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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
13492 0FONTIT1.ZIP 17,6 kt 27.11.1997 - - -
FonttiohjelmaFONTIT - voit tehdä, muokata ja vaihtaa dos- fontteja. Mukana 3 esimerkkifonttia!
60129 1DIRV2R0.ZIP 88581 08.10.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso tupla
(v2.00) OneDIR Pro - Color DIR w/many opts
Powerful color dir cmd w/Win95 LFN support.
Files can be located using multiple patterns
along with size, date, or attrib filtering.
Displays the size of subdirs. Generates batch
files which perform cmds on each file listed.
Auto detects no. of rows.  All DOS 5.0's DIR
cmd functionality is supported including
subdir searching and redirectable output.
Shareware (US$ 5). R. Proft CIS 73460,3033
13493 1DIRV2R1.ZIP 87,6 kt 12.03.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
OneDIR Pro v2.1Color DIR w/many opts Powerful color dir cmd w/Win95 LFN support. Files can be located using multiple patterns along with size, date, or attrib filtering. Displays the size of subdirs. Generates batch files which perform cmds on each file listed. Auto detects no. of rows.  Complete DIR cmd replacement with subdir searching and redirectable output.  Fully customizable! Shareware (US$ 5). R. Proft CIS 73460,3033.
60144 2.ZIP 3099 20.11.1995 - - -
4Dos Utility: TO.BTM directory changer
13494 2L8FE122.ZIP 128,9 kt 28.01.1997 - MBCD -
2L8 EGA/VGA Screen Font Editor v1.22 Freeware -- use, share and enjoy *  An EGA/VGA bitmap screen font editor for 640x480x16 mode, 8086+ and mouse Edit 256 characters: 8 x 1-16 pixels rotate, mirror, inverse, fill, swap, undo shift, clear, store, paste, load && save. Edit all character or one row/column. Jouni Miettunen, Finland, 1995. E-mail: jon@stekt.oulu.fi.
13495 2M30.ZIP 256196 30.03.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
2M 3.0  (C) 1993-1995 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis
100% safely and 100% reliable formats to:
3.5 DD  (720K):   984K / 1066K / 1176K 3.5 HD
(1.44M):  1804K / 1886K / 1972K 3.5 ED
(2.88M):  3608K / 3772K / 3944K 5.25 DD
(360K):   820K /  902K /  976K 5.25 HD
(1.2M):  1476K / 1558K / 1639K  in 100%
drives of 100% compatible systems.
13496 2MGUI19.ZIP 24437 05.01.1997 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
2m Guinness v1.9 - Direct disk drive access
bypassing controller. New, improved version
of 2mgui shipped with 2m v3.0.
13497 35SEC100.ZIP 11874 17.02.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Floppy cache, reads and writes in the
background. requires two highloadable
13499 3DV095.ZIP 269,3 kt 21.10.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
3DVIEW v0.95Quick 3d object previewer Evaluation copy for 30 days. Supports: Lightwave Truespace/Caligari Imagine/TDDD VRML USGS DEM Fast Wireframe,Faceted and Smooth render Requires: 486, Vesa VGA, DOS. SHAREWARE.
13501 4CD.ZIP 5325 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
4CD - 4DOS Change Directory - a 4DOS
batch file that implements a full-
featured directory manager like LCD,
NCD, or ACD.  Supports 4DOS extensions
to CD and CDD commands, directory
aliases, multiple drives (including
removable), long file/dir names (in
environments that support them),
change to found file (like SST -g).
Requires 4DOS version 5.51 or later,
13500 4CD2.ZIP 8095 29.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Enhanced 4dos CD utility by David Webb. It
reads all DIR names on drives/disks into a CD
batch. Requires 4dos v5.5+ *Freeware*
13866 4D55B.ZIP 9100 02.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
4DOS 5.5 patch file, updates 4DOS 5.5 rev A
to 4DOS 5.5 rev B.  ONLY USEFUL if you
already have 4DOS 5.5 rev A, not needed by
new users. To check your current 4DOS version
use VER /R. Also requires patch program (see
13502 4D55C.ZIP 40339 04.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
4DOS 5.5 patch file, updates 4DOS 5.5 rev B
to 4DOS 5.5 rev C.  ONLY USEFUL if you
already have 4DOS 5.5 rev B, not needed by
new users.  To check your current 4DOS
version use VER /R.  Also requires patch
program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).
60226 4DC_V09.ZIP 51835 16.09.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
4dc v0.9 --4dos configuration program. --Lets
you configure the most --things in 4dos.ini
in a easy-- Released: 29-Jul-1996 By :
Mattias Axner
13504 4DC_V091.ZIP 48,4 kt 21.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
4DC v0.91 4DOS configuration program. Lets you configure the most things in 4dos.ini in a easy way.
13503 4DCAT10.ZIP 44,7 kt 21.09.1997 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
4dcat.btm floppy cataloguerCombines simplicity (ease of use) with flexibility (maintaining a freeform batabase with your editor). It makes a directory listing of every floppy fed to it. It labels them 1a, 2a 1b 2b etc. 4DOS v5.5 needed.
13505 4DECOMP.ZIP 7685 01.10.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
4dossin pakattujen BTM-batchien purkaja.
13506 4DERR220.ZIP 5,4 kt 21.09.1997 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
"4DERR220 ver. 2.20A BTM script file for 4Dosversion 5.0 or later. On!Error provides an error handling function for command lines that the 4Dos command processor cant resolve. See the enclosed ON!ERROR.DOC file for the details. (Released: 10/15/94)"
13507 4DIZ18.ZIP 29072 28.02.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
4DIZcribe v1.8 (For 4DOS.)   07/10/95
A handy util to put the file_id.diz's
or the desc.sdi 's as a descript.ion
next to the filenames of your DIR.
-multiple volume support
-remove crazy characters when asked for
-ALL archivers support !
-undescribed file support
60227 4DIZER10.ZIP 33614 17.02.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso tupla
4DIZER by Pekka Sillanpää
Kätevä  ohjelma, joka etsii hakemiston
ZIP tiedostoista FILE_ID.DIZ tiedoston
ja tekee  niistä  4DOSin  DESCRIPT.ION
tiedoston. Tiedostojen määrällä ei ole
13508 4DIZER12.ZIP 34976 31.12.1996 - - -
4DIZER v1.2 * Freeware * Program that take
FILE_ID.DIZ file from all .ARJ and .ZIP files
in directory, and make the 4DOS's
13509 4DIZZY96.ZIP 55,4 kt 21.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"4Dizzy 0.964Dizzy is the widely-acclaimed archive processor for both OS/2 and DOS. Its used to import file_id.diz information into 4dos/4os2 descriptions."
60228 4DOS551A.ZIP 33009 04.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
4DOS 5.51 rev A build 44 patch file, updates
v. 5.51 rev A build 43 to build 44, fixes
'Setup error 1' problems.  ONLY USEFUL if you
already have 4DOS 5.51 rev A build 43, not
needed by new users.  To check your current
4DOS revision and build levels use VER /R.
Also requires patch program (see PATCH.ZIP or
60229 4DOS551B.ZIP 287728 27.11.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip tupla
4dos 5.51 patch file, updates 4dos 5.51 rev A
build 44 to 4dos 5.51 rev B. ONLY USEFUL if
you already have 4dos 5.51 rev A build 44,
not needed by new users. If you have build 43
download and apply the 4dos551a.ZIP patch to
update to build 44, then apply this patch. To
check your current 4dos version, revision,
and build use VER /R. Also requires patch
program (see 4dpatch.ZIP).
60230 4DOS552.ZIP 531838 12.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
4dos 5.52  - The award-winning
COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOS, PC-DOS,
DR DOS, OS/2, and Win95, with command
enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of
other unique command-line tools. For optional
reference manual see jp4ref.ZIP. Shareware,
$69 full registration. 04-17-95 release A
13510 4DOS601.ZIP 749,7 kt 17.05.1998 - MBCD -
"4DOS v6.01 New! (February 1998) release of JP Softwares award-winning COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOSPC-DOSNovell DOS / OpenDOSOS/2and Win95with command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools.  Shareware$69.95 full registration.  02-02-98 release A."
13867 4DPATCH.ZIP 49282 04.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
JP Software's patch program for 4DOS
You need this to apply revision patches
to the 4DOS command interpreter.
13511 4DPSETDJ.ZIP 5744 27.02.1995 - 21004/bestofsharewarebusinessbestofproductions1994.iso -
Printer setup for HP Deskjet series (4DOS)
13512 4FC12.ZIP 25203 27.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
4Comment: Extracts file descriptions from
textfile and installs as 4dos comments or as
comments in zip/pak/arj/zoo file. Also
extracts comments from compressed file to
text file. 4dos ver 3 and 4 compatible.
13513 4FILE330.ZIP 112984 30.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Recommended by PC-Computing magazine 9/94.
Combines fast disk navigation with complete
file management, program launching, and 4DOS
& NDOS compatible file annotation. For DOS,
Windows, OS/2 & DV. Puts your favorite util-
ities and applications at your finger tips.
Shareware, $30 with printed manual.
13514 4HIST110.ZIP 11740 14.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
4hist v1.10 - 4dos utility: duplicate history
deleter. Freeware (c) 1995 [29 Sept.] by DDA/
Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
13868 4LASER.ZIP 4925 27.02.1995 - 16984/SUPER_CD III (Groupware).iso -
4DOS BTM file for HP-LJII configuration
13869 4RUN100.ZIP 5930 04.03.1996 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO -
4Run v1.00 - DOS utility: 4Run executes 4DOS
commands via COMSPEC - for use with programs
which only allow assigning .EXE and .COM
programs to hotkeys. Freeware (c) 1995
[95/02/24] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/.Pas src
13515 4TRASH10.ZIP 3,3 kt 21.09.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
As the name itself implies, Trasher is a little .btm which allows a simple management for files to be deleted - a command-line version of the trashcan you can find in many GUI OSes.
13516 4UTILS86.ZIP 155636 27.10.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Free utilities for 4dos/NDOS. Includes: 1)
4desc 1.75 Full-screen 4dos file description
editor with mouse support and cut and paste
capability. Scrollable editing of
200-character descriptions. Calls file
viewer, editor or DOS shell. 2) 4ff 1.86
4dos-aware file finder. Looks inside .ZIP,
.ARJ, and .LZH files. Displays descriptions
of found files. Includes Turbo Pascal 7.0
source code.
13528 A-R10.ZIP 17 kt 25.09.1997 - 9339/So Much Shareware 5 (CD-ROM) (Power User Software)(1995).ISO -
Two programs for batch programming. This package includes ANSIB v.1.O is a batsh file ANSI Controller and RAT v.1.O is a batch file mouse controller.
13517 ACP120.ZIP 4,5 kt 25.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Arithmetic Conversion Program Version 1.2 By Heroine. Converts numbers from all formats to all other formats!
13518 ADC510.ZIP 23130 02.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
AddComm 5.00  07/10/95
ADDCOMM is a utility that allows you to
define the address of your COM ports in the
DOS lower memory segment. This is useful for
machines whose BIOS doesn't support COM3 and
COM4 ports by default. Shareware registration
forms and manual included. From HyperWare.
13520 AIKA.ZIP 1296 17.03.1995 - - -
Aikanäyttäjä v1.04 (MS-DOS)
13519 AIKA4.ZIP 47,8 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
AIKA v4.0By Mika Lahtinen Monipuolinen ajan näyttäjä. Kello, viikonpäivä, päivämäärä, juhlapäivät ja -pyhät. Synt. päivien talletus mahd. Ajan ja päivän vaihto mahd.
13521 AMANA132.ZIP 359,5 kt 12.11.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Adrenal Manager v1.32Erinomaisen loistava filemanageri. Soveltuu mm. DOSille ja Windows 95:lle.
13523 AMIS2990.ZIP 431830 04.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
AMIsetup 2.99 - External Setup (AMI High Flex
or WinBIOS required). If you ever considered
your built-in setup as incomprehensible,
boring, inconvenient or incomplete, you have
been waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup can save
your config to disk and restore it. You can
even change setup options missing in your
BIOS! AMIsetup cracks your password,
auto-detects hard disks, prints a personal
BIOS manual & much more.
13524 AMM.ZIP 59524 04.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Aquatic Moon Menu is a dos level disk
menu supporting the mouse and keyboard
for input. The menu uses no memory
while a selection is running. It can
be used with write protected media,
since the menu does not write to the
disk, except while editing the menu
selections. Runs both over and under
Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
13525 ANSMAT10.ZIP 73,6 kt 25.09.1997 - 16817/Source_Code_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_March_1994.iso -
ANSI-MATE v1.0This program\'s main function is to create batch files for  you. These batch files will utilize ANSI.SYS\'s two most useful capabilities: Changing your DOS colors & re-defining keys to give you a virtual "menu" of DOS commands at your fingertips!
13526 ANYDRIVE.ZIP 13052 11.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Laittaa BIOSin tunnistamaan kaikenkokoiset
kovalevyt. Ei vie muistia.
13527 APGP200.ZIP 137923 25.04.1995 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
AutoPGP v2.00 Revised 1994/05/04  Offline
e-mail encryption with PGP. Supports XBoard
and Offliner, as well as any QWK mail reader.
Encrypts, decrypts and signs messages or
part(s) of a message; inserts/extracts public
keys and ascii armoured files + much more!
Requires PGP23A.ZIP. Shareware.
13529 ARCDET10.ZIP 9252 06.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
ARCHIVE DETERMINATE v1.0 checks files for
the type of Archiver used.
Creates an environment variable so it can
be tested in a batchfile.
FREE FOR ALL utility by Mark Bloss
Copyright 1996 All rights reserved
Mind Over Byte Software
13530 ARCID115.ZIP 37341 07.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Archive Identifier 1.15 - A utility for
ZOO GIF and JPG files by SIGNATURE, not
extension, including self-extracting
archives!  Tiny and very fast.  Other files
can be filtered based on file extensions. For
use in customized BBS upload batch files and
similar archive testing applications.
Excellent for PCBTEST.BAT or SLOWDRV.BAT use.
Includes both DOS and 32-bit OS/2 versions!
13531 ASCII322.ZIP 27925 07.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ASCIITable Resident Viewer v3.22, freeware.
13532 ASINFO20.ZIP 1,6 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Asema-Info v2.0(4DOS .BTM) Näyttää sekä paikallisten että verkko- asemien vapaan ja käytetyn tilan sekä nimiön siistissä listassa yhteenveto- tietoineen. Erittäin käytännöllinen vapaan tilan tarkistamiseen. (C) Jari Karppanen, 1997.
13535 ASK_BAT.ZIP 14,9 kt 23.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The ask_bat programDesigned to allow for timed response to (Y/N) type prompts in .BAT files - esp the Autoexec.bat file.
13533 ASK11C.ZIP 14,6 kt 25.09.1997 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
TifaWARE ASK v1.1c Ask simple questions in batch files; return one character response. Time-out optional. Includes source for TASM v3.0. Last updated 03-Jul-93. Public domain.
13534 ASK3.ZIP 16,5 kt 25.09.1997 - 19689/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 3 of 4)(1993).iso -
Ask 3A program for you to use in a batch file to ask for one-key responses from the user. ASK then sets the errorlevel according to the key pressed. The errorlevel can be tested in a batch file to branch to different places. This allows you to ask simple questions like the Yes-or-No type, or to set up a menu-driven batch file. ASK also accepts options like no echo, time out, flush type-ahead.
13536 ASKMEP.ZIP 24,4 kt 23.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"A simple command line utility to use in batch files to prompt for Y/N questionsand have the DOS Errorlevel set on exit. This is the second generation of the original prog. now written in Turbo C++ 3.0. See DOCs for History and Changes. Written by Gary Bouchard/The Computer Store. *FREEWARE*"
13538 AT-SLOW4.ZIP 8805 23.02.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
AT-SLOW 80286/386/486 slowdown program.
Version 4.00, Major revision fixes serious
bugs that caused hard disk I/O problems. Now
works with 80486 25-66mhz machines allowing a
486 to run at 386 and 286 speeds. New version
allows enabling, disabling and changing of
speed within game or program. New install
option allows entering of speed in MHZ and
the delay is automaticaly calculated. Sysops
please remove AT-SLOW3.ZIP from your BBS
because of bugs.
13537 ATAINF09.ZIP 30152 26.02.1996 - - -
ATAInfo: Display IDE HD/CD-ROM capabilities
13539 ATTRB16.ZIP 21042 31.05.1995 - MBCD -
ATTRB V1.6  - Easy-to-use, intuitive,
full screen, WYSIWYG, file attribute changing
utility to replace dos's ATTRIB. Changes
attributes for a directory, file or all files
at once. Wildcard selection and directory
changing within the program. From Abri
Technologies, $6.
13540 AUTOCMOS.ZIP 2919 04.11.1995 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
CMOS Memory Utility v1.2
This program is a read, write, and compare
utility for the CMOS memory found in 286 and
newer computers.
61080 AUTOCONX.ZIP 137240 13.07.1994 - 17215/tools.ISO -
AutoCon V2.0i is a database manager for
Autoexec and Config Files.  Allows up to 50
configurations, and makes switching between
them easy.  Run full interactive (editor,
mouse, menus, context sensitive help, etc.)
or command line.  MENU.CTL device driver (or
MSDOS 6) can setup menu of configurations
during boot. (ASP)
13541 AUTORND4.ZIP 25,4 kt 23.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Autornd v.4.00 pro!By Arun Bhalla Compile date: 08/10/94 Randomly runs one of up to 99,999,999 batch files on execution! A handy utility! New features include: Uses no memory * 47% faster than before * 32% smaller.
13542 BACKGRND.ZIP 25,4 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Background color changer v1.0 You can adjust the background color with this handy utility with over 250,000+ combinations! (usko pois) Made by: Antti Takala.
61170 BACKINFO.ZIP 34749 16.08.1994 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Stores Critical Data About Hd To Floppy∙ Good
For Old And Unrealiable Hd Users! Last
13543 BASC10.ZIP 12,7 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Braindead Ascii chart v1.0.Nice ASCII chart. Freeware.
13544 BAT2EX15.ZIP 37282 16.08.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Converts BAT files to EXE files
61232 BAT2EXE.ZIP 33607 27.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
Bat To Exe 1.2 - the batch file compiler.
Bat2exe reads your ASCII batch file and
produces a COM format program that performs
the same function as the original batch file,
usually much faster.
13545 BATCHSEL.ZIP 7,8 kt 25.09.1997 - 17215/tools.ISO -
BatchselA simple program that is meant to ease the use of many programs that require filename paramters. It is primarily meant to be used in batch files. It will offer an alpha-betically sorted file selection window, out of which the user can choose one file.
13546 BATCSH12.ZIP 32,6 kt 25.09.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
BAT to CSH.A filter program that translates MSDOS batch files to UNIX C shell scripts.
13547 BATKIT57.ZIP 86,1 kt 27.09.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Batkit v5.7 Batch file utilities. GETKEY displays a message (plain or fancy), gets a response (255 char max) from user & stores it in an env. variable or ERRORLEVEL. Many options-response verify & logging, response time-out, display formatting & branching, more. SAVEDIR stores current directory in the env. & can change drives & directories. WAIT pauses a batch file. GETSCRN captures text screens. Shareware $15 (CIS:SWREG #1312).
13548 BATUNE12.ZIP 75793 17.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
batch tunes for PC speaker v1.2 Clone of
4dos' BEEP command for DOS, tips for creating
& integrating tunes into batches plus
transcribed tunes for 4dos. Compact program
including tools for visualizing tunes: fonts,
color palettes, boxed messengers... Tunes for
Flickerfree Freeloaders FREE WARE
13549 BAZEDIT.ZIP 32476 27.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
BAZEDIT V1.1 Pieni editori, jolla voi
näppärästi editoida käynnistystiedostoja.
13550 BC!FFD1B.ZIP 22192 28.11.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
FileFormat Detector 1.0ßeta
This little program detects several file
formats..up to 43 different file types are
detected, including 3 voice formats, 18
packer formats, 5 picture formats and etc..
13551 BFIND501.ZIP 63496 15.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BFIND.EXE (5.01):  Allows Boolean-type FIND
requests.  For example, find any line with
one string AND another one, or any line with
one string OR another.
13552 BINHEX13.ZIP 45638 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PC BinHex v. 1.3 - uuencodes binary file to
BinHex-format and vice versa.
13553 BOBDMP10.ZIP 16265 04.03.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Bob's Dump v1.0: dumps files (all/part) in
hex, dec, oct, alpha
13558 BOOT.ZIP 312 07.06.1995 - - -
Käynnistää koneen uudelleen.
13554 BOOT210.ZIP 223157 03.04.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BOOT.SYS v2.10  - The Heavy-Duty Config
Manager. Gives you one or more menus out of
CONFIG.SYS, similar to DOS6. Adds pretty
menu, if/then/else, use of variables, and on-
the-fly editing in CONFIG.SYS; reboot from
cmd line; passwords; installation program
upgrades DOS6 multi-config; more! Does NOT
write to your disk! 20 items per menu/25
menus. DOS 2.11 to 6.3 (DR/NWDOS7, too),
DOS=, QEMM7. Auth: Hans Salvisberg
13555 BOOTIT.ZIP 106581 22.10.1995 - 10909/Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso -
BOOTIT v1.02  - Multi-Boot Utility.
Allows up to 10 "master" partitions per hard
drive and the ability to easily select the
partition to boot.  It also allows you to
boot from the B: drive.  Another feature is
the ability to set user defined drive types.
By TeraByte Unlimited. Shareware $17.95
13556 BOOTN091.ZIP 34,8 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Bootnum v0.19bYksinkertainen ohjelma, jolla voit valvoa käynnistyksien määrää. Texmex/GMS.
13557 BOOTN093.ZIP 35740 31.12.1996 - - -
BOOTNUM v0.93b - Ohjelma jolla voit
yksinkertaisesti valvoa käynnistyksien
13888 BOOTR205.ZIP 286477 19.10.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BOOT'R v2.05  -DOS Configuration Manager
BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
management of multiple configurations on a
single machine.  BOOT'R not only allows the
modification of the CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files, but any other files that
might be needed.  Version 2.05 is a
maintenance release.
13559 BSCAT260.ZIP 410,6 kt 10.10.1997 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
BRiNDYS CAT v2.60cEnglish and Spanish. File, directory, volume & drive analyzer.  (c)1989,1996 BRiNDYS Software Shows  compressed  volume  and  directory contents, describe multiple internal FILE FORMATS, drive characteristics, IDE info, networked drives, CD-ROM info, colour w/o ANSI, many video modes. DIR and 4DOS com- patible. It updates descriptions.
13560 BTMUT101.ZIP 15 kt 23.09.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Collection of 4DOS BTM utilities rel 2.Mod2Desc (Revision 2.0 see Mod2Desc.doc), Split 2.1 (Splits embedded archives), ExDiz 2.1 (Generates FILE_ID.DIZ lists), Ispace (checks statistics of all drives).
13561 BTNDOS62.ZIP 864413 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
(v6.2) BUTTONS FOR DOS:  A Gamer's GUI
POINT & CLICK to launch any DOS software.
"GameScan" automatic menu setup.  Instant
alternate boot configurations...no more
Boot Disks!  Works even from WINDOWS 95!
FREE Accessories.  Rated EASIEST DOS MENU
to use.  A Home PC Magazine "BESTBUY".
13562 BTRDIZ10.ZIP 37,3 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Diz Display v1.0Displays file_id.diz in current directory. Very small & simple. Made with DJGPP. By: Hammett / Betrayal!
13563 BTRDRI01.ZIP 36,7 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
"Drive Info v0.1 betaWrites information about the current drive youre on. Made with DJGPP (believe it or not) By : Hammett / Betrayal."
13564 BUMMENU.ZIP 9844 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Bumble's Menu Master v1.0
Use this program to create an easy to use
Very simple to use and setup. Great for
people who don't like Windows or DOS.
13565 BYWHEN11.ZIP 44689 24.02.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
BYWHEN v1.11  - A MSDOS/Netware aware
program that executes programs on specified
date and time.  Accepts arguments for the
child program.  Supports international dates,
times, INI file or command line arguments.
Keywords: Bydate, Bytime,  Chronological,
Cron, Date, Netware, Network, Time.  A full
functional non-crippled evaluation copy.
William Burlew, Shareware/Single-Usage $39.00
61785 C64EMU.ZIP 383357 31.01.1995 - MBCD tupla
Commodore 64 emulaattori PC:lle
Demo, sisältää muutaman pelin.
61787 C64S10CD.ZIP 372085 07.01.1995 - MBCD tupla
C64S 1.0C (C) Miha Peternel 1994 Commodore
64-emulaattori MS-Dosiin 386 tai suurempi
13566 C7-FASTK.ZIP 8,8 kt 13.04.1997 - - -
"Fast Keyboard Accelerator (exe)This .EXE accelerates your keyboard a LOTvery handy proggie (especially with warp4) and other multitaskers as well. Released on the December Code Pack96 10.11.96  By havoc / C7"
13567 C7-PASSU.ZIP 12,9 kt 13.04.1997 - - -
The Ultimate Passowrd Checker (exe)This is a very handy proggie that prompts for password when run, and continues only after correct password has been written. Released on the December Code Pack `96 20.11.96.
61884 CC107DOS.ZIP 81936 01.11.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Controlled Copy v.1.07 for DOS
The best file copier/mover in the market is
now even better! NEW: Windows 95 long file
name support!  Unlimited source masks, more
flexibility in source filters, online help,
full 4dos compatibility, cheaper
registration pricing, faster directory
moving, completely revised documentation,
network support and all the old goodies: Free
space checking, fastest file copying speeds,
progress indicators, maximum file security
61886 CC108B.ZIP 130835 01.11.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
-=- Controlled Copy v.1.08b for DOS -=- The
best file copier/mover in the market!  New
features include multiple destinations and
permanently valid registrations.  BETA: Not
quite complete, but nearly there. All
important features are functional.  Don't
forget the other great features:  Free space
checking, fastest file copying speeds,
unlimited source masks, progress indicators,
maximum file security, full 4dos
compatibility, online help and an easy, fast
user interface.
13568 CC108DOS.ZIP 125,6 kt 05.08.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Controlled Copy v1.08For DOS and Windows 95. The most versatile file copier/mover available!  Fast, easy to use, compatible and powerful.  Free space checking, fastest file copying speeds, unlimited source masks, progress indicators, maximum file security, full 4dos compatibility, online help, an easy, fast user interface and much, much more.  New features include multiple destinations and permanently valid registrations.
13569 CDDBNG11.ZIP 8799 05.02.1996 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
CDD! 1.1 improved Change Directory command
that sets the errorlevel.
13570 CDDSCN10.ZIP 78895 26.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CD-ROM scanner & CD-drive tester
13571 CDE111EN.ZIP 179999 04.11.1996 - 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip -
CD-ROM EXPLORER v1.11 Universal User
Interface and data Catalog for CD-ROMS and
other removable media. Cde creates an active
data file to explore and catalog any drive.
Starts Dos & Windows programs directly.
Quickview info files. Unzip files to a TMP
dir. Mark item by categories like Dir
inspected, Music, Dos, HD. Keep track of what
you have already seen and also which programs
are really good or very poor.
13572 CDEL101.ZIP 3115 07.11.1995 - - -
Certain Del 1.01
Certain Del is a small program, which helps
you deleting files. Just by typing cdel
*.zip ,will delete all files in the current
directory, but not any .ZIP files. Very
usefull. FREEWARE
13573 CDEMU2.ARJ 1640 26.07.1996 repacked ftp.cdrom.com -
CDEMU2.COM-tällä ohjelmalla voit emuloida
CD-ROM-asemaa. Eli ohjelmat näkevät haluamasi
hakemiston CD-ROM- levynä. Oikea MSCDEX ei
saa olla samaan aikaan käytössä.
13893 CDGRAB20.ZIP 42297 27.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CDGRAB CD-ROM Drive Information Utility
Version 2.0. Shows technical information
about your CD-ROM drive
61929 CDPLAY31.ARJ 136829 31.12.1996 - - tupla
VPKSoft CD-Player   v.3.1A    (PD)
Käytännöllinen CD-levyjen soittelu-ohjelma
DOS:iin (Toimii myös WIN95:ssä)
Toimintoja: Ohjelmoitu soitto,
satunnaissoitto, levyjen tunnistus,
kappaleiden ja albumin nimeäminen ja tietysti
muut normaalit CD:n soittelutoiminnot jne...
Eikun imuroimaan !
13574 CDQ310.ZIP 55,1 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
Cdq v3.10 A QUICK little utility that is designed to make the simple task of changing MS-DOS directories & Win95 long directories even simpler. Finds closest directories and partial name matches.
61933 CDQCK120.ZIP 172392 26.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
CD-QUICK Cache v1.20  PC Mag 1995 Best
Shareware of the Year Award winner!  CD-Quick
will improve the performance of any CD-ROM
drive by storing frequently read data in fast
XMS memory. Uses advanced caching techniques
for top performance. Includes CDTEST to
measure your CD-ROM drive's performance and
the Windows' QUICKMON program to show cache
statistics in real time. INSTALL program
makes setup easy. For DOS/WIN. Shareware $29
13575 CDQCK130.ZIP 176080 21.08.1996 - MBCD -
CD-QUICK Cache v1.30  PC Mag 1995 Best
Shareware of the Year Award winner!  CD-Quick
will improve the performance of any CD-ROM
drive by storing frequently read data in fast
XMS memory. Uses advanced caching techniques
for top performance. Includes CDTEST to
measure your CD-ROM drive's performance and
the Windows' QUICKMON program to show cache
statistics in real time. INSTALL program
makes setup easy. For DOS/WIN. Shareware $29
13576 CDRBRWSR.ZIP 107993 07.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
* Are you tired of having to use a
* different access program with each
* shareware CD-ROM that you own?
* Here is the Solution!
* Check out this low-memory use
* program that has all the functions
* that you need to search, view,
* copy or extract files from any
* "BBS-Ready" Shareware CD-ROM!
13577 CDSPD076.ZIP 23,6 kt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
CD Speed 0.76 for MS-DOSMeasures speed of your CD-ROM drive.
13578 CFIND22.ZIP 21553 02.12.1995 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
CFind v2.2 -  A great little DOS utility to
quickly  search  files on  your hard drive
for  specific  text.  Similar  to Norton's
"Text  Search"   command,  but simpler,  and
very  reasonably  priced. CFind  will
search  directories,   log output to  file
or  printer,  and has a very  friendly
syntax.   Fixed minor bug where  offset  was
sometimes incorrect. From: CraigerWare
13582 CH.ZIP 12,8 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
The replacer for DOS Choice -command.Braindead Choice. Many useful features. Extremely useful in BAT-files. By Braindead Software.
61998 CHARW100.ZIP 9064 07.06.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO tupla
CharWatch monitors your keyboard, printer,
screen to replace any wanted character by
another one. This way, you can replace
accentuated characters by their
non-accentuated equivalent that will print
well on your printer, or disable graphics
characters for drawing boxes to use text
signs to keep the advantage of drawings using
graphic characters. Several tables are
predefined so you can use CharWatch without
13579 CHARW110.ZIP 9,7 kt 24.04.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
CharWatch v1.10CharWatch monitors your keyboard, printer, screen to replace any wanted character by another one. This way, you can replace accentuated characters by their non-accentuated equivalent that will print well on your printer, or disable graphics characters for drawing boxes to use text signs to keep the advantage of drawings using graphic characters.
13901 CHKCDR11.ZIP 28078 27.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CHKCDROM version 1.1. CD-ROM info util.
13580 CHKCMD.ARJ 2321 02.10.1996 - - -
CHKCMD  4DOS-BAT, joka korjailee käyttäjän
tekemät kirjoitus- virheet käytettäessä
4DOSia  Ohjelma tunnistaa virheellisen käskyn
ja suorittaa sen !
13581 CHM510.ZIP 15826 02.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
CHIMES 5.00  07/10/95
Chimes is a TSR that monitors your system
clock and will chime with one of a few tones
during each quarter hour and then a longer
tone at each hour. Shareware registration
forms and manual included.  From HyperWare.
13583 CLEAN2.ZIP 614 06.12.1995 - 19689/Shareware Extravaganza - Over 25,000 Programs (The Ultimate Shareware Company)(Disc 3 of 4)(1993).iso -
Puhdistuslevykkeen pyörittäjä.
13584 CLK05.EXE 46,4 kt 08.02.1998 - - -
Koneen kellon näyttäjä.Hieno ja erittäin hyvä käytettynä näytönsäästäjänä! Päivitetty versio 0.5!!
13585 CLKTIMER.ZIP 10736 28.07.1995 - - -
Clock and Time Performing TSR v.4.00s.
Suorittaa ohjelman tai muistuttaa
käyttäjää ennalta määriteltynä
13586 CLUSTERS.ZIP 39726 23.02.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Näyttää kuinka paljon tiedostosi vievät
tilaa eri kokoisilla klustereilla
13587 CMENU500.ZIP 624863 30.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C-MENU/32 v5.00  A stunning easy to use
32-bit graphical (GUI) VGA only menuing
system, C-Menu/32 is the Advanced Menuing
System. Contains many powerful features.
Configure unlimited entries, folders, unique
Windows application launcher, context
sensitive help, attach icons to entries, a
novice user mode, security, address book,
beautiful 256 color screen savers, runs all
programs while freeing all memory.
13588 CNVRT6.ZIP 79,2 kt 12.05.1997 - 7683/PsL Monthly 1997 February.iso -
Conversions JMWill convert between metric and common measurements, British Pounds and US Dollars, and fahrenheit and celsius temperatures.
13911 CONED28.ZIP 70621 18.05.1992 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Select AUTOEXEC & CONFIG at boot. Features
include: virtually unlimited # of
configurations, delay feature for unattended
system boots, warm/cold /alternate reboot
methods, menu or command line reboot
selection, Shell to the editor of your
choice, Easy to use yet very powerful.  This
is both the novice and power users system
configuration tool.
13590 COPYQ324.ZIP 149,4 kt 12.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
CopyQM version 3.24CopyQM is a diskette duplicating program that, since its introduction in 1987, has set the standard for PC duplication software.
62299 COPYQ324.ZIP 152993 13.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
CopyQM version 3.24
CopyQM is a diskette duplicating program
that, since its introduction in 1987, has set
the standard for PC duplication software.
13591 COUNTBTM.ZIP 3276 27.02.1995 - 39/eagle-eye-cdrom-bbs-network.iso -
4DISin .BTM, joka odottaa näppäimen
painallusta ja näyttää jäljellä olevaa aikaa.
13592 COUREA12.ZIP 74531 07.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Couch Reader v1.2 FREEWARE CouchReader is a
compact menu/cmd line driven Big Letter
Scroller displaying ASCII texts in 40x12
mode. Automatic text aligning, 256 colors, 4
screen fonts!
13914 CPAST221.ZIP 25028 13.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Cut & Paste is a text mode mouse based
program that allows you to select a part of
the screen using only the mouse, and to paste
it to the keyboard buffer, or to a file, or
to a printer. Allows selection of many
parameters. Works in a Windows DOS box.
13594 CPU-ID.ZIP 10185 04.11.1995 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
CPU-ID tells you what type of CPU and or Math
CoProcessor is installed in your computer. I
found an .asm program in the back of an Intel
data book on the 486tm CPU, and wondered if I
could turn it into a little .COM progrm which
could have a practical use for someone... the
code was done completely by hand (almost!)
all I used was the MS-DOS DEBUG program [MANY
times!] to finish it. All documents are incld
.ASM,DEBUG scripts,.
13595 CRE111.ZIP 27271 17.02.1996 - - -
Cracker Editor v1.11 Fast and easy to use
hex-editor for dos. Low memory usage. And
many more usable options. From WE (c) 1995
13596 CTIME.ZIP 3428 22.10.1995 - - -
ChaNGe TiMe by (C)TMK 95 Tällä ohjelmalla
voit vaihtaa fileiden päivämäärää melkein
miksi haluat!
13597 DA_150.ZIP 29921 04.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Delete All v1.50
13917 DASBOT30.ZIP 62614 01.10.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
DASBOOT v.3.0  - A menu program to allow
the user to select between several sets of
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to help you
get the maximum amount of memory for using
memory hungry programs, and then an easy way
to restore your normal day-to-day
configuration. Compatible with Stacker and
62647 DAT230.ZIP 9508 31.07.1996 - - -
Dat v2.30 BETA. Yksinkertainen päiväys- ja
kello-ohjelma DOSille. 286+Dos 3.3. Freeware.
(c) 95-96 Tecnic Software.
13598 DAYWATCH.ZIP 235879 07.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
DayWatch 1.95-Complete time management suite.
Daywatch includes:
A unique user friendly event list manager,
A full screen project calendar,
A daily journal with user defined data field
A date calculator, A forecast window,
A full range of rescheduling options such as
"The last Friday of every third month."
Find and catagorize functions, data sharing
Font selection, sound and picture attachment
13918 DBLCONV.ZIP 23670 19.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Microsoftin DoubleSpace->DriveSpace-muunnin
13599 DBOSS31.ZIP 76691 02.12.1995 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
DossBoss - is a customizable DOS shell with
powerful tool writing facilities. Features
include support for 43/50 line video, program
writing tools, job scheduling, pop-up
reminders, to-do-list, directory tree,
complete file management, and more.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
13600 DBP033A.ZIP 83505 30.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
DocsBoot+ v0.33ß, operates primarily as a
boot manager for systems with multiple
operating systems in multiple partitions.
DocsBoot+ does not require repartitioning
and takes little space on floppies or no
normally usable space on hard discs.
13601 DC10.ARJ 8,6 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
XtaSy: DiR Control v1.0A very useful file handling tool for DOS! Easily copy, move, delete, browse and view files displayed in a directory listing! Shareware!
13602 DCC41.ZIP 728,8 kt 09.07.1997 - retro-computing.com -
Dos Command Center v4.1e Supports long filenames (Win95) FAST and powerful DOS Filemanager with tons of useful features like archive handling, drag & drop, synchronizing of dirs, smart change directory, file search, user defined menues and dialogs, etc. Incl. viewer for AmiPro, Wordperfect, Winword, Works, ANSI, Avatar, HTML.
13603 DCF52.ZIP 111761 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
DISK COPY FAST v5.2 : Powerful 1-pass
diskette duplication utility. VERY fast.
Support DMF, XDF, selected FDFORMAT, 800KB,
MAC HD and standard formats. Support PS/2.
Command line or menu driven; Hot keys for
backup or multiple target; Mouse support;
Format diskcopy diskcomp all in 1 pass; Use
extended memory; Image file; On-line help;
13919 DCFR004.ZIP 17653 17.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DCFR v0.0.4 - Manipulate DCF disk-image
files: view contents, extract files with
wildcards, exclude specs etc. PKZIP-like
syntax. Easy to use. Freeware.
13604 DD330PRO.ZIP 76627 20.03.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DiskDupe 3.30 Pro - Nopea levykkeiden
13605 DDA127.ZIP 3,7 kt 25.04.1997 - 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
v1.27 - Simple 4DOS batch routine to read files within compressed archives. Thorough reference. Public Domain by David Daniel Anderson.
13606 DDIR130.ZIP 59301 10.11.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DDIR 13.0 Directory lister, flags system,
hidden and read-only files; highlights new
files; shows DOS file size, true file size
and file "dead space". Full sort/resort.
Delete/copy files, interface to text and
graphics file viewers and 8 user defined
functions. Print list. Pack/unpack files.
Fully customizable. NOT crippled.
13607 DEL105.ZIP 63205 03.04.1995 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO -
DELETE 1.05 -- Enhanced file delete! Options
include prompt before delete, overwrite &
delete, recursive delete of files &
directories, override file attributes, and
more than one file specification on the
command line. Shareware registration $15.00.
13609 DEVLOD18.ZIP 2890 27.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DEVLOAD loads DOS Device Drivers from the
command line.  Character and Block device
drivers are supported.  Useful for CDROM and
scanner drivers which can now be installed
only on the occasions when needed.  Upgraded
for MS-DOS6 support.
62820 DF.ZIP 26534 16.08.1994 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Disk Free Space Utility that is a clone of
the UNIX command df, which reports available
disk space and available space on mounted
volumes; 05/09/93; Lawrence Agbezuge∙
13610 DF460.ZIP 222089 10.11.1996 - The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Directory Freedom: Small/Fastest dir manager
version 4.60.  Move/copy/etc. files, create
archives, change time/date/attributes, and
much more.  Includes archive viewers.
13611 DFILES31.ZIP 20335 10.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DoFiles:  Uses  PKZIP.EXE(C)  to archive file
extensions  of  same name using original file
names.  Erases  files  after archiving. Write
to  current  dir  or use path to dir.  Adds a
FILE_ID.DIZ to most extensions.    !Freeware!
13613 DFREE.EXE 5408 15.08.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Laskee yhteen _kaikkien_ kovalevyjesi tilan
13612 DFREE163.ZIP 19,3 kt 27.10.1997 - - -
Free Disk Space Analyser v1.63Kiinnostaako mihin uusi softasi mahtuu? Tämä ohjelma näyttää pikaisesti tyhjän tilan kaikilta asemiltasi. Jos sinulla on monta asemaa, tämä säästää paljon aikaa ja hermoja. Parametrillä tämä näyttää korostaen mistä löytyy pyydet- ty määrä tilaa. Näyttää ja laskee tilat levyiltä yhteen. Paljon optioita! Tyhjä label -bugi korjattu!
13620 DI_V140.ZIP 25495 12.04.1995 - - -
Di V1.4SW -  AWESOME Dir Replacement Support
for  file&extension comments (4dos),Color
Configurable,   Various Sorting methods,
Redirectable output Working "more"  option
with build-in check for rows plus many more
option to help out dir listings. Enviroment
support  for  comandlines  plus many other
usefull  options.   Beats all other
competitioners   in   bizz. Proud release of
13614 DIR95.ZIP 10,2 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
Dir95A DOS command that lists long file names even if you are not running Win95. This is useful when multiple users are transferring files via floppies and some users have Win95 and some do not. Description Copyright 1996 PsL.
13615 DIRMAN14.ZIP 66652 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
DIRMAN V1.40 - File Manager & File Viewer.
New ver w/ long filename support for Win 95.
Copy, delete, move, rename, change attrib,
tag/untag, & sweep tag'd files.  Make, delete
rename, & print directories.  File viewer
displays files as ASCII text or hex dump.
Mark blocks, & copy to printer, file, or
Windows clipboard.  Includes string search,
fuzzy string search, wrap text, auto scroll,
bookmarks, line numbers, & text filters for
EBCDIC, 7 bit, tabs, Etc.  Shareware $15.00
13616 DIRRPT13.ZIP 20206 19.10.1995 - 21816/Pegasus_Vol_2_CD2.iso -
DIRRPT v1.3: utility to quickly determine the
directory/file structure of a drive,
especially cdroms and large hard disks.
13617 DIRTO609.ZIP 137,7 kt 12.05.1997 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
Dirtotal.exe v6.09Prepares report showing files in subdirectory or drive. Allows restricting search based on date, size, attributes, etc.  Works on networked and CD-ROM drives.  Produces more formalized report than some utilities do.  Also allows you to look for duplicate file names. Freeware.
13618 DISKBACK.ZIP 18696 02.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Ver 1.0, . DISKBACK allows fast & easy
backup of hard disks while preserving the
source drive file structure. Designed for
fast backups to cartridge hard-drives but
can be used with any writtable disk media.
By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $40.
13619 DITU10.ZIP 14026 19.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DITU v1.0: disk-image transfer/backup utility
that will copy disk sectors into a file, or
vice versa; includes C source.
13621 DIZ11.ZIP 5 kt 08.02.1998 renamed 17397/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se-pictures.tar -
File_id.diz Reader v1.1Made by: ZiG/iGh.
13622 DIZMAKE.ZIP 29629 30.06.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
*** DIZMAKE.ZIP * v2.3**********************
This very program wrote this FILE_ID.DIZ
prior to zipping it up! This is exactly what
it is intended to do! If you write software,
and get tired of EDITING the .DIZ, use this
program! Computer Creations (c) 1996 ARR
13623 DKCARE30.ZIP 28691 12.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DiskCare v3.0
Do you maintain your Disk & Hard Drives
Correctly? Are you uncomfortable with DOS
commands and functions that relate to disk
maintenance? DISKCARE is a menu driven
program which performs all the disk
maintenance features of DOS (CheckDisk,
ScanDisk,Defragmenter). Up to 8 drives
13624 DKI191.ZIP 72074 19.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DKI v1.91 - THE BEST DISK ANALYSER : find the
type, used/free/total space and many more
information on all your drives (IDE, SCSI,
CDROM, network, compressed, ...) Incl.
files/dirs finder, deleter, analyser.
13625 DLTD21.ZIP 313805 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DownLoad Tracker for DOS v2.1 - A must have
for all downloaders from BBS/Internet. Locate
any download even if filename or location is
unknown. Auto entry takes all the hassle out
of entering details including auto extraction
of long description from FILE_ID.DIZ and
archive details. All you do is add short
description and category. Requires
13626 DLXDR272.ZIP 50296 10.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Deluxe DIR v2.72
A DIR replacer with a SORTED FILE FINDER
support, a FILE VIEWER, flex. SORT, file
exclusion, highlights EXEcutables, hid &
sys display, 3 columns, better wildcards,
sub-dir sizes, wasted spc, err. handling,
redirection, scr. saver, and much more !
13627 DM46.ZIP 142341 20.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DereSoft Menu 4.6 is one of the best
Graphical User Interface menu programs on the
market today! Applications and games are
launched instantly with a click of the mouse.
Some of the features include push buttons,
pop up windows, time/date display, phone
dialer, user defineable title, system stats
and more. If you are looking for a menu
program that's easy enough for a child to use
and great looking than look no more you just
found it!
13628 DMAV12.ZIP 26527 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
DIRECTORY MAVEN v1.2 - Change Dir Program.
Combines the best features of Ledbetter's LCD
and Norton's NCD programs.  Quickly change to
any directory on any drive from the DOS
command line or view the directory trees of
all your drives.  DOS Utility finalist in PC
Mag's 1994 Shareware Awards. Ver 1.2 fixes
bug in 43/50 line mode. $0 Shareware
(Freeware) from the author of File Maven.
13629 DMSW402.ZIP 107 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
DosMaster v4.02Organizes many popular DOS commands and routine tasks in a set of pull-down menus, allowing you to choose commands, add switches and other parameters, and execute the command, all from the menu.
63057 DN141.ZIP 826795 02.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Dos Navigator 1.41
Copyright(C) 1991,95 RIT S.R.L
The most powerful  DOS  Shell  available
anywhere! Multi-windowed interface, disk
utilities,  comprehensive  File Manager,
17 types of archives supported, powerful
customizable editor, spreadsheet,  comms
Terminal with TTY, ANSI VT100 and Avatar
emulation, X/Y/Zmodem, Kermit protocols.
13630 DN1422_1.ZIP 514601 30.06.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Dos Navigator 1.4, Build 002. (C) RIT.
The most powerful  DOS  Shell  available
anywhere! Multi-windowed interface, disk
utilities,  comprehensive  File Manager,
17 types of archives supported, powerful
customizable editor, spreadsheet,  comms
Terminal with TTY, ANSI VT100 and Avatar
emulation, X/Y/Zmodem, Kermit protocols.
13631 DN1422_2.ZIP 180297 30.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Dos Navigator 1.42 miscellaneous stuff.
Shareware version with 21 day evaluation
period.Fully customizable user interface
with extensive point-and-shoot, drag-and
drop features. Comfortable  programmers'
Calculator and CD Player. Smart UUEncode
and UUDecode, descriptions  maintenance.
Extendend SVGA modes support,  OS/2 apps
launching.  Smartpad(tm)  saves a couple
of paper and makes your life much easier
13632 DNAMES11.ZIP 20107 10.12.1995 - 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO -
DoNames:  Change file names. Can be a series
or even a whole directory.  ADD to the FRONT
or END!  INSERT data!  Even NEW sequentially
numbered  names!  Files  are  sorted  before
processing!                        Freeware!
13633 DNET.ZIP 166804 03.04.1995 - - -
DiskNet demo Disknet is a proven
multi-layered security system for the PC and
network environment, providing increased
management audit and prevention of
unauthorised access, safeguarding users from
virus infection.
13634 DNOTE412.ZIP 73790 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
DISK NOTE LIBRARIAN - Adds file notes
Disk cataloger and DOS shell in one!
Now add 300 character descriptions to
each filename and directory on a disk.
Kind of like BBS file listings. V 4.1
63108 DOSC.ZIP 24656 30.06.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Change the color of DOS instantly! Are you
getting bored of the same old grey dos text?
Well get DOSC, and change the color of the
text in DOS to any 15 colors! It's time to
change! Programmed by Chris Yates, freeware.
63111 DOSERRNG.ZIP 4553 27.08.1994 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
Norton guide file on Dos Error codes
13635 DOSID210.ZIP 28,4 kt 28.05.1999 - sac.sk -
DOSidle v2.10 build 0077DOSidle enables power-saving features  of  the  processor and executes the HLT command when idle  so as to COOL THE PROCESSOR GREATLY!! Runs under MS-DOS V5.00-7.10 and Windows95/98 DOS Box.
13636 DOSMAX20.ARJ 85101 31.01.1996 - - -
DOSMAX 2.0 frees conventional memory by
STACKS into upper memory, get 628K free with
your memory manager.  Also load the DOS 5/6
kernel or COMMAND.COM in a UMB.  DOS 3 - 6,
DR-DOS, Shareware $15.
13637 DRUN203.ZIP 35350 30.06.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Directory Runner(tm) 2.03 fast dir changer.
Don't spend time typing out paths using the
CD or CHDIR commands - let your computer do
the thinking for you. Give this program a
partial name and watch it zap you over to
the right directory, even if it's on another
hard drive. When ambiguous choices arise, it
presents the user with a shortlist menu.
Anyone who users a command-line should try
this. Supports up to 1,000 directories.
13638 DRVSLACK.ZIP 8216 27.04.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DriveSlack Version 1.00 (01.08.1995) Want to
know how much hard disk space you are wasting
because of large clusters? This program will
tell you! It will even show you how much you
could save or waste if you change your
cluster size/partition size!
13639 DSA13.ZIP 9,2 kt 27.10.1997 - - -
DSA v1.3Tämä pieni apuohjelma näyttää sinulle vapaan levytilan jokaiselta asemalta. Todella kätevä kun haluaa nopeasti nähdä millä asemalla on esim 10 MB tyhjää.
13640 DSKDUPV5.ZIP 311362 04.07.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DISKDUPE TRIAL V5.0 R13 - A disk duplication
program used by professionals worldwide. Its
features include single pass duplicating,
automatic formatting and disk change sensing,
byte-by-byte comparing, Relay and Cascade
copying, 5.25" to 3.5" disk conversions,
support for Microsoft's 1.68Mb DMF format,
CRC protection of disk images, user definable
jobs and much more. From Micro System
Designs, Inc. $29.00
13641 DSMOUS10.ZIP 30,9 kt 12.05.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DosMouse v1.0Use your mouse with DOS. Click on a .exe filename and run it; click on a .GIF filename, your assigned GIF-viewer automatically displays the picture; define often used commands and add them to your menubar.
63225 DSX22C.ZIP 264816 26.09.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
DOSNIX 2.2c.  A UNIX style toolkit for MSDOS.
DOSNIX combines the most frequently used UNIX
commands with some slick DOS utils to provide
an extremely powerful operating environment.
Not just another UNIX clone but a very usable
set of utilities which have been optimized
for DOS.  "The original DOSNIX since 1990.
Accept no substitutes."
13642 DT12.ZIP 12,8 kt 20.08.1998 - 10848/Simtel-MSDOS-Jan1999-CD2.iso -
DirTotal v1.2A small dos utility to show how much each directory plus its subdirectories take up HD space. Supports Win95 long file names. Public domain, comes with Pascal source.
63244 DTOOL300.ZIP 123037 03.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip tupla
D-Tools - Dietmar's Tools V3.00 Miscellaneous
utilities for MS-DOS.
13643 DTOOL302.ZIP 94,2 kt 02.02.1998 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"D-Tools - Dietmars Tools v3.02Copyright (c) 199196 Dietmar Meschede Miscellaneous utilities for MS-DOS."
13644 DUGIDE21.ZIP 18,5 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
Dug_ide v2.11Show low level information about the IDE hard disks in your system.
13645 DUMP.ZIP 122,4 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
Dump v0.99 betaHeksaeditoijan korvaamaton apuri!.Tällä voit näyttää tiedoston heksasisällön suoraan, tai tulostaa sen tiedostoon. Vaatii 386 & DPMI- muistiajurin mikä tulee tämän mukana. Loop Groupin tuotantoa.
13646 EAZY341.ZIP 184162 29.05.1995 - Personal Financial Advisor (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EAZY v3.41 - The Ultimate Event Reminder,
Calendar, and Program Scheduler. Features
many event reminder types, help, advance
warning, mouse support, EGA\VGA support,
quick backup and restore options, print out,
XMS/EMS, new Date Calculator and find
function, configurable errorlevels, two view
types, export, and much more! INSPIRE
SOFTWARE; February 1995.
13922 EBAK50.ZIP 218528 12.09.1995 - 1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso -
EASY BACKUP VERSION 5.0  - Compressed Backup
Disk Maker - Easy Backup makes compressed
self-restoring backups. It backs up sub
directories automatically and has an archive
option which will remove the backed up
directory structure from hard disk. Backup
parameters are stored in a data file so that
subsequent backups can be menu selected EASY
13647 EDIR137.ZIP 36955 04.06.1995 - 10841/Simtel-MSDOS-May1995-CD2.iso -
EDIR is just like DIR, only it does one thing
more : for every file EDIR RECOGNIZES it
gives a short description! EDIR recognizes
Shareware - Please register!
63621 EI50.ZIP 223765 31.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
EASY INSTALL V5.0 Self Installing
Distribution Disk Maker - Easy Install makes
compressed self installing disks for progam
distribution - No script language to learn -
Just tell Easy Install the name of your
program and the directory in which it can be
found - The rest is automatic.
13648 EI72.ZIP 70,9 kt 12.05.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Easy Install version 7.2Self Installing Distribution Disk Maker. Makes compressed self installing disks for progam distribut ion. No script language to learn Just tell it your program name and directory. Packs sub directories, displays readme file and optionally starts program after install. Keywords: INSTALL SETUP COMPRESS.
13924 ENV501.ZIP 26860 03.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
EDENV 5.00  07/10/95
Mini editor for modifying environment
variables. From HyperWare.
13649 EPU95.ZIP 209286 30.12.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
EaglePlus Utilities III Several productive
DOS utilities under the same roof, the
package includes: CheckCD - Reports CD-ROM
Drive speed, Destroy - Destroyes floppy
disks, DO - The best batch enhancer, MyDOS -
Password protection, EGAPal - EGA/VGA Palette
Manager, QBoot - Quick Boot utilities, QFind
- Quick Find/Delete files, QRun -
Search/execute files, SwapLPT - Swaps between
LPT1/LPT2, Table - Resident Ascii Table,
13926 ERTIME12.ZIP 66648 23.12.1995 - 21544/11-Util.zip -
DOS, OS2, Win-NT & Netware Utility to
return an errorlevel equal to the
second, minute, hour, day, weekday,
day of month, week, month, or year
13650 EXC38.ZIP 73036 17.02.1996 - 10798/CD_ASCQ_21_040595.iso -
ExeCutor Processor v3.8. Non-resident
taskautomizer, tricks out almost any menu
driven program, lots of options.
13651 EZ-BTM06.ZIP 51071 27.02.1995 renamed 16817/Source_Code_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_March_1994.iso -
Contains several batch files for 4DOS
13652 EZCPYPRO.ZIP 217709 30.06.1996 - 12838/aol-file-protocol-4400-901-to-1100.zip -
EZ-DiskCopy PRO  v3.30c Literally
turns your PC into a dedicated diskette
duplication machine. Includes single
read 1-pass copies all DOS formats,
"Hands-off" copy start, serialization,
bypass BIOS for speed, compressed
images, compares, prints ser# labels,
Tidydisk watches drive dirt, & more.
EZX Box 58177 Webster TX 77598-8177 USA
http://www.cris.com/~ezx  ezx@cris.com
13653 F2E_31P.ZIP 38089 06.04.1996 - monster94.zip/monster2.zip -
Fli2Exe Version 3.1+!
Improved Speed!
Converts FLI files created by the Autodesk
Animator into Compressed Self-Extracting
Executable Files!  Fast decompression! Uses a
theoretical maximum expanded size model, to
estimate HD space for decompression!
13654 FABTM11.ZIP 15,4 kt 23.09.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
Create File Associations with your File\\Dir Manager. This 4dos btm file allows you to associate any file extension to any program on your drive. Many File Managers often use the "e" key to load an editor. When this key is pressed, the btm takes over, checks the extension and runs the appropriate program. One-key access to graphic\\sound\\htm\\txt\\exe\\ more. Includes sample BTMs, help, program info\\urls. User Friendly\\Freeware. (fabtm11)
13655 FACT110.ZIP 34106 30.06.1996 - - -
FACT 1.10 - Freeware Archive Conversion Tool.
The world's ONLY freeware archive converter
for DOS which preserves complete subdirectory
structures and converts ALL nested archives -
even those in subdirectories. FACT is easy to
use, small, command-line operated, fully user
expandable AND includes full Pascal src code.
Copyright(c) 1996 [28 Mar] by DDA/Reign Ware.
13656 FAKECD.ARJ 5380 26.07.1996 - - -
FAKECD.EXE-tällä ohjelmalla voit emuloida
CD-ROM-asemaa. Eli ohjelmat näkevät haluamasi
hakemiston CD-ROM- levynä. Oikea MSCDEX voi
olla samaan aikaan käytössä.
13657 FASTDEF.ZIP 14540 26.07.1996 - - -
FASTFRAG v2.5 (c) Alchemy Mindworks INC
This GREAT Proggy will defrag your hard
disks. It will speed up your HDD 40-80%!!
This is also MUCH FASTER than DOS's own
Defrag program!  Defraging  your HDD's in
30-60 sec!! And it  really works!  Yes, I
know - This looks like  unbelievable, but it
is  true!  Why don't you  even try it?
13658 FASTVID.ZIP 33114 29.11.1996 - 12771/10000.zip -
This program enables Write Posting, banked
VGA Write Combining and SVGA
linear frame buffer Write Combining on
Pentium Pro motherboards.
13938 FBOOT213.ZIP 11255 26.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CyberWare Fastboot 2.13
13659 FDATE211.ZIP 43140 17.02.1996 - - -
FDATE 2.11 - Edits the date and time stamps
of a file or group of files; accepts the
wildcards * and ?. Can be used to set only
one attribute to a certain value, eg. Month
of all the files to 06.        Very fast!
Changes: Bug in limitations fixed. Freeware -
(C)1994, Olli Rantapuska
64063 FDATE84B.ZIP 66492 31.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FDATE v8.4b batch-file date manipulation
utility to do everything you need to do with
dates in batch files: put the date of your
choice--in the format of your choice--into an
environment variable; date/time arithmetic,
etc. English, French, Spanish, German
language support.  Version 8.4 adds
string-handling functions; ability to get
user input in a batch file; ability to work
in a Windows DOS box.  Freeware.
13940 FDATE93A.ZIP 80204 30.06.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
FDATE v9.3a batch-file date manipulation
utility -- everything you'd want to do
with dates in DOS batch files: put the
date of your choice (in format of your
choice) into an environment variable;
regular & date arithmetic; string
handling; get user input in a batch
file; English, French, Spanish, German
output.  V9.3 adds MMDDCCYY format and
info on running under NT. Freeware.
13661 FDF_V305.ZIP 105808 15.08.1995 - - -
FDF 3.05 is a small shell utility for
FDFORMAT and FDREAD (fdr88). FDF 3.05 is a
user friendly program for Christoph H.
Hochtätter's powerful FDFORMAT utility. This
utility replaces DOS-format program.
13660 FDFORM18.ZIP 108636 18.02.1996 - MBCD -
FDFORMAT v1.8: free DOS FORMAT replacement
Formats up to 1.72 MB, speeds up floppy drive
Includes FDREAD and TP/assembly source code
13662 FEYEV10.ZIP 30,5 kt 09.11.1997 - - -
"File-Eye v1.0 betaTake a look at any files information with this reliableusefull and cool program."
13941 FF231.ZIP 83567 17.02.1996 - 16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso -
FreeForm- The Ultimate Floppy Disk Formatter
version 2.31 - FreeForm will format all
styles of standard DOS disks, as well as non
DOS disk, and customized DOS disks (i.e you
can make up your own copy protection
schemes.)  Gives complete control over
formatting parameters. ASP shareware from
Herne Data Systems Ltd.
13663 FFF52.ZIP 244240 30.06.1996 - MBCD -
FileFinder v5.2 -  Finds Files, & DIRS
on normal, networked,& CDROM drives & inside
compressed files, also locates DUP files..
Extremely fast and versatile. NEW - Ability
to modify file attributes and stop search
after user specifed number of matches.
13664 FGREP181.ZIP 27496 17.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fgrep - is a VERY fast text search utility.
NEW: an option to exclude the top level
directory when performing recursive searches,
corrected a problem that prevented version
1.80 from searching files on CD-ROM drives,
and more.
13942 FHD201.ZIP 235865 10.12.1995 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
File_Handle v2.01  - File Management
for DOS, Windows and LAN's. Finds files and
runs programs easily. Get an overview of all
files on the system. Can be hooked up to the
tools you already know. Featuring a flexible
File-Finder, a File-Manager that checks your
actions, and a Program-Launcher that connects
any file to YOUR tools and applications.
Full mouse control. Support for CD-ROM/MO
and unarchiving. Shareware.
13943 FILEID4I.ZIP 34010 17.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Fileid 4.0, Disk cataloguing program
13665 FILEUTI.ZIP 10954 12.03.1996 - - -
ZEROFILE - ohjelmalla voit tehdä näppärästi
nollan tavun mittaisia tiedostoja FILEDATE -
ohjelmalla voit muuttaa tiedoston päiväyksen
ja ajan haluamaksesi.
13944 FILEX10.ZIP 25667 01.01.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
File indexing and description program
FILEX makes a listing of files with
description, picture resolutions etc.
Catalogues CD-ROM's, HDD's, diskettes.
Easy to use, fully mouse controlled,
context sensitive help.
64133 FILL601.ZIP 90809 04.03.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
FILL.EXE (6.01):  Program designed to
move files off to floppy diskettes,
taking the biggest files first and
skipping those that won't fit.  Also
provides option of splitting large
files up, creating a status report,
and other features.  Freeware.
13666 FILL603.ZIP 89852 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
FILL.EXE (6.03):  Program designed to
move files off to floppy diskettes,
taking the biggest files first and
skipping those that won't fit.  Also
provides option of splitting large
files up, creating a status report,
and other features.  Freeware.
13667 FIPS15.ZIP 119919 30.12.1995 - MBCD -
FIPS is a program designed to split an
existing DOS partition without deleting
the data on it. You need a
defragmentation program in order to move
all data to the beginning of the hard
disk. FIPS will only split your
partition if you have enough free space
at the end. You can now split a
partition without losing any data,
provided there is enough free space for
13668 FIXCLOC2.ZIP 38658 19.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
FixClock - permits you to adjust the clock
rate of the computer system real-time clock,
to speed-up or slow-down clocks that are not
running accurately. It is designed for
computer systems whose master,
battery-operated clocks can be reset by means
of MSDOS function calls. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
13945 FIXFLOP.ZIP 1357 30.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Fixflop is a small program that will allow
reading of extraordinary disks.
13669 FLASH110.ZIP 5627 31.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FLASHLED.COM - FlashLED v1.01 FlashLED is a
very small TSR utility that uses the LED's
found on AT keyboards and, optionally, the
system speaker to indicate disc drive
13948 FLEXP300.ZIP 221417 12.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FLEXIBAK Plus v3.00. Hard Disk Backup
Features compression, selective backups and a
unique backup method where you only have to
take a full backup once! 
13949 FLMAS350.ZIP 113102 27.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Floppy Master 3.5 - January 1995
Small but efficient floppy disk utility
program. It keeps all your floppy disk
data in one place. Added virtual memory,
archive browsing, file comments, config
program, registration keys and MUCH more.
Made in Slovenia. Shareware 10 USD.
13670 FLOS.ZIP 61124 13.05.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
FLOS v1.0  Operating Shell
Fresh Looking Operating Shell for DOS
- Speed!  100% Programmed in 386+ Assembl
- New "dir", and "type" commands w/color
- Tab filename finishing
- Random Screensavers/Demos
- 5 Sweet Display Modes (25/28/33/40/50)
- Only 368 bytes resident in memory
- Configurable Fonts and palette
13671 FLPKIT10.ZIP 38300 08.02.1995 - MBCD -
Floppy disks and drives will be a necessity
for the forseeable future; here are 5 small
utilities to help you get the most out of
using yours.  FLOPPARM - Speeds up drive
operation by modifying DOS parameters.
FLOPTEST - Tests drive for proper operation.
Also does a quick readability check for every
sector of a floppy disk. FLOPSKEW -
Determines optimal skewing for proper
formatting.  By using the findings of this
program and FDFORMAT you can speed up reading
13951 FMSEEK18.ZIP 109802 10.12.1995 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
FM Seek 1.80
FM Seek is a disk search and directory search
utility that will allow the user to build lis
based on templates and then perform file
operations on the results.
13672 FONTEDIT.ZIP 2466 06.03.1996 - 12806/aol-file-protocol-4400-2201-to-2300.zip -
PC-Magazine Fontedit
Fonttieditori Dosille.
13673 FORTN605.ZIP 65 kt 12.05.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Fortune.exe v6.05A tuner-upper for the DOS FOR command.  Generates a batch file which does all those wildcard things you wished FOR could do (like "FORTUNE IN (*.BAS) DO RENAME %A %2*.*" to remove parts of file names).  Lets you do all sorts of things including distinguishing file name roots from their extensions as well as incrementing file names by specified values.
13674 FREE11.ZIP 2,3 kt 12.05.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Show free space all disks Display Mt and % Requires 4dos 5.x
13675 FROSK10.ZIP 3,6 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
FutureSoft RoskisHelppokäyttöinen FreeWare-ohjelma, jolla voit valita tiedostot, jotka haluat "heittää" roskikseen. Myöhemmin voit tyhjentää roskiksen, sekä ottaa sieltä "roskia" takaisin käyttöön. Tarvitsee 4DOSin version 5.0 vähintään toimiakseen.
13676 FSI.ZIP 12,1 kt 30.07.1996 - - tupla
Free Space InvestigatorSimppeli pieni ohjelma jolla näet hetkessä kaikkien kovalevyasemien vapaan tilan. Toimii myös verkkoasemilla. Freeware by Kimmo Akkanen.
64318 FSI.ZIP 12381 31.07.1996 - - tupla
Free Space Investigator, simppeli pieni
ohjelma jolla näet hetkessä kaikkien
kovalevyasemien vapaan tilan. Toimii myös
verkkoasemilla. Freeware by Kimmo Akkanen.
13677 FSTMP105.ZIP 14946 27.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
FSTAMP v1.05 - DOS utility to date/time stamp
your files.  Robust date/time parser forgives
typing mistakes. Completely network- and
country-aware. Copyright (c) 1996 by Robert
B. Clark . Freeware.
13953 FTA30.ZIP 26497 24.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
FILE TOOLS    Version 3.00 Copyright (C)
Farrware, 1995 FILE TOOLS is an MS-DOS file
utility system. FILE TOOLS will find a file
based on: File Name/Extension, Size, Date,
Time, or Attribute. You can copy, run,
rename, delete etc. files you found.
13678 FU_RD19C.ZIP 38859 21.12.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
XMS/EMS RAM disk installable and resizable
from command line. You can also choose the
drive letter! Up to 2 Gbytes supported!
Compatible with MSDOS 3 to 7 (Win95), DosEmu
by Franck Uberto.
13685 G.ZIP 4884 31.07.1996 - - -
G on kätevä ohjelma jolla voi vaihtaa
hakemistosta toiseen vaivattomasti ja
13955 GAZE100.ZIP 143208 16.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Graphical Menu System for MS-DOS
(Windows lookalike)
13679 GENEDIT.ZIP 20712 10.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
General Editor
By Leo Beadle
Edit text files from a batch
file. Very flexible and lots of
control for manipulating INI's,
BAT's or any text file. Network
Admin's will find this very
useful. Shareware.
13680 GIFEXE30.ZIP 35808 22.10.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GIFEXE Version 3.0
A Self-Displayer and Slideshow Program for
Your GIF(tm) Pictures.
13681 GLBSEC34.ZIP 147345 01.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Security Program! Uses the "One Time Pad"
System. Encipher, transmit, then decipher
your data at the other end. Safe from the
super computers of the National Security
Agency (NSA). Compress multiple files into
one for enciphering. Wipe original files.
Uses High Radix 64 File Format for use on all
E-Mail Services. Perform Phi and Chi Tests on
enciphered files. A MUST HAVE PROGRAM.
13967 GRTOOL12.ZIP 328554 30.12.1995 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
Great-Tools V1.2, 15 pretty helpful small
tools to make Dos- Life easier, e.g. a
quick-change-directory- tool without(!)
creating an additional file, a program to
measure execution time, another for
manipulating and sorting text files and one
to calculate best fit when recording a tape,
also there's a tool which keeps track
whenever your computer is on and many others.
13682 GSAR107.ZIP 46581 17.02.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
General Search And Replace utility (GSAR)
full C++ source code included. DOS
13683 GUARD40.ZIP 72232 13.07.1996 - 16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso -
Guardian v4.00!! New with FULL MOUSE
support and pull down menus!!
Resizeable windows and a fully
functional TEXT EDITOR BUILT IN to the
Guardian!  This version uses an all new
encryption routine that explodes the
ENCRYPTED file to roughly 5 - 6 times
it's original size.  When a file is
DECRYPTED it will shrink back down to
it's original size again.  I think you
13684 GUSDRIVE.ZIP 25748 19.10.1995 - scene.org -
The worlds forst RamDisc
ever made for a sound-card !
13686 H2T110.ZIP 38,4 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
Html to Text v1.10DOS utility to convert a HTML document to plain text.
13687 HAKE10.ZIP 18 kt 28.01.1997 - - -
Hake v1.0Dossin dir-käskyn rinnalla hyvä ohjelma. Näytää piiltettukin tiedostot. Näytää kovalevynnimen, -koon, -vapaantilan. Näyttää sivun kerrallaa. Omat pitkä- tiedostonimi systeemi. Tämä versio hakesta on ilmainen. Cablesoft 1996.
13975 HD-COPY.ARJ 51461 04.07.1995 - - -
Fast disk copying program
13689 HDCP.ZIP 49,3 kt 31.08.1997 versio 3.1 19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso -
Hard Disk Copy v3.0Hard disk sector copy/ backup utility. Ideal for Win95 backup or duplicating same configuration on multiple systems. Very fast. Has fast mode that copy only the portion of HD with active data. Backup to and restore from image files. Command line or menu driven. Mouse support.
13688 HDCP20AE.ZIP 82233 24.01.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
HD-COPY 2.0a HD-COPY is one of the best disk
copy utilities around, and certainly the
fastest one! Many great features, for
example: formats and copies up to 1.764 Mb
disks, eliminates viruses, cleans disk
drives, repairs bad disks etc.
13690 HDM504.ZIP 522043 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HDM (Hard Disk Menu) from MicroFox Company. A
Menu and Security System for DOS and LANs.
Has User Menu, Phone Dialer, Manual, User Log
On/Off, Passwords, Macros, Functions, Timed
Execution, Usage Logging and Reporting, Mouse
and Network Support, Multi-Level Security,
Screen Blanker, Pull-Down Menus, On-Line
Help, 260,000 Menu Entries, all Menu, Screen,
and Help text is customizable. Author is Jim
Hass, member of  [ASAD] {STAR}.
13691 HEDIT2_0.ZIP 185,6 kt 15.05.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
HEdit v2.032 bits Hexadecimal Editor for DOS Very fast Handle very big files (up to 4 GBytes) Insert/overtype mode Inline Hex/dec conversion 3D interface.
13692 HEX51.ZIP 65911 17.02.1996 - MBCD -
HEX Editor v5.1. Menu/cm line driven editor,
intuitive concept, find/replace feature, *
Freeware at its best *
13693 HIDE12.ZIP 22,1 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
TextConcealor/UnConcealor v1.2With this program You can hide text files from unwanted readers. Text Concealor encodes specified textfile to specified secretfile. UnConcealor makes the cealed text readable. Volt of Dark Productions.
13694 HIDEDRV.ZIP 1368 06.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Hide and Unhide a complete drive!
A FREE utility that will hide and
unhide a complete drive from prying
eyes, virus scanners, viruses, CD
drives from file managers, or..
whatever you can think of.
Compiled by Mike O'Rourke using
debug. Taken from PC Computing
13695 HIEW502.ZIP 123609 17.02.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Hiew (Hacker's View) 5.02a for DOS & OS/2
Edit and view files in text, hex and 386
disassembler mode. Search of assembler
commands: "mov ax,?" looks for "mov ax,di",
"mov ax,[gs:ebx*4+esp+16000]" and so on.
Crypt operations for [de]crypting code/data.
13978 HRAM1.LZH 39974 06.10.1994 - - -
Muistinhallintaohjelma 286:lle
13696 HREAD100.ZIP 89,4 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
HypeReader v0.01bFree hypertext reader for DOS (can read ascii and own format), 386 or better required. Features: File conversion (ASCII or HTML). Freeware! Sources included!
13697 HTMLCO17.ZIP 19993 01.04.1995 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO -
HTMLcon v. 1.7. Konventoi HTML -> ASCII.
13698 HUKKA11.ZIP 30625 31.07.1996 - - -
Hukka v1.1 - FAT-levyosion hukkatilan laskija
Päivitys MikroBitissä 6-7/1996 olleeseen
artikkeliin ja listaukseen. Mukana lähdekoodi
Copyright (C) 1996 Jere Käpyaho
13699 HWINF434.ZIP 364,6 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
Hardware Info v4.3.4Hardware Info (SHAREWARE) * Recognizes 103 CPUs, CPU info, FPU * MultiProcessor System info * PnP, DMI, APM and ACPI information * Chipset, memory, cache size+type id * ISA, EISA, MCA, PCI, A.G.P. devices * 335 VGA chipsets, memory size+type * Video card, RAMDAC, TIGA, TV tuner * VESA DDC monitor identification.
13700 HWTOOL01.ZIP 26454 01.10.1995 - - -
Highway's DOS-TOOL Collection 1
Some really useful programs for
those who still use DOS (keep on
rolling!!!)... Package includes:
Everything by Highway / img
13701 ID3TR10.ZIP 28,6 kt 20.03.1999 - - -
Pure ID3v1/1.1 Tag Reader v1.0Reads and shows id3 tag from mp3 files in DOS! Free! (DOS)
13702 IDIR100.ZIP 23466 31.12.1996 - - -
* i-DIR v1.00 * Paras DIR komennon korvaaja.
13703 IMGTOOL1.ZIP 45592 01.10.1995 - - -
Imagination's DOS-TOOL Collection, vol. I
This is a collection of quite useful
DOS-tool programs.
13704 INKUT102.ZIP 193957 04.03.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
11 Essential DOS Utilities, including:
DEDIT - 4DOS/NDOS Description Editor
with unique coloured directories and
import functions. EE - TSR Popup
Calculator that uses only 1K of memory
CC - Interactive disk cache control
panel that works with SmartDrv or
compatible cache. Plus 8 other utils.
13705 JAMBTM02.ZIP 61824 27.02.1995 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast.iso -
4DOS batch file collection & related material
65332 JC144E.ZIP 397949 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
JetCommander, V1.44 powerful NC-Clone
for for OS/2 and DOS. Only one user
interface for OS/2 and DOS !, see
REGISTER.DOC for registration information
13706 JC95E.ZIP 252512 14.07.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
JetCommander, V2.0 powerful NC-Clone
for WIN95,DOS and OS/2. Full long filename
support under WINDOWS95 + OS/2
Only one user interface for WIN95,DOS+OS/2
see REGISTER.DOC for registration info
13707 JMUIS193.ZIP 26,8 kt 28.01.1997 - - -
J-Muistuttaja v1.93Automaattinen muistutusohjelma MS- DOS:iin. Helppo ja nopea käyttö- liittymä. Vaatii PC-tietokoneen. AUTOEXEC.BAT suositeltava.
13708 JOYKY121.ZIP 33319 23.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Allows use of joystick with ANY program.
Version 1.21.  TSR, completely
configurable from command line.
Can also use to calibrate joysticks.
13991 JP4ADD.ZIP 20519 04.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
Optional ASCII reference manual Addendum
for 4DOS 5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5.
Only useful if you have a printed Reference
Manual for 4DOS 5.0 / 4OS2 2.0 / 4DOS/NT 2.0.
For 4DOS files see 4DOS55A.ZIP and
4DOS55B.ZIP, for 4OS2 see 4OS216A.ZIP,
4OS232A.ZIP, and 4OS225B.ZIP; for 4DOS/NT see
4DOSNT25.ZIP. 10-12-94 release A.
13992 JP4REF.ZIP 254853 02.12.1994 - MBCD -
Optional ASCII reference manual for 4DOS
5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5, JP Software's
command processor replacements for DOS, OS/2,
and Windows NT.  For 4DOS files see
4DOS55A.ZIP and 4DOS55B.ZIP; for 4OS2 see
4OS216A.ZIP, 4OS232A.ZIP, and 4OS225B.ZIP;
for 4DOS/NT see 4DOSNT25.ZIP.  10-12-94
release A.
13709 KAYT135.ZIP 21,3 kt 28.01.1997 - - -
Käyttäjätarkistus v1.35Tällä ohjelmalla voit estää tietyltä henkilöiltä pääsyn koneellesi, ja näet kuka konetta on käyttänyt.
13993 KEYDEF.ZIP 12284 13.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
KeyDef v3.0. Make your own key-macros.
13710 KODE.ZIP 89,6 kt 07.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Koodi-ohjelma v1.0TitanSoft presents: Koodi-ohjelma v1.0, joka on todella käytännöllinen. Suojaa koneesi! LUE MANUAALI!
13711 KRYPTAA.ZIP 63273 31.07.1996 - - -
Kryptaus/Kryptauksen purku ohjelma.Voit
purkaa nopeasti ja helposti teksti-tiedostoja
.Kryptaa-ohjelma on lisäksi suomenkielinen.
Se vaatii VGA-näytön ja 80286 prosessorin.
14004 LBREBOOT.ZIP 10652 09.08.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
REBOOTER! Freeware by LBS.
Tired of multiple boot configs? Want to not
have to manually edit the autoexec, or look
through 800 boot disks to find the one you
need? Or frustrated by long winded
instructions on other files? Well then, this
file is for you!
14005 LEMON10.ZIP 27653 20.12.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Lemon v1.0 (C) Mikko Lempiäinen 1996. Lemon
is a TSR-program that allows you to click a
filename on DOS-prompt instead of typing it.
Includes also many other qualities.
Dokumentit myös suomeksi.
13712 LFNUTILS.ZIP 49,8 kt 15.05.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Long Name UtilitiesA set of DOS utilities that display and modify the long names created and used by Win95, even if you are not running Win95. They can be used to list, modify, save and restore long file names.
65734 LIST91M.ZIP 101360 17.12.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
LIST Plus is a general purpose file browsing
and viewing utility. Features include file
selection/utility menu, selective printing,
telephone dialer, scrollable windows, and
viewing files within archive files. Version
9.1k corrects some minor problems.
13713 LIST92A.ZIP 110,6 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
List Plus v9.2aA general purpose file browsing and viewing utility. Features include file selection/utility menu, selective printing, telephone dialer, scrollable windows, and viewing files within archive files. This version adds long file name display for Win95.
13714 LISTEXTS.ZIP 11171 29.11.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
LISTEXTS.EXE This utility lists the quantity
of each of the type of file extents in the
specified directory (that is, how many .DOC
files, etc). It allows for the combination of
similar files (such as DOC, TXT, ASC, etc).
As with all Hobbit House utilities, it can be
invoked with "?" or "/?" or "/H" to get a
help screen.
14006 LISTRS12.ZIP 106557 22.10.1995 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
LISTRS v1.2 - DIRLIST: More accurate than
"dir *."  Options include show files, change
to and remove directory.  PROGLIST: Shows
current directory's .EXE, .COM and .BAT files
in one listing to help users find the name of
the program file to run.  Options include
type & run, type & wait and edit .BAT files
with a user-selected editor.  Both programs
correctly sort numbers within filenames.  No
known bugs.  Shareware $15.
13715 LK200FI.EXE 352,3 kt 19.02.1999 - - -
Levykamu v2.0 (Dos, Win95)Monipuolinen tekstitilan tiedostojenkäsittelyohjelma! Kopionti, siirto, poisto, nimeäminen, etsintä, valinta useista hakemistoista ja asemilta, laajennetut 4dos-jokerit, hakemistopuu, tiedostonkatselu, heksa- editori, virtuaalilistat, pakattujen tiedostojen käsittely, levyjen alustus, kopsaus ja testaus, tulostus, pitkät tiedoston nimet, asetukset säädeltävissä vapaasti, makrot, jne. Kaikki mitä tarvitset auttamaan elämääsi tiedostojen parissa. (C) Jari Karppanen, 1999.
49371 LKAMU11.ZIP 65862 06.06.1996 - MBCD -
LEVYKAMU 1.1: Ehdottomasti parhaan
tiedosto-ohjelman uusi paranneltu versio.
Kopioi, siirtää, poistaa alihakemistoi- neen.
Win95-pitkät nimet, tiedostonkat- selu,
tulostus, formatointi, tiedoston/ hakemiston
nimen ja attribuuttien vaihto, kustomoitava
ohjelmien käynnistys, hiiri- ohjaus jne.
suomenkielistä FREEWAREA.
13716 LL.ZIP 8715 25.09.1995 - - -
Lazy Lister - tiedostonlistausohjelma
Listaa ja etsii tiedostoja järjestelmästä.
Kirjoitettu BAT-kielellä.
Helppokäyttöinen (esim. valikot).
13717 LM10.ZIP 53,8 kt 01.10.1998 - MBCD -
Lotto Meister v1.0Freeware. Ohjelman levityksestä ei saa periä minkäänlaista maksua!
14012 LOGCUT.ZIP 5669 17.02.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Logfile cutter 1.0 LogCut program,
automatically keeps your logfiles in length
of n lines!     - Zorlim
13718 LOGIN.ZIP 25609 27.10.1996 - - -
Ari-Pekka Pelkosen tekemä Login-Ohjelma
kirjaa muistiin koska konetta on käyttetty ja
kuka on käyttänyt.
13719 LS12FIN.ZIP 26,7 kt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
Last Start v1.2Näyttää milloin tietokoneesi on käynnistetty viimeksi. Tallentaa myös kaikkien käynnistysten ajankohdat. Näppärä ja pienikokoinen. Freeware!
13720 LUMISADE.ZIP 58031 31.12.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest3.iso -
Joulun '96 kunniaksi: Lumisade. C-lähdekoodit
13721 M21.ZIP 7246 25.04.1995 - - -
Lukujen muunnos ja laskentaohjelma
13722 M2KEY120.ZIP 7935 10.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Mouse2Key is a small TSR program
that emulates the cursor keys using
your mouse. It allows quick browsing
text files and more, and takes only
600 bytes in memory.
13723 MATIKKAV.ZIP 39,5 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Matikka Velho v1/0.0.2Matikka Velho on oiva apuväline avaruusgeometrian kaavoja opiskelevalle. Se osaa laskea kaavoja ja myös opettaa niitä. 386, DOS. Freeware. By LediSoft.
13724 MAV120.ZIP 3768 27.02.1995 - 21004/bestofsharewarebusinessbestofproductions1994.iso -
4DOS BTM file: Mally's Archive Viewer
13725 MBK102.ZIP 49,1 kt 31.01.1997 - - -
MB-Kamu v1.02MBnetin tiedostolistan selailuohjelma. Osaa vaikka mitä. (C) Jari Karppanen, 1997.
66047 MCFS20.ZIP 22406 10.08.1996 - - -
MCFS ver 2.0 The Multi-config config.sys file
slicer. This utility 'slices' your multiple
configured config.sys file, so that MemMaker
can configure it without screwing it up.
13726 MCFS30.ZIP 24113 16.09.1996 - - -
MCFS ver 3.0 The Multi-config config.sys file
slicer. This utility 'slices' your multiple
configured config.sys file, so that MemMaker
can configure it without screwing it up.
Registered version can also slice
14025 MEG35.ZIP 118954 02.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MEG 3.5  Graphs System Info Large Pie
and 3-D bars colorfully show your space and
memory. Simple easy-to-read space info %Free,
free, used total in Mb. Hard, Network, floppy
and CD-ROM drives. Your CPU is speed tested
to .01 Mhz. Dos and Windows versions. Time
and date. Memory graph. Screen savers.
Advance with a mouse click or autoscan.
Requires VGA. Shareware. Jim Tolliver $20
13727 MEGAINFO.ZIP 1,5 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Kehote 4dossille 5.xNäyttää ruudun yläreunassa 2 monipuolista Infopalkkia.
13728 MEMM.ZIP 138,5 kt 19.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
MemMiser v1.5SOLVES THE DOS MEMORY DILEMMA! Give your programs the memory they need for optimal performance.
13729 MEMORY43.ZIP 23534 06.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
MEMORY 4.3 Memory is a resident RAM explorer
for DOS environment, which allows to
understand interactively what a host process
is doing and how it works, by means of
several analysis functions.
13730 MENU122.ZIP 79,9 kt 28.01.1997 - - -
Menu v1.22Tällä ohjelmalla teet koneellesi kätevät käynnistysvalikot, joiden avulla koneesi käyttö nopeutuu huomattavasti.
13731 MENUA11.ZIP 40325 04.10.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Menuake (Valikko-ohjelma) v1.1
(C) 1995 Omega-Software
Yksi suomen parhaista kotimaisista
valikko-ohjelmista. 50 hakemistoa
260 ohjelmapaikkaa, 10 pikavalintaa.
Kätevästi kursoriohjattu.  (386) (Dos) (VGA)
14027 MENUDI20.ZIP 75188 22.10.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
MENUDIAL v2.0 - DOS menu, phone dialer, note
and alarm organizer, program launcher and
more! Four programs in one - all with the
same, easy to use interface.  Powerful
features include: integrated screen blanker,
use as decompression shell, full mouse
support and pop-up window that lets you
effortlessly browse thorough all your drives
and directories and launch programs with a
single keystroke.  No typing of long path-
and file names any more!  Many more features!
13732 MK_TA13.ZIP 32,2 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
Tascii v1.3Kertoo painetun näppäimen ASCII-koodin.
13733 MLIST15.ZIP 19,2 kt 09.08.1999 - - tupla
MakeList v1.5Jos sinulla on hakemisto täynnä zippejä, niin ei paniikkia. MakeList tekee kaikista hakemistossa olevista zipeistä files.bbs:n tapaisen listauksen, johon voit sisällyttää vaikka kellonajankin.
66199 MLIST15.ZIP 19705 16.09.1996 - - tupla
░▒▓█ MakeList v1.5 █▓▒░ jos sinulla on
hakemisto täynnä zippejä..niin ei
paniikkia..MakeList tekee kaikista
hakemistossa olevista zipeistä files.bbs:n
tapaisen listauksen johon voit sisällyttää
vaikka kellon- ajankin....
13734 MMXTEST.ZIP 43 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
Test your CPU for MMX extensions
13735 MODID.ZIP 11,8 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
A great program for renaming MOds, S3Ms and XMs after their real names.
13736 MOPUS310.ZIP 72,6 kt 15.05.1997 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
Machiavel Opus v3.100Machiavel Opus is not only a complete Shell that replaces all DOS commands by a fully intuitive semi-graphic handling, but also a treasure of powerful functions. Its most exotic feature could be its cipher routine of a military level. Read english.txt (ou frangais.txt) included.
13737 MORTON.ZIP 57936 04.03.1996 - 16767/Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO -
Morton Utilities v1.0
14032 MOUSK304.ZIP 40718 23.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Allows use of mouse with ANY program.
Version 3.04.  TSR, completely
configurable from command line.
Several operation "modes", clipboard,
speeds up mouse for other programs.
13738 MOUSK305.ZIP 41,2 kt 15.05.1997 - 12838/aol-file-protocol-4400-901-to-1100.zip -
Allows use of mouse with ANY program. Version 3.05.  TSR, completely configurable from command line. Several operation "modes", clipboard, speeds up mouse for other programs.
13739 MOUSTEST.ZIP 863 tavua 21.07.1997 - - -
Mousetester for DosFreeware from Spider Games (Kaj Larm)
13740 MOV_NUMB.ZIP 1964 27.02.1995 - 16817/Source_Code_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_March_1994.iso -
A 4DOS batch file to save and renumber files
14033 MOV502.ZIP 34454 03.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
MOVE 5.00  07/10/95
Copy or move files.  Nest directories,
renaming when names collide, etc.  Too
many features to list.  From HyperWare.
13741 MPLUS10.ZIP 126,3 kt 15.10.1998 - - -
Lasersoft Menu Plus+ v1.0Huikea pikavalikko ohjelmien käynnistykseen ! Mukana kymmenen lokeroa, joihin voit määritellä persoonalliset pelisi/ohjelmasi ja ajaa niitä nopeasti Menusta ! Valitset nuolinapeilla ohjelman ja painat enter ! Nopeampaa kuin komentorivillä ! Imuroi heti ! Freewarea ja täysin ilmainen ! (c) 1998 LaserSoft Inc.
66327 MRBTR12.ZIP 24791 14.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
MasterBooter v1.2 - The ultimate operating
system booter! Registered version can boot
DOS, OS/2, Win95, Linux and unknown OS from
any disk and any primary partition! SW.
13742 MRBTR21.ZIP 37,1 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
MasterBooter v2.1The ultimate operation system booter. Registered version can boot DOS, OS/2, Win95/97, Win NT Linux and even unknown OSes, up to six systems at once! Supports passwords, beeping and FAT partition hiding. GET IT AND REGISTER NOW! Included EFDISK, the enhanced partitioning program, which now supports command line options! (C) NagyD 02-26-97 Internet: nagyd@almos.vein.hu http://www.vein.hu/~nagyd
14036 MSCODE32.ZIP 108076 15.10.1995 - 12821/aol-file-protocol-4400-3701-to-3800.zip -
(Brad's Software;lic.fee $10) Learn Morse
Code the easy way at your own pace. Has 54
graduated character and word lessons. Hear
and see the characters as they are sounded
out at the SPACING, WPM and TONE that you
select. Easy to use menus. Color monitor and
hard drive recommended.
13743 MSOFT17F.ZIP 26353 14.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
msoft17f will format a 3.5" floppy  disk to
the new  format scheme being used by
Microsoft.  This  new  scheme  creates a
floppy that holds  1.7 megs  rather than the
standard 1.44. It is  impossible  to make  a
backup copy  of one of the  new Microsoft
releases  using  the  standard floppy
format/copy procedures.
66418 MUTE100.ZIP 8628 10.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip tupla
Mute is a tiny TSR utility that
will monitor your PC Speaker to
mute it at a regular speed, so
that no beeps will be triggered
but Mute lets digitized music
and SFX go thru.
13744 MUTE110.ZIP 9,2 kt 31.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Mute v1.10Tiny TSR utility that will monitor your PC Speaker to mute it at a regular speed, so that no beeps will be triggered but Mute lets digitized music and SFX go thru.
66419 MUTE110.ZIP 9419 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Mute is a tiny TSR utility that
will monitor your PC Speaker to
mute it at a regular speed, so
that no beeps will be triggered
but Mute lets digitized music
and SFX go thru.
13745 MXDIR222.ZIP 24,3 kt 12.05.2000 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
MaxDIR v2.22Ilmainen ja monipuolinen korvike DOSin DIR-komennolle. Mm. näyttää tiedostot värillisinä päätteen mukaan ja kertoo, paljonko tilaa todellisuudessa kuluu klustereiden vuoksi.
14778 NCAV47.ZIP 143970 05.02.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf -
AVIEW V4.7, 13-Aug-94 (Non-Beta!), The Norton
Commander Archive Viewer. A small utility to
manipulate ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, PAK, RAR, SQZ,
UC2, ZIP and ZOO files, lots of options, can
be fully mouse-operated, very easy to use,
can also be used as stand-alone utility.
13746 NETLOOK.ZIP 24600 19.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
A Neat little DOS util that searches ALL
available network drives for specific files.
There are no limits to the number of files
searched for and ANY network works.
13747 NIMPPA13.ZIP 24408 08.10.1996 - - -
NIMIPÄIVÄMUISTUTTAJA 1.3 -Näet aina kenellä
on nimipäivät. -Täydennetty nimikirjasto.
-Osaa myös muistuttaa ennalta määrätyistä
nimipäivistä. -Nyt myös liputuspäivät
edustettuina -Taattua Fallesmanni-laatua!
-Aino vaatimus on VGA näyttö.
14042 NOCRLF10.ZIP 9756 17.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
NOCRLF v1.00
This little utility will fix binary files
which have been corrupted by being
accidentally transfered in ASCII mode.
ASM src is included.
14043 NOKYSD16.ZIP 22427 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
No-Keys 1.6 for DOS is a memory resident
(TSR) program that allows anyone to use a
computer without using the keyboard by
allowing you to "type" using a mouse,
trackball, or similar device. It is designed
primarily for people with physical
13748 NORMAALI.EXE 5,6 kt 20.04.1996 - - -
Ohjelma jolla saat dossissa normaalin moden ja oikeat värit ja korjaa muutkin dossissa, joskus esim. pelien jälkeen tulevat bugit. BY:Team Elite
13749 NOTE10.ZIP 92 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
Note v1.0Muistutusohjelma MS-DOS:ille.
13750 ORG30SW.ZIP 72647 12.03.1995 - 10852/Simtel20_Sept92.cdr -
ORG v3.0: kiintolevyn järjestelyohjelma
Shareware, vuodelta 1992, OK vanhemmille
DOS-versioille joissa ei ole Defragia.
13751 PAIV11.ZIP 38 kt 04.12.1997 - - -
PäivyriohjelmaTitanSoft presents: Päivyri ohjelma. Tällä ohjelmalla tiedät aina, kun on tapaaminen tai joku tapahtuma, jonka olet merkinnyt päivyriin. Ohjelma on helppo asentaa koneen käynnistykseen.
14058 PCOPY93D.ZIP 122431 05.08.1994 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
PCOPY version 9.3D from Norm Patriquin PCOPY
is the ultimate COPY program - a super
advanced alternative to the DOS COPY command.
PCOPY will copy, move, split files, copy
files with a certain date, and much more.
The only way that you will believe it is to
see it! Now with Last Access Date Support!
13752 PGEN10.ZIP 26,9 kt 12.05.1998 - - -
Password Generator v1.0Pieni apuohjelma, joka tekee hyviä salasanoja, ja kirjoittaa ne tiedostoon(tiedoston loppuun). Made By BlueAxe/TerrorSW. Freewarea.
13753 PN_CDB20.ZIP 12,8 kt 30.03.1998 - MBCD -
Small, fast and reliable benchmark for CD-ROM drives.  High resolution timing, 99% of asm code, 100% freeware. Many people think that the data transfer rate of CD-ROM drives is constant from the beginning to the end of the disc, but this is true only for old-and-slow models.  CD-BENCH is the only benchmark that reads the disc in six different points and displays six results, so you can see if and how the speed varies.
13754 POCK42.ZIP 167155 18.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
POCKETD PLUS v4.2  - 31k DOS Army Knife
Awarded "BEST NEW UTILITY 1992" by PsL & WHAT
PC's runner-up "BEST UTILITY 1994". Tiny but
superb color directory lister, file COPY and
immensely powerful file manager. Over 220 (!)
options and sub-options from command-line or
menu-driven interface. Full arch/dir browsing
supports 8 arc types, 23 Copy opts, networks,
multiple exec/disp templates,utility builder.
-- NEW --  Supports CRUSH! 4.1 Bug fix.
13755 PRESZ112.ZIP 63477 27.10.1995 - MBCD -
The Partition Resizer v1.1.2
This is the first full featured
partition handling program. It moves
and resizes any DOS partition,
without deleting the data. Works
with all hard disks, 8086+
(c) Zeleps 1994-95
13757 PROBE31.ZIP 14225 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Probe v3.10 - A simple DOS file finding
utility.  This program is FREEWARE!
13758 PROKEZ18.ZIP 29354 04.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Pro-Keys v1.8 - Advanced command line
completion, editing and recall. Extended
keyboard buffer, on-the-fly configuration
changes, time slicing, DOSKEY compatible
macros. Uses only 6.2K.
13759 PROMPT.ZIP 5722 31.12.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Oletko kyllästynyt harmaaseen ja tylsään C:\>
-promptiisi joka tuijottaa vastaan aina kun
pamautat koneen päälle? Vähällä vaivalla voit
saada siitä hauskan värikkään, piristävän ja
näyttävän kelloineen. Säväytä vaikka
kavereitasi.  Miten?  Kuinka? Tässä
aloittelijoille suunnatut ohjeet. (4DOSin ja
ANSI.SYSin omaaminen suotavaa)
13760 PS13B.ZIP 628,4 kt 19.07.1997 - MBCD -
PhantomScreen v1.3bPhantomScreen is a DOS-based screen saver utility. Protects computer from unauthorized access while you are away, displays time, livens workplace with scanned images/art, colorful animations, leaves messages, etc. Customizable. Password protection. Supports 2, 16 & 256 color images up to 1024x768 res. Requires: IBM PC/XT+; DOS 3.1+; CGA, Herc. mono, EGA, VGA or SVGA graphics; hard disk; MS/Logitech compatible mouse; 640K+ RAM.
13761 PSHARE.ZIP 129,8 kt 27.05.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Pshare v1.00DOS Network Print IPX SPX TLI DOS TSR which redirects DOS/WIN 3.x printer output via IPX to a DOS print server program. Uses a 5k TSR on each client machine and a DOS PC for the print server.  Does not require a Novell log-in or print queues. Public Domain. Greg Menke, Greg.Menke@hq.doe.gov
13762 PUADOS11.ZIP 22834 31.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
the life of any computer user.  Power Users'
Aliases for DOS, as the name implies, are
small utilities which do nothing but save
time.  Best of all, all utilities here are
public domain, which means that you are free
to use and modify all of them as you wish.
4D, for example, checks if 4DOS is loaded.
ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
installed.   Email baechler@cts.com.  PD.
13763 PW10.ZIP 24,4 kt 09.11.1997 - - -
Password v1.00Lock your computer by using this program, or use in autoexec.bat. Small and useful! Freeware!
13764 PWMBR20.ZIP 8302 10.04.1995 - 16984/SUPER_CD III (Groupware).iso -
Serious bootup password security for the IBM
PC/AT or compatible.  Disables floppy boots.
13765 QL16.ZIP 75344 04.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Quick Launch
A powerful, easy-to-use hard disk menu
program.  Features  unlimited  submenus,
mouse support, and option to  completely
unload itself from memory  to run  large
programs.  Supports monochrome and color
monitors.  Requires  a  hard disk drive.
Freeware by Eldon Martin
13766 QMIII31C.ZIP 546294 24.11.1996 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
QuikMenu III is an icon-based graphical menu
and desktop for DOS. Included are powerful
utility & file management features. Launches
all DOS-based software. Modem dial, Password
protect, screen saver, phone database, use
tracking, background wallpaper, freeform
layout & more. Not a TSR. Needs: 512K RAM;
hard disk; Herc. mono, CGA (2 color), EGA,
or VGA graphics; DOS 3.1+; MS/Logitech comp.
mouse (optional); Hayes comp. modem (option).
67747 RAMDSK14.ZIP 29959 01.04.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO tupla
XMSDSK & EMSDSK v1.4 - Efficient and simple
to use RAMdisks optimized for size and speed.
Resize down to zero or up to 32 Mb at any
time. Freeware.
13767 RAMDSK16.ZIP 36,3 kt 19.07.1997 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Xmsdsk & Emsdsk v1.6Resizable RAM-disk for XMS/EMS.
13768 RAWED1_1.ZIP 205 kt 09.11.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Rawedit v1.1Hexadecimal File Editor. It views/edits files in raw hexadecimal numbers/ASCII text.
13769 RC150.ZIP 214586 10.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The Ramsete Commander Version 1.5ß
A file manager " like " the  famous Norton
Commander with some new utilities as Format,
System Information, Show file (ASCII, DBF),
Print, etc.; edit (and create) text file;
Require 286+ CGA/EGA/VGA, 512K+, DOS 3.3+
FreeWare / GeneTech Development !!!
13770 RCD23.ZIP 37711 18.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Change disk/directory: "do what I mean" You
can specify all or part of the name of the
directory you want to go to, and RCD will do
it's best to figure out which directory you
mean, and on which disk. If several
possibilities, a selection window pops up.
13771 READ115D.ZIP 77193 31.12.1995 - 12838/aol-file-protocol-4400-901-to-1100.zip -
Read 115D <> Display & View Files
Display Directories and View Files. Copy,
Move, Rename and Delete Files. Create,
Remove & Rename Directories. Search for a
Keyword in a file or Paste portions of a
file. Edit files & Manage Zip, Lzh & Arj
files. Excellent for BBS and Internet
use! Read Maximizes memory to RUN files.
13772 READALL.ZIP 12549 29.11.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
READALL.EXE verifies that all files in a
directory (or on a floppy) are good in the
sense of having all readable sectors. This is
especially usefull in verifying that a floppy
disk made for distribution or archive does
not have any corrupted files.
13773 REM10.ZIP 1640 16.03.1995 - - -
Remember v1.0 - A small TSR that
reminds you with beep at selected time.
13774 REP128.ZIP 608899 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Replicator For DOS Version 1.28 
Replicator is a disk image utility used to
create images of diskettes and catalog them
in a database. Recreate disks as needed.
Store up to 10 description lines and a
complete list of files contained on the
original disk for each disk image in the
database. Modify database entries at any
time. Easy push button interface. Network
13775 ROSFIN15.ZIP 14251 28.08.1996 - - -
Roskis Finnish version 1.5 by Antti Ravelin
Suomalaisen Roskis-roskakori-ohjelman
suomenkielinen versio 1.5.
13776 ROSKIS01.ZIP 7068 27.10.1996 - - -
roskis01.zip Roskis on "roskakori"
tiedostoille DOSsiin. Ohjelman ensimmäinen
versio 0.001a
13777 RSA_EVAL.EXE 1086539 23.01.1996 - - -
RSA-salakirjoitusohjelma, 30 päivää toimiva
13778 RUMB117I.ZIP 57914 26.05.1996 - 21735/PC_Shareware_01_1999.iso -
Dimension: RDOSUMB demo version 1.17i.
Upper Memory Block Manager for MS-DOS. Youc
an get up to 192 kB for resident programs
without need of protected mode. For selected
hardware memory chips ONLY! Supported
hardware includes OPTi, ALI, UMC, MERCURY,
VIA and many others.
13779 RWUTLS10.ZIP 124455 06.03.1996 - 4398/Cream of the Crop II (Terry Blount).iso -
RWUTLS10- 11 Free DOS text file utilities,
v1.00, 7/14/93. (c) 1993 by David Daniel
Anderson - Reign Ware. 4DOS command history
dup. entry deleter; FILE_ID.DIZ formatter;
line enumerator; paginator; line/ page
counter; dup. line remover; redater; text
replacer; column adder; 0 byte file deleter;
disk space displayer. All w/ PASCAL source.
14097 RZSPINUP.ZIP 26749 15.12.1995 - - -
RZSPINUP makes it possible to use DEC
UltrixSCSI disks with PC's equipment with
Adaptechost adapters.
13780 SA51SXE.EXE 183,8 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
System Analyser v5.2aThis complete system information tool will help you 
diagnose problems with your computer system. Includes 
information about BIOS, Video, Drives, and more!

13781 SAVER250.ZIP 113419 23.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The Paper Saver is a printer utility for all
laser and Hew. Packard Deskjet printers. It
is a great solution for reducing the paper
glut that comes when printing large ASCII
text files. The program can print up to 8
pages of text on every sheet in a tiny, but
very readable font. It even prints in folded
"booklet" format. Menu driven. This program
will pay for itself! Save a tree, use this
13782 SC070.ZIP 155,9 kt 07.02.1997 - - -
The Star Commander v0.70 betaWritten by Joe Forster/STA  The ultimate copy utility  that  handles the disk and tape images  of  the  C64S emulator (by Miha Peternel)  and  copies files and disks from and to a  connected Commodore 1541/1571 drive in turbo mode.  The Star Commander is a freeware program with online help, fast execution and  it is very similar to The Norton Commander.
13783 SC104.ZIP 19,6 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Braindead Scrambled v1.04This program scrambles and unscrambles your text files! By Braindead Software.
13785 SD95-610.ZIP 104526 01.10.1996 - MBCD -
SuperDIR 95 6.10 - Incredibly fast, easy to
use, customisable directory lister. Features:
complete MS-DOS 7.0 and Windows 95 long
filename support, fully user customisable
display formats, support for 4DOS/NDOS
filename descriptions, extended wildcard
specifications, recursive directory display,
directory tree, and much much more. A must
for all DOS users. Heaps better than HOTDIR,
CDIR, 4DOS DIR, 1DIR, etc.
68262 SDD53.ZIP 1343123 28.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
SciTech Display Doctor v5.3: SciTech Display
Doctor provides high performance VBE 2.0
device support for playing the latest games.
This is the full Windows version.
13786 SDD653-D.ZIP 991,1 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
SciTech Display Doctor v6.53SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 3.0 device support for playing the latest games. Bugfixes made and few new chipsets are now supported. DOS, OS/2 installation.
13787 SDEL09B.ZIP 6,8 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
SafeDeleter v0.9bErinomainen ohjelma, joka varmistaa ettet vahingossa tuhoa tärkeitä tiedostoja. Poistetut tiedostot saa palautettua takaisin käden- käänteessä. SafeDeleterillä tiedostosi ovat turvassa! Reilusti luotettavampi kuin Undelete. Vaatii ARJ:n sekä 4Dos 5.50:n tai uudemman.
13788 SDIR301.ZIP 122,9 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
"Suomidir v3.01Suomalainen DIR-käskyn korvaaja. -Kertoo pitkän kuvauksen tiedostosta. -Tunnistaa 411 tiedostonnimen päätettä! -Windows95 yhteensopiva."
68279 SECPAD.ZIP 96378 27.10.1996 - - -
SecPad 110-A4 is Freeware Program for those,
who doesn't want to risk their safety. This
set comes with 2 safety programs that must be
installed in the same directory, a directory
that is accessible from any directory. Read
the manual.doc for more details.
13789 SEEK202.ZIP 17163 11.01.1995 - MBCD -
SEEK v2.02: small + fast file/text finder
Search for filenames or text content.
13790 SELAVI.ZIP 57388 19.02.1995 - - -
Selavi - tekstinhakuohjelma Dossille.
68291 SENTRY43.ZIP 101674 01.04.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
(V4.3) Sentry - Security for DOS/Windows/95.
Sentry is an extremely flexible program that
allows you to secure your system, individual
files,  Windows, Win 95 or any combination.
It supports up to 100 users with normal and
"SuperUser" access. Detailed log files help
keep track of activity. Expiry dates and a
mini message system help with user admin.
Mike Bobbitt [Mike.Bobbitt@AcadiaU.Ca]
13791 SETMODE.ZIP 46044 26.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Post Mortem presents Setmode 1.0. This is a
utility to use 320x200x256c progs with non-
standard resolutions! Freeware.
13792 SETSTAMP.ZIP 5674 03.02.1996 - - -
Set Distribution File And Time Stamps v1.0
Ohjelma muuttaa tiedostojen aikaleimat
haluamaksesi. Ymmärtää jokerimerkkejä.
Sisältää Pascal-lähdekoodin. Ilmainen.
13794 SG37.ZIP 103715 19.02.1996 - - -
Security Guard v3.7
A program that passcode  protects your
computer when booted  and uses the DOS
prompt  as  the passcode  prompt, giving
Security Guard its unknown presence of
protection. 1-5 passcodes,  Lock Up
features, passocde sens- itivity,  Log  File
(9  features), Anti-Virus (5 features),
Directory Secure (3 features + 20 user
defined directories), Protect features (5
features + 10 user defined protect files).
13795 SHARE-3.ZIP 1120819 16.05.1995 - - -
Shareware ohjelmia ja pelejä.
13796 SHOWSZ14.ZIP 61573 24.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ShowSize V1.4: Directory sizing utility (DOS)
Get a big picture of the disk space taken up
by various directories on your hard disk.
Ever wished for a DOS utility that can
quickly find the total occupied size of a
directory? ShowSize can help you do that and
more. It also lists occupied-sizes of the
top-level subdirs of a given dir. A real help
when cleaning up to get more disk space! Also
supports Win95 long names.
68368 SHRED163.ZIP 76162 01.04.1996 - - -
File Shredder for DOS Version 1.1
File Shredder for DOS provides advanced
data destruction capability for your DOS
personal computer. It mashes, dices, and
shreds sensitive files and is thousands of
times more secure and efficient than your
desktop paper shredder!
13797 SK475S.ZIP 435233 01.04.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso -
HyperDisk SpeedKit V4.75 from HyperWare
Contains the shareware versions of the world
famous HyperDisk, HyperKey, and HyperScreen
Utilities.  Also includes HyperRAM for CPU
speedup, and HyperCP, a windows control
panel, to monitor cache setup & performance
from within Windows. Documentation and
orderform included.
13798 SL33.ZIP 51,4 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Startlog v3.3Käynnistyksenseurantaohjelma, joka kirjoittaa tietokoneen käynnistyksen aikana päivämäärän ja kellonajan lokitiedostoon. Ohjelma ottaa huomioon kesä- ja talviajan vaihtumispäivämäärät. Vaatii DOS 4.0, PC 386 
13800 SLOW.ZIP 9515 01.10.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Tämä Ohjelma hidastaa konettasi vanhoja
pelejä varten.
13799 SLOW300.ZIP 11,6 kt 20.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
SLOW slows your PC down to use programs that do not support high clock rates or run too fast on new machines. Define hotkeys for on the fly speed selection, system time based triggering for interrupt hooking programs, and more.
68455 SM03151.ZIP 124295 26.07.1996 - - -
CyberLink  SmartMenu v0.35.51  Another gamma
version of good menu system by CyberLink. Has
many features.
68456 SM032.ZIP 164808 16.08.1996 - - -
SmartMenu v0.32 (C) CyberLink Written by :
Ville Huovinen ∙ This complete menusystem
includes : ∙ - User data base - Log system -
Small script language - Sub-Menu system -
Support for external programs (ie. module
player or picture viewer) ∙ This is full
freeware! DOWNLOAD IT!!! (No documentation
13801 SMARTM10.ZIP 5722 23.02.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
SMARTMEM resizes SmartDrive 4.0 - 5.0 cache
memory without having to reboot ! Ideal for
large DOS games. Boosts free XMS/EMS memory
for applications which would otherwise need
a "clean" boot. Freeware by Erik de Neve.
13802 SNF103SE.ZIP 143,1 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
System Sniffer v1.03 Special EditionCopyright (C) Tero Ripattila 1996-1998 A fabolous program to check your system config. Gives information on e.g. disk, memory, video, COM- and LPT-ports, CMOS, network and installed software. Supports also commandline mode. Feel free to send suggestions and bug reports to me via e- mail: tero.ripattila@kolumbus.fi. FULL sourcecode included.
13803 SNIFF103.ZIP 86 kt 25.07.1998 - - -
System Sniffer v1.03Copyright (C) Tero Ripattila 1996-1998 A fabolous program to check your system config. Gives information on e.g. disk, memory, video, COM- and LPT-ports, CMOS, network and installed software. Supports also commandline mode. Feel free to send suggestions and bug reports to me via e-mail: tero.ripattila@eudoramail.com.
13804 SNOOPY37.ZIP 5419 01.04.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
SNOOPY 3.7 -- A fast easy-to-use FREE utility
that allows user to read internal FILE_ID.DIZ
files in files compressed with ZIP, LHA, and
ARJ. Allows wildcards * and ?.  Output can be
directed to screen, printer or disk file.
(C)1996 and written by Bob Lotspeich.
13805 SOFTAUD.ZIP 24611 19.10.1995 - - -
SOFTAUD is a very simple utility for checking
what programs are installed on your users
machines. Whilst not having the capabilities
to identify the relevant programs from their
executable files, it does allow you to gain a
full directory listing of any bat, com, exe,
or compressed file (.lzh or .zip) on a users
machine without them knowing that you are
auditing them.
13806 SOFTL300.ZIP 33,7 kt 18.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Softool v3.00Powerful TSR tool that offers programmers and others: an ASCII table, a memory viewer with disassembler, a 32-bit calculator, a register viewer, a MCB viewer, an interrupt viewer, a register viewer, a scan code viewer.
13807 SPLITTV3.ZIP 32908 01.04.1996 - - -
File Splitter v3.0. Splits only to 2-10 pcs.
13808 SRDSK206.ZIP 73138 25.09.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
ReSizeable ramdisk 2.06. Copyright (c) 1995
Marko Kohtala. Released Jul 31st, 1995.
SRDISK is a virtual disk device driver and
controller capable of using over 32m of XMS
and EMS memory. The disk can be disabled and
it's size can be changed without rebooting.
Lots of other useful features.
13809 SSD.ARJ 44,9 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
Ultimate screensavers for DosCopyright (C) 1997 JJT SOFTWARE. Monta erilaista näytönsäästäjää dos:lle!
14108 SST53A.ZIP 41848 17.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
SST: the Supersonic Search Tool v. 5.3a
The ultimate Dos command line file finder.
Will search inside of ARC,ZIP,PKA,PAK,ZOO
ARJ and LZH archives. Can identify files
that have been compressed with PKLite.
True regular expression searching on
filenames. Filename exlusion. Built-in
ZIP archive error detection. Restrict
searches based on dates and file sizes.
Ability to do verified or unverified
14109 ST101.ZIP 12690 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ScanText - counts the number of lines in a
file or directory in which there are
occurences of a single word or a a string of
words. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
13810 ST201F.ZIP 37,4 kt 28.11.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
"Screen Thief v2.01SCREEN Thief v2.01 is a screen capture program that will capture the screens other programs cannot reach! Captures directly to .GIF.PCX.TIF or .BMP formatsupports all VGA modesplus extended support for SVGA and many specific graphics cards modes. Will even capture soft fonts in text mode (such as those used by DOS 6). Requires 286 AT or better with VGA display. Freeware. "
14113 STARMU71.ZIP 797530 12.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
STAR MENU for DOS 7.1 - The Ultimate DOS
Program Launcher! New Super-VGA graphics, new
color schemes; run Windows applications
directly from DOS. Many new menu options &
13811 STATUS12.ZIP 12 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
Status v1.2By Antero Laukkanen (97) 4DOS BTM -file. Lisää autoexec.batiin. -laskee tietokoneen käynnistysmäärät -+Paljon muuta tietoa! -Rekisteröinti 10mk!
13812 STONED10.ZIP 45807 21.01.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
StonEd HEX Editor v0.95
Added Features: - Copy to 4 different
clipboards. - Cut/Paste/Save clipboards. -
Edit program environment. - Edit Files upto
4Mb. - Doesn't need much memory. wanna make
it better ? let me know -> Tapio Stenfors..
Jousitie 8 15550 Nastola Finland.
68727 STOOL100.ZIP 28923 23.05.1996 - - -
Stools - FREEWAREA! v1.00
Stools on ohjelma jolla voit tutkia levyjesi
sisältöä ja muutella sitä. Nyt voit myös tu-
hota kokonaisia hakemistoja, ihmetellä kopi-
ointiin kuluvaa aikaa.. Tekijä: Gridle/NNY
(Santeri Saarimaa)
13813 STOOL101.ZIP 34987 03.07.1996 - - -
-= Stools =-      FREEWAREA!           1.01
Stools on ohjelma jolla voit tutkia levyjesi
sisältöä ja muutella sitä. Nyt uutta nopeam-
pi siirto, hakemistojen tilanviennin näyttö,
lajittelu ei minkään / nimen / koon / ajan /
päiväyksen & ajan mukaan.. Tekijä: Gridle/NNY
(Santeri Saarimaa)
14114 STRIP20.ZIP 264106 07.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
(v2.00) STRIP-Data File Code Stripper
OS/2 & DOS command line program
which removes the formating codes
from ASCII data files such as *.ipf and
*.html. This allows you to read and
spell check the 'normal' text. Registered
version will then reinsert codes. GUI for
OS/2 version.
Shareware: $10.
Author: lrcopp@mtu.edu
13814 STRT320.ZIP 148 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
StartMachine v3.20Ohjelma näyttää monta kertaa olet käynnistänyt koneesi tänään, tässä kuussa ja kaikkiaan. Lisänä mm. hieno salakomento, kaksi eri ulkoasua, voit valita miten se pitää taukoa. Voit halutessasi rekisteröidä ohjelman itsellesi täysin ilmaiseksi!
14115 STSH1652.ZIP 18458 28.02.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Stash v1.652: enemmän tilaa levykkeille
erilaisella alustuksella
14116 STUF10CS.ZIP 26116 06.03.1996 - 17215/tools.ISO -
STUFF 1.0  (c) by Santinon Cristian
Disk Space Optimizer.
Copy files from Hard Disk to Floppy
Disks optimizing  occupied space on
target drive. 4DOS / NDOS  support.
14119 SWAPCOM.ZIP 2728 27.02.1995 - 9326/The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso -
SwapCom vaihtaa kaksi COM-porttia keskenään
13815 SYMBOL58.ZIP 141450 07.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Mathomatic V5.8: Symbolic math program.
This program can automatically
solve, simplify, combine, and graph
algebraic equations, etc.  Does
calculus operations, too.  Runs
under MS-DOS or Windows.
13816 SYSCHK45.ZIP 120,5 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
System Info Checker v2.45System information utility provides complete details on devices installed in your system. Clean, easy to use menus show CPU, IRQs, BIOS Bus Type, Mouse Info, Port Info, IDE and SCSI disks, CD-ROM, TSR info, Network, Video, CMOS Memory info, speed, Windows, and lots more. Print out a complete configuration report on your system. The registration includes the APS Deluxe Utility Disk!
13817 T09.ZIP 20,6 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Braindead Type v0.9The ultimate replacer for Dos type-command. Supports wildcards. Freeware
14126 TARGET15.ZIP 73899 11.11.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Target v1.5 - The McAfee File Locator and
Manipulator. Search for files using date and
size ranges, grep-style wildcards and many
other options.
13818 TDEL263.ZIP 83,2 kt 18.09.1997 - 10847/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1998-CD1.iso -
T-Del v2.63The *PERFECT* replacement for the boring & poor DEL of MS-DOS/4DOS! Fast, colorful, reliable, secured, easy-to-use. Some of the options: many confirmation methods; many filters (size, date, age, attributes); percentage/quiet-mode; three wiping methods; update treeinfo; del empty dirs; recursive del; PARANOID feature; protect selected files...
13820 TEXTCODE.ZIP 11,1 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
TextcodeTextcode muuntaa binääritiedoston tekstiksi ja takaisin. Formaatti ei ole yhteensopiva UU-koodauksen kanssa, mutta se on vikasietoinen, eli ohjelma osaa parsia tiedoston kokoon lievästi vioittuneesta tekstitiedostosta. Ohjelmaa saa levittää vapaasti. By: TN.
14132 THEMENU1.ZIP 100954 23.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
The Menu ver 1.0
A very simple to set up menu. Brought to you
by ViperSoft SoftWare & Viper Consulting. '95
13821 TILA01.ZIP 7,4 kt 04.12.1997 - - -
Kovalevyn tarkistusohjelmaTitanSoft esittää: Kovalevyn tarkistus ohjelma. Tämä ohjelma tarkistaa kovalevyn tilan aina kun käynnistät koneen ja varoittaa jos kova levy on liian täynnä.
13822 TIMELOG1.ZIP 26146 04.11.1995 - - -
TIMELOG v1.1 is a simple program which will
record who used your computer when.  Pretty
useful for protective / paranoid people.
Source code in BASIC included.
13823 TIMFLY16.ZIP 234124 29.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Excellent Pop-up Date Reminder - Free
TIMEFLYS Date Reminder - Freeware v1.6 No
nagging or cumbersome calendars here. EASY
interface with quality features for those
who: - Only need a few timely reminders. -
Don't have time to learn a bunch of new
commands and procedures. - Prefer quick,
clean, unobtrusive operation. TIMEFLYS
reminds you of upcoming holidays (US) and
events.  Reminders are given 11, 4, and 1
day(s) before an event. TIMEFLYS is very easy
13824 TIP.ZIP 15,3 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
TipViewSmall and handy text file viewer. No file size limit! Search & printing functions. Created by Yoshi of 3G Design 1998 Requirements: None
13825 TKASC100.ZIP 8068 22.10.1995 - 17006/SuperHack CD.bin -
TKascii v1.00. This is ascii utility used to
see the ascii code of a specific key. Simple
but very useful, full C-sources included.
Written by Tommi Kari (C) 1995..
14134 TLB-A251.ZIP 211487 28.12.1994 renamed 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE
Requires the companion standard package,
14135 TLB-T251.ZIP 39549 28.12.1994 renamed 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
A small program to test compatibility with
successful, you may want to download
TLB-V251.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A251.ZIP.
14136 TLB-V251.ZIP 270452 28.12.1994 renamed 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more between
640k and 1 meg.  Compatible w/DOS 6, Win 3.1,
& all prot. mode software. Requires 8088 or
above and a supported shadow ram controller,
EMS, or R/W ram in the UMA.  Registration
fee: $29.95
14137 TLB-W251.ZIP 4598 28.12.1994 renamed 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
What's new in version 2.51 of THE LAST BYTE
13826 TNSPTL10.ZIP 28,6 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
"TnSps Toolpack v1.00Muutamia yksinkertaisia apuohjelmia DOS:ille. DAT-kello. FSP-filesplit. LC-ascii/bin rivien laskija. FREEWARE."
13827 TREE.ZIP 11,8 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
TreeAre you using DOS 7.0? Do you miss the usable TREE program? Well, here it is, of course with some enhancments. Created by Yoshi of 3G Design 1998. Requirements: None
13828 TSBAT146.ZIP 117266 12.04.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
A large collection of useful batch files and
batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo
Salmi. Self-contained. No exotic external
batch enhancers needed.
13829 TSTSR21.ZIP 96,9 kt 29.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Terminate and stay resident programs from Prof. Timo Salmi of the University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes alarm, disable, enough, keycount, leds, noboot, nobreak, nocapslc, numlock, pinpoint, resclock, rescloc2, shftcaps, shftnuml, sordino, timedown, timepest, timeup.
13830 TSUTIL22.ZIP 45,7 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
PC-hakkerin apuohjelmapaketti v2.2(C) 1997 Tecnic Software (TnSp) Sisältää DOS apuohjelmat: DAT v4.00, FSP v1.6 ja LC v2.50. Vaatii DOS 5 + 286CPU. FREEWAREA.
13831 TSUTIL42.ZIP 145561 30.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The first set of utilities from Prof. Timo
Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes
day, dird, dirs, dirw, dtetim, dtetimal,
grapinfo, pvmklo, pvmklohl, reset, stack,
sysinfo, timdif, timelog.
13832 TSUTLB21.ZIP 82203 30.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The second set of utilities from Prof.
Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland.
Includes chars, dire, setgra and touch.
13833 TSUTLC22.ZIP 106771 30.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The Third set of utilities from Prof.
Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland.
Includes the programs dirf, dirinfo,
doubles, dtedif, hidden, readonly, split,
sysfiles, whatdate, and zerofile.
13834 TSUTLD23.ZIP 90,3 kt 27.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The fourth set of utilities from Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland. Includes adjcurs.bat bigcurs.exe bigncurs.exe caps.exe file_id.diz files.exe keyrate.exe popscr.exe psk.exe pushscr.exe setprt.exe switchar.exe today.exe tsprog.inf tsutld.inf tsutld.nws vaasa.inf warmboot.exe
13835 TWK152B.ZIP 121,1 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
"TweakBios distribution fileThe following files should come with your program: TWEAKS.EXE - Registered version of the program file README.1ST - *Very* important information about the program HELP.TXT - ShortmanualCONFIG.DAT - Data file for the program *.DAT - Data files for different chips LICENCE.TXT - The licence agreement for TweakBIOS REVHIST.TXT - Revision History for TweakBIOS FILE_ID.DIZ - This distribution info file   Miro WikgrenDecember 2nd1997."
13836 UD16_V40.ZIP 4,4 Mt 03.12.1997 - MBCD -
UnixDos for Windows 95/NT/3.11 and MS-DOS All the functionality of 62 UNIX utilities plus 21 new useful utilities. 30 day demo. MS-DOS/Windows 3.1x version
13837 UFO12ESW.ZIP 287211 06.03.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
UFO - Universal File Operator v1.2 - The
Definitive Norton-Style Commander. New in
v1.2: Faster, 4DOS-Support, Edit files inside
archives! FileFind, "Brief" Mode, Advanced
Filter, etc. 3D-Design Archives like SubDirs,
file_id.diz is displayed like dirinfo in
archives, PowerManagement, Creates extension
file automatically, Logfile, Drag & Drop,
TSRdetection, OnLineHelp.
13838 UNHTML10.ZIP 48668 28.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
unhtml v1.0
HTML code remover for MS-DOS and OS/2 Warp.
Includes 32bit MS-DOS extender. OS/2 version
requires EMX runtime v0.9b. Freeware.
13839 UNSTAL02.ZIP 46363 12.02.1995 - MBCD -
Rosenthal UnInstall v2  - Safely remove
unwanted Windows and DOS programs. All new
files, directories and system changes may be
kept or automatically removed and the system
restored. Supports single and network DOS and
Windows users. This Rosenthal  Engineering
program is an absolute necessity for anyone
trying out new shareware, CD-ROMs or demos.
14158 UTL115.ZIP 172254 07.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Utilites with File Viewer and Printer support
programs. From MicroFox Company, member of
, {STAR}, and [ASAD]. There are a number
of printer utilites for specific printers and
commands that can be used in batch files to
do things that DOS can't do. It also a
contains a telephone dialer, a forms filler
and printer, and much more...
13840 V1V200.ZIP 62698 02.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
V1 v2.00 - Efficient File Manager. Colour
files by name or attrib, add descriptions.
Edit names. Copy/move dirs, even into
archives. Easy archive handling. Background
directory sizing. Associate apps with files.
Compare directories. Search disk for dir. XMS
swapping. Built in file viewer with
background reading. Filename completion in
dialogs. SVGA, 4DOS, UNIX, MAC support. Fully
Programmable. Only 32K on disk!
13841 VAP_TIL.ZIP 14 kt 24.03.1998 - - -
Tämä ohjelma näyttää nämä tiedot: Vapaan muistin Vapaan pinotilan Ja vapaan taulukkotilan by: banAAni / Silakka Software
13842 VC400SW.ZIP 93,3 kt 13.03.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Volkov Commander v4.0Shareware version.
14165 VLIST7B.ZIP 43481 07.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
VLIST - An Enhanced "FIND" function
A search function to look inside
files of every sort to locate a
text string - handles EXE, COM, and
spreadsheet files, and gives a
detailed output report. NOW has many
new features, is mouseable! Bug fix
for very large lists.
Revision 7b, Nov 15 1995
13845 VOLUME.ZIP 7,4 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Alfware VolumeTämä arpoo uuden nimen kovalelyllesi.
69908 WASTE10.ZIP 6757 13.01.1996 - 1975/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 2.iso tupla
Wasted Hard Drive Space Reporter v1.0
DOS stores files in groupings called
clusters. Even if a file only partially uses
a cluster, DOS registers the whole cluster as
being in use, wasting the remaining unused
sectors in that cluster.  On average DOS
wastes 1/2 a cluster for every file on your
hard disk! This program will report how much
space you are loosing and help you decide if
you will
14175 WASTED15.ZIP 24445 28.07.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WASTED v1.5 - Recurses subdirectories and
reports the amount of space being wasted due
to large cluster sizes. Pascal sourcecode
included. (06/26/1995)
13846 WCD18SRC.ZIP 263,8 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
WCD v1.8Powerful directory changer for DOS(-box) and Unix. w/ C src.  - let the user choose in case of multiple match - regular expressions (wildcards *, ? and SET) supported - subdir definition possible. Eg. WCD SUBDIRA/SUBDIRB - long directory-names support in Win95 Dosbox - free portable source-code - DOS 16 bit, DOS 32 bit, DOS bash Windows 3.1 dos-box, Windows 95 dos-box Unix ksh, csh and bash
13847 WDIR405.ZIP 16,9 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
WestDir v4.05By Risto Westman. Suomalainen DIR-korvike. Näyttää tiedostot eri väreillä neljässä palkissa. Isojen tiedostojen koot näkyvät suoraan megatavuina. Näyttää myös hakemistojen koot. Tekijälle voi lähettää palautetta emaililla. TÄYSIN ILMAINEN!
14181 WJT_C03.ZIP 101956 07.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
This is the DOS command line version of
the WILDHARE JPEG tester.  Use it to
test your jpegs before you upload!
Now supports WLICARDS!
14182 WML28C.ZIP 465066 23.12.1995 - - -
Professional list organizer prints labels,
envelopes, phone book. Dot matrix & laser.
Scalable & soft font support. Import/export.
Dup check. PostNET bar codes. USA, Canada,
and International. Runs on any PC w/400k RAM
*NEW* CAR-RT SORT; fixed Int'l & Cdn dates.
A Babudro, Organic Computer Wizardry - $49
13848 XCRYPT10.ZIP 6,8 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
X-Crypt v1.0A simple crypter program for anybody who wants to keep information hide from "strangers" "The truth is in here" (C) Tuomas Laatikainen.
13849 XDOS500.ZIP 1047499 17.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
extrados ToolBox v5.00 A collection of over
50 DOS utilities. Includes turbobat,
speedram, Tidy, CleanUp and many more. All
utilities wrk with DOS 6.0. Shareware
registration form and manual included. From
13850 XE420.ZIP 52777 10.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
heXEdit v4.2 Edit/Display files as hex dump-
XE is a full screen DOS text based program
that can edit/display any file as hexadecimal
numbers; with ASCII characters too. Features:
search for a sequence of bytes or text chars,
display ASCII chart, convert numbers to a
different base (dec,hex,bin), change colors,
change file attributes, shell out to DOS or
user specified program. Works on monochrome
too. Freeware, by Robert Stuntz.
13851 XED11B.ZIP 171040 24.03.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
XED is a powerful HEX/ASCII/BINARY file
editor. Unlimited file size. 28/43/50 line
modes. Mouse support. Edit,insert and delete
data from any file. Undo. Search & Replace.
Goto offsets, marks/lists. ASCII tables; DOS
shell. Menus. File info. Show/edit binary.
Generate C data files. C like assignments.
Bitwise edits. 3 text filters. Unassembler. A
fast, friendly and indispensable tool. 
Australian Shareware. US$15.
13852 XLOG_10F.ZIP 39035 26.07.1996 - - -
xLog 1.0 (final)            (c) xWorks
Activity stats maker. Uses 4DOS-style logfile
to create statistics which show what programs
you have used, and how many times each was
executed. Exlude-lists, sorted output, smart
filter systems and more. FREEWARE.
13853 XVIEW35B.ZIP 157548 18.10.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
The Game Team proudly presents X-View 3.5.
Use X-View as your new Filemanager!
* 100% Graphical Menu Interface
* Mouse and CD-Rom(s) supported
13854 YAHE110.ZIP 127294 15.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
YAHE (Yet Another Hex Editor) that may be
another but ITS THE BEST. Search 35 meg a
minute through up to 4 gig per file. A must
have for cdrom publishers & programmers. View
hex or ASCII. Search forward or backwards.
Cut sections from large files. Version 1.10
Winsor Computing.
13855 ZAPIT307.ZIP 46,3 kt 02.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
Zap-It v3.07Hex file/disk editor Zap-It includes lots of features like Search any text/Search specific text/ Replace/Cut/Copy/Paste/Calculator/Start new file/Jump/Menus and lots more. This program will allow the user to edit files, diskettes and harddisks in hex mode. Released: 2 january 1996 Author: Elmer Productions (ep@dds.nl)
70438 ZAPIT307.ZIP 47454 03.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
(v3.07) Zap-It - Hex file/disk editor Zap-It
includes lots of features like Search any
text/Search specific text/
Replace/Cut/Copy/Paste/Calculator/Start new
file/Jump/Menus and lots more. This program
will allow the user to edit files, diskettes
and harddisks in hex mode. Released: 2
january 1996 Author: Elmer Productions
13856 ZCPY31.ZIP 44266 31.05.1995 - MBCD -
ZCOPY V3.1 - XCOPY replacement, copies whole
directories and/or files, can skip same
files, copies attributes/date and time,
copies read/only, hidden and system files,
synchronize dirs, conditional date/time copy,
and gives more information about the copy
process. *FREEWARE* Copyright (C) 1994 C.
70449 ZDIFF22.ZIP 88794 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
ZDiff 2.2 visually compares
directories, archives and lists - any
combination! -> it's FAST ! Supports
32-bit or 16-bit CRC comparison. Diffs
color highlighted. VGA display and
mouse, Turbo Vision user interface.
A VERY powerful tool, easy to use,
saves time! Upl/Auth:C.Dubourg
13857 ZDIFF23.ZIP 91690 18.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ZDiff 2.3 visually compares
directories, archives and lists - any
combination! -> it's FAST ! Compares
32-bit or 16-bit CRC comparison. Diffs
color highlighted in two synchronized
windows, Turbo Vision user interface.
A VERY powerful tool, easy to use,
saves time! Upl/Auth:C.Dubourg
13858 ZIP202.ZIP 43718 23.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO tupla
ZIP 2.02 is a tiny utility to transfer files
between computers (desktop, notebook, or
handheld) over a serial cable at high speed
(115,200 bps).  Faster than many similar
programs; no memory-resident drivers; user
configurable. Menu driven, or command line
operation (works well in batch files). Can
compare directories, back up changed files or
entire directory trees.  Requires IBM PC
compatibles, "null modem" serial cable.
13859 ZIPPER54.ZIP 27146 01.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Se Aito tiedostojen luettelointiohjelma
Luetteloi pakattujen/itsepurkautuvien
tiedostojen kuvaukset, GIF- & JPG-
kuvatiedostojen resoluutiotiedot jne.
Helppo oppia, hiiriohjaus, toiminta-
kohtaiset avusteet. Suomenkielinen!
13860 ZTOUCH.ZIP 10932 06.03.1995 - zorlim.fiiu.org -
Extended Touch for DOS by Zorlim
This program allows you to modify file dates
and times freely. Allso mask operations
allowed (*.exe) All comments to
Luetteloi pakattujen/itsepurkautuvien
kuvatiedostojen resoluutiotiedot jne.
Helppo oppia, hiiriohjaus, toiminta-
kohtaiset avusteet. Suomenkielinen!
Se Aito tiedostojen luettelointiohjelma
tiedostojen kuvaukset, GIF- & JPG-
13863 1997NFL.ZIP 99,2 kt 14.04.1998 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
1997 FOOTBALL GUIDE v97.1 - Interactive Guide to the NFL season. Great Office Pool program! Players enter their picks each week and so does the FBG. Can you Out-Pick the FOOTBALL GUIDE? Contains the 1997 schedules, keeps standings and results. Easy to use! Ranks Players in the Office Pool. Printouts, etc.
13891 CCACHE11.ZIP 132,9 kt 25.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
DOS CONCURRENT DISK CACHE 1.10 - A concurrent disk cache program to handle one floppy, one (E)IDE disk, and SCSI disks as many as there in parallel with DOS and user programs. Where possible, devices are operated in parallel. Includes a reentrant SCSI disk driver and a floppy mini driver. All programs are operational and documented. Works on 386 and later. Win3.1x compatible. Core algorithm is patent pending.
13920 DE_V020.ZIP 20,1 kt 12.06.1996 - 10843/Simtel-MSDOS-Jun1996-CD1.iso tupla
DISK-EASE v0.2.0  Floppy disk indexer Allows you to keep better track of your disks. Add, search, and update the log easily. Also makes it easier to find a disk with enough space to store new files. No more inserting multiple floppies trying to find the one you want! New features for this version include indexing archives within ZIP files, and ability to print data to text file. (Shareware $20)
13925 EREAD12.ZIP 40,7 kt 22.08.1997 - - -
E-MAIL LIST READER V1.0 If you want to read your Ellu nicely with some program, use this program. You need some version of Ellu to run this program.
13939 FD53DOS.ZIP 148,6 kt 12.05.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
FILEDUDE 5.3 (DOS) - Great RG file manager! Imports all CD-ROM formats, DIZ, and SDI. Makes filelists, converts archives, virus scans.  Pulldown menu system, and very easy to install.  Professional.
13950 FMAN13.ZIP 117,4 kt 12.05.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FMAN v1.3 - A compact MS-DOS File Manager that lets you maintain Annotated Directory Listings to help overcome the DOS 8-plus-3 naming convention. Features include Copy, Move, Delete, File Search, Directory Sort. Run executable programs with command line parameters, and View text files. Selectable screen colors. Fully Functional Shareware.
13952 FS251.ZIP 288,5 kt 19.07.1997 - sac.sk -
File Selector v2.51 (Tomohumi Kodama;$35) - An integration of a file/directory manager, an archive manager, a connector of file extensions with file viewer/ player, a boot manager, a file finder, an easy DOS menu and a binary file editor. It can run an OS/2 program from DOS session of OS/2 2.1 or later.
13958 GEARGN11.ZIP 183,2 kt 25.03.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
Geargen is a software gear generator intended for the use of engineers, machinists, and draftsmen engaged in the design and production of spur gears.  Output a dfx cad file or G- code for wire edm.
13979 HTMST702.ZIP 172 kt 10.04.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
HTMSTRIP.EXE (7.02):  Processes and removes embedded HTML commands from Web pages downloaded from the Web.  Reflows paragraphs, processes tables, etc as straight ASCII text.  Can function on individually-saved pages or else process your entire disk cache.  Ideal tool for resending via e-mail or dozens of different uses.  Awarded a "Best" rating by "PC Computing" in their July 1996
13983 IHPFS125.ZIP 55,1 kt 14.07.1997 - - -
iHPFS v1.25. An HPFS Driver for DOS.
13984 IHPFS126.ZIP 55,6 kt 15.12.1997 - 21772/PCOnline_02_1998.iso -
iHPFS v1.26. An HPFS Driver for DOS.
13985 INDEXR23.ZIP 12 kt 17.10.1997 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
Indexer v2.3. This program creates an index using sentences sent for input together with a page number.
14035 MPLUS261.ZIP 285,2 kt 01.05.1997 - - -
MPLUS 2.6 Mailing List System   Simple yet full-featured mailing system has user-configurable features, supports international mailing needs, duplicate checking, phone dialing, record tagging, import and export, form letters, and more! Perfect for home or business. Author: Rosemary West. See VENDINFO.DIZ and MPINFO.TXT for more information.
14044 NPN142.EXE 69,7 kt 31.08.1997 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Nimipäivän Näyttäjä v1.4.2FINAL
14057 PCIDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
PC Insight demo DOS & Windows This demo version has a small sample images, animations and text in the full-working version of PC Insight, which contains: - Detailed buyer\'s tips for informed hardware purchasing decisions - Installation tips for making hardware and software upgrades - Over 1,400 text items - Over 130 full color images (this demo contains 34 images) - A wealth of "Topics" information on various subjects, including the history of computing, tips and
14091 REGI11.ZIP 31 kt 23.01.1998 - - -
Register - automaattinen rekisteröinti- kaavakkeen teko ohjelma. Shareware, rekisteröinti 13 mk.
14093 RFIND10.ZIP 24,2 kt 09.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
RFind is a dos file finder & processing utility (very much like unix find). With RF you can search files on a drive using a range of different attributes.
14096 RV251.ZIP 23,6 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
RView v2.51. Customizable archive lister & utility. Currently supported are ARC, ARJ, HYP, LZH, LZS, PAK, SQZ, ZIP & ZOO. Displays ZIP- or LZH-style compression ratios. Various sort options. Converts self-extracting archives back to normal. Misc. other features.
14106 SREC2BIN.ZIP 47 kt 09.11.1997 - - -
Srec2bin - Motorola S-Record to binary file converter.
14130 TFIN09.ZIP 19,5 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Braindead Typ v0.9. Suomenkielinen versio, yleisön pyynnöstä. Komennot kokonaan suomeksi.
14138 TL-OS01.ZIP 18,3 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
TL-OS v0.1 alpha MS-Dos:in päälle pohjautuva käyttöliittymä, jonka avulla voit hoitaa monia tärkeitä asioita.  (C) Tuomas Laatikainen 1997
14143 TSFUNC15.ZIP 71,3 kt 29.07.1997 - 10847/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1998-CD1.iso -
"Programs to plot/calculate functions by Prof. Timo Salmi of the University of VaasaFinland. Contains:  FN  Calculator (evaluates functions)  FNP Plots any function  FNT Tabulates users function"
14148 TURKISH2.ZIP 74,4 kt 09.11.1997 - 21570/Educate.zip -
Turkish Tutor 2.0 Second release. A package for learning Turkish.
14149 TWILS210.ZIP 11,1 kt 18.07.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Twilight Sentinel is a tiny screen saver that blacks the screen instead of displaying fancy animations on it. Needs only 704 bytes in memory.
14150 TYPO101.ZIP 9,6 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
Pienimuotoinen tiedostonnäyttäjä, mahdollistaa korvausmerkkien käytön tiedosto- nimissä. Suomen ja englanninkieliset versiot! TYPO on parannettu versio DOS:in type-käskys- tä. Freeware!
14164 VIM42R16.ZIP 579,3 kt 22.10.1997 - 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD2.iso -
Vim v4.2 : VI iMproved. Vim is an almost compatible version ot the UNIX editor vi. This editor is very useful for editing programs and other plain ASCII files. Some features included: command line history, filename completion, block operations, multi level undo. 16-bit textmode version.
14166 VOCALI20.ZIP 13,2 kt 09.11.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
Vocali 2.0. This program was written to allow changing stressed vowels to normal vowels followed by stress in messages. Vocali also allows changing any character after ASCII-127 with any sequence of characters. Fully configurable.
14171 VPR303.ZIP 216,1 kt 21.04.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Vocabulary Power v3.03 < SP> Automatically create word searches, bingo cards, magic  number squares, matching and multiple choice  quizzes, flash cards, cryptolists, and juggle word activities from your words and clues.  Includes foreign language character support.  Your word lists are 100% compatible with  Crossword Power. 
14174 WASTE10.ZIP 6,6 kt 12.01.1996 - 1975/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 2.iso tupla
Wasted Hard Drive Space Reporter v1.0 DOS stores files in groupings called clusters. Even if a file only partially uses a cluster, DOS registers the whole cluster as being in use, wasting the remaining unused sectors in that cluster.  On average DOS wastes 1/2 a cluster for every file on your hard disk! This program will report how much space you are loosing and help you decide if you will
14185 X1DOS95A.ZIP 290,5 kt 06.10.1997 - sac.sk -
x1dos95a.zip   X1 archiver *beta* v0.95a for DOS/Win95  This file should replace older versions whereever possible due to a major problem with older versions.
14186 X1MAN94J.ZIP 224,1 kt 02.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
x1man94j.zip   X1 archiver manual/docs for versions around 0.94j  English/UK x1user.doc updated to 0.94j with new options danish/DK x1user.doc updated to 0.94j level French/FR x1user.doc added and corrected (english sentences removed) Changed x1disclaimer.?? for all languages (by S.V.) to more/less extent Czech tools(+source) added.
5948 _UBBS300.ZIP 514904 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
The original ULTIMATE BBS LIST!  New release,
with faster search routines and a new look.
Check this one out, it's not like any other.
Registered users get the updated national
database.  Just send us your database and it
is added to the national database, then you
download the new one.  Updated nightly!
60092 13_DMTRX.ZIP 80635 23.12.1995 - - -
This  program  allows you to set up your
Compatible with TRiBBS 1o.o  (or any BBS
using DOOR.SYS, and many, many more).
FEATURES INCLUDE: Create Ansi, place the
doors where you want to using  XPOS/YPOS
in the config file,  stack  doors within
5929 1BNK101.ZIP 87998 23.02.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
1STBANK A TriBBS 10.x specific time bank.
Configurable for maximum amount of time that
can be stored, and max amount of time that
that can be deposited or withdrawn in any 1
day.  Also has definable limits by security
levels, reports to callers log unless
disabled, Multi-node aware, easily
configurable. Withdrawals not allowed when
events are pending. Includes sysop editor to
edit accounts when necessary. (minor update)
5930 1MM0801.ZIP 51813 06.06.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
MultiMail Version .801 Alpha!
MultiMail! The first QWK/QWKE/BlueWave
Door for TriBBS! Features: On the Fly
Menu Creations, Editable Menus, PKZIP,
LHA, ARJ compression, Fixes USER.SPM
Files from Corruption. And Much More!
Test Drive version, fully functional.
Note: This version is for testing purposes
5931 2TF_V101.ZIP 291599 23.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
The Forest ][ V1.01
First Public Release
Released Nov 13/95
5932 4SALE1.ZIP 15720 03.02.1996 - 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip -
4SALE.PPE - For PCBoard v15.22+ Let's a
caller place an ad in two formats. A 3 line
bulletin ad and a more detailed ad that is
viewed within the PPE. The Sysop can use the
BLT AD in bulletins or display files.
FREEWARE from BootSoft!
14204 ABOOT200.ZIP 24 kt 07.07.1997 - - tupla
AutoBoot on DOS TSR 2.00Se tarkkailee fossiilin aktiivisuutta ja prosessorin aktiivisuutta, jos purkkisi kaatuu AutoBoot boottaa koneen ja mahdollistaa purkin uudelleen käynnistä- misen autoexec.bat:in kautta.
5934 ADF_142.ZIP 33981 04.12.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ADF v1.42 serial port FOSSIL driver
ADF is a serial port FOSSIL driver for high
speed modem users. Supports FIFO UARTs 16550,
16650 and 16750, 115200 bps, any port, any
IRQ, any FIFO trigger level, FOSSIL rev level
5 and multitasking environments (such as
Windows 3, Windows 95 and OS/2).
5935 ADOPT34.ZIP 97253 06.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
From the Sunrise Door Collection.
Runs after any door program and prior to
returning to the BBS. Displays a formatted
screen promoting the ADOPT-A-DOOR concept or
you can replace with your own screen message!
Has the option to define which security
levels should bypass running the door! NOW
supports Multi-port cards using Fossil Driver
60491 AFIX420E.ZIP 471698 16.08.1994 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ALLFIX is the most complete file
echo processor available. ALLFIX
offers such features as automatic
archive conversion, automaticly
updating alias files, 4-D point
addressing, XMS/EMS support,
complete AreaMgr support, Uplink
AreaMgr support, FileID.DIZ support,
built in TicPack support, new file
reports, support for RemoteAccess,
SuperBBS, QuickBBS, Maximus and
EzyCom, PCBoard, and much much more.
60492 AFIX432E.ZIP 699227 06.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ALLFIX v4.32 Evaluation Version. ALLFIX is
the most complete FileEcho utility available.
No other program offers the large number of
features that are part of the ALLFIX package.
Full support for RemoteAccess, SuperBBS,
QuickBBS, Ezycom, Maximus, ProBoard,
Renegade, Telegard, SpitFire, TriBBS, TAG,
SearchLight, SynchroNet, PCBoard, and any
conventional FILES.BBS style BBS. ALLFIX
supports the RA 2.5x and PCBoard file
14207 AFX_441.ZIP 856,6 kt 31.03.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
ALLFIX v4.41 fileecho utility  ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features:  * Full support for RemoteAccess, SuperBBS, QuickBBS, Ezycom, Maximus, ProBoard, Renegade, Telegard, SpitFire, TriBBS, TAG, SearchLight, SynchroNet, PCBoard, and any conventional FILES.BBS style BBS. ALLFIX supports the RA 2.5x and PCBoard file databases * Fully functional request
5937 ALLEXE21.ZIP 124115 06.06.1996 - - -
ALL2EXE v2.1a (allfiles-list to *.exe !)
Bugfix for All2Exe v2.0c!
Major update! Added several features!
This program is for Sysop's who want to
give their users a nice service, like a
selfexecuting allfiles-list. This program
compiles your allfiles-list into an *.EXE-
file. The *.EXE-file contains a viewer
to easily browse the allfiles-list with.
When you run this *.EXE-file you get a
14209 ALLFIL62.ZIP 40,9 kt 05.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Allfiles v6.2 for Waffle v1.65 Scan a Waffle 1.65 dirs file and associated directory information files, creating a set of directory /info files and summary listings. Produce extra information on some special file types (gif, jpg, bin).
5939 ANCE10B2.ZIP 36545 23.02.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
ANNOUNCE v10.0 (b2).  by Robert Meier.
TriBBS 10.0 compatible
A TriBBS utility that publicly announces
new and uploaded files in any mail
conference of your choice.  This version
posts announcements to the TriBBS
message base, and also has its own
configuration program similar to
TriToss/Pro which makes Announce very
easy to setup and use!  There are also
5940 ANTI140.ZIP 76930 07.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
AntiAd v1.40 - The ultimate BBS ad detection
and removal utility. Uses 3 methods to detect
BBS ads: a conventional database algorithm
for static BBS ads, a keyword algorithm for
ads that are changed frequently and filename
detection for tiny BBS ads that are not
mathematically unique. AntiAd's keyword
algorithm can detect extensively modified BBS
ad files that fools other detection schemes!
Includes a native 32-bit OS/2 version!
5941 ARCON2_6.ZIP 45009 02.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
ARCON.EXE V2.6 Automatic archive format
converter with the ability to add files to
the destination archive. Useful for Sysops
who want all the files on the BBS in the same
format and want to add BBS adverts to each
archive. Can also be used from RemoteAccess
RAMGR.EXE to convert files and add BBS
5942 AROM200.ZIP 53775 09.08.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
Autorom v2.00 - CDROM Changer Door for
RemoteAccess 2.02. Allows BBSs to use more
CDROMs than they have CDROM drives!
61060 ATPLUS10.ZIP 59639 16.08.1994 - 8080/premium.zip -
ATPlus v1.0 - Send "AT" commands to your
modem from the DOS command line. Accepts
command line switches, or reads from its
configuration file.  Works with or w/out
a FOSSIL driver and supports COM1 - COM4
including non-standard ports. Output can
be redirected, or suppressed.  Shareware
from Alien Archives!. (09-18-93)
14214 AUCTION1.ZIP 97,3 kt 02.10.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Auction It! 1.0 Online Auction DoorMultinod Multinode. Bid while viewing items. Self Maintainance provides for hassle free functioning.BETAversion Multitasking Time Slice Give Back is featured this door.  ManyMany options for both the s and the buyer. "
14216 AUR134A.ZIP 184,1 kt 25.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b Swedish version.
14215 AUR134AS.ZIP 122,9 kt 25.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b sources in C.
14217 AUR134AZ.ZIP 183,4 kt 25.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b English version.
5947 AUTODEL.ZIP 22852 04.12.1996 - 20189/2015-02-12.fidonet.org.ua.tar -
AutoDel for Allfix.  AutoDel will remove
fileareas that are no longer listed from your
Allfix setup. Includes DOS versions for
Allfix 4.3x and 4.4x.  By Dave Blagburn
14219 AVB103.ZIP 50,1 kt 22.08.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
AVB: The Auto-Verification Bulletin Board AVB is a program that runs as a door in your BBS, allowing your users to add BBSes to the list. AVB reads the list and calls to those BBSes on the list and puts only BBSes that are online to the list, keeping your BBS-list accurate.
14220 AVTDH1_0.ZIP 89214 02.01.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
AVTDH V1.0 On-Line archive viewer for most
BBS types. Allow your users to look inside
archives while on line. RemoteAccess users
can even allow files to be extracted
14221 AVU_13.ZIP 155673 04.12.1996 - - -
Archive View 1.3 for Wildcat 4.1x. wcCode app
runs in place of viewcomp.bat and displays
.ZIP and .TXT files. Uses freeware Unzip
(included). Freeware. Compiled using wcCode
61238 BBBASICS.ZIP 12307 16.08.1994 - 7026/SHAR194.ISO tupla
BBS Basics, information for new BBS users!
Reprinted Courtesy Pasco BBS Magazine.
61240 BBBS_2.ZIP 516287 19.10.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso tupla
Bbbs/2 V3.14.95 GT Executables. Complete BBS
Package With Full Fidonet, TCP/IP, Capi And
Long Filenames. Can Initiate Fidonet Mail
Over TCP/IP. Telnet, Rlogin And Finger. Can
Poll Nntp Servers. Also Requires Bbbs
gen.EXE, And HPFS Partition.
61241 BBBS_D.LZH 398598 11.10.1994 - - -
BBBS-boksiohjelmisto DOS-käyttöjärjestelmälle
61242 BBBS_GEN.LZH 285954 11.10.1994 - - -
BBBS-boksohjelmiston aputiedostoja
61239 BBBSHELP.1 126623 08.08.1994 - - -
BBBS-ohjelman ohjetekstit
14222 BBBSRD.ZIP 1,6 Mt 31.01.2000 - archives.thebbs.org eritupla
BBBS v4.00 MP for PC-DOS/Intel.Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice, multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA, multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA. http://www.bbbs.net
14223 BBCHAT10.ZIP 30,2 kt 03.10.1997 - 11970/ -
BlackBoard Chat/Page Door 1.0 Beta - a sysop page program with ANSI, sounds and logging features.
14224 BBPRO14.ZIP 40,2 kt 03.10.1997 - 11970/ -
BlackBoard Profile Door 1.0 - a profiler where users can enter information of themselves, such as looks and personality. This helps to get users to know other users in the BBS.
14225 BBROUL12.ZIP 69741 23.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
BBS Roulette v1.2. Full screen ANSI Roulette
DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W
Software. NEW: support for FOSSIL ports > 8,
Windows and OS/2 time slices released, alias
support (DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
ANSI animation, Multi-node support, easy
setup and no maintenance.
14226 BBS2HTML.ZIP 46620 21.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BBS2HTML v1.0p Conversion Utility Converts
FILES.BBS listings to HTML Put you file
collection on the WEB! Easy, automated,
Wildcat, TBBS or any system that supports
FILES.BBS file formats. Don't get left
14227 BBSADS20.ZIP 109373 06.10.1995 - 9326/The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso -
BBS-DOOR Version. BBS Advertisements is now
yours to put on your board. Configurable for
different callers to select the location in
which the caller is interested in. A great
program by FREMONT Software.
61249 BBSEXT19.ZIP 39353 16.08.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
V.Buerg's BBS Sysop's Utility Bbsextra V1.9.
Determines And Lists Missing, Extra, And
Duplicate Downloadable Files by Comparing
Dirnn Lists to The Contents of Specified
Download Path. 9/01/91. V1.9 is Faster And
Supports Listings of up to 32,000
Downloadable Files.
14228 BBSFIND.ZIP 55,7 kt 06.08.1997 - 13848/Kirks_Comm_Disc_Walnut_Creek_July_1994.iso -
"BBS Search v2.0 off-line file search. This program is designed to easily and quicky search off-line for files located on most BBSs.  Although it was designed for a particular format of output used by many Wildcat BBSsit will work on almost any other BBS file-list or almost any type of ascii text file."
14229 BBSKIT.ZIP 59261 05.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
BBSkit is   more than a BBS toolkit.  It has
the capability of writing complete door
programs, accessible to other, pre-written
software.  The only requirement is   that
your host BBS software  also uses a FOSSIL
driver.  BBSkit can still take care of all
the low-level work.
14230 BBSMENU.ZIP 25,6 kt 06.08.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
"BBS Search v2.0 off-line file search. This program is designed to easily and quickly search off-line for files located on most BBSs. Although it was designed for a particular format of output used by many Wildcat BBSsit will work on almost any other BBS file-list or almost any type of ascii text file."
14231 BBSVP101.ZIP 49320 23.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
BBS Video Poker v1.01 Nov. 1995
(Jacks-or-better). DOOR.SYS,
compatible. (Optional) Fossil
and multinode support. 1200 BPS
to 115,200 BPS. Non-standard com
port addrs and IRQs support.
14232 BDOS_260.ZIP 205248 31.12.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BinkleyTerm Dos v2.60.
14233 BFSTAT27.ZIP 39347 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BFSTAT v2.7 for Spitfire v3.51
UPDATED CODE!  Supports unlimited CD-Rom
drives, 8 nodes and 10 baud rates! Makes
1 to 4 bulletins of your choice!  Simple
to use!  Sysop configurable colors when
registered! Runs as an event! Super FAST
pascal code!   A "MUST" for the SPITFIRE
Sysop!   Registration is QUICK and EASY!
14234 BIODOOR3.ZIP 80,8 kt 02.10.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
"Biodoor v3.0 -- A door where callers can get to know each other. Profilesmail systemgraffiti wallslive chatvoting centerclassifiedsnewsletterprofanity filterflowersmarriagesand more!! Get this nowyour BBS wont be so boring again."
14235 BIOSCAN2.ZIP 95,1 kt 02.10.1997 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BioScan Version 2.0 Online Biorythm Door Program. Features "Real Time" Bar Graph and Empirical Graph. Also Allows User to Download Emperical Graph File When Exiting Door.
14236 BLEED104.ZIP 45681 30.12.1995 - - -
The Bleeding Cave 1 - Version 0.4 -  Game or
C or BBS! The object of this game is to get
through the getting killed by any monsters.
ANSI.SYS is required ame and this game will
run on just about every BBS that has a modem
on COM1 or COM2.
14237 BNU202.ZIP 73894 06.10.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Bnu 2.02 fossiili com-ajuri dossille.
14238 BW310TG.ZIP 333058 30.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Telegard
Version 3.10 of the world's most popular and
easy to use offline mail door!  Features
include internal protocols, flexible message
packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
integration with BBS security features, more.
Installs easily in minutes!  (Telegard v3.0
or later required.)
14239 BW311MAX.ZIP 364165 02.01.1996 - 11970/ -
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus-DOS
Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and
easy to use offline mail door!  Features
include internal protocols, flexible message
packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
integration with BBS security features, more.
Installs easily in minutes!  (Maximus v2.00
or later required.)
14240 BW311QB.ZIP 320237 02.01.1996 - 11970/ -
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/QuickBBS
V3.11 of the world's most popular and easy to
use offline mail door!  Features include
internal protocols, flexible message packing
options, SysOp-controlled limits and
restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
integration with BBS security features, more.
Installs easily in minutes!  (QuickBBS v2.80
or later required.)
61753 BW311RA.ZIP 325678 02.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso tupla
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/RemoteAccess
Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and
easy to use offline mail door!  Features
include internal protocols, flexible message
packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
integration with BBS security features, more.
Installs easily in minutes!  (RemoteAccess
v2.00 or later required.)
14241 BW320RA.ZIP 330640 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/RemoteAccess
Version 3.20 of the world's most popular and
easy to use offline mail door!  Features
include internal protocols, flexible message
packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and
restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido
to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full
integration with BBS security features, more.
Installs easily in minutes!  (RemoteAccess
v2.00-2.50 required.)
14242 BWRF062.ZIP 36,2 kt 10.01.2000 - - -
BWREPFIX, special 8086 version, 0.62 Beta A program to repair *.MSG reply packets that have been mangled by BlueWave Y2K bug. Designed to run after Bluewave has formed the MSG packet, before it is compressed into the REP packet. Can also be run on the BBS side, after decompression of REP packet.
14243 C1PG11.ZIP 89,1 kt 02.10.1997 - 11970/ -
"C-1 Password Generator v1.1 Let your BBS users create totaly random passwords on your BBS!  This door will  help your users create paswords 5-50 characters long using 26 letters and the numbers 0-9. Completely randomeasy door setup!  Supports most popular BBSs!Multi-user! Multi-Node! NON-standard IRQs! Fossil Drivers!"
14244 C7-GUARD.ZIP 20,8 kt 13.04.1997 - - -
"External Programs GUARD (exe) Very handy program to be used with the doors for example. (this will check if users name appears in the access fileby using door.sysif it doesntthis will cease the run and toss back to board. runs with any door.sys system(used on pcb) Released on the December Code Pack96 30.11.96 By Havoc / C7"
14245 CBK_612.ZIP 157182 02.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
CallBack v6.12 FREEWare User Verification
system for MAXimus 3.00.  Supports Ansi and
RIP Graphics with Samples.  Mecca File, MEX
Read mail file included.   Optionally
maintains Questionnaire files.  Optional
process status Messages in both *.MSG and
SQUISH Formats for the user.  Included CBKDAT
auto Maintaince program.
14246 CHPST102.ZIP 79551 13.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
ChargePost v1.02 Charge Message Poster UPDATE
- For use with WC-Charge v4.06+! ChargePost
is a utility for use with H. Allen Cravener's
WC-Charge Credit Card Door that will post the
receipts/charge info in a *.MSG/JAM/Squish
message base. NON-BBS specific! Allows you to
keep track of when charges are made!
14247 CLAN91B1.ZIP 325,6 kt 07.09.1997 - - -
The Clans v0.91b1 - *InterBBS* RPG Form a clan and wander from BBS to BBS doing battle with other clans and creatures!  The most unique and *addictive* new RPG/wargame to come out in a long time.
14248 CLASS2.ZIP 186,9 kt 02.10.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
"Advertise It! Version 2.0 InterBBS Classified Ads door. Creates HTML codeon the flyof Advertisements. Up to 33 SysOp defineable advertising Categories. Specialwindowslook and feel in ANSI mode. One lineBillboardAdvertising Local/Fidonet netmail to classified ads. InterBBS networkable."
14249 CON-004C.RAR 974855 08.10.1996 - - -
Concord Gamma-4 BBS ohjelma.
14250 CON-005C.RAR 438,1 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Concord Gamma-5 General Files Concord on suomalainen monipuolinen purkkisofta, jossa on mm: - .MSG, JAM, (Multi)Hudson ja Squish   viestikannat - Tehokas skriptikieli - Sisäinen kokoruutuviestieditori - DORINFOn.DEF, DOOR.SYS, EXITINFO.BBS   ja EXITINFO.DAT tuettuna - Sisäinen chat, purkkilista, äänestys yms. Tarvitsee joko CONR005C.RAR, CONP005C.RAR tai CONO005C.RAR tiedoston toimiakseen.
13912 CONINS16.ZIP 29749 16.08.1994 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CONINS v1.06
CONINS is a small command  line utility for
SYSOPS & BBS users alike to insert mulitple
FILE_ID.DIZ descrietion files into archives
using a BBS file listing or text file. It's
fast and simple to use. If you've got a lot
of ZIP archives and are  loosing the battle
describing  the archives then  this may  be
the answer for you.
NEW - configurable word wrap facility
- Even faster than before.
Concept Systems (c) 1993
Written here in SA by Paul Giraud.
14251 CONP004C.RAR 705,1 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Concord 0.01 Gamma-4 Protected Mode tarvitset myös tiedoston CON-004C.RAR
14252 CONP005C.RAR 755,2 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Concord Gamma-5 Protected Mode Tarvitset myös tiedoston CON-004C.RAR.
14253 CONR005C.RAR 653,7 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Concord Gamma-5 Real Mode Tarvitset myös tiedoston CON-004C.RAR.
13915 CTSSPU11.ZIP 104980 16.08.1994 - 16771/Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO -
Fix comm problems. Detect multiple com ports
at one address, IRQ used, ports that can't
generate IRQs, and conflicts between com
ports, mice & modems. Supports non-standard
com ports. Reports port settings, writes to
log file. Set port parameters; reset any
port to default condition. DOS 2+,
PC/XT/AT/ISA, any display.  $20-$50
14254 CVS13RA.ZIP 113800 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Caller Validation System 1.3 Deluxe CBV for
RA 2.x. Checks duplicates, bad numbers, post
messages to the sysop/user. Customizable.
Status display and enhanced reporting tools.
Call collision detection and much more!
13916 CYBER30.ZIP 56042 05.06.1994 - - -
CyberSpace TranSporter v3.0 (4/94)
USER to BBS to BBS bridging door
CSP is a door that lets your users
call out to other BBSs that are LD
to them but LOCAL to you. Read the
doc to find out more about how CSP
works and how it can make you $$$$
14255 DBLST20.ZIP 40,3 kt 02.10.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
 Digital BBSList v2.0 : ShareWare Digital BBSList v2.0 is a shareware BBSList door that easily installs on any WWIV BBS System! Uses CHAIN.TXT drop file format!  Features include: List full list or by Area Code only, Customizable menus,Scrollbar Matrix, Random ANSI Screens using PIPE codes Downloadable BBSList! Shareware: $10
14256 DC1_3.ZIP 55339 02.01.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
DC.EXE V1.3 Would you like to be able to
create ANS/ASC screens showing who has
DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would you like
to be able to automatically drop their SEC
level if they keep dropping carrier? Would
you like to ba able to set user flags when a
user drops carrier. Well now you can do this
and more. For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!
14257 DESIRE13.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.07.1997 - scene.org -
The dESiRE Boardsystem Version 1.3  Fully configurable and easy-to-use System/X Compatible BBS Software  Original Ami-X/System-X design  By xROADs, April  18th, 1997
14258 DIZDOS.ZIP 3867 26.03.1996 - - -
Tällä ohjelmalla DIZ2PCB saadaan
toimimaan ilman 4DOS:ia.
Ei sis. DIZ2PCB ohjelmaa
14259 DIZPRO17.ZIP 110167 17.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
DizIt PRO v1.7 - Description Importer
Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files
with local uploads, use DizIt Pro to automate
the process! Snoops through files quickly for
FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports them.
This is the most full featured program of
it's type. Includes file age limits, random
file import selection, duplicate file in
directory or PCB index files, virus scan, use
as upload verification and much more.
63025 DLOG103.ZIP 70752 23.02.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
CEREBRUM Software's DLog
- Displays modem speed graph
upon logon
- Configurable via WWIV.INI
- Ability to create printout
suitable for GFILES
- Shareware (see docs)
- >FREE< to all WWIVLock
registered users!
14260 DLOG105.ZIP 70814 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CEREBRUM Software's DLog Displays modem speed
graph upon logon. Configurable via WWIV.INI.
Ability to create printout suitable for
14261 DMCM13.ZIP 172 kt 22.04.1997 - - -
Dark McMail v1.3 THAT tool for McMail v1.0g5 and above. Use it instead of a whole battery of utilities. Dark McMail combines the functions of most other tools PLUS does more.
14262 DOITAL10.ZIP 35299 23.02.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
DOITALL ALL-IN-ONE utility for QuickBBS
sysops! Creates best user and birthday
bulletins, prunes long log files. Creates
allfiles lists and fully maintains and sorts
all your file listings. Requires NO CONFIG
FILES; uses QuickBBS's instead. Supports
GoldBase and CD-ROMs.
14263 DRPDOS22.ZIP 103949 13.02.1996 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Drop 2 DOS Door Ver 2.2
(C) 1995 Steve Doss
BBS Door that simulates a dos "shell".
Many standard DOS functions are supported.
Also included are the commands PKUNZIP,
PKZIP, UPLOAD, and DOWNLOAD among others.
Does not allow the running of other programs
from within this door, but does provide full
support for the DOS functions. Multi-node
63198 DRWY222.ZIP 228310 16.08.1994 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DOORWAY revision 2.22.  This program allows
both BBS's to add normal programs to BBS's
as DOORS, and provides a shareware
alternative to expensive commercial programs
for remote accessing of a home or office
computer. This version contains both a HOST
and COM program for full functionality
without any 3rd party software, yet is still
compatible with most other com programs. Has
printer redirection capability plus many
more features including a new configuration
file editor and capability.  Limited to 10
minutes until registered. Registration $30.
14264 DSDBNK11.ZIP 75,8 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
DSD Time Bank is a BBS door that can be run from any number of popular IBM BBS programs.
14265 DSDNTE11.ZIP 26,5 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
DSD Note to next use allows users to leave short messages that is saved as a text file that you may then display in your logon procedure or anywhere else in the BBS as you desire.
14266 DSDSTA10.ZIP 38,5 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
DSD-Stat is a statistics generator for Remote Access v.1.1 / 2.0. DSD-Stat generates a selection of ASCII / ANSI text files that contain a list of top users in areas such as Numer of calls, uploads and downloads among other things.
14267 DSDVTE13.ZIP 46,4 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
DSD-Vote is a Remote Access V.1.1 / 2.0 compatible user surveying BBS door that allows users to create questions for other users to anonymously vote on.
63270 DUTRIL21.ZIP 73995 05.06.1994 - 10791/CD_ASCQ_14_0694.iso -
Dutriltc version 2.01 - The
Late March 1994 release of this
great utility which will MAKE
supports ALIASES, ANSI, ASCII, and RIP
Log dependent in order to keep the
Last ten callers info. This a MUST
Have Utility because it COMBINES
Three MOST used and MOST wanted into
ONE!!! Easy to use and for a low shareware
price. This file now displays Callers Date
On-Line, Baud Rate, and Node Number. It also
has a function to exclude people from the
Last Ten Callers Screens. Fixes a minor
bug with flagging Drop Carriers.
Written By Josh Temkin
at D.U. Software Co.
13921 EACHARGE.ZIP 217047 16.08.1994 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Eagle Enterprise Charge door & Subscription s
Let us take care of all your subscriptions
and Shareware sales. Each user will be handle
one on one. We do this for security reasons.
If nothing else Please d/l the file and
check it out, read about us and what we are
doing... Unlike some that have come and gone
we are here to stay. Please feel free to
place this file for download on your BBS.
14268 ECNS11.ZIP 24116 23.02.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
ECNS v1.1   SF v3.51
This utility will let a caller know that
Error Correction was not detected during
logon to your BBS. Some users just don't
realize the importance of this feature &
that it should always be enabled for BBS
13933 EZDIZIT3.ZIP 52215 09.11.1994 - scene.org -
A COLORFUL and EASY way to create
and automatically add a FILE_ID.DIZ
Description to ANY zip file!
Lists all Zip files in target directory
13934 EZROM120.ZIP 79426 16.08.1994 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EZ-Rom 1.20, CD-ROM file download door.
For Wildcat or any DOOR.SYS BBS.
CDROM or magnetic drive, Multi-disk,
Multi-node, Batch download, File tagging,
Text search, Logs downloads,
Enforces daily limits. By Mike Robinson
14269 FABM_200.ZIP 100318 30.12.1995 - 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip -
File and Arcmail to Box Mover AKA FABM v2.00
Move file-attaches and arcmail from netmail
to fileboxes. Support passthru file echoes.
Kill old attaches and netmail after specified
14270 FBB111B.ZIP 287040 30.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Franchise Basketball v1.10 Online Basketball
League Simulator Door. Excellent door, you
guide you team through a pro basketball
season, as general manager and coach. Earn
money from ticket sales and other sources.
Trade, train, bench, release and many other
player options. Full playoffs for registered
users. Full support for non-standard PORTS
and Multiple Lines.
64057 FBROW091.ZIP 10122 03.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO tupla
FileBrowser v0.9? - This is a filelister
for use with Maximus 3.00. It's a rather
simple full-screen files.bbs viewer.
It allows the user to browse a filelist
and tag files with the arrow keys.
This version includes download,upload
and change protocol from inside the
program as well as improved filelisting.
14271 FBROW113.ZIP 12345 30.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
FileBrowser v1.1x Filelister for use with
Maximus 3.0+. It allows the user to browse a
filelist and tag files with the arrow keys.
This version includes download,upload and
change protocol from inside the program as
well as improved filelisting.
14272 FD212.ZIP 632922 30.03.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FrontDoor 2.12/Shareware release archive.
FidoNet compatible E-Mail software. Includes
Mailer, Editor, Terminal, Nodelist Compiler,
and Full-Screen configuration utility.
14273 FDREQ118.ZIP 465476 23.12.1995 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
FDREQ v118, fast and smart ext. request
processor. Works with FrontDoor, InterMail,
McMail and any mailer, which supports SRIF
64070 FE0910.ZIP 276991 23.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso tupla
Falcon's Eye (FE) v0.910 InterBBS Interactive
Wargame Brand new from the home of Barren
Realms Elite!
14274 FE145A.ARJ 615,7 kt 26.04.1997 - 17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso -
FastEcho 1.45a Maintenance release. Fixes some bugs. Very fast FTN mail processor for Hudson- (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and Fido/*.MSG-style message bases. Internal AreaFix, dupe cheking, full security, NetMail routing, full screen setup, area grouping, network and multitasking-support, auto area add function supporting all major BBS systems, great msgbase tool included, carbon-copy function.
14275 FF_200.ZIP 872368 19.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FastFile 2.00. FileTagger, FileDoor and
FileManager for RemoteAccess 2.0x-2.50.
Built around a "graphic" user interface.
NOW SUPPORTS: CD-ROM & Internet Request,
LightBar, ISDN,RA2.02 Tagfile, Password,
CD-ROM, DAT, Color Configuration,  GIF-,
MOD-View, DupeCheck, Freefile, Comments-
in filelists, Virus scan, Long filedesc,
File tagging, Fast AreaChange, TextView,
Locate, Archive View,  New Files Search,
14276 FINDER10.ZIP 149407 30.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
Finder! Door v1.00 - Users search direc-
tories of your choice for text files.
Finder! will search inside the texts for
keywords and users may also specify the
date of the text files. Supports COM1-15,
DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's,
fully SysOp configurable, supports most
BBS types, and even fossil drivers!
NMS Software Program.
14277 FIREWALL.ZIP 40,8 kt 26.04.1997 - 11970/ -
Firewall 1.00  Firewall is a UNIX style login door  that can easily be run right after a  Frontend (like Frontdoor/Intermail)  or even before a door to EFFECTIVELY  control who can gain access to the  program of your choice, be it a  door game, or another BBS! Firewall
14278 FLSBBS03.ZIP 30106 03.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
This file contains files.bbs sort and
update programs useful for Maximus
14279 FMAIL10G.ZIP 341,1 kt 04.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
F-Mail - tosseri JAM ja Hudson viestikannalle
14280 FNNR100.ZIP 92,7 kt 06.08.1997 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-387-Vol-3of3.iso -
"Fnnr v1.00 Fidonet news reader FNNR stands for Fidonet News Reader and is created because of two reasons: I became sick using FrontDoors FM and I needed something to program. It is a very expanded version of my Usenet  News Reader  (UNR)but  since I havent released that  program nobody will know what I mean with that."
14281 FONDIR55.ZIP 50,3 kt 28.08.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Fondir will convert a text list of BBS phone numbers, names and other information into a file, which can be used by your comm program. You may have to add control codes to the text list to show Fondir where the information is.
14282 FROG10.ZIP 164,8 kt 02.10.1997 - 11970/ -
Frog 1.0 - The new BBS multiline chat system. Easy to use, including "who is online", fully language configurable for doorinfo and door.sys systems. Fully functional shareware.
14283 FVOT321.ZIP 173464 06.10.1995 - - -
FastVote v3.21 -- Great Voting System for
any BBS System (QuickBBS, Opus, RA, PCBoard,
RBBS, WWIV, WildCat, and others). Includes
internal BBS support, full communications
routines, multi-node support, attractive ANSI
graphed results, and access-level security.
Allows users to create, edit and delete
booths, add choices, change votes, and much
14284 FVOTE08B.ZIP 23489 26.05.1996 - - -
The best poll door for PCBoard and other
BBSes which create DOOR.SYS. Supports up
to 999 polls and records up to 2000 (!!)
answers for each! No maintenance needed.
Poll results shown with color diagrams
and answers ordered by their popularity.
Shareware FIM20/US$10/DM20 NOT crippled!
14285 GEBAD110.ZIP 30787 23.12.1995 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
Automatically creates new JAM areas when they
arrive from your uplink. No configuration
needed; Requires GEcho v1.1x. Completely free
for use in non- commercial environments.
Pythagoras Software
14286 GEDIT210.ZIP 405997 07.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
GEdit 2.10 - an excellent fullscreen message
editor. Works with most BBS softwares,
including RA and SBBS.
14287 GWAR258.ZIP 115394 18.09.1995 - - -
Global War Doorgame version 2.57 An
adaptation of the hit board game RISK. 3-6
players compete for world domination alone or
in teams. Works with any BBS system, any
number of nodes.  Uart, Fossil and Digiboard
support provided.  Multitasker aware.
Beautiful ANSI screens and mouse support. By
Joel Bergen, ProVision BBS 206-353-6966
Fidonet 1:343/65
14288 GWTRN2B7.ZIP 286586 30.11.1995 - - -
Global War Tourney 2.0 Beta 7 - this program
helps you keep Global War- tournaments in
your BBS.
14289 HBBSV108.ZIP 458157 17.02.1995 - - -
Supports "ansi"(HFORM)-, expert- and
pulldown menus. Comports 1-4, bps'es
up to 38400. Max 3000 messageareas!
Max 10000 fileareas! EMAIL support
through (HMAIL) tosser. Emulations:
puts and menus are all fully config-
urable. REG-FEE is 100FIM (≈20 USD),
50Fim for earlier Hectomowick-Crew's
14290 HCHAT300.ZIP 323533 03.01.1996 - 11970/ -
Hyperchat 3.00
14291 HIGH105.ZIP 118087 30.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
HiGHLANDER v1.05 A new easy to use oneliner
program for most BBSes that support:
Includes: Sysop configurable screens, with
support for variable text positions, a top
writers feature, support for log files,
external chat utility and lots lots more!
14292 HISTORY2.ZIP 199,6 kt 26.04.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Major update. Includes 2 versions, one with @X codes for PCBOARD and another with ASCII and ANSI codes. This is my version of "This Day in History". There are others out there but try this one, I think you will like it better. It tells of events on this date, birthdays on this date, gives a daily witticism and reminds you to pay the mortgage. Data files eaisly edited to add your own information. You can run it as a PPE or as a stand alone. This program is totally
13977 HOLDN211.ZIP 44494 24.10.1994 - 16621/swsii.zip -
HOLDON Version 2.11 is a variable delay
program for batch files. HOLDON has five
different ranges. Milliseconds, eighteenths
of a second, seconds, minutes and hours.
These delays are totally independent of the
CPU speed. Registration is only $6.00 SMSnet,
14293 IBANKV05.ZIP 114779 06.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
IceBank v0.50
Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank System
For RemoteAccess v2.0x
Some Features Include: Bank
Robbing, Bank Transfers, Time/
Kbyte Buying, Full Colour
Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte
Interest Rates, Full Account
Management, Multiple User Limit
14294 ICE_QBBS.ZIP 29754 03.01.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Corrects compatibility errors with ICEEDIT
v1.50 and QuickBBS any version past 2.75,
without affecting ICEEDIT's configuration.
Formats the QuickBBS "MSG.INF" file into a
RemoteACCESS "MSGINF" file which ICEEDIT
needs to get the proper header fields.
14295 ICHATV43.ZIP 167531 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
IceChat v4.30 Sysop-User Chat Utility For RA
v2.xx, PB v2.xx, Door.Sys and Dorinfo1.def
Compatibles. 10 completely configurable chat
modes available, Chat Macros, Emergency Page,
User Editor,Definable Chat ANSis,
Configurable Strings, VIP Detection, File
transfer support,HMB/JAM Support, External
DOS Utility Option, Online TextFile Viewing,
& much MORE!
14296 IEDITV17.ZIP 146493 14.07.1996 - - -
IceEdit v1.70 Fullscreen Message Editor For
RA/PB/TG/QBBS & compatibles * Features
include: Random/Scrolling Taglines, character
color config, Line-Centering, Textfile
exporting, Message Censoring, Macro Config,
Configurable Function Key Macros, Completely
Color Configurable User Interface,
Replacement Codes Color Control Strings,
efficient built-in Spell Checking Routines,
and much more!  Released: 05/11/96
14297 IMSTA150.ZIP 98767 03.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
IMStat v1.50 (c) 1995 Holland. By Erik Groten
Steenwelle (2:283/412.1) Simply the best
logfile analyzer for InterMail. No
crippleware. Multiline menu driven
installation program, 15 different statistics
pages to select, Installation in Dutch or
English, announce by file, netmail echomail
or a combination of them (via a type 2+
packet). Shareware Maximus BBS tranfers
supported. registration fee only $10.00, etc.
14298 IMSTAT30.ZIP 98234 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
InterMail Stats v3.00 imStats creates both
ANSI and ASCII text screens containing
InterMail's current day statistics. imStats
can also create an optional daily report.
This report is placed in the message base of
your choice. imStats supports most BBS types,
and supports the multiline version of
14299 INOTEV06.ZIP 86143 06.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
IceNote v0.60
Note To All Users Door
For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x
Some Features include: Message
Censoring, Completely Color
Configurable User Interface,
Message database, BBS Alias/
Defined User Alias Support,
Random/defined expressions
14300 INTROV10.ZIP 279517 14.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Future Shock Intro Maker v.1.0
A new type of door for your BBS!
This program allows your users to
make their own customized intros!
They can customize text which
appears over a flame effect at the
bottom. Works with DORINFOx.DEF,
14301 IQ1A25R2.ZIP 821 kt 31.03.1997 - flisterz.throwbackbbs.com -
Iniquity BBS softa Ver1.00 alpha25 /r2 a25 release 2- improved blind uploads/file srch full docs!/sauce import new user voting!/recomp dizadd/local ul testing all known bugs fixed !! release: 11/22/95 Tämä on hyvä ja helppo purkki-softa. Sinuna imuttaisin tämän jos olet kiinnostunut purkin tekemisestä. (Toimii Dossissa ja Windowsissa)
14302 IZ_QSFIN.ZIP 30367 30.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
QWKScan v1.30 Swedish/Finnish Language Files
Complete  Swedish and Finnish Language Files
for QWKScan v1.30.  Courtesy  of the HAM-BOX
BBS in Finland.   Download  IZ_QS_13.ZIP for
the complete version of QWKScan v1.3 --  The
complete QWK mail system for PCBoard BBSs.#1
14303 JCQ_202A.ZIP 275857 05.07.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
JCQWK V2.02a QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess
2.02. Supports JAM and Hudson message
formats, RIP Graphics, Internet gateways,
short area names, dupe checking, tearline
checking, file requests. Multiple languages,
hotkeys, and all RA alike Alt-functions work,
even the Alt-E user editor! Very easy to
install and configure, real stable.
14304 JMG280O6.ZIP 201005 30.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
JMail-G 2.80 Wide-Area Omega 6 EchoMail
Processor for the "GoldBase" Message Base
14305 JMH280O6.ZIP 200965 30.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
JMail-H 2.80 Wide-Area Omega 6 EchoMail
Processor for the Classic Hudson Message Base
14306 JNEWS115.ZIP 17920 06.10.1995 - - -
JNews v1.15
Best bulletin maker ever made!
Very configurable!
For SBBS compatibles
14307 KCHAT_11.ZIP 71045 04.03.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Split screen chat door!
Runs on most BBSes. Ability
to page. 4 built in chat
emotions. Fun and easy to
14308 KILLUS15.ZIP 11125 23.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
KillUser v1.5 (released 19 nov 1995)
This utility will set the DELETED-flag
in the RemoteAccess 2.x userbase. Users
can be marked for deletion based on
Days, Minimum-level, Maximum-level,
Times-called or on a flag-setting. This
is a must for every sysop with over 200
users, and why not? NEW added: Multiple
conditions in one run. It is at least
MAILWARE, made by GoSoft; Gert de Vente,
13997 KQWK105.ZIP 309360 16.08.1994 - MBCD -
KingQWK 1.05 - The latest release of
this new FAST, small QWK reader. It has
MANY features not found in other readers
including a unique interface to QWKMerge
allowing it to control precisely which
messages are merged into the ensuing QWK
packet.  Many new features in this
release!       Shareware by Mike King
14309 KSPFTP28.ZIP 104108 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
KSP FTP v2.8 - A BBS Door Program.
Lets callers download files from
remote ftp sites!  Internal support
for X/Y/Zmodem eliminates need for
temporary disk space on BBS; external
protocols may be added with limits
on their use of BBS disk space for
intermediate file storage.  BBS must
be connected to the Internet. Works
with any BBS that supports DOOR.SYS.
14310 KSPMTS18.ZIP 110097 09.09.1995 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO -
KSP-Mail  (vers 1.8)  A Multi-Threaded Server
for  SMTP Mail and NNTP Usenet news. Replaces
UUCP,  its  monthly  fees,  and slow transfer
rates!  No  more unwanted newsgroups! Instant
mail  without  waiting  for scheduled events!
Works  with  any  BBS software that presently
uses  UUCP.   Requires a 24hr TCP/IP Internet
connection.  Shareware
14311 KSPMUX14.ZIP 20517 03.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
KSP DVMX v1.4 - A packet multiplexor that
allows the KSP network doors to run properly
under desqview. Provides greater performance
than PKTMUX/PKTDRV. Designed to work with KSP
products; may not work as a general-purpose
packet multiplexer. FREEWARE.
14312 KSPSLP33.ZIP 128828 14.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
KSP SLIP v3.3 - A BBS Door Program.
Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to
the Internet via a serial SLIP link!
Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic,
etc! BBS must be connected to Internet;
Callers need SLIP software; Replaces
KA9QDOOR and is simpler to install.
14313 KSPTEL49.ZIP 95908 23.12.1995 - 11970/ -
KSP Telnet v4.9 - A BBS Door Pgm.
Lets callers login through your
BBS to remote computers anywhere
in the world using the Internet!
Compatible with any BBS software
that can create a DOOR.SYS file.
14314 LABTST34.ZIP 439,1 kt 04.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*** Labtest 3.4 Beta ****  PUBLIC BETA - UPDATE FOR RA 2.5  Possibly the most complete upload processing system available!  Performs file conversion, scanning, date testing, duplicate checking, BBS advertisement search/removal and more!  Tosses incoming .TIC files to their destination directories, Online Help system gives detailed info on every configuration option.  New!  Supports RemoteAccess 2.5  Omega Software, Po Box 131, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0131
14315 LASTCA15.ZIP 17182 10.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
LASTCALL v1.5 - Freeware
A product of SluggSoft and Brian Still
A new Today's Callers Utility that is
completely configureable! This PPE is
for PCBoard 15.2x.
Graphics display is 100% Sysop configureable,
display your favorite ANSI graphics.
65668 LBTST25C.ZIP 98721 06.10.1995 - 8090/Dr. Shareware Gold (Dr. CD ROM)(Accurate Research, Inc.)(CDRM1133730).bin -
Labtest v2.5; The Definitive Upload
Processor! Labtest will unarchive/scan/
convert your user's uploads and add a text
file as an archive comment.  Labtest will
also import FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions and GIF
file resolutions into the RA 2.00 database.
Many Sysop configurable options, including
custom messages to the uploader, set
flag/security levels. Now supports imbedded
archives! Exclusively for RemoteAccess 2.00
14316 LC_120.ZIP 421,7 kt 26.04.1997 - 21535/02-BBS.zip -
LightChat Version 1.20. New version, crammed with   exciting new features! External chat program, external message  editor,  255  chat modes  (18  pre-defined),   multiple languages, SoundTracker support, SB/ GUS/Ensoniq   support,   intelligent auto-installation to RA or ProBoard. External program support, DOS shell, paging activity monitor, macro keys, Msg to SysOp facility, AutoExclude, editor-like chat  windows, SimuType greetings, word/command-macros, user
14317 LISA16.ZIP 163859 09.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CHAT WITH LISA! Virtual Sysop or BBS Hostess.
Lisa will chat with your callers about any
subject. Use as a Door or Sysop Page. Sysop
can select Lisa's name and set "rating" to G,
R, or X. Chats can be logged. VERSION 1.6 has
random Hot Chat scripts plus expanded
vocabulary. Supports most BBS's, multi-node,
com1-15. From chaos Online.
14318 LS1_2.ZIP 831222 23.02.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
LightSpeed BBS Trial Edition v1.2
The ultimate BBS Software! Try it!
Support for up to 1,000 nodes!
The cheapest BBS software ever!
Futuristic features coming like:
256-Color graphics instead of ANSI!
This is the future of BBS Software!
14319 LUCONC07.ZIP 32798 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
LUCONC - Concord's Lastuser v.07
a nice tiny Tool for  Concord-BBS
LUCONC create an ANSI Screen that
show the today's Caller what they
are doing  in  your System and a
Ansi  Screen  with  the  Last 10
Callers  at your System.
Nice to use as Welcome Screen
Not for Twits...
14320 LWBULL12.ZIP 48292 06.10.1995 - 822/Image.iso -
LWBULL v1.2 - LlanoWare, Bulletin/News door
Shows users what news/bulletin files
have been updated since their last logon. Can
be used multiple times for showing any files.
Supports most RA 2.00 codes. Once
registered you can specify individual files
as MANDATORY reading!
*** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
14321 MAX300R.ZIP 954080 16.02.1996 - 21535/02-BBS.zip -
Maximus 3.0 - DOS executables. A flexible BBS
package incorporating RIP support, an
advanced extension language, hierarchical
message and file areas, a message tracking
system for handling technical support, and
14322 MBBS102.EXE 340001 13.04.1995 - - -
MBBS 1.0 shareware version
14323 MCALL11.ZIP 119384 30.12.1995 - 11970/ -
Multi-CALL 1.10 Callback Verify Door
Can upgrade caller security level in
Wildcat, PCBoard, Spitfire, Maximus,
ProBoard, RA, and TAG. Any language
or phone number style. Limit access
by long distance, phone number, calls
per day, time of day, security level.
14324 MEGAV2OI.ZIP 24343 06.10.1995 - - -
MegaVote v2.OO (re-written)
Nice  looking and very  practical
voting door. Easy to install, and use.
When adding questions you can put
"Something else, what?" option so
when user selects that, (s)he can
specify what else, by writing it.
14325 MEL_320.ZIP 476466 18.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
MELEE version 3.20 Official Public Release!
This ansi door is the most in-depth
gladiatorial combat role- playing game
available for multi- player BBS use. Enter
the guild and build your skills, equipment,
stats, and knowledge toward the goal of be-
coming the top Warrior in the country!
Warriors can be imported and exported from
other BBS's and to the World MELEE
HeadQuarters for entrance in International
Tournaments. Supports multi-node play via
66230 MODSTA10.ZIP 16365 05.06.1994 - 20928/400 MB Of Top PC Shareware.iso -
MODEMSTA v1.0 - Modem status iconic
indicator for Windows using 3D
animated icon! A VERY useful utility
for all Windows communication.
14326 MSRCH11.ZIP 113,3 kt 02.10.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
MULTISEARCH TEXT DOOR V1.1 Set  up security specific text files or ANSI graphics for viewing, searching, or downloading!  Multiple document categories, highlighted search results, Boolean search algorithm. Great for docs, logs, etc. Search across multiple files. Page forward, backward.  Detects carrier loss, has sysop chat mode, multinode support, color configuration, lots of other features. Supports many different drop file types.
14327 MSTOR101.ZIP 37487 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
MSTORE is a log file archiver for most just a
Archives BBS logs based on the current date a
ZIP file.
Includes version for DOS, 32-bit OS/2 and Win
FREE if unmodified.
14328 MTOP769.ZIP 28659 06.10.1995 - - -
Makes top-1OO list of the most
active users on your bbs.
Possible to exclude 5 names from
list, and users with certain security.
Make colorful ansi file and not
so colorful ascii file.
Requires USERS.BBS userfile.
14329 MWJOIN15.ZIP 96108 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
1.5 Conference Select-Door for RA 2.x
ANS/AVT, Files/Mails, Areas/Groups All-Areas
Mode; New File/Mail-Scan 1 or 2 Columns;
EmptyArea-Scanning Lightbar/Marking char;
Show PageNo New: AreaInfo, AreaSort,
IndexMode Updates '@' and '`' area-templates
ANSIs, colors, positions definable
14330 MYELL200.ZIP 85849 06.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
MOD Yell v2.00
Copyright (C) 1993-95 Ville Tikkaoja
External yelling program, which plays a .MOD
through SoundBlaster. Works with  SuperBBS,
RemoteAccess, DORINFOx.DEF  and  DOOR.SYS
compatible BBS softwares. Many features!
14331 NEFD233.ZIP 278851 14.07.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso -
NEF 2.33 DOS/32 w Dos4GW extender.
Tic File Processor for file-attach
(Binkley-Style) systems.
Supports Squish and *.MSG message
base formats via the Squish MSGAPI.
- Integrated FileFix.
- Support for FileBone.Na files.
- Forwards requests for missing
areas to the FileBone uplink.
- Announcement of tossed and
14332 NEWCHAT.ZIP 229687 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NEW CHAT (c) 1996 - MultiSplit 3.54
New MultiNode Chat Room BBS Door with
up to 4 way split screen, with action
commands..  Allows people to chat at the
same time.  ANSI, RIP 1.54 and Rip 2.0
compatible. By Richard LeVasseur of
Galaxy Class BBS (207) 582-8392.
Hi teck Trek Look, Requires a Multitasker
14333 NEWORD11.ZIP 22916 03.01.1996 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
NewOrder V1.1, for Maximus & Maximus/2 CBCS
Renumbers your message boards with little
effort after modifying *.CTL files.
14334 NFC-200.ZIP 32,6 kt 13.04.1997 - - -
NFC NEWS FILE COMPILER ANSI/ASCII - (12/91) Creates ANSI/ASCII news files to your BBS. A lot of options.
14335 NFIND30.ZIP 18645 03.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
NFiND V3.0 Fully functional .BTM that will
automatically detect new nodelists, and place
them in the appropriate directories for
updating. Creates backups, mulitasking aware,
& an easy setup! Compatible with InterMail,
FrontDoor, MainDoor, Platinum Xpress,
D'Bridge, and Portal of Power compilers
mailers! Supports ZIP ARJ ZOO PAK LHA ARC RAR
UC2 SQZ HAP PUT archives for DOS and/or OS/2!
Requires 4DOS or 4OS2.
14337 NM10_U1.ZIP 61284 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
NodeManager 1.0.1 Update. Requires that you
have installed the full 1.0 version
(NM10RA.ZIP) - the fix mainly disables the
multitasking routines that cause some systems
to run extreamly slow.
14336 NM10RA.ZIP 156530 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NodeManager 1.0 - This program allows you to
control  your complete multi-line BBS from a
single machine. In addition, if you have the
IPX network protocol installed, you can view
and control any remote workstation as if you
were sitting infront of it.  Other functions
of NodeManager include node and system usage
reports and graphs,  sending users messages,
kicking users off,  running  events based on
time, semaphores and remote spooling. A must
14338 NODTRK20.ZIP 17101 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NodeTracker for RA will allow the sysop a
report of all node activity at a quick glance
and Allow Sending a Messsage to individual
Nodes c/w RA Color Codes. Can be run from the
Dos Prompt, shelled from RA,run in a Desqview
window OS/2 box,or Windows. Another Quality
Freeware from Martin Woods!
14339 NTMGR98.ZIP 79429 23.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NetMgr/beta; Copy, move, delete, change,
file, bounce, etc. netmail, based on the
message header. JAM, Squish, Hudson and
*.MSG formats supported. DOS version.
14340 NUMBER11.ZIP 128,4 kt 02.10.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
"Online Numerology Door Version 1.1 Computes User Major Number and Gives an Analysis Analyzes User Destiny Number Analyzes User Birth Force Number Analyzes User Hearts Desire Number Analyzes User Personality Number Analyzes User Reality Number Analyzes User Physical Plane Number Analyzes User Emotional Plane Number Analyzes User Mental Plane Number Analyzes User Intuitive Plane Number Personal Number for the Current Year View Other Users Numerological Analysis"
14341 OLMS253P.ZIP 310552 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
OLMS Offline Mail System v2.53/Pro
An amazing QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door
for RemoteAccess 2.x  Includes keyword
and filtering scans. Supports QWK nets
BW 2.2x reader setup,  duplicate check
taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear
file requesting, selective bulletins etc.
14342 OLUTILS2.ZIP 36131 31.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Utilities for use with offline readers and
comm programs.  Includes Removing duplicates
from newfiles.dat, Adding messages to your
.rep file, on a regular basis (included
sample is used to have rosemail only scan for
newfiles once a day), Removing |nn characters
from conference names.  Getting robomail to
recognize attached files from rosemail.
Should work with other olmrs that can handle
attached files.  Generate script commands to
14343 ONELPR25.ZIP 30219 06.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Oneliner Professional v2.50
14344 OXV3WB2.ZIP 562030 17.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Iron Ox 3.00wb2 -- A New Universe!
A major new release of the Iron Ox
strategy door, now featuring full
support for interBBS league play!  This
door also features full RIP graphics
support (optional local graphics),
REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful
RIP art by RogueMoonRips, land
developments like forts and refineries,
and much more.  Don't miss this game!
14345 PAGE.ZIP 159,8 kt 07.09.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Page Brain Sysop Page Door. Set page hours, bell on/off times. Callers can leave a one line comment with reason for paging.
14346 PBS_V13.ZIP 182276 10.02.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
PBstring v1.30 String remover - 1DGROUP saver
extrodinaire! FASTER, SAFER, and MORE
COMPLETE than any other string remover.
Handles C's escape codes and replacement
parameters properly.
14347 PCBDIR13.ZIP 15105 27.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PCBDir v1.3
This is a DOS-based utility that will take
all the files in a directory and generate a
PCBoard compatible list for use on you BBS.
This will extract FILE_ID.DIZ files from
ARJ, LZH and ZIP archives for use as a
description. This update allows for putting
GIF and PCX size and color depth info in the
description field.
14348 PDMNU103.ZIP 12806 31.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
PDMENU v1.03 Complete wcCode PULL-DOWN Menu
system Replace one or more of your existing
menus with state-of-the art pull-down menus!
Fully configurable by the sysop while online!
Makes changing menu commands from remote as
easy as it can get. Full security provided
via users menu level.
67196 PFED_100.ZIP 618537 25.11.1995 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
For: PCBoard, TriBBS, System-X,
Express Coded by Gene Layton 09/22/95 Move,
edit, delete, & sort files easily, full desc
editing, import FILES.BBS, DOS and archive
viewers, NUKE Files, SHRINK dirs, full upload
processing, (BOOMLAB) DUPE checker/ remover,
view logs, command line MASTER LIST &
14349 PFED_107.ZIP 573,6 kt 09.04.1997 - 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
PFED version 1.07.    COMPLETE BBS FILE AREA MANAGER  For: PCBoard, TriBBS, System-X, Express Coded by Gene Layton - 10/22/96 Move, edit, delete, & sort files easily, full desc editing, import FILES.BBS, DIZ Maker, DOS & archive viewers, NUKE Files, SHRINK dirs, full upload processing, DUPE checker/remover, view logs, command line MASTER LIST & DOWNLOAD COUNTER. INCLUDES BOOMLAB v.72 PCB UPLOAD PROCESSOR.
14350 PHAN203.ZIP 203488 23.12.1995 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss.
Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
you can survive the Creatures that await
you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
14351 PIKE20.ZIP 336617 10.12.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Pike Place v2.00
Awesome new adventure/roll
playing door game!  This
game is designed to allow
SysOp's to customize the
entire look and feel of the
game.  The program text is
read from a text file that
is easily edited to change
colors, the actual text
14352 PLINE046.ZIP 47,7 kt 02.10.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
-= Psych0Liner oneliner v.46 =- Full featured oneliner for everyone. Multinode, powerful language file, MCI codes, easy to use, freeware, and more. Released: 5/1/96.  MAJOR BUG FIXES.
14353 PQUOTE1B.ZIP 70196 31.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Professional Quote v1.0beta. Quotes random
tags to your users. Supports DOOR.SYS and non
std Com Ports and IRQ's. Reg is. Written by
Billy Sargent
14354 PTQWK105.RAR 295 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
QWK/OMEN/BlueWave etäluku doori SBBS purkki ohjelmistoon.
14085 QAZ_309.ZIP 53514 05.06.1994 - 7027/currentsharewarevolume2july199 -
QAZ v3.09c views the directories of all the
major archive formats, including many self-
SQZ TAR ZIP ZOO ZPK, with more types added!
Knows most archiver formats from the depths
of the cybernetic ether. The listing can be
customized in a variety of ways, or you can
search a disk for archives with specified
files. "No archiver too obscure...(almost)"
14355 QFP-117.ZIP 929426 05.05.1995 - scene.org -
Wide beta version 1.17b of QFront/PCB, a
full-featured FidoNet mailer for PCBoard. If
you are upgrading from QFront 1.16b, download
QFP-117P which is a patch for 1.16b and is
much smaller than this full release package.
This is a complete installation/upgrade
14356 QLCD153.ZIP 361,2 kt 02.10.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
Quantum Leap CD-Rom Door v1.53, Powerfull Multi-Node CD-Rom Manager for DOS & OS/2, DOOR.SYS based, up to 999 CD-disks, Unlimited number of Dirs per CD, GLOBAL DOWNLOAD option, CD Self Recognition and config files Auto Updating support, User Statistic, Last 10 Callers, Help, Text Search, Page SysOp, Black List for every CD, DV-aware, with the CHECKSUM COMNTZIP, FBCONV & MAX2QL02 QLCD-utilities, Off Line Standard & Fast File Request Option, incl. powerfull Off-line file
14357 QREAD32.ZIP 156923 29.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
QReader 3.2.  Powerful On-Line text reader
for publications (USA), tutorials, reports.
Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End.
Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars.
Full featured Find & Repeat find facility
displays entire page around the found text.
Download capability.  Highly configurable.
DESQview, FOSSIL & non-standard com support.
14358 QUEST102.ZIP 53189 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
QUEST102 The best QUESTION door ever made!
Has following options: Full configurable,
Rotating prompt, Make your own ansi, FULL
color configurability, Write InFo 2 RA
UserBase, FOR RA v2.xx
14359 QWK2PACK.ZIP 14153 01.04.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
QWK2PACK.ZIP  3 Utility programs that
allow callers to have the system make
QWK mail bundles for them during your
normal mail run.  4.12 compiled WCX
and WCC source code is included.
14361 RA_250.ZIP 867474 09.08.1996 - 7514/thebbsorg.tar -
RemoteAccess 2.50 - BBS software.
14360 RA_250G1.ARJ 656,9 kt 09.04.1997 - - -
Remote Accessin päivitys versiosta 2.50 versioon 2.50gamma1. Toimii vain ja ainoastaan ennestään rekisteröidyllä versiolla
14363 RAC10.ZIP 113,1 kt 25.08.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
RACHAT is a program to allow users to chat to each other on a Multi Line/Node Bulletin Board System. They can send messages to all who participate in the conference and also send private messages to people in chat or on the board.
14362 RAC100G.ZIP 47550 31.12.1995 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
RACaller v1.00  General Release
RACaller will list today's callers from
your RemoteAccess 2.0x lastcall file.
You can run RACaller from the command
prompt or set it up as a function key
from your mailer. Information included
inside, giving details on how to receive
the fully functional version that
14364 RACAL101.ZIP 109028 23.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
RemoteAccess Ultra-Callers Listing v1
By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
Creates a listing of today's and yesterday's
callers to list on your BBS.  The header,
and all colors are SysOps configurable.
The user's names are listed in order and the
color of the name depends on their security
level which the SysOp also sets.  Very sharp!
14365 RAFT29.ZIP 196424 06.10.1995 - 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso -
The Remote Access Filearea Tools v2.9; Use
with Remote Access V2.xx, replaces RAMGR and
the file-area bit of RACONFIG totally, it
features an area-editor, add, delete, move,
change your file-areas, edit all parameters
from FILES.RA, manage all your files in your
file-areas, adopt, delete, edit, add, import,
export, move or copy files, imports DIZ-files
from WITHIN archives, view archives.
14366 RAGRW200.ZIP 141302 23.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
RemoteAccess Ultra-Graffiti Wall v2.0
By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
A graffiti wall that will allow people to
anonymously write messages, but the user's
messages and the name of the user are
posted to a logfile.  This is a complete
re-write of v1.01 because the code was
lost to a hard drive crash.  If ANY
features are left out that you would like
14367 RALP100B.ZIP 22046 23.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
RALPURGE v1.00beta (c) 1995
A RemoteAccess Log Purger.  Ever wanted
to clear down your RA log file but keep
the last x number of days. Now you can
plus its 100% FREEware. Another Boiled
Sweets Music production.
14368 RAME01.ZIP 232349 10.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
you to view your RIP, ANSI, ASCII and AVATAR
screens. You can also COPY, RENAME, DELETE,
EDIT and CREATE new menus. Has built in
Online Help for your menu action selections.
Has built in graphics like THEDRAW. It has
every thing that RemoteAccess left out of
theirs. RAME was written by Randall Baker and
Zack Jones. Greentree Software.
14369 RANCE.ZIP 11849 20.08.1996 - - -
.  RaNCe Menu System v1.0  .  For Beginners
If You don't know how to make a menu in
PCBoard, download this.
Aloittelijoille. Jos et tiedä miten tehdä
menun PCBoardille, imuroi tämä
14370 RANEWS14.ZIP 34802 31.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
RANEWS V1.40 Creates bulletins easily and
quickly using only a config file and some
macros. For RA,PB,SBBS Ezycom & Spitfire.
Other BBS's that use the same control
characters as the above can also use it. with
Background Clr and more styles. Now has a
more Macros, adjustable screen length and
Intro(REG Only). Fixes a few probs.
14371 RASND_10.ZIP 54069 31.12.1995 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
RASENDIT V1.01 Quick use file tagger and
download door for sending those special files
to a single user or a group of users. Uses
dsz.com to perform transfers, allows for a
quick logon, check for files and then logoff
or proceed to the BBS.  Ideal for use in your
TOP.MNU. Comes with the door program and the
config/file tagger program. Directly reads
the RA filebase. Renegade Software
14372 RAV10B.ZIP 36,6 kt 02.10.1997 - 10847/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1998-CD2.iso -
"Random ANSI Viewer (RAV) v1.0b  Simple and Easy to use ANSI Display Door  Requires: DOS 5.0 or later  RAV is a Simple BBS Door which will randomly display an ANSI file whenever the user run the door. Its easy to setup and after youve set it up with your BBS Softwareit will do everything else for you. Best of Allits Totally FREE! Try it Now! (C) 1996-1997 Allen Cheng."
14373 RAV200.ZIP 111,5 kt 04.05.1997 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
Remote Archive Viewer 2.0 for Remote Access 2.0/2.5. Online Archive Viewer for ZIP2, ARJ2, LZH, RAR, UC2 SQZ, HYP, ZOO, ARC, PAK. Detecting arc by arc-id. Viewing SFX archives. Viewing imbedded archives. Handles even pwd archives. Extracting files for dl. Internal textviewer. Exeinfo with packinfo. Full language support. Usuable for RAMGR, too.
14374 READER.ZIP 97,8 kt 17.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Reader door text file viewer downloader. Callers can read, search, or download (zipped or non-zipped) text files.
14375 REANSI12.ZIP 24556 19.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
REANSI converts files from ANS (ANSI + PC
Graphics), AVT (AVATAR 0+), ASC (RemoteAccess
color codes), and backspacing printer formats
into ANS, monochrome-ANS, plain ASCII, AVT,
and ASC. This program is free and comes with
full sources.
14092 REPORT11.ZIP 35551 05.06.1994 - 10791/CD_ASCQ_14_0694.iso -
Sysop's USERS record Report Generator -
Generates reports of user record informa-
tion, showing users with matching password
phone numbers, CallerID info, etc. Helps
identify abusive users, multiple records,
etc. Directly supports CALLERID.PPE info.
By Al Segura    Source Available.
14376 RGI_0531.ZIP 348752 16.05.1995 - 2277/1994 - CDX Multimedia - Shareware CD - CDX94.iso -
14377 RNEWS30.ZIP 32,5 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
Realnews 3.0 - News generator with following features: great layout, extensive error checking, optional full text justification, fully customizable, invidual article delays, etc. (C) 1996 Creatuve Logic Software.
14378 ROAD6_16.ZIP 99,7 kt 09.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Road Work v6.16 Door Game. Newly Released Road Work door game for just about any BBS sytem out there. ANSI graphics game where you have to construct a road from the Western Town to the Eastern town within the days of the contract, trying to make a profit. The door feature auto roll-over of the scores on the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by the sysop.
14379 ROBOM131.ZIP 848327 08.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ROBOMAIL QWK Reader ver. 1.31 -- (1 of 1)
Database oriented offline QWK mail reader
from Parsons Consulting.  Breaks new ground
with sophisticated database access to your
messages, internal editor, spell checker,
folders & modern interface. Extensive support
Internet E-Mail and Newsgroups.  OS/2 and
Windows aware. New version supports long
conference names!
14380 ROTTC23.ZIP 35569 23.02.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
RoTT-CHaT v2.3
A super awesome chat program from Rottweiler
can config the
ansi's, high-ascii or normal lettering, log f
reen, random
page tunes, priority pages, secret user stat
ng, lots more!
for any DOOR.SYS bbs! Special features for RA
14381 SAPB113.ZIP 20,1 kt 07.08.1997 - ratsnest1.iso -
SAPB v.1.13 is a program that reads a BBS logfile (currently works at least for logfile generated by BBBS) and it then creates initially two bulletin files (for example BULL10 for ASCII and BULL10.GR for ANSI). The bulletin name is entered as a second command line parameter to SAPB. There are currently thirteen to fifteen (13-15 ) different things that are calculated.
14382 SBBS1173.ZIP 745962 06.05.1995 - 13848/Kirks_Comm_Disc_Walnut_Creek_July_1994.iso -
SuperBBS boksiohjelma
14383 SF351-1.ZIP 250071 29.12.1995 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System v3.51
Disk 1 - System Disk
14384 SF351-2.ZIP 284398 29.12.1995 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
SPITFIRE Bulletin Board System v3.51
Disk 2 - Utililty/DOC Disk
68307 SFAME090.ZIP 209948 23.02.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
SFAME v.90 SF Full Screen Message Editor
Supports 30000+ conferences, Aliases, QWK
Packets, Doors, File Attaches, Logon Scan,
Spell Checker, Address Books, SF @ Macros,
SFCALLER support.
14385 SFAME095.ZIP 211157 03.01.1996 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
SFAME v.95 SF Full Screen Message Editor
Supports 30000+ conferences, Aliases, QWK
Packets, Doors, File Attaches, Logon Scan,
Spell Checker, Address Books, SF @ Macros,
SFCALLER support.
14386 SFC111.ZIP 441295 31.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Ultimate head-to-head doorgame. Players
battle it out in head-to-head online battles
for absolute supreamacy of the Quadrant. 10
Star races, with 500+ warships and numerous
auxilaries. Star Force Fleet actions like
you've never seen before in a doorgame.
Battle using missiles,phasers,torpedoes.
Launch waves of fighters from carriers or
fight hand-to-hand boarding actions. Up to 4
14387 SINM10B1.ZIP 66810 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SinMail v1.0B1 Shareware - Internet/WWIV
Interface. The first REAL Internet/WWIV
interface to handle newsgroups and email.
SinMail is easy to setup and will work for
any WWIV BBS through a UUCP connection to an
internet service provider.
68448 SLICE10.ZIP 7790 05.06.1994 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SLICE 1.0 File Trimming Utility
by Frank R. Neal
Slice will take any standard
ascii file and trim leading
or trailing lines from text.
I get it to get rid of pesky
ads and the such from our bbs.
From COLOSSUS ]II[ Systems BBS
14105 SPLIT6H.ZIP 29435 05.06.1994 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SPLIT.EXE v 6.0h (c) 1985, 1994. Cuts large
files into small ones, then compares CRC to
original during rebuild. SHELL to DOS: format
chdir, etc. Adjusts output to fill floppy or
Split by: (1) Bytes, (2) Files, (3) Lines per
file, (4) Manually from mid-source. New: Exit
codes for batch errorlevel processing. Displa
improvements for LCD. FAST!
14388 SPLU6_17.ZIP 103,3 kt 09.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Super Plumber v6.17 Door Game. New Super Plumber door game for any BBS system. Any drop file. ANSI graphics game where you connect the pipes to try to keep the fluid flowing throughout the gridwork. Door features auto roll-over with the first caller after midnight on Saturday night. Registered version allows makeup days, creates bulletins, and is configurable by the sysop.
14389 SQUAD140.ZIP 204914 12.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
COP SQUAD v1.40 - Like to play "Cops &
Robbers" ? This game gives you a chance to
test your knowledge of law and your use of
your own common sense. Your goal is to rise
from the rank of ROOKIE to become the CHIEF
OF POLICE! You will take promotional exams,
visit doughnut shops, conduct investigations
and fight your suspects. Basic registration
is $15.00 (Deluxe registration for $20.00
includes a Player Editor) and all future
14390 SS_32.ZIP 105291 26.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
SuperSlots! v3.2. Slot machine game DOOR for
many BBS types from J & W Software. NEW:
updated ANSI graphics, support for FOSSIL
ports > 8, Windows and OS/2 time slices
released, alias support (DOOR.SYS only).
Features include: ANSI/RIP screens with sound
and animation, full Multi-Node support, easy
installation and no maintenance.
14391 SSN10.ZIP 64,3 kt 21.09.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
This program can determine if a US. social security number is valid, and can determine the state where it was issued and the year when it was issued.
14392 STACK_32.ZIP 85329 26.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Stack'Em! v3.2. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for
many BBS types from J & W Software. New:
support for FOSSIL ports > 8, Windows and
OS/2 time slices released, alias support
(DOOR.SYS only). Features include:
ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node
support, easy setup and no maintenance.
14393 STORY.ZIP 94,6 kt 18.08.1997 - 13114/GameWare Collection (CMS Software) (1993).iso -
Make a story door. Callers can read and add to never ending multiple choice story adventures. Includes a story editor.
14394 STT20.ZIP 200,3 kt 04.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
"Super Trek Trivia 2.0 Support multiple BBS types Support for non standard IRQs and COM Ports. Five different question topic databases. Shareware."
14395 SYEDT22A.ZIP 101298 31.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
A fully functional demo of SyncEdit, the full
screen message editor designed for Synchronet
BBS. Features include full Block editing,
internal message quoting, file functions,
preview, on-line help, and use of most BBS
text attribute codes, spell checking, text
search, graphics, and sysop definable tag
lines (registered version only). This version
works ONLY with Synchronet v2.00 or greater!
14396 SYETG150.ZIP 351619 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SyncEdit/G v1.50 - Premium message editor!
SyncEdit/G is a full-screen message editor
designed to flawlessly integrate with many
different BBS software packages.  Features
include; spell check, block manipulation
functions, search/replace, integrated message
quoting system, user taglines, easy to use
menus, and much much more!
Released January 1996
14397 SYS_NOTE.ZIP 12546 26.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Sysop Note v1.0
This is The ULTIMATE Multi Sysop "COMMENT"
Program. Automatically adjusts ansi screen to
fit new or additional sysops up to 17.
Reg Fee is only $5.00.
14122 TALLY10.ZIP 10397 05.06.1994 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
TALLY 1.0 Event Counter Utility
by Frank R. Neal
TALLY will count just about
anything you wish to count.
How many times a program ran or
how many times an event occurred.
Very simple command line driven
program and best of all it is
From COLOSSUS ]II[ Systems BBS
14398 TCALL25.ZIP 24977 06.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Today Callers v2.5
Today Callers is a RemoteAccess
2.xx door the will show real good
Today Callers List, Very usefull,
14128 TDRAW463.ZIP 287759 07.09.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
A text-oriented screen design tool.  Similar
is some regards to a graphics paint program.
Offers multiple page SPRITE editing,
powerful Ansi ANIMATION support, Ansi/Ascii
FONTS, pulldown menus, full mouse support &
online help.  Saves files for ANSI, ASCII,
BSAVE, OBJECT (C/Pascal/QuickBasic), and
source code in Asm Pascal and C formats.
Registr: $22-$25
14399 TFAM10.ZIP 153048 18.03.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
TFAM v1.0 - The Tribbs CDRom Aware File Area
Manager. This is an enhanced File Manager
that automatically installs CDRom to the
TRIBBS Files base, Installs offline CD's,
reorders file area, deletes dupes, deletes
CD's but leaves files that are still present
on other Roms, as well as editing/deleting/
moving files within and between areas. Does
not clutter Hard disk with files on the CDs.
Shareware Rogers & Browning $20.00
14400 TGQUOT55.ZIP 320872 31.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
TGQuote v5.5 - The most advanced quote file
generator available!  Makes a bulletin in
ANSI or ASCII.  Has internal layouts/styles,
or create a custom layout, or import a
background picture or layout.  Easy to
install, setup, and operate.  User can edit,
print, add quotes, and much more!  SysOp can
use in BBS so users can send a quote to the
next user.  $10/one-time registration.
14401 TGWAV110.ZIP 281914 07.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
TGWAVE v1.10 - Blue Wave and QWK compatible
offline mail door for Telegard v3.0. Features
include: full support for the Blue Wave mail
system, keywords and filters, bundling comm-
ands and macros, user file requests, offline
configuration, server/robot feature, multiple
language support, vacation mail, full support
of Blue Wave v2.20's new features, seamless
Fido<->UUCP Internet e-mail gateway support.
Menus, text screens, and ALL language strings
69043 THD_12_0.ZIP 330319 17.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
THD ProScan v12.0 [DOS] New features include
the ability to decompress compressed
executable files using UNP v4.11 as well as
the ability to add external (and internal)
archive definitions and external scanner
definitions. Includes THDTERM for processing
entire directories and THDPLUS for BBS
updates. Standard Upgrade Still Freeware.
14402 THD_12_3.EXE 327,6 kt 04.05.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
THD ProScan v12.3 DOS - File Processor for almost any BBS. Version 12.3 is essentially a bugfix release to repair the problem with wildcard expansion from 12.2. Also fixes the RA GIFSPEC description problem. This is a full release including THDEXEARC for adding Scanner and Archive definitions as well as THDTERM for scanning entire directories.
14403 THRO6_20.ZIP 103,3 kt 04.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Throw Out v6.20 - Solitaire Card Door Game for almost any BBS sytem in use today. ANSI Game in which you have to Throw Out cards in a sequence. Rules are in the door. The door features weekly playing with the door resetting with the 1st caller on Sunday morning, keeping all-time high and lask weeks high scorers. Door is configurable by the sysop for number of games played per day and number of missed days allowed per day.
14404 TIDE101.ZIP 112,4 kt 04.05.1997 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
TIDE 1.01 - Ezycom Full Screen Editor Features fast & efficient ANSI/AVATAR0+ screen updates, full local sysop functions, timeslicing, multi-line support, powerful paragraph reformat routine, user can change message subject & privacy flag, taglines, sysop macros. Also RA/QBBS/SBBS compatible.
14406 TIM110.ZIP 380258 26.12.1995 - 17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso -
TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
internal editor. DOS version.
14405 TIM110X.ZIP 386458 26.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting
Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
internal editor. DOS/386 version.
14407 TKREQ001.ZIP 47,8 kt 03.10.1997 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
TK-REQ V.001a - This is a simple FREEWARE BBS door for use with EZ-ROM and SF-ROM.  TK-REQ exists only to tell your users that the requests they have made have been filled. This free version is the initial release of TK-REQ.  Helps save hard-drive space! FREEWARE by Matthew Kirsch!
14408 TRIBBS10.ZIP 1097370 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
TriBBS 10.0 - TriBBS is the most feature
packed, shareware BBS program on the market.
Features multinode support, RIPscrip
graphics, Zmodem, full-screen, editor,
extensive netmail support, extensive door
support, alias support, extensive CD-ROM
support, indexed file areas, and more. Try
TriBBS Today!
14409 TWT_SC11.ZIP 15,3 kt 04.05.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Split-Screen chatter v1.1
69513 UBBS208A.ZIP 258664 22.06.1996 - 10857/simtel_1193.iso tupla
UBBS: BBS-software version 2.08. Part 1/3.
69514 UBBS208B.ZIP 216753 22.06.1996 - 10857/simtel_1193.iso tupla
UBBS: BBS-software version 2.08. Part 2/3.
14411 UBBS301B.ZIP 800,4 kt 28.04.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
UltraBBS 3.01The Best BBS package on the market is shareware! Includes: Multi-node chat, the fastest filebase search (10x than anything else), built-in inter/fidonet netmail, native CDrom support (import a CD with 1 command), unlimited conferences, multi-door support, unbreakable message encryption. Geared towards easy remote maintenance.
14412 USBDOR54.ZIP 112050 29.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
USBBSDoor 5.4.  USBBS Listing Door. Search by
Area Code, State, Text, Internet, BBS or New.
Automated monthly maintenance. Colorizes list
on the fly.  DESQview aware. Easy to install.
Downloadable off-line USBBS list searcher and
viewer that can be personalized with the BBS
name and telephone number (when registered).
Supports standard com ports, FOSSIL drivers,
non-standard com ports, networks and more.
NOW expands INTERNET listings during display.
14413 USRED12.ZIP 42,9 kt 18.08.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
UserEd for BBBS v1.2 edit your BBBSUSR.DAT
14414 VARIQOT3.ZIP 46677 07.01.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
VARIQOT.EXE V1.3 One/Two line quote screen
creator Would you like to be able to vary a
quote screen EVERY time a user logs on ?
VARIQOT.EXE will pick a quote from a SYSOP
defined list each time a user logs on.
Hundreds of one-liners included or just add
your own! For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!
14415 VBBS614.ZIP 762571 16.05.1995 - 2277/1994 - CDX Multimedia - Shareware CD - CDX94.iso -
4-channel version of VBBS has an integral
front end mailer and tosser. Completely
customizeable look and feel. Supports an
unlimited number of conferences and messages.
Compatible with FIDO, UUCP, WWIV, and local
type networks. DEMO VERSION. Registration:
$99. Virtual Technologies:   210-787-2443.
14416 VBD_301A.ZIP 452654 10.11.1996 koko² ratsnest1.iso -
VBoard is a new advanced Bulletin Board
System. This version is fod DOS 16bit -
v3.01/Rev A -
+ Built in msg editor with ANSI/VT100 support
+ Internal QWK, OMEN and BlueWave offlines.
+ VBasic! QBasic like programming language.
+ Lots of user configurable settiings.
+ Built in easy-to-use user editor.
+ 32 highly configurable user groups.
14417 VBLOG115.ZIP 24,1 kt 13.03.1997 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Braindead Software: VBoard Logfile reader v1.15. Dramatically faster than the previous ones.
14418 VIDEO22.ZIP 132255 23.02.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Video Bandit v2.2 InterBBS Door Game. Video
poker style game. Pull the handle to bring up
your 5 cards then select the cards to Hold or
Discard and spin again. Payoff is based on
the "Hand" that comes up. VB has RIP and
Fossil detection. Accepts non-standard
addressing Will uses environmental variables
in Multi-Node operation. No expiration date
or Demo Key required.
14419 VOTE51.ZIP 106058 06.10.1995 - - -
14420 WALL36B1.ZIP 40437 06.10.1995 - - -
Graffiti Wall-door
14421 WCAT26A.ZIP 445278 15.12.1995 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Wildcat, helppokäyttöinen ja hyvä
DOS-boksiohjelma, Osa 1/2.
14422 WCAT26B.ZIP 360679 16.12.1995 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast2.iso -
Wildcat, helppokäyttöinen ja hyvä
DOS-boksiohjelma, osa 2/2.
14423 WCTDDOOR.ZIP 36,1 kt 21.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
WCTDDOOR v.1.10 (Wildcat Test Drive Door Menu) Programmed by Arun Bhalla as Shareware. Allows doors to be run from Wildcat! TD, via the net mail door in the message menu. Great for all Wildcat! TD users!
14424 WDC15.ZIP 10530 23.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
WDC v1.5
Who Dropped Carrier v1.5  for WC! BBS's.
Now you can track users that logged  off
the BBS abruptly (dropped Carrier).  WDC
creates Hello/Bulletin  screens  easily.
Multi-node / WC  '@'  codes  compatable,
command line  driven, easy to set up and
14425 WEBMAKE1.ZIP 278,1 kt 28.04.1997 - 12808/aol-file-protocol-4400-2401-to-2500.zip -
WORLD WIDE WEB AUTO PAGE MAKER 1.6 01-17-96 This program runs as a door and allows your users to create their own web pages for use on any web site. The zip file includes two files, one is the BBS Door for the users, the other is the utility program for the Sysop.
14426 WG951203.ZIP 603063 31.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
WaterGate 0.21 beta. Message processor
for Fidonet and UUCP. The best and
fastest package to connect your Fidonet
system to Internet e-mail and Usenet
news using UUCP. Supports the most
widely used message bases and mailers.
14427 X00_202.ZIP 174411 09.08.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
X00 Release 2.02 rev. 8.0. This is the latest
release of Ray Gwinn's X00 Fossil Unit, it
will support also the latest standards from
Rockwell 28k8 (VFC) and is hereby the most
powerful fossil-driver in the world.
14428 XD1-1B.ZIP 40,5 kt 03.10.1997 renamed 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
Open ONE Door to 25 Others! Use Default Menus or Create Your Own! Security Validation. XtraDoor v1.1á
14429 XFL109.ZIP 76584 07.01.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
XenoFileLister (XFL) v1.09w For RemoteAccess
replaces RemoteAccess' Default Scrolling File
Lister With an Easy To Use, Full-Screen,
Cursor Controlled Lister.
14430 ZFAST1.ZIP 8709 27.11.1995 koko³ ratsnest1.iso -
!Zorlim's Fastest Warez Route keeper! NOW NEW
software on your BBS you can create route
files, which tells how file has finally got
to the BBS. And where it evergoes, they know
that you got it before them!
14193 ZFILE12.ZIP 13022 09.10.1994 - - -
ZFILE muodostaa PCBoard ja
Intro -yhteensopivan tiedosto-
luettelon ja päivittää pakat-
tujen tiedostojen FILE_ID.DIZ-
kuvaukset luetteloon.
14194 ZIPCHAN1.ZIP 48243 05.06.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ZIPCHANGE will automatically change
the comment in any zip archive.
Completely configurable, it will
work on one directory, or up to
1000 directories - UNATTENDED!!
Written by: Chris Michaels
14431 0948DR2J.ZIP 134255 26.02.1995 - - -
ATA-2-määritys, revisio 2j
14432 16550AS2.ZIP 3297 05.01.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BMP, jossa 16550AS-piirin rakennusohjeet.
14433 2SEAGATE.ZIP 453637 10.04.1995 - - -
Specs for all Seagate drives from Seagate BBS
14434 4DOSSI.ZIP 2981 01.04.1995 - - -
Vinkkejä 4dossin tehokkaaseen käyttöön,
aloittelijoille ja miksei kokeneemmillekin.
14435 4NW25085.ZIP 49438 25.09.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
4dos usergroup mail. * Leeched 25.8.95 *
Hints, solutions & items on 4dos & apps &
platforms; eg. 4dos 5.51 and win95
14436 550DOC.ZIP 7492 24.03.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso tupla
Kaikki mitä olet halunnut tietää
sarjaliikennepiireistä. Mukana mm. tietoa
piirin vaihtamisesta.
13874 ACT-22.ZIP 29685 24.03.1995 renamed 10841/Simtel-MSDOS-May1995-CD2.iso -
Archive Comparision Table v22 - 12/3/95
This ZIP file contains all the results and
any other information about the Archive
Comparision Table. This table contains
comparision between 39 different archiving
programs. Using 4 different data sets for
the testing.
14437 APPNOTE.ZIP 11603 18.05.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PKZIP v2.04g Application Note
Detailed explanation of the PKZIP file format
and compression methods. From www.pkware.com
14438 ATA-2.ZIP 50009 31.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ATA/IDE Specs with extensions. Revision 0.
14439 BATCH13.ZIP 122,1 kt 23.09.1997 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD2.iso -
This is "THE RUN BATCH RUN BOOK" A comprehensive collection of Batchprograms, a guide to Batchenhancers, useful MS-DOS utilities and where on earth you can find them, a shareware book, version 1.3. It\'s written for the beginners, for those who has been working with MS DOS for awhile and for the experencied user that needs a reference manual to improve their own programs and for those who are looking for new ideas. This book is meant to be a tutorial and reference
14440 BILDIT41.ZIP 295070 27.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Tietokoneen käytöstä ohjeita vasta-alkajille
14441 BIOSSG24.ZIP 17913 05.01.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
BIOS survival guide. Kertoo kuinka BIOSin
setupia käytetään tehokkaasti.
14442 BIOSTYPE.ZIP 11793 15.03.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Information on PC's Basic Input/Output
Systems (BIOSes)
14443 CADU18.ZIP 70275 04.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Text listing popular AutoCAD Public Domain &
shareware files by type, with release date
and short description.
14444 CBM64FAQ.ZIP 36374 07.01.1995 - MBCD -
Commodore 64-emulaatio FAQ Usein esitetyt
kysymykset ja vastaukset niihin liittyen
Commodore 64:n emulointiin. Lue tämä
ennenkuin esität kysymyksen.
13907 CLASS2.ZIP 4077 16.08.1994 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Class 2 fax command set list
14445 COPRO16.ZIP 82591 12.02.1995 - - -
Information on math coprocessors
14446 CPAV.FAQ 32320 13.03.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
This is the FAQ (Frequently Answered
Questions) file for Central Point and
Microsoft AntiVirus.
14447 DOSHLP16.ZIP 537380 01.07.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
doshlp16.zip is a tutorial for learning
essential DOS commands.It can be used by both
beginners and more advanced DOS users. Using
a mouse, you can navigate through the various
DOS commands and get examples of each one,
with pop-up help balloons that explain each
example. An "I want to..." section helps you
decide which DOS command you need to
accomplish a given task. Shareware. Pegasus
Software     JeffMcD@ix.netcom.com
14448 DOSUNDOC.ZIP 6837 25.04.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Undocumented command switches for MS DOS...
14449 EIDFAQ13.ZIP 36686 30.12.1995 - - -
Yet Another EIDE/ATA-2 FAQ, version 1.3
Frequently Asked Questions about Enhanced IDE
and answers to them.
13930 EXCEPT.TEC 19592 13.03.1995 - - -
Detailed explanation of QEMM-386's Exception
#12 and Exception #13 messages, why they are
reported, and steps to identify their causes.
Also see EX13FLOW.TEC for troubleshooting.
13932 EXTMEM.TEC 5561 13.03.1995 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
A review of the EXTMEM and MEMORY parameters
to QEMM-386 -- what they're used for, and why
you almost certainly don't need them.
13935 FAST550.ZIP 24441 16.08.1994 - OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Documentation for using 16550 serial ports.
Includes several utility programs.
13969 GUSACE.ZIP 2716 01.04.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Infoa Advanced Graviksen uudesta kortista,
GUS ACEsta.  Lue tämä, ennenkuin kyselet.
13972 GUSMBDS.ZIP 11411 30.01.1995 - scene.org -
GUS Compatible Motherboards
A note in choosing the right board for you
13974 HD1292R6.ZIP 43123 06.05.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
South Texas BBS hard drive listing 12/92,
Released 15.11.1992. HDD parameters.
14450 HITACHI.DOC 3160 27.06.1996 - - -
Hitachi CR-ROM aseman manuaali
14451 IDEBIOS4.ZIP 11921 25.05.1995 - - -
IDE-kiintolevyjen 528 Mt rajan ylitys. 10 eri
tapaa. V. 4, englanninkielinen.
14452 INS562.TXT 1704 13.03.1995 - - -
Some suggestions for installing a 562 drive
on the Creative/Panasonic CD-ROM interface on
SB-series cards.
14453 IOPD.ZIP 879417 11.01.1995 - - -
Intel Overdrive Processor Demo
14454 JP4ADD.ZIP 20519 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
*Optional* ASCII reference manual Addendum fo
4DOS 5.5, 4OS2 2.5, and 4DOS/NT 2.5.  Only
useful if you have a printed Reference Manual
for 4DOS 5.0 / 4OS2 2.0 / 4DOS/NT 2.0.  For
4DOS files see 4DOS55A.ZIP and 4DOS55B.ZIP,
for 4OS2 see 4OS216A.ZIP, 4OS232A.ZIP, and
4OS225B.ZIP; for 4DOS/NT see 4DOSNT25.ZIP.
10-12-94 release A.
14022 MCROPINS.ZIP 6929 15.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Micropolis ESDI / SCSI models manuals
14455 MHK-85CB.ZIP 4124 12.04.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Docs: How to make TI-85<->PC Cable
14034 MPEGFA30.ZIP 366782 16.08.1994 - 10787/CD_ASCQ_10_1293.iso -
FAQ about MPEG
14456 NETIKETT.ZIP 27535 05.01.1995 - - -
Netiketti (Timo Kiravuo) 1.8.1994 Ohjeita
kirjoitteluun, merkistöihin, ftp:hen,
sfnettiin, yms.
14041 NLSP.EVY 167336 12.01.1996 - - -
Novell Netware Link Services Protocol
(NLSP) overview in Envoy format.
14457 OPAS.ZIP 6488 30.03.1996 - - -
Keinoja dos - pelien käynnistysongelmiin.
Suomenkielinen. Tekijä: Sampo Mutka
14458 P5_BUG.ZIP 2691 05.05.1995 - - -
Pentium Bug FAQ v0.0
14459 PD0321.EXE 17104 13.04.1995 - - -
PD0321:Removing Non-DOS partitions with Debug
14460 PD0470.EXE 21985 13.04.1995 - - -
PD0470:System fails when using EMM386.EXE
14461 PD0771.EXE 20328 13.04.1995 - - -
PD0771:Repartitioning your hard disk to
upgrade to MS-DOS 6.x
14462 PD0805.EXE 28979 13.04.1995 - - -
PD0805:Smartdrive 4.2 offers conservative
disk caching
14067 PD0836.EXE 89316 28.10.1994 - - -
DoubleSpace Compressed Volume File (CVF)
Documents and source code to describe and
illustrate the format of the DoubleSpace
compressed volume file (CVF) and the use of
the DoubleSpace System API.
14463 PINS.ZIP 2020 24.03.1995 - 10855/SIMTEL_0593.ISO -
PC-mikron liittimien pinnajärjestykset
Näyttö, peliohjain, kirjoitin, sarja
14081 PRTPRB.ZIP 5946 12.02.1996 - 20300/RoseWare - Network Support Library.iso -
Help text file for printing on Netware &
trouble shooting print on Netware.
14087 QWHITAUG.ZIP 12219 16.08.1994 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Quarterdeck White papers for August 1993
68251 SCSIHLP.ZIP 145195 27.08.1994 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SCSIHLP - Anything you ever wanted to
to know about SCSI in a windows help
file in Hypertext format.
14102 SPECFAQ.ZIP 17817 07.01.1995 - MBCD -
Spectrum-emulaatio FAQ Englanninkielinen
yleisimmät kysymykset ja vastaukset liittyen
ZX Spectrumin emuloimiseen. Lue tämä
ennenkuin esität kysymyksen.
14112 STAC.TEC 17179 13.03.1995 - - -
Using Stac Electronics' Stacker disk
compression utility (in versions previous to
v. 3.0) with Quarterdeck products.  Notes on
how to deal with Optimize and the SSWAP
14110 STAC3.TEC 11293 13.03.1995 - - -
Information on using Stac Electronics'
Stacker v. 3.0 with Quarterdeck products.
14111 STAC4.TEC 9333 13.03.1995 - - -
The use of Stacker 4.0 with Quarterdeck
14142 TSFAQN37.ZIP 82271 16.08.1994 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Prof. Timo Salmi's answers to Frequently
Asked Questions about UseNet news, MsDos
programs, and downloading and uploading
programs and material from and to
Internet FTP sites like garbo.uwasa.fi.
14464 UNDOCDOS.ZIP 6635 06.05.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Dokumentoimattomia dos-kometoja ja switchejä.
14172 VTUTOR10.ZIP 285934 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
Tutor.COM - Viruses is a freeware anti-virus
tutorial covering everything the average
computer users needs to know about this
important subject. Both viruses and
myths/hoaxes are covered. Recommendations are
given relative to protecting yourself.
14176 WD_CAVAR.ZIP 17960 16.08.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Information, specifications and nstallation
instructions for Western Digital Caviar 3 1/2
" drives, WDAC280 (80 MB) thru WDAC2340 (340
MB), directly from the WD BBS.
14187 XMS.EXE 167786 28.10.1994 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
eXtended Memory Specification (XMS), ver
14190 YZMODEM.LZH 70581 09.11.1994 - 13117/Garbo.cdr -
Documents: The ZMODEM
Inter Application File Transfer Protocol
Xmodem/Ymodem Protocol Reference
14199 ZYXFAQ35.ZIP 45772 16.08.1994 - 16770/Software Vault (The Emerald Collection) (American Databankers Corporation).ISO -
ZyXEL FAQ v3.5
Frequently Asked Questions about ZyXEL fax-
modems from Usenet forum comp.dcom.fax &
comp.dcom.modems.  The FAQ is maintained by
Robert Wong (wrob@unixg.ubc.ca)
13864 262TO263.ZIP 107605 20.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Desqview update 2.62->2.63
13865 32BDA.ZIP 4477 13.03.1995 - 6509/CDASS_5.ISO -
Fix for 32-bit disk access / QEMM's Stealth
14465 3DBENFIX.ZIP 34,7 kt 20.02.1997 - - -
Tällä saa 3D Benchin näyttämään myös tehokkaampien koneiden tulokset. Vaati siis myös alkuperäisen 3D Benchin.
13870 700TO701.EXE 133208 20.02.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Qemm update from 7.00 to 7.01
13871 701TO704.ZIP 255373 20.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Qemm update from 7.01 to 7.04
13872 702TO704.ZIP 201251 20.02.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Qemm update from 7.02 to 7.04
14466 CLNSWPUD.ZIP 228236 16.03.1995 - - -
Patchfile to CleanSweep 1.0, dated 11-08-94
14467 CSPAT1.EXE 244325 13.03.1995 - - -
Cleansweep patch for version 1.00
Dated 11/08/94
This patchfile implements fixes to Cleansweep
version 1.00. This patch will work ONLY on
Cleansweep version 1.00. The date on the
CLNSWEEP.EXE file in your CLNSWEEP directory
should be 11/08/94. If the date on these
files is later than 11/08/94, you do not need
this patch. Cleansweep patch for version 1.00
dated 11/08/94.
14469 D70E.ZIP 27655 15.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: Template fix, RAMdrives
14468 D70EMM.ZIP 44420 10.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: Ctl-Alt-Del fails
14470 D70MODE.ZIP 15304 10.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: Ctl-Alt-Del fails
14471 D70POWER.ZIP 6158 10.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: correct hangs
14472 D70SHARE.ZIP 6332 10.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: out of memory errors
14473 D70TVL.ZIP 993 10.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: allow Win95 progs to run
14474 D70U15.ZIP 969163 05.02.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Novell DOS-7, Update #15 From Novell's
Support Bulletin Board in Provo.
14475 D70XDF.ZIP 17486 10.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
PC DOS 7.0 fix: use xdf w/ < 2M free disk
63106 DOS62SP.EXE 763182 03.12.1994 - 12771/10000.zip -
MS-DOS 6.2 Supplemental Utilities Disk
AccessDOS for persons with disabilities *
Keyboard utilities, including Dvorak
keyboard layouts * A program for creating
a bootable compressed floppy disk *
Utilities from MS-DOS 5.0 that were not
included with MS-DOS 6.2 * Updated network
files for MS-DOS 6.2 * MS-DOS Shell
14476 DR6WIN.ZIP 120324 28.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Digital Researchin julkaisema korjauspaketti
DR-DOS 6.0:lle Windows 3.1 yhteensopivuuden
14477 E800FX.ZIP 2188 13.03.1995 - - -
There is a common problem with Manifest (and
other programs) causing an Exception #13 or
#6 to be posted on several DEC, Gateway, NEC
Versa and other machines.  There is a
APM-related problem in the Phoenix BIOSes
that comes with these machines. This file
contains two files: E800FIX.DOC, which
documents the problem, and E800FIX.COM, which
is a TSR and a good thing to use when APM is
disabled (that is, when the customer is NOT
using POWER.EXE).
14478 GUS0048.ZIP 63391 24.02.1995 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Korjauksia ultrasoundin tiedostoihin.
14011 LOADDSKF.ARJ 7961 28.03.1995 - 15465/OS-2 WARP - Latest Shareware Programs.iso -
The diskette image utility for PC DOS 6.3
14019 M700A.ZIP 243201 27.02.1995 - - -
386MAX patch v.7.00 => v.7.01 from Qualitas
14029 MFPAT1.EXE 169020 13.03.1995 - 12838/aol-file-protocol-4400-901-to-1100.zip -
This patch updates all Manifest 3.0 versions
(9-17-94, 10-12-94, and 11-22-94) Information
about changes and updates are included in the
14479 PCDOS70F.ZIP 130203 16.07.1995 - - -
PC DOS 7.0 fix        July 20, 1995
14480 QPAT2U.EXE 283875 13.03.1995 - - -
QEMM patch for version 7.5
dated 17/9/94 and 12/10/94
This patchfile implements fixes to QEMM
version 7.5. This patch will work ONLY on
QEMM version 7.5. The date on the
QEMM386.SYS file in your QEMM directory
should be 17/9/94 or 12/10/94. If the date
on this file is later than 12/10/94, you do
not need this patch.
14481 READUPUK.TXT 17464 28.03.1995 - - -
Readme for PC DOS version 6.1 to 6.3 Upgrade.
14482 SKFX001B.ZIP 113,4 kt 01.04.1998 - - -
SkyFix v0.01Ohjelma, joka korjaa useimmat ennen toimimattomat OMEN-etälukupaketit toimimaan SkyReader v1.00 tai aikaisempien versioiden kanssa.
14117 SUP622.EXE 781125 03.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MS-DOS 6.22 Supplemental Utilities Disk
AccessDOS for persons with disabilities *
Keyboard utilities, including ISO fonts
and Dvorak keyboard layouts * A program
for creating a bootable compressed floppy
disk * Utilities from MS-DOS 5.0 that
were not included with MS-DOS 6.22 *
Updated network files for MS-DOS 6.22 *
MS-DOS Shell
14151 UKD631.DSK 1444905 28.03.1995 - - -
PC DOS version 6.1 to 6.3 upgrade, U.K.
English disk 1/5. Upgrades a PC DOS 6.1 user
to PC DOS 6.3, the most full-featured DOS
available that runs all IBM and compatible
PCs. You will also need LOADDSKF.ARJ and
14152 UKD632.DSK 1190441 28.03.1995 - - -
PC DOS version 6.1 to 6.3 upgrade, U.K.
English disk 2/5.
14153 UKD633.DSK 1305129 28.03.1995 - - -
PC DOS Version 6.1 to 6.3 upgrade, U.K.
English disk 3/5.
14154 UKD634.DSK 1304617 28.03.1995 - - -
PC DOS version 6.1 to 6.3 upgrade, U.K.
English disk 4/5.
14155 UKD635.DSK 1097769 28.03.1995 - - -
PC DOS version 6.1 to 6.3 Upgrade, U.K.
English disk 5/5.
14484 16VOCWAV.ZIP 51495 06.01.1996 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Voice and Wave Converter for Sound Blaster 16
Generoi välillä WAV-VOC.
14485 2!REALMP.ZIP 191331 04.03.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
RealTech Module Player v1.20
13873 ACDC200.ZIP 45669 27.12.1994 - 23463/CHIP 1995 majus.zip -
Audio Compact Disc Controller v2.00
A resident audio CD player for dos.
With full background control, you
can play your favorite tracks while
running almost any other program.
Pop-up on almost any VGA text mode.
Features like your hi-fi CD player,
including skip, scan, repeat, intro
scan, random play, 6 different time
14486 ACP_101.ZIP 21571 24.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Another CD Player Version 1.01 05/20/96
Freeware CD player from Hungary
Requires 286, CD drive, MSCDEX
Optional VGA, mouse
Both interactive and command line mode
Easy handling!
14487 ADNMOD02.ZIP 41399 10.04.1995 - scene.org -
Adrenalin Module Player  v0.2 Beta
Featuring: GUS only, FULL sources included
(TP), Super shell, VERY easy to use
14488 AGS-MP05.ZIP 250,4 kt 25.08.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Aegis MP3 DOS player v0.5 Supports lots of cards (MIDAS) - seeking fonctions - plays MP3,MP2 - cyrix and pentium versions - fast, great, useful new!: vumetre, long filenames, wildcards support. By ron/aegis.
14489 AIL32DRV.ZIP 92293 12.07.1995 - - -
Ultrasound 32-bit AIL drivers 01/29/94
14490 AMB2V110.ZIP 58,8 kt 09.12.1998 - - -
Ambient Sound Studio 2 v.110. Lisää uusia toimintoja kuten mahdollisuus soittaa sampleja. Nopeuttakin on tullut lisää.
14491 AMP20.ZIP 57459 24.11.1996 - 17006/SuperHack CD.bin -
AMP v2.0 Module player for SB AWE32.
XM/S3M/MTM/MOD/PTM modules supported. No
notes lost due to hardware limits. The
perfect, clean sound! Requirements:
14492 AMPEG43.ZIP 219527 15.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
AMPEG version 4.3 A simple Audio MPEG Layer 1
& 2 encoder and a Layer 1, 2 & 3 decoder
14493 AWEDRM.ZIP 41616 13.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
This program let's you upload
up to 2 wav-files in the awe32 dram. It
creates a user bank no. 127 where the
standard (ROM) Acoustic Grand Piano and
Bright Acoustic Grand Piano (instrument #0
and #1) can replaced by custom wav files, it
doesn't support any patch parameters like
envelope, multi-samples, etc.
14494 AWEMP145.ZIP 59747 01.04.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
AWE32 modplayer v1.45 Plays all XMs, S3Ms,
MTMs and MODs, up to 32 channels. Digital
bass and treble EQ. 16 different reverb and
chorus effects. Play-list with random play,
holds a max. of 1024 files.
14495 AWEPLAY.ZIP 63641 15.08.1995 - - -
AwePlay by Thor  The best module player for
the AWE32!  Features:  +loads and plays
XM/MOD modules (for XM, 8/16 bits samples)
+up to 30 channels, max 256 rows, max 256
patterns +all Protracker's & almost all
FastTracker II's effects implemented +force
upload (if not enough RAM on AWE32, less
samples, but playing)
14496 AWETUBE.ARJ 27,3 kt 04.11.1997 - - -
Awetube effects processor for Awe32/64.Realtime. Uses EMU8000 chip to make sound effects.
14497 AXS202.ZIP 540,1 kt 30.07.1998 - scene.org -
AXS v2.02 Another eXperimental Synthesizer (sw).
14498 BBZPL102.ZIP 61672 17.12.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Biz-E-Bitz Software's Music Module Player
V1.02 BBZPlay is a music player which
currently supports 4/6/8 channel Noise
Tracker, Pro Tracker, Star Trekker, and Fast
Tracker MOD files. Supports Sound Blaster
family of cards.
13886 BMSTR62.ZIP 291636 28.12.1994 - MBCD -
Blaster Master v6.2
The best VOC file editor for the
Sound Blaster. Many Special FX: Echo,
Fade, Reverse, Mix, Remove Vocals, Stereo
Panning, Change Sample Rate, Looping, and
much more! New tutorial file included.
14499 C64MUSIX.ZIP 19200 22.04.1996 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
HSC-Tracker V1.3 - Pieni taustalla pyörivä
14500 CAKE5DMO.ZIP 461296 04.11.1995 - - -
Cakewalk for DOS v5.0 (demo)
MIDI-sekvensseriohjelma DOSille.
Vaatii MPU-401-yhteensopivan MIDI-kortin.
Toimiva demo. Kappaleiden tallennus estetty.
13890 CANVAS30.ZIP 199987 07.12.1994 - 15201/My Software Collection.iso -
SongCanvas v3.0
Complete DOS & Windows 3.1 patch editor &
librarian program for Roland's GS
synthesizers (SOUNDCanvas SC-55, SCC-1,
SC-155, JV-30 & many others); supports all
popular MIDI interfaces & coexists well with
Windows multimedia pgms; plays your MIDI
files as you edit, so you can hear your
changes instantly in the context of your own
musical projects; 03/01/93; Jeff Cazel.
13900 CD_V16.ZIP 88722 27.12.1994 - 13237/groovybytes.iso -
CD-V 1.6 CD-ROM player w/ VGA graphics
14501 CD2MP3.ARJ 446,1 kt 15.11.1998 - - -
CD-Audio to MP3 conversion interface 1.21Helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MP3:sten tekoon CDDA:n ja L3Enc:in avulla. Vaatii DOS,MSCDEX (+CD-ROM ym. sälät ;) Paketti sisältää kaiken tarvittavan. (c) Rico software 1998.
13892 CDBOX300.ZIP 300881 07.12.1994 - 16607/share_gal_3.zip -
Cd-Box v3.00
All-in-one VGA & Mouse Multi-Format Sound
Player For Adlib & Sb Supports Cmf, mid, mod,
mus, rol, voc And Wav, With Pause & Repeat &
Volume Control, Playing From Arc, Arj, pak
And ZIP, Handling of Bank Files, Song Lengths
And Titles, Nice Graphics And Funny
Animations Shareware.
14502 CDM35.ZIP 106318 26.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Compact Disc MASTER v3.5 - full featured, DOS
based controller for playing audio CDs on
most CDROM drives. Special features are
included for the SB Pro, SB16 and PAS-16.
Shareware. Written by author of BLASTER
Master, Gary Maddox (1996)
14503 CDPLAY43.ARJ 453,5 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
VPKSoft CD Player II v.4.30aUutta edellisen version 4.2 jälkeen:, korjattu CD:n tunnistamisbugi, graafinen äänikäyrä, äänikäyrä myos tekstitilassa, mahdollisuus imuroida albumi- tiedostoja internetistä. Mukana myös tietysti kaikki vanhat hyvät ominaisuudet! Sharewarea. Go to http://koti.mbnet.fi/~vpksoft/
13895 CDR310.ZIP 12027 27.12.1994 - 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast.iso -
CD Resident v3.10  Audio CD player
Stays in memory once installed. Also
incorporates a number of other useful
features such as a peak level meter.
61934 CDRAM06.ZIP 14577 15.08.1995 koko² modiromppu.iso -
CDRAM version 0.6 - by Diapason, March 1995
Resident CD-Player 1.5 kB!
Required: 386+, MSCDEX 2.1+
Version en Français incluse! Made in Québec!
61936 CDSSSS.ZIP 106088 04.11.1996 - - -
Compact Disc MASTER v3.4 - full featured, DOS
based controller for playing audio CDs on
most CDROM drives. Special features are
included for the SB Pro, SB16 and PAS-16.
Shareware. Written by author of BLASTER
Master, Gary Maddox (1995)
13902 CHORD20.ZIP 216734 07.12.1994 - ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) -
Chordmaster 2.0 - Chord Chemistry Pgm.
For Guitarist's. This New Version Introduces
The Tab View Sequencer, Which Can Play Axe
Files Through A Midi Device or Sound Card.
Axe Files Contain Notes, Timings, Tunings,
Fingering Info And More. As The Songs Are
Played The User Sees The Guitar Tablature in
The Tab View Sequencer, While The Fingering
is Shown in Real-Time on A Guitar Fretboard.
Several Axe Files Are Included, And Can be.
13903 CHRDMAGC.ZIP 31066 07.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ChordMagic v1.0    Andrew J. Gryc   $20
Lets you experiment with guitar chords, hit
a key and and Chord Magic will tell you what
chord you're playing. Because each string
displays which component of the chord it is,
making slight alterations to chords is easy.
62194 CMOD312.ZIP 111047 13.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CapaMod 3.12 _THE_ MOD, S3M and XM player for
Gravis UltraSound. Includes CapaPlay II
library for Assembler, C, Pascal and Basic.
62257 COMPSD13.ZIP 87242 23.01.1996 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img -
Composer 669 v1.3 - The 1st 8-Channel Digital
Composer For The IBM PC! It Features Direct
Support For Mono Sound On A SoundBlaster Card
and For Stereo On A SoundBlaster Pro Card,
Stereo Mixing Capabilities (SBPro), Enhanced
Tracking, Internal Built-In Volume Controls
(SBPro), and MORE! Requires: 386 CPU, 2 Megs
of RAM, A VGA Graphics Adaptor, And A SB or
SBPro Audio Card.
62290 CONV14.ZIP 120990 13.03.1995 - MBCD -
Convert v1.4B, (c) 1994 Jesus Villena
The latest solution to obtain samples from:
SDS,SDX,SF Modules:
UWF,FSM,S3I,SOU,DSF,XI  and convert them to:
62337 CP17.ZIP 329249 21.04.1996 - scene.org -
Cubic Player v1.7 mekka rel
formats:  XM,S3M,MOD,AMS,DMF,MTM,
devices:  GUS,SB,WSS,PAS,DISK,no
62338 CP20A.ZIP 385551 05.01.1997 - scene.org -
Cubic Player 2.0a - Party 6 version! No docs
included, no dos4gw needed as with earlier
62340 CPAWE17C.ZIP 7233 31.08.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Cubic Player AWE wavetable driver 1.7c update
Removes strange left/right channels missing/
/wrong bug.
62341 CPGP17B.ZIP 4004 13.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Cubic Player add.drv: GUS player driver v1.7b
Bugfixed version. Lets you play .WAVs
-use the Mixer (echos,mods>1MB)
-use the Quality Mixer with a normal Gravis
62343 CPLAY.ZIP 17955 12.04.1995 - MBCD eritupla
CPlay V1.0 SW, Jere Sanisalo, 1995
CPlay is powerful CD-ROM music player that
allows detecting different disc:s and their
song names. CPlay supports multiple CD-ROM:s.
This is SW, so spread it to anywhere you like
62470 CTHUG53.ZIP 402793 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
Cthugha 5.3-An Oscilliscope on Acid
Connect your SB/GUS to your Line-In
or CD-ROM, and watch the hypnotic
patterns formed by the music.
CD-Player interface, mind-blowing
rotating flames.
New in this version:
Uses less memory (25k less)
62471 CTHUG53X.ZIP 1008893 26.02.1996 - MBCD -
Cthugha-An Oscilliscope on Acid v5.3
Supplemental Files:
- More TAB files
- More PCX files
- More MAP files
- A Windows TAB file generator
62589 DA2WAV14.ZIP 167062 27.02.1996 - 22583/Hrac_10_1997-04_cd.bin -
CDDA (DA2WAV) 1.4: copy audio CD to WAV or
CD-i movie to MPEG file
62590 DAC22.ZIP 336670 01.04.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Digital Audio Copy v2.2
Now supports SCSI Drives via ASPI !!!
Copy Audio Tracks from CD to Hard Disk.
Convert them to 11, 22 or 44khz Stereo/
Mono (Mix/Left/Right). Comfortable SAA
User Interface. Tools for CD Access
62927 DIGITR31.ZIP 256534 30.06.1996 - scene.org -
TRAKKER 3.1 SB 16 support, MIDI for GUS and
SB16 Pull Up Menues +MORE! all you can expect
from a good,modern musicprog!
Soundblaster,GUS,noSound MDL xm mod s3m dmf
ptm ult 669 far dsm mtm IST pat xi IFF wav
voc smp.
63051 DMP400.ZIP 326220 01.04.1995 - MBCD -
Dual Module Player v4.00
New major update.
Revised sound drivers, new sound setup,
handy module selector etc.
Includes both DMP and DMP32.
63053 DMPC250.ZIP 101871 16.11.1994 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Dual Module Player Companion v2.50
The front end for almost any music player.
HPK/HA/ARC/PAK/RAR/UC2. Use any music format
Allows random and tagged play. Rips samples
Saves samples in SMP/SAM/WAV/FSM/SND/VOC/SPL
Play samples on GUS/PAS/SB/DAC/Tandy/Adlib &
Speaker! Fast startup with logfile function.
Piano-style layout for sample preview.
63054 DMPDR401.ZIP 55236 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Dual Module Player v4.01
New Drivers
for DMP V4.00 Fixes Bug with DMP32 on 16-Bit
Soundcards using non amplified modes!
Directly from author!
14504 DMPIF100.ZIP 16369 12.04.1995 - - -
DMP-InterFace v1.00
Do you want a CD-PLAYER-KIND OF look while
playing modules through DMP or ANY module
player?? Here's the IF of your life, do you
ENJOY!!! -- (c)Hectomowick-Crew, FINLAND!
14505 DMPSH302.ZIP 47029 13.06.1996 - 7504/freedom.zip -
DMP Shell 3.02
The ultimate frontend for Dual
Module Player! Supports/features:
Tagged/random play
Song info, copy, delete, & rename
ALL the DMP parameters in menus
14506 DOSAMP07.ZIP 105,8 kt 23.11.1997 - modiromppu.iso -
DosAmp v0.7 DosAmp is MS-Dos based .MPx Player. Supported files: .MP2, .MP3 http://www.nullsoft.com
14507 DSP100.ZIP 541159 18.01.1995 - - -
Dynamic Studio Professional v1.00
The ultimate GUS tracker Download now
Quality Shareware by The Loom Syndicate
16 channels, CDROM support, MIDI + more
Req: GUS, 386+, VGA, 2Mb XMS, Mouse
14508 DTRK200A.ZIP 50646 07.05.1996 - modiromppu.iso -
Disordertracker by Psychic Link.
14509 EFF10.ZIP 5,5 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Effect Device v1.0   * FREEWARE * (c) 1998 Jarno Kalliokoski (Fantti) Effect Device is a realtime effects processor for use as a replacement for distorsion machine, various of effects machines between guitar and amplifier, also it replaces the amplifier itself. Requires : Pentium, SB & Guitar -)
13937 FB100B_M.ZIP 52467 28.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
VIBRANTS presents - FairPlay v1.00ß
Great MOD player with a nice GUI in
640x480x16 mode - it features ECHO,
REVERB and CHORUS on GUS - but also
supports the SB, SB pro and SB16 in
8- or 16 bit mode - almost complete
ProTracker commands supports - nice
sample bars and scopes - a flexible
file requester - this version comes
14510 FLAMECD.ZIP 35,2 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
"Flame CD-Player v1.32 Propably the best CD-player there is for DOS! Features: * Graphical user interface * Easy-to-use graphical controls * Now with rewind/fast forward * Cool half-screen flame * 320x200 full 256 color playback! * On-line help * Totally freeware! * Full source code included (Pascal+ASM) !!! - Some incompatabilty problems may appear   under WIN95 unless run in Full DOS-mode.. Download it now! Its totally free!!"
13947 FLAMETRC.ZIP 54670 07.12.1994 - MBCD -
Flame Tracker0 By Todd Reser
Supports Many Samp. Rates Above 44000hz Runs
On 2/3/486, Vga/Ansi/Text Support
Soundblaster/Pro, Paudiospectrum, And D/A
Support. 04-01-93.
14511 FMC.ZIP 35107 12.02.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
käyttävä musanteko-ohjelma! Dokumentit,
esimerkkibiisit sekä soittorutiinin sorsa
14512 FMK106.ZIP 113,1 kt 03.03.1999 - - -
FM-Kingtracker v1.06 Features : OPL2 & OPL3, 18 channels, stereo, 2op/4op-instrument support, all tracker effects, ST3-style interface. New: Font/palette editors, bnk-converter, trackview. Reqs: 386, Vga, dos, opl2/opl3. Contains sub-dirs. Freeware. 
64320 FT206.ZIP 340463 27.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
Triton presents: Fasttracker II v2.06
14513 FT208.ZIP 281,9 kt 23.08.1997 - MBCD -
Triton presents: Fasttracker II v2.08
14514 FUNK106.ZIP 480804 19.07.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FunkTracker v1.06
Hot little Demo Format, 386+
Supports: GUS, SB, SB Pro, SB16, PAS16
Full Source code By jsno/Super Real Darwin
14515 GB303_V7.ZIP 64429 25.03.1996 - scene.org -
GB-303 . Version 7 . Phase ]I[ program to
make dirty howling barking chirping sounds
very popular in Acid House music GUS, saves
raw 8/16, data etc. bugfixes, english manual
13956 GCMFP.ZIP 20267 07.12.1994 - 15201/My Software Collection.iso -
Graphical Cmf Player Version 1.00!
Play Cmf Files on Your sb or sb Pro And
Compatibles. Registered Version Allows Cmf
Files to be Played in The Backgound.
13962 GITAR143.ZIP 108912 07.12.1994 - - -
Guitar Teacher 1.43
For displaying guitar chord diagrams.
13966 GRIND11.ZIP 1109824 29.10.1994 - - -
Grind, An incredible MODplayer
that displays people dancing perfectly in
time to the music! Supports MOD, STM, S3M,
MTM, 669, and FAR song modules; 8-bit and
16-bit sound cards; also supports GUS.
New in version 1.1: Can be used as stand-
alone player from MODplayer shell programs.
13968 GSCOPE07.ZIP 18152 28.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
GUS StereoScope v0.7
A stereo scope for your GUS card and a
Line/Mic-In source.
14516 GUS0044.ZIP 227247 23.02.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
UltraSound Setup v0.1α
Replaces setgus.exe & setup.exe - now with
nice and easy to use Graphic User Interface
2nd BETA
14517 GUS0045.ZIP 168523 20.02.1995 - MBCD -
UltraSound Mixer and Ultrainit 2.31
Now Ace-compatible
14518 GUS411A.ZIP 1377992 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 1/6.
14519 GUS411B.ZIP 1442628 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 2/6.
14520 GUS411C.ZIP 1385832 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 3/6.
14521 GUS411D.ZIP 1352864 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 4/6.
14522 GUS411E.ZIP 1382789 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 5/6.
14523 GUS411F.ZIP 1234055 01.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS Normal/MAX/ACE Software 4.11. Osa 6/6.
13970 GUSAIL10.ZIP 111234 28.12.1994 - MBCD -
GUS AIL-ajuri 1.00
13971 GUSDELAY.ZIP 60248 28.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
GusDelay v1.0
A program that transforms your Gravis
UltraSound into an extremely powerful yet
easy to use digital delay system (DDS).
64634 GUSDUMP.ZIP 10719 13.05.1996 väärä koko scene.org -
GusDump 1.0 by FireLight, 1994. This utility
dumps the entire GUS DRAM to a file.
64636 GUSREV02.ZIP 4755 13.05.1996 väärä koko scene.org -
GUSREV Release 0.2ß, GUS revision detector By
dATa, The CCS-Productions
64637 GUSUTILS.ZIP 52642 04.03.1996 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
Gravis UltraSound Utilities
By MESS Computer Services V.O.F.
Includes: GUSWAV  - Wave player GUSVOC  - Voc
player GUSDUMP - Memory dumper GUS.TPU - Own
fast GUS unit GUSBOOT - Reboot + Music 4ERROR
- 4dos batch file.  All sources included.
All is still in beta version
64638 GUSWIN55.ZIP 63391 12.07.1995 - - tupla
Ultrasound Windows driver 5.50
64702 HARMONY.ZIP 175530 20.10.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
Harmony - a simple program which generates
chords to accompany a melody. The tune can be
displayed as a melody with chord symbols or
as a full score with a separate staff for
each voice. The program can also generate a
tablature print for free reed instruments
such as Anglo Concertina and the Melodeon.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
65224 IPLAY121.ZIP 139089 10.02.1995 - MBCD -
Inertia Player v1.21
100% 386+ ASSEMBLER!
SB,Adlib,Covox,StereoOn1, PC Speaker and
65245 IT202.ZIP 101852 13.05.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Impulse Tracker v2.02 (fix to v2.01)
65246 IT203.ZIP 510043 09.08.1996 - - tupla
Impulse Tracker v2.03 - MOD/MTM/S3M/IT -
GUS+SB/PRO/16+PCSpeaker - ST3 Style interface
- Up to 64 channels 128 voices - Full panning
on SB/GUS - Instruments, envelopes - Surround
sound support - 8/16bit samples >64k
65247 IT205.ZIP 221465 16.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Impulse Tracker v2.05
65248 IT209.ZIP 278668 18.12.1996 - scene.org tupla
Impulse Tracker v2.09.
13996 KNGMD101.ZIP 125767 07.12.1994 - MBCD -
KingMod v1.01: module editor/tracker
allows you to edit/create modules w/in the
pgm, and play them back from w/in the editor
14017 M3RIP130.ARJ 21152 31.10.1994 - - -
M3/Ispenia, version 1.30
Extracts modules from any demo.
Manual and automatic extraction!!!!
Supports STM, S3M, MTM
14524 M3RIP254.ZIP 36165 14.07.1996 - sac.sk -
The fastest ripper! Supports 4/6/8 CHN MOD,
STM, S3M, ULT, MTM, FAR, XM and MIDI files.
Searchs for given strings Manual, command
line and automatic extraction. File menu and
info about all formats supported.
14525 MAXSBOS.ZIP 1022715 04.07.1995 versio 0.10 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
SBOS SoundBlaster emulation for UltraSound
MAX v0.21
14023 MCS101A.ZIP 245867 07.12.1994 - ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) -
Music Cataloging System v1.01a
for CDs, LPs and tapes.
14024 MDF31.ZIP 28152 07.12.1994 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Midi Data Filer Ver1 April 1993
This Is A Very Easy-To-Use Program That Will
Send And Receive Midi Sysex Dumps On A Pc.
The Dumps Are Stored As Raw Files And Are
Compatible With Sysex Dumps Used By Most
Sequencing Programs. The Dumps Can Be
Several Hundred Kilobytes In Size (Limited
By Available Memory). The Program Requires A
Mpu-Compatible Midi Interface And Can Be
Configured For Any Base Address (Interrupts.
14526 ME420.ZIP 422176 02.12.1995 - 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO -
MUSICEASE v4.2   - A music score editor
which lets you create, edit, print, and play
music notation. Includes a WYSIWYG screen
oriented editor which allows you to see the
musical score exactly as it will be printed.
Limited MIDI I/O. facilities. MusicEase can
even be operated from a single 360k floppy
disk system. (Sound cards are not supported).
Now supports some HP DeskJet printers!
66074 MEGA304B.ZIP 262993 16.07.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Mega-Em v3.04b (beta) - 03/17/95
14527 MEGA310.ZIP 1387101 16.09.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
MegaEM 3.10
14026 MEGEM202.ZIP 146183 28.12.1994 - MBCD -
GUS MegaEm-ajuri 2.02
14030 MI_V101.ZIP 20591 07.12.1994 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
ModuleInfo v1.01
This is a useful program for
.MOD file developers. Free.
14528 MIKESCDS.ZIP 52937 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Small CD-Player. C-Ace Productions.
14529 MLD_100B.ZIP 47,6 kt 30.03.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
The Unchained Melody v1.0betaModule player for GUS.
66181 MLD#100B.ZIP 48762 31.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
The Unchained Melody v1.00beta
Module player for GUS.
14530 MMED100B.ZIP 137054 23.01.1996 - scene.org -
MultiTracker Module Editor v1.00b; The
premier new 32 track module editor from
StarScream / Ren'93 Supports the MOD format
and the Protracker command set. SB/SBPro/GUS
compatible 386 req.
14531 MOD15INS.ZIP 20860 17.05.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Convert 31 instr MODs into 15 instr, by Fred
14532 MODRIP.ZIP 17993 11.03.1995 - 21011/Image.bin -
MODule Instrument Ripper v1.0
Allows You To Steal Instruments Quickly and
Easily from Amiga MOD Music Files. The
Samples Are Output To Pure Digital Files For
Use With Composer-669 or Any Other Program
Which Accepts Digital Samples.
14031 MORGL100.ZIP 101507 28.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Morgul 1.00,  DSMI based modplayer
Not just another simple DMP clone!
Has a very convenient file system
with tagging,random playing
Superior support for ARJ,ZIP,LZH
SQZ,RAR and UC2! Allows you to rip
samples in RAW and ST3 formats
14533 MP041.ZIP 506842 16.06.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
SounDWorX MiDPLAY v0.41
MIDI player with stunning VGA-graphics.
Reads MID- and MUS-files.
Supports SoundBlaster AWE32 including SBKs,
Roland MPU401 and the SB MIDI-interface.
Finally fixed the SBK loader.
14534 MP3C_099.ZIP 7,1 kt 04.11.1997 - - -
Mp3Com v0.99betaBy wood. Easy way to change comment field of your mp3 files.
14535 MP3V_104.ZIP 450,9 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
Mp3 Velho v1.04 FIHelppo suomenkielinen käyttöliittymä MP3:sten tekoon. Paketti sisältää kaiken tarvittavan! Vaatii: DOS ja MSCDEX (c) Rico software 1999.
14037 MT32GS12.ZIP 38519 28.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
MT32GS v1.1
New Version Allows a Roland MT-32, LAPC-1
and CM-32 and CM-64 to emulate a General
MIDI device Use with games that support the
General MIDI standard only (DOOM for
example) and enhance Windows MIDI support
with the Roland L/A synth modules.
14536 MULTI200.ZIP 119436 10.04.1995 - - -
Multimporter 2.00
The best module information grapper for PC.
Puts all information of module to directory
(4dos req.) Supports:
MOD,STM,S3M,OCT,FAR,MTM,XM,669 formats. Also
handles GIF and JPG formats. You can easily
make modulelist, queue lists for players,
search modules w/ string (i.e. composer
name) Supports ZIP, ARJ,LHA/LZH -> can check
inside archives. Plays modules while
checking files
14537 NW-PCD24.ZIP 25,6 kt 12.03.1999 - archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 -
Potkacd v2.4Erittäin laadukas CD-soitin- ohjelma, joka on tarkoitettu eritoten DOS- ympäristöön. Hieno ja helppokäyttöinen käyt- töliittymä. Voidaan käyttää myös suoraan komentoriviltä. Sisältää mm. äänenvoimak- kuuden säädön ja levykelkan ohjauksen. Vaatii 386, EGA, MSCDEX v2.10. Freeware by NasuWare Tuotanto.
14538 OCP251.ZIP 850,6 kt 04.01.1999 - 12665/angus.ind.wpi.edu.tar -
Open Cubic Player v2.5.1
14539 OMEGA060.ZIP 60746 26.05.1996 - scene.org -
Omega SoundBlaster AWE32 module player
This is the very first module
player for the AWE32 with complete
source in C++. The player does not
use the developers pack from
creative, and is meant for others
to understand how the AWE32 works.
NEW!!! Now has graphic controls
14540 OOTO4K.ZIP 4158 26.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip tupla
Ooto/De: So Cool.
14541 OPLID.ZIP 31185 26.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
OPL Chip Identifier.
14549 P-RIP300.ZIP 124739 27.01.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
PowerRIP+ (TM)  version 3.0
NEW: Custom scanning -- lets you scan for ANY
type of file, and smart extraction/cleanup
for MODs and 669s! PowerRIP will rip MODs,
S3Ms, MTMs, STMs, ULTs, 669s, PSMs, AMFs,
MIDs, GIFs, VOCs, WAVs, BMPs, and more from
demos, games, etc.; byte rip parts of a file
(now has hex support), and much more! Has an
easy to use interface with mouse support! Get
it! by Jordan Russell 10/29/94
14049 PASPECT.ZIP 127507 28.12.1994 - Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PASPECT 1.0 - Realtime Spectrum Analyzer
Normal, Inverse, 3D Grid Plot,
Voice Analyzer, B/C/T, Raw Sinus
Supports Pro Audio 16 Soundcards
Requires 486, pref coprosessor.
14542 PLAYCD.ZIP 10075 08.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
PLAY CD 1.30 Pieni ja yksinkertainen
CD-soitin Dossille.
67392 PPLT_150.A01 1399464 13.06.1996 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip tupla
Pro Patches Lite v1.50
Korvaava soitinsetti Gussille. 2/4
67393 PPLT_150.A02 1399367 13.06.1996 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip tupla
Pro Patches Lite v1.50
Korvaava soitinsetti GUSsille. 3/4
67394 PPLT_150.A03 957239 13.06.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Pro Patches Lite v1.50
Korvaava soitinsetti GUSsille. 4/4
67395 PPLT_150.ARJ 1399432 13.06.1996 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip tupla
Pro Patches Lite v1.50
by Eero Räsänen ( Email: cseera@uta.fi )
THE ULTIMATE patch set upgrade
for 1 meg GUS/MAX/ACE.
* 157 better sounding patches.
* Easy-to-use "Patmenu" program for
14543 PPLT_160.A01 1,3 Mt 21.07.1997 - 6766/CDM5_96.ISO -
Pro Patches Lite v1.60By Eero Räsänen 2/5
14544 PPLT_160.A02 1,3 Mt 21.07.1997 - 6766/CDM5_96.ISO -
Pro Patches Lite v1.60By Eero Räsänen 3/5
14545 PPLT_160.A03 1,3 Mt 21.07.1997 - 6766/CDM5_96.ISO -
Pro Patches Lite v1.60By Eero Räsänen 4/5
14546 PPLT_160.A04 1,1 Mt 21.07.1997 - 6766/CDM5_96.ISO -
Pro Patches Lite v1.60By Eero Räsänen 5/5
14547 PPLT_160.ARJ 1,3 Mt 21.07.1997 - - -
Pro Patches Lite v1.60By Eero Räsänen 1/5 Patch set upgrade for 1 meg GUS/MAX/ACE: -248 better sounding patches -7 additional GS compatible drum banks -Easy-to-use "Patmenu" program for managing the patch set -Easy-to-use installation program. Unpack with command: ARJ X -V pplt_*.arj. Read instructions from "ATLITE.TXT"!
14548 PPLT161U.ARJ 21,1 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
Pro Patches Lite Update v1.60->1.61By Eero Räsänen ( Email: cseera@uta.fi ) Fixes bugs in install.exe and ultrasnd.ini -.INI and .BAT files for building bank files for GUS PnP.
14550 PT4GUS06.ZIP 39188 23.01.1996 - - -
ProTracker for GUS 0.6
Requires 386/VGA/Mouse/GUS
Works without GUS too (no sound)
Scream Tracker 3 support.
14551 RIPPR495.ZIP 181149 25.03.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Ripper 4.95 Sound / Grafix / Midi / MOD
Ripping System Now 2 Times Faster ! .. And
The Last Version Features : - 64 Fileformats
Supported (>75 Versions) - Fileshell / Setup
/ Config-File - List-File / Automatic-Mode
.... - User String Searchable - Configuration
Menu added - Wav-Extraction of MOV/AVI/WAD
Files - New Formats :
optimized and corrected evrything :-) - Now
14552 RMP120.ZIP 152136 09.02.1996 - - -
RMP - Renaissance Music Player Version: 1.20
Release Date 8/29/94 Formats: MOD/MTM/S3M
Supported Hardware:
GUS/SB/SBPro/SB16/PAS/PAS16 AudioTrix Pro/WSS
Requires: 386 or Higher Processor Features:
Extremely Stable DOS Shell ProTracker
Compliant Pattern Tracking Mode
14562 S_FONTS1.ZIP 356587 13.06.1996 - - -
SoundFont banks for Electronic-series
from Awe32-ftp
uploaded by -=Expression=-
14553 SADT2.ZIP 193103 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SADT - Surprise! ADlib Tracker v2.00 - The
Ultimate Tracker for Fm-music. Now including
73 songs, 31 fm-samples and replay-source by
Erik Pojar/S!P. Extract with subdirs!
14554 SAMPL124.ZIP 396,1 kt 22.12.1999 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
Sample-editori DOSille.Vaatii 486DX/4Mb/SB/VESA. By Neurodancer (Gabry-Cybersoft) 1998.
14555 SB16AWEU.EXE 1448123 15.07.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Sound Blaster AWE32 Update to Rev 3.
Updated SB16 & SB AWE32 drivers with
update your drivers. Please refer to
README file for more information.
14099 SBANK110.ZIP 26546 07.12.1994 - 16308/redcd2.zip -
SBANK v1.10: command line librarian/file
convertor for instruments & sound banks
compatible with the Sound Blaster and Adlib
music cards; 05/27/93; Jamie O'Connell.
14556 SBCD422.ZIP 9706 15.08.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
SBCD.SYS v4.22 for Creative CR563 CD-ROM
This revision will correct mixed mode
CD support in v4.21
14557 SBKMKE.ZIP 59414 07.11.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
SoundFont(TM) Bank Maker for SB AWE32 v1.00
Please refer to the readme.txt file for
more detail information.
14100 SBOOM101.ZIP 71816 28.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
Sonic Boom v1.01
A music making program for the Sound
Blaster. Real, sampled sounds, 8 channels.
14558 SBOS021.ZIP 1026759 06.02.1995 - 17397/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se-pictures.tar -
MAXSBOS v0.21 for Gus Max
Works with DOS4GW-extenders! Beta
68192 SBOSV36.EXE 207669 28.12.1994 - MBCD -
GUS SBOS-ajuri v3.6
68200 SBTIMBRE.ZIP 113692 28.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
SBTimbre Version 3.50, Timbre editor
Facilitates creating and modifying
instrument sounds for FM Sound Cards
such as SB, AdLib, and PAS. Sounds can
be auditioned via a Sound Blaster or
MPU401  compatible interface and a MIDI
controller, or by mouse/keyboard.
14559 SCLUBSW1.ZIP 592225 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Sound Club (shareware version)
An extremely powerful music editor with long
list of unique featuresa and options. *
Graphical user interface * Load 8 different
file formats * Instrument synthesizer &
editor * Wide sound card support:
GUS,ARIA,PAS, SB,Covox,AdLib,PC Speaker *
Lyrics, External keyboard support .. and more
14560 SCRMT321.ZIP 182133 10.03.1995 - MBCD -
Scream Tracker v3.21
Future Crew
14561 SDIGUS.ZIP 14134 28.03.1995 - - -
SDI-GUS update for DMP 4 Beta
14563 SFONTS1.ZIP 356822 13.06.1996 - - -
-Drums.sbk  -Basses.sbk  -Synth.sbk
SoundFonts for 512kb AWE32! Use from AWE
Control Panel. By -=Expression=- e-mail:
14564 SIDPL123.ZIP 88689 01.10.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
SIDPLAY v1.23, 03-Nov-94
The best C64 sound-emulation on PC
Supporting SB/Pro/16 & PAS/Plus/16
(80486-DX CPU recommended)
NEW: ** EMS DOS-Shell version **
read 'revision.doc' for changes
68490 SNDST201.ZIP 49178 28.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
SNDSTATE is a program to save and
restore all the states of the Proaudio
Spectrum 16 sound card. This Shareware
program require a 286 or better CPU
and a PAS16 card, logitech Soundman,
Fusion16 kit, or a SoundBlaster PRO
and less than 200K of diskspace.
14565 SPECGRM1.ZIP 154884 20.09.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Specgram, "spektrianalysaattori"
Tekee FFT:n avulla spektrin äänestä.
14104 SPKPLAY8.ZIP 106658 28.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
Speakplay 8. Plays MODs thru PC speaker
or SoundBlaster - Smart Return, Cool colors,
Volume Controls, Sound Toggles. Now has
Smart Directory list.  Handles large MODs.
Copyright (C) 1994 TTW, Inc. [ASAP] Try it!
14566 SPL140A.ZIP 363007 08.01.1997 - - -
Sidplay versio 1.40a. Commodore-64 äänipiirin
lähes täydellinen emulaatio. Kaikki
kuusnelosen musiikit toimivat.Toimii ainakin:
SB- SB16 SBAWE sekä GUS. Mukana myöskin
muutamia musiikkeja demosceneiltä.
52246 SSONIC12.ZIP 339665 24.02.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
SUPERSONIC v1.2 - Rack-Mount Sound System
with Mixer, CD Player, Sample Player, Sample
Editor, Tuner (Radio), Real-Time 16 Band
Spectrum Analyzer, Wave Analyzer, 3D Spectrum
Analyzer and lots more cool stuff! All
devices are rackmount like your stereo system
and can be customized to look and feel any
way you like. Extremely powerful software for
audio enthusiast and those who like to dabble
14567 STARP225.ZIP 35197 25.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
StarPlayer 2.25 A damn good MOD and S3M
player for Gravis UltraSound. Not to mention
MTM module and CD AUDIO support!  plus its in
protected mode and can load up to 64 modules
at a time and play on Sound Blasters too. Did
we mention you can save your modules as S3Ms
in the player? Not to mention the fact that
you can change modules in a DOS shell, and
much, much more...
14568 STOMP400.EXE 1,2 Mt 17.10.1999 - - -
Stomper Ultra++ v4.0Drum synthesizer by Zap. Windows 9x/NT. Musicware - read licence agreement before using.
14569 TABIT122.ZIP 85,7 kt 12.03.1999 - - -
TabIt v1.22TabIt is a full featured shareware program for creating, playing, and printing guitar, bass, or banjo tablature. TabIt allows you to edit and then play up to four instruments simultaneously, each chosen from a list of 128 supplied instruments. You can also use various effects including hammer on, slides, bends, and more. It supports playback on Adlib compatible cards, Sound Blaster Pro/16 cards, MPU-401 compatible cards, and MIDI
14570 TABIT123.ZIP 86,9 kt 23.07.2000 - - -
TabIt version 1.23a - TabIt is a full featured shareware program for creating, playing, and printing guitar, bass, or banjo tablature. TabIt allows you to edit and then play up to four instruments simultaneously, each chosen from a list of 128 supplied instruments. You can also use various effects including hammer on, slides, bends, and more. It supports playback on Adlib compatible cards, Sound Blaster Pro/16 cards, MPU-401 compatible cards, and MIDI devices connected
14571 TINYPLAY.ZIP 14311 06.06.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Tiny MOD Player 0.1 beta. Requires only 33k
of free memory. 286&VGA required.
14147 TUNER101.ZIP 90522 28.12.1994 - 21828/Plex3.mdf -
M.I.T.(Musical Instrument Tuner) v1.01 
Creates reference tones for tuning various
musical instruments such as guitar, banjo,
violin and mandolin.  There is also a large
selection of scales available.  This program
works with Sound Blaster or the PC speaker.
This is the ASP approved version.
Registration fee is $10. SoundByte
14572 UINIT_MI.ZIP 168308 04.07.1995 - - -
Ultrinit.exe v2.31 & DOS mixer for GUS & MAX
14573 ULTRA150.ZIP 279881 23.01.1996 - MBCD -
ULTRA TRACKER V1.50 * 32 track
composer/editor/player for the Gravis
Ultrasound * 8bit and 16bit samples,
effectcombination and much more. Loads
4,6,8,16 track MOD,669,FAR,MTM & ULT VGA &
GUS required (mouse optional)
69546 UMID105.ZIP 134731 28.12.1994 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org -
GUS UltraMid 1.05
14574 USAIL311.ZIP 36317 16.07.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Audio Interface Libraries 3.0 (AIL 3.0) V3.11
for Gravis Ultrasound
14575 VOCPAK20.ZIP 80138 25.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Lossless sound file compressor v2.0
14169 VP20.ZIP 84861 07.12.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Visual Player 2.0. GREAT MOD player!
Supports SB/SBPro/Adlib/PC speaker. Nice Reqs
VGA and mouse; multi-tasking, play FLI's,
shell to DOS, config. All while playing
MODs. Shareware from Spain.
14576 VR-DEMO.ZIP 97,2 kt 14.07.1997 - - -
AudioSim analogue synthesizer v1.91
14577 VTUTOR.EXE 561779 15.05.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SBAWE32, Vienna SF Studio Tutorial Disk
from Creative FTP, ftp://ftp.creaf.com
14578 WAVCAP13.ZIP 167,2 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
WaveCap v1.3Helps you extract music and sound files from executable programs.
14579 WAVCONV.ZIP 14,7 kt 02.03.1995 - MBCD tupla
WavConfA DOS utility for converting 8-bit sound files among many of the most common PC formats.  It will convert a file from or to any of the following:  Covox Speech Thing VoiceMaster (VMFs), MS Windows 3.1 (WAV), DSound (SNDs), SoundBlaster (VOCs) and more. 06/27/92; James M. Curran
69915 WAVCONV.ZIP 15099 03.03.1995 - MBCD tupla
WavConv; A DOS utility for converting 8-bit
sound files among many of the most common PC
formats.  It will convert a file from or to
any of the following:  Covox Speech Thing
VoiceMaster (VMFs), MS Windows 3.1 (WAV),
DSound (SNDs), SoundBlaster (VOCs) and more.
06/27/92; James M. Curran
14580 WAVCUT.ZIP 48,4 kt 03.08.1998 - - -
Wavcut v1.0Splits standard .wavs (mono, 8/16 bits) into 2-32 equal sized regions. Useful for drum loops. Freeware, DOS.
70106 WM10_1.ZIP 384836 07.11.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
WAVmaker 1.0 - Music & Digital Audio system
featuring CD quality MID -> WAV rendering,
DSP (mix, maximize, fade, gate, compress/
enhance, low/high/band/notch filter, ring
modulation, vocoder, reverse, echo, reverb,
flange, chorus, extend, cut/gated cut) and
MIDI analysis/manipulation. Several format
converters included. Full SB support (other
cards easily added). 286+, 4+MB RAM (XMS),
5+MB disk, EGA+, color CRT, mouse, DOS 3.3+.
70107 WM10_2.ZIP 509101 07.11.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
WAVMaker v1.0 (osa 2/5)
70108 WM10_3.ZIP 472572 07.11.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
WAVMaker v1.0 (osa 3/5)
70109 WM10_4.ZIP 442298 07.11.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
WAVMaker v1.0 (osa 4/5)
70110 WM10_5.ZIP 735054 07.11.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar tupla
WAVMaker v1.0 (osa 5/5)
14581 XTD-E.ZIP 241739 14.12.1995 renamed 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
free DEMO-version!-! U UU BY D-lusion is, (C)
1994 by ASI . U U X-Tracker, the amazing,
profes- sional sound-studio. Featuring : 32
digital channels GUS, SB16, sbpro, SB support
DMF,S3M,MTM,669,MOD support 1024 pattern 250
samples 4 effects each note
and many goodies you've ever dreamt oph
14582 XTRACKER.ZIP 269282 25.03.1996 - 20969/Audio_Toolkit_Walnut_Creek_September_1997.iso -
X-Tracker Free Demo Version
By D-LUSiON iS, (C) 1994 by ASI
13793 !SG37A.ZIP 103799 06.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Security Guard v3.7a - Passcode  prot-
ects your computer when booted  using the DOS
prompt  as the  passcode  prompt, giving Sec-
urity Guard  its  unknown  presence of  prot-
ection.  1-5 passcodes, Lock Up, Log File (9
features), Anti-Virus (5 features), Directory
Secure  (3  features  and 20  user  defines),
Protect (5 features and 10  user defines) and
now introducing "Sentinel".  Over 40 features
and much more.  It is  VERY configurable  and
14583 1PLAN64E.ZIP 193961 03.04.1995 - 9305/Cream of the Crop 7.iso -
Planetarium v6.4E
Interactive astronomy program.
Fast animated VGA-Grafics.
High accuracy ephemerides of sun
moon and all nine planets.
Jupiter moons in realtime!
With observer diary!
New : with the brightest stars!
14584 2000AD.ZIP 38,6 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
2000 Anno Dominiby Far Side Software is a nice little program that shows how long is it to year 2000. Add into your autoexec.bat or view sometimes just for fun. Many useful options. Public Domain with C-sources included.
14585 4DOS602.ZIP 762,8 kt 25.02.2000 - 23725/PCWorld_2000-08_cd.bin -
"4DOS v6.02BNew!  (April 1999) release of JP Softwares award-winning COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOSPC-DOSNovell DOS / OpenDOSOS/2and Win95with command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools.  Shareware$69.95 full registration.  04-16-99 release B (131)."
14586 AAPL2EM.ZIP 208865 28.07.1995 - MBCD -
Apple II -emulaattori.
13875 AD_AUT42.ZIP 17091 04.03.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
This is the "author" package, for submission
of files for distribution via the AUTHOR-
DIRECT File Distribution Network (AD FDN).
This network distributes files only from ASP
authors, to BBS systems throughout the world,
and also offers additional distribution via
Internet FTP, satellite services, CD-ROM
producers, and other online distribution
services. Updated 02/06/96.
14587 AEROBIX.ZIP 81222 27.04.1995 - 16531/SDN1_.cdr -
Aerosoft Fitness Log 2.1 - seuraa harjoite-
luasi. Ohjelma tunnistaa useita eri lajeja,
laskee kulutetut kalorit ja luo raportteja
13878 AHP144.ZIP 114905 02.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
AHELP and AHELP5 are distributed exclusively
by MicroFox Company. AHELP5 is an advanced
Help and Index Library for all Clipper 5.x
versions. AHELP is an advanced Help and Index
Library for Clipper Summer 87. AHPnnn.ZIP
contains both AHELP and AHELP5. This CA-
Clipper developers library includes context
sensitive and fully indexed access to all
help screens built by programmer or
(optional) built by application user.
14588 ALC18997.ZIP 40,1 kt 04.12.1997 - MBCD -
"SimWares Alco v1.89 Final1997 Valitse itsellesi alkoholijuomat ja tulosta ostoslista hintatietoineen! Neuvoja krapulaan. Nyt myös pitkälle kehitetty graafinen esitys veren alko- holipitoisuudesta perjantai-illan aikana. ALCO kertoo myös turvallisimman kotiinmenoajan lauantaina aamuyöstä! Freeware. (C) 1997 StimWare."
14897 ALGED34.ZIP 234173 24.11.1996 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
(v3.4) Alged - Math Editor with 3D Graphics
Alged is a symbolic math formula editor.
You enter math formulas and manipulate and
graph them with simple menus. Operations:
simplify, distribute, prime factor, divide
polynomial, factor, rationalize, and many
more.  Supports complex numbers, trig, and
log functions.  Includes Dutch and French,
free Turbo C source code, and a tutorial.
Author: John Henckel, henckel@vnet.ibm.com
14589 ALKUAINE.ZIP 10,1 kt 09.03.1998 - - -
AlkuainetaulukkoAlkuainetaulukko Team Eliteltä niille, jotka eivät jaksa avata kemian kirjaa.
60622 ALMA200.ZIP 74095 15.08.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso tupla
ALMA v2.00 suomenkielinen historiakalenteri
Ohjelma näyttää mitä tapahtui historiassa
juuri tänään.
14590 ALMA210.ZIP 78325 31.12.1996 - - -
ALMA(nakka) Versio 2.10 (c) Jukka Talja
-Almanakka ja Kalenteri ohjelma DOS:iin
-Paljon historiatietoja, oma editori ym...
-Kertoo kaiken tarpeellisen ja muunkin!
14591 ALYTESTI.ZIP 70,1 kt 05.01.2001 - MBHH2001 -
Red Alert Software älykkyysosamäärätesteriOletko aina halunnut tietää älykkyysosamääräsi?
Tässä on apu juuri sinulle! Tämä ohjelma laskee
sinunkin älykkyysosamääräsi. Huom: Jos käytät
ohjelmaa Windowsissa, käynnistä älytesti jo aiemmin
avattuun komentorivi-ikkunaan, jottei se lopuksi
sulkeudu ennen kuin ehdit lukea tuloksia!
14593 AM.ZIP 14005 12.08.1996 - - -
AM.ZIP sisältää alkometri ohjelman jolla voi
laskeskella alkoholijuomien hintoja ja
alkoholimääriä. AM tuntee yleisimmät juomat
ja juomia voi itse lisätä.
14592 AMAME34.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.34b1 for AMD DOS based machines. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too!
13522 AMI270.ZIP 315694 01.04.1996 renamed 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
AMIsetup 2.70 - External Setup (new AMI
BIOS required). If you ever considered
your built-in setup as incomprehensible,
boring, inconvenient or incomplete, you
have been waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup
can save your configuration on disk and
restore it. You can even change setup
options missing in your BIOS! AMIsetup
cracks your password, auto-detects hard
disks, runs in batch mode & much more.
14594 ANCFONT.ZIP 6,8 kt 03.10.1998 - - -
Tässäpä erittäin mainio fontti DOSiin, mukana myös rogue-tyyppisiin peleihin sopiva versio, jossa @- ja #- merkit muutettu sopiviksi. Erityisesti ADOMiin! Kannattaa imaista!
14595 ANM.ARJ 292,8 kt 08.02.1998 - - -
Tässä on mahtavia sota/räiskintä animaatioita. Mukana on ohjelma jolla voit katsoa animaatioita(Luonnollisesti).Joten ottakaa ja nauttikaa!!!!!.Animaatioissa on VGA grafiikka ja 256 väriä.
14596 ANROV12.ZIP 25,3 kt 05.03.1998 - - -
Arvonro v1.2ARVONRO V1.2:n avulla voit helposti arpoa itsellesi joka lauantaiset lottonumerot. Ohjelma vaatii toimiakseen DOS6.x:n tai WIN95:sen. ARVONRO:n aikaisempi, buginen versio oli 1.0. ARVONRO V1.2 on freewarea, joten mitään maksua ei ohjelman käytöstä peritä. Iloisia lotto lauantaita toivoen: Timppasoft productions 1998.
14597 APPLE_2.ZIP 217721 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Apple II+ emulator
14598 ARGH.ZIP 67,5 kt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Use this program to frustrate your fellow workersyour bossyour parents - whoever you want!!  This program will simulate a systems crash at boot-upwhich just might turn the users hair grey.  It is a shareware programso feel free to distribute the zipped file (argh.zip) as you wish.  1996 SPAK Dynamics"
60976 ASP9601.ZIP 427079 02.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Official master catalog of shareware products
published by members of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available
on BBSs.  Describes each product and in many
cases identifies a specific BBS where you can
download it.  Products grouped by subject and
cross-referenced to authors' addresses.  (See
corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.)
4th vol., 24th ed., published 12/01/1995
14599 ASREACTT.ZIP 28,8 kt 03.03.1999 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
AmstraSoft Reaction TestTestaa reaktionopeutesi.
14600 AST52DOS.ZIP 473738 07.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
* Astrolog 5.20 is a many featured and
customizable astrology chart calculation
program for DOS, Windows, Mac, and Unix,
used in 25+ countries on six continents.
It is 100% freeware and requires no
registration fee. :) The complete source
code is available. Astrolog features:
wheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship
charts, transits, progressions, some
interpretations, astro-graphy, local
14601 ASTRODOS.ZIP 475,9 kt 29.11.2000 - - -
Astrolog 5.40 for DOSAstrolog is a many featured and customizable astrology chart calculation program for DOS, 
Windows, Mac, and Unix, used in 35+ countries on six continents. It is 100% freeware and 
requires no registration fee. The complete source code is available. Astrolog features: 
wheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship charts, transits, progressions, some interpretations, 
astro-graphy, local horizon, constellations, planet orbits, dispositors, various influence charts, 
biorhythms, different zodiacs, central planets, 15 house systems, 8400 year ephemeris, 
asteroids, Uranians, fixed stars, Arabic parts, script files and macros, interactive PC & MS/X11 
Windows graphics, smooth animation of charts, graphic files in PostScript, Windows metafile, 
and bitmap formats, and more! 
15036 ATH200.ZIP 474038 23.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
AROUND THE HOUSE v3.00  - Complete home
and personal information manager. Easily keep
track of names, addresses, and phone numbers;
grocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs
and maintenance; household maintenance and
repairs. Contains an appointment calendar, an
income and expenses module, a home inventory
module, an easy-to-use word processor with
mail-merge. View and print many reports.
Loaded with extras. Hard drive required. $39
61068 AUCTN103.ZIP 158610 23.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
(v1.03) Auction Manger - DOS/Database/ZIP
AUCTION v1.03 provides a set of functions to
prepare for an auction, tabulate auction
transactions as the auction progresses, and
print bills of sale and reports of the
auction results.
Shareware (US$ 25.- donation)
14602 AUTONT33.ZIP 309124 07.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Auto-Net 3.3
THE first automated Internet program.  Perfor
FAXing, Yanoff's list, get new files, LEECH,
download TERABYTES of great programs from
the Internet... without even being home.
Works on SHELL service, no PPP/SLIP needed.
New colorful menus, enhanced help screens,
Over 280 total features - Must see to believe
Blazingly fast, reliable.  Auto-Backup,
61263 BCLINK21.ZIP 386737 23.02.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Business Clock Link 2.1  Networkable
Labor Tracking/Time Clock Time Clock with
real-time job and task reporting, E-mail,
barcoded badges, Netware synchronizing,
Ticker Tape reports. v2.1 provides a TSR
utility for hot-key clock-in/clock-out.
Written in C with dBASE file format. DOS, but
runs in Windows. XT, 640k, 2 meg HD. "This
Clock Means Business".
14603 BLURB_20.ZIP 51989 19.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BLURB Version 2.0: Blurb is a program that
chooses a random line from a file and prints
it on the screen.
14604 BOX4_5.ZIP 218,5 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
Perfect Box v4.56PERFECT BOX 4.56 on täällä! Tällä DOS-ohjelmalla voit laskea kaiutinkaapin tilavuuden ja muut mitat, sekä refleksiputken koon elementin tietojen perusteella. Ohjelma näyttää myös joitain hyodyllisiä käyrädiagrammeja.
14605 C64EMU.ZIP 374,4 kt 06.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Commodore 64 emulaattori PC:lleDemo, sisältää muutaman pelin.
14606 C64S251.ZIP 197,4 kt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
C64S v2.5bd demoThe latest version of C64 Software Emulator. Requirements: 386, VGA, DOS 3.0, 500K free. Supports PC joysticks, GUS, SB, PAS, VESA.
14607 C64S25UP.EXE 449,1 kt 06.10.1997 - 17613/ftp.elysium.pl.tar -
C64S Commodore 64 emulator patchFrom 2.0x -> 2.5. Only for registered versions!
14608 CCS64DOS.ZIP 250,9 kt 05.03.1999 - - -
CCS64 Commodore 64 -emulaattori, v2.0 beta DOS 5.0:lle ja uudemmille DOS:ille ja Windows 95/98:lle. Vaatii Pentiumin, 16 megaa RAMIia ja VGA:n. Tukee myös SoundBlaster 8/16 ja yhteensopivia, Gravis Ultrasoundia ja DOS- yhteensopivia peliohjaimia ja hiirtä. Shareware, DOS-versio.
14609 CHAT50.ZIP 43,4 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
H2C Version 5.0 Artificial Intelligence stand-alone chat program Fully user configurable. Very realistic, makes and corrects typing errors, hesitates, different user definable messages for when the user terminates and it terminates the chat Able to follow thread of conversation! BBSChat compatibile Servile Software *Freeware*
13904 CHRON150.ZIP 453438 02.01.1996 - 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso -
ChronoLog Version 1.50 - Award-winning
(Dept of Defense Software Contest) Pers
Info/Resource Management System.  Features
easy event entry, reminding, resource util-
ization matrix, conflict-checking, keyword
and string searching, export/import, printing
of appointment schedules & calendars,
phonebook w/autodial, calculator, ToDoList,
DOS directory, perpetual calendar.  Past
events form endless logbook. Reg $20.
13905 CHSCLK13.ZIP 57618 04.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Full  featured  chess  clock  with large
digital  display.  Useful for tournament play
or  timed "blitz" games.  Features move
counter,  clock "in use" flag, opt- ional
"low  time" warning,  and optional
stimulating  "flasher",      and =pause=
function.  Requires 386 or better & VGA.
Includes source. Just $1.00 to register.
13906 CIRCUM10.ZIP 199725 02.10.1994 - Education For All Ages (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CIRCUMSPACE v1.0  A space travel
simulator from the author of SkyGlobe.
Displays the sky as seen from anywhere within
several hundred light years of Earth. Click
to travel instantly to any of 7780 stars, or
choose the warp mode to animate the journey
quickly and smoothly.  Learn which stars are
neighbors and which distant. A great way to
show off 386 and local bus technology.  No
math chip needed.  $15 reg.
8253 CITIG3D.ZIP 788486 22.10.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Citigrade 3D Editor The Citigrade 3D Editor
was developed to make the designing and
editing of 3D objects very easy. A lot of
planning went into the User Interface to make
it as easy as possible to work in 3
dimensions, with only 2 dimensional pointing
8254 CITIGDOC.ZIP 1052993 22.10.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Citigrade 3D Editor, Documents
14610 CLOCK15.ZIP 9,6 kt 25.04.1997 - 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
Chess Clock Emulator    Version 1.5  Keyboard & Mouse   ** FREEWARE **
14611 CLS030.ZIP 295,2 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
Callus v0.30 by Bloodlust Software. Callus is a DOS based emulator for the Capcom System 1 arcade games. Currently supports Final Fight, Street Fighter 2 WW, Turbo, CE, Strider, UN Squadron/Area88, Carrier Air Wing and many others, some even with sound.
14612 CODEP40S.ZIP 30,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 15701/pcelectronics.bin -
MORSE CODE PRACTICE will help you increase your code reading speed by using a modified version of the Farnsworth method.
62225 COELI376.ZIP 511431 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
COELI v3.76  - Electric planisphere.
Super VGA model of the skies as seen from
Earth. Coeli combines practical ephemeris and
planetarium with real-time star chart. View
the heavens from any place or time with
advanced star & constellation search inside a
point/click interface. Readouts include rise,
set, & transit times, apparent & absolute
magnitudes, astronomical twilight, distance,
co-ordinates, phase, and much more.
14613 COELI380.ZIP 769,7 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Coeli - Electric Planisphere . Super VGA model of the skies as seen from Earth. Coeli combines practical planetarium and ephemeris with real-time star chart. View the heavens from any place or time with advanced star & constellation search inside a point/click interface. Readouts include rise, set, & transit times, apparent & absolute magnitudes, astronomical twilight, distance, co-ordinates, phase, and much more.
13589 CONVT10A.ZIP 45610 24.02.1996 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip -
Imperial <-> Metric Converter Version 1.0α
Muuntaa mittayksikköjä toisiin vastaaviin.
13593 CPD23.ZIP 56016 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Complete Program Deleter 2.3 totally
removes all files and directories added
to a disk by any installation utility,
SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
uninstaller for DOS or Windows programs.
8256 CRAYN412.ZIP 281436 23.02.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso tupla
CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid games
Keeps the kids entertained for hours!
A sketch/paint/coloring book, math
quizzer, counting & color identification,
USA states game, spirals, Concentration
memory game, music, piano. Fun and
educational.  Requires EGA/VGA, mouse,
hard disk and 1 child   :-)
14615 CROSSP7A.ZIP 212571 02.01.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Crossword Power v7.00  Create a variety
of crossword puzzles and kriss-cross
activities from your words and clues.
Includes foreign language character support.
100% compatible with Vocabulary Power.
14616 CXMASC13.ZIP 211169 14.12.1995 - 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso -
Computerized Christmas Cards 1.3  DOS
IBM/compatible semi-animated musical XMAS
cards. You select from 3 exciting cards,
personalize, and the program saves your card
to a floppy disk. You can send it to anyone
who has access to an IBM/compatible computer
EGA or better. The cards play 10 Christmas
carols. This is a great customer relations
device for businesses.
14617 DAILY30.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.11.1997 - 2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso -
Daily MOD Horoscope. Everyone (almost) reads provides the best of both - A Daily Horoscope and plays a super collection of MOD music. A great program to loead from the autoexec.bat. If you have a 386 computer or better and a Sound Blaster or compatible card, thie program deserves to be on your hard drive. Completely menu driven.
14618 DBMARK11.EXE 267,5 kt 04.10.2000 - - -
Dos Mode-X Benchmark v1.1Ohjelma mittaa näytönohjaimen ja prosessorin tehoa dossin VGA Mode-X tilassa. Tekijä Fingersoft 2000.
13608 DELA221.ZIP 17918 13.06.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DELA v2.21  DELA will execute
any BAT,EXE or COM file at a specific
time of day. DELA loads as a TSR
requiring only 4k of conventional
memory. DELA will only send data to the
keyboard buffer if the computer is at the
DOS prompt. This version includes the
following options: REBOOT (USE CAUTION),
specified number of CR(s) to be sent after
the data, up to 10 events can be scheduled,
14832 DEMOMAKE.ZIP 165150 15.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
The DemoMaker v1.55  Creates graphical
Demonstrations & Slide Shows for any DOS
(text mode) software. Program authors can
create slide shows and demonstration for
their programs. BBS Sysops can create
tutorials to teach new users how to best
utilize their systems.
62901 DIADIP22.ZIP 289427 07.01.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO tupla
From Diapers To Diplomas Version 2.2 
An electronic 'Baby Book'.  Keeps track of
Birth Information, Vital Statistics, Growth,
Special Friends, Teachers, Awards, Special
Events, Accomplishments, Medical and Dental
Records, and more. Many print-outs.  Very
easy to learn and use.  It is compatible with
nearly any IBM PC, printer, and monitor on
the market.
Shareware -- $19.00
14619 DIGIFONT.ZIP 3,6 kt 22.05.1998 - MBCD -
Futuristinen DOS-fontti  Kokeile käyttää tätä DOSissa tai vaikkapa jonkun DOS-terminaaliohjelman kautta MBnetin chatissa, erikoinen kokemus.  Tekijä Joonas Saarinen E-mail: joonas.saarinen@mbnet.fi
14620 DOSFT220.ZIP 206915 30.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
DosFont v2.20 by A.R.I. Software. DosFont is
a utility that changes ugly font of DOS.
Uses no memory.
14621 DOSVR10B.ZIP 114407 11.12.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DOSaver 1.0ß
FOR DOS!! Many modules including plasma,
flames, rotating 3d objects + more. All run
from a gorgeous rendered mouse driven menu!
Doesn't take up any RAM! Finally someone
makes a decent screen saver for DOS! FREEWARE
from SEMS electronics
14622 DOW222.ZIP 17854 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Dow-kalenterinteko-ohjelma, versio 2.22.
14623 DSFONTS.ZIP 41287 12.02.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
This is a collection of DOSfonts I have
compiled .. some are very good, some, well,
aren't.. but there is variety, so check it
14624 DSQUT111.ZIP 134148 03.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Quote A Day for DOS, ver 1.11 Shows a
random quote every time you boot up.
Includes Quote files from Rodney Dangerfield,
Steven Wright, Jeff Foxworthy, and a few
others. Make your own Quote files!
Use as Tip of The Day program. Now allows
output to a text file. Freeware.
Author-Robert Orndorff.
14625 DUAE069C.ZIP 586,2 kt 12.01.1998 - 22591/Hrac_19_1998-03_cd.bin -
"DosUAE V0.6.9c - The DOS port of the Un*x Amiga Emulator. PLEASE do read thereadmeandreadme.dosfiles prior to using. After unziping the distribution run the batchfileRUNME.BATto finish the instalation. Some changes in 0.6.9c: many beta features from pre-0.7.0 beta version (this is a beta version)fixed virtual mount option bug (still needs testing). *Hardfile suport has changed please look the readme.dos file."
14626 DVE004.ZIP 297863 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
Vectrex -emulator - classic vector gfx based
game console from early 80s.
14627 DVEGAM.ZIP 30979 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
Vectrex -emulator games. Included Bedlam,
Blitz, Crazy, Narrow, Spinball, Startrek.
15040 DWTCH197.ZIP 235494 03.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
DayWatch 1.95-Complete time management suite.
Daywatch includes:
A unique user friendly event list manager,
A full screen project calendar,
A daily journal with user defined data field
A date calculator, A forecast window,
A full range of rescheduling options such as
"The last Friday of every third month."
Find and catagorize functions, data sharing
Font selection, sound and picture attachment
14628 EINST.ZIP 31 kt 12.05.2000 - - -
Einstein v1.0Etsintäohjelma, erittäin tehokas. Korvaa DOS:n DIR-käskyn. 
By Vaakku Productions Vaatii: DOS.
14629 ELITEF.ZIP 2,7 kt 28.07.1998 - - -
mEKa-cEWLi eLiTe-f0nTTi! Kokeile tätä! Tekijä nostaa sinulle hattua jos pystyt lukemaan pidemmän aikaa tätä fonttia!!! Helppo asentaa ja poistaa. Volt dunnit :)
14630 ESNES14A.ZIP 260,6 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
Esnes v 0.14a LordEsnes & Ishmair. Esnes is a Super Nintendo/Famicom emulator for PC, under DOS. This proyect started 1.10.1996.
14631 ESP15.ZIP 165369 28.08.1996 - 4562/Shareware Heaven 5 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1) (1995).iso -
YOUR ESP TEST 1.5. Rosemary West  Find
out if you have psychic powers with three
standard tests to evaluate your ESP
potential. You can try your skill at:
-Precognition (seeing the future);
-Clairvoyance (knowing something unseen); or
-Telekinesis (controlling objects with your
mind). The program keeps track of your
success and compares your score with the
expected results. Requires color graphics.
14632 EXO199O1.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
DISK 1/2 (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for
63896 EXO199O1.ZIP 1419600 27.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
DISK [1/2] (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh
Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs
with no extra hardware or software needed.
Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies,
CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI
driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo.
Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa),
which gives you an authorization key to be
used to unlock future experimental versions.
ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ.
min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for
14633 EXO199O2.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
DISK 2/2 (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for
63897 EXO199O2.ZIP 1200971 27.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
DISK [2/2] (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh
Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs
with no extra hardware or software needed.
Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies,
CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI
driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo.
Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa),
which gives you an authorization key to be
used to unlock future experimental versions.
ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ.
min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for
14634 EXOGRAPH.ZIP 89535 23.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Exogenous Graphing Program
Spectacular graphical program
that makes it look like your
computer is doing something very
intellegent. It really makes for
a fascinating screen saver.  Its
guaranteed to raise your
perceived IQ.
14635 F032A.ZIP 357,1 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
"Fellow v0.3.2a - Commodore Amiga Emulator by Petter Schau. Freeware. 0.3.2a adds Rainer Sinschs low pass filter implementation."
14636 F032C.ZIP