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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
3158 | AII.LHA | 27466 | 08.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | AII v1.38 - Graafinen pakkausohjelma. Tukee useaa formaattia. Ks. MikroBitti 11/94. |
3161 | ARC.LHA | 36605 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Arc - Pakkaa ja purkaa Arc-paketteja. |
3159 | ARCEXT16.LHA | 112,5 kt | 13.06.1997 | - | - | - | ArcExtract 1.6 - Appicon for extracting many different archive types like LHA or ZIP. |
3160 | ARCINST.LHA | 14,8 kt | 12.03.1998 | - | - | - | ArcInstall - extract archives by dragging them over icon. |
3162 | ARTIC17.LHA | 105382 | 29.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Artic 1.7 - device based compressorlike Stacker, CompressDisk or DiskExpander, but with some different features that make it easier, more practical and faster to use:* FAST compression, VERY FAST decompression.* Ability to use the external compressi on libraries XPK plus two internal methods.* no need to compress a whole partition.* user-friendly program to handle operations, that can use MUI.* files are stored as FILES not as Tracks.* both compressed and |
3163 | ASI20.LHA | 56 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | AmiStuffIt 2.0 - Drag & Drop dearchiver and unpacker. |
3164 | BHEX373.LHA | 14918 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | BinHex 37.3 - Pakkaa ja purkaa Macintoshin BinHex-tiedostot. |
3165 | BLDMS110.LHA | 82230 | 23.05.1996 | - | - | - | BlitzDms V1_10 (C) Binary Systems 1996 The only DMS/PackDev Gui you'll ever need. This program does the lot. Lzx-Device and all the options of DMS configurable, will allow you to use multiple Dms executables and has AppWindow functions built in. |
3166 | BURNGUI.LHA | 78399 | 02.01.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | BurnGUI 1.0 -Best GUI for LHA, LZX, ZIP, DMS, UUxT - Requires: MUI 3.x |
3167 | BZIP021.LHA | 312 kt | 17.02.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | Bzip 0.21 - GNU blocking file compressor. This is a new blocking file compressor which requires a lot of memory for the larger block sizes, but produces excellent compression ratios. It produces smaller files than lha, zip, lzx or even gzip. - Requires: OS2.0+ Aminet name: Bzip-0.21.lha |
3168 | BZIP201.LHA | 401,1 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | - | - | BZip 2.01 - block-sorting file compressor, beats lzx by 20%! |
3169 | CCB21.LHA | 225790 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | CCB 2.1 -GUI for archivers LhA, LZX, DMS, DSQ |
3170 | CDISK19B.LHA | 35464 | 21.05.1995 | - | - | - | CompressDisk 1.9b. Stacker-like compressor |
3171 | CDIZ.LHA | 2113 | 25.02.1996 | - | - | - | CDIZ -komento, lukee LHA/DMS/ZIP/ARJ paketeista FILE_ID.DIZin ja tulostaa en ruudulle. CLI. |
61965 | CFX-554.LHA | 107386 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | CFX V5.540File UtilityExamines/finds files using criteriaTunnistaa mm. pakatun tiedostonpakkerin versiot ja pakkaustavat.Graphical comparison & merge utility |
3172 | CHECX156.LHA | 32,9 kt | 06.04.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | CheckX V1.56 - Check for Archives/Packers/ Viruses - Req: xadmaster.library, xvs.library xfdmaster.library, xpkmaster.library. Aminet name: CheckX.lha |
3173 | CLICKUP.LHA | 17,1 kt | 12.03.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | ClickUp - extract archives by doubleclicking them. |
3174 | CMPDSK10.LHA | 30703 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | CompressDisk V1.0, pakkaa HD:n ja levykkeet. |
3175 | CRUNCHIN.LHA | 109166 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | Crunch Interface V1.1 for DMS,LHA & LZX |
3176 | DCR11.LHA | 23061 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Decrunch v1.1 by Exodus Lets you decrunch lots of sorts of packed executables. |
3177 | DEEPX12.LHA | 42673 | 11.06.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | DeepX 1.2 (22.5.96) - DeepX makes disk deeper by packing files. When an application wants to read packed file, DeepX unpacks that file to another, so the applications sees original file unpacked. - Requires: OS2.04+, xpkmaster.library v2+, some xpk sublibraries and commodities.library. Author: Adam Ciarcinski - Freeware |
3178 | DEEPX13.LHA | 40,9 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | DeepX v1.3 - on-the-fly XPK-cruncher/decruncher. |
3179 | DETAR13.LHA | 47,2 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | - | - | DeTar V1.3 - TAR-extractor. |
2158 | DIMPWIN.LHA | 34738 | 12.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Disk-Imploder v2.27:n graafisella käyttöliittymällä varustettu versio |
3180 | DMS-111.LHA | 39909 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | DMS V1.11ArchiverA popular disk archiverSharewareGraphical comparison & merge utility |
3181 | DMS152.EXE | 84212 | 04.09.1994 | - | - | - | DMS levypakkeri/purkaja, versio 1.52 Uusi 1994-versio, jolla tehdyt paketit eivät ole yhteensopivia 1.11:n kanssa. Hitaampi kuin 1.11. Pelkkä executable. |
3182 | DMSGUI18.LHA | 57450 | 22.07.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | DmsGui 1.8 - FREE Fast non-MUI GUI for DMS Requires: OS2.0+ - Free/email/cardware. |
3183 | DMSUI20.LHA | 56476 | 08.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | DMSui v2.0 - Graafinen DMS-pakkaaja. Tarvitsee DMS-ohjelman version 1.03 tai 1.11. Ks. MikroBitti 11/94. |
3184 | DSKSQ123.LHA | 85,1 kt | 05.04.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | DiskSqueeze 1.23 - LZX for diskdevices. Req: OS2+, LZX v1.20e - DiskSqueeze.lha |
3185 | EPU14.LHA | 32824 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | EPU V1.4, Levyn/Kiintolevyn pakkausohjelma. Voi kayttaa useita erilaisia (XPK) pakkauskirjastoja. Erittain nappara. |
64525 | GNUTAR14.LHA | 517869 | 17.11.1996 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | GNUTar 1.4 (12.11.96) - Media file archiver. GNUTar Amiga Port of V1.11.2 (no ixemul). Now different versions for 68000, 030-060. |
3186 | GNUTAR17.LHA | 561,2 kt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | AmiGNUTar 1.7 (v.1.11.2) - GNUTar Amiga 68k/PPC Port (no ixemul). Now different versions for 68000, 030, 040 and PPC. |
2177 | GUIARC.LHA | 41491 | 12.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Graafinen pakkeri, joka tunnistaa .lha-, .zoo-, .ape- ja .arc -päätteiset tiedostot. |
3187 | GZIP1242.LHA | 64302 | 11.11.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | gzip (GNU Zip) v1.2.4 r2 - archiving utility. Aminet name: gzip124x2.lha |
3188 | HANDMS.LHA | 59111 | 31.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | HandyDMS V1.3 - simply the most powerful GUI for newest versions of DMS (V2.04) recognizes all possible drives now |
64986 | ICARC133.LHA | 24405 | 23.05.1996 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | tupla | IceArc v1.33 - Multi Format (De)Archiver - Add, Lst, Tst, Del, Ext, Ident! - CLI No GUI User Programmable - Supports *ANY* Archiver, Replaces LX/Dearc/Knack/Etc. Requires: OS2.0+ Archiver EXE's in search path. (e.g. C:LHA..) Author: Stuart Gillibrand - Freeware - Original file name: IceArc133.lha |
3189 | ICEARC15.LHA | 29,8 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | "IceArc v1.50 - Multi Format (De)Archiver - Requires: OS2.0+archiver exes in search path. - Aminet name: icearc150.lha" |
3190 | INTDMS15.LHA | 88694 | 08.10.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Intuitive DMS 1.5 (12.9.96) interface for DMS Requires: OS3+ Aminet name: IntuitiveDMS.lha |
3191 | JSPLI201.LHA | 58992 | 16.02.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | JSplit V2.01 Split & Join File via GUI |
65572 | KNAC111A.LHA | 122572 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | Knack 1.11a (21.9.96) -GUI usealle pakkerille Tuki esim. LhA, LZX, ZIP ja DMS, sekä salaus- ohjelma PGP:lle. - Vaatii MUI:n version 3.0+ ja OS2.04+ - Aminet name: Knack111a.lha |
3192 | KNAC114A.LHA | 138,4 kt | 20.10.1997 | - | - | - | Knack 1.14a GUI usealle pakkerille ja PGP:lle Vaatii: MUI 3.7+, OS2+ -Aminet: Knack114a.lha |
65708 | LHA_E138.LHA | 133761 | 22.01.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | LhA 1.38e - Täydellinen paketti LhA-pakkaus-/ purkuohjelmasta. Shareware. LHA132.EXE- tiedosto sisältää pelkän ajettavan ohjelman. Mikäli sinulla ei vielä ole LHA-purkajaa, imuroi se ensin. |
3196 | LHA-CTRL.LHA | 19574 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | LhA-Control.Rexx V2.5 for DOpus V4.x. Extract, Execute, Edit files in LhA-Archives. |
3198 | LHA-GUI.LHA | 39713 | 18.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | LhA-GUI 1.13 - Front-end for LHA and LZX - Requirements: OS 2.1 or higher, PIPE:, LhA and LZX executable in your path or c: - Author: Brian D. King - Shareware |
3193 | LHA132.EXE | 52704 | 04.09.1994 | - | MBCD | - | LhA - Tiedostojen pakkaaja/purkaja, versio 1.32 evaluation. Pelkkä ajettava tiedosto. |
65706 | LHA150R.RUN | 178396 | 31.03.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | LhA 1.50 - Päivitys LhA:n rekisteröityneille käyttäjille. |
3194 | LHA21.LHA | 91,9 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | LhA 2.1 - powerful archiver for the Amiga. Aminet name: LhA.lha |
3195 | LHA2LZX.LHA | 1920 | 13.10.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Small program for converting lha->lzx. |
3197 | LHADI112.LHA | 19207 | 14.03.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | LhADir.dopus 1.12 - is an ARexx script for Directory Opus 4 that allows you to show the contents of LhA archives in a DOpus window and operate on the files and directories inside the archive as if it is a normal directory.- LhADir.dopus has been tested with Directory Opus 4.12 You also need to be using OS2.0+ - Original file name: LhADir112.lha |
3199 | LHAJN10.LHA | 6,6 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | LHAJoin v1.0 - joins splitted LHA-files. |
3200 | LHARC130.LHA | 38056 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | LHArc V1.30 Archiver Archive program using LZHUF compressionPaolo Zibetti |
3201 | LHARCHIE.LHA | 71334 | 30.08.1996 | - | 4708/Amiga Games 1996 %2311.iso | - | LHArchie 2.24 - LhA GUI with special features Requires: OS3.0+ |
3202 | LHASFX.LHA | 9,9 kt | 29.03.1997 | - | - | - | LhASFX - Tekee .LHA-paketeista itsestään purkautuvia .RUN-paketteja. |
3203 | LHAWIN.LHA | 45599 | 18.02.1996 | - | - | - | Ohjelma mahdollistaa Lha-pakettejen pakkauksen ja purun suoraan ikkunasta. Tekijä: Patrick Shmidt E-Mail: patricks@nccnet.gun.de |
65709 | LHWAR140.LHA | 33391 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | LHWarp V1.40 Archiver Disk packer for .lhw files; Jonathan Forbes; Graphical comparison & merge utility |
3204 | LZX121.LHA | 165201 | 17.03.1996 | - | 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso | - | LZX 1.21 - Evaluation (23.8.95) - Pakkausoh- jelma Amigalle. Pakkaa yleensä paremmin kuin LhA. - Mukana versiot 68000, 68020/68030 ja 68040/68060 prosessoreille. - Vaatii: 68000- versio vähintään OS1.2 ja arp.library. Muut versiot OS2.04 tai uudempi. - Shareware |
3205 | LZX121R.LHA | 197316 | 17.03.1996 | - | 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso | - | LZX 1.21 - Registered - (23.8.95) -Pakkausoh- jelma Amigalle. Pakkaa yleensä paremmin kuin LhA. - Mukana versiot 68000, 68020/68030 ja 68040/68060 prosessoreille. - Vaatii: 68000- versio vähintään OS1.2 ja arp.library. Muut versiot OS2.04 tai uudempi. - Tässä paketissa ovat LZX:n rekisteröineille käyttäjille tar- koitetut versiot. - Shareware |
3206 | LZXKEY.LHA | 680 tavua | 15.12.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Generic Keyfile for LZX generated by Jonathan Forbes, the author/developer of LZX. The release of this keyfile is to be considered a gift from Jonathan to the Amiga community. - Aminet name: lzxkeyfile.lha |
3207 | LZXOPUS.LHA | 1880 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | LZX handling via Dir Opus. |
3208 | MGDMS105.LHA | 30822 | 06.04.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | MegaDMS v1.05 (16.03.96) - on graafinen käyt- töliittymä DMS-pakkaajalle. - Vaatii DMS:n, OS2.04+ ja MUI 3.0+ - Ohjelma tukee localea, ja mukana onkin englanninkielinen catalog. Ohjeet on vain saksaksi, mutta ohjelmaa on helppo käyttää. Tekijä: Stephan Bülling - Shareware - Alkup. nimi: MegaDMS105.lh |
3209 | PCKDEV18.LHA | 24764 | 25.04.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | PackDev V1.8 (15.4.96) - a disk packer for any disk (DFx:, DHx:, RAD: etc.) with xpk support. Requires: OS2.0+, If you want to use xpk packers you need the xpkmaster.library and some packer sublibraries (SHRI, NUKE ...) Author: CRISI/PHANTASM - Freeware - Original file name: PackDev1_8.lha |
3210 | REPACK33.LHA | 26239 | 31.01.1996 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | Repack 3.3-fully fuature ->LZX repacker w GUI |
3211 | SHRI22.LHA | 9069 | 18.02.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | xpkSHRI 2.2 (30.1.1996) - is an XPK packer sublibrary which implements a highly for compression rate optimized compressor, that uses offset/len encoding with adaptive arithmetic aftercoding for best compression results. Its compression rate is better than that of most other packers, e.g. lha, zoo or powerpacker. - Author: Matthias Meixner - Original file name: xpkSHRI_V2.2.lha |
3212 | SHRTQT14.LHA | 59266 | 30.06.1996 | - | 20456/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 11 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-10][PLANET CD].iso | - | ShortQt! V1.4 - MUI-GUI for DMS. ShortQt! is not 'Just Another GUI For DMS'. It works in a VERY DIFFERENT way from other GUIs. Just give it a try and decide yourself. -Requires: OS2+ MUI 3.2+ and DMS. - Mailware/Shareware. Original file name: ShortQtv14.lha |
3213 | STC4103.LHA | 120,1 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | "StoneCracker v4.10.3 - this version is a majo bugfixnow STC should work properly also with new Amigas." |
3214 | STCR4103.LHA | 123808 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | StoneCracker v4.10.3 bugfix versionexecutable/data/absolute file crucher. - Zap |
2239 | TAUI.LHA | 18989 | 22.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | TAUI Workbench/Archiver Tool A Magic User Interface for your lharc. |
3215 | TERMSTRP.LHA | 108794 | 24.10.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Term Kill v0.91Stripps BBS-Adds from LHA and DMS-Archivesdirectly after downloading with Term.Free configurable compare file.Needs /\/\apus vx.xx and LHA! |
3216 | ULIB4271.LHA | 115578 | 18.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Unpacker.library 42.71 (20-11-95) - very easy way to unpack and decrunch all types of files and archives included Lha, Lzx and even DMS!! Author: Thomas Neumann - Freeware |
3217 | UNARJ241.LHA | 39120 | 05.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | UnARJ 2.41 - Purkaa ARJ-paketteja |
3218 | UNPACK12.LHA | 11165 | 15.01.1995 | - | scene.org | - | AMOD! Unpacker V1.2, vaatii AmigaDOS 2.0:n.Voi purkaa paketteja WB:n kautta nakkaamallapaketin ikonin ilmestyneeseen appikoniin. |
3219 | UNPACK20.LHA | 18140 | 16.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | UNPacker v2.0 (11.06.95) - Makes life alittle bit easier to extract/view/test allthe different types of archives with onecommand Requires OS 2.x+, and externalarchive programs. |
3220 | UNRA2041.LHA | 175,9 kt | 25.08.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Unrar 2.04.1 -68k and PPC Amiga port of unRAR Aminet name: UnRAR.lha |
69566 | UNRAR202.LHA | 98148 | 11.09.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | Unrar 2.02 - Unpacks RAR 2.00 archive formats This new version extracts correctly every RAR format known so far including the new formats introduced with RAR 2.00. - Requires: OS2.0+ |
3221 | UNSQUISH.LHA | 96,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | UnSquish 2.1 - Shell/Workbench decompressor. Interface to the XFD decompression library. It can be used from Shell or Workbench, and will decompress just about any crunched file. Req: OS2+, xfdmaster.library (included), reqtools.library (included). |
69578 | UNTGZ13.LHA | 10080 | 11.11.1996 | - | 1105/CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 06 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 4)[!][issue 1997-01].iso | tupla | UnTGZ 1.3 (6.11.96) - tar.gz unarchiver. |
3222 | UNTGZ15.LHA | 10,1 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | 19866/padua.7z | - | UnTGZ 1.5 - Small and efficient tar.gz unar- chiver. - Aminet name: untgz.lha |
69579 | UNZ512X.LHA | 98967 | 15.01.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | tupla | Unzip V5.12x |
3223 | UNZ531XA.LHA | 129,6 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | - | - | UnZip 5.31 - Zip file extractor for Amiga. Official Info-Zip distribution. |
2244 | UUCODERW.LHA | 6842 | 09.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | UUCoderWindow.lha, graafinen uuencode/uudecode -ohjelma binaaritiedostojen muuttamiseksi tekstimuotoon |
3224 | UUINOUT1.LHA | 18302 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | AMOD! Kunnolliset UUENCODErit jaUUDECORit Amigalle. Muuttaavat ohjelmatpaketit yms tekstitiedostoiksi, joitavoi lahettaa viesteissa, kuten purkkienmessuissa, Internetin E-Mailissa yms. |
69617 | UZ51D3XI.LHA | 81713 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Info-Zip-paketista otetut: Unzip V5.1D3, Funzip ja Zipinfo. |
3226 | X-ARC13.LHA | 584,7 kt | 07.02.1999 | renamed | aminet.net | - | X-Arc 1.3 - WinZip and Stuff-it alike archive management tool. X-Arc is somewhat different from previously released archive management tools - Req: MUI, NList, LhA 1.50, Lzx 1.21r, Zip 2.2, UnZip 5.32. - Aminet name: X-Arc.lha |
3225 | XADMA124.LHA | 104,5 kt | 14.02.1999 | - | - | - | Xadmaster 1.24 - Powerful unarchiving system. Requires: OS2+, xadmaster.library and any needed client in the LIBS:xad drawer. Aminet name: xadmaster.lha |
3228 | XFD_PWF.LHA | 11618 | 18.12.1996 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | XFD_PassWordFinder. If you forget passwordof a crypted XFD-file, you can check it withthis. |
70288 | XFD115.LHA | 132961 | 10.08.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | tupla | XFD Package, Release 1.15 (3.8.96) - This software package allows you to decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Requires: Kickstart V37+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. |
3227 | XFD124.LHA | 225,9 kt | 11.02.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | XFD Package 1.24 - Decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Req: OS2+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. - Aminet name: xfdmaster.lha |
3229 | XFH140.LHA | 111286 | 18.12.1996 | renamed | aminet.net | tupla | XFH V1.40 - (de)crunching handler for XPK. XFH-handler is a DOS handler which uses xpkmaster.library to provide transparent access to compressed files in a given directory or partition. All compression/ decompression is done automatically by the handler when files are read or written. Aminet name: XFH.lha |
70322 | XPK310US.LHA | 189415 | 17.11.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | XPK V3.10 - Compression package. XPK is an interfacing standard between application programs and packer libraries. Every XPK application program can pack data with any XPK packer. - Aminet name: xpk_User.lha |
70324 | XPK311US.LHA | 151481 | 20.12.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | XPK V3.11 - Compression package. XPK is an interfacing standard between application programs and packer libraries. Every XPK application program can pack data with any XPK packer. - Aminet name: xpk_User.lha |
3230 | XPK50AUS.LHA | 225,6 kt | 11.02.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | XPK v5.0a - Compression package. XPK is an interfacing standard between application programs and packer libraries. Every XPK application program can pack data with any XPK packer. - Aminet name: xpk_User.lha |
3231 | XPKATA12.LHA | 120943 | 02.06.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | XPKatana 1.2 (29.5.96) - complete GUI which will allow you to easily pack and unpack files using the XPK system. Requires: OS2.0+ xpkmaster.library, and at least one packer installed. Author: Eric Sauvageau - Shareware Original file name: xpkatana12.lha |
3232 | XPKGZIP.LHA | 73,9 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | xpkGZIP 1.1 - This new version of the xpkGZIP compressor retains compatibility with the old xpkGZIP v1.0 compressor. It should work with every XPK version available. |
2255 | XPKRAK11.LHA | 10212 | 22.12.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | RAKE V1.1 Compression, XPK packer sublibraryImplements highly optimized form of popular LZ77 compression algorithm. Usesstatic huffman coding for 'len' and three-step coding for the 'offset'information. The major feature of this packer is the highly optimized algorithm for tracking down redundant data. |
3233 | XPKSDH10.LHA | 16,3 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | - | - | xpkSDHC.library v1.0 |
3234 | XPMH20.LHA | 14,1 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | xPackMH v2.0 - shell interface for XPK. |
3235 | XSC.LHA | 40,1 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | XelaSoftCruncher - (de)cruncher for .XSA format (680x0&PPC). |
3236 | XTRAK141.LHA | 6585 | 05.03.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | X-Traktor 1.41 - on AmigaDOS-scripti, jonka avulla voit käyttää LZX, LHA, LZH, ZOO, ZIP ja DMS pakkereita. Voit purkaa, pakata, tes- tata ja listata pakkauksia nopeasti ja hel- posti. Tarvitsee: OS3.x ja tarvittavat pak- kausohjelmat. - Tekijä: Sam Becket - Freeware Tiedoston alkuperäinen nimi: X-Traktor141.lha |
70462 | ZIP201X.LZX | 99124 | 07.07.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Info-Zip 2.0.1 - Zip-pakkaaja. Jos olet vanhempien versioiden kanssa kokenut ongelmia Offline Orbitin kanssa, tämä kyllä toimii ja sopii hyvin MBnettin kirjoitettujen replyjen pakkaamiseen. |
3237 | ZIP21XA.LHA | 140,4 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | "Info-Zips zip 2.1 archiver for AMIGA. Official distribution." |
3238 | ZOO2-10.LHA | 31363 | 23.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Zoo 2.10 - Pakkaa/purkkaa Zoo-paketteja. |