecified changes. You may now use this program to create screensavers. The new effects include fireworkssnowand a special Webcam. Note: This download is fully operational when applets are used offline or as screensavers. When applets are placed onlinethe link function is disabled. Registration is $20. Shareware for Windows 95/98/NT by Anfy Team (http://www.anfyteam.com)."
16242 ANFY3D12.ZIP 4,3 Mt 07.02.2000 - - -
Anfy 3D 1.2For Win95/NT. Create easily 3D text logos, menus, interactive worlds, to use in web pages or as screensaver for free.
16243 FB073.ZIP 856,5 kt 31.01.1999 - MBCD -
FreeBuilder 0.7.3 (freebuilder-0.7.3.tar.gz) Free JBuilder-like IDE for Java. Requires at least JDK 1.1.6 and Swing 1.0.2
16244 FORTUN11.ZIP 17,6 kt 28.10.1998 - - -
Fortune 1.1: Java applet to display random quotes from a text file over the network. Java source code included. Requires a WWW browser with Java 1.1 support. Copyright 1998 Jere Käpyaho (jere@sci.fi)
16245 FORTUN12.ZIP 13,6 kt 07.03.1999 - - -
Fortune 1.2: Java applet to display random quotes from a text file over the network. Java source code included. Requires a WWW browser with Java 1.1 support. Copyright 1998, 1999 Jere Kapyaho (jere@sci.fi)
16246 HSEBLND.ZIP 32,7 kt 14.09.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
"HouseBlend 1.0 is a package that contains Java controls for using Java Applets on the Internet or standalone Java applications."
16247 PWG14.ZIP 92,4 kt 01.10.1998 - - -
Password Generator v1.4 for Java: Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Requires Java 1.1 runtime or virtual machine. Free. Java source code included. By Jere Käpyaho (jere@sci.fi, http://www.sci.fi/~jere/)
16251 PWG20.ZIP 77,5 kt 03.10.1999 - - -
Password Generator v2.0 for Java: (classes, source, docs, NO Swing, NO JRE) Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Freeware.
16249 PWG20RT.ZIP 5,2 Mt 03.10.1999 - - -
Password Generator v2.0 for Java: (classes, source, docs, NO Swing, JRE) Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Freeware.
16248 PWG20RTS.ZIP 6,9 Mt 03.10.1999 - - -
Password Generator v2.0 for Java: (classes, source, docs, Swing, JRE) Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Freeware.
16250 PWG20S.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.10.1999 - - -
Password Generator v2.0 for Java: (classes, source, docs, Swing, NO JRE) Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Freeware.
16252 SCROLR10.ZIP 11,7 kt 01.10.1998 - - -
Scroller v1.0: Java applet to display a scrolling message. Configured with HTML parameters much like the MARQUEE command. Requires a WWW browser with Java 1.0. Use freely. Java source code included. Copyright (C) 1998 Jere Käpyaho. E-mail: jere@sci.fi, WWW: http://www.sci.fi/~jere/
16253 SCROLR11.ZIP 23 kt 07.03.1999 - - -
Scroller v1.1: Java applet to display a scrolling message. Configured with HTML parameters much like the MARQUEE command. Requires a WWW browser with Java 1.1. Use freely. Java source code included. Copyright (C) 1998 Jere Käpyaho. E-mail: jere@sci.fi, WWW: http://www.sci.fi/~jere/
16254 ST_10FW.ZIP 326,7 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
The Castalia IP Socket Tester - allows for simple testing of socket based IP communications using a specific Port number. It can be used both as a client, sending reauests to a server; and as a server, listening for client requests on a given port. It includes sample SMTP and FTP instructions. A transmission log keep track of all of the data being sent back and forth. The transmission log can be saved or printed from within the application. Ro testing Socket based IP communications, the application comes is very handy.
16255 TCPINTRO.ZIP 29,6 kt 05.08.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Introduction to the Internet Networking Protocols (TCP/IP).
16256 3DS_FRM.ZIP 3455 21.04.1996 koko¹ ratsnest2.iso -
3D Studion käyttämän tiedostoformaatin
16257 BICSF.ZIP 10,4 kt 19.10.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BICSF - Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound File system (music)
16258 BSPFAQ.ZIP 17,6 kt 07.07.1997 - - -
BSP-tree FAQ (last update 07/05/95)
16259 CMF_FORM.TXT 3,7 kt 19.10.1999 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
CMF music file format
16260 CPU211.ZIP 396,7 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
TMi0SDGL Revision 2 Version 2.11. The best x86 CPU/FPU Feature Detection Library
16261 CPUSP211.ZIP 185,6 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
TMi0SDGL Revision 2 Version 2.11 DLL Source Code Supplement Pack
16262 CTSBK2.EXE 1774383 07.09.1996 - - tupla
Developer Kit for Sound Blaster Series
Second Edition (for DOS). Creative Labs.
16263 DOOMSRC.ZIP 354,3 kt 25.12.1997 - 22422/XENIATGM58.iso -
"ID Softwares Offical release of Doom Source. Vain Linux-version lähdekoodi."
16264 DRSCH103.EXE 3,3 Mt 08.10.2000 - #hyrava -
DrScheme v103DrScheme is an interactive, integrated, graphical environment for developing programs using the Scheme, MzScheme, and MrEd programming languages. Windows 9x/NT version.
16265 FFE200.ZIP 1,9 Mt 28.09.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
File Formats Encyclopedia v2.0 IN SWAG FORMAT A must have for professional programmers. Over 300 formats layouts including: graphics, sound, animation, mods, database, text, executables, communication and much more.
16266 HB11.JAR 16,7 kt 29.01.1998 - MBCD -
"Henrik Bengtssons Java printf() v1.1"
16267 JAVAJCT.ZIP 389 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
Java Junction - a Java IDE written in Java
16268 MAZEBOTS.ZIP 963,9 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
MazeBots 1.00MazeBots is a robotic simulation that lets you design your own robot and program it to go
through mazes.
It has a user-friendly yet powerful language so that you can do everything from learning
programming skills to trying out AI (artificial intelligence). Robots can have memory between
runs through the maze so they can learn the best way to solve the maze. 
Graphics make this a fun way to learn programming and a wonderful entrance to the world of
robotics. You can design your own mazes and even your own graphics for the robot.
16269 NLB_FADE.ZIP 9460 22.06.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Fade routine explanation with sources.
16270 OMEN-I.ZIP 5,9 kt 21.02.1997 - - -
OMEN-etälukuformaatin I-revision speksit
16271 PLAYMIX.EXE 42303 07.09.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
PlayMix - How to mix and play two VOC files
and control a SB with low-level commands.
Includes C++ source code by Creative Labs.
16272 PLTSRCW.ZIP 5,1 Mt 08.10.2000 - - -
DrScheme v103 sourceDrScheme-ohjelmointityökalun lähdekoodit.
16273 PWG13.ZIP 86,7 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
Password Generator v1.3 for Java: Generates a list of random passwords for online use. Save the list to a file, print it or copy it to the clipboard. Requires Java 1.1 runtime or virtual machine. Free. Java source code included. By Jere Käpyaho (jere@sci.fi, http://www.sci.fi/~jere/pwg)
16274 PXFORMAT.ZIP 12,7 kt 02.05.1997 - 21814/Pegasus_Source_Vol_2.iso -
Borland Paradox table file format. Plain text + sample code in Pascal.
16275 RAYTRC10.ZIP 53,2 kt 09.12.1997 - - -
RAY TRACING-Opas v1.0.5 Perusteet, matematiikka, algoritmit. Suomenkielinen. HTML.
16276 RTFSPEC.ZIP 22 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Rich-Text Format (RTF) specification 1.0 by Microsoft.
16278 SARG.ZIP 49,3 kt 18.07.1997 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
"SHAREWARE AUTHORS RESOURCE GUIDE - 8th ed. Whether youre a veteran shareware author or just starting outyoull find this concisemenu-driven guide *extremely* helpful to running a PROFITABLE shareware business. Effectively programmarket& distribute. Ultimately increase registrations and profit. Requires DOS 3.3 or above."
16279 SETEXT.ZIP 5,9 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Structure Enhanced (setext) text specification.
16280 SMS32V23.ZIP 582,4 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
sms32v23 x86 CPU sim for students of low level programming. Based on the low eight bits of the 8086. Can be single stepped or run continuously. The CPU registers and RAM contents are made visible. The simulator is programmed in x86-like assembly code.  The machine code generated is not the same as 8086 code.
15417 ST-TUTOR.ZIP 42404 28.03.1996 - - -
GNU Smalltalk tutorial (ASCII)
16281 TIFFJPEG.ZIP 12,2 kt 02.08.1999 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Draft TIFF 6.0 Tech Note #2 - JPEG in TIFF specification.
16282 TIJ2HTM1.ZIP 227,6 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Bruce Eckel\'s "Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed." Free Java book in HTML format, part 1/4
16283 TIJ2HTM2.ZIP 213,9 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Bruce Eckel\'s "Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed." Free Java book in HTML format, part 2/4
16284 TIJ2HTM3.ZIP 181 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Bruce Eckel\'s "Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed." Free Java book in HTML format, part 3/4
16285 TIJ2HTM4.ZIP 227,4 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Bruce Eckel\'s "Thinking in Java, 2nd Ed." Free Java book in HTML format, part 4/4
16286 VICAR2.ZIP 5,5 kt 02.08.1999 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
VICAR2 image file format + info.
16287 WSTUB11.ZIP 9,6 kt 19.07.1997 - - -
WATCOM C/C++ 11.0 WSTUB.EXE Fix (April 14/97)
16288 ZLIB104.ZIP 105 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
zlib 1.0.4 general purpose data compression library based on RFCs 1950, 1951, and 1952. Contains library source code, documentation, and usage examples. Requires a C compiler.
16289 BSDDEV.ZIP 204,7 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
BSD programs (gprof) and libraries (curses etc.).
61684 BSDDEV.ZIP 61192 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
BSD libraries (curses etc.)
16290 BSDDOC.ZIP 115,5 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Documentation for BSD libraries.
61685 BSDDOC.ZIP 82989 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Documentation for BSD libraries
16291 BSDSRC.ZIP 276,7 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Source for BSD libraries.
61686 BSDSRC.ZIP 83565 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Source for BSD libraries
16292 CDISK.ZIP 253693 22.03.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Companion disk for Writing OS/2 Device
Drivers in C
16293 DES3_OS2.ZIP 125877 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DES3_OS2 -  OS/2 WARP library for the
NBS Data Encryption Standard (DES) in
ECB  and  CBC mode with support of 24
byte keys (3DES). Simple-to-use C API
to the cryptograhic functions. Sample
make files and  source code of a file
encryption utility to show their use.
ANSI Standard X3.92-1981! Outstanding
performance of 270 KB/s (i486DX/33) !
16294 DOS2OS2.ZIP 46422 22.03.1995 - OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Driver for DOS<->OS/2 program communications
16295 EMXAMPLE.ZIP 51,4 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Sample programs.
63703 EMXAMPLE.ZIP 34269 11.07.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest3.iso eritupla
Sample programs
63704 EMXDEV.ZIP 958118 11.07.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest3.iso -
emx development system (without compiler)
16296 EMXDEV1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Files required for developing programs with emx (part 1).
16297 EMXDEV2.ZIP 179,4 kt 30.09.1997 - 21504/OS2SPEZ396.zip -
Files required for developing programs with emx (part 2).
16298 EMXESIM.ZIP 23966 21.08.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest3.iso -
Kolme lyhyttä PM-ohjelmointiesimerkkiä
emx/gcc:lle. Tarvitset myös gnu-maken tai
16299 EMXFIX03.ZIP 990,2 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Fix 03 for emx 0.9c.
63705 EMXFIX03.ZIP 763674 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Fix package #3 for EMX 0.9a
63706 EMXFIX05.DOC 11678 31.07.1995 - 21316/hot-shareware-01.iso -
emx 0.9a fix #5 documentation
63707 EMXFIX05.ZIP 900102 31.07.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
emx 0.9a fix package #5
16300 EMXRT.ZIP 524,8 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
emx runtime package.
63708 EMXRT.ZIP 345589 15.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
emx 0.9a: emx runtime package (FIX 06)
63709 EMXRT09C.ZIP 535415 23.09.1996 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO -
emx 0.9c: emx runtime package (FIX 00)
63710 EMXSRCD.ZIP 915637 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso -
Source for the emx development system
16301 EMXSRCD1.ZIP 891,3 kt 30.09.1997 - 21504/OS2SPEZ396.zip -
Source for emx development tools (part 1).
16302 EMXSRCD2.ZIP 646,6 kt 30.09.1997 - 21504/OS2SPEZ396.zip -
Source for emx development tools (part 2).
16303 EMXSRCR.ZIP 582,7 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Source for the emx runtime package.
63711 EMXSRCR.ZIP 533231 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Source for the emx runtime package
16304 EMXST35.ZIP 11601 11.07.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest3.iso -
Introduction to EMX
16305 EMXTEST.ZIP 191,7 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Test programs (used for testing emx and the libraries).
63712 EMXTEST.ZIP 127412 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Test programs (used for testing emx and the
16306 EMXVIEW.ZIP 343,8 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
emx documentation in OS/2 .inf format.
63713 EMXVIEW.ZIP 285430 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
emx documentation in OS/2 .inf format
16307 GASSRC.ZIP 335509 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso -
Patched GNU sources (GAS 2.3)
16308 GBINUSRC.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.09.1997 - 21555/22-gnu.zip -
Patched GNU sources (ld, ar, nm, size, strip, objdump, gprof).
16309 GBTN01.ZIP 17,6 kt 21.03.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Shaded Buttons is a new window class as a better-looking alternative to the normal OS/2 Push Button.
64413 GCC270B1.ZIP 597801 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Binaries, part 1 (C)
64414 GCC270B2.ZIP 1223328 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Binaries, part 2 (C++
and Objective C)
64415 GCC270D.ZIP 446128 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Documentation
64416 GCC270P.ZIP 19867 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Patches
64417 GCC270S1.ZIP 1245913 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Source code (patched) 1/3
64418 GCC270S2.ZIP 1274997 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Source code (patched), 2/3
64419 GCC270S3.ZIP 287705 22.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] Source code (patched), 3/3
16310 GCCSRC1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GCC, part 1).
64424 GCCSRC1.ZIP 1180652 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
gccsrc1.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.6.3,
part 1)
16311 GCCSRC2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GCC, part 2).
64425 GCCSRC2.ZIP 1211682 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
gccsrc1.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.6.3,
part 2)
16312 GCCSRC3.ZIP 428,2 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GCC, part 3).
64426 GCCSRC3.ZIP 321618 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
gccsrc1.zip Patched GNU sources (GCC 2.6.3,
part 3)
16313 GDBSRC1.ZIP 1 Mt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.16, part 1).
64435 GDBSRC1.ZIP 948718 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.13, part 1)
16314 GDBSRC2.ZIP 568,6 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.16, part 2).
64436 GDBSRC2.ZIP 504691 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Patched GNU sources (GDB 4.13, part 2)
64520 GNUDEV.ZIP 1209187 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso -
GNU development tools compiled for emx
16315 GNUDEV1.ZIP 1 Mt 30.09.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The GNU C compiler, the GNU debugger, and other tools (part 1).
16316 GNUDEV2.ZIP 596,2 kt 30.09.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The GNU C compiler, the GNU debugger, and other tools (part 2).
16317 GNUDOC.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Documentation for GNU programs (texinfo sources etc.).
64521 GNUDOC.ZIP 984597 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Documentation for GNU programs (texinfo
16318 GNUINFO.ZIP 227,9 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
GNU texinfo (includes info file browser).
64522 GNUINFO.ZIP 202444 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
GNU texinfo (includes info file browser)
16319 GNUPAT.ZIP 158,1 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
patches for GNU sources.
64523 GNUPAT.ZIP 112052 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Patches for GNU sources
16320 GNUSRC.ZIP 297,6 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Patched GNU sources (info, termcap, GPPDEMID)
64524 GNUSRC.ZIP 417541 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
16321 GNUVIEW.ZIP 32,7 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
emxgnu.inf (emxgnu.doc in OS/2 .inf format).
64526 GNUVIEW.ZIP 26046 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
gnudev.inf (gnudev.doc in OS/2 .inf format)
16322 GOBJCDEV.ZIP 571,9 kt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Additional files for GCC required for compiling programs written in the Objective C language.
64533 GOBJCDEV.ZIP 553598 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
GNU programs and files for compiling
Objective C
16323 GPPDEV.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi eritupla
Additional files for GCC required for compiling C++ programs.
64571 GPPDEV.ZIP 1123233 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Additional GNU programs and files for
compiling C++
16324 GPPSRC.ZIP 529,4 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Patched sources of libg++ 2.7.2.
64572 GPPSRC.ZIP 849504 11.07.1995 - UNIX Applications Utilities.iso eritupla
Patched sources of libg++ 2.6.1
16325 HOOKKBS.ZIP 32672 22.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Hooking the keyboard & assigning hotkeys
16326 INSTALL.DOC 15927 11.07.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
[emx 0.9a] How to install emx 0.9a (read
16327 INSTALL.EMX 19,4 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Installation guide for emx 0.9c.
16328 IO386.ZIP 2203 22.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
How to do port I/O in 32-bit programs
16329 LCL2-23H.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.09.1997 - - -
lclint 2.3h for OS/2, a C source code checker. This archive contains all files needed to run lclint 2.3h for OS/2 including INF documentation. Includes many bugfixes to the previous OS/2 version (2.2a) and new overall features.
16330 LIB270B.ZIP 692643 22.09.1995 koko³ ratsnest3.iso -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] libg++ 2.7.0 (binaries,
headers, and documentation)
16331 LIB270P.ZIP 13466 22.09.1995 - 21555/22-gnu.zip -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] libg++ 2.7.0 (patches)
16332 LIB270S.ZIP 567643 22.09.1995 - 21555/22-gnu.zip -
[emx/gcc 2.7.0] libg++ 2.7.0 (patched
source code, requires HPFS)
16333 MM4EMX11.ZIP 451,7 kt 17.06.1997 koko¹ ratsnest3.iso -
mm4emx 1.1. This package enables you to use the OS/2 Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 (MMPM/2) API from the emx development environment. It provides import libraries and header files to link your emx applications against the MMPM/2 DLLs. Also some sample programms are provided.
16334 OGL9635.ZIP 3,6 Mt 31.08.1997 - - -
OpenGL for OS/2 (DLLs, sample code, docs)
66998 P202.ZIP 129837 06.06.1996 - 2045/shareware studio volume 6.ISO -
P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer protocol
package providing fast and multitasking
friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g, Ymodem and Xmodem
for Asynchronous, Named pipe and TCP/IP
stream socket (telnet) connections. Contains
a DLL that can be used with your own
16335 P205.ZIP 130654 30.06.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
P is a freeware 32-bit file transfer protocol
package providing fast and multitasking
friendly Zmodem, Ymodem-g, Ymodem and Xmodem
for Asynchronous, Named pipe and TCP/IP
stream socket (telnet) connections. Contains
a DLL that can be used with your own
16336 PRJMG103.ZIP 68470 31.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Project Manager (PRJMGR) is a simple to
use PM-Frontend and Maketool for GCC/EMX
0.9a. It doesn't work with older
versions of EMX, but I hope with future
versions. It needs the EMX runtime
package (EMX.DLL & EMXLIBC.DLL) and will
not work without it.
You can create OS/2 Commandline, PM
applications and DLL's with PRJMGR.
PRJMGR calls GCC for compliation, RC.EXE
16337 README.270 4083 22.09.1995 - 1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso -
emx/gcc 2.7.0 readme file
16338 README.DOC 10151 11.07.1995 - - -
[emx 0.9a] README for emx 0.9a
16339 README.EMX 10,1 kt 30.09.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Emx 0.9c introduction.
16340 SCAN-DEF.ZIP 23,3 kt 04.05.1997 renamed 21543/10-Tools.zip -
Scan_def. Reads .h files grabbing all #define lines and sorting those by number and ID(name).
16342 THREAD.ZIP 4892 22.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
A thread class for C++ under OS/2
16341 THREAD2.ZIP 11098 22.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
A sample PM program illustrating how to
16343 VD08.ZIP 3 Mt 17.06.1997 - 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar -
OS/2 Visual Development Tools v0.8. This package contains some class libraries for use with the gcc/emx development package and applications supporting visual development by mostly doing drag and drop while programming.
16344 VESA19.ZIP 236,5 kt 20.01.1997 - 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar -
VESA package for emx, Version 1.9. This is a package that enables emx programs to call the VESA Bios extensions under DOS. It also supplies some drivers for doing fullscreen and windowed graphics under OS/2.
16345 VGALIB.ZIP 107402 13.07.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Preliminary full screen (non-PM) graphics
16346 VPBGIB1.ZIP 146107 10.11.1996 - 21543/10-Tools.zip -
BGI Graph-unit VP/2:lle, kΣyttΣΣ DIVE:Σ.
16347 WAT32.ZIP 9092 13.03.1995 - - -
C source code for use in the DOS4GW 32-bit
protected mode environment. Developed in
Watcom C/C++ 10.0a. Plays only 8-bit mono 11k
.WAV files, anything else is up to you.
16348 XLIBOS2.ZIP 102005 22.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Full screen VGA X Mode library w/demo
16349 32DRV140.ZIP 273693 04.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
MWDD32. A package that allows the
implementation of 32 bits OS/2 device drivers
(BASEDEV and DEVICE) as well as 32 bits
Installable File Systems (IFS).
16350 EDM0402I.ZIP 356740 03.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 2
16351 EDM0403I.ZIP 654400 29.09.1996 - 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 3
16352 EDM0404I.ZIP 208053 29.09.1996 - 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 4
16353 EDM0405I.ZIP 210739 29.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 5
16354 EDM0406I.ZIP 222082 29.09.1996 - 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 6
16355 EDM0407I.ZIP 156407 29.09.1996 - 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 7
16356 EDM0408H.ZIP 77512 29.09.1996 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 8
16357 EDM0409H.ZIP 80480 18.10.1996 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 9
16358 EDM0502H.ZIP 116,1 kt 04.02.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 2
16359 EDMI1_1.ZIP 137031 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #1
16360 EDMI1_2.ZIP 118690 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #2
16361 EDMI1_3.ZIP 178275 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #3
16362 EDMI1_4.ZIP 50509 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #4
16363 EDMI1_5.ZIP 220489 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #5
16364 EDMI1_6.ZIP 168350 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #6
16366 EDMI2_1.ZIP 300044 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 1
16365 EDMI2_10.ZIP 151314 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 10
16367 EDMI2_2.ZIP 185303 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 2
16368 EDMI2_3.ZIP 508259 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 3
16369 EDMI2_4.ZIP 283636 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 4
16370 EDMI2_5.ZIP 233259 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 5
16371 EDMI2_6.ZIP 272263 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 6
16372 EDMI2_7.ZIP 261983 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 7
16373 EDMI2_8.ZIP 295229 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 8
16374 EDMI2_9.ZIP 366193 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 2, Issue 9
16375 EDMI3_1.ZIP 196848 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 1
16376 EDMI3_2.ZIP 547977 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 2
16377 EDMI3_3.ZIP 184673 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 3
16378 EDMI3_4.ZIP 502224 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 4
16379 EDMI3_5.ZIP 458066 31.07.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Volume 3 Issue 5
16380 EDMI3_6.ZIP 319378 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 6
16381 EDMI3_7.ZIP 651975 23.02.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 7
16382 EDMI3_8.ZIP 753702 23.02.1996 renamed 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 8
16383 EDMI3_9.ZIP 550631 23.02.1996 renamed 21564/32-Periodic.zip -
EDM/2 - Volume 3, Issue 9
16386 EDMI4_1.ZIP 261779 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 1
16384 EDMI4-10.ZIP 600868 04.01.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 10
16385 EDMI4-11.ZIP 79656 04.01.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 11
16387 EDMI4-8.ZIP 101827 04.01.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 8
16388 EDMI4-9.ZIP 134922 04.01.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 4, Issue 9
16391 EDMI5-1.ZIP 166676 14.01.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 1
16389 EDMI5-10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.10.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 10
16390 EDMI5-11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 11
16392 EDMI5-3.ZIP 346 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 3
16393 EDMI5-4.ZIP 603,1 kt 05.04.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 4
16394 EDMI5-5.ZIP 816,8 kt 10.05.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 5
16395 EDMI5-6.ZIP 703,3 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 6
16396 EDMI5-8.ZIP 933,5 kt 03.08.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 8
16397 EDMI5-9.ZIP 724,8 kt 12.09.1997 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 5, Issue 9
16398 EDMI6-03.ZIP 1,7 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 6, Issue 3
16399 EDMI6-1.ZIP 1,7 Mt 07.01.1998 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 6, Issue 1.
16400 EDMI6-2.ZIP 884,8 kt 08.02.1998 - - -
EDM/2 - Volume 6, Issue 2
16401 EDMI7.ZIP 372451 28.03.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 Issue #7
16402 EDMINDEX.ZIP 45715 23.02.1996 - OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EDM Index from March 1993 to November 1994.
16403 EDMSUBA.ZIP 20282 22.10.1995 - MBCD -
EDM/2 article submission guidelines
64351 FWKTL100.ZIP 38415 13.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Enjoy tight, .COM_like code in protected mode
in OS/2 -- flat, 32_bit code, able to address
megabytes of memory with ease, use OS/2 APIs,
and call dynamic link libraries (.DLLs). Let
your programs modify themselves and their
program files. Program "Hello, world!" in
under 70 bytes! Shareware. Must be registered
for commercial, school, or government use.
Assemblers A386 and ALP are recommended.
FWKTL(TM) Text_program Launcher, Ver. 1.00.
16404 FWKTL101.ZIP 39,8 kt 17.04.1997 - 21543/10-Tools.zip -
Enjoy tight, .COM_like code in protected mode in OS/2 -- flat, 32_bit code, able to address megabytes of memory with ease, use OS/2 APIs, and call dynamic link libraries (.DLLs). Let your programs modify themselves and their program files. Program "Hello, world!" in under 70 bytes! Shareware. Must be registered for commercial, school, or government use. Assemblers A386 and ALP are recommended. FWKTL(TM) Text_program Launcher, Ver. 1.01.
16405 INF16BIT.ZIP 412220 22.03.1995 - MBCD -
Documentation for 16-bit API functions (.INF
format). Functions for video, keyboard and
mouse routines for OS/2 (C and ASM)
16406 LB07.ZIP 690689 29.05.1995 - MBCD -
Liberty BASIC v0.7 for OS/2 Warp!
THE everyman's OS/2 programming tool!!
-Now works with OS/2 Warp 3.0!!
-Interactively program OS/2 PM in BASIC
-FreeForm Visual screen designer included
-Supports graphics  -Easy to use debugger
-example code -Windows version available
-Royalty free runtime engine available!!!
Great software from Shoptalk Systems!
16407 LXOPT122.ZIP 456 kt 21.07.1997 - 21543/10-Tools.zip -
LXOPT v1.22. A unique tool for the OS/2 developer. By working set tuning EXE/DLL files LXOPT will typically halve the amount of memory required to store application code. The instruction stream is also processed to ensure maximum CPU instruction cache efficiency and a new preloading option allows the resulting code to be transferred to the swapfile allowing the fastest possible application startup and paging.
16408 OB127OS2.ZIP 138,6 kt 25.08.1997 - - -
OmniBasic version 1.27 for OS/2. The simplicity of Basic, the structure of Pascal, the power of C...
16409 OBJLIB.ZIP 16456 22.03.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
OS/2 .OBJ/.LIB formats
16410 OS2GAMED.ZIP 556976 07.02.1996 - - -
All kind information for game and multimedia
development information for programmers.
Include information OS/2 game development,
3D routines use (coming soon for OS/2 !!)
Midi using and all kind Music use for.
Made by: IBM (packet).
M-Soft Finland was released this packet.
This is freeware, all rights reserved.
FORMAT: .inf files (readables only on OS/2).
More information on NET:
http://www.software.ibm.com or
16411 OS2TRACE.ZIP 755,4 kt 10.05.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Operating System/2 API Trace Enabler/ Customizer/Summarizer. Enables or disables the tracing of 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 APIs imported by an executable file without affecting its source code, and customizes and summarizes the tracing of 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 APIs.
16412 PDD.ZIP 2245946 08.03.1996 - -