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Tiedostoja alueella yhteensä: 23

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Kokomerkinnöistä selitykset infosivulla

Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
5949 08-1412.ZIP 5,2 kt 22.12.1997 - - -
08-alueen purkkilista 14.12.97
5950 BIRTH103.ZIP 13245 14.02.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Force a User to enter their Date of Birth
every x no. of calls or % of calls. Now with
definable Security level for failed attempts.
DOING compatible. V1.03
5951 CD2DESC.EXE 9,3 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Tällä ohjelmalla muutat CD kuvaukset BBBS:lle sopiviksi..
5952 CTCMBBS.EXE 702910 29.08.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Creative Configuration Manager for BBS's
CTCM-31BBS-1-US (Revision 1) Creative
Configuration Manager for BBS Installation
Disk  Stand-alone Installation Disk for
Creative Configuration Manager software
package with SB drivers and program files for
release to BBS.
5953 DRWYV231.ZIP 236357 13.02.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
This program allows both BBS's to add normal
programs to BBS's as DOORS, and provides an
inexpensive alternative to expensive
commercial programs like PCAnywhere and
Carbon Copy for remote accessing of a home
or office computer. This version contains
both a HOST and COM program for full
functionality without any 3rd party
software, yet is still compatible with most
5954 EVALKEY.ZIP 3 kt 08.04.1997 - - -
Concordin uusin SW avaintiedosto.
5955 FI000906.ZIP 19,7 kt 11.09.2000 - - -
" List of FINNISH 24h BBSs 06.09.00"
64118 FI961218.ZIP 40457 23.12.1996 - - -
List of FINNISH 24h BBS's 18.12.96
5956 FINNISH5.ZIP 18,6 kt 07.05.1997 - - -
Concord v0.01 Gamma-5: Suomenkieliset kielitiedostot, sekä joitakin ohjeita.
5957 MODEMV16.ZIP 58,4 kt 25.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Info about modem protocols and BBS etique.
5958 NEWU.ZIP 13,5 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
WANNABE-SysOp- O  H  J  E !!! Ajatteletko perustaa purkin? Etkö tiedä mitä tehdä? Imuuta tämä ja L U E ! Mukana ohjeet mm. BBBS:n conffaamiseen ja paljon muuta! Kiitos!
5959 NXBBS11.ZIP 277303 06.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
NetXpress Internet Access BBS Door v1.1
Everything you need to allow your users to
surf the net.  Includes Web browser, IRC,
FTP, POP3 email, Gopher, Telnet, Rexec,
Ping, WhoIs, Finger and a CSLIP server door!
5960 PREYELL.ZIP 11,9 kt 07.07.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
FutureSoftÄPresentÄ1996 PRE YELL for VBoard Informoi kätevästi käyttäjälle Missä olet. Kopio ohjelma Menus Hakemistoon ja ohjelma on valmis Käyttöön.
5961 Q&A4RA11.ZIP 229,7 kt 14.05.1997 renamed discmaster -
Q&A4RA11.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA! How to setup programs such as:  FrontDoor, FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat, GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA, THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank, CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail,  IceBank, IceUser, RATS, IceCBV, RATick, and more..! Tips and Overview of RemoteAccess 2.50.g1! Setups for Protocols, Doors, OS2, DV, etc. Included now is QAV102.ZIP, Q&A4RA Viewer! Written by: Eric Staufer (1:374/6568)
5962 RPG-0498.ZIP 4,2 kt 29.04.1998 - - -
Suomen RPG-purkkilista - 04/98
5963 SMM_201.ZIP 318835 07.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.01
supports any DOOR.SYS or Synchronet BBS.
Internationally networked profiles,
telegrams, wall, photographs, and more!
Developed by Digital Dynamics, makers of
Synchronet BBS Software. Perhaps the most
comprehensive match maker available.
5964 SUA_970.RAR 79,2 kt 07.09.1997 - - -
SUA v97.0 - (c) TSF 1992-1997 Most powerful Upload Checker for SuperBBS and Concord. Direct support for Concord G4.
5965 SUOMI.ARJ 9,1 kt 04.04.1997 - - -
RemoteAccess-purkkisoftan suomenkieli. By: H0ffeR / CPP.
5966 TBBS9903.ZIP 114 kt 24.03.1999 - - -
"tOrnaks Telnet BBS List - March of 1999! All BBSes free and verified. Telnet client included! http://powerrage.net/bbslist"
5967 TELNETD.LZH 11,6 kt 28.02.1998 - - -
BBBS Telnet for Linux sorsat
5968 TGFING10.ZIP 17,5 kt 07.06.1997 - archives.thebbs.org -
"Telegard Finger v1.0 TGFinger is an onlinefingerutility which allows users to view some simple information on their fellow users."
69177 TLNTBBS.ZIP 169493 01.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
How to Make your BBS Telnet-able!
All Utilities & Programs Included.
Easy to Setup/Use.
All you need is a PPP Internet Account!
Written by enigma of [toz] 810-651-6472
[Read Tlntbbs.Doc FIRST!!]
70446 ZC0120D.ZIP 360754 14.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
ZChat Advanced Teleconference System. THE
most full-featured multinode chat package.
*ZChat can link your BBS into Internet IRC!*
*ZChat can link your BBS with other ZChats!*
ZChat offers full featured chat, a full
screen mouseable config program, and easy
install. ZChat has everything you have ever
wanted in a "chat" package. As seen in "SysOp
News". Demo version.